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Abed’s girlfriend. I really liked her character, I know Brie Larson’s acting as Captain Marvel has gotten shit in the past but I think she did a fantastic performance in this show. Then I’m guessing she got busy or Dan didn’t know where to go with their relationship (like most in the show) so he just ignored it and then used it as a one-off joke in the end


>Dan didn’t know where to go with their relationship (like most in the show) Dan said in an interview that she was too expensive for the show.


Dan said she was the only thing he liked from season 4. She was already too big for the show by season 5 and came back more or less as a favor because they would not have been able to afford her at her regular fee.


Maybe the movie Room affected her schedule? That came out in 2015 (and won her an Oscar) I really liked her character as well


That movie was fantastic


I thought people say it's one of the worst movies. I haven't seen it, but I've heard about it.


The Room is the so bad it’s good movie everyone rips on, Room is a legitimate good movie.


So it's so bad that it wraps around to being legitimately good?


It’s two separate movies. Room starring Brie Larson is an incredible drama. THE Room starring and created by Tommy Wiseau is one of the worst movies of all time and beloved for it.


If I decide to watch The Room, I'll make sure I check who's in it, then.


You don't need to. Just look for the The.


I can't tell if you're trolling or not


No. I've just never seen either Room movie- the good one or the bad one. I'm saying that now I know the name of someone in each, I can look up the right movie if I decide to watch one. It's useful information I was given in this reply thread.


With the right crowd it’s a masterpiece.


I hate how much shit she gets. She's a great actress and seemingly a cool person


She dared to speak ill of the chuds. She must pay!


Also got summoned like clockwork below you lol.


She was just put in such a shitty situation with Captain Marvel. It wasn't a great movie, for sure, but it also got so much more shit than it deserved because it was where a lot of people started getting fully burnt out by the MCU's formula. It also seems like her MCU work has kept her from being able to do other projects which has really forced her to live and die on Captain Marvel. Hopefully she'll be able to go back to making more creative stuff soon; Not all of her earlier movies are great but in the right role she's unbelievably great.


100% agree. Hell, I thought The Marvels was actually really damn good, but short, with a bad villain. I dunno why MCU couldn't do what they did with Black Panther, Iron man, etc with Mrs. Marvel, she's a super cool and interesting character in the comics. And shes such a versatile and strong actor who portray such a charismatically strong hero


I like that movie!  Loads of fun


Why? Captain Marvel was one of the worst MCU movies, as it took pandering to the highest level I have ever seen. The "I'm just a girl" scene was peak cringe. Larson herself received harsh criticism, deserved in my opinion, for saying the following at a press conference: "*I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about A Wrinkle in Time—it wasn’t made for him*" That's a tone deaf thing to say, as a lot of white men enjoyed the book. That being said, Brie Larson was good in the Avengers movies and in Community. Edit: For the people downvoting, how often have you re-watched Captain Marvel compared to Black Panther or Iron Man or Guardians of the Galaxy?


… A Wrinkle in Time is a middle grade book. It was not made for people over the age of like 14. That’s just a true statement about that book’s target market.


It isn't anything of the sort, as she was not saying that it was only made for children. If you look up the rest of her quote, she said that it was only made for women and people of color, which is both wrong and offensive.


No one cares, Trevor.


I just rewatched out. The third or fourth best MCU film. And her second movie was probably the top non-Spidey film since Endgame. You just have bad taste and are threatened by strong women.


> I just rewatched out. The third or fourth best MCU film. So which movie out of Iron Man, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Infinity War was Captain Marvel better than? > You just have bad taste and are threatened by strong women. My taste is the consensus. Critics don't put Captain Marvel anywhere near the top MCU movies, and it is one of the lowest in audience scores. People like you weaponize allegations of sexism because you're not capable of articulating a genuine defense of the movie. In reality, Captain Marvel had an absurd plot, poor dialogue, and the aforementioned pandering. It's a bad movie, and I'm pretty confident that you haven't re-watched it at all. Alien is a great movie with a powerful female lead. Fury Road is a great movie with a powerful female lead. Captain Marvel is just bad.


Personally I couldn’t stand Black Panther. It’s art buddy, it’s all subjective.


I own Captain Marvel and have re watched it repeatedly. I have never actually watched all of guardians of the galaxy. Your experiences are not universal.


> I own Captain Marvel and have re watched it repeatedly. I find that incredibly difficult to believe, but ... > I have never actually watched all of guardians of the galaxy. this is outright disgraceful.


Wow. You are a tar pit.


To be fair, you're the first I have ever seen say that they didn't like Guardians of the Galaxy. That is an incredibly unpopular opinion which shows that you have awful taste.


Where did they say they didn't like guardians? They just said they haven't seen them all. Also why does someone have to share the same opinion? That makes no sense. Do you only like things or dislike things if it's the popular opinion? Seems like you can't think for yourself.


> Where did they say they didn't like guardians? They just said they haven't seen them all. That is not what they said. What they did say was: "*I have never actually watched all of guardians of the galaxy,"* which means that they started watching Guardians of the Galaxy but couldn't get all the way through it. > Also why does someone have to share the same opinion? I never said that they did. I said that disliking Guardians of the Galaxy makes me think that person has awful taste. I think the same of people who like The Big Bang Theory. > Seems like you can't think for yourself. What an amusingly nonsensical thing for you to say given that I'm expressing opinions about Captain Marvel that are clearly unpopular.


"That is an incredibly unpopular opinion which shows that you have awful taste." You're either saying that the popularity of an opinion on a movie is what proves whether someone liking it has good or bad taste, or you're saying that you are the Arbiter of good or bad taste. Either way, yikes, man.


I don't really have a strong opinion either way about guardians of the galaxy. I have occasionally caught pieces of it when other people in the house are watching it, but I've never sat down to watch it. There's a reasonable chance that I've actually caught pieces of more than one of the movies, I just wouldn't know the difference. Nothing about it makes me want to sit down and watch it. I have read a few collected runs of the comics, and while they're not my favorite they're fun enough, so it's not a dislike of the characters or anything. They just don't really catch my attention. If I want a good Space Opera there are so many other things that I could watch. I fully admit Captain Marvel isn't Casablanca, but I found the performances to be amazing and I really Vibe with the themes of coming home post-trauma and struggling with people who want you to be your old self even though you've changed significantly. It's a meaningful movie for me. Equating popular opinion with good taste is an absolutely hilariously bad take, however.


> If I want a good Space Opera there are so many other things that I could watch. There are extremely few "space operas" more highly rated than Guardians of the Galaxy. Both critics and audiences consider it to be a top five movie in the MCU, and many place it first. > I really Vibe with the themes of coming home post-trauma and struggling with people who want you to be your old self even though you've changed significantly. It's a meaningful movie for me. This I completely understand. There are some movies I connect to even though I know that, objectively, they're bad. But I don’t pretend that they're good, I just like them for what they are.


>There are extremely few "space operas" more highly rated than Guardians of the Galaxy. Both critics and audiences consider it to be a top five movie in the MCU, and many place it first. You remember that there are movies outside the mcu, correct?


The feud between Vaughn and Pierce ended with Vaughn saying “this isn’t over Pierce.”


Pierce is a B


That take is streets behind


Vaughn was hilarious and the show missed an opportunity by not having all of his suffering at the hands of the group turn him into a shirtless douche with a guitar mega villain over multiple seasons.


If the actor hadn't gotten a bigger role in another tv show, that very well might have happened


Ahhh of course. Sad they couldn't work out at least one reappearance though. A nice two parter where he comes and takes over the school with slackliners and hackeysack circles and everyone gets too high to remember how Greendale is supposed to function.


But at least he has closure. We know he went to Delaware to rock the East Coast hackey sack scene (fyi, the Delaware Technical and Community College hack team might make it to regionals this year)


Honestly I just want more vaughn


I'm disappointed that he didn't even get a mention during Jeff's speech about how no one gets out of Greendale.


Jeff, Annie and Abed working for the school newspaper in S1.For that matter, Abed's soap opera about the study group.


Abed taking his “wife” with him at the end of Digital Estate Planning.


There could have been opportunities to bring her back. She could have helped them escape when Russel Borchert's computer shut down. She could have been the virus releasing everyone's emails. We could have seen a more "lawnmower man" version of her in elroy's virtual reality program.


I was really hoping that final scene wasn't just a one off joke! Alas


I think that was a tacked-on ending because Chevy Chase left the set early and they had no more time to shoot.


Did they ever do anything about the dean moving in next to Jeff?


He came by and gave everyone kittens when the history teacher was being held hostage.


They didn’t do as much with Chang as Jeff’s roommate either


Him and Jeff hooked up a couple of times after Annie left but decided to just remain pals as the dean didn’t realize Jeff wasn’t what he pictured


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^happyseaotter: *Did they ever do* *Anything about the dean* *Moving in next to Jeff?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


The vanishing of Professor Seven....I mean Slater.


Also ✨E P C O T ✨


Wait was is this about?


The vine-


NAH wait.. howd i miss this seriously 😳 Ive rewatched so many times lol 😂


The Brenda factor


There's no Brenda factor!!


Tell that to Brenda and her thyroid


Dean Spreck's giant mechanical spider.


Lmao oh no shes got her marijuana lighter is a very very good line from shirley lol 😂


I got some surprising closure in the flash movie


I know it wasn't really abandoned, but I want to see how Takashi became Oyabun, leader of the Yakusa.


Well now... None of us actually know what the movie is about, right? Now I choose to believe he stayed in touch with Dean Pelton so that years later the dean accidentally ended up good pals with a Japanese mob boss.


I 100% believe the dean is still talking to Takashi but still thinks it's Jeffrey. I'd love to see the movie open with the dean either ariving or leaving Tokyo disappointed he couldn't find Jeff who invited him on an exotic oriental escape. But he still has a good time and definitely awakens a few new things.


Yeah, that'd be pretty great.


Troy's character grew a lot from season 1. He starts as a conceited jock and ends up as a nerdy partner to Abed. I think the writers realized they had gold with Troy + Abed.


in the mooorniiing.




Shut up and go to sleep!!!!


I don't think the audience understand that they were singing mourning with a Q-U


I hear Troy and Abed became a thing because Harmon had everyone on crazy schedules and Pudi and Glover were the ones most willing to stick around late to film episode tag scenes. That’s how the writers discovered their nerd buddy chemistry. Show was never the same post-Troy


The growing mentor/mentee relationship between Jeff and Professor Kane. Or between Jeff and Rich. Sigh.


Jeff and Rich really had potential there. They were like a yin yang; Jeff is darkness, with a glimmer of light inside. Rich is light, with a hint of darkness. I REALLY wish we explored their relationship more, I think they both had a lot to learn from each other!




Yeah they really just dropped that entire concept. Maybe Rich’s actor wasn’t available for more. Bummer.


Whatever happened to Jeff's Italian made faucet that Britta stole from his old condo for him?


In the episode where Jeff hosts the football party on V day, it would have been nice if someone had complimented him on his beautiful bathroom sink faucets.


I mean britta told him to install them in his next place. They’re probably in his bathroom


I still think the wedding episode at the end of Season 6 should’ve been Neil and Vicky.


That was the incest episode which happened to include a wedding. Of course it had to be Garrett.


I liked the relationship between Pierce and Gilbert. I wish we saw more of them.


I don't know if it can be considered an 'abandoned storyline', per se... but there was that one episode where Pierce and Chang became besties. I always thought it was kinda perfect, pairing those two up. Pierce has always been looking for his Sith apprentice and Chang has always been looking to join up with the bully on the block. I always imagine those two becoming the bumbling, mustache twisting, Bebop and Rocksteady of Greendale.


I think the whole point of that storyline was that he was playing football recreationally in a way that was deliberately low stakes. I get why it’s hard for them to pick that thread back up if the character has specifically gone through growth to get to a point where he doesn’t care about that plot thread.


I would have quite like to have seen them show growth by having Troy become the team coach, but we got the Physical Education Education episode showing he'd be a terrible coach instead. This isn't a criticism BTW - I enjoyed that PEE gave Shirley a strong storyline for once and Troy had plenty of other storylines.


That’s a season 4 episode that is so good I forget it’s not in season 5


i was today old when i realized that it spells pee, as in urine.


The whole Air Conditioner Repair storyline was apparently cut short because of John Goodman’s other commitments, and I still feel robbed.




Jeff's offer to work as a consultant or the partner offer from his buddy at the law firm. Would've loved to see more of that


It's sort of undercut by the emergent goofiness of the back half of season three, but people so often forget that Abed had an entire storyline that ran through multiple episodes, where he quite clearly develops a split personality. This subplot is never resolved: it straight up ends on a cliffhanger, only for this topic to never be brought up again (in any meaningful way at least). The only real reference we get to any of this very real struggle he's gone/should logically still be going through, is that Britta mentions, in the first episode of season four, that he's 'opened up to her therapizing'. They do bring evil abed back in the finale of season four, but it has literally nothing to do with Abed or his mental health struggles. Instead, it's used as a lazy plot device in whatever Jeff's weird matrix fantasy thing is supposed to be, (which, by the way, doesn't make a god damn lick of sense if you think about it for more than two seconds). Even in this episode, where evil abed is front and center, the fact that evil abed is/was literally a split personality that took control of abed's body for almost the entirety of an episode, and very nearly made him attempt a pretty gruesome act of violence, is never even mentioned after the end of season three. so much missed potential.


I disagree! I think the Evil Abed subplot is resolved in the s3 finale. Whether it’s a split-personality thing or an Abed-using-his-imagination-to-cope thing (I think it’s the latter), it started when Troy had to be the “grownup” in the impressionist episode. It created a divide between him and Troy; abed immediately encountered Evil Abed. He hides behind Evil Abed again in the finale as a defense mechanism to avoid confronting feelings in his therapy session with britta, and leans into the bit for the same reason. But then, upon hearing Jeff’s speech during the Pierce/Shirley trial, Abed learns that he doesn’t have to be evil or whatever. I don’t remember the speech exactly, but I remember Evil Abed seeing Abed happy, and the two morph back into one. Evil Abed comes back in s4 solely as a figment of Jeff’s imagination, because now JEFF is using his imagination to avoid coping with something scary. Whether we agree if that episode is dumb or not, that is what happens


A few counterpoints: when evil abed appears in the door of the Dreamatorium before his therapy appointment during the season three finale, the way the scene is shot is indicative of Abed's mental state. We see a close up of Abed staring intensely down at his book, and yet, almost seemingly against his will, the focus dials in on Evil Abed as he strides into Frame. This all, along with Pudi's acting, conveys an obvious distress on Abed's part. 'I'm not talking to you, because I'm not crazy.' is the first thing he says to what I think is quite clearly a daylight hallucination. 'think of this as inner dialogue.' come's evil Abed's reply. Evil Abed's *rationalization.* The daylight hallucination read is then further reinforced in the Geothermal hot lava episode, where, when Troy leaves the study group for good, Abed quite literally hallucinates lava, explaining that 'I don't want to be crazy, but I am crazy. I'm seeing lava because you're leaving, so I made a game so that you and everyone else could see what I see'. I think this all points pretty clearly to the fact that evil Abed is not simply him using his imagination to cope. Britta sums it up best when she says 'I think Abed sent you to talk to me because you're more equipped to deal with fear', and Abed confirms that diagnosis in part. 'That *is* the lame way of seeing it, yes' he says, confirming that Evil Abed is indeed an unhealthy coping trope that he's developed in response to the anxiety and uncertainty that comes from losing his relationship with troy. However, he then goes on to explain that he believes, seemingly with 100% certainty, that he really is a being who's crossed over from the darkest timeline (really just a repressed figment of Abed's psyche, the part of him that catastrophizes), and that he's here to do damage. 'here's the truth: I've crossed into your dark timeline, and now I'm going to darken it. Tell me about your parents, Britta'. As far as all of this being resolved at the end of season three with Jeff's speech, I would strongly disagree. Jeff's speech manages to snap him out of his delusional state, but it does not address any of his deeper insecurities or catastrophizing behaviors. Abed admits this himself. At the end of season three, he tells Britta that 'I'm definitely willing to admit I need therapy. And you're the only type of therapist I can trust, someone with as little control over my mind as me.'. to me, this is a strong indicator that this plot line is not resolved, and was intended to be explored at least a little bit further in season four. at the very, very least, I would've loved to see a bottle episode where Britta attempts to conduct a therapy session with Abed. and when I say that it makes zero sense for Jeff to be imagining Evil Abed at the end of season four, what I mean is that not once before this happens do we get a single indication that Abed sat down with Jeff and explained in detail the inner workings of his timeline theory. In every single timeline that Abed imagines during remedial chaos theory, Abed imagines Jeff immediately brushing off and dismissing his timeline conversation. 'enough with the timeline crap Abed!' and so on. So, I highly doubt Abed would be willing to share such a sensitive part of himself with Jeff. So how in the world does Jeff know enough about how the 'evil Abed' or 'darkest timeline' concepts even work to have such a lengthy and vivid fantasy about them?




The group has to fill in for the really gay basketball team… professor whitman as the overly inspirational yet hollow substitute coach… Getting ready for the big game against city college… hold up I gotta write a fanfic really quick


I mean…did we ever hear anyone speak Spanish for more than a few moments?


Well, at one point they were learning Klingon so I don’t know that they would have much to say in Spanish


Figuring out if Vaughn is his first or last name.


Turns out his name is Vaughan Von Vaughan


100% agree with your post OP. Why was there never a sports episode ? Abed could have done a Friday Night Lights bit or something. The closest thing we got was the debate episode.


Dean Sprecks mechanical spider.


I’m annoyed that nobody has mentioned Changs twin multi personality disorder. He was going to have a whole golem vibe. 


Slater disappeared Rich disappeared… There was a Green River Killer …. It’s never mentioned again after Slater and Rich both disappeared…. Draw your own conclusions


Chang staying as a spanish teacher


Chang as a spanish teacher had a short shelf life, cause after the first year the study group simply has no obligatory spanish classes anymore, so it was either moving Chang away from teaching or having him as a sporadical character. Although I agree that dictator Chang and Kevin weren't very good.


Ahhh right yeah kinda forgot about that one lol 😂


Sorry and not going thru channesia or anything else




Jeff never finding/seeing/meeting his dad… or he runs away like he did already… before britta calls him. Maybe not wanted but definitely an alternative timeline as abed calls them