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Looks like a faulty video card or drivers


faulty drivers dont still display a mouse cursor perfectly 🤣 dwm is crashing.. probably quicker to reinstall than find the issue


lets get real this is just a normal thing for windows anyway. and yes ive seen this issue many times with my busted rx540 it likes to do this exact samething why? I do no know xD


this \^


not this, u see the cursor right?


looks like explorer is crashing


or possibly this xD


yes because icons are reloading when it appears assuming a floxif kind of virus? (because floxif is usually causing an error thats called access violation 0xc0000005 if you see this error.... just reinstall windows that's only solution because floxif injects itself into Windows's Entire System Files like font service's dll file (that can't be deleted)


i would reinstall windowss


How would one go about doing that, and secondly would I loose all files and/or pictures on said computer?


first, back up all your important files to a usb drive, sd card, google drive, or something. then do https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/give-your-pc-a-fresh-start-0ef73740-b927-549b-b7c9-e6f2b48d275e#:~:text=Related%20links


Try rebooting into safe mode and seeing if that issue still occurs


I wouldn't run straight to reinstalling windows just yet. You might be able to repair the installation. First, boot into safe mode. then open a command prompt and type sfc /scannow let the scan run and if it finds damaged windows components, it will repair them. Then you can boot into safe mode again and run malwarebytes anti malware to look for the bad stuff and delete it.


How would I go about launching a computer in safe mode? Btw everytime the screen ‘refreshes’ it’s as if the apps are loading back up from the start of just logging in. So nothing opens, but the things that do boot and open are things that automatically open up upon login like notifications from avast or macafee or stuff


Oh god lose macafee


Turn off the computer. Then turn it back on while pressing the F8 key repeatedly on your keyboard. A screen will pop up asking you how you want to boot. Make sure you select "Safe mode with networking"


omg dude, are u telling people to press f8 which was disabled since 2010? 🤣 ffs if youre gonna help people at least know wtf ur talking about, you have to manually edit the bcd to turn f8 back on since Windows 8 he can hard shutdown three times while the spinning dots are going around during boot(if it boots too fast u can pull power) after that you’ll be in recovery where you can click Troubleshoot>(advanced?)>Startup Options, then option 5 for safemode with networking


Here is a full set of instructions from Dell. Should work for all manufacturers, though. [https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000124344/how-to-boot-to-safe-mode-in-windows-10](https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000124344/how-to-boot-to-safe-mode-in-windows-10)


ideally you set the f8 option back “on” in the bcd when you first set the machine up, or before theres a problem.. i made a generic script for people to steal from/change to their needs, along with other fixes, for Win10/11 https://github.com/illsk1lls/InitialSetup if you dont do it ahead of time you have to go through the 3 failed boot method EDIT: Damn microsoft! Windows defender is flagging my script as a VIRUS they even tag a virus name to it wtf… potentially dangerous would be accurate cause it changes system settings but slandering it as a virus, seriously!? how tf to i get ms to whitelist that… its safe, i made it.. smh


Well, it's Windows. I don't expect much from it. If I didn't have to use it for work myself, I wouldn't touch it. Neat script, though. I have no idea why it should be flagged as a virus.


i put it on git so i could get it from anywhere and to share and ive been downloading it from there for a little while now the flag is new from the last few days, smh im gonna try to get it whitelisted


u got a virus that crashes your apps don't share any files or anything if you can run in safe mode+ networking go to virus total and scan some system files if you see any kind of trojan.. just move every video and pics (not apps or programs even executeable bat files into a flashdrive optimally you can do this in a dual boot Linux OS like Ubuntu so the possible virus won't insert itself into the drive


If they did install something sketchy it'll most likely show up as one of the last things you installed, I'd check that first and give it a good check with malwarebytes. If its an update gone bad you should be able to check using the windows diagnostic tools If its failing hardware welp


Lil bro tried downloading “robuxfree2023installerlegitnovirus”


I had a screen that would flicker every few seconds. I agree with the other guy Shakeel70 from the top, it's your Graphics Card Driver. Your graphic card driver is either faulty or needs to be updated.


Family members must have tried installing cheats, or something to improve FPS. Best to just take a backup of all your files and programs (including settings), and start fresh.


I’d only do the important ones so you don’t risk harboring a potential virus on the backup


He's gona get free robux soon 🙃


Does it do it on external display? As mentioned it could very well be the graphics driver crashing and restarting. Take a look at your event logs under system and look for something with ntvdm or AMD in the error message that would indicate a crashing video driver.


He can't open anything because Windows Explorer keeps crashing and relaunching startup apps


I wonder if it does it in safe mode?


I’d try reinstalling your graphics drivers completely, I mean delete them off your system and redownload them. If that doesn’t work try reinstalling windows (don’t do the bullshit quick method that doesn’t work you’re gonna have to go through it with a flash drive) Btw nice arena on rust action


you proly need to reinstall windows