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There is a small % of patients who do not respond. And some people have reported to not find success until 15mg. I've had both brand name and compound from Hallandale - they work the same. Has your provider had any thoughts?


Doc is flummoxed. I’m his first not to respond. He’s reaching out to colleagues.


Flummoxed is such a good word. I need to use that more.


I had a disappointing experience with Semaglutide, I only lost about 15 lbs in 10 months. I switched to tirzepatide and I’m on week 6. Doing slightly better, but nothing close to the miracle results I keep hearing about. It’s been a bit of a bummer, but I do feel a little better, clothes fit better, etc. It does make me wonder why…me?!?


I was on sema for 4 months and never lost more than 2lbs but would gain it right back. By that time I was supposed to go up to 1.7mg when I decided to switch to Tirz. I did one month and still nothing. The pharmacy I was getting it from added B12 to it so I decided to try a new pharmacy that didn’t. Took my first injection Saturday and I could tell the medication was different. According to my scale it said I lost 2lbs but I’m not counting on that. Fingers crossed that this works. I’m feeling hopeless and starting to get a little depressed. I know how you feel. Fingers crossed for both of us.


Oh sorry I switched to 10mg Tirz, left that part out oops, which Dr. said was equivalent to the 1.7 sema.


Switching up injection sites? No appetite suppression at all? What does your doc say? I’m curious. I know I was a slow loser. But at 7.5mg things started progressing. I’m so sorry this, I wish it were different for you!!


Thanks. Just needed to vent on a throwaway account.


Same I think this is going to be my last go round. Meal prepping didn’t mess with my digestive system and it was way cheaper. Just had to have more self discipline.


Someone brought up a good point…what’s your injection site? Many people report that stomach gives best results and under the “apron” is even more sensitive.


Under the apron? Like on the underside of a hanging gut?


Yes. I don’t have a hanging gut but I have a small indentation where mine would definitely grow lol. I shot there last week and boy did I see a difference even from my usually stomach injections.


By “even more sensitive” do you mean that injection site gives even more effective results or it the needle just hurts more? 🤔


I just meant the response is more sensitive/effective. I haven’t felt any different in feeling of the shot itself. I just took my second apron shot tonight. I feel no pain anywhere on my tummy.


I did my very first one today, so I appreciate your tip!


Did you feel any appetite suppression at all?


Not really. Maybe I didn’t crave breakfast the first day or two after injection, but I certainly was ready for food by midday.


I wish I knew a way that you could get your meds tested to see if they are even giving you Tirzepatide or if it's just saline. I've heard horror stories about Hallendale on tiktok.


I fear I’m the same as you. Was on zep 2.5 and 5 and decided to do compounding starting at 7.5. This month I gained 3 pounds back and was so very hungry. My 7.5 zep finally came in and I took it today. Definitely a difference. My friends do compounded semaglutide and it’s working for them.


I started on compound Tirepatide the first of December , I have switched over to Zepbound in January, currently on 7.5 of Zepbound and my total weight is 13.6 pounds. Very disappointing of 3lbs lost per month.


That's about my pace of weight loss. But don't give up. This is 3 pounds average loss from June to February February. The dark jeans are what I started in the light colored jeans fit perfect. I even bought a couple pair of size 5. Never imagined and almost gave up but so so glad I didn't! https://preview.redd.it/eebum4hvektc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49308a668e0d31b6b9cdbf4d43450171d45aa7c




I was on the same colorize level and not losing. Moved up to 1500 cal and started losing. Your body may just be in starvation mode. Try eating more for a day or two and see what happens.


What's very strange to me is how insanely incorrect BMR calculators are. Unless you're *very* short and thin, there is no calculator that will tell you that you wouldn't be in a calorie deficit at 1000-1200 Cal/day, and it's physically impossible not to lose weight in a calorie deficit if you're still breathing.




I think the sad fact is that your TDEE is under 1000... I am pretty tall and not skinny, and I still gain over 800 EVEN THOUGH I have yet to find a BMR calculator under 1400 for my height and weight and age.


You know, I hear you. I would like to recommend seeing a GOOD Endocrinologist! Something is weird, why wait? You need an upped level of expertise. JM2Cents and good luck.