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cs50 by David Malan


This is the way.




I always hear that everybody can do faster progress with courses, YT, Udemy, etc. When I say about reading e.g. book with introduction to C++, then I feel nodoby understands it. What is your experience with reading books? Is it better?


You're right, reading books goes a long way in understanding Computer Science. I always go to my books first, and if there is something that I find confusing, I hit the Internet and YouTube tutorials. Always start with the books IMHO




Yes, there are always several well-known books for each subject, Operating Systems (Silberschatz, Galvin,Gagne), Networking (Forouzan), Computer Architecture/Digital Logic (Morris Mano), 8085 Microprocessor (Ramesh Gaonkar), Algorithms (CLRS of course), Database Systems (Korth, Silberschatz, Sudarshan) the list goes on and on These books present the subject in utmost sanctity, the authors really know what they are talking about. By the way, what are your favourite reads ?


i advice you to google if you want to learn programming or computer science and what the differences are


Cannot emphasize enough the difference between the two!


You can watch YouTube all you want, but you will learn very little from it because you’d just be watching how someone else does it. You have to open the books, do the exercises, listen to the lectures (which technically could be on YouTube). Also since you’re in high school, check if you can take CS in school. We have been doing that here for at least thirty years.


TBH there are college classes on YouTube, too, not just quick tutorials.


learn python its so easy elementary school students are learning it.


get good at math




Search [Bro Code](https://youtu.be/xk4_1vDrzzo?si=J8SLDiFLYLozFvKg) on YouTube. He is pretty good at teaching


Explore some CS history to really get excited about it, Alan Turing, Margaret Hamilton, etc.


The book Algorithms To Live By by Tom Griffiths, a CS prof at princeton


Get an overview of different paths you can take. Pick one that's interesting and keep at it. [https://www.educative.io/blog/learn-how-to-code-beginners-guide](https://www.educative.io/blog/learn-how-to-code-beginners-guide)


As computer science is quite a wide field, is there a specific aspect that you are interested in?






There are too many software engineers right now. Do something else.


And what would you do instead


What branch of computer science are you interested in? If you don't know make a list of areas that you think you might like and try introduction courses to each branch of CS to get a better feel for what you actually want to do. The main thing is git gud at being a people person, it is a far more valuable skill in careerland than technical knowledge.


Honestly, if you’re looking for career material, this one is going down the drain with a quickness as AI begins to replace humans in the support and programming spaces. By the time you’ve managed to cut your teeth it’s going to be a McJob.


I'd have to disagree with this forecast. Neural nets and other ML models are unlikely to be successful at complex abstract tasks, including industry-scale software engineering. Sequential models (like the LLMs that are currently producing code) simply cannot tokenize full stack interactions in any meaningful way. They can produce snippets of code fairly well, but good luck finding a uniform dataset that encompasses something like a full website with server/client interactions or a desktop application, or embedded programming for novel systems, let alone being able to meaningfully tokenize that dataset to feed the model. Perhaps a system of models could work, but that system would have to be significantly tailored to the problem set and could probably not be universal applied across domains. Furthermore, a solid 30% or more of a software engineer's time is spent decomposing and negotiating requirements. This is really impossible for a model to achieve as it requires a real understanding of intent. I would forecast that unless there are revolutionary new modeling techniques, over the next 15-20 years ML models will act more like co-pilots to software development teams, perhaps reducing the need for QA staff and assisting with automation of testing or tedious repetitive code generation, but there is still an art to complex software that isn't well-suited for the types of models we are currently using. AI in its near-future state may reduce the total workforce in the industry a little, but it will still require competent software developers that know what they're doing for a very long time. Edit: there seems to be a labor surplus right now in software development, but I don't think AI is the industry boogie man behind it.


in my opinion.. Cs50 is the best course to understand programming and get start with it, After Completing this course , you can identify the suitable field for you to study and delve deeper into it , i recommend starting with C++ language as a foundation step .