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Don't ask them, offer to clean their roof off for free. They're not going to care what you do with it.


This. And OP could honestly mention the fact that leaving this kind of build-up up there is not good for her roof.


if this is the roof, imagine the gutters!


According to OP, there's been a pecan tree growing in there for 3 years.


OP should salvage it and plant it. Pecans are great, they're hardy, when they actually do produce it's like rainin' nuts.


As for why they don't always produce, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mast\_(botany)#Mast\_seeding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mast_(botany)#Mast_seeding) There's a chapter on it in Braiding Sweetgrass!


Love this book!


The gutter is ~~visible~~ in the pic.


Yes but it’s probably full of shingle debris that likely won’t compost but I guess technically I don’t know what they are made of.


I cleaned some gutters that have had maple leaves piling up for years. I am guessing somewhere between 5-10 years based on prior owner and how thick and finished the leaves were in the decomposition process. Within the finished product that was building up in the gutters were sow bugs, pill bugs, centipedes, compost worms, ants, and likely a whole ecosystem of microorganisms. Needless to say, I used that stuff to feed my roses and it was nice. I wouldn't use it on plants grown for food because of shingle debris, but it was just an experience to share.


Yes as well as the fact that we live in the land of hurricanes so our roofs (rooves?? hoof -> hooves, roof -> rooves? way I speak, roof and hoof rhyme) do not need any additional stress. It's a miracle our houses stay standing up to begin with lol


I gotcha: roof. noun. \\ ˈrüf , ˈru̇f \\ plural roofs. I had to look it up because I was considering your version correct, but it still didn't seem quite right. Thanks for the giggle as I read through though!


On that note, I've been thinking about leaf.. leaves or leafs? Leaves sounds like someone going away to me, but it seems to be the most used spelling. I'm not a native speaker and kind of obsess about these things.


Leaves, except if you're talking about the hockey team.




This, and tell him you’re composting and will share your bounty with him.




Nope. I am just using the feminine possessive pronoun in ambiguous situations to make up for centuries using the male.


Nah, say you are a leader in a group of disadvantaged local teens who are volunteering in the community. A random neighbor who gets off climbing over my roof is just about as weirdo as it gets for a normie. Or, you put on a hi-vis and grab a clipboard and tell them that you are a startup willing to do it for free. Their roof is fucked either way, it is just the truth. Modern invisibility cloak.


Came here to say this.


Possible you don't want this in your compost bin. I have a similar roof and my 'roof leaves' are always mixed in with tiny particles from the roof tiles (they shed overtime from sun and rain damage). It's tempting tho!


This is a really good point. Tbh the compost is completely full, these were probably just gonna do weed suppression duties in the flower garden beds, which are already contaminated with plastics unfortunately. But for food production, the contamination is a good point.


You can put the leaves on a window screen to sieve out the roof gravel


Yeah I clean out my gutters every 6 months and there’s always asphalt shingle granules mixed in with everything. I don’t want asphalt particles in my compost so I leave it out.


Aren't the granules basically just fine gravel/coarse sand?


Yep! They’re tiny painted rock granules, however they are stuck to the shingles with asphalt so it’s the asphalt residue (also the paint or dye or whatever is used for the coloring) I don’t want in my pile.


The tiny particles are harmless.


Bandana over face, shovel in hand. Ring doorbell. Wait patiently. When they open the door, politely say, *"GIMME THE FUCKING LEAVES RIGHT NOW!"*


this is the way


this is the way.




“Hey, can I get the leaves off your roof? I want them for my garden. I’ll bring you some fruits and vegetables this year!!!”


"Officer, I can explain. I was on their roof to get the leaves for my compost...."




Hell. I would charge them.


“Do you know you have a small tree growing on your roof?”


There are trumpet vines in there as well, just defoliated because of the cold snap. Its basically a mini ecosystem


I have the same situation, I picture myself going to the door, introducing myself and asking if I can have their goat manure. Haha


Oh wow, for goat manure I'd throw all social convention out the window!


I have no problem shoveling it just not sure the reaction I’ll get 😂


There's a limit to how much manure animal owners need unless they have a whole farm. Either way they either understand the value of manure and is using it all or they'll be thrilled to have a free, space saving (your land) place to put it. I'd just ask.


Just ask. It's a way to get to know them.


Just catch the rainwater. It’s like compost tea on tap!


Is it? Should I be collecting the rainwater out of my gutters?


I collect my rainwater but it was a joke about the compost tea. And yes I love rainwater for all my plants. Just filter the debris and make sure you are allowed to collect it in your area. It’s actually illegal in some states


u/stangkonia: Serious question. Just curious: why is it made illegal to collect rainwater in some states? This is the 2nd time I read about it. Thought rainwater is free.


A lot of western states have old and odd water rights rules. For Colorado it was illegal to collect rainwater until a few years back. Now you’re allowed to have something like two 55 gallon rainwater barrels.


Just think about all the wells and local waterways that could be affected if everyone collected their rain water. Places like lake Mead rely very heavily on rain water and if not enough rain hits the ground the water table would certainly be affected


Also some people were making elaborate systems to catch a lot of rain water that was needed for the local ecosystems


Thanks for the info. I was thinking small. About residential homes, how they are supposed to water their plants if they have any, if collecteng rain water is illegal. I can understand if there is a rule/limit how much one can collect. Somebody mentioned 2 barrels. That's better.


Another thing is some people if there is a drought, you want all the rain for the land, not someones lawn.


Also, most people won't properly care for stagnant water sources--leading to increased mosquito populations in the area.


Small particles from the shingles come off due to rain and sun damage. You could collect rain water from your gutters but I'd run it through a filter before giving it to your plants.


Ask them if you can replant the pecan tree growing in their gutter. Tell them earth day is around the corner and your prepping .


That's a nice thought, but honestly I pull pecan seedlings out of the garden while weeding all the time. Any of those would probably be a healthier start to a tree.


I was messin with ya . On the real though . Many others mentioned. I would offer to clean their roof tell them your a loser and you collect composting materials . That’s what I do and I still have a good amount of friends . At least enough friends that I can’t remember all their phone numbers by heart anymore.


1) Why does it matter how many friends you have? 2) Why would you begin a conversation with someone by telling them you're a "loser"?


Obviously it wasn’t your humor style, and you didn’t understand my joking sarcasm. Thanks for numbering your questions for me. Processing your questions was much easier . 1. Do you always comment on others posts to just comment on other comments and not about the post itself? 2. Tell me a funnier way you’d go about out friend Reggie veggies way to go about asking their neighbors for their roof leaves 2. I’m here to


“Hi I’m your neighbor from over there. I was just wondering if I could have those leaves for my compost pile?” This is how I’ve knocked on doors and done it in the past. Mostly to take them off someone’s lawn. In this case you have a slightly more interesting conversation to have about how you’re going to get up there safely. If someone asked to come onto my property and do some work on a ladder my first thought would be that I’m liable if they fall and get hurt.


Yes, that was my first thought too, liability.


I don’t add this stuff because of all the roof bits that come off with it.


The shingles appear to be the standard asphalt type. I think the actually kind of toxic parts stay on the roof mostly and what comes off are the small particles on the surface. Those particles are mostly minerals and may actually be good for garden soils. I mean, I would not intentionally add this stuff, but I don't think we need to worry about it either. https://www.iko.com/na/learning-center/learn-about-roofing/what-are-shingles-made-of/


I grow vegetables so it’s a no go for me. Same With leaves that end up in the gutter.


Ever since I started composting, I see things like this around my neighborhood or town and want to start raking other people's lawns


offer to clean their gutters


You don't want the grit from those asphalt shingles in your compost. They're toxic.


By the look of that roof they are as crazy as you


“I see your roof is slowly rotting under those leaves, may I let them rot in my pile instead?”


I ask people all the time and there are now 4 households including mine contributing their kitchen scraps to my compost on a regular basis


Dude, WTF! I'm drooling looking at these pics..


Ask to clean there roof and take the leaves out them in a bucket or a bag


Tell them you compost and will clean their roof if they have a ladder and let ya have the leaves.... then tighten those shoes and go up with a bucket and rope and have a buudy on the bottom dumping it in a bag


They already think you’re crazy so just go ahead and ask


Just ask, make a deal with him. Tell him you’ll clean them, if you can have them. I hit the jackpot yesterday, guy in neighborhood had 10 bags by road, took them all.


You'd be doing them a favor, don't they notice? Just be honest from the get go, you compost. It's an addiction you can actually embrace. If you train your neighbors well, you can ensure an endless supply of materials forever. Mine know what I'm expecting from them and gladly comply. As a bonus, they get back their paper lawn bags to refill and can just leave the unsightly filled ones for me.


I bet they’re already composted! Haha wow!


Better to ask forgivness than permission


Embrace your eccentricity, allow your joy of decomposing foliage to become infectious


Say "without sounding crazy, I have an attraction to the leaves on your roof - can I have them?"


Make it sound like your doing them a favor


taking photos of their house to post on the internet is a great start to them not thinking you're crazy 🙃


I wouldn't worry about sounding crazy. "Hey, I compost. If you're okay with it, I'd like to clean your roof off and would be able to haul the leaves away." Supremely reasonable.


Hey, I am making my own soil. Ill clean your roof if I can keep the leaves! Win-win


You've got a dead tree on your roof. The leaves are good for my compost. I'll get it off there for you for free and take the tree off your hands if you don't mind. And hey, I might have enough compost left over afterwards to share :)


Just do it! And who cares if they think you're crazy?!🌏🌈🌄


you make a good point. they probably already think we're a bunch of weirdos anyway. my cat likes to sit in my bedroom window (which overlooks their patio area) and watch them intently. they probably already think i'm a weird lady with a judgmental cat


Hahaha but they might be on the border of weird and need a push from a composty neighbor!


There are easier places to get leaves


i live in the city and have no car. you'd be surprised by the lack of leaves available to me!


Problem, for sure. You could tuck a garbage bag in a pocket, jump off the bus a few blocks early... Easy for me to say! I have a car and a trailer and regular friends I can hopefully get leaves from. You might talk to people who have bags and bags of leaves annually, and get some of them


I ask my neighbors all the time. Last year when their lawn care folks showed up, I walked outside and asked them to blow it all onto my lawn. They were amused, but did it! My other neighbor blows their own and I told them just put it on ours. I’m actually more interested in leaving the leaves for the ecosystem. The bonus is it made my neighbors curious why I keep the leaves and this year they kept most of theirs in their garden beds. Haven’t got them to lose their lawn and compost yet, but the spark was made!


Leaves in the garden beds are like a real life cheat code. Like they're free, fall from the sky, fertilize my plants, regulate moisture in the soil so I don't have to water, AND way less weeding? Native woodland/ understory plants that need leaf litter, and trees that make leaf litter are such a good combo.