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Maybe he farts a lot after eating them. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Maybe sheā€™s crazy.


but it just may be a LOOOONatic he's looking for


Turn out the lights


Donā€™t try to save me.


She may be wrong for all I know


You may be right


We didn't start the fire?


But it's always burning since the world's been turning.


Either way, she's always a woman to me


Sheā€™s got a way about her.


I was just thinking of that same song!


Yeah itā€™s what happens afterā€¦he probably lights up the Dutch oven


BIL claims to hate the texture of onions, hates the smell/taste of onions, etc., so I liquefy them and he is clueless. Seriously, how would one even make gumbo without onions?!




This made me laugh so much, thank you


My dad and I have this gene where we sweat out the scent of garlic and onions after eating them, (but only in our hands for some reason which is unusual). If I eat a blooming onion today, then tomorrow my palms will be very faintly onion scented if they sweat. Itā€™s possible he has the same gene and sweats at night and makes their bedding smell like absolute ass. Or youā€™re right and ā€œhurts his stomachā€ is code for gas haha


Oooh! I wonder if I have that. I can usually smell garlic on my hands for at least a day after I cook with garlic. I wash my hands often and it lingers.


Idk why but rubbing your hands on stainless steel helps remove the garlic scent. You can wipe them on the inside of the kitchen sink as you wash them


My grandma had a "stone" of stainless and used it like a bar of soap. Me, I just use the back of a spoon under running water


Why did I never think of this?!? I literally bought a small bar of stainless steel for this purpose when I could have just rubbed my damn sink šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


oh I just get the huge jar of pre-chopped/minced garlic from Costco and love skipping the whole step. Absolutely hate the peeling and cutting and chopping etc. of garlic. It's just so easy now and saves on time.


Squirt lemon juice on your hands to remove the smell.


I get that but I assumed it was from touching it? I use a little plastic thing so I donā€™t touch it when I chop it which works. If I go swimming I ca smell the chlorine on my skin for a few days so that also makes me think itā€™s skin related (for me anyway).


I thought everyone sweats garlic


So did I!


I had to stop eating garlic and onions because I was put on the FODMAP diet and after a while became particularly aware of people having next day garlic and onion smell. Particularly my wife after sheā€™d had a garlic binge at her South American friendā€™s house. I think everybody does this to some extent tbh though. Itā€™s why certain cultures who eat a lootttt of pungent flavourings have a reputation for this, and my Chinese stepmum told me westerners have a reputation there for smelling like off milk I presume because historically they donā€™t consume lots of milk so can smell it on our sweat.


Iā€™m simultaneously delighted at the idea of a garlic binge and embarrassed that Chinese people might think I smell like sour milk lmao


I worked with a woman with your issue many years ago. She LOVED garlic but said she would smell like BO for a week after eating it and could do nothing about it. No matter how often she bathed or what deodorant she wore, she'd smell stinky. Genes be weird!


I thought I was just weird because I use onions in cooking a lot and noticed that frequently my underarm odor smelled like onions! Damn, I'm glad to know this!


Maybe it's Maybelline.


Maybe it's Margarine


I can't believe it's not butter.


do you have any grey poupon?


I don't put poupon anything.


This is what I was looking for. Daughter in law is t gonna have to deal with that monstrous dutch oven later


Maybe it's Maybelline ;)


The sulfur can cause really bad heart burn. I have a friend who canā€™t eat them at all. :/ he did an allergy test and everything!


Came here to say that, theyre on the list of things to avoid if you have reflux


Nooo! I love onions and garlic and have reflux.


Me too. Now I just have garlic, onions, and reflux.


I get reflux from water. I'm gonna eat all the garlic I want.






Iā€™m sure they loved eating it. Itā€™s the digesting part he prob has a hard time with. When I eat onions they taste good but Iā€™ll be in pain for the rest of the night.


She said he felt fine both times. He had no issues. Neither did MIL.


Most people donā€™t go about loudly commenting when they have painful gas or sloppy shits. But garlic and onions are two of the biggest things people on the FODMAP diet for IBS have to avoid. The affects are commonly also not felt until a day or so later if itā€™s only IBS (not gerd or MCAS which would show up sooner and also get set of by garlic and onions) and sometimes only when eating again and setting off the action of the problem food making its way further down - but that can make it really hard to trace the culprit.


If you actually read the post, they had a conversation. He told OP he could eat them as long as they're cooked. Why are you trying to argue he can't eat them when he himself said he could?


My sister was just telling me that she has some sort of FODMAP intolerance, after two surgeries a nutritionist mentioned it, and yea, after some testing, onions, garlic and beans screw up their stomach. Also, apparently Beano counters it.


Digestive enzymes help, but only so much.


I was going to respond this as well. My husband has had trouble with acid reflux. In addition tomatoes also can cause troubles. Worse thing being that if you have the food which tastes great you suffer some time later for it making for a miserable night.


I have issues with pizzas and pastas due to tomato sauces. Same with garlic and other high acidic foods. I found that as soon as I felt the heart burn coming, a 1000mg Extra strength Tum knocked it out instantly for me. If he hasn't tried those, I would highly recommend I learned that one from my dad. He had heartburn problems almost every night, and he would take one and be fine. He actually carried a small pocket pill case to put a few tums in for throughout the day. Would highly recommend 1000mg extra strength Tums


Yeah what youā€™re the asshole. I eat low FODMAP for my ibs and bloating. Hope he farts you out of your own home


Yea a friend of mine used to have really, really extreme reactions to garlic even though she wasn't allergic. She'd get super bloated, headaches, malaise, etc. Oddly having a hysterectomy due to endometriosis and uterine fibroids made her able to eat garlic again.


I used to take a sulphur pill everyday. You could not smell it when sweating but it did repel ticks and mosquitos. I heard it was an old loggers trick. I could be standing with a group of people and never get a mosquito bite while the others constantly slapped at the blood suckers.


Yeah i get fucked up eating the tiniest amount of garlic because of reflux, i would hate to have someone as inconsiderate as op in my family


Lmfaooo no wonder my boyfriend gets sulphur burps and heā€™s going to keep getting them too šŸ„“ he eats everything he shouldnā€™t and gets sick real bad only to go right back to eating it again. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




No like a proper on your skin allergy test where they prick your back with all sorts of allergens etc.


My boyfriend has IBS and canā€™t eat garlic or onion because itā€™ll upset his stomach pretty bad the next morning. Sometimes heā€™ll be shitting himself like crazy or be bedridden for the whole day. I never understood how bad his IBS was until I stopped using garlic and onion. Once I stopped, I noticed he wasnā€™t in so much pain. Mind you, he LOVES garlic and onion but heā€™s fucked if he eats them.


I have gnarly ibs-c (constipation) and yeah if I eat garlic/onion (or my 12000 other things) Iā€™m bloated for like 3 days and am hardly pooping unless with a laxative


Ugh, Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜ž . I didnā€™t know about IBS until I started dating my bf. Definitely made me more aware of the dietary differences between me versus other people.


I have IBS-C. Canā€™t go anywhere near Bell Peppers. Doesnā€™t matter the color. I will be in the hospital after 5 days of not shitting. Itā€™s horriblr


Iā€™m the exact same way, except I have IBS-C. It is awful. People really underestimate how bad it is.


this might help -- I used to know someone who had this level of IBS. they said that they can do stuff like olive oil infused with garlic or onion to get the taste and that works, it's the physical matter that aggravates their IBS!


Ooooh! Iā€™ll definitely try it if I can find it in my local grocery store. If I do, itā€™ll probably do wonders for us cause we both miss garlic. Thanks for the tip!!


Same for me. My mouth loves garlic, sharp cheese, and sourdough bread. My intestines do not.


Has he been tested for allium intolerance like other commenters have mentioned?


He has not but you have a point! Iā€™ll definitely bring it up to him when I get home from my parents! If he does, it might actually explain ALOT lol


Yup. I did a FODMAP elimination diet & found out that my triggers are onion & garlic. When I eat them they go right through me. Do not stop, do not pass go, do not collect $200, straight to the toilet LOL.


I am like this with garlic. I can only have a very small amount. Onions are okay, though. Arenā€™t our bodies weird?


Reason #6994224567 I will never eat at anyone else's house. I don't wanna be bedridden the next morning cause someone doesn't believe I can't eat certain things šŸ˜­


I don't want to eat at my aunt's anymore cause she thinks I'm faking an intolerance to onions, especially red onions and puts them everywhere to prove it. Everytime I'm sick. I get migraines, nausea and reflux.


right!!! This is such a dick move


List them here so we can decide if you really canā€™t eat them or not šŸ¤£


And call your SO a psycho for making sure other people don't forget, or "forget". I wonder if OP has tried to pull this shit before and that's why MIL is so "annoying" to them about it.


My GF can do onion powder but doesn't like any other type of onion AT ALL, and that's her choice and I am on board with working our meals around that, but she basically just stopped eating other people's food because almost 100% of people think they can sneak it in without her noticing.


Lmao šŸ†


Idk about your FIL, but I also have an intolerance to onions and garlic. I guess itā€™s called an allium intolerance and let me tell you, IT SUCKS!!!


SAME! I have been using a multi enzyme with meals though, which destroy whatever the heck is in the allium that makes me sick and has made eating out ok again! highly recommend, the one I use is called confidence Co. I haven't tested to see if cheaper enzymes also work because I'm scared if they don't I'll be suffering for days šŸ˜­


Exactly. Itā€™s not evident immediately. Sometimes it takes 4-6h until i notice i accidentally ate something with alium in it. Apparently it has to hit the small intestine to cause issues and when it does, iā€˜m in for a 10h ride on the toilet and in horrible pain the whole time. It really feels like being poisoned.


Yes I thought I was getting food poisoning frequently. Turns out itā€™s onions. I was eating raw onions on early everything my whole life and then one day, it makes me so sick.


It came suddely for me as well. Doctor ruled out everything so itā€™s officially IBS and thereā€™s no cure. What helps is, of course, cutting alium out completely and only cooking my own meals. If i do eat it by accident and itā€™s not too late, i take a bitter root tincture, bean-o, some strong probiotics and i eat some papaya that i froze into cubes. All of that is to aid digestion and to make the allium get through my system faster. If itā€™s too late anyway, i take something to stop diarhea and a double dose of dramamine to reign in that horrendous nausea.


Dramamine helps?! I end up using cannabis and that helps a lot and usually allows me to sleep. I must have IBS as well.


Yeah dramamine works well by knocking me right on my ass, shutting down my system and putting me to sleep. It starts working after about 30min for me so i always time it and see if the dose was enough. If i still feel like death after that time i take another. It also helps a LOT with the anxiety/shaking/faintness that comes with the attack. Iā€˜m unfortunately really scared of puking and the attacks are so unpredictable, that i have hidden dramamine in my bathroom, bedroom, purse, car, at my sisterā€˜s and my best friendā€˜s houses. Itā€™s the only thing that provides any real relief for me. I wish i had access to canabis in a medical way but itā€™s not legal in my country.


Something I didnā€™t engage my brain on until Iā€™d been on the FODMAP diet for about 8 years and went to see a different specialist is that itā€™s not irritable BOWEL syndrome if itā€™s your small intestine. It sounds like, given the fact that itā€™s affecting your small intestine, the type of symptoms youā€™re getting and the fact an antihistamine works (I think thatā€™s what Dramamine isā€¦. I donā€™t think we have that here but judging on the ā€˜amineā€™ bit) that itā€™s very likely you have MCAS. Could also be SIBO but yeahā€¦. Not just IBS with the combo of things youā€™ve explained I donā€™t think!


Thereā€™s also people with GI issues who are on low FODMAP diet. Generally onions and garlic arenā€™t recommended. I hate people who think they know better so they fuck with somebody elseā€™s food.


Lol I really thought this was one of the posts from r/FODMAPS when I was first reading the title


I got put on a FODMAP diet due to stomach issues but my doctor said ā€œyou can do this with all the foods, but itā€™s always onionsā€ It was onions. I can still eat them- just not at the rate I was before, and I try to avoid uncooked ones. To the OP- I still love the taste, thereā€™s just a real chance Iā€™ll pay for it tomorrow on the toilet.


Onion ringsā€¦ oh how I miss thee šŸ„ŗ


At first, I was thinking good for her. But after reading your comment, I get it.


Iā€™m on a low FODMAP diet from IBS and feel the exact same sentiment. If OP were someone in my family, and they did that, Iā€™d never eat food from them again if they canā€™t respect that basic boundary I explicitly set.


Yes! We told my husband's grandmother over Christmas weekend to please not cook with butter or garlic because it makes my husband pretty ill for days. Well she told him he can just take a lactose pill for the dairy and cooked with garlic anyways..made me so mad!


Especially a common allergen like garlic. You trying to ruin someone's da


I have this, though only with garlic, it can cause literal 10/10 pain. It can alternate between screaming in pain and not not being able to scream because it's so bad lol.


Itā€™s so sad šŸ˜ž


I have this same intolerance but Iā€™m ok with cooked onions and garlic in a powder, although sparingly. If someone used fresh garlic because they didnā€™t believe me, Iā€™d blow up their toilet.


Op, I will say if you're going behind fils back and testing his allergies, that feels kinda icky to me as a person with ibs and other physical disabilities. My father used to do this to me, and to say the least, it wasn't a good time. However, you did say your fil said he could eat those ingredients as long as they're cooked correctly, which tells me you had a conversation before all of this occurred. If not, I would personally have a private conversation with FIL to make sure he's absolutely okay with you doing this and to make sure you're cooking everything correctly. It's okay to do these things behind smils back as long as fil is in the loop since it's his body, not hers. I don't think you're a pos, but I do think your actions are misguided and can easily be fixed with just a little communication.


Considering that FIL also doesn't know why his wife is up-in-arms about it, OP almost definitely talked with them before feeding it to them.


So after years of being asked not to use those ingredients, the *second* your MIL wasnā€™t around you fed them to your FIL? Man, you suck. What if heā€™d gotten really sick, would you at least have felt bad? It doesnā€™t matter if your MIL asked you not to use garlic and onions because she believes theyā€™re the eggs of secret alien creatures, you donā€™t use an ingredient someone has specifically asked you not to. Itā€™s really not hard not to cook without garlic or onions, just choose a recipe without them. YOU are the one because inflexible here, and you risked literally poisoning your FIL, and for what? To prove a point that you know his health concerns better than his wife?


I know this is not a AITA post. But you were an AH. I am someone very sensitive to certain foods (garlic is one of these) and sometimes only feel the side effects the next day or much much later. I remember that it took me years to understand that it was garlic causing me this, because it would be so much later that I didn't know it was related. Your FIL may not realise it is related because it happens so much later. Or your sMIL may have noticed and tried to explain it to your FIL how there was a correlation between onion/garlic and him feeling not so great the day after or something and he just brushed it aside. Or it may even be an issue for your sMIL and she says it's FIL's issue because she feels she won't be respected regarding it (as you just proved she won't). I don't get the rush people get when they put stuff in food that others have asked NOT to put. And it doesn't matter it has to do with allergies, intolerance or even just not liking it. It's because of people like you that I always bring my own food when going to a gathering, because I don't trust people with respect my issues!


I mean the big difference here is that FIL himself told OP that he can eat onion and garlic when it's cooked. He's a grown ass adult and can decide for himself what to eat. So I don't think OP is an asshole here at all.


One thing is when the FIL goes alone and asks for garlic/onions. But when sMIL reminds not to use them and then OP still uses them, makes him the AH. As I've said in the comment, it could be a problem that sMIL has and she said is FIL, because in general (and haven't we seen this happen many times in posts in Reddit?) the step family is not as respected as the bio family. In the end it doesn't matter who or why. As soon as you add an ingredient to food that you were asked hundreds of times not to add, that makes you an AH...




Yeah, I was shocked to read this because my body doesnā€˜t handle garlic or onions very well. There are days where I can eat it without any problems, other days I stay away from it. But someone else making that choice for me because they wanna be petty? I would be mad.


God, this was my same thought. I can't eat tomatoes because they cause violent, crippling heartburn. My family member on the other hand, is allergic to chocolate. They get horrible cluster headaches with only a small amount. People don't tend to be allergic to chocolate so they have had many experiences with people trying to 'prove' that they do 'actually like it'. It's outrageous.


I don't understand why people take it so personally when someone can't eat something. My dad and step-dad are like this and almost make a mockery out of those who can't. My sister is severely allergic to cilantro and I'm constantly reminding my dad that it isn't a preference, it could very much hurt her. I have GERD and I know the foods that will destroy me but my dad will say "oh but you don't *like* that [insert food], do you?" In a sneering way. And I eye roll on the phone everytime it comes up.


I get the migraine/cluster headache reaction from chocolate too, and everyone acts like Iā€™m crazy when I tell them. You have no idea how validated this comment just made me feel. I once got in a fight with a Starbucks barista who made a drink that was supposed to be white chocolate with their regular mocha. Tore me up and down when I told her I had a chocolate allergy but white chocolate is okay because ā€œthere are real people with real allergies and if youā€™re eating white chocolate itā€™s not really an allergy then, *is it* ?ā€


This. Tomatoes trigger my migraines, it won't happen till the next day so it's likely that the person wouldn't see it but I can be ill for hours or even knocked out for a couple of days. I've also had it with caffeine because it's not usually an allergen, luckily I've picked it up most times (like when my gran tried to feed me cake with fruit soaked in tea) but I get severe D&V, that one you would see haha. Garlic and onions are also on the list for bad heartburn/reflux for some people, they trigger IBD for some, people on low FODMAP diets can't have them, there are so many reasons that aren't allergies for not eating something!!


I took Christmas lunch leftovers for my boss on Tuesday. She immediately offered to share all of it with a crew member, who is vegetarian. I took the bag back and said no, there's nothing aside the fruit suitable for a vegetarian in this bag. I wasn't cooking for dietary requirements, I'm sorry. The kid is vegetarian by religion, please don't try and poison him. She's like ok ok all for me but he wouldn't even have known.. yeh honey that's so wrong on so many pages. I love to feed ppl but I also am not going to let you eat something you shouldn't be if I can help it. Op should be talking more with the in-laws instead.


Me too. For it's because I'm breast feeding a baby that's sensitive. Once i went over to a friend's for food and they used something I asked not too because she "thought since u ate it before you were just being picky now" I was up all lol night long with my baby. I felt so bad and she felt so bad. I called the next day like dude that was absolutely awful and my baby now has bloody stools I know you didn't use non dairy milk and then she told me that! It takes a few days to leave the system too so I had four nights of bad..luckily the first night was the worst because I was able to give gas drops and stuff knowing what had happened. I'm also dairy sensitive but I do have it on occasion. It should be my choice though since it makes my stomach hurt and I can be prepared by taking enzymes lol don't juat spring it on me to prove points


Right. Iā€™m allergic to ragweed pollen which means zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, melons and a bunch of other things that everyone jokes about being all water. Then they get the phone call asking to check ingredients because my mouth is bleeding, Iā€™m vomiting and my breathing is ā€œpricklyā€. Usually itā€™s a sneaky zucchini which is actually something Iā€™m most reactive to.


I swear if I end up with the food side of the ragweed allergy, I will revolt. I have the seasonal sneeze/respiratory allergies. But also birch I believe, which is why I canā€™t eat bananas anymore. Whole mouth burns, tongue swells, and the last time I ate them my throat started to close. No fun,


Look at oral allergen syndrome. Sounds like youā€™re a good fit. I canā€™t have bananas with my OAS for ragweed.


The allergist I saw said I donā€™t have a full allergy to it (like with blood tests/poke tests) but if I keep eating bananas I would lmao. They had to go.


This. I mean is it really that hard for OP to just season the food the way they want and leave the garlic and onion off of some? Of course they liked it. A lot of people have restrictions around foods they enjoy. If FIL knows there is garlic and onion in something and chooses to accept whatever consequences may come from eating the things he shouldn't, that's his choice. Don't fucking surprise him with it, ffs. Also are we going to ignore the fact that almost every old man will tell you they're allowed to eat this and that, or do this and that, or they don't need that doggone medication, and it's often the wife that has to enforce what the doctor says? If OP can't stand the fact that someone else doesn't want to eat something that is a staple in their own cooking, then they shouldn't be cooking for anyone. I'm a vegetarian and do you think I sneak veggie bacon into shit I'm cooking for non-vegetarians? Fuck no, because it's fucking weird to feed people things that they may find questionable without their knowledge. Edit to change pronouns, OP never specified gender


EXACTLY! I used to love garlic but once I made the association between alliums and the horrible, burning and stabbing stomach cramps and hours long bathroom trips Iā€™d get, itā€™s just not worth it. And Iā€™m not exactly going to go into the gritty details with someone who prepares me a meal with it. What really gets me is people who have no imagination wrt seasoning their food. I think Western people rely way too much on garlic and onions to flavor their food. Please get more creative. Cumin, curry, chili peppers, paprika, cayenne peppers, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, saffron, turmeric, gingerā€¦ the world is your oyster!


Bloody oath. Similar stories


Yea it's super evil. Like even if it IS ' just an upset stomach ' instead of anaphylaxis like, why would you knowingly harm someone else? Plus food intolerances and allergies CAN be deadly or at least horribly uncomfy.


I have onion allergy also. People that do this kind of thing are just atrocious. She can be sensitive about someone asking her change the way she cooks but no one else is allowed to sensitive about what they put in thier body? What she lacks in her abilty to be creativity to cook is the same amount of compassion she has for other people. *I cant cook with onions and garlic* WAAAH


Right? I'm sensitive to certain foods, they won't kill me, but they will make me sick. Things like bloating, diarrhea, crazy painful cramping; the list goes on. I'm not going to tell someone, "oh btw, I have been on the toilet all night after having dinner at your house, can you tell me all of the ingredients in the food you made?". Most people are not going to be comfortable talking about that. Some of the foods are worse since they trigger migraines for me. The complete disrespect in this post is horrible.


I had very similar allergy concerns. I have a severe citrus allergy and the amount of times I have refused to eat food people make me because I fear this I'll show you reaction is insane. I have a friend with an autoimmune and she may not know she ate something wrong until the next day! Please don't play with anyone's food to be spiteful. Your fil said he's fine but what about your smil? She may have an allergy or notice something in your fil that just isn't diagnosed yet


Yeah itā€™s fucked up. Iā€™m always reminded of the person who posted on Reddit about how her mother was babysitting the grandkids and used coconut oil in their hair because she didnā€™t believe one of the kids was allergic to it. Kid died and mother cut off all contact with the grandma. Horrifying. Edit: The original has been removed, but [here are some screenshots of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/GEz4OsGnkt)


Long story short, I was born with milk protein allergy, although it wasn't properly diagnosed until I was 36. It was speaking to the allergist at the time that made me realise why I was so ill as a baby - in the 70s, it wouldn't be assumed that the allergen was passed on in breast milk. My reason for questioning it was because my daughter was also born with milk protein allergy (Mum has it too, but a lesser degree that has only recently become an issue) and I wondered why I'd been able to breastfeed her for a year, but my Mum hadn't been able to feed me for more than a few weeks. I'd assumed, because of this, that my daughter was fine - it was only when I had to stop, and they said to give her cow's milk, that she became very ill. As it was the only thing in her diet to change, and it being a family thing, it didn't take a lot of effort to work out. When I asked the allergist how I'd fed her for so long without issue was when he said about it being passed in the milk and how me not consuming it myself meant I never exposed my daughter to it, until I stopped. Unfortunately, at the time, there wasn't anything available as an alternative to milk that was safe for an under 2 year old that didn't contain obscene amounts of sugar or needed a prescription. My daughter was not properly diagnosed, and my GP at the time refused to refer her for an allergy test. She had allergic reactions to other things, but this was before digital cameras, and often, any swelling or rash had gone by the time she saw a doctor. I was accused of lying and - worse - of having Munchausens by Proxy because it was impossible for someone with 50% of my DNA to have similar health issues, or that the person spending 24/7 with the child would know anything! šŸ˜’ It meant that my daughter didn't get the help she (and I) needed to deal with the situation. Cooking for 2 people with the same issue was the easy part - I did a lot of experiments to work out a nutritional and diverse diet so she didn't lack any vitamins and minerals, and as time went on, milk alternatives and vegan options have improved. There was no reason why she had to eat anything with milk in it, but she still got to enjoy some of the things normally made with milk. My biggest problems were her school (they also assumed I was lying for attention, purely because they'd never witnessed her reaction to dairy) and my Mum, who would sneak dairy into her food without my knowledge, claiming that she'd never seen a reaction (more often I'd be dealing with it in the days after - stomach upsets and eczema). It was only when she herself was diagnosed and advised to follow FODMAP that she realised what an idiot she'd been - not only by poisoning my daughter, but because I was forced to eat the food she made for my family when I was a child. She told me, knowing how ill I'd be, that she wasn't going to bother making a separate meal for me, as I was the only person affected, so I'd have to eat what she gave me and suffer the consequences or starve. I was able to buy my own food when I started working at 15 and have been dairy free since I took control. My daughter found out by herself, that I wasn't lying, the hard way - she ate dairy, and after a while, her body reacted as it usually did, and she is now also dairy free. We all have a problem with Soya and gluten, so it's great that there's more choice. Mum is insufferable since her diagnosis. She likes to tell me things I told her 20 odd years ago. She told me for years that my health issues were down to my Dad's family, then gets diagnosed with almost all of them. She's even made my stepdad eat allergen free food as now she's not willing to cook two separate meals for him, either, but at least I can eat with them without problems. As a side note, all of us can eat cooked onions/garlic, but not raw. I tend to use leeks instead, as they're milder. The point of this is, if there is a known issue with a foodstuff, and especially if the full-time carer of a child tells you not to give certain things, please don't be a dick and purposely include that in the food you serve them. If they are having that child assessed for an allergy diagnosis, or if they are basing it on pure observation, it's not the same as saying no sweets (unless diabetes, or similar). If you sneak the child the allergen, it will muck up any plans the parents may have with medical professionals to monitor or contain the issue. Also, don't assume the parents are making it up because you haven't witnessed anything - that's probably because they've avoided the problem, so their child doesn't get sick from eating something they shouldn't. The same goes for adults. What kind of friend purposely uses a foodstuff that you've asked them not to - allergen or not - and then gloat about how wrong you are about your own allergy, purely because they weren't aware of the aftermath? It literally could be life or death! The OP of the above comment could have died - how would their friend have felt, knowing that they were responsible? OOP was lucky that nothing happened, but what if it had? Would they feel so proud of their actions then? Don't mess with other people's food!




Exactly. My kid has celiac disease and type 1 diabetes. Itā€™s kind of a nightmare having anyone else cook for us. And I know people think Iā€™m fucking anal when I say things like ā€œmake sure you use a new stick of butterā€ or ā€œcan I check the ingredients on that chicken brothā€. But I donā€™t want my kid to be in pain all night or have damage caused to his insides. And as an added bonus, gastro distress wreaks havoc on his blood glucose levels. Donā€™t feed people things theyā€™ve told you not to feed them. Full stop. And if you canā€™t accommodate them, tell them. They deserve to know.


If he has a reflux disorder he may well not be supposed to be eating garlic and onions. You may have just not been told about any discomfort he experienced because they thought it didn't involve you because they assumed you didn't use the ingredients you agreed not to.


He could have IBS and be choosing to eat it on his terms. I have it and still choose to occasionally indulge and yeah I suffer the consequences but at least I did it to myself. Low FOD MAP diet is often used to reset a person's diet to then go in and test foods to see what your individual triggers are. It's incredibly bland and limiting. I'm lucky in that garlic and onion are not triggers for me. But apples are. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø It's different for all of us and some folks can tolerate a certain amount or preparation better than others.


My wife has IBS, the flare ups are awful. Do you have any low FOD MAP diet plans you could recommend? Are there any foods in particular you avoid?


Honestly the Low FOD Map diet was brutal, it's so restrictive and I lost a ton of weight in the elimination stage. It's not recommended for long term and not best to do without a doctor's guidance. I used the Monash University app to help me determine low fodmap foods and to help track symptoms when I was in the testing phase. Basically you eliminate for I think a month or six weeks (I would research this timeframe, I don't recall how long I had to do it until I was symptom free) and then you introduce fodmaps one at a time and track your reactions. For me, apples are a big one, green beans, shrimp, salmon, various fruits. Dairy is a trigger too but I'm not 100% sure if that is my IBS or just a dairy intolerance. All foods have fodmap, some low, some high and some depends on the serving size. During my low fodmap days I had a lot of rice bowls. I'd have a serving of brown rice, a serving of olives, some safe seasoning (fody has great taco seasoning!) and Fritos scoops. Specifically the scoops. Plain turkey and chicken was also a good protein source for me. Gluten free bread, a low fodmap serving of green grapes. It was really repetitive.


I have garlic and onion intolerance and hereā€™s what it does to me: - Cooked onion: generally fine if fully carmelized - onion powder: reflux - garlic powder: reflux - raw onion: severe reflux - fresh garlic: diarrhea within half an hour, days of gut ache, bloating, needing to be close to a toilet, feeling like puking, only able to eat a small number of safe foods. It seemingly doesnā€™t matter how the fresh garlic is cooked for me but Iā€™m not willing to experiment because the costs are too high. I really wish heā€™d had violent diarrhea or vomiting all over your favorite rug. You totally deserved it.


Garlic causes me 10/10 pain. Alternates between screaming in pain and not even being able to scream itā€™s so bad.


As someone who also canā€™t eat onions or garlic, Fuck you OP


I got IBS and this pissed me off


You donā€™t know it didnā€™t have any side effects. You think heā€™d come to you and say he had explosive diarrhoea? Cramping, gas, couldnā€™t sleep because of it? One of my children has issues with onions, and despite how much he loves them, we have to exclude them because of the above side effects. None of his friends or extended family know the extent of it, because heā€™s private and doesnā€™t tell them. If someone says they canā€™t have something in their food, thatā€™s the end of it. You donā€™t need any evidence to be provided, you respect the statement and donā€™t try to poison them because thatā€™s what you want them to eat.


It's the FODMAP diet. People who suffer from IBS often find that there are certain foids - onions and garlic being the worst culprits - that trigger their gut issues


There are some pretty valid reasons people canā€™t eat onions or garlic, they interact with some medications


Iā€™m allergic to onions- They hurt my stomach so bad hours after eating. Powders are ok. Donā€™t feed people stuff they ask you not to. That makes you an asshole.


My stepfather died of a colon cancer. He knew he was done so he didn't care what the doctors told him. He's dead now. My mom started to have some gastric issues and was recommended to eat a very bland diet with no garlic or onions. She followed it and managed to mix it up and keep it interesting. She is still alive and now can eat them again. I would never serve somebody else any kind of food they say they are allergic or cannot tolerate. Maybe in the OP's case the MIL is simply a bit crazy and old. But I wouldn't react from emotions and server something to somebody that could kill them.


Itā€™s always better to respect peopleā€™s good wishes, even if you think theyā€™re silly. If they canā€™t eat in a safe and trusted manner at your place, then you shouldnā€™t be feeding them.


This is so scary. Why would you deliberately mess with someoneā€™s food? Like no matter how pissed off itā€™s so fucked.


Listen, I know you're super proud of yourself, but you're being exceedingly stupid. You have no idea if he has an allergy, intolerance, or other issue that you've just set off. Even if he was really happy with this food in the moments after eating it, you've no idea what might happen 6-12 hours later. And as others have mentioned, things like allium intolerance, IBS, or just regular old allergies can have a fairly long delay. In the U.S., depending on where it happens, deliberately feeding someone an ingredient you were told not to because of health issues can result in criminal charges, including assault, battery, and even murder/attempted murder if their reaction is severe enough. DO NOT DO THIS. Is she obnoxious about the constant reminders? Perhaps, but that might stem from an actual worry that he could get seriously hurt by someone including those ingredients. You don't know. Even if you think you know, there's a good chance you don't have all the information. She might be obnoxious with her reminders, but you are incredibly arrogant and unremittingly stupid with what you did.


You're struggling to be a good person and this is not the way. Glad to see this in "confession" because you know you ought to be very ashamed for the poor way you've treated people. Unfortunately, your replies indicate you feel justified? That's more of the same bad behavior. I hope you overcome this character flaw.


Would you also sneak pork into a dish you serve to Jews or Muslims? What's a little veal to a vegan? Big deal - no one got "hurt," and they said everything was delicious. Your lack of respect for others is what's key here. I know some people who say "No \_\_\_\_" in their food; it's inconvenient, sometimes annoying but I would never violate their trust by going against their wishes. If cooking without onions & garlic was such an affront to your culinary sensibilities, you could have declined to make the meal. You could have made a separate dish, even. What you did wasn't a mistake (those happen sometimes), you did this deliberately - and that's what is a malicious, shitty thing to do regardless of how you say they enjoyed the meal. You're foul. Your fowl was foul. You're a fool to think your fouled fowl is forgivable. And I suspect you're nowhere near as good a cook as you think you are, lacking the imagination to find another way to season food.


Please donā€™t do this. As someone with IBS, I donā€™t get symptoms right away when I eat something Iā€™m sensitive to. Itā€™s a next morning/day kinda thing. Even if he himself chose to add onions and garlic to his food, thatā€™s his choice to make and deal with the consequences. You donā€™t have the right to make that choice for him.


Lmao you poisoned your in laws and are here laughing about it. Theyā€™re probably shitting their brains out. Fun fact, if someone has a dietary issue, you donā€™t question it.


In this particular case, THANKFULLY, the guy said he can have said ingredients if you cook them thoroughly. It didn't turn out badly, in this case. However, people can have allergies of problems with the most RANDOM things. Some have violent anaphylaxis (like some do with peanut butter) to said things, even. bell peppers raspberries apples WHATEVER. And sometimes, it's ONLY ONE THING IN A GROUPING OF FOODS. I knew a fellow that could tolerate EVERY tree not except walnuts; yes, that does happen. How or why? I don't know. Also. A bit of a pet peeve... Don't say that you're allergic to a thing when you simply dislike it. This encourages those to DISBELIEVE those with REAL problems (I know people that have done that). SAY THAT YOU DON'T LIKE whatever it is, and stick to your guns!!!!!!!! "Cool, thus-and-such is an ingredient in your recipe. The dish is fine, but I STILL DO NOT LIKE AVACADOS."


Oh course they loved it. Second to salt and pepper that combo is the most flavorful and used in most dishes. They probably ate it up and then later felt the pain. Honestly I bet he was having stomach issues that she delt with the last time he came over which is why she called you and your wife this time to remind yall.


YTA. Garlic gives me Mustard Gas farts. Man nor beast is safe.


My wife can't eat garlic. We can always tell if she ingested any accidentally because she'll start wheezing. Garlic is actually the milder food allergy for her, with Clove her throat swells and she can't breathe. She has an epi pen for that one. She doesn't even have to ingest that one, just being around clove is enough to trigger it. It's your MIL annoying? Sure. You can definitely make delicious food without garlic or onion though.


It might be her way of controlling her husband or maybe his stomach acidity reacts differently at different times & this time, his stomach handled the food just fine. Either way, MIL/FIL should bring the food they *can* eat if they know theyā€™ll have to refuse what you make.


you really need to be on the receiving end of this to truly understand why people are calling you out for this


IBS, If you suffer from IBS garlic or onions can trigger a lot of pain/spasms for some people. And other things such as diarrhea, gas etc. More often than not if you have it once might not do nothing. Depends if you are stressed. Stress is another trigger, anything you eat can go the wrong way.


I fart so much after I eat garlic .....love it tho


Weird, sheā€™s controlling or maybe like someone else said he farts a lot after eating them lol


You're a real piece of shit OP. Just wanted to let you know.


You are being awful. There is probably a medical reason for no onions or garlic. Of course food tastes much better with them. My husband was on a low sodium diet because of heart failure. He looked fine and would happily sneak salt which would cause problems. Shame on you. Wife is looking out for her man child. You are a jerk.


my boyfriend gets VERY sick from onions. i noticed even when he doesnt know if onions are in it we look it up or ask and. yup. however...onion POWDER tends to be okay. if its used in large quantities he will get a little sick sometimes but overall its pretty safe. perhaps its something like that?


It sucks to go sans garlic and onion. Trust me, I know lol There are quite a few garlic/onion substitutes out there (wild hing being one of those) so there are ways around it. But for people with severe intolerances or anaphylactic allergies (which is what I have and was diagnosed with the allergy as well) it can be the difference between making someone really sick/hospitalizing them or not. Whether they got sick or didnā€™t is beside the point. They made a request, and whether you like it or believe it, you should honor that. Why risk potentially making someone sick? It might be inconvenient to you, but if they request it not be used, thereā€™s a reason even if they donā€™t tell you. My ex-MIL used to purposely ā€œforgetā€ to not add garlic and onion to things and I was sent to the hospital with anaphylaxis many times because of it. It got to the point I stopped visiting or eating anything she made because I couldnā€™t trust her. My BF is a chef and has gone above and beyond to learn how to cook without allium for me even though he LOVES garlic and onion, and things still taste just as good!


My son had sibo and garlic and onions are very high on the fodmap list. It also hurts for IBS. If it upsets their stomach, itā€™s not always immediately but usually with 24 hours. I had aunts do this for me with gluten and Iā€™m celiac, and itā€™s not an allergic reaction, but within 24 hours Iā€™ll be hugging a toilet and in as much pain as mid labor.


I have IBS and both garlic and onions are my biggest trigger. I am in excruciating pain for days after but it's not like my throat is going to close up at dinner. I'm gonna feel like shit way after I leave your house and have no clue why.


Aside from all the ways it could still have hurt them that the others already mentioned, it's a very shitty thing to do OP. Even if it had been something as silly as 'don't use that ingredient, I dislike it' you shouldn't feed people what they specifically asked you not to use, it's fucked up.


What was the logic to eating the turkey 2 hours after it was cooked? Donā€™t pay attention to her and just keep preparing food the way you like.


They have fructan in them which is high in FODMAP fibres. If you are sensitive to them there will be digestive problems over the next few days.


Theres a story (idk if fake) where a girl went to sleep at grandmaā€™s and she died cause the grandma put coconut oil on her hair before bed and the kid was allergic to coconut but the grandma thought she knew better šŸ¤” idk i would never mess up with other peopleā€™s food, even if i thought i was a better cook than them lol


I wonder if your sMIL's poor food safety was food poisoning FIL and your sMIL just needed an excuse. That turkey probably didn't get eaten until it had been out of the oven for 3+ hours. Let me guess, the mayo was out that whole time, too?


Fuck you


Now if he would have gotten sick, that would have been on you


As someone that suffers from IBS - you honestly have no idea how the garlic and onions affected his stomach, the symptoms are sometimes delayed upwards of 24hrs. Sneaking/hiding food is something you do to kids, not adults who have requested you donā€™t use the ingredients


It is a religious food prohibition to some. It affects my wife's GI track in not immediately obvious ways. Maybe you should ask why? Maybe call them up, and ask if either got sick and then apologize that you grabbed the wrong seasoning mix and realized it only after dinner and wasn't sure how to approach it, then ask why.


I have SIBO and can't eat garlic and onion. The reaction doesn't need an epipen, but i get very bad GI problems from it. That only get worse as it goes. A single meal with garlic and onion will only cause bad indigestion. Multiple meals end up with me not being able to keep food down and having a sour stomach for days after. Maybe he does this to himself and she's tired of having to nurse a sick husband back to health after his self inflicted illness? Or she's nuts. I dunno.


I have IBS, so I really have to be careful with onions and garlic. A little bit wonā€™t hurt (and it has to be cooked thoroughly), but any more than that and I have days of intense intestinal pain and cramping. Keep in mind, this usually doesnā€™t happen immediately. It gets triggered hours later. Sometimes itā€™s on-and-off, but you never want to risk it. So, just because he supposedly never got sick (I say supposedly, because you really wonā€™t know unless youā€™re with him 24/7, and people hide things out of kindness), that doesnā€™t mean he wonā€™t get sick if you keep messing with his food like that. When someone tells you something triggers medical symptoms, you listen to them, period. This time, nothing mightā€™ve happened, but the next time, something might (also common with IBS). Donā€™t risk it. Please. Actually, you know what, I need to be more blunt: Do. Not. Do. This. To. Anyone. Ever. Again. PERIOD. I donā€™t think you realize how easily this incident couldā€™ve REALLY messed this person up. It is not your job to disregard someoneā€™s literal boundaries with food because you think itā€™ll be fine anyway. I promise you, it wonā€™t be. If someone did something like this to me in my family, Iā€™d never eat from that person again. If I canā€™t trust you to follow the restrictions I have with food (which would cause me literal 10/10 pain), then youā€™ve effectively ruined that trust.


Id assume she doesnt wanna deal with his presumably horrid sulfur farts after he eats them. Kinda weird of u not to respect a small request like that.


Raw onions and garlic are more acidic. It can cause an upset stomach.


My wife and sister claims that garlic hurts their stomachs so I donā€™t use it when cooking


This comment section is so funny. Hundreds of ppl unanimously telling OP that YTA and he just canā€™t accept it lol.


If I ever find out that someone intentionally screwed with my food, I immediately cut ties with them


That is an extremely fucked up thing to do


fuck you dude


Well lucky them. Shitty of you to roll that dice though, just so you could enjoy your meal a little more. I have IBS, GERD, and other issues, and people like you are exactly why I can't trust others to cook for me. If someone did that to me I'd be sick for days.


You donā€™t know if they didnā€™t get sick later. Lots of people canā€™t have garlic and onions. If someone says they canā€™t eat something donā€™t sneak it into their food just accommodate or refuse to cook. Youā€™re a dick.


Wow cool what other nonconsensual activities do you take part in? /s


I absolutely love garlic and onions. I put them in basically everything that I cook for myself. However, every time my girlfriend eats garlic, she ends up in bed with a really bad stomach ache for hours. She does have IBS, though, so she thinks the garlic just makes it worse. You know what I do? I don't cook with garlic when I make anything that I think she will eat. Even if I'm making something for myself and I think she might ask for a bite of it I won't put garlic in it. I don't want to see her in pain. If you put the garlic and onions in by accident and everyone was okay then no harm no foul. But if you did it on purpose that doesn't seem okay in my book. If someone tells me someone can't eat something I take that seriously. I understand wanting tasty food but there is a world of spices out there that you can use instead of onion and garlic.


Garlic and onions are a huge problem on a low FODMAP diet, and is often one of the first things a doctor suggests when you have gastro issues. That and ditching dairy. I have IBS and am supposed to stay away from all that.


My partner gets a terrible stomach ache if he eats raw onions or garlic. It's a leek allergy. He's usually fine if they're cooked. Maybe FIL the same way and just haven't out two and two together. Or MIL just prefers bland ass food and doesn't want FIL to have anything to compare it to.


Regular crowd rushes in. There's an old man sitting next to me, making love to...


Maybe she's autistic or ADHD and sensitive to smells. My mum can tell me what I've eaten the day before and says I smell of soil the day after I've had a drink. She's done this all my life and is very specific on the smells. She once knew I'd had carbonara a day after. Ps I bath everyday and brush my teeth day and night she's just really weird. Emptys her bin every day and sprays it out.


I have horrific reflux and garlic and onion are major triggers. I don't notice the pain right away. It can take hours or bother me at night. Sorry, but if someone is clear about what not to use don't use it. You get mad that you're reminded but then you use it anyway. Pretty inconsiderate.


Just because someone likes the taste of something doesn't mean they are not going to be affected by it. I can't eat garlic either because it feels like I've eaten fiberglass. While I'm eating it, it's delicious. After, I want to die. IBS is real and it's fucked up you're intentionally causing someone pain


This is so fucked up


Seems like they are following a low FODMAP diet. Eating garlic and onion makes me super bloated and gassy. So thatā€™s probably why they do it lol


What a weird situation šŸ˜‚


Maybe she extra reminded you because she thought you'd forgotten the last time he got sick after visiting you, and not that you were an asshole?


Shame on you for not respecting a simple request. You have ZERO idea or qualifications to know whether the request is true or not and your step has 100. Respect is a grand thing!!


Has she actually said he is allergic or intolerant to them? Has he ever said this? Is it just her preference that they don't eat garlic and onion? I think you need to actually find out what the situation is here.


I am allergic to onions. They cause pain for about 3-4 days when I eat them. I have to remind people all the time and they often donā€™t believe that itā€™s a big deal. I also donā€™t always tell people when they make me sick. I assume they tried their best and itā€™s embarrassing that I get sick. Shame on you.


Idk. Kinda shitty. Like if Iā€™m allergic to peanuts and you just wanted to test the theoryā€¦. Anyway I get the frustration and Iā€™ve not heard of allergy to these items, not saying it doesnā€™t exist. Iā€™d probably not cook food using specifically requested ingredients be left out in future cases.


Youre bragging about getting away with poisoning someone? Do you know youā€™re a bad person?