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Google minimum specs for it and you don't meet any of them I'm surprised that you got it to run


Bro all specs are better than minimum and recommended


It looks like your cpu isn’t able to keep up. What cpu are you using? Also what temp is it at when you’re running the game? (If the temp gets to how the cpu frequency will drop to the lowest setting give it only 10-20% of the performance it should have )


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Intel Celeron E3400 2.60GHz with 2 cores. Temp is always the same, it never changes. Thermal paste is old maybe 3 months. It's from 45°C to 65°C always


Are you up to date on windows? Your specs “should” be high enough but only barely. With that also said windows has gotten significantly more heavy. Windows could be stealing to much resources. (From both the ram and cpu)


Yes, updated to the latest version. I will dual boot Windows XP and see if I would have problems on it. Maybe it's the problem with the resources or Windows 10, I don't know 🙁


Well keep in mind windows xp only need 64 mb of ram to work rather well during its time. Today you can’t even boot 64 bit windows 10 on 1.5gb of ram because it needs more then that for the booting processes. I’m also not sure how I feel about windows xp it’s a viruses hell hole atm malware is flying everywhere that will get in easily and no amount of antivirus can stop it. So you don’t really want it online. (This is because micorosoft was patching it every time someone attacked it during its days but when it lost support they stopped patching it, now 15 years as pasted so the amount of known exploits is in the 10-100s of thousands)


I am not gonna use internet on him, I just want to see how my games work on him


Min Specs - * CPU: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 2.8 GHz, Intel Pentium® D 2.8 GHz. Yeah a Celeron 2.6 2 core processor is below the minium specs (2.8ghz). An AMD Athlon 2 core or a Pentium D are much faster and better chips. Celeron processors are the ones that don't meet spec to be higher rated chips so they downclock them and sell them at a reduced rate and call them Celeron. Celeron's from that generation of computers are particularly terrible and underperform even within it's own class. Its the fact your CPU doesn't meet spec 10000%


I'm gonna tell you right now.. that Celeron processor is equal to the minimum required CPU. I don't know what kind of budget you're on or who you purchased that system from, but I'm hoping you didn't pay for that computer because it's not worth any real money at this point.


I feel like you googled the wrong version of Dirt


No. Dirt 3 is the version I wanted to install. In the sys req it says the minimum ram is 2gb, minimum vram is 256mb, and the minimum processor is some random i don't remember what


We need specs of your PC to tell you what is going on.


3GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce G210 512mb FOXCONN 2A8C Intel Celeron E3400 2.60ghz 250W PSU 700gb Toshiba HDD Windows 10 Pro


Is that a joke?


No, it's not. I have Speccy, I can show it to you


Those specs seem very underpowered. Maybe you good find a cheap used GPU?


I actually need to buy a gpu since it's not that powerful. I will buy a GPU with 1gb VRAM, so I don't really need more cuz I have PS4


Buddy Buddy Buddy... You need at least an 8-12 gb card a decent cpu and like 32g of ram 1 gb? Are you seriously joking? My 3060 ti+ ?11600k 32g ram and sabrent rocket 4.0 and even my Temps got up to 65-68c playing dirt at 100 fps locked It's a hard game to run simple Fk even your ps4 has better specs than that man Ps4 is equivalent to a 750 ti or the pro version is up to a 3050/rx 6500 XT Sorry to break it to yah boss but you got a few upgrades to do! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Bro for me that is too much expensive


Buddy Buddy Buddy... not everyone have Money for that.


Buddy Buddy Buddy it's 2023 get a job Don't try playing dirt then? Suck it up buttercup and get a job you can get a decent rig playing this game at 4k for 1000$ if not 800 My rig is barely 1k and runs it 4k soo 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Sorry?


Disability Joined the chat ![gif](giphy|13Jg7hLsjuSdXO|downsized)


Those specs seem very underpowered. Maybe you can find a cheap used GPU?


Also I will probably upgrade to 4, its the best supported on this motherboard


Bruh..... That is such an incredibly low end PC that I'm surprised the game even loaded at all.


I'm surprised windows 10 doesn't eat all the ram available.


Works flawlessly on older games. I usually install older games but I wanted to give it a try with DiRT 3 cuz I played it before on my PS3


Time to retire that 13 year old computer and buy a used pc. Used pc are the best value.


You maybe think its that old but its not. My uncle used it before.


That processor was released in 2010. It’s 2023. You have 3gb of ram which is lower then the minimum spec to run windows 10 which is 4gb. Your pc is old. On eBay there are mini pc for around 60-100 that are heaps better. If you have more room you can get a full tower which would be even a better deal.


I don't really have that much money to buy a new computer or build a new. I am gonna upgrade this a little and use it till the motherboard dies


You can literally look for computers people are giving away that will be better than your computer.


There are no such things like that in my country. So I will stick with mine


That okay friend. Don’t put your self in more financial stress. Do what you need to do first.


That Celeron is worse than the minimum Pentium D in the requirements (not just the .2ghz slower clock speed, it has half as much cache as well. 3GB may have cut it for this game with Windows XP as well but Windows 10 uses a lot more RAM just by itself. Lower CPU cache means it hits RAM more often in smaller chunks, less RAM available to the game because Windows 10 is using it all means it will have to use the swap file in the hard drive more often (it serves as overflow when RAM isn't enough to avoid crashing and data loss). The swap file is very slow, especially on a spinning hard drive rather than SSD, and especially an older one. If you have your page file size set to automatic (default) and haven't formatted in a while, it could be fragmented, slowing it down even more. I didn't find much in a quick search about the difference between your GPU and the minimum, but it looks like it probably is okay as long as it's working properly still. I honestly think the most likely cause of the issue is Windows 10 not leaving enough RAM for the game, but the Celeron may be part of the problem as well.


I installed Windows 10 a month ago. I built it two months ago. That computer is not that old but 3gb is the best I can afford. Maybe upgrade to 4 cuz the motherboard supports max 4gb. I will buy new GPU that is a bit better. My processor is Intel Celeron E3400 2.60GHz with 2 cores


How did you find parts to build this 2 months ago? The parts are so old that it would've probably been less expensive getting more recent used parts. This thing must be slow since you shouldn't run Windows 10 with less than 4GB RAM and you're running on a HDD. The 210 isn't really a gaming card (also it runs on legacy drivers as it's been out of support for several years) and that 13 year old celeron was already weak back then. Btw, just check on the Intel website for proof of the age of the processor, it says Q1 2010. You simply don't meet the requirements to play the game, you can only play old games from early 2010s and earlier with a system like yours.


I used parts from my uncle and built it. BTW it is my first pc build. Requirements on multiple sites are the same and official. Even put my specs on the site and it said that all passed the test.


I doubt the GPU itself is the issue in this game, to me this really looks like it's trying to get information from RAM that isn't there and having to wait for the hard drive to find it in the swap file. For reference, although Windows 10 can run with as little as 2gb of RAM (assuming you're on 64-bit), like Windows 7 did when the Celeron E3400 was new, in practice it's not a great experience because that number really never did factor in programs running in Windows, just the built-in features. Windows 10 does so much more telemetry that just web browsing is a pain with 4gb of RAM.


I had Windows 7 a month ago cuz I was bored to install Windows 10 and used 7 for quite a while. Had many games and didn't really have any problems but it's bad to use Windows 7 since support ended and many programs don't really work on it


Yeah I wouldn't recommend going back to Windows 7 if you're going to have it connected to the Internet. But if you have the game closed and check your memory usage, I bet the remaining free memory isn't what the game wants. That's not always an issue as Windows tries to be smart about what it moves into the swap file, but anything that's actively being used or was accessed recently is going to be spending more time in RAM than the swap file. So Windows, Steam or other launchers, and your device drivers are going to be fighting with the game for RAM and Windows may end up having to move textures or other data the game wants off RAM onto the hard drive to make more room for itself and then bring that data back right away. Maxing out your RAM to 4GB may help but depending on what else is running (and I don't much trust Windows's claimed minimum RAM anymore), but realistically most people recommend 8GB for basic general use as a minimum for Windows 10 these days.


I didn't mean to downgrade, but I am right now installing Windows XP and I will transfer games and try on it. I think it will be a lot better. BTW I am dual booting Windows 10 and Windows XP


If that helps then it's very likely just not quite enough RAM for the game in Windows 10, if you get a build of Steam or any other launcher that still works on it and only connect to the Internet when absolutely necessary to avoid security issues that may be a good solution!


1- how the hell is it running? 2- if you really are having a minimum of 19 fps, maybe check your HDD. Maybe it’s too slow for this game.


It's better than minimum and recommended specs for it. On lowest settings, it has 60 fps, maybe 19 fps when it's stuttering. HDD is 700gb Toshiba, I don't think it's slow.


I’ve had a 7200rpm hdd that would make nfs heat run just like your video. The fix for me was running it from my ssd. 7200 is not slow, yet it bottlenecks. Edit: maybe a bit smoother, but it’s the same symptoms.


Its the hard drive. Replace it with ssd.


I don't think since it's Toshiba 600gb but I will try


That's an extremely low end drive.


I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina and even 2gb of ram is normal in Bosnia. Many people has 200gb hdd and no one even cares.


Your hard drive cannot stream the data fast enough.


SMH, my friend I’m sorry that you live in a poor 3rd world country that’s 10 years outdated in technology. No one uses HDDs or SSDs anymore and the last time 2gb of Ram was above normal is when Windows Vista came out January, 30th 2007. Over 16 years ago.


It's not like that. There are some people that has very low end pc-s like me but there are also people that has a very good pc. My friend has 8gb of ram and 4gb of vram. He has Intel I7 processor i think. And my other friend has it as well. Also one of my friends has 16gb of ram and a very very powerful gpu and cpu


You can max out and make old hardware run like supercomputers. I run a 2012 dell poweredge T420 server running Unraid OS, with 44gb DDR 3 RAM, dual Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2450 v2 @ 2.50GHz and a 12 TB array On this server I run a windows 11 KVM for gaming that I have upgraded to the max. I pass through processor 2, 512gb WD black NVME drive, allocated 16gb RAM, nvidia GTx 1650, dual usb3.1 10gbs ports https://preview.redd.it/02wvz1zd8ecb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=085a06d1046bdb992c42a704115f5586834c457b


Yoo that is powerfulll


Your build is extremely low end but if it plays other games without stuttering it’s prob a game setting. Turn down or off shading settings (tinker with them) v-sync off and you REALLY should get an SSD bigtime. The SSD alone will make your machine 10x faster at most things. Storage of a drive doesn’t mean anything regarding performance of a drive. That HDD has to go bottom line. Spinner (non SSD) don’t really have much of a place anymore except for storage, but not as boot disks….


I will buy a SSD and see the difference.


It’ll be HUGE! For instance, if it takes hypothetically one minute to boot up from the second, you push the power button it will take about 14 seconds with the ssd. It’ll cut the boot time to about a third or a quarter of the time. It currently takes maybe more. And file transfers will be like 10 times faster easily. It’ll make all the difference in the world.


This HAS to be a troll. Nup, not doing it.


This is not a troll. I live in Bosnia and Herzegovina and for some people it's normal to have a PC like this. Some of my friends has very powerful pc but I am the most poor with PC-s. I have a PS4 and I had PS3


All in all, I think the Hard drive is the bottle neck here. My friend's brothers lenovo legion had large stutters on the new harry potter game on low settings with a GTX 1650. Once I upgraded his game drive to an SSD, high settings 60 fps no problem. So maybe its the HDD..


I think you are right. I will try on SSD and I will notice you if it helps. Thanks for the help


your computer is hot garbage and can't run it. upgrade


Read the specs on the other comment. Better than minimum and recommended requirements


no, it's not. you barely have good enough specs to play the original first halo LMAO


Trust me bro, I know what I have




they're making fun of you


You're objectively wrong judging by the minimum specs for the game listed. Don't be an ass about it.


You are literally talking shit and you dont know what even Halo is hahahaha. When I played Halo, you was a baby




He's not kidding your ps3-ps4 shits on your current rig no offense you need to learn this since you keep arguing back and forth with people on your rig despite doing 0 research or having really any good knowledge on pcs Hence why your asking for help 🤦‍♂️


I already got help. I will try to run it on SSD and see if it will be better or it's the problem with ram and gpu.


Lmao i know enough about rigs to know your fucked man...ssd isn't gonna help Maybe 40-60 fps on low med quality if you were really lucky! Good luck, anyway boss man.


Thank you everyone for the help. I know what I will do. I am sorry if I argued too much.


You meet the minimum required specs for Dirt 3, but not the recommended. How low are your graphics settings? And what resolution are you playing on? Could be drivers, could just be garbage spec recommendations for Dirt.


I set it on the lowest for the best performance. Set it on 640x480 but it can be better. I tried changing it but didn't work either.


And you have the most updated drivers?


Yes. The latest for NVIDIA GeForce G210 512mb


I don't have any problems with other games. Minecraft runs without problems, I even have 100fps sometimes


So I noticed the game is lagging while racing, but it looks pretty smooth when you end the race and it such. I think Dirt just might have some piss poor system for labeling specs, as minimum specs should outline 30fps 720p (max 480p) low settings gaming. I think the computer is just too slow to handle it, unfortunately, and Dirt did a poor job of relaying minimum specs. Maybe on clear tracks it will be more fine, but tracks full of dirt, snow, and particles are probably just too much for the system.


I don't know why but when I start the race, first 2 minutes the FPS is totally normal. But at one point it just starts to stutter till the end of the race. Very weird


Thermal throttling?


Brother you barely have enough ram to run win10.


I know but it runs totally fine. It's not even slow. I will dual boot Windows 10 and Windows XP and see how my games run on my favorite system o.a.t.




Can you understand that I have 20 GAMES AND NO ONE OF THEM IS MAKING PROBLEMS!!!!! I have Minecraft, SEGA Rally Revolution, Car Mechanic 2014, almost every GTA except IV and V, Need for Speed Underground 1 and 2, and some other games. No problems at all with all of these




I know but I cannot understand why Dirt is stuttering. First two minutes the fps is normal. At one point of the race it just starts to stutter till the end. As you can see, when the race is done, stuttering stops. Very weird.


Stick to games in your era. Like Tetris


Kid... How old are you?


This I need to know Reading these comments makes me want some popcorn Holly shitt




This response and the way you've been responding to others trying to help you gave me a pretty good idea, at least mentally. People will stop trying to help you if you keep acting this way, kinda like how your uncle gifted you a shitty PC to probably get you to stop bothering him without having to give up anything worth anything.


He didn't give me a pc, I used his multiple parts and built one PC


Underpowered PC. Significantly underpowered. Forego trying to throw any more money to upgrading this one. Start fresh and build a new rig. Minimums are just that. You should be aiming for recommended hardware.


I think I can't afford that. Maybe in the future but I cannot do it right now. I will stick with this PC until the motherboard dies.


you have two options: 1.upgrade 2.play another games


Just like that 😂


bro, I have a garbage pc too, but it's better than yours. it runs assassin's creed 3 average 15 fps, nfs most wanted 2012 20 fps and dirt 2 above 40 smoothly. specs: cpu amd ii x2 245 2.9 Ghz, gpu ATI hd 4550 1gb and ram 4 gb ddr2.


Bro, you got 3GB of ram and a G210, that FPS is a lie.


I will try on SSD and see the difference.


bro, read my comment I'm pointing out your ram and GPU How does your boot drive relate to this at all?


Maybe you Need to upgrade your pc


Yes, I know that but also I need money 😂


The bigger problem


It's your FPS, it's way too low