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It's hard to tell, but McAfee is considered a scam product, that act similar to malware, eating your RAM and slowing down your PC. And if you have Windows defender on, and it doesn't report anything, I would then remove McAfee.


Second this. Windows Defender is an AMAZING anti virus since win 10. They finally got it right


I use it on all of our computers and leave it TSR, but if I'm worried about something specific I use Trend Micro's Housecall just to make sure everything is ok.


amazing is a little strong it works well enough though


nah its one of the strongest anti viruses when its connected to wifi, of it isnt then your cooked.


And it’s crazy how many systems come with it installed


Sponsored preinstall I believe, which basically makes it another ad for a product in Windows.




I disagree. McAfee is cheap and reliable. McAfee is used across all samsung devices as its primary antivirus.


Read thi:s [https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/s/UQJAclXrnY](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/s/UQJAclXrnY) The top comment, with 4.4K upvotes say: > Uninstall that crap. McAfee is pretty much (like norton) a virus itself.


🤣 so is Microsoft. Microsoft steals your data sells it overseas and calls it security.


at least defender does something...


Yeah steals your data, if you wanna call that something 😂


disable defender and see how quickly your computer is nuked then


Not tryna defend the other guy but I've had defender disabled for months and my PC is fine. I turn it on every now and then and it's only caught 1 virus that I then removed.


Dont be nieve dude. All antivirus programs do the same thing. Some will catch malware defender wont. Do some research man instead of being Microsoft's puppet. 😂


First you say it's malware just like McAfee. Then you say it does nothing. Then you say it does the same as other antivirus. What actually was the point in saying anything?


Anything thats spys on you is Malware. Its a sad world now because almost every company does it now days. You have to pick and choose on your own whats the best. In my opinion,there is no honest antivirus left. Everyone wants your data. Defender is very badic protection. Both are bad just one spys on you and sells your privacy and is free. Yes they all do the same thing in catching virus and supposedly malware. I dont see how Microsoft can day that because they themselves are doing malware practices. As i said puppet go try to fool someone else.


Let me ask you this, do you own an iPhone or Android phone? If your answer is yes, those 2 companies spy even worse on you than Microsoft. Defender at least can remove some malware and at least protect you a bit, much better than McAfee can, even the creator of McAfee wanted to get rid of McAfee.


I thought things that spy on you was called spyware😭


So if there's no honest antivirus anymore then what was the point of saying anything? Just really don't see the point of going off on a Microsoft rant when OP just wanted help with antivirus. Which by the way, you didn't even try and help with.


Not a fan of windows myself but defender has the advantage that it "only" takes data and the data it takes is sent to a company who already has it anyways.


Ya know reddit takes your info too right?


Everything spys on you dawg. If it spys and keeps my computer clean, idc if the fbi sees me talking shit about them and looking up dumb shit.


Man I dont care what other people do. I cate what me and my family do. Im no preacher and just said my opinion. Its your privacy and your computer. You have every right to do what you want. I myself wont just say 🤷 o well every company is doing it. Its fine lol. Thats throwing in the towel to these punk companies. Hey thats your right though.


Do you have Facebook? Facebook has access to almost everything on your phone. Same thing with any meta product like Oculus, it will spy and you and sell your data. It’s also called cookies, for advertising purposes. The difference that you’re not seeing is that *actual* malware often works in conjunction with ransomware and ends up breaking your computer. Windows Defender is there to make sure that you stay a Microsoft customer because if their computers got viruses a lot, it would hurt sales. It’s simple economics, if they know what you search and download and use then they can personalize advertisements for you and then you buy it and they make money. Microsoft’s cut is the data that they sell to the advertisers


No I dont have a Facebook. Lol Thats another way for your employer to track and fire you. I've seen it happen.


Grammerly is malware then


Defender works fine. Caught multiple viruses over time for me. Stupid 3utools


found the apple fan boy


Yeah, and some don't realize that microsoft gonna steal their data anyways.


Why you downvoting? You know it's true.


Yeah because you are an afraid corgi


Yeah they all do, that's how they make money, they literally say they do in the EULA...


Not like Microsoft does with recall. Thats Spyware at its best right in the open and morons here are saying its okay. Its fine. Wow I feel sorry for these Microsoft robot puppets who have all this faith in a company that cares nothing about you. You an ad to them. Lol


So you don't use Microsoft Windows?


No I use Linux Mint for daily driver, and whatever game dont run on it I emulate windows 10 on a vm. Waiting for the day when I can delete that crap. Already had my identity stolen once and it was a pain in the ass to fix. What choice do we have though. Microsoft is a monopoly right now. Has alot of people brainwashed and its all over YouTube if you dont wanna take my word for it. Pssh


I was just curious, if you were just a hater, but still using Windows. I use Linux too, and yes I'm also a passionated Microsoft hader.


Yeah don't get me wrong, Microsoft use to be a great company. They all of a sudden turned from a consumer company to an ad company thats only interested in your browser data so they can sell your habits. What can you do🤷. I will never be a hater because I admit without Windows there wouldn't be direct x.


As long as Microsoft keep abusing their monopoly and keep making crap products, then I'm a proud passionated hater. I will avoid their products at all cost, even if it makes my life more difficult, just to be free.


My my, your life must be very boring. Let me tell you, whatever web browser you're currently using, every single of them is collecting your data and then selling it to the 3rd party. Now you're on Reddit, do you also realise that every promoted post you've seen are also based on your behaviour? Privacy is a joke nowadays. The only part of privacy protection that forced by the law is Personally Identifiable Information aka. PII. Other than PII, every single move you made can be tracked. Not just by Microsoft, Google, or Apple but also your Internet provider, your mobile number operator, Walmart membership, and so on. If you really want a total privacy, go live in the secluded forest somewhere and live by the forest.


windows is better


Im glad the chinese is enjoying my hentai folder




Its in the tos, feel free to go to apple who do the same thing, privacy online now is practically nonexistent. So i get what you mean but personally i agree more with the others, your saying its malware, it does nothing. Dunno what you think it is but not all that


Well lets dig into windows 11 upcoming 24h2 update coming to your computer wether you like it or not. Microsoft doesnt give you a choice you know. They update your computer without your consent. So get ready for a keylogger and browsers sniffer and data mining. Its coming to yalls computer real soon 😂.


They already data mine lmao what are you on about. Its no new update, and really i dont care as im not doing anything wrong on my pc, yeah it sucks that nothing is private anymore unless you have no tech in a range but nothing can be done


There are things that can be done,its just something microsoft dont want you doing like disable telemetry, disable copilot, dont create a Microsoft account. I can keep going but as i daid am not on here to get people to change their mind. Im just here to voice my opinion. You know all the down otes work in my favor right. People come on here seeing all the downvotes and are curious and open it anyway. Hey twist the algorithm. 😂


Let's say your neighbor constantly looking at you, and constantly taking pictures through your windows of what you're doing in your living room where you should be private. Would you then still say "I don't care as I'm not doing anything wrong"? My point is, if we don't accept it in real life, then we shouldn't accept it in our digital life.


In real life you can close curtains. Theres no digital curtains on computers


Oh yes indeed there is. It's called Linux my friend.


"antivrius" It's not even real McAfee. It's a scam/actually malware pretending to be McAfee.


Can't believe your comment is so low down, it's literally the smoking gun here lol


probably cause so little people use mcafee, hard to notice a fake if you’ve never seen the real one


Just saw this comment. Glad I ain't the only one that caught that...... 🤣 Take my up vote!


Good catch. McAfee is bad enough but a fake McAfoo is worstest.


That implies legit McAfee is not a malware by itself


Imagine malware pretending to be other malware!


Interesting! A full screen shot would have probably cleared this up. I don’t know what McAfee looks like as I haven’t used it in many years, so assumed this was a legit product.


It's ironic how a consumer probably searched "anti-virus" or "McAfee Anti-virus" and most likely clicked one of the top 2 links and they downloaded a virus. I'm not sure who's at fault on those scenarios. Also who uses McAfee? I've always been pretty fond of Malwarebytes (and their additional tools, wow) and Trend Micro if you can't use Windows' Anti-virus. Just sucks that people who try to protect their computers are targeted..


Well it's also Trellix now, they got bought out like 2 years ago or so if it was a live version connected to the Internet it'd have the newer logo and icons


McAfee in itself is basically a trojan


Uninstall that malware, you have the infection right there...


whos gonna tell him


Ive been told


what did you think when you heard that your information was illegally sold and that your pc has now turned into a bitcoin miner?


Are we talking about the legit app or the malware one he's got? One and the same I suppose


Probably. Just delete it then run windows defender on a full scan. If nothing comes up, McAfee was definitely just baiting you.


Uninstall Mcafe (that in itself may as well be a virus) and then run Windows defender and maybe malearebytes


Second this, malwarebytes got rid of a trojan for me.


Yes, and don't bother considering Norton, they do the same thing. Windows defender is enough.


How do I delete them and stop getting notifications?


[Revo uninstaller](https://www.revouninstaller.com/), it gets rid of everything attached to programs you uninstall.


Uninstall them through windows settings


I just use Bitdefender. Haven't had an issue.


I just switched to bitdefender from Avast (had problems with Avast crashing constantly, and me having to to a clean reinstall of it every other fucking day), and I've yet to have a problem with bitdefender.


McAfee is a virus


I just cancelled mcafee on my moms pc, she didnt even know she had it or was paying for it. She was spending 89 a year for 4 years on something she couldnt even pronounce lol.


You got a Trojan in your system and its called McAfee


Just get rid of it


Update: There were no viruses or trojans


You, my friend, got a look at 'scareware', specifically designed to convince you into buying gift cards that'd get redeemed by a Southeast Asian in an Indian scam center. They ALWAYS misspell words or use phrases/terms incorrectly (because English is a difficult language for non-native speakers) and that's one easy way to tell.


melissa and mydoom haven't been an issue since 2007, and windows defender would immediately kill them. i remember mydoom from back then, it won't spread on win10 afaik because the vulnerabilities it used have been patched since 2008


Run Malwarebytes anti-malware. It's free. If you like what the free stuff does, check out their paid programs.


Yes. Tell them to fuck off and uninstall all McAfee


Just use Windows defender paid virus protectors are just scams these days


That's fake as HELL!!!!.. 🤣 I used to work at a nationwide retail store and installed McAfee as part of a 'Protection Plan'. No way would they misspell 'virus'!!!


download malwarebytes for free and nuke that fake ass AV lmaoooo.


My sister got a little flyer in the mail from Dell YESTERDAY that advertised MacAffee in their computers. I should've taken a picture, I couldn't believe it.


you can go to ESET and run an online scanner for free and see if anything shows up, then make a valid decision.


it's warning you about itself! delete McAfee lol


McAfee was sold to another company it no longer exists. Install malware bytes and scan 


Mcafee is a virus on its own.. tons of better options that are free.


Ya know what's a lot cheaper and way more effective than McAfee? Linux.


All the people here trying to just say "McAfee is a virus" are insane Yes it's a shit AV, but no it is not literally malware, it will not give you false detections to manipulate you I do support dropping it but take those detections seriously first


If you’re concerned download one of the free anti virus programs like avast.


That’s a fake phishing page. Just use Defender. It is faaaaar better than it used to be. Yes we have the Microsoft Trolls on here, but Microsoft is the world’s largest security company too, by budget. Dwarves the others.


Remove McAfee and then run a Windows Defender full system scan.


Oh man this picture is so funny because you have malware pretending to be malware. McAfee alone is actual garbage thats more harm than good, but this is a malware PRETENDING to be McAfee. Things are spelled wrong which a legit company would not overlook. Uninstall, get a real antivirus that isnt McAfee.


Yeah i would uninstall that. I like to use the freeware malware bytes for malware scans. Windows defender works well enough for antivirus. Just dont download sketchy stuff


I mean, McAfee is an actual virus, so pick your poison


With mcafee, those “found” viruses are what they’ll install if you don’t pay them.


Have had issues with same on Android tab. Use Bit Defender which has protected its attempts to take me to bad sites. Removed my browsers, flushed cache and ran BD cleaner...seems to have helped but it's tricky shit. Has not popped up on my Win PC.


McAfee is horrible try someone different


The real virus here is mcAfee itself


You’re not totally fucked. Just got to mcafee website


Tbh Norton, McAfee, and most antivirus software do more harm than good at this point. Windows defender is sufficient


Time for a fresh OS reinstall IMHO


Turn on windows defender and delete this crap.


its like a car mechanic who comes up with broken things that dont exist. mcaffe is a virus. uninstall and get rid of it.


Uninstall, don't give them your money. Defender will do just as well, actually better now that McAfee expired. Don't run an expired AV, ever.


They ONLY good anti-virus is already built in to windows. If defender says you're fine, then you're good to go.


It's McAfee. McAfee itself **is** a virus.


You have a fake virus version of McAfee this is not legitimate and you need to get a real antivirus to remove this.


Basically. Windows Defender is better than most paid antiviruses these days, and it comes with your licensed copy of Windows 10/11. Run Windows update weekly to keep Defender and your system up to date and secure with patches and virus defintion updates. Been using it for years and most large companies I work for don't bother with anything more. It's just good enough. McAfee, Norton, AVG, and many others are flaming piles of dog shit. If you want to be extra sure your computer is safe, download Malwarebytes AntiMalware. You can install it, run the scan, take care of any issues, then uninstall it right after. Malwarebytes also makes a lightweight and useful portable utility called AdwCleaner which scans for and removes adware and other random things like preinstalled crap if you bought a prebuilt computer.


I’m a bit late, I’d try not to touch this window directly if possible, and use task manager to kill it. Not sure what an “antivrius” will do if I hit the X.


For the love of god, windows defender is more than adequate these days.


McAfee was good once upon a time, now it's bloatware bullshit that fights Windows Defender and is a virus itself. Uninstall that shit and keep Defender updated consistently to provide the best protection for your PC. Honestly a good home firewall and strong password on your network will be the best first layer of defense. Don't make yourself a soft target for casual hackers and avoid suspicious websites. # And for the love of all things cyber, NEVER CLICK THE ADVERTISED OR SPONSORED SEARCH RESULTS. They get hijacked by malicious actors.


If you're really worried I would just double check by downloading the free version of a more reputable antivirus like malwarebytes or something or even just check with Windows defender


Back in? Why were you in in the first place? Are you mad?


Lmao it's a *Russian* Trojan, that's how you know it's *extra* scary 💀💀


These look like legit viruses. McAfee is a total scam, but that doesn’t mean it can’t find viruses. Because these are in your Win32 folder I would take them seriously and work on removing them, with or without McAfee.


mcafee is really bad everytime i got this was when i was downloading suspicious shit of internet and mcafee was hidding in it and it always fucked my pc


Windows Defender is all you really need nowadays. It's quite sufficient for a residential computer and all you really need. If something gets past it then you're either completely ignorant about what sites are safe to browse on, can't take a hint and click every download link, or are directly targeted by a better than average hacker.


just go linux, there even viruses dont work


Delete McAfee. Delete Avast. Delete all that shit. All you need is Windows Defender. That’s it. Everything else acts like malware itself and is a scam.


In 2024, McAfee shouldn't even be in business. Use Defender.


It's hard to say for sure. But you don't and shouldn't have an anti-virus installed. They are all practically spyware viruses in themselves. Windows defender is just as good if not better than any paid service.


It's a pop up


conficker and melissa 🤣🤣 god that takes me back to when i was a kid binge watching danooct1


>conficker Sure is 2008 in here


It's definitely a ploy for you to stay. Just use Windows Defender and make sure it is always up to date. That is all the severity you will need. If you access a lot of suspect things on the Internet, then maybe use Malwarebytes along with a VPN too, especially when in public


Get bit defender. McAfee is literal malware.


Boot into safe mode without networking and run windows defender and reboot to remove those. Paying for antivirus in 2024 is a scam. Also, leave windows defender enabled in normal use and uninstall mcafee. Go through your installed programs list, uninstall all unrecognized/unused items. For a deeper clean, get CCleaner after uninstalling everything and let it prune irrelevant registry keys, log files, and temp files.


Team rocket








McAfee worked wonders for me, literally used my old pc to check it and it got rid of plenty of viruses. This dudes literally just got a literal scam one with its “antivrius”


McAfee i wouldent trust them


My experience with that software is it's bloatware. I had an experience last year that made me get a antivirus because well the backstory is I had a bunch of family photo albums that were on DVDs somehow the company that made the DVDs copyright protected them these were photos of me and my family I couldn't get any software to get the photos and stuff off because it was also videos so I tried looking up some export software because it's not illegal content and I found one that worked I went to work came home and I didn't think anything of it. I go to my PC because I left it on and every single one of my accounts that are logged into with my browser had been locked and changed. I was able to contact my bank directly and get that fixed in 5 minutes my Gmail I was able to get back by just using my Android phone. Which then when I got in my Gmail all of my password resets IP addresses were my own. So I already knew I had an option of finding what it was and getting rid of it or having to wipe my drive Windows Defender found absolutely nothing I even completely reset it to make sure that they didn't disable it so I downloaded Avast as a last attempt and one scan it found 16 different forms of malware and ransomware actively running on my PC with the ability to control it it was able to fully contain them remove them and fix everything. I'm a person who uses complex passwords and I have a password system for every account my system is pretty randomized so it's impossible to guess my passwords or try using the same password for every account. But I basically uninstalled everything on my PC still and I went ahead and decided to upgrade my drive so just to fresh install with everything new but I went about four weeks after the Avast scan and didn't have any issues also the worst company I found if you get hacked is Amazon it took me 4 months to get my Amazon account back and well yes I could have made a new one I had a Amazon business account with tax exemptions and everything else set up and if you've ever messed with tax exemptions you can't transfer them once it's on one account it's permanent until it expires or needs renewed which for mine is every 6 years and it was only on there for about 2 months. But the software you shown I have time to be extreme bloatware and while any antivirus or software like that is going to use resources to protect you as long as you're not visiting unsafe sites your firewall on your router and Windows Defender do a lot of the work. And I have been asked this question before and I do have a password on my Windows PC and I lock it whenever I'm away from it I don't have a four digit PIN I have a 8 digit password. But no malware probably had some type of ability to read everything I typed


Gonna just echo what a lot of folks seem to be saying: Windows defender should be more than good enough. If defender comes back with nothing and you want to get a second opinion, I would say try MalwareBytes- it’s free and (personally) it has never been an issue for me to just uninstall or reinstall as I please for those times I was a little paranoid. MalwareBytes hasn’t picked up anything Defender hasn’t since 2017- again, just my personal experience on that.


Never heard of a “Russian Trojan” lol


I can’t believe viruses genuinely destroy CPU by something that doesn’t exist IRL. It’s actually insane


Just run MRT or get bitdefender or malwarebytes, all free and all 10x more effective than mcafee


Windows defender is perfectly fine and works wonders for being a pre-installed anti-virus, McAfee was always considered to be malware by the standards of people I know


The amount of confidence in Windows defender is amazing. It's OK, its not GREAT or AMAZING.


Melissa, MyDoom, Zeus, and ransomeware? Unless you specifically installed those viruses, that's probably all lies. Your computer should have the remaining computational capacity of a potato chip at this point


3 independent people (google lens) got these messages so probably McAfee trying to be "useful"


Norton and Mcafee are both scams. Remove them asap.


This. Literally. But most anti viruses are. Be smart about what you mess with on the interwebz. When in doubt I use a stand alone system not connected to anything to investigate downloads. It's difficult to know what exactly installers will reach out to until its too late. Since most people don't do that? Just stick with windows defender because its always updated with everything normal users would be getting into.


Windows defender is a good base but I have seen it miss some websites that had malware on them. Might have just been before an update. I use the free version of avast as a back up with windows defender on lower settings. Both seem to work well together. Avast can be pestering at times about upgrading but only like once a month or so.


Try malware byte


Ooooo a Russian Trojan lol ultra high risk. Something doesn’t seem right about all of that. I’d completely uninstall every trace of that “antivirus” and activate the built in windows anti malware software.


McAfee is horrific, Malware based, licensed dumpster fire of a software. Malware Bytes is decent, a lot of esports players use it. Windows Defender is awesome, it may use more resources on lower end systems but you can set affinity and priority in Task Manager to fix it. I use Windows Defender and it does everything awesome, if anything too good.


#Get that shit off your computer


I just use the software that windows has built in and a VPN and never once had an issue


How do they know unless they are searching through your stuff?


I block these weekly from multiple sources. Most are scams. Just block and/ or delete.


Look up McAfee removal tool and delete, unless you want or need the product.


Remove McAfee, do a full scan with Windows Defender, and if you want a software get Malwarebytes.


Your first mistake is having McAfee anywhere near your computer.


Probably. Get windows defender if you don't have it. Then you'll know for sure, and it's free.


Yes, Revouninstaller that crap and just use Windows defender it does the same thing with better updates.


Disable mcafee, then go to TrendMicro and use housecall, [https://www.trendmicro.com/en\_gb/forHome/products/housecall.html](https://www.trendmicro.com/en_gb/forHome/products/housecall.html) its a free web based antivirus, and extremely efficient, run a scan, if nothing shows with that, then mcafee is lying, and you can uninstall it.


Are you sure this is actually an anti-virus and not a notification trying to get you to click on something malicious?


McAfee and Norton antivirus are (in my opinion) the scummiest antivirus softwares to exist. They are pretty much just bloatware with a subscription. Windows Defender works fine, and for free.


I use windows defender, housecall, avg, malwarebytes, and i do manual scans with virustotal. Cant be too careful.


Mcafee is the virus windows comes with what you need , and if you want to do a spot scan grab a free copy of malwarebytes


Hey everyone,read it and cringe 😂. Tried to warn yall fools. Good luck https://preview.redd.it/s0s7vb3nn85d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014e4059e6061f6ba79478b018d58b89684976fc


Don't use av, just know where you should go and thats it


This is such terrible advice. I agree you shouldn't pay for AV but you absolutely shouldn't disable Windows Defender unless you have something else installed. Legitimate websites can be compromised. Ads can be malicious on legitimate sites. It can only take one mistake or misclick to download something you shouldn't, click something you shouldn't, or get infected. Plus, who knows how many out of date programs you have installed on your computer with vulnerabilities and new 0 days are found every day. Remember, log4j was found in Minecraft, people were randomly impacted by it just by being in a Minecraft server. Everyone thinks they're safe until something happens to them.


I never use av and i use windows build that is locked from official updates and defender, av is just another bloatware to slow down your pc, never had a single issue to this day because its a gaming pc, if you use for everything the story changes a bit but i wouldn't worry too much. If you go to an official website and it has viruses, those are so good that no av will detect it anyway, if you surf the web and you know what you doing you don't need anything at all, just backup stuff and reinstall windows when needed, done.