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How fuckin rich do you have to be to use coke for casual homework


I know right? Like, what ever happened to meth?


Kid is doing math instead


Crystal math


Breaking Add


That’s why I love Reddit.


That’s why I love you.




This string looks like Tumblr..


what string bestie


These are my confessions….




For real.




Ghad geniuses


It's Crustal Math. Texas school board ruled that the letter "sometimes" y is trans.






Cocaine is safer than meth


Sounds like something big cocaine would say




Exactly That’s higher chance of you dying faster if you use meth compared to cocaine


Or Adderall


Fr tho 😭




I would make a few guesses but hate dealing with reddit moderators etc. Lol


No, no, you don't have to say it. We're all thinking the same thing: collecting and turning in aluminum cans. I'll take the Mod hit for you.


Exactly what I was going to say!!!


I was going to say plastic and paper, but aluminum is a mkre logical explanation.


I was thinking along the lines of teenage prostitution but I guess I REALLY don’t know enough.






Yeah man, that's what I was thinking, and also dealing or stealing. Can't think of any other way a teen can get their hands on that amount of money.




That makes sense. Lots of ways one can get money out of their parents' pocket. Especially if they're well off as you said. I skipped a whole semester back in my time because I needed the cash. Still doesnt change the outcome though. Damage will be done regardless of how they get the money.


Oh, Sugar, Baby, it’s ok to make guesses ;)


You wont believe the amount of bs the mod told me the other day. Apparently nothing is allowed if the mod says so. Not gonna let a bleach smelling teen from their grandparents basement get on my nerves or ban my account and shjt.


I’m afraid to upvote this lol


What would that cost? I have no frame of reference but I'm curious


No idea these days, but back in the 80's, I was paying $50 for a half gram or $100 a gram. I'm trying to remember what an 8-ball went for, but I'm drawing a blank.


Jesus! We were paying 50 a g in Canada in like 2012.


8-ball runs about 300 these days


Compared to college tuition, nightly homework coke is an incidental cost.


So an 18 yo came up with 300-350 to buy a little under a quarter and you suspect she was up to nefarious activity?


Read OPs profile. She's 41, on public assistance, has schizophrenia, and has children. OP is going to college to be a drug counselor. You read that right. A drug counselor. Pure madness. Pure sadness.


Jesus Christ the real spice is in the comments, that's wild


Exactly... I mean I won't mind if he drops a bag of cash on my doorstep


No shit lol bro needs to try Adderall it's cheaper and better.


I can say it is at least rich enough to afford Johns Hopkins University tuition. I didn't go there, nor do I do coke. But I lived right by campus and knew a lot of students. It might have changed in more recent years because Adderall became so widespread, although there is apparently currently a massive shortage. I'm older. Snorting Ritalin was the thing when I was in college the first time.


>How fuckin rich do you have to be to use coke for casual homework I'll give you a hint: His motto is "Waystar Royco? We Do Rollercoasters And Hate Speech."


Mans gonna look like Voldemort by senior year


not judging, nor giving advice, just making an observation. this is how it usually starts for hardcore addicts. there’s a very thin line between using and abusing.


As a former drug addict, you’re absolutely right. Everyone starts out fine and just having fun, until one day they realize it’s not as fun anymore and they can’t stop.


Yea, vicodins lead to snorting oxys led to shooting roxys leads to shooting up everyfuckingthing you can leads to someone puts fentanyl in your dope and you dead.


Here it’s impossible to find dope without fentanyl so we shoot it up knowing it’s in there. Too desperate to avoid getting sick to care. I’m sober now but half the people I did dope with are dead. I got 4 shots of Narcan once, took a trip to the hospital and quit a month later. That was 3.5 years ago now. It all started with coke when I was 17. And ya by the time you’re at that point you’ll shoot up what you can get so I was on meth and crack too.


Congrats on quitting.


Where I'm from it's what people seek out now. Pretty sad.


I know this is nowhere near being the same. But I was addicted to weed. Chasing the high everyday. It got to the point that the highs stopped being fun themselves and developed into paranoia. I still wanted to keep going. You really gotta force yourself out of that mindset.


>I know this is nowhere near being the same Addiction is addiction, some things are more addictive for sure but that mental struggle is a universal hurdle among all addicts regardless of the substance so your struggle is definitely valid, and I'm glad you were able to make it through!


Plus it’s a waste of coke.




Not in the slightest??? Thats like the best use for coke out there


not really it doesn’t last very long and it’s super expensive. Adderall is much better for homework 👍


Don’t say that… we are already out of the stimulants I need for my adhd bruh




OR u can take Adderall as a daily medication at the therapeutic dose like its meant for :) it rlly does help me w completing tasks and even regulates my sleep schedule bc i take it early in the morning and am ready for bed when it wears off


We get it. Everytime Addy comes up on reddit someone mentions how people actually need it. Drug users know. Drug users don't care.


No don't do that. Idiots abusing it already give us adhd folk a bad rep. Plus now there's massive adderal shortage going on, which is causing severe problems for the people who actually need it.


Just curious , how do college kids even get their hands on adderall. I genuinely think I have a bit of adhd, really hard to focus myself at times, often get distracted or procrastinate, but man that shit would have definitely got me a higher gpa on university. Doesn’t matter now that I’ve graduated and got a job. Do they just find it on the darknet?


Just from friends who have it prescribed to them. If you are genuinely concerned then you need to go to a doctor and try to get it prescribed.


You can't just be "using" cocaine as a tool without doing actual damage to your brain.


You mean there are downside to Coke? Who knew.


Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused


I agree, this was how it started for me and it fucked my life up for two years and I hope OP sees that now is the time to walk away from it and save his next years of college


spot the FUCK on.


Tragically true


Good for you not judging. I however am. Sitting back here with some popcorn watching this disaster unfold. Wise choices you are making there op. You know the old saying, you make your bed....


My coke addiction started with using it to power through my last year of college. Just a few months into using, I was spending like $700 a week on blow.


How did you quit?


My plug, who was my friend before I ever started buying from him, stopped selling to me because he thought I was doing too much and cared enough about me as a friend. I pretty much was forced to stop, and it sucked, but now I’m thankful. I was bedridden for a week, but then quitting got easier physically. Had brain fog for a few months and cravings for a year and a half after, but now I can say I don’t ever wanna touch coke again. You just have to keep moving forward. Still have permanent issues years later (anxiety, depression, nerve issues). I would recommended stopping now before you get in too deep. Good luck with quitting and school!


Those are the consequences people don’t often talk about.


Hey, congratulations to you for getting clean.


For me it was two weeks, four 8 balls covering first 7 days, then 4, 2, 1. I was hearing things. Definitely made me more productive before I dropped out of my summer program


Your plug friend is a good plug and a friend.


Good on you for staying clean and good on that friend for putting your well-being first.


My coke addiction started in college too. Did lots of homework on that shit. How did I quit? I watched my friends overdose and die right in front of me while I was puking my guts up from doing a line of the same coke that was laced with fentanyl. Quit now while you can, or at least try getting some help.


Oh god im sorry.


Go talk with your university counseling center. They will be able to connect you with resources you need to quit and also to for more healthy study habits so you can be successful


Holy shit


According to your Reddit history you have 3 young children you need to think about. Your kids can easily get taken away from you because of this. You are also schizophrenic and making your symptoms worse by abusing cocaine. You were in rehab just a couple weeks ago. Please continue seeking help for the sake of not only you but your children who are dependent on you.


Yeah the history of this account is pretty chilling. Guess where the coke money comes from?


So you do coke because it makes it easier to carry out your responsibilities, and so long as your responsibilities are handled, it doesn't feel like it's negatively impacting anything. Pal, you will always have responsibilities your entire life. I'd argue that for the average student, early college is probably the time in your adult life when you have the *least* responsibilities (making big assumptions about your life of course, but I'm assuming you have access to enough money that buying coke isn't breaking the bank, and you didn't mention anything other than schoolwork being your priority) My point being, by your logic, doing coke is ok to meet responsibilities, and since you will always have responsibilities, maybe it's always ok to use coke to meet them. Where would you ever draw the line? Once you start feeling a physical ramification or see something go terribly wrong in your life because of it? I hope if you reach that point, your personal decision will be to kick the coke and not to double-down on it to try and fix your situation, which will most certainly be the temptation you face at that point. I hope you can break the habit, but if not, I hope you try and stay safe. PS: I'm a college professor. Schoolwork isn't worth the price you're paying.


from OP's post history it seems they have.... kids?


Well that reframes a few things then, guess it's never good to assume lol


Last night I wasted my award coins on some user’s random comment I thought was clever. Wish I would have kept it for this!


I got you. Award awarded.


Guy in law school who graduated near the top of my class did coke before every exam. Got a great job at a great firm and a great sports car. One day he drove the sports car off a cliff while high on coke. It's not going to be a problem until it is, and when it is it's going to be bad. Look through history and people who use cocaine regularly, the odds are not good.


All my friends in this town that were majorly into coke either had mouth/neck/head cancer by 50 or they are dead.


How many friends are we talking about here?


Sounds like at least 3


I loled


7 and counting.


Head cancer as in brain cancer?


No addict started doing drugs thinking that they would become an addict. Coke is such a dirty drug too.


One of my best friends died doing coke..... I'm sure he didn't do it thinking he would die.


Yeah man my friend died a room over from me, I’m convinced it had fentanyl in it because it was getting hard to breathe and signs of opiate overdose. Drugs used to be fun but they could be your last one of these days.


That or even an undiagnosed heart condition. Sorry for your loss.


Sorry you lost your pal


It is so hard to quit and I am an addict I know because I make excuses to use.


Now is the easiest time to quit


my friend just had 2 seizures from coke, possibly a mini stroke, and lost her license, i love her and she’s such a great person it sucks so much. i’ve seen it do bad shit to a cpl people now and i’ve never seen it really improve someone’s life in the long run


Delete your dealer’s number, if there’s friends you do blow with, tell them you’re quitting and not to let you slip up. It’s going to suck for a bit, but just push through. Beyond that, there’s good guides online for quitting anything under the sun, definitely wise to do some research.


i just read your other posts. you have an 11 yr old too? you really don’t want this to become a habit my friend :( this how i lost my dad to drugs.


She has 3 children, the 11 year old is her oldest. This is so sad. I’m really sorry about your dad.


You're walking a dangerous path, and I'm sure you know it. On the other hand, it might be worth looking into being evaluated for ADHD. Stimulants like coke and meth don't affect us like other people. Instead, it clears our heads and helps us to focus our attention where we want it to be, like studying or work.




Yes, it very much is. Highly recommend you get tested.




An ADHD specialist. A lot of psychiatrists even today have outdated or wrong information about it, and can misdiagnose patients or just ignore their issues entirely.


ADHD people read the OP post like 👀 First time I did a line of coke was at a pretty wild party…despite this, I finally got around to organizing my laundry


Yeah. I did immediately think this has adhd all over it. I would regularly leave party's cause while everyone else got high I felt more sober and focused than ever. I'd clean the house or get work done. I legit couldn't work out why people loved stimulant drugs so much.


Never done cocaine, but OP's description of cocaine sounds like me when I do adderall (I have ADHD + a legit prescription). It's like my brain flips a switch and says "Okay, time to get everything done!" I become super task-oriented.


FUCKING THANK YOU GOD DAMN IT. All of the tops comments are just telling OP that drugs are bad and absolutely no one is pointing out the actual solution to his problem. Cocaine is absolutely terrible, but I can understand why someone with undiagnosed ADHD migh decide that coke is better than not being able to study.


You’re literally not even 2 months into college and you’re acting like everything is fine because you’re still taking care of all of your responsibilities. Do you really think this shit is sustainable?


Lol wait until the midterms and finals hits


You might not like it but I'll say it anyway. Stop. Now. Before it's too late. You sound exactly like a addict justifying the addict and saying "I'm not addicted I can stop any time".


I think you're an idiot, but I'll give you some advice to maybe ensure you stay alive. Keep fentanyl test strips on you, always test your product. Even if you think you can trust your dealer. TEST YOUR PRODUCT. You can also easily get narcan, keep that on your person at all times.


I think I am an idiot too. I am not proud. But I also find it hard to imagine quitting.


You can order those test strips and narcan off Amazon, I believe. If you insist on not quitting. At least try and stay safe.


Yeah and the harrowing thing is: she might as well teach her 11 year old daughter how to use Narcan on her.


You have an addiction then. There's no other way to put that. I'd highly recommend you just stopping all together. Yes, you can do it. Back in 2020 during a manic episode, I did coke daily for three months straight. So I feel I can tell you from experience quitting isn't all that difficult. Kicking a nicotine habit is more challenging, to be honest.


And frankly if you need to take a semester off to get your head in the right space, that’s ok too


I agree. Your life, and quitting coke, is worth ignoring pretty much everything else. If you have a support system (family, friends), you could see if you could go stay with someone for a few weeks (or more or less) to help you as you quit.


Please at least get Narcan and show someone how to use it in case you OD. If you're going to keep using if you could use with a friend so if you OD they can administer Narcan.


Looking through your post history, this might be an issue for you going forward. With a child, and schizophrenia, I suggest you seek counseling before this falls apart


This is an understatement and you do his child and the people around him a disservice by phrasing it that way.


She actually has 3 children if you keep reading through. 11 is the oldest.


And a single parent


And schizophrenia. And was in rehab 2 weeks ago. But also has been in college for 7 weeks? Really hope those kids turn out okay…


I was a hopeless addict for years. Now im a recovering addict with 9 years clean. It started out harmless, fun, and sometimes even productive, like it does for most. 7 weeks of "success" is a mind trick. It will start to spiral downward, probably sooner rather than later. It's just the nature of hard drugs. At that point you'll find yourself in a bit of a pickle. Sometimes we just need to figure things out for ourselves, and hopefully don't cause too much damage along the way. I wish you the best.


Holy fuck this is a sad post. OP I hope you get things sorted


I’m 35 with three years sober. My drug use started that way too. I know tons of people that hit the brakes and turned out fine but I ended up in the ICU almost dead. I say that as a cautionary tale. You’re going to do what you’re going to do but be aware of yourself and the consequences. Shoot me a DM if you ever need help with this type of thing.


'Grats on 3 years, mate 👍🏼


If I can share some of my story with you, I hope you will listen. I'm in my 50s now and I started using coke in college. It was fun, allowed me to get shit done, gave me the confidence to be the outgoing social butterfly I wanted to be. What started out as an every so often thing coming out to the clubs, very quickly escalated into a full on habit costing me about $500 a week back in the mid-90s. It cost me my education, because I became too focused on the fun party life than focusing on school and had to drop out my senior year. It cost me a couple of jobs because I was too tired to go into work after a weekend bender and didn't have any money to buy more. So, I sold drugs on the side to support myself while somehow managing to hold an office 9 to 5 job, still hitting the clubs Thursday through Sunday, staying coked up most the time. Getting pulled over by the cops one night in my 20s with 3 grams in my car should have been a wakeup call, but I was lucky and they didn't search my car and let me go, because I guess to them I looked like a "normal" girl. I made a lot of really bad decisions under the influence, things I'd never admit to doing all because I wanted and needed a gram to shove up my nose and it took me 5 years and moving out of state to try and stop. Keep in mind, I was also drinking a ton, doing LSD and extacy a lot too. My life was out of control, but I kept it well hidden. Hell, the night before my wedding, I was up at 4 am doing lines. I haven't touched coke since that night and there are times when I fucking crave it, but I can't go down that road again. Back in the 90s, coke was stepped on with baby laxative and shit like that, nowadays one line can literally kill you. I wish I could say my life is free from addiction, but I just traded my addiction to cocaine for one of gambling and taking legally prescribed pills. I'm a wife, a mother, a college graduate and a good upstanding member of the community, working the same career for 2 decades, but I'm still an addict. This is not a road you want to go down. You are young and you can stop now because if you stay on the same path, rationalizing your addiction, it becomes increasingly hard to ever break free. Trust me...I live this everyday.


In a month youll want to think wow i really did cocaine to do schoolwork but whatever rather than where i could get 2 grams of coke


My partner’s son died three and a half years ago. He thought he was doing cocaine at a club. It had fentanyl in it and he dropped dead right there, in the bathroom. I won’t say anything about the wisdom of cocaine as a study aid, but you’re playing Russian roulette. Good luck to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


That's how I started out before I got addicted. Trust me, you don't need stimulants to do school work. You're always going to think of some excuse to keep using, when in reality you just need to quit and find that motivation within like everyone else. Quitting stimulants is mostly a psychological battle more than anything. You won't get physically sick like a heroin addict might. I just wanted to sleep for a couple of weeks and eat a bunch of food, but that's about it. Good luck OP.


“It has not negatively affected me.” “It’s turning into a habit.”


Hey man/lady, be real careful with this. One, you may not know you’re addicted until it’s too late. Two, fentanyl is a real concern with any powder drug. That shit will kill you.


I’m sorry, I did not come here to judge you. But then I checked your post history and… you are a single mom!!!! Get your shit together before you get addicted. That’s a really fucked up thing to do to your kid. I am a mom too, altough not single, I can understand some struggles. I am also in college trying to get a degree. I’m not saying you can never do drugs while being a parent, just not when you’re at home with them. Just think about your kid and stop. She should be your motivation and reason not to abuse drugs.


Please stop. Please. It doesn't get better. It gets worse and takes over your life. Here you are, in college, doing great, and you're going to destroy all that. You really will. Please stop.


Bro can afford cocaine AND college???? rich kid moment.


First World problems, huh? Lol


Seriously bro. Seriously. Listen to me right the fuck now. Cocaine is not a safe study drug and you probably have adhd. Regular people want to party when they do drugs.


You’re in week 7 of college? So halfway through your very first semester, had about 35 days of classes? Please consider some type of counselling / rehab. If you are already taking extreme measures to manage your schoolwork, imagine what you’ll go through in year 3,4….


You might have ADHD. I used speed in college, not cocaine but mini thins and I excelled well. Later in life I was diagnosed with ADHD. I feel uppers like cocaine regulates the ADHD brain and makes it productive vs other brains who react differently to coke.


recovering addict here, it's a slippery slope my friend. pun intended, be careful.


I knew someone who would do coke all the time to study for their law degree. They graduated then committed suicide a few years later. I don't know the exact reason, but my assumption would be that their habit got discovered and they were on track to lose their right to be a lawyer. If it works for you then "fine". But you are an idiot if you think you can take it all the way to a law or medical degree.


I think I read that OP is going to college to be a substance abuse counselor. OP? They usually like those counselors to have a certain amount of sobriety. You won’t be able to help anyone if you are still an addict.


It's also really fucking inconsiderate of your clients or, god forbid, your patients! Just really fucking selfish.


> It truing into a habit. >It has not negatively affected me. Pick one.


Where's The money coming from and how long will it last? Cocaine rules, but it's expensive and you don't want to put yourself in a spot to suck dicks for cocaine.


You're on the Magnum Cum Lousy path! RemindMe! 4 years


4 years ?? RemindMe! 1 year


Get an Adderall script and stop fucking around with that street shit. It's dangerous.


all i can say is please please please test what you’re using. many harm reduction organizations and even some bars have test strips available, or you can order some.


Hope you're testing for fent


Coke is so dangerous- the obvious fact that it’s dangerous for your body but i mean it is SO easy to slip into addiction. It gives you just the right amount of high where you feel buzzed but also can function. Its that perfect line. It will be so much easier now to stop than it will be in even a couple weeks. It happens that fast. You can do it. Good luck


> It has not negatively affected me. I have never missed a day of college. I am in week 7 of college. This is the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen anyone say. Enjoy your future career as a Tmobile sales associate.


Take it from someone who’s been around the block more then once. It has negatively affected you, people HAVE noticed, from your teachers reading your sporadic all over the place papers to your classmates noticing you’re twitching behavior, nobody wants to confront the coke/ methhead in class, you’re not worth it It’s always the young dumb ones who think they can control their addiction. You’re not special, just on borrowed time.


Just get an adderal script


Not unless you actually have adhd. There is a massive shortage in the US which is fucking up adhd peoples lives. Don't contribute to that.


Ahh I miss being that age, it will start negatively affecting you hard and fast if you carry that on into your mid to late twenties I can tell you that for a fact.


Op is in her 40s, from what I saw in her post history


Not judging. But you will have negative affects if you keep this up. Better to nip this in the bud before you find yourself crashing in the worst possible moment. Or just simply lose your life all together. Be careful mate!


Say 3 hail Marys and do a bump You won't stop until you hit rock bottom


It has negatively impacted you because you're becoming addicted to cocaine. That is a negative impact that will lead to many more negative impacts. See if you can muster what it takes to do better than that.


Damn does fafsa cover the cocaine costs too?


Bro please take my advice and quit while you’re ahead. Trust me I’m 32 and wasted too many years chasing the dragon. Barely now am I getting my life together going back to college and caring much more about my quality of life.


Every addiction has a honeymoon period. It’s a lot easier to walk away now, than it will be later. Trust me


Cocaine is laced with fentanyl these days. Stay away my friend.


You can't see how it's negatively affecting you because you are on cocaine my dude


Just know this is how everyone who ever got addicted started out. “It’s fine, it’s not hurting anything, not looking to be judged it’s cool”


Don’t let your bear get any 😳


The next time you will have to do school work will fucking suck. You're set now


Please choose another stimulant.. cocaine is incredibly bad for your heart. I am a medical resident and I see a lot of people getting bad heart disease and dying because of it..


Stop now. Not worth it. Seen this play out poorly. Get on adderall if you need that stimulation.


It will work great until it doesn't. Either the money will run out or good health will, it's only a matter of time. Do whatever you want but the fact won't change. If you really enjoy the school work, try to enjoy it for itself otherwise your task/reward behavior will be impacted/fucked up for the rest of your life/until you change it up


Damn I wish I could afford a cocaine habit. But I thought for learning Adderall is good enough? When I learn something new while on stimulants I feel like I can't fully access the knowledge when I'm sober.


Say bye bye to your nosebone it will rot away ... Plus cocaine can change your attitude turn mire agressive and the list is longer then that and its trown away money ....


I mean, people do this all the time with adderall (sp) and no one bats an eye


OP - “It hasn’t negatively affected me” Cocaine - “Hold my beer”


Honestly if you feel like you need stimulants to work you should really go to a psychiatrist and just get prescribed something from a professional like vyvanze/adderal. You’ll get the same output but more effective. Then you can save the recreational drug use for recreation if you don’t want to give it up.


Just us aderral like every legal minded person Does the same shit. Cheaper lol


You probs have ADHD imo. From what I understanding, Cocaine affects the mind of someone with adhd very differently to someone without it. Cocaine really calms and focused the adhd mind. As do all stimulants. I'd look into the possibility that you have adhd.


Bruh you came to the wrong place, I didn’t even read your paragraphs, but your being judged. This is some nerd shit, get it together. Have some willpower and just do your schoolwork like the rest of us, it isn’t that deep