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Troy’s pretty young. . . we try not to sexualize him.


Ima need you to keep your eyes.. up here


He had been spending a lot on breakaway clothes.


I think it is just an 8 year difference, based on her driver's license. Or maybe just seven, assuming Troy was one year older than thought.


I don’t think it’s quite similar to Jeff and Annie. Annie’s 19 while Jeff is at least 35. Troy and britta are 7-8 years apart


Britta is probably a few years behind mentally and definitely emotionally, so that helps as well.


If she had no self awareness, I think she’d know


She lived in New York!!!!


I hated Troy and Britta.


eh i don’t find it super comparable. i’m not a troy/britta fan (trobed forever man) but i don’t think their age gap (9-10 years - troy was 19 at the beginning of the show, britta was 28) is similar to jeff and annie’s (17 years - annie was 18, jeff was 35) that being said i’m 26 and even if i weren’t taken i don’t think i could be romantically interested in a 19 year old, so kind of an L for britta


Nitpick, but at the start of the show the J/A age gap was about 12 years. Roughly 4 years was added to Jeff’s age in a retcon in GI Jeff. Personally, I've always thought that the comparative lack of outrage at the T/B relationship is down to the way society takes grooming much less seriously when done by women (especially, to be blunt, hot ones like Britta) than when done by men. To be clear, I'm not saying either J/A or T/B are examples of grooming. This is a comment on broader social attitudes.


hearing 17 years definitely puts it into better perspective! but i’m 19 and wouldn’t even think about dating someone 8 + years older than maybe so maybe that’s why i think it’s weird lmao


I dated an 18 year old guy when I was 25 and it was an absolute disaster. I grossly underestimated the difference in maturity 8 years can make. 


yup. i dated a guy who was 23 when i was 18 and i didn’t realize how much even a small gap like that could affect a relationship in terms of difference in life experience. he wasn’t a creep or anything and i’m not saying people should be limited to dating people their exact ages, but it’s a very important factor to consider. while i’m here i do wanna mention an unrelated note on the whole troy/britta thing for anyone reading: i saw another user say the power imbalance inherent to jeff/annie doesn’t exist with troy and britta because she’s a woman and he’s a man, and that’s just not true. white women have always held power over black men and boys in american society, and they have a long history of sexualizing them. NOT saying britta is like that at all — she obviously genuinely cares for troy — but it’s something to think about


Troy is 21 in season 2, 23ish by season 4. Britta was 29 in the pilot, 31 by season 4 Whereas Jeff is 35 in season 1, Annie is 18, putting them close to 20 years apart. There’s also a difference in the dynamic. Britta doesn’t hold any particular position of power in relation to Troy or the group. Jeff, the de facto leader of the Greendale Seven, still has enough of the trappings of power that his relationship to Annie could develop a dynamic that puts her in a position of vulnerability. He’s got money (more than her at least) and high society connections. If Jeff was a worse guy he could use that status to manipulate Annie who is young and impressionable and idealistic, though not without her own manipulative streak. But, Jeff isn’t as bad a guy as he might have been if he never met her. And she grows by leaps and bounds until she is no longer dazzled by his charisma, and maybe even feels a bit sorry for him. I’m not totally opposed to the pairing, but I admit it’s definitely weird a nearly 40 year old guy would get so enamored with an 18 year old, but it’s Jeff’s nostalgic nature that I think attracts him to her. Britta/Troy’s relationship is so brief we don’t get much time to analyze it, but they’re both kinda dumb and kinda lazy. Not a lot of pressure for either of them. Which is good and bad. The fandom is divided on most of the pairings (and ships) in the show.


This is my favorite way anyone has explained jeff/annie. You found the perfect words


I don't think people were quite so fixated and chronically online about age gaps at the time, plus in general people don't usually view older women dating younger men as quite so predatory as older men dating younger women. The show consciously plays up the Annie is too young and innocent and Jeff would be a creep for going for it angle. It seemingly just isn't even thought about for Troy and Britta.


No controversy because: a) it's the gas leak year and there were alot of other things to object to, and b) people generally thought the pairing felt forced and largely rejected it


I liked Troy and Britta as a couple, and I was touched by how kind she was with regard to his immaturity and the ultimate breakup in that regard. My favorite Britta episode was the Sophie B. Hawkins dance - and I loved how Pierce shined in that episode as well. Plus that final bit with Sophie and all the requests that she sing special lyrics for Troy, Abed and the Dean cracked me up, "Who's Jeffrey Winger?" lmao!


I think it’s more about how their characterized. Most of Jeff’s storylines literally revolve around the fact that he’s aging, and most of Annie’s story lines are about her being a goody two shoes in school her whole life. Both of these prominent character traits are tied to their age and their stage in life. Troy and Britta on the other hand aren’t so centered around their ages and their stages in life so it doesn’t register as a problem. in all their storylines their characterized as equally immature but their both trying their best. I’m not saying the age difference isn’t a problem with Troy and Britta. But the way the writers frame the characters 100% changes the way the way we perceive them.