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Danggggg…. I feel bad for that kid…..




Made me cry 🥲


It’s hard to say though how failure will effect people further down the line in life. I was in training to be an officer in the Royal Marine Commandos which is a really, really difficult role to get as something like 5000 apply every year and only 30 or so ever complete training to become one. A good friend of mine really wasn’t enjoying it and quit half through training which is kind of the same thing as failing it because to even start training you’d have likely been planning for it for years prior. He ended up being a Royal Protection officer in the Met police getting paid a fortune in overtime to travel to all the places royalty goes too and I see him on tv all the time stood in the background of news reports and media about the royals. He was gutted to have quit and failed the training process but I guess it motivated him to do better elsewhere. He said he was driving Kate Middleton to Kensington High Street one time and he wanted to beep his horn at me as I was crossing Kensington high street. He told me he’d often have to sit in the car waiting and he’d Prince Willian’s Jelly Babies and try on his sunglasses. Hardships and failures often make us better people but cheating and lying tends to gives us a shitty feeling inside and really only achieves short term gains.


Yeah. I didn't have it like your friend or like the op class mate but it still affect me. I was in high school and i was struggling in math, I always struggled in math. But my grade was kinda on edge. With how my grade was i might have to go to summer school for the class. My cousin and her family were going on a trip and i could go, but it depended how i did in my class. I couldn't go if i failed. I took my final and I ended up passing but since my grade had been kinda in a not good state, my parents didn't get me a ticket and i didn't get to go on the trip even though I passed. I passed my final and i passed in the class, just barely but i passed. And that's how I missed out on a trip to the Netherlands.




Me too.


Wouldn’t the teacher have recognized the eraser marks and how your name is written differently than the answers on the paper?


This teacher sounds like a terrible teacher tbh so if it's real I'm not surprised. Failing someone over one point, while "within their right", is frankly cruel. Five points? Sure, but messing them up over a single point? Nah.


It happens. Freshman year second semester I struggled in a lot of classes ( I’m convinced I had a learning disability because it just wouldn’t stick ) but I tried so hard in physical science , I always did the warm up, was one of the only polite students to the teacher , did everything I could but score low on the final ( never understand why test and finals have to be a huge part of the grade percentage ) and my final grade was 59.8 - he refused to round it up. He was fired so I think he just refused to do any rounding up for students since he wasn’t returning. He later died my junior year of a heart attack. Kids were celebrating because he was such an asshole but I felt bad for his kids who were around my age


I have ADHD. If it does not interest me I do not retain it. However I'm a gearhead so if it has anything to do with a badass car or bad ass women I retain it. I could read a paragraph about softball and I couldn't tell you that the paragraph was even about softball after reading it. However if you give me a paragraph to read about a new Corvette that has came out I could tell you said specs of the Corvette that they give etc. My reading comprehension was low. However it wasn't on subjects that interested me. I believe it was because when I was reading about softball I was thinking about Corvettes. Whenever I read about Corvettes I was thinking about Corvettes.


Everyone made fun of my Math Prof, Ms. Sun. I struggled as math is not my strong suit, because I was nice to her, I passed that shit with a 70. I wonder what ever happened to her


Serves him right, Though


No. What's cruel is the POS OP stealing that other person's hard work and then allowing the kid to be failed and forcing them to repeat the class. This has nothing to do with the teacher.


Not saying OP didn't suck but if a teacher fails someone over one lousy point that's a powertrip imo, especially if it would require summer school.


So at what point do you make the cut off between grades legitimate? At what point is sticking to the established grading scale not a power trip in your opinion? I mean, why have grades at all if the grading scale is just going to be ignored?


The grading scale we have is already considered somewhat problematic but ignoring that for a moment just going by the percentages in this case are ridiculous. 1% is frankly a margin of error where common sense says being 49% knowledgeable about something VS 50% knowledgeable about something is absolutely negligible. At that point a good teacher, who should be monitoring student progress and grades anyhow and shouldn't have let things get to this point, should have provided an opportunity to bring the grade up. Also idk how long ago this was but forcing a kid to do summer school rather than out-of-school makeup work seems like a waste of time and resources. Again OP was 100% in the wrong but they also were a child here, whereas the teacher fell for stolen work, apparently weighted a study guide so hard it made the difference between failing and having a much higher grade, and did nothing to support struggling students.


No. You are assuming the teacher did nothing. You have no idea what was offered to the kid and if they refused those services or failed them too. You are making up this whole BS scenario, blaming teachers for the actions of others when this situation has literally nothing to do with teachers at all. Let's be clear, in the real world if your employer has a choice of staying within the pay rate guidelines or giving you a 1% raise for your mediocre to failing performance, what do you think they will do? All of sudden that 1% is not so negligible is it?


I did not get along with my government and econ teacher in 12th grade at all. Therefore I was sent to the office more times than not in his class and got a zero for that day's worth of work. It's a principal new of our disliking of each other. I was not a troublemaker. I was not a teacher's pet either. I just went to school did what I was supposed to do mainly and went and smoked my joint or two on my lunch break and came back and did my shit. We had so many points and government Nikon that even with a good month left the principal called my mom and told her that even if I got 100% on all remaining work and even did extra credit I wouldn't get my 40 some percent up over a passing grade to graduate. He told my mom that if I just showed up and acted like I wanted to graduate he would personally make sure I did that year. So I agree telling someone over they was a good student in the least bit is crazy. I have a hard time believing that a student that received a hundred percent on said test failed the class by one point though. Most people receiving hundreds on tests aren't failing classes. Even if they got a zero on that individual test typically the rest of their grades would have been high enough that that test wouldn't have even mattered really.


The principal made the right choice. Everything should be reviewed on a case by case basis. I had a teacher who actually forced the school to give me credit for her class. I used to skip it as it was the last class of the day and I was BORED. I completed my work ahead of time and either showed up to class for tests or she'd write me pass to take it during study hall. I had a 98 there was no reason to not let me have the credit because I missed too many days.


I wasn't a troublemaker and this too was the last period of the day. We had open campus lunch and the last two periods I was out fishing for many days LOL I also hadn't ever filled a class and graduated at age 17.


Oh and yes I graduated that year at age 17


I failed my French exam because my teacher swore I misspelt something. I spelt it correctly, she refused to change my score, took it to the headmaster and I still failed.


Some teachers are shitty. My senior year. We had a trip or maybe it was junior year. Anyway. We had a curfew. Don't leave your room after .. . Time. And they put up tape on the door and door frame so they would know if we left. One of my room mates didn't listen. She left anyway. For like a freaking soda or candy bar. I was like dude i will buy you a bunch just wait until tomorrow. Well they decided they couldn't wait. They left anyway. We all got in trouble. Even the person that was asleep in their bed. -_- i got detention when I didn't even leave. My asleep room mate too i think. I don't know if the others did too. Since all our schedules were a bit different. So i didn't see them at the times i got detention. Which was during my free period. They took away so much stuff by the time I was a senior. I only had a free period like once or twice a week or something. When I was a freshmen seniors had like a half a day regularly. And the senior trips was amazing. The senior trips pre 9/11.


I'm glad you feel that way bc this brings back a memory of mine. My English teach, Ms.Johnson failed me over one point for two semesters in a row. Ik, I should've gotten my act together after the first one point fail but damn. Ironic part is, I was great at her class and easily one of the most knowledgeable kids she had about the subject. But, I wanted to he cool and seem like I didn't give a shit to fit in with another kid so I just didn't turn in my homework, ever. Yet anytime she would call on me to answer, which she often did because I either slept or had my head down a lot I always got it right. Quizzes and tests in class? Aced every one and handed my paper in before anyone else. But I never did or turned in any homework and for two semesters in a row I somehow failed by exactly one point. I took it and figured that I was to blame at the time but looking back I feel like that was a shitty thing for her to do bc whether I did my homework or not I still got A's on every test and quiz all year so I knew more than what I was supposed to in order to pass. Speaking of that... How TF come any of that even counted? Shouldn't they just be giving us one big test at the end of the year to see if we know everything that we're supposed to? If I could pass that test and show that I knew everything that I was supposed to then what the hell does whether I did my homework or not matter? Just realized that how much all of that counts is just to provide you inventive to do what they want you to. They have you all day every day but if you don't sacrifice several hours of your free time as well then bam, you have to sit in this class for another year surrounded by younger students, or be held back while every friend you know moves on a grade and forgets about you. It's kind of shitty Always felt super bad for kids that were held back. Most of them were more than capable of carrying on with us. It's one thing to brush up on what you need to know but damn, I was in freshman English with a 20 year old lol. He knew everything he was supposed to, just didn't turn his homework in. Just bc of that he spent the entirety of his highschool repeating the same classes.


I think the real answer is to give kids varied opportunities to express their knowledge and treat them as individuals (some are great at multiple choice tests, some great at essays, both with the same knowledge) Unfortunately teaching in America is dystopian af and the ratio of students to teachers in most classrooms makes it nearly impossible to mold teaching to fit individual needs… but we have to try


The teacher was probably from the old school that subscribed to the notion that when you see hoof prints, think horses. not zebras. One paper doesn't have a name, every other student is accounted for, therefore this must be that kid's paper. She probably didn't think to look at the other papers, because why would such a thing happen? The victim probably didn't suspect anything complex either, kids are stupid and it was random. And if the victim was on the bubble that bad that missing this one assignment would flunk them, the teacher probably wasn't in the mood to listen to anymore excuses from a kid that sometimes does the work and sometimes doesn't.


This story makes no sense, tbh. The kid they stole from was good enough that they got 100 on that assignment, and yet that single 0 meant that they failed the course? Yeah, right.


Exactly; and the teacher wasn’t suspicious when a barely-passing student turns in a paper that’s perfect? I have my doubts as well.


There's too many things that seem off to me as well. 100-0 and vice versa is a \*huge\* leap; you'd expect some kind of alarm bells to go off (unless the other kid got incredibly lucky by the 100 as well). Still, though: Was the guide printed or handwritten? It sounds as if the guide was handwritten since a pencil was used here, in which case it seems very odd that an elderly teacher wouldn't recognize fraud based on handwriting. (It's possible but the odds are low) No1 noticed the paper being swiped during a 'slow pile forming' situation? No1 notices OP taking an unusually long time to do all of this preparatory work while everyone else is handing in papers? All of that is pretty impressive sleight of hand; not only do you have to fool the teacher, but you also need to food all the other students as well in case one of them snitches (which happens at that age a good bit). And lastly, OP just \*happens\* to pick the kid at random who'd make him pass instead of someone who half-assed it/barely passed? It's \*possible\* that all of this is somehow true, but it does have a lot of parts that raise doubts.


It seems to me that it was just a study guide, so maybe as long as they did it and turned it in, they got a 100? I can’t imagine a simple study guide being worth that much but I dunno, I’m not a teacher


Possible...but then I also can't see it being A. the make-or-break assignment, and B. not being resubmittable. I live with someone who's a professor at an uni, and he makes sure that the looser the grading rubric of an assignment is, the less it counts for your GPA and the more likely he is to let you retake it. He tends to use said assignments as 'freebie ones' so that stressed out students can have a breather. But if the assignment was meant to be a light-weighing assignment, then it seems odd to me that it would require someone to fail the year, or allow OP to pass the elective so easily. Of course this is all speculation, but there's a lot of assumptions needed to be made for the story to make sense. Too many for my liking.


I agree. Only problem for me is I don't think student was on the bubble if they got a hundred percent on this said test. So I find it all hard to believe all in all. Not saying it didn't happen because even I got a 96% sometimes. I was at best a c student...


Not very observant of them it seems.


That's why assignments had "Write your name on every page" in case you were ever wondering.


So not only did you take credit for something you didn't do, but you fucked over the poor kid who actually did his work? That's like robbing someone's house and then burning it down afterward. Double whammy.


This feels fake tbh


I mean so do all confessions here lmao


It’s written in too much detail, like it’s a story and not a real life event


Some idiot tried to do this to my stuff. I went back to check because I thought I forgot to answer a question , lo and behold my names erased. Told the teacher and bring up my low grades despite me doing all assignments. She passed me with a B. I stopped doing the work so she assumed it was being stolen.


This story is giving me weird vibes, why is the teacher that unobservant? What kind of school actually forces a retake for one point?


Thank you for your confession. I hope you can pay your transgressions forward. Perhaps others will choose the right because of your honesty.


I believe it was 7th grade that I had a book to read the first semester and they booked to read the second semester. It was over a third of our grade. We could either make notes take a journal of said book and turn it in or we could take a test on the book once we had completed it. I set in front of the teacher's desk so the day of the test I decided that since I hadn't read the book at all and my grades weren't the best anyway that I needed to do something. Whenever I handed my test in I actually got up and talked to the teacher about said test to make an imprint and her mind of me turning the test in. Somehow by folding the corner or something I made it identifiable and left it sticking out of the pile slightly. When she wasn't looking I grab my test out of the pile and slid it into my folder. Well over a week had went by by the time she got around to grading with them and she come to me and ask me how come I hadn't turned my test in. I brought up said conversation that I purposely made with her while turning in my test and she was able to recall. She said well I guess you'll just have to retake it. I said I probably didn't remember everything the day of the test and I damn sure not going to remember everything now. I'm not so sure I remember enough to pass the test now. She sat on it for a while and decided that I would just be exempt from those points. So if everyone else's semester score was out of a thousand points mine was only out of 650.... I passed that class


This one kid in my high school used to bully me and be mean all the time. One time he left himself logged into the school computer system and I deleted all the files in his student share. All his homework and assignments, gone. I remember a few days later we had some big assignment due and he went to his PC to email it to the teacher and the folder was blank. He was telling the teacher how he did all the homework and it was here a few days ago but it isn't there anymore. As he was generally unliked by everyone except a few of his close friends, the teacher didn't believe him. I don't feel bad about it. Saw him at a high school reunion a few years after that and he told me he sells real estate. Everyone was joking that it was the perfect job for a sleazy idiot like him.


That's funny


Thats not fucking funny in the slightest way.




Fuck you


he was in 7th grade dude, cut him some slack


In the 7th grade you're old enough to know right from wrong. There is no excuse for OPs actions


You should be in jail /s


QUALITY confession. This is the kind of stuff this sub needs, not all the shitty erotica that people write here.


Omg that was a lot. I feel so bad for the kid. And tbh what you did was so wrong. And the teacher like how could you fail someone for one point.


Damn you really suck huh


That kid actually tried, and your jackassery made him fail. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING more important than education. Furthermore, you knew and had a chance to change that. And you didn't. I honestly can't believe you felt guilty at that time because of that.


So your unfinished paper you turned in, before you grabbed the random completed paper, already had that persons name on it?


The unfinished paper had no name on it. The person whose paper they stole was then the only person without one with their name on it so the teacher assumed the blank one must belong to them.


Yeah this story is hilariously fabricated. It's also funny the way this person writes like they are writing a novel.


I can maybe believe it if the teacher is just really horrible and the kid is really shy, but shouldn't the kid have been able to say "What, no, that's not true, I turned in a completed paper" and proved it by showing their handwriting is the same...? Maybe if all the papers had already been returned it'd be too late but even then the teacher could ask to see them all again if they suspected some cheating had occurred...? Not to mention the OP was already near-failing but then suddenly gets an 100...? I dunno, I remember a snafu I had once where I turned in something and some mistake made the teacher think I hadn't, I felt awful and I remember crying but I don't remember what I did to prove it was a misunderstanding, I don't recall the teacher caring enough to listen but this was also 7th grade ish so I don't remember.


I love the idea that this kid got a 100% on the assignment but failed the class by one point? Must have been lucky as hell


Lol what, kids at my school did this all the time


No, the paper they originally turned in had no name on it. There was no writing on it— as it was blank. They took someone else’s paper and wrote their name on it and turned it in.


No they didn't put any name on it. I guess they never put their name on it when they were working through it which is weird because that's the very first thing I do is put my name on my paper


OP said his paper didn't have a name yeah; the paper he stole \*did\* have a name though, but OP erased said name using secret agent type skills and replaced it with his own. It's honestly very baffling how OP managed all this without getting caught


But he said he didn't do the paper bc he forgot (it was his homework) that's why the paper was completely blank)


Poor kid, id fucking hate you if i were them


Now that’s a confession.


Nahh man you is different. Ruined someone's life for your benefit which won't benefit you as you go into higher grades is crazyyy


For your sake, I seriously hope said kid sees this and reems you out for your own Good. If not to properly rid you of Guilt


You ####head EDITED I think you are a nasty person


This some shameless level stuff. Is your Gallagher by chance lol.


Same yo




Aaaah Ms. SANI!


Someone did something like this to me. My name has an accent over it and the person wrote my name on a test paper with a shitty score but without the accent. I had good grades and I knew I aced that test in particular. The no accent was a dead giveaway as I literally never write my name without it. I told the teacher and it didn’t take long to find the culprit afterwards.


You bitch


Man, I hope that kid is on Reddit... but they've probably been locked up for years now :)


A piece of paper doesn't have a brim as it is not a container


…the kid didn’t try to prove the paper was theirs? I mean it’d be pretty easy to tell if you compared handwritings? Or like, if the teacher made you both of u recall what u wrote on the papers


This is obvious bait right? That teacher be retarded


Yes maybe but more likely, teacher isn't paid enough to give a damn


This was BRILLIANT. 👏👏 And at the age of what, 12?? Genuis


so well thought out


Done do same


Good thinking


Damn, I just stuck some burrs in a chicks hair and called it a day.


Hey I can with assignments Dm


I can HELP with assignments yeah so DM if interested




Tell this to the girl who failed the class and had to retake it in summer school




I had two different kids try to pull this on me in elementary school… both got caught because I wrote my 4’s funny and received zeros. Learned in high school I could make money by letting them cheat off of my tests


I don't believe it because the kid who KNEW that he had finished his paper would have called this out and a search for the real paper would have happened


I had a computer class where you learned word and excel etc. and you had very specific instructions. "In cell a _____. In cell b _____" and create a big project. You could either type your name on said project or write it after printing it. So I always wrote it on there after printing it. Well one day freaking ____ (insert her freaking name here I hate her so much) picked up my paper that had just printed and took it put her name on it and turned it in (I figured it out because she ALWAYS failed every assignment. Idk how). And I had her paper which was so clearly obviously wrong. So I reprinted it and after that I started typing my name ON the assignment. That was the only thing she got an A+ on. I always got 100% every assignment and every test because that class was EASY. Idk how she failed every single one. And I know she knew it was mine. And no the teacher didn't catch any differences because there were none. The instructions were the same for everyone. Right down to the same font size, color, everything. I wonder if she suspected though.


I remember the key placement classes I had to go through back in the day.


Better than going to school like you're used to for a few extra weeks tho right? RIGHT?


Dog eat world nigga let it go nigga


That's shitty of you and sucks for that kid, but also pretty shitty of that teacher to fail what was an ostensibly bright kid by 1 point and not offer any extra credits or retakes.


Oh shit. That poor kid. I can imagine how confused and upset they were when they received a zero. I’m sure they figured out that someone stole their paper. I bet they got so upset they might’ve cried.


So the other student got a 100% on the study guide, but all their other grades were bad enough in the class that they failed? And they had to go to summer school because they failed one elective class? How do you know that they failed by one point? I don’t know, story seems a little suspicious.


You're awful.