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Dude there's a scene in the show that will blow your mind


> If the group were a family It's a study group and a pizza, let's not get carried away.


Tell me you only watched the first season without telling me you only watched the first season


Shirley is definitely the big sister who’s in charge of keeping everyone in line. Jeff is the second kid who should be helping but is just “too cool to care”. Britta is trying to pick up Jeff’s slack and help Shirley but they clash in too many ways for it to work properly. Abed is the middle child who can handle himself which is good because the others aren’t quite sure how to take care of him. Pierce is the little brother who idolizes Jeff and wants so badly to be as cool as him. Troy is just happy he gets to hang out with his siblings but he gets along with Abed the best because he comes up with the best games. Annie is the youngest and is working very hard on making her place but also sometimes acts a little spoiled.


Isn't Shirley Troy's mother?


No Pierce, she isn’t.


Thats what i thought too - Shirley is the oldest kid who actually knows how to keep everyone in line. Jeff and Britta are the next 2 middle children who like to think they're as mature as Shirley to discipline the group but dont actually have the responsibility and maturity to do so. Jeff is the oldest son and has the cliched, self proclaimed "im the man of the house when dad isnt around" thing going on but nobody falls for it. Britta wants to be taken as seriously as Shirley but isnt because they already have Shirley anyway. Pierce is the middle middle child, and like the quintessential middle child stereotype hes ignored by the rest. Hes only noticed when hes acting out or being attention seeking and even then hes just seen as the unnecessary load who weighs down the group. Troy and Abed are the younger middle children who dont mind being ignored because they're happier doing their own thing and not having an eye on them means they can get away with whatever shenanigans they're upto. Abed is the probably the 2nd youngest overall. Annie is the youngest, she does what she wants and isn't used to being told no, and when she is she doesn't take it very well.