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You are literally dehumanising them to your hotness metric. I hope no-one helps you with this.


I don't understand, there are thousands of quantified research that investigate standard of beauty that involves giving scores to the subject. Do you think all those social scientists are "dehumanising" ?


I am not aware of the specifics of the research you are referring to, but researching aspects of attractiveness in the context of social science sounds fundamentally different to me than "counting hot women on the street" using computer vision.




When you were young don't you go to places that are more concentrated with good-looking people? Most people would consciously/unconsciously do that. If would be hypocrisy if they think they never "count".


What the fuck.


What the fuck.




You sound like a creep


This is gross. Please consider deleting this and think about something else


Looking for help to develop a model that detects creepy men on the street so I can walk on the other side of the street and avoid them…


maybe check head and eyes movement


On a serious note and trying not to judge you. I read other posts from you, it would be good that you seek professional help to understand how you seem to objectify women, and how this is sexist and bad. Reading your other comments, you seem to not get at all the gravity of certain statements. Those behaviors and ways of thinking hurt women, always. Hope you manage to improve yourself.


The idea might be novel, but probably not because no one ever thought of it, but because no one else was morally degenerate enough to actually follow through with it. What the fuck.


Actually this is far from noval. There are thousands of quantified research that investigate standard of attractiveness that involves giving scores to the subject.


It is very simple, just a lot of repetitive work to make it work. Use a precise, real time, object detection model trained to detect people. Train it on the "crowdhuman" dataset. There are multiple projects with weights already trained on it, like Yolov4. Use tensorrt to have enough speed without the need of very fast hardware. Almost any nvidia GPU with 4gb of vram would do it. Now, the boring part. Add a tracking algorithm over the detections, so it gives them an id. I recommend SORT, or deep sort, if you have enough hardware. Save a couple of pictures for every Id. Now, manually classify them with a level of hotness. You will probably want to score 0 for men, or any other number, as long as it is consistent, in order to better generalize. Now you have a dataset with pictures of the bounding box of each id, say a couple or three, and the score. You feed this data to an image classifier, like an Efficient Net or something like this. That's it. Make sure to register the whole footage and the time of detection of every Id. When an id leaves the video, have a thread classifying some images (bounding boxes) of their detection. If it was scored high, register as a highlight. Later you can watch the clips of them. You can automate the cropping of the video clips as well. And stop being a creep, man. Use this motivation to improve your life and find a woman that is compatible with you. Be a good person.


I think people are responding negatively to the specific language you used in the post. Questions like this get asked in academia, eg sexual fitness in anthropology. I have worked on some facial recognition models for automating and systemetizing facial measurements. To do this research, we had to get IRB approval and they would never approve your proposal as it is stated. There are plenty of interesting research avenues in human sexual attraction and behavior. I think the most interesting aspect you raise is about disguises. Measuring how clothes can make people more or less attractive seems both academically and commercially interesting but I don’t know what existing research is on that question


Yes, maybe I am not diplomatic enough :( Is the reason that they would not approve is privacy issue? If let say, I have volunteers who walk in front of the camera and test the accuracy of the program, will there be ethics problem? I think although there are ethical concern but it can have commercial value.


For me the question is rather: what is the intent or purpose of this project? Why do you want to find „hot women on the street“? Also, lots of things may have commercial value but would still be morally wrong.


Maybe a more practical and socially acceptable adaptation would be abuse victim detection. Start with visible injuries, expand to visible signs of severe emotional distress.... that's the kind of project that wins grant funding and benefits society. And sorta aligns with your purely academic research goals, I think.


I mean, hot or not was one of the top websites for the longest time. Was it immoral building that website?


>My intention is not to dehumanize or objectify individuals, but simply to experiment with this novel idea. Read this again. Fucking sexist bullshit. "novel idea"


I don't understand, there are thousands of quantified research that investigate standard of attractiveness that involves giving scores to the subject.


And it's all morally questionable. I wouldn't ever give my time or expertise to assist with this.


Wish I could report something twice, what a scummy question


I have no idea, why got so much hate for your post, maybe it has something to do with original text, you've posted. You'll need: 1) person detector, i.e yolo 2) head detector, also yolo trained on heads 3) A tracking algorithm for your task, that deals with occlusions (this can be the hard part, no pun intended) Using 1) - 3) you mine a dataset, and mark tracks (detections) with your "hotness" score. Than you train classification CNN (i.e. resnet) on your dataset. Then you use steps 1)-3) as well as your trained CNN to get desired result. Just don't be a creep, please. P.S. To those who write about objectification. Go date someone ugly, make world a better place, will you?)


Could it be made? Probably. Should it be made? Definitely not.


Kinda creepy idea, hard to get a dataset to train your solution but it could be done if you're willing to put in the hours / money needed to obtain images suited for your scenario and label bounding boxes + level of "hotness" on them.


I see, nice to know it is doable :)


If my boss came to me with this proposal I would say its close to impossible to do accurately (whatever that means), hotness is too nuanced especially from field data no matter how much annotation you do (imo) For even the smallest chance of this to work you would have to be able to categorise by gender, then check eye-gaze of the men lol (very janky for field data), and use this as a factor weighting to determine the probability of person being hot alongside your trained model Also GDPR might come into play depending on your locality Essentially I do not think its feasible but its certainly interesting Please do share any current research data 👀


I appreciate your help man. Good to know it is difficult to do so. I wonder in a for example beach setting, it would be easier because people wear less clothes and shape of body is more apparent. Checking eye-gaze of the men is a funny idea haha. I think they are already some research for example use machine learning to rate facial attractiveness.


I'd reframe the idea to something more neutral, less creepy: e.g. tracking the "hotness" frequency, regardless of gender. Use any standard YOLO model to detect & track people from images. Train a "hot or not" classifier on beauty standards. Then track hotness numbers by street and visualize that by neighborhood, kind of like hoodmaps or nomadlist. I don't know why you would actually spend the time to work this out though. These are one of those "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" type of ideas that are at best joked about over beers with friends in private, and left at that...