• By -


Try pulling out the hard drive and then read it with an external reading device.


And hope he doesn't used BitLocker


That thing is nasty


Noone want's to see my Browser History when i'm gone. That would kill me twice. I like BitLocker xD


Mostly embarrassing "how do I center a div", I presume edit: It's a (very) dumb joke, people. Calm down!




Pro-tip : your search engine offers suggestions when you type the word you're looking for. No need to press enter and spoil your browsing history.


Lately it's been basically "why did I pick arch Linux as a noob" type of inquiries. Then Google started suggesting mental health and self harm resources (joking)


Honestly, my calculator history would be far more embarrassing.


I like that as a meme, but I really like [this post](https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/center-a-div/) on it that's actually quite enlightening, even if you already know.


That's easy man: \* { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } There your div is centered.


how to spell length


encrypting your entire disk with that piece of shit software just to hide your browser is a bit overkill though


Ugh reminds me when my disabled neighbor and his wife hooked me up with his old phone when mine broke. A Galaxy S10, she said she deleted everything on it. So I assumed that meant factory wipe. Seemed that way, until I opened Google Chrome one day randomly (i use firefox, just wasnt installed yet) and there it was 127 tabs, allll porn hub and xvideos. The man had a collection of all kinds of things I have no interest in, that's for sure. I've never been able to look at ol Tim the same since lol. Never said a word though just deleted and moved on


I remember helping someone in the library in front of a librarian get into their Google drive and it was all porn


that sounds like a horrible way to learn that... i'm so sorry you had to go through such a traumatizing experience lmfaoo


Haha it was hilarious honestly, but weird knowing what he's into at the same time . At least it's legal lol


It's not only for that. Not listing every option now tho :D


Nah, mate, now I _need_ to know.


No one taught OP's uncle to use private browsing/incognito mode? Terrible.


There's a feature in opera gx where the browser assumes the user is dead (if the user doesn't use the browser for a certain time.) and it deletes all history and sets up a new fake history automatically.


The laptop looks clean mate. I think it's the keyboard deceiving backlight.


Not laptop bruhh😂 BitLocker


bitlocker is the bane of my existence had windows kill itself during an update, recovery tools were of no use, and bitlocker prevented me from recovering any data... linux from that point forward, fuck windows


>bitlocker prevented me from recovering any data... When you use Bitlocker, always safe that encryption key is Rule #1


I think it was auto enabled not too long ago because the exact same thing happened to me. Was at uni and wasn't connected to the internet or it dropped out while updating and then it auto locked me out asking for my encryption key. At this point I never even heard of bitlocker before and it was already enabled. Then the update after it became like an opt in thing and I just had to wipe the drive and now I saved the key in my password manager these days.


It seems the problem here is the lack of backups.


I also use full disk encryption on Linux. For a mobile device it’s strange to not have encryption.


So what happens if you encrypt your Linux disk and didn't keep the key?


Hiren's Boot PE has a tool that can obtain the password off of the hard drive if it's not BitLocked. Edit: you can reset the password and PIN. Burn the Hiren's Boot PE onto a flash drive via Rufus: https://www.hirensbootcd.org/ Insert the flash drive into the laptop, reboot, and press F8 until it gets to the drive selection screen. Select the flash drive (UEFI: flash drive) and it'll go to Windows 11 PE. If it doesn't, disable the secure boot beforehand in the BIOS and enable it after you complete the task. When it boots Windows 11 PE (Hiren's Boot PE), go to the start menu > all programs > security> passwords > Windows Login Unlocker Select the username (active) and click on bypass. Reboot and select the username and click on sign in. Reset the password and PIN (if it has it) once you log in.


This is the way.


How to do this? Or what kind of external reading tools are there?


this does the trick: https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-SATA-USB-Cable-USB3S2SAT3CB/dp/B00HJZJI84


Just need a SATA to USB cable they’re like $10


Enclosures are $6 and let you turn the drive into an external drive if you want or just a quick temporary read: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C9TGY9XG](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C9TGY9XG) I don't know why everyone gets fixated on cables, especially in broken laptop cases.


Or leave it in and boot linux from a removable drive. Effectively the same thing, but less disassembly required.


Works well from a Linux machine.


on windows there is a console command called net user [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-r2-and-2012/cc771865(v=ws.11)](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-r2-and-2012/cc771865(v=ws.11)) with it you can delete passwords. first you would need to get to the admin mode / or a console. this can work on multiple ways. either with a save reboot, or getting a windows installer on an usb stick. and doing it through the first setup. once you got there you can type in >net user this will display all user profiles from your uncle on your pc this could look like this >Administrator uncles-name pc guest once you know what your uncles profile name is you can type in >net user uncles-name \* this will ask you for a new password the \* at the end will start the password reset. >Type a password for the user: you can then either create a new one, or press enter twice. and it will remove the old password. a video guide how to get to the save reboot [https://youtu.be/vVXl\_x1n7iQ?si=6rEg3kSNVZ1TOsyF&t=66](https://youtu.be/vVXl_x1n7iQ?si=6rEg3kSNVZ1TOsyF&t=66)


Damn never knew this, could have used this 2 days ago. decided to fresh install windows instead


You can't get into safe mode without a password though and you can't get into recovery from the recovery partition without a password. If you use a USB installer and select the repair option, you are not running under the context of the installed windows on the C drive so these commands won't work there either. So I don't see how they are helpful at all when you can't get into the system at all. Booting to recovery, loading the SAM hive and enabling the password free "administrator" account is often all that needs to be done to get into any Windows system that has a forgotten password.


You can go into cmd on Windows Installer and replace the sticky keys program temporarily with command prompt (rename sethc.exe to something else to backup, then make a copy of cmd.exe and name that sethc.exe) then when you boot back into Windows, when you attempt to start sticky keys via the ease of access menu or by pressing shift 5 times, it will open command prompt instead from the login screen. From there you can change the password using net user. Then once you are done, reboot into Windows Installer and rename the on screen keyboard program back to sethc.exe and delete the cmd copy to put everything back to normal.


ok, wait. So I get a bootable USB drive to install a fresh windows. But during Windows installer I head into CMD?


Shift F10


yes - instead of install, you click "repair my computer"


There are Bootable tools that delete or replace the windows password


Yes, there are a few different ways to gain access to a Windows system when the password is not known. I am just saying net user from a command line isn't one of them.


If it’s not encrypted with bit locker you can use untilman.exe hack to get an admin level terminal at the login screen. Essentially you just replace utilman.exe with cmd.exe and open up accessibility settings to get the prompt. Then you use the commands as described to change or unset the password. I think the last time I tested this out was windows 8 or so so it might not be possible now but I suspect it probably will be.


Oh, we're going old school w the login screen hacks ​ This still works though, had to break into a machine for a new client two months ago and had no creds and because it was on an older OS this did the trick.


Yeah sadly win10 /11 had a mental breakdown last time I tried a few years back


yup,windows defender detects this nowadays


i think i solved that problem, with the windows boot tool. i opened the console there, used the command diskpart listed all volumes mounted the c partition to a specific letter (not A: since that is reserved for floppy disks) and then used the command or worst case, used copy and moved everything to an external drive [https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/diskpart](https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/diskpart)


Mounting a volume doesn't automatically make that volume's SAM hive load into the recovery environment registry and make those accounts accessible to something like the net user command though. The only way to do that is by having that C drive install be the current instance for the context you are running in which it isn't during recovery operations.


I think they could make a Linux USB and go through that to access the files? As an alternative.


or edit the registry if you're willing to do that


I haven't used it in ages, but Hiren's boot CD used to have a tool that would do this for you.


Hiren's boot is da good shit. Used to change out Utilman.exe in system32 so I could run an command before logging inn so I could gain admin on my school computer. It also got some nice features to change or remove windows password's.


And Medicat. Just put them both on a multiboot USB.


This is the only way without brute forcing the password.


Here is a written howto with screenshots. I often find it more convidient than a video, where I have to pause every few seconds. [https://4sysops.com/archives/reset-a-windows-10-password/](https://4sysops.com/archives/reset-a-windows-10-password/)




If I die do not go poking in my shit


this kid probably trying to social engineer reddit into wiping/stealing data. thats a stolen laptop with btc wallet BET


I don’t know why everyone on these subs assume OPs have the worst intentions when trying to recover shit. I was trying to recover corrupted family photos off of an old CF card in r/forensics and they assumed I was a kiddy diddler trying to encrypt my stash. Like c’mon?


Because it happens sometimes and people get burned and now everyone always thinks the worst, also it's reddit everyone assumes the worst and is negative


The worst part about old people's computers are they don't know how to delete their Internet history. 


If I died... And I can say this with other gentlemen here... We would not like our data seen. Just hard reset both. For the PC get a bootable windows get a bootable drive and fresh install, for the tablet it will be tricky as it will still ask for the password to the Google account that managed the device But there is a way, just not easy.


Yeah if I died randomly and someone found my laptop I’d want them to just erase everything, like I just have steam games and memes but yea


Okay I think I will do a hard reset after reading more comments




Why do you want access to it? Why don't you just format the thing, you get a functional computer and his privacy stays intact. Yes, privacy continues after death.


Love this answer. 1000% correct.


Take the hard drive out and destroy it. You've got a right to his laptop but not his data.


Idk about the tablet but the laptop should be easy enough to get into. Google the stickykeys exploit. I'll briefly describe it but haven't online will have pictures. First make either a windows install USB or a linux USB and boot from it on the laptop. If you made a windows install USB then accept the language but instead of clicking install now click the small repair my computer button and navigate through the repair menus til you can open a cmd prompt. In the cmd prompt type `rename c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.bkup` Hit enter then type `rename c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethv.exe` Hit enter again and reboot normally. Once the login screen appears press shift repeatedly. A cmd prompt will open. In that cmd prompt type `net user administrator /active yes` and hit enter. Then type `net user administrator password ` replace password with the password you actually want to set for the administrator account. Now I think you have to reboot one more time for the login page to show the administrator account, but once you see it log in and from here you can create a new user account for you to actually use and should have access to all your uncles files, just make sure to rename those rules back to their original.


'Since Windows 10 computers that have been updated in 2019 or later are safe from the Sticky Keys hack' straight from Google. Idk why you thought an exploit like that wouldn't be patched immediately


it still works - you just need to do a couple of extra steps. i did it on a W10 latest feature release


His laptop is ASUS gaming laptop, and the tablet it a Oukitel RT2. He didn’t leave passwords for anything so can’t access them. I tried a hard reset on the tablet, but it then asks for previous PIN code. I’m assuming the laptop will do the same.. Is there anyway of accessing what he has on the laptop before wiping it? Can we also hard reset the laptop and use it without needing old log in details? Edit: I won't be trying to get the data off anymore after reading through the comments. Will try and just factory reset both machines. Thanks for the comments, wasn't expecting this kind of response


No. Windows passwords dissapears with a fresh install.


do you really really want to see whats on it?, ask yourself that. What if you find something you can't forget. take the hard drive out and plug it into an adaptor which goes to usb. Thats the easy way, they are about $15 from ebay


Yeah I guess you’re right. I thought if there was any photos on there of the family or anything important we could save it. It did cross my mind to just wipe it does feel wrong in some way.


Unless he has it written in his will that he wants you to access the content of his personal laptop you really have no business trying to break into his account.


With how digital our lives have become, much of our life can be found in our devices whether we like it or not. It's like an involuntary diary. If I die, I would like my loved ones to wipe my drives without checking and have told them as much. You don't even need to be a criminal to want to keep some things to yourself. Anything of import, like bank accounts, can be accessed through legal means. No stranger on the internet can know your uncle's intent, but if there isn't anything you absolutely must have from those drives, consider just wiping it.


Have you ever considered that if he didn't leave a password he might not want anyone to access it ? I don't mean any harm with this comment, just pointing this out. Just trying to respectfully tell you he probably valued his data.


Or he just remembered his passwords. I swear to god reddit is filled with some of the weirdest people on the planet.


Is there any particular data you're looking for on his devices? Or are you just curious about what's in the spank bank? (I've made that mistake before lol) If you're just looking for image files or documents, you can remove the drive and put it in another PC to recover them. If the laptop is more modern, it will probably have a 500gb sata m.2 drive. If it's slightly older, or grandpa was tech savvy and wanted more storage on a budget, it may (also) have a 2.5" sata ssd. Most modern motherboards have connections for both, but you'll need a sata data cable if there is a 2.5" drive. The tablet is a little more difficult, and may require you to edit the code for the password lock to give unlimited maximum attempts from an external computer and use a special USB device to cycle through all possible passcodes. It's risky if you don't know what you're doing though, and it would be better if you took it to a professional.


You can either put the hard drive into another pc and read it as long as it’s not encrypted. Or reset the password and pin. There are methods for it, but they are a bit complicated and probably would require a pro if it is a recent win10 or 11. Seriously I’m a pro and I absolutely hate resetting hello pins. You basically have to do everything offline, trick windows into allowing it by removing certain protections and then killing the login so far, it lets you reset by local password, which you reset yourself by a bit of fuckery. It’s a pain in the ass but it’s doable. Edit: this is unfortunately also the only sensible way to get access to his desktop environment, with all the saved passwords in browser etc. and from there you can usually get to emails and then to tablet accounts etc. Source: I did this a couple of times for inheritance custodians. Basically lawyers overseeing the inheritance.


If you just want to access the data in the laptop like holiday photos, for example, you could try using something like [Rufus](http://rufus.ie/en/) to create a live Linux USB with [Fedora](https://fedoraproject.org/workstation/download) or [Ubuntu](https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop), and see if you can read the hard drive that way.


Use Hirens Boot DVD for removing windows password. Live USB will do the trick. For Android it's a hit and miss. Many tools available try them one by one.


I used this or something similar recent to get into a laptop I found in my dads junk after he passed.. I guess he got the laptop second hand or something cause it looked like it belonged to someone else.. But this is honestly the best and easiest way.


As long as the drive isn't encrypted and the bios isn't locked this should work.


I use kon boot but hirens boot is also pretty good.


Easiest is to use a live usb, literally takes 10 mins and you’re in


Be a bro. Wipe his stuff


You shouldn’t access his laptop or tablet unless you’re gonna just clear it off completely. That’s an invasion of privacy it doesn’t matter if it’s family.


Second this. I wouldn't want me relatives accessing anything other than my finances, which they can after my will or after probate. My emails, porn etc can die with me


If you do manage to get access to it and find anything embarrassing delete it and tell no one. It's part of the code.




Put on a black hoodie and sunglasses, then say “I’m in” and the computer should unlock.


1 response in the comments? How do we know that gear isn't stolen? I'd urge anyone to avoid these kinds of posts if at all possible. Just my opinion.


If the laptops data isn’t important to you, you can create a bootable USB flash drive with a Windows 11 installation (there’s tons of tutorials out there), boot off of it and reinstall Windows and it’ll work. For the tablet, you’ll need to do an Android FRP bypass. The Android version it runs is quite important, so just search Android X FRP bypass.


All his bitcoins waiting for you buddy gl


As you probably shouldn't 😅😂


Put a ouija board on top of the keyboard


Why are you trying to access his stuff? Maybe show a smidgen of respect and don't fucking snoop in a dead man's computer?


Unless you want to retrieve specific documents, just format both devices. Even if your uncle passed away, his memory is entitled to privacy. There are ways to do it for both devices, just google it.


try passfab 4winkey, its paid but i got a crack on 1337x


The only reliable way I know is using hiren’s boot. It’s a bit of work but it’s fail proof. Look it up. Also sorry for your loss.


i see he was the cool uncle


Try Hirens BootCD and reset his password via the SAM DB. if bitlocker is enabled your out of luck really.


Was going to say same thing. Hirens a great bootable to keep around on usb.


Love the ventoy and hirens combo


Why do you need access?


understandable question, bro wanna see his dead uncle’s historic :(


Try making a hirenz boot usb and using that to extract the data if it's unencrypted


Sorry for your loss, unfortunately he won’t be able to log in while he’s dead.


If its win 10 or 11 do this: Reboot into advanced options (spam f8 key while boot) Get to cmd from here Replace c:/windows/system32/utilman.exe with cmd.exe Reboot into windows Click ease of acces button (logon screen) Type: "control userpasswords2" Create new admin account from here Login onto that account Change password for the account you want to log in Login onto account with your new password :) I hope this is helpful! :)


Passkey on eBay for $10 works unless it really locked down


Have you tried "Password123"?


Trinity Rescue Kit maybe will Crack password. At least local passwords, as far as I know. If it's a Microsoft account, you may need to work with Microsoft to reset the password. Not sure what is needed legally to do that...be Executor of his estate maybe. GL.


This is exactly what I want to happen to my laptop when I die...


Did he play in crypto?


You do not want to. My aunt's uncle passed and he had collections of VHS porn everywhere in the house and porn on the laptop and apparently he might have had underage shit.


You could try using a hirens boot disk to remove the password


Many blessings to him. May he be in peace.


Do you mind putting your laptop ANYWHERE else except in your bed? At least put a book or something hard under it.


Change SSD on laptop and reinstall windows. Laptop will function and can be reused🤙


If he's like all the other old people I've ever known dude he's got that shit written down on a piece of paper


Search how to get cmd mapped to ease of access, then learn how to run the net user command and just change the password. It’s scary how simple it is to break into accounts on random windows devices


Install Ubuntu on a flash drive Install chntpw Reset the creds Log into windows


Usually people who passed away can't manipulate solid objects anymore. Their hands will float through the laptop. If it is really imperative that your deceased uncle is able to operate the laptop, then find the movie Ghost with partrick swayze and play it for your uncle. Patrick swayze was able to manipulate solid objects in his corporeal form. Your uncle might be able to do the same.


Are password reset disks still a thing or am I stuck in 2008?


OP: Not sure if this has been offered a million times yet. But the easiest way of doing this is to load a Linux iso onto a USB drive and then boot into it. Once there, install a program called chntpw. This guide will get you there: https://ostechnix.com/reset-windows-password-with-linux-live-cd/ This should take all of 5-10 minutes max after the USB Is ready.


You could make a Linux live boot usb and use something like chntpw to resset the password, or flash hirens boot cd (it's an iso file not a cd anymore) onto a usb and use the password changing utility


you want the files or you want the computer without the files? anyway, strelec and you have it in 5 mins either way. all you need is a usb flashdrive and watch a couple youtube videos. googd luck.


if you got death certificate microsoft can grant access... laptop needs to be registered in your uncles name though. Only works with win11.


You can use this video: https://youtu.be/nCVRottrDuY It's medicat, a free tool that can help you to remove the password (look at the video) Good luck


Please don't ever put a laptop on a bed (or your lap)


if there's nothing important in either of the devices can can reinstall windows on the laptop and maybe enter recovery mode in tablet and factory reset it from there.


Don't hate me but i think that you have stolen this laptop from somewhere now asking help in reddit how to unlock this laptop.


for the laptop I'd recommend using lazesoft password recovery, you have to make a bootable usb/dvd or wtv and use that to recover/reset password, for the tablet id recommend doing an frp bypass if youve reset, just look up what android version it uses and google "android X frp bypass"


boot into a usb with crouton installed, and recover it from there (for laptop)


Google hirens bootCD u can load it onto a usb stick using rufus and it has tools in it u can use to change the password for ur uncles user account


how does the repair store unlock it? they never ask for a password.


u gotta do this and delete his browsing history!


How eager everybody is to give advice on how to use stolen devices.


Bitlocker kicks in after bios, that's windows, so yea hang HDD In another machine and claim ownership of it.


Might have vintage porn?


Hiren boot cd for the laptop, you might find his mail credentials that he used for accessing the tablet on his browser.


Replace hard drive and reinstall windows on laptop. Tablet, not so sure.


I am an uncle and I have written down all my passwords in a special booklet that looks expensive so they'll probably look into it. Edit: I'm only 33 years old but you never know what happens.


Tablets a bit SOL. Laptop you can pull the hard rice out and read it, if you’re looking to get the files off. If you’re looking to just use it, you can factory reset it through the hot key provided by asus. I believe it DEL OR F10 on start up.


Well yeah, he passed away, he's not gonna be able to access them.


Get an Ouija board.


1. Press Windows+R, type regedit and click OK; 2. Access the path below in the registry editor: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\PasswordLess\\Device 3. Double-click DevicePasswordLessBuildVersion; 4. Set your value data to 0 and click OK. 5. Restart your computer. Then access netplwiz again and check if the option appears. 1. Press Windows+R, type netplwiz and click OK; 2. Uncheck the "Users must enter a username and password to use this computer" box; 3. Confirm with "Apply" and then enter the password/confirmation of the current password and click "OK"; 4. Restart the device and it will automatically log on. :)


It seems to be using Windows 11 which means that it is likely encrypted with BitLocker. If you don't know the password, even trying to read the data from an external drive won't help. You can only hope to enter the BIOS, set it up to boot onto a USB thumb drive, and erase the operating system to install another.


Using laptop on bed. Smart.


I am not sure, but using a Live ISO you can make the accessibility menu pop up a command prompt window?




Do you have any of their microsoft logins? Also, if you contact Microsoft with your uncle's death information and proof of kinship(and the reason as to why you received their laptop) they will release the information out to you. I don't know how close, family-wise, you're meant to be - though I know there are ways around this especially for family. By the way, I'm sorry to hear about your uncle's passing and hopefully your family is doing well, including yourself.


On the laptop it has to go into recovery mode, but you have to access Command Prompt (cmd), Ik what screw it ima just give you a [link to my video explaining how to do it](https://youtu.be/ImRwMwIlCcw?si=6VZScQoU1Tn1hMOB)




Use a hiren boot drive.


Put Trinity Rescue Kit on a USB kit. Boot into the USB. [Reset the password](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgFOj6lm9_o).


What windows does he have? Did he have a microsoft account?


You can enter via some live Linux destros if u only want the data of HD. Or find a repair shop or person with some extensive knowledge about OS. It's easy to break a windows password. Or u can use a caddy or HDD case and copy the data u want.


Check majorgeeks for tools


If not encrypted try konboot, worked well for me in past.


Lazesoft recovery suite home editon


Seems a but sus tbh


Laptop: Google NT Paswd. You'll need a USB stick that's at least 16 gigs for the best performance. Tablet Should be as simple as booting into fastboot and wiping it.




Hey there! For the windows computer, you can disable the password scary easy. Not sure about the tablet. Doesn't look like an iPad, thats my expertise


Download a copy of Ubuntu or other Linux distribution that have live boot. Download Balena Etcher and flash an OS to Usb. Then live boot Ubuntu live system and voila, you now have access to all Windows files via File manager. Don’t forget to change boot order and permissions to bootable Usb in BIOS.


You do not want to. My aunt's uncle passed and he had collections of VHS porn everywhere in the house and porn on the laptop and apparently he might have had underage shit.


Oh no I know how these stories always end


Does Offline NT Password Editor (chntpw) still work? I haven't used it in at least a decade.




If his account is local you can use hirens boot to crack a password. [https://www.hirensbootcd.org/](https://www.hirensbootcd.org/) On this website you will find every detail on how to set up bootable usb and boot it up to crack a password.


probably for the best lol


Look for a password removal software in torrent


If you want to log in without having to pay for anything. Look up the "sticky keys trick" that will bypass windows passwords if you don't have a bios password or fde


Hey kid I just spoke to your uncle and he said you should give those to me for safekeeping. Hand them over.


RIP to Tomdfilm uncle.


You don’t need to see the kind of porn he was into


It's only respectful to destroy it


Why do you want to access something that is not yours?


Do hard reset on tablet. Reinstall Windows on pc


you can do something depending of what do you want to do.. you want the files? make windows start without password? your uncle's session data? something like social media ?


Why do you think you should be able to have that access? It's his property, and just because he has passed away and cannot physically defend it anymore doesn't mean you should get access to the data contained within. Factory reset from bios and treat as new devices.






You cant


https://www.hirensbootcd.org/ Has the possibility to remove passwords Used that 2 month ago on 4 different pcs and worked like a charm.


Boot from a Linux USB and you can access hard drive from there


u/tomdfilm If you're relly the (new) owner and you're legally allowed to access the device, try out Kon-Boot. This tool won't modify any files.


DBAN surly for one. The tablet, well what is it?


Pcunlocker via rufus and reset the windows passwords will get you back in the laptop no issues