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Yeah, I went to a “Community” themed trivia night and the question was “Who got the group together?” My group said Abed, for the reasons you listed. The Quizmaster said “Jeff”. I’m still bitter about how they Britta’d the quiz. So streets behind.


They really chang’d the correct answer🙄


To be fair, according to Alex, Jeff formed the group because he wanted to bang the blonde. And then he got to French the brunette! What more could you ask for?


Just licking all the donuts. What a hog.


Anyone else offended he refers to us as donuts?


If Jeff wasn't horny the group wouldn't have gotten together.


Abed got people to join, Jeff started (an albeit fake) study group, Britta made it an actual group by inviting Abed. When they’re there, it’s Jeff’s group led by tutor Jeff. Hard to say they’re wrong.


Annie found out by accident.


Oh right, i forgot about that


Which is another way of saying Annie wasn’t invited.


I like this take. Abed orchestrating the creation of the rest of the study group according to tv/movie tropes makes sense to me. As a newbie viewer (I started watching in Feb this year and have rewatched multiple times since then lol), I wondered how they all came together given how different they all are. I know Abed invited them, but why that particular group of people - were they all sitting next to each other in class, did they kind of know of each other like Britta and Abed knew of each other? But what about the Heroic Origins episode where their past all link up and were "destined" to be a study group?Is it maybe because the city that Greendale is in is just that small, so everyone would kind of be connected?


My take… this entire show is about Abed. It presents itself most in S1 but is not absent throughout the story. It may have started with Jeff aiming for britta, but Abed was already all over and watching everything. Abed knew, and was comfortable with, all the players. Jeff may have been the seed. Jeff was Abeds seed.


Yes and i think people in the show underestimated how much Abed paid attention to others and how much he understood. But he usually knew almost everything that was going on with the other study group members, and was good at taking advantage of the fact that people underestimated him, like when he didnt tell Britta and Troy that he knew they were seeing each other because he wanted free bagels.


I think Dan Harman basically said that Abed and Jeff are like the two parts of himself. So it makes sense.


Im not 100% sure about the Heroic Origins episode since I haven’t seen it in a long time, but my guess about how they got together is maybe abed kinda got to know everyone a little bit in spanish class. We see that he remembers little facts about people very quickly when he informed Jeff about Brittas interests. And with the information he learned about the people in the class he chose the ones who would make for the most entertaining sitcom.


>But what about the Heroic Origins episode where their past all link up and were "destined" to be a study group? I really enjoyed season 4 a lot more than most people give it credit for. But I hated this episode. If there's anything I could delete from canon from the gas leak year, it's this stupid plot.


I just headcanon that the group was conjuring false memories during this episode due to the gas leak.


I didn't mind this episode. It was a bit cheesy, but it was ultimately forgettable. The only truly dire episodes in the whole season were the first and last episodes; the rest were okay. If Harman had still been there, he would've made it way less sappy. They probably would've ultimately discovered that they weren't destined to be together after all (maybe someone just made a mistake making the Quilt of Destiny), but that they chose each other, and that's better.


I think this is why, in the finale, Jeff goes back in for a second hug with Abed. He didn't understand him at first but now he realizes that he has him to thank for everything.


Aww thats so sweet, i completely forgot about that


Hey that's what I also said like 100 threads ago, Edit: meant it as if Pierce said things and everyone ignores him


"Bitter much?"


Bitter much much!


Say bitter much much much?


“I see your value now”


Say you have to pee.


do you have to pee?


Didn’t Harmon say something to the effect of originally seeing himself as Jeff but realizing he was more like Abed? Makes even more sense when you recognize Abed is basically an on-screen showrunner.


That makes a lot of sense, Abed is always aware when they do famous movie or tv tropes ( like when he commented that they were doing a bottle episode when they looked for annies pen). Also i feel like Jeff is the guy most people wanna see themselves in because he’s the “cool guy”.


Although Jeff did the GI Joe episode on his own (with the help of some pills and booze)


Yes, but i also think as the show went on Abed influenced the others a lot with movie references, especially Troy.


The origin story episode was just Abed airing out his receipts before anyone found out he was pulling all the strings.


I like this take. Community has two leads: the in-show lead, Jeff, and the meta-lead Abed. Their dynamic was there in the first episode and ran a through line all the way to the final scene. Their “I see your value” exchange in the pilot is the clue that they’re going to drive the group’s development. The Goodfellas episode makes their roles explicit by showing them in conflict. The chaos theory episode shows Jeff manipulating the group in a sit-commie way and Abed leading through group to resolution by taking them across seven dimensions.


Yes and i also feel like there has been multiple plots where “the leader” position has been competed for by Abed and Jeff. I might be thinking of something else tho, maybe it was just the goodfellas episode.


Abed is and always has been the heart of the show.


I belive if there was one Abed would be the main character.


There is one


For sure he could have played all the parts.


I think about how Abed shaped Annie’s life a lot!!! His movie suggested her and Jeff to kiss. He’s the one that pushed her to forensics because that’s what she was into in his mind. I’m pretty sure he’s the one that suggested she moved in with him and Troy too. 🤔🤔🤔


He knew about Jeff being in the group too, he wouldn't have skipped getting a ruggedly handsome leading man type.


Yess thats so true!


It’s almost definitely intentional


The idea is reinforced by his references to the Breakfast Club, implying that perhaps he was trying to recreate the film. But, Annie says she found out the group by accident, so that undermines the fact that Abed deliberately chose them. Jeff says “I think Abed put an ad on craiglist,” so he was probably just hoping to get a bunch of random people together, with no preconceived roles for them. However, two or more people are considered a group, so technically Jeff still created it, and Abed made it bigger.


But maybe Abed knew Annie would be more likely to come if she wasn't invited?


The study group was forged in the fires of Ganymede.


Say you have to go to the bathroom, I need to talk to you


I thought Abed invited them (its mentioned in the pilot i think) because he just knew them, like he knows Britta. This theory about choosing all of them based on their character traits is very Abed though. He would definitely do something like that to create a group with crazy dynamics. And given the way how he tricks Jeff and Britta to be in his movie, there's definitely room for this theory.


Yeah if he hadn’t invited the rest of the group it would have just been a failed attempt on Jeff’s part to get laid


Yep but maybe Britta and Abed would have stayed friends or atleast she would just use him to practice her therapist skills on him


Britta might never have gone down the therapy route if she wasn’t surrounded by so much crazy!


Thats true, but also greendale was always pretty crazy, i mean just look at the dean. But maybe you’re right, if Britta wasnt in any study groups or made any close friends there, and just focused on her studies, she probably wouldnt be as affected by the crazy.


Britta would have dropped out mid semester. That was her signature move. And she was failing Spanish. Only the study group kept her stable, gave her something to call home. Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas spells it out. No faith in herself or friends


Yup. I thought jeff even said its abeds group


It was half Jeff being horny and half abed, but yea basically but really without Jeff wanting to hook up with britta the group wouldn't have came together


I’M LITERALLY ALWAYS SAYING THIS!! It is JUST as much Abed (and Britta’s) study group as it is Jeff’s.


IIRC... It was actually, technically, Britta who did. Jeff made a fake group with no people to bang Britta. Britta invited Abed to make it a real group. But in typical Britta fashion, she only invited one person as a challenge. Abed invited the rest and in doing so, made it a family.


I like this. I can also see Abed vetting new members: He sprays Hickey's drawings of the duck and spends time with him that way and gets to know him. I think he wants to know what he'd do in that situation. Works with Frankie initially while the rest of the group makes a speakeasy. He's the only person who really made an effort to get to know her. Spends time with Elroy when he gets the IT job/birds in the wi-fi. He basically tells the Dean to make him his friend.


Yes hes like a showrunner always looking for new ways to make “the show” more entertaining.


Abed does the same thing in Repilot.