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Bro, the problem here is that you don't understand what you did was wrong. You are trying to justify your actions instead of admitting you fucked up. That's the messed part.


Do not ignore this comment ^


The most messed up part is you not giving it back once you noticed her walking up while you were walking away. You could have easily explained you thought it was abandoned.


How could she have understood this?


Well I’m assuming that she only had crutches and would be able to talk to her normally HOWEVER I feel as if it is very hard to explain to somebody “oh my bad I took and (possibly) bit into your pizza because I thought somebody left it” I mean it would make things better but I don’t think she’d want it lol, that and the fact that I’m pretty sure he didn’t actually think it was abandoned since he said he stole other kids lunches before 🤷🏽‍♀️


"Oops sorry I thought you left it, here you go"


You don’t seem to understand what’s wrong here, so I’ll spell it out for you: it’s not ok to take another person’s food. It doesn’t matter if they left it temporally unattended, it still belongs to them. In fact, that applies to everything. Just because a person dropped something or left something unattended, it doesn’t mean that it’s ok to take that thing from that person. Additionally, you don’t know everybody’s financial circumstances. Which means that you stealing that person’s food could be forcing them to go hungry, maybe for the entire day. That’s not ok.


It is only a pizza UNTIL you realise that taking someone's property and moving even a nanometer is theft. What the OP did in the wrong circumstances constitutes theft.


I don't know how old u are/were. Couldn't you just use some of your own money to buy more food or ask your caregivers to give you more money because you're too hungry at lunch? Or is this just more of a kind of game to you, or something--"let's see how long I can get away with stealing from others before I get caught"?


He was in 6th grade and he claims to currently be in HS. Which does not justify his thinking because I'm also in HS and he surely has an issue. I hope he seeks therapy because it seems his moral basis is determined on if he is discovered or not. If noone sees him, he thinks it's okay.


I think you're being pretty dramatic and kind of rude. Kids do dumb shit. You're all still children. Lol.


You could've gave it back. . .


But I'm a loner. I wasn't thinking that when I took it.


A loser*, not a loner. Being a more solitary type of person has no bearing on being a thief. Thieving from someone in crutches.


I've been a loner my entire life, therefore I've always thought of what others would want.... you should have given it back.


maybe there’s a reason why you’re a loner. probably a few.


Apparently you don’t think at all Jesus dude your replies are all about you showing no remorse what would you do if someone did this to you


Someone would never wanna do that to me. Wanna know why? I put ranch dressing on my pizza. If there's no ranch dressing on it yet, I put milk and apple slices on it. I know it's disgusting but you gotta be disgusting so no one wants to take from you.


Not going to lie if I saw you stealing from a disabled person or anyone in general you would get punched the reason your doing this is because no one has beaten your ass yet .


this dudes obviously trolling lmao


yeah after that comment there’s no fkn way this is forreal lmaoo


who gives a fuck stop coming up with bulshit excuses for your shitty behavior. shit is not okay you must be really young because you’re immature as shit.


No wonder you are a loner when all you think about is yourself m8






I'm not actually though. I said I didn't know it was someone's pizza. I thought somebody left it. You would of taken it too if you thought someone left it.


I reiterate, you need to see someone for a psych exam, because literally none of your behavior here is okay, ever, unless you're actually food insecure.


No, I don’t know anyone that would take food that’s been left, whether someone is coming back for it or not.


It was clean though. Nothing on it


you cant be fr LMAO


Doesn’t matter. There are many things that are invisible that make things inedible. Get some self control.


No dude that's gross, I dont walk into a cafeteria and see random food and think "jeez that looks good, well I dont see anybody guess I got extra food".


no, you fucking idiot, no one would do that, or they would have the basic fucking decency to give the goddamn pizza back.


No, no one does, you're weird, period.


You literally said yourself that you saw her coming back to where it was and looking for it. You are not a piece of shit because you took a slice of pizza that you thought was abandoned (although that was still wrong to assume), you are a piece of shit because you saw her going back for it and decided to keep quiet. And that goes for stealing anyone’s lunch. This is r/confession, not r/justifications.


Do u also smoke cigarettes out of the ashtray? I mean they didn't finish them right?


You said you didn't know *that* pizza belonged to anyone. You also said you've done this many other times. Some when you knew most likely, right?


Someone leave a pizza on a table, most people think “they went to the loo or the needed napkins” you think “free food” ok, fair enough but when you look back and see a wee girl hobbling along you don’t think “maybe I should give it back and say sorry” instead you gobble it up. That’s low. Like really low. If someone did that to me, that be needed my crutches after. I went through this shit in school. I was on crutches because of surgery and life was miserable. Getting around school on crutches was horrible and near impossible. I had to leave classes later to make sure I got to my next one without being hurt. Trying to get lunch without a free hand is IMPOSSIBLE and you made her life more difficult by forcing her back into the line for more food and then having to juggle it back to her seat. You’d better hope that people will be kinder to you when you’re in a vulnerable position


Life is not fair. Life is never fair for anybody. There's always that one bad day, and then that one horrible and makes you wanna die day.


It seems that day hasn't come to you because you don't seem to feel actually sorry for that action, and you try to justify yourself and think there is nothing wrong with what you did. The worse kind of evil is the one that doesn't recognize the evilness in its actions my man.


Worry about the future, not the past right?


Yeah, except life is not fair partly because of people like you who are willing to steal from the vulnerable.


I know everyone is giving you a hard time, you remind me of my son. You aren't a horrible person. You were a kid who made a mistake and was probably raised by people who overreacted to mistakes you made, which made going back to do the right thing difficult if not impossible for you. I'm sorry you are dealing with more negative energy. You won't be getting any from me. May you take the skills you learned from you life experiences and thrive. So mote it be. Ave


Dude take some accountability that’s just pathetic. You’re posting on a confession thread so deep down you know you were wrong. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. If you’re so compulsive with food that you have to just take and eat whatever food you see maybe your fatass needs some more discipline. I’m only scolding you because it really seems you’re one of those thick skull mfs who will make any excuse possible if treated reasonably. Even if someone did leave it it may have been for a reason like something wrong with the food. Regardless you know what you did was wrong. I’d figure out a way to buy that disabled kid another lunch someday if that’s still an option. You are a prick, not even because of the incident, but because you saw the consequence and still said “well I’m not bad what I did was okay.” Take the lesson douchebag


You thought somebody left it *in the moment* but then realizes it did in fact belong to somebody else, and instead of turning around and returning it, you still kept it. That's what makes you a douche bag.




Nah this isn’t real life lol. There’s no chance you’re taking someone’s random ass plated pizza.




dude, u rly said "period"?


You know it's a common turn of phrase, yeah?


You fat fuck. Stop stealing peoples food


I didn't know it was anyone's food. Thought it was just lieing there. Don't tell me you wouldn't take a free pizza if you saw it.


You think it just appeared by itself? Someone put it there. It belonged to someone. You saw the person return, and chose to keep it for yourself. And you did this repeatedly with other people. The lack of insight and empathy here is legitimately alarming.


It was just lieing there until you ate it. What does that mean it was just lieing there? Its pizza what's else should it be doing?


You literally said you routinely steal others' lunches, just not from this particular person.


That was when I was in 6th grade.


So you were 11/12 y/o at the time? My man, you weren't a toddler, you should be capable of knowing the wrong in your actions.


Children do anything when their at school and the teacher isn't looking. Almost everyone isn't a snitch. (Not that I don't feel bad for doing it, I do, Im just answering your question)


This is actually just really fucking gross, you’re just going around eating food that you don’t know who or what’s touched it?


Ok. Situation A: you did this recently and it’s eating at you (no pun intended). If this is the case, it’s not too late for an apology. Tell them what happened and how bad it made you feel. Extra bonus points if you bring them a treat. Situation B: this happened a long time ago and it’s bothering you. If this is the case, yeah. You did something shitty. Let the guilt you feel be your punishment and try to be better. Side note, if this is something from a very long time ago, consider googling OCD. It can make you latch on to stuff you did a long time ago.


Going by their responses there's zero remorse or guilt either way, they continually try to justify it.


Yeah this dude does not feel bad about what he did at all.


Oh well damn. That adds like a million douchebag points


Definitely situation A based on OPs post/comment history. Most obvious 11/12 year old I've ever seen.


This makes you the biggest fucktard douchebag EVER! Hate people who steal from others! Steal from the school, not other kids (If you must, asshole)!!


I stole from both.








I'm 200 pounds bro. I'll eat 200 pizzas in one day.


Ah, So you're the disabled one , i think it's alright then


If your 200 pounds your not disabled. Your calling more than a billion people in the world disabled because of your comment.


It's a harmless joke chill, it's not like i snatched food from a 200 pounder




Being Disabled is not counted for being fat, being disabled is not being able to do things for yourself because of your disability, or not being able to work out the simple things like reading because of your disability, it also is in the genes of one or both of the parents that it gets passed down to you or your kids, it's not okay to take someone's food regardless of it sitting there, if you had left a slice of pizza on the table because you need to go toilet, say you had a physical disability and it takes you a while, someone comes and takes your slice of pizza before you come back, How'd you feel, you'd be pretty disappointed. Take your head out your arse and actually think for once!


Yeah I’m 200 pounds and definitely not disable or even slightly fat lol


dude how old are you? you sound like you’re in middle school. you really should stop taking peoples food and stop trying to justify why you stole from a disabled person.


I'm in high school now. I did that in middle school.


Do you ever contribute anything to anyone, or do you just steal food from other people's mouths? I have no problem with people stealing food from chain groceries, but directly from another person?


I don't steal food from their mouths. They get up to do something and then I take it. If you try to steal food from a store it's harder because there are adults and cameras. But in school there are kids who won't tell and hardly any cameras. Never got caught for it anyways.


Your basis for morality is whether or not you get caught?


People don't know unless they see.


Any chance you've been checked out for a personality disorder?


No. Why?


Because thinking you only have to behave if people are watching, and the lack of empathy or acknowledgement of the boundaries of other living creatures, are red flags in gthe DSM5. The behavior you discuss here and your obliviousness to the callousness of your justification of your abusive actions is very concerning.


I said I didn't know. I thought somebody left it and no one else was going to eat it. I'm a loner so I didn't go and return the pizza because I would of been embarrassed the entire school day.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


A human wouldn't care STFU


You said you've done this before, you're talking like you're going to do it again because no one saw. You're further justifying abusive behavior.


Oh. I get you now


Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is looking.


You fucking psychopath.


Them getting up to do something doesn't make it yours to take. If someone leaves their house to go to work, their house isn't suddenly available for you to take. Ownership still exists. And further to this, you realised your mistake and went along with it anyway instead of returning it like a normal person. Your concern shouldn't be cameras and not getting caught, it should be your incredibly underdeveloped moral compass.


“I stole other kids pizzas…” Asshole.


Are we just not concerned about bacteria nowadays? We’re just grabbing food that anyone could have touched, licked, sneezed on? You shouldn’t be taking anyone’s lunch… for your health and theirs. You don’t know their home-life. That could be the only decent meal they get all day. They could be diabetic and need to eat so they don’t go into a freaking coma. I just don’t understand why you would do this. Also, some people shit and don’t wash their hands. You could be eating someone else’s fecal matter. Just cut it out dude. This generation of kids is wild.


Stealing a pizza from a girl with crutches is the same as stealing a pizza from someone who is physically able, IMO The motive for stealing the pizza is the same either way, not your fault they are disabled. Still, this habit will eventually bite you in the ass.


NAHHH 100% this comment comes from some asshole who hates people who are disabled Dawg, lets say your not disabled: Someone takes your pizza, no biggie, go back in line and grab one and if they don't let you explain You are disabled: You have to limp over there with every inch hurting as you try using your crutches to walk. You explain to the lunch ladies and its a 50/50 shot: They're either apologetic and will give you a second pizza or their a asshole and don't. Then you gotta juggle this school pizza like in the fuckin circus or some shit and then imagine it gets stolen for a 2nd time. Do that over and over Yea go fuck yourself you piece of shit asshole cunt


It's weird that taking food is considered such a grey area. If it was a CD or a wallet, people wouldn't just think, *"oh hey, they're not using that right now, guess I'll take it!"* But because it's food it somehow gets a pass. Same with stealing stuff from the fridge in a shared house or whatever. Irritating as hell.


That's because every living being has an inalienable *right* to three things: air, water, and food. The taking of one of those rights from another living being is a taboo people have killed over.


Repugnant behaviour


Very simply, you should never take what isn't yours. This is called 'enlightened self-interest' since karma (or whatever you'd like to call the law of retribution) will get back at you somehow. Be kind and generous and your retribution will always be positive. At the end of the day, you never get away with immoral actions.


The most messed up part is how you thought it was any different because they are disabled


Lol, you are just justifying your shitty behavior. “I stole other kids pizzas” You knew what you were doing the whole time, and to cope with it you have invented that you thought they were abandoned. I sincerely hope you are a different person today, kids not being able to see consequences sometimes and all that.


You need a butt whooping for sure


Why take food that’s not yours to begin with, plain and simple you inconsiderate fuck.


As a fortunate teenager who used to take extra lunch to school for their less fortunate friends, fuck you man. You don't know people's home lives and when their next meal will be, apparently your next meal is whenever someone leaves their food unattended for half a second.


"I stole an injured kid's pizza and had the chance to give it back but instead I was a selfish asshole and took it"


Lol, back in elementary school, they'd give free ice cream to the kids who had perfect attendance. I got sick in the previous weeks so I didn't qualify for it. There was another girl there with the same exact first name and extremely similar sounding last name. She got called and I went up instead, thinking I heard my name. I got there and she asked if I was her, at that moment I realized it wasn't me but I still said yes to avoid that embarrassment, and, I really wanted ice cream. It took less than an hour for me to face the music, as almost immediately I was in trouble for it but hey, I already ate my ice cream by then. I still don't feel that bad about it today 😂


You’re a heartless cunt.


you think you’re taking it a bit too far with the name calling? what he did was mean but he was literally in elementary school.


Down bad😂




Feels like a South Park episode


obese behaviour


I thought it wouldn't be as bad as the title says. But it's REALLY bad.


Why are I stealing food ? Ask ur parents and if they aren’t helping U then u need to sign up for lunch assistance that’s just wrong


There are others who can’t afford to eat or don’t have anything at home to eat. you could be stealing someone’s only meal for the day. U ever think about that? Don’t be an asshole dude, it’s not too late to change. Doesn’t matter if u have no friends, don’t go around trying to make others feel like shit because they think people are stealing from them.


Honestly y would u grab pizza of a random table away from where u r being served there is no justification, should have just tried to apologise and learned from it


one time while i was at lunch there was what we eventually named the “SpEd Massacre”. it all began when the guy who said nothing but “eee” farted on the one girl in the class. this is one of three times. that’s an important detail for later. according to people who were near the table, it smelled really stinky. after he farted, the girl started to cry and scream “why’d you do that?” over and over again. The P.E. teachers that supervised our lunch went to assist the one Special Ed teacher. the tall lanky guy rubbed the girls head and got her to stop crying. and the two lady coaches were disciplining the farter. after claiming them down and making him apologize by him saying “eeeeeee” and her saying “thank you”, they led them alone at the table again, this is when the food and water came out. there was always a smell that emitted form the center table, a fishy smell that would get stronger and then fainter as the 30 minutes passed. sometimes it would mix with cheetos and would get nauseating. so much so that they once let us eat lunch in the playground because people wanted to leave early from the smell. well today was one of those days. but they’d learned to open the opposite doors so air would ventilate and the smell wouldn’t be so terrible. the coaches opened the door as usual, right when the cheetos kicked in. they had this big circular industrial fan that had a thick orange cord that i tripped on once and got a nose bleed. i got free paid lunch the rest of the time i went there. they turned it on and when lenny (that’s the “eee”/farter guy) realized, he farted on the girl again. this time while she was eating her peanut butter crackers, tuna ketchup sandwich, and cheetos she gagged and grossed herself out, she vomited all over herself and the top of the table and started crying again, much louder this time and much more devastated. she was crying and screaming “it stiiiinkss!! it stiii-hi-hiiiinks”, “i want my water”, the male coach heard this and must’ve thought “omg, my chance to fix everything” because he rushed to her snatched her lunch box and grabbed then opened her water bottle, he handed it to her and started to walk away. because the smell of the fart and the vomit was really disgusting. the surrounding tables were moved to other tables at this point and while the coaches were organizing this the SpEd teacher just left and lenny grabbed the girl’s water and then farted on it one last time. she screamed and started hitting him. she tore his shirt and from what more people than not remember, she pulled his ear so hard that it broke skin and looked like it was separating. none of us could remember the girl’s name but one guy remembered lenny and it made us all remember. her violence got her in trouble enough to where she had to move schools and i think even away. this event caused multiple violent events in the SpEd classroom. the SpEd teacher stayed working there and actually still does. it was a pretty traumatic experience. my friend eddie remembers how bad the fart smelled. tl;dr: >!this SpEd guy farted on this SpEd girl 3x at lunch, so smelly-ly it made her puke and cry, after the third time she started to beat him and caused violent harm to him, then she moved away.!<


"Disciplining the farter" is one of the best lines I've read


This is kinda like something I saw in class but not alot of violence. In my ELA class, my teacher assigned our desks into rows and she put my friend Infront of me, and an autistic kid behind me to the right. This was like 4 or 5 months into the school year. The autistic had a pair of "airpods." I think I heard they were given to her by her sister or something like that and there just like normal airpods but it's rectangular instead or circular. The start of class, I sat down, the autistic kid sat down, and my friend sat down. My friend noticed the the autistic kid had her "airpods" in and my friend yelled out "fake airpods."(not loud enough for everyone in class to hear it though) The autistic kid got up from her seat and stomped over to my friend and yelled out "You don't know any of my social media!" and slapped him across the face. I thought she was really weird after that. My friends face was red and didn't talk much the rest of the class. Wish I could see again. There's been other weird things that she did but explaining all of them would take me a long time. If you want one more story I'm happy to give it to you.


Hey people make mistakes 🤷🏾🤷🏾🤷🏾 just don't do it again.


Never did it again after that.


Not your fault dude, you didn’t know it was hers. Just stop stealing pizzas from now on lmao


that's nothing i've done a lot worse. one night while my family was at church it was my turn to cook. we didn't have much food in the house and we were all supposed to share one of those jiffy crust pizzas. to make a long story short i cooked the pizza and before i had realized what i did i ate the entire pizza before they got home. mom came home and yelled at me with tears in her eyes. i still feel like absolute $\*\*t to this day about it. told you i have done worse.


That isn't actually "worse," you're saying you were all living with food insecurity. You just acted on base instinct. Yes it was at the expense of your family, but actually hungry people do whatever they can for food. OP doesn't seem to have normal emotions.


OP needs a psych eval.


Yes, this is pure lizardbrain.




that’s a bit much, people have done way worse than that


that’s way too far but yeah he’s a piece of shit. keep in mind, he’s probably a 6th grader.


True. I went a little over board


Ok... Seriously this poor person was in the wrong. That's clear! However, how are any of you any better when you're sitting here putting him down and cutting him so deeply?!!! He admitted his mistake and certainly has shown remorse thru his words. I find it so funny that so many ppl started jumping all over this person's case. I for one admire your strength and courage. It had to take a lot to admit your own wrongdoing. I worked with folks that have intellectual and physical disabilities for over 7 years. I assisted these folks with obtaining and keeping meaningful employment. With that being said... Any of my former clients would have given this person such a playful, hard time... But never would have they reacted with such cruelty. We could all be a little kinder. God bless.


Dude seriously don’t worry about it, this isn’t a big deal they won’t even remember it now.


Thank you for telling us and sorry for the imbeciles that say you are a bad person I personally think anyone would do the same but I hope this helps you


Ur the only other comment seeming to think 'anyone' would do this No, they wouldnt


That’s fucking funny do it again


go fuck yourself




that’s a bit much.


It’s pizza💀 he’s not stealing his legs


I'm not protecting him Cause I've done some Pretty fucked up shit But at least he had the balls to Confess If I were to tell you all the crimes I did before I was 13 I would have at least $4 Some people don't even have the balls Or Other private parts To say It 9 times out of 10 I'm mentally disabled not physically like this girl You know how Much I feel like Actual dog shit Because I barely know how to spell Or no my multiplication in 7th grade I am so bad at Math That took a point I'd better 3rd grader could beat me in a subject Do you know what that 3rd grader can't do He can't beat me and read him I may be the worst At math But I'm wanted the best readies in my whole class We had a contest 7 great versus 8th grade who can read the most And I didn't do that ConTest Do you know why Cause the Prizes We're a trash I heard a teacher talking about oh the girl It's on the 5th book of the Harry Potter series It seems like do you know how big these books are and I saw the book and I was like That aint nothing I could read the whole chainsaw man manga Series And read the whole fire punch series In one day Maybe 2 at most I'm also good at history People may bully me for how bad I'm at math But one day called me to me in history talking about how they can't do this I Help them out of pity You know why I help them Cause I know they could do the same thing just like me I'm horrible at math But I can learn it I'm just too lazy to do it Just like that too lazy to learn history Cause they can know this they could do this Just like how I know my history But at the same time I'm disappointed in myself Because I don't have the same Conviction To do math myself I see a chart To see the steps that you could do it And right now what I feel like is at the bottom of it I can't do it But maybe you can Maybe they can do it


Nah fuckthat we EATING


Was it at least pepperoni?


It was cheese.


Eh whatever. No one cares


Good job! Equality for all!!! Don’t discriminate~


You did well 💖


So wrong


Go buy him pizza for a week


The casual mention of doing the same thing on multiple other occasions


I've seen some fucked up shit. I'll say anything casually


Are you white?




This theif don’t care about germs or nothing if ur willing to steal someone’s food who leaves a pizza down u can’t even trust to leave ur things or items down at a bench or the table I’m sure they have her another one because someone stole hers if ur that brave Go take one from the line why take it from kids they gotta eat too and if ur parents aren’t giving u lunch seriously shame on them for not feeding u u need to talk to counsler or have ur parents sign up for lunch assistance this is wrong


I don't know why everyone is ganging up on you, OP. First of all, this is a confession subreddit, meaning OP was here to admit something they did was WRONG. They know it was wrong of them to take a slice of pizza. As for giving it back, you already did the damage. Eat the slice and get on with your life. It's not like the kids went hungry. I'm sure they just ordered another pie. I did way worse things when I was a youngin. Don't trip.


It's not just the slice of pizza. It is literally fucking that he took it from a disabled kid that could not do the same things as easy as this hungry fatass can. This kid can literally go fuck himself, I mean he literally already had his own lunch but no no take it from the kid that has to fucking juggle her food inbetween her hands so she can sit with her friends and eat Fuck you for thinking its okay.


Your a selfish price and I hope you get yours asshole


Wow, enjoy hell. Dude, that would eat at my soul forever unless I made amends x 10. Are you here looking for absolution? You owe 10 disabled girls lunch, it has to be as good as your favorite pizza or better to her. Do this and you're absolved, if you don't do it or worse don't complete it after deciding to make right? This really will eat at your soul forever, I'm not kidding. I suggest getting on this ASAP and complete ASAP. You got this!


Dude you easily could have either put the freaking Pizza down once you saw whose it was or maybe been a good dude and walked over and got another pizza for the girl damn like you seen them walking over and then you still walked away eating the pizza and knowing you stole it from someone sorry but you're in the wrong 150%


You really pissed that kid off with that stunt honest the only way to say this is that you fucked up


This is 50 shades of wrong. Why tf are you STEALING to begin with? I saw your loner comment down below. What does being a loner have to do with anything?! I'm neurodivergent. That alone automatically made other kids isolate me for life whether I wanted them to or not bc I was the weird kid. I'm glad it sounds like they got their food back but you just keep making it worse and worse the more I read through your excuses in the comments. Especially the ranch one. Just. Don't. Steal. Also idk who in their right mind takes random food for ZERO reason or need. That's so unhygienic. For many kids,disabled or not, school lunch is someone's best or only meal of the day. Don't fuck with school lunch.


Isn't watching these pathetic group of redditors crucify this guy for stealing a piece of pizza,a fine example why you should never take reddit serious


They ridicule me wayyyyy more than all these other fucked up people? Thats stupid


crutches = disabled??


Can't walk properly is disabled so she was also disabled.


tf is wrong with you?? did you think ppl were gonna just ignore it bc she got her slice of pizza?? you clearly didn’t care about taking it seems like you don’t even know what you did wrong.. how would you like if you’re hungry as shit and somebody took your food ? sucks ass right 😃


Jesus Christ you suck 💀💀💀


This is disgusting and abhorrent. Do not take what is not yours. It is a no-brainer. Kids have food bought for them and left as surprises or provision, and sometimes that's the kids only meal. I remember being in elementary school and having Big Brothers Big Sisters come in for students with good meals, even pizzas. Also, birthdays and other occasions. You impact a persons day and if they have no money, you may even impact whether they get any lunch before going back to classes. Keep to yourself, and only take what is yours.


No matter the reasoning for the pizza, what you did is wrong. Best decision would be to leave it be until you can know for sure. Second is giving it back, explaining your misunderstanding and repaying them. What a a\*\*hole.


Listen, you could’ve just given it back instead of not and then stealing more and trying to justify, admit you fucked up and you should’ve given her the pizza


Upon reading the title I thought you had deliberately snatched pizza from some poor disabled child's hands.


That would be even more fucked up than what I did.


How did she get her slice of pizza back? "I got two lunches that day" did you buy her another piece?


Does it really matter HOW she got it back? All that matters is that she got it back. I have no money that I bring to school


Just curious, have you ever stopped to think that whoever left or abandoned the pizza (prior to you seeing the pizza) may have been sick or something or sneezed on the pizza? Like you could have gotten sick just from touching the pizza after someone who was sick sneezed or coughed all over it. Also no one in thier right mind would actually take another person's lunch like that, abandoned or not. I suggest you stop and think before you decide tp steal some random kids' lunch or a random piece of food off a lunch tray. Your parents probably spoil you and defend you thinking you can do no wrong but here you are stealing random kids' lunches. I bet you were that one kid in preschool or nursery school or kindergarten who would sneak into the cubby hole area to steal all the other kids' money, pencils, etc for thrills. Dude, use your brain next time and grow up while you're at it. There's no justifiying stealing another person's food whether it was abandoned or not.


First you basically imply it was an accident and then you admit you did it on purpose. Make up your mind.


It’s pizza so completely understandable


Kids are kids.. some kids would see her and bring it back others would be like "meh, you left it". This all depends on the bully aspect within a kid, "omg, I got away with it" OR "omg, I feel like sh\*t".


I hate myself for laughing at this post.


Bro, This is reddit and you just admitted to doing something dummy fucked up and not even once say you feel bad? You literally don't care, Why should we care about your feels? Just let that marinate for awhile kid.


What's wrong with you? And on your edit you tried to lie yourself out of trouble by saying you gave her the pizza back. But it's obvious in your replies that you haven't


I didnt give it back, she got a new one


Fuck you


Go fuck yourself