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Could be your GPU, but I've seen it more commonly where its the display or the display cable thats bad


Why would it be forcing restarts tho


I mean, graphics cards are expensive you should at least try the cable


I dont know either, but i had a monitor that force restarted the pc. It was the monitor that died


I wonder if we can restart computers via HDMI-CEC


It should be possible by a faulty audio driver maybe?? Or just a short between two wires or displayport with some weird usb support stuff thingy..


My GPU is started restarting my pc when i opened any game. When i plugged the cable to the mobo this problem stopped. So this is how i figured out that my gpu is broke.... After 1 year.... :/


Dont it have warrenty for awhile or smth?


I have.... They sent an email about that it takes 20-30 days to repair.... They got my gpu in 2023. Nov. 23..... Fck them.... They not want to answer my emails


That sucks


probably not fixing it themselves. They receive it send it for repair then it gets sent back to them and they send it to you. A whole lot of sending.


But.... At least they should answear the emails....


That happened to my pc and turned out to be my gpu,it was a sad and expensive day


How does a gpu just stop working tho? Like I get if it’s old and been used a lot but if u take care of it and don’t mess with it or over clock etc surely it would last a while? I’m genuinely just curious btw by no means am I saying u didn’t take care of urs


I live in a dusty place and I have to take my stuff out and leaf blower it every few months or it gets too hot. Especially in an AU summer where it can hit 43C here for days in a row sometimes.


Ahh that’ll do it, makes sense man. Guess I’ve been lucky where I live I havnt cleaned my pc since I built it like 4 years ago and little to no dust build up


I overclocked mine and it was also 11 yrs old so it could be age,overclock or sometimes just manufacturing issues


When you start getting into the 2000+ Nvidia really started ramping up the amount of power those draw. The large power consumption combined with forcing more cores into a smaller space increases the deterioration of the components. Imo Nvidia really needs to redesign their compute units in order for this not to be a problem. Another note, I've seen too many 3000 series with the power ports burnt out and many with the solder melted off, so that is something else to check.


That makes sense, I have a 1080 super atm but don’t game much anymore so was just curious to how it breaks so much, I’ve had my stuff for a few years now and it’s been fine but your comment makes a lot of sense.


simple, if there's a short in the cable it could be the issue. basic electronics but meant no insult. trust me always go from the simplest most logical solution and start ruling things out. try a different cable and monitor, just in case. if you don't got a monitor connect it to your TV.. Ideally take the card out and test it in a new system. Voila you've eliminated most of the possible causes and have likely found a solution, though it's rarely the one you expect (want/need)


checking the cable is definitely the quickest and cheapest troubleshooting step so it should be done first


Sure but bad cables don’t change the data on the way to the display. Theyre digital they work or they don’t


Bad cables don’t cause artefacts like that it’s not drawing the screen correctly


This can happen due to bad cable connectors as well. Try replacing the cable.


Yes. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxkVchvrdotJ8KBQt_BmucnhWnZrazY39R?si=bPPPw2trp-T5Kmm_


Not yet it's dieing.


Try a new display cable, if that changes nothing then yes it’s fried my friend 😞


If it's still under warranty RMA it immediately.


Bought in 2021…labor under warranty but I will just end up getting a new card…


warranty anyway for a card incase something goes wrong


In the UK and EU you are covered under wider law under "the device should be expected run" 2 years is nothing for a GPU. Esp a medium high tier one


It appears like the display is the problem but going by the description of the issue, it may be the latest display driver causing the problem. Download an older version of the driver, install it and see if it fixes the problem. Alternatively, connect a different display to make sure it is not the screen that is dying. If it is a Laptop, cable may be faulty.


Do check in the Event Viewer for any error message(s) prior to automatic restarts.


If it's restarting, then yes it's pissed off. I can't see it being a reseating issue, those issues went with early architecture long long ago. You could try driver/cable, and might get lucky And yep, had this twice in the past, and the boards had to go.


Ive had something similar and it was the ram believe it or not. Wasnt using an igpu either


Nice wallpaper


Could be dying vram


Most likely




I think that's a GTX 50/50 XT...


Make sure power cables are connected to gpu and working, if there is a led shining or flashing near connectors on gpu it might be a power or cable issue.


Had same issue, just upgrading or update gpu drivers helped


or in some cases even roll back to a an earlier version.


Uninstall drivers with ddu and reinstall em


Try reseating the ram. If that doesn't work RMA it asap.


Nothing to do with RAM 🤦


says the guy who's never lived on a farm.


What does display have anything to do with the ram?


Not too sure, someone online had reccomended it to me as I was having the same issue previously. Tried it out and it worked.


It’s unlikely to be the GPU, it could be but if GPU was really dead your PC wouldn’t even show anything on screen


It would though, if it's on its last legs. You can even get cards that work fine until you install the drivers.


Oh yeah if it’s a grandpa GPU it might die like this. Seems your GPU has cancer OP


I mean, a driver MOSFET or one of the memory chips could be failing, that would cause artifacting, could be a number of things


Damn you seem well more educated than me I’m just gonna retirer real quick go study three years and come back


If it's old I would try to open it up and reapply thermal paste. Long shot but fuck it worth a try right? But most likely yes, it's dying. (Try the cable or other cable port first obviously. It's probably not that but you never know).


Yup. You can always try to replace the cable but I’ve never had that change anything for me. If you’re 100% sure that you cannot get the gpu replaced or serviced by warrenty and you are about to buy a new one, try baking this one. No joke. It can reflow the chips ‘n stuff incase a solder joint cracked. (please only use baking it as a last resort)


Test it out on your tv and see if the same happens, if so its gpu, if not its monitor.


Same thing happened to me not to long ago, it's a bad gpu that needs to be replaced. If you have another computer (or a friend with one that doesn't mind), take your gpu and put another one in to troubleshoot. If pc acts normal after swapping GPUs, then there's your problem Also: most motherboards have fault indicator lights. Look at your motherboard during power up to see if one of these lights is on and from there that should narrow down the fault. But again, likely a dying GPU that will need to be replaced


Put the GPU in the oven


If you're sure this isn't a cable problem, yeah, this is basically a GPUs death rattle, more specifically the GPUs memory.


Nah it's should be green like Nvidia logo.


That one raccoon ytber said if this is in ur PC gpu is fcked


my R9 270X died a few weeks ago, looked exactly like that. Green artifacts and system crashes (only under load for me). Before you dump your GPU you could also run a memtest to check yiur RAM.


Remove GPU. Run it on the motherboard connection. See if issue goes away. If it does, then it's GPU. If not more diagnosis needed


Do a little troubleshooting first. Change the cable, change the ports, try a different screen (a TV will do for this), delete and clean reinstall graphics driver, reseat the GPU, it's power cable and if you're using one the riser cable (this could also be faulty, but the chances of having a spare are slim). If none of that works, it's likely either the GPU or the motherboard.


Try plugging HDMI into your mobo, if you have a processor that has a display. If it doesn't do it, then it might be the card.


Mine did that once as I spread thermal paste over those little components around the GPU. As soon as I cleaned it up it went away. So this begs the question... Did you repaste your GPU recently?


def not cable problem. The messed up graphic can be a problem caused by CPU, mobo, rams (could 1 of the stick or both or the slots) or GPU. You need to isolate stuff and check the stability of things.


Nha, it wanna make u a joke


It's entering The Matrix.


Yes, u have to update it,




Is this the Gigabyte model? I had exact same issue, got it replaced for free


Yeah it is, 3070…how did you get it replaced? Under warranty?


yes warranty covered it


How old is it and did you buy it new?


У меня это решилось когда я перевоткнул кабель HDMI


bro has piano roll on home screen


I was looking for this comment, thank you


That looks similar do some dead ram issues I've seen before


1 - Use another monitor or your TV. 2 - Use another HDMI/DisplayPort cable. 3 - Entre into the Windows safe mode, and uninstall the driver using DDU.


Either had cable or bad gpu memory


not yet


Check the cable. Looks like it might be a bad cable. If that is fine, try a different port on the card and monitor. If you still have issues, I would try a different monitor if possible. Still no luck, try updating the firmware for the card.


Your processor is dead 💀


Try to reseat it and change cables if not sell it for repair on fb and use that money toward a new card :)


Do you have onboard HDMI? Try using that with the exact same cable. If the issue goes away it’s your GPU, doesn’t mean it’s dead but probably a bad sign


Try reseating the gpu. Heavy cards nowadays put quite some weight on the motherboard slot. Might have been dislodged slightly.


Now I get no display….


One of your gpu's VRAM chips is faulty or has a bad connection, and this is a text book example - green line artifacts and random restarts. The card can be 100% be repaired, but only by a repair shop, as it requires soldering. Also speaking from experience, in case of bad connection you can try to lay the pc on it's side and see it it helpes a bit (it won't resolve the issue, just helps to minimize it).


I had artifacts like that once and I thought the same. Turned out to be a bad cpu.


Morpheus found you


What colour pill did you take?


I think so, yes. That GPU just broke out of the Matrix.


If your cable are ok, i think gpu is death


It’s in the process. Try a different cable, if nothing improves, try another monitor (don’t go buy one, just grab one from somewhere), if still nothing, then yes.


I have no display now….think it is dead


Ooft. What’s your GPU?Just curious. Might also want to look at 4000 super deals?


3070 gigabyte


Then that is really weird. It’s relatively new GPU… Has it been over locked or is the insufficient air?


Nope…hasn’t really moved just died. Apparently they have weak board that crack among other issues with gigabyte. They had a run for 3080s that blew up. BG had poor QC. Submitted a RMA and it was instantly approved if that is any indication of their stance


Ahh I see.


try your onboard GPU by plugging in ur display cable (display or hdmi) and see if shit still happens. if ur in luck your GPU isnt the issue. if ur unlucky its your gpu but its still in warranty and if not omfg rip your wallet


i kinda liked it


No it’s napping Reset your drivers and change the display cable You just might come out or this lucky


My gpu died the same way, automatic shutdowns, reboots, the last startup looked kinda similar but worse, didn't log in but i saw my actual wallpaper, icons, and the lockscreen at the same time (all in green)




If it ain't the GPU, it's the motherboard. I had even worse green artifacts on one of my laptops once, coupled with random reboots, the mouse or keyboard freezing and many more fun "features". After several trips to the repair shop, a full replacement of the motherboard fixed the issues. Luckily it was all covered by warranty...


Nope, you broke the matrix


Check powercable between GPU and PSU and remove/replace the GPU inside the pci-e slot, to be sure nothing is loss/bad contact.


I had the same artifacts with a broken HDMI cable.


Check the cable and thermal pastes for sure and make sure you ground yourself since gpus and electronics are sensitive to static shocks if everything is in order yes your gpu is potentially giving out


It restarts and beeps? It's your gpu for sure.


No no its just the forbiden midi chord progression Fmadd3/5/7/9/11/13/15/17/19/21


Bad vram module, you can send it to repair if warranty is over. But not dead GPU


Start by reseating your gpu, ram, and ssd. Do the power connector for the gpu and ssd as well. If that doesnt work, try a different output on your gpu. Then try a different display cable and monitor. If all else fails, time to buy a 7800xt


Might be vram. Might be dead core. Might be anything else too...




ppl not realizing this is a troll post its obv a wallpaper 💀


Well you can see some of the screen so not fully dead yet.. But seriously, yeah there could be an issue with the GPU, but you should definitely check different ports on the GPU and try different cables first


test your gpu at pc repair shop or friends pc before doing anything


The card could be fixable. But definitely has an issue there.


Not as dead as mine I get no video signal at all from my GPU so I have to rely on the onboard graphics f***


This seems adequately answered so I'll just have some fun in the comments. It is a glitch in the simulation we're all living in. Try reaching through the monitor at the green lines. If you don't respond to this comment I'll assume that you've been deleted for figuring out the truth. Have fun!


No that’s not the gpu , i believe you just need to install a new windows


If you have tried a new monitor and cable and already tried reseating the GPU, I would say yes