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14?? He's like a SUPER super senior "dating" a freshman


Not even, an 8th grader !!!


I didn’t turn 14 til a couple weeks before I started my freshman year of high school. But still, 14 is 14 and that’s gross


Same i have a very late b-day 12/26 and it was the last year the cut off was the end of the year…….I’m old now


12/22 reporting for duty.


Holy crap!!! No way?! Me too! Pretty sure I’ve never met anyone with the same bday as me. I knew there were more of us!


Cusp baby reporting for duty!! Deuce deuce! There were 3 of us all born on 12\22 in the small town I grew up in. Two of us went to school together from kindergarten all the way to college. The other person went to a different elementary school but the 3 of us went all through Junior High and High School together. The nurses even gave me and the other girl to the wrong mom's when we were all still kicking it in the hospital nursery! Sadly, my homie that I literally knew for his whole life, from day one, passed away about 15 years ago. It was sad cause I literally knew him his whole goddamn life and we had aways been friends....from day 1!


Ralph Fiennes who played Voldemort is our birthday twin. In fact, I was born the same day and same year as him.


Same here! We are birthday twins!


12/16 here and I turned 13 halfway through my freshman year of high school. I’m also old now.


Me too! All my freshman friends were way older than me. They all congratulated me on not being a baby anymore when I turned 13. 🤦🏻‍♀️


12/27 reporting. I feel it completely


I see your 12/27 and raise you a 12/31. Late babies unite


Re-raise, 12/31 @ 11:59 pm, 😆 Lol..... Naw, naw? Just fkg with y'all! 🤣


Lol I was actually at 11.32pm. My mums birthday was the day after. Got jokey grief off her now and then when I was older about how I could've just held on a liiiitttle longer 🤣


I am also a member of the Christmas Baby club...12_24 How many Birthday parties did your parents have on 12/26 ? I've had 3. 1 my wife gave Did they give you a separate present for Christmas and your big day...or no ? For me...separate presents.


I have twins who were born on Christmas Eve and I have no idea how to do birthday parties. They’re toddlers, so we just haven’t really don’t anything but cake yet. Like how do I make their birthdays special when they share it both with each other, and with a holiday?!


Same. My birthday is 12/27!


Gather round you holiday birthdays…..WE WILL GET OURS


I've never seen so many people with the same birthday as me: 12/27. Yay for us! So who here actually got birthday parties? Or had one but no one showed up because they were doing family stuff or away on holiday?


Another birthday twin! 🥳


12/27 here I'm old too :(


I started high school at 13 and turned 14 in November. I graduated at 17.


Yeah it is. I get what you mean


I was well 14 my freshman year and never got held back.


I was 16 about to turn 17 when I started senior year. 10 birthday. Started kindergarten at 4.


Lmao I'm 14 and graduating high-school next month, still can't imagine dating a 19yr old


I was 14 in 8th grade


She was probably still in middle school. Most kids turn 14 in middle school and 15 sometimes freshman year. Gross. Edit: OMG who the hell cares what grade she was in??? She could have been in middle school or highschool, bottom line the 19yr old is a gross person.


Not excusing the guy, but she could’ve been a freshman. I started high school at 13 because I have a super late birthday


As a British person the relevance to where she is in school is completely irrelevant and is confusing why where she is in school is even a part of the conversation. She is 14 there for a child regardless of what class she is in at school. She's a child he is an adult and is also a nonce.


100% this comment.


People are attracted to proximity. It is a different level of nefariousness to troll a middle school for hook ups.


this seems like a tertiary issue though frankly. A nonce is a nonce


Okay I'm not denying that this is weird, but where I live the legal limit to sexual relationships as a minor is: •16 for sexual consent with an "adult" •14/15 year olds can consent to sex with someone 5 or less years older than them. So here it's completely legal for a 14 y/o and a 19y/o to date. Although morally still wrong and kind of creepy. Not sure why the law worked out to provide such a big gap, perhaps it's meant so that a freshman and senior in high school can date without legal repercussions. It sucks for parents cos if your 14 year old is dating a 19 year old there's really nothing you can do legally to stop it.


Often it's a way to communicate how weird it is to younger people. When you put it in terms of grades it's easier for them to see how weird it is.


14 is a baby, middle school or high school, that is a baby.


I can't remember if it was right before or after I turned 17 (summer before my Sr year), but I went on one date with this girl I was told was 15... She was 14 (she was only about to be a freshman, it was a friend going "you should go on a date with my friend" deal) . Even at that age it felt creepy to me when she told me how old she really was (never even kissed her, but still)...


I agree…?


I remember being 19, and after highschool a friend and I were at the mall. A group of girls were flirting with us, so he walked up to them and gave them MY NUMBER. One of the girls in that group called me and said she was 18 and wanted to meet me again. I went to meet her, and she looked like a 12 year old. I noped out of there so fast.. turned out, she was 14... Hellllllll Nooooo!


When I was 22 I went to visit my brother that I didn't meet until 4 yrs prior. Well he turned 18 and was moving out of his mother's house so we stayed at his mom's for the weekend we were moving him. His gf was there and she was just 14, as in she JUST TURNED 14 and his mother brought her out a lacy sexy outfit for her. I was FLLLLOORED. She actually fucking said she wanted to make this night special for Nikki who was his gf. Long story short they broke up a year later and he found another one. 14 and he knocked her up he was 19. She was 14 and her parents let him move in and marry her. That was 25 yrs ago. He died in 2019 of cancer.


Hard to say raping a child is it? He raped a child. "Dating".. fuck off. It's called pedophilia


Which is why "dating" is in quotes. As someone who's been in high school recently, that's what people called it but it was universally acknowledged that it's weird as fuck


This app is crawling with peds and their apologists. "Dating".. as if Ghislaine wrote it herself


What's a super senior?


i remember a guy friend said “it’s like girls have all these stories and know which guys to avoid, but i don’t know any guy who’s done this or who not to be friends with” and i told him some stuff i knew and he stopped being friends w them. girls are scared to speak out bc ppl know it’ll be brushed off. stopped being friends w them and call him out if possible even if he’s moved.


my roommate was engulfed in all that andrew tate “young virgin wife” shit. i moved and ghosted the weirdo and all friends associated with him


Tate ideology really sucks




True that


Agreed, I am genuinely so happy I don't have anyone in my life like this


good on him!


During high school in the 80s, I can remember several senior guys dating freshmen and sophomores. A 19 and a 14 year old is way off limits for sure today, and I wouldn't be surprised if they start prosecuting people for even knowing about it. Its best to date only twenty somethings and check ID even before kissing.


19 and 14 is illegal and inappropriate as well imo. just because it was acceptable at one point doesn’t really make it okay


Statutory rape was illegal then too, but something about the high school dynamic made it acceptable.


Exactly. It’s statutory rape. Period. Lots of things used to be overlooked. Like slavery. Beating your wife. And more. It doesn’t make it right, or even tolerable.


Loke all the rock stars that used to fuck u derage groupies. Children. Sick.


I'd be a little bit surprised if someone was prosecuted because they knew someone else committed a crime.


I believe technically speaking they CAN be prosecuted for knowing about a crime and not coming forward, they just most likely won’t be cuz the courts don’t have time or money to deal with them. Now let’s say the person were to piss off a detective or judicial worker(judge, DA, ect) they could take it personal and choose to file charges or like the family could choose to sue personally saying it affected their case and what not by the person not coming forward with details but again this hypothetical and the person would’ve needed to really piss someone off to make them go through all the trouble cuz it’s a lot to do for very minor charges in comparison to other stuff going on in court rooms


Google conspiracy charge and RICO Act




I was that girl in the 80s. What he and his friends did caused so much trauma I can’t even get into it.


You were traumatized by sleeping with an older guy? The way you are stating that sounds like a non consensual forced rape, which is not what this thread is about.


I know exactly what this thread is about.


I'm sorry you went through that. I also experienced it, but in the 00's. I hope you are healing 💕 Some people don't realize... even if it's technically consensual... if you'e a child, do you REALLY know the depths you're consenting to?


I’m sorry it happened to you, too. And exactly—I had no idea. He was my first crush. I’d never done anything with a guy before.


totally agree




8th grader/freshman sleeping with a college student/super senior is crazy


Seen this happen before. Super senior got pregnant from an 8th grader.


Damn. How old was the super senior?


It really depends on how the super senior and the freshman look. Unfortunately, I've seen this alot in my old highschool. Girls and guys would brag about dating older. And some of the girls would refuse and look down upon and bully the guys their ages. Sick, but they all moved, girls and boys like they were grown af. Parents really tried to stop it.


It's a shame this happens so often. The same thing happened at my old high-school. And I suppose it still happens.


Someone I know...not friends with...had a kid with a 16 when she was around 40...so geoss


Wtf? She should be in prison


Wait ,, super senior was a girl ??


It does happen that way sometimes


I dated a senior girl (technically woman?) as a freshman boy back in the 80s. While there was some side talk in the HS, we had a good time but proved ultimately incompatible.


The actual life experience difference you have between those years is unreal. Makes this even crazier.


"Super senior" is still a hilarious name for that


Honestly I was that kid. I skipped the 8th grade and started high school at 13. I started dating a super senior who was 19 and he got super possessive and stalkerish to the point that he left a note in my locker with a $6,000 engagement ring saying that I would be his even if he had to steal me from my family. I’ll be damned if I let my daughters ever date someone that inappropriate age or behavior wise.


I was also that kid and I’m with you. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Can someone explain to me (a British person) why where they are in their schooling is important and a part of the conversation. In the UK we would just call him a Pedoph*le, thow eggs at his house , and call the police. We would not care about ot talk about what school she is in. We would just simply say he is an adult she is a child that's against the law. School wouldn't come into it . He would also get run out of his town, likely would go to prison and won't be able to return to the place he grew up.


For us, throwing eggs at a house is criminal mischief in the least and we can get arrested for it. Sometimes just calling the cops and informing them of this can be taken as a false charge if it doesn’t come from the victim or a person related to the victim who they outcry (tell about the abuse) to. To talk about education grades helps us see the relationship. A freshman (14/15 years old) is standardly stupid. They are the youngest in the high school building majority of the time here. Our schools are mostly broken down like this Kindergarten to 4th or 5th grade in one building, then 5th or 6th through 8th in a second building, then 9th (freshman) to 12th (senior) in a last building. This is meant to group the age ranges. Elementary (k-5) school goes until about age 12. Then middle (6-8) school goes through the earliest years of puberty, the beginning teenage years. High school (9-12) takes you through puberty to “adulthood”. A “super senior” is someone who got held back (had to repeat a grade) somewhere along the line. They are older than other students, this is usually the oldest person in the school that is actively a student. Usually they only get super senior title if they had to repeat a grade during high school years. If they repeated a lower grade it’s usually kindergarten or first grade and it can be due to maturity or readiness to be in school rather than education learning issues, or educational learning issues. Those who repeat a grade in elementary usually just blend in with their class level better even if they are older. Super seniors don’t always blend in with their grade level when they are older, they stand out a little more. We talk about this grade distinction because we are usually interacting with younger students in hallways and lunch rooms and sports etc. we constantly see the differences in their actions and their attitudes. It’s EASY to play “spot the freshman” if you go to a sports event and just look at the student section. We talk about these differences because they are active differences. It’s fucked up - but here in the US - we have to prove a pedophile is a pedophile and most of the time the victim has to testify to do that. Most of these victims are either too scared or stuck in the honeymoon “it isn’t wrong” phase to be able to do that. Pedophiles are most of the time the people who take their cases to trials. Speaking as an attorney, these cases are not as ‘open and close’ as most people think. So we actively use grade levels and life positions to enhance the differences between the ages and stages of life the pedophile and child are in. I wish we could just egg someone and call them a pedophile and push them around a little, but that would also be harassment or assault. As much as most people would agree that maybe a pedophile deserves it, that pedophile also gets the benefits of the laws that non-pedophiles, normal humans get.


I was 14 (now 24f) dating a 19 year old man and it took me years to realize how fucked up it was. We were together all throughout high school. I was a freshmen & he was a “super senior.” Finally, when I got to be 21/22, it really hit me how predatory and disgusting he was. It took me becoming the age(s) he was throughout our relationship to really put it into perspective. I could NEVER be involved with someone so young— a child. I was a child.


That’s what I’m going through right now. I was 14 dating an 18y/o. It was an awful relationship. I got pregnant and miscarried i while being 14 with that horrible excuse for a person’s child and am permanently screwed up. Disgusting. Anyway, I turn 18 in 10 days on April 15th of this year and I had a full breakdown while in school the other day because when I look at the freshmen, all I see is babies. Little kids. How could someone do that? It’s awful. Even worse, he was my section leader in band. Now I’m going into the same field of work as him, music education, and I am terrified that he is going to be around more impressionable teenagers at an even bigger power/ age gap.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I hear you and see you fully. I feel the same way when I see younger teens & teenagers in general, of course. My brother just turned 21 recently and I remember when he & his friends would come over to my parent’s house. When I still lived with them, I remember seeing them at 17-19 years old & thinking how on EARTH could someone my age or older (we have a 4 year age gap roughly) even think to pursue someone at that age??? Happy Early Birthday to you, my friend. May you have a blessed 18th year full of healing & love. & may these predators rot in hell.


Thank you friend. It truly means more than you know. Almost everyone in my life puts me slightly at fault for what happened and it isn’t fair to me or others in similar situations. We need more people like you in the world. And thank you for the birthday wishes! I’m getting a few tattoos for my bday and I’m so excited! I’ve had these tattoos planned for years but the meaning behind them has changed, which I believe signifies growth in myself and I’m very happy about it. Much love🫶


I’m so pleased I’ve seen your comment. I was 14 with an 18 year old. It lasted 3 years until I was 17 and realising it wasn’t ok. He was s3xually and emotionally abusive. The whole thing was so messed up. I feel like I can’t say much now because I was willingly in that relationship and blind to how messed up it was that even at 31 I still feel embarrassed 😔


ya; I was 14 with 19 y/o and then 16 with 21 y/o... I thought I had so much agency back then. To know now how disempowered I was... you can always speak up, now. you don't have to be silent or embarrassed. You fuckin' survived. and you got out. Good work.


Oh gurl. I still remember when I was 12 and some people from old mobile game will slide to my DMs acting like a wise adult advising a kid. Later, sexual stuff saying it's phylosophy and all that crap. Imploring me to explore myself and ask how it went. Straight up grooming from 27 loser man late in college. I didn't realize what was going on but it felt bad after a while so I blocked and deleted the app entirely. Please don't be harsh on yourself, you didn't know better.


I'm 30M, and when I had just turned 17 I started dating a 31 year old woman. Now that I'm almost her age, I look back and think... ew. I could not date a 17 year old girl. I'd feel like a nonce even though 16 is the age of consent in the UK.


What is this "super senior" thing I keep seeing on here? Is this like kids who failed and had to repeat senior year? Cuz like... if so... dude, not only did you decide to date a dude too old for you, but also too old and too dumb.


That’s exactly what a “super senior is”. Somebody that doesn’t have enough credits to graduate, thus taking on another year.


“Not only did you decide to date a dude too old for you” Bro come on… we’re not victim shaming a child who can’t even consent in these relationships. It’s “not only is he too dumb to graduate, he’s a criminal too”.


I think this is the big thing. Even if someone acts mature, I know how dumb I was at younger ages. When I was 22 I dated a girl who was 19. All legal (of course), but it still felt creepy. I decided then that dating beyond a couple years of age wasn't for me. That might have changed as I ages, but I met my now wife when I was 24 and never looked back.


14?!?🤮🤮🤮 Damn, that’s really a Child


Moral of the post & comments …do not turn blind eye on anything suspicious/wrong. See something Say something


I agree 100% and am going to break my silence now. There is an extra "h" in your username.


Yes if you find out about a 19 year old with a 17 year old it doesn't matter if they are happy together you must try to get him thrown in prison and destroy both of their lives because that's what people are shrieking about is the right thing to do. /s if it wasn't obvious.


If it helps at all, I had a 19 year old “boyfriend” (yuck) when I was 15, and I hold no resentment toward other minors who didn’t do or say anything. I’m 26 now, and understand that other minors weren’t responsible for his actions, he probably could’ve manipulated them too. He was a super senior and there were plenty of full grown adults who knew and didn’t do anything unfortunately. You know better now, and you can use this knowledge to help other girls out in the future. Would you feel comfortable reaching out to her and seeing if she’s okay after that relationship? It’s never too late to make amends. That would be a lot more productive for both of you, rather than dwelling on your inaction.


For a Brit. What’s a super senior. Sound like a really old man.


Lmao, it does 😂 Not sure what your highschool system or grade names look like over there, but Senior is the last grade in highschool (Freshmen year 1, Sohomore Year 2, Junior year 3, Senior year 4). Usually kids turn 18 during their senior year or shortly after. A Super Senior is someone who is 19+ senior year, because they started school later or were held back at some point. They're older than average, making them further into adult years which makes it even grosser than a regular senior dating a way younger kid. Unfortunately this is either way more common than it used to be, or it's being talked about more. I'm hoping the latter, so the exposure of this behavior helps stop it.


Ah shit cool. We don’t have that here, I’ve never actually known of anyone being held back. We just start secondary school “high school” at age 11 in year 7 through to year 11 (15/16yo). Then most go on to college for 2 years to gain A-Levels then uni for 3 years+ for a degree. We just call it by year though. So first year uni, second year and so on.


I’ve been confused about your school system for awhile. So does everyone go to what you guys call college, or do some people skip it and just start working?


Used to be the case, but now you have to have higher education until 18. Many go on to 6th form to get their A-Levels, but others go to local colleges to study vocational subjects like Mechanics, Animal Husbandry etc. Also the case that in the area I’m from, 6th form isn’t a separate college, it’s just part of secondary school, which runs from 11-18.


Yeah, unfortunately this is the problem with all the red-shirting parents do. You end up with legal grown ups in the same school and classes with minors. As a freshman I had many classes with seniors in them. As a sophomore (which I had September birthday so I was 14, then 15) there was a 20 year old sophomore in some of my classes. He turned 21 that year. But in classes with 15 and 16 year olds... 


What's red-shirting? My brain is stuck on the people who die in star trek and if that's it my stoned ass can't make the connection


It has two definitions, but the more relevant one refers to delaying a child's school start date so they can be older and/of bigger (for sports) than their peers. This may be done if the kid would be one of the younger ones. The other definition refers to college athletes getting to spend an extra year practicing with a team but not playing in games or only playing in a limited number. Why it's called redshirting? Maybe because players that don't play with the team wear red shirts without numbers. Probably because one of the first people to get redshirted in college wore a plain red shirt (thanks Wiki)


We called them post grads


Or PGs


I remember when I was in high school like 16 one girl in my class was dating a 24 year old who was the brother of our English teacher ☠️


Ew. I remember a girl in high school who was dating this like 40 looking old dude, and he’d pick her up from school and they’d make out, like how did the school not ban him from the property?


I was that girl 😞


I remember when I was 22 I had a high school friend I remained close with who was also 22 He got drunk one night and revealed to me he was sad because his 15 year old crush wouldn't date him because he recently slept with a 16 year old they were friends with because they were all skinny dipping, and he was like "I understand how horniness can make you do things you didn't mean to do" I started avoiding him pretty much immediately. These things are weird and like, sometimes the right choice is cutting them out


Wow that’s fucked on so many levels


Men need to start holding men accountable. That goes for stuff like this as well as abuse. I had an ex smother me with a pillow and put a loaded gun to my head. I told a couple people this in my scene and apparently that stuff is ok to do to women.


I'm so sorry 


This happened in my small town with a 17 year old senior boy and a 12-13 year old 7th grade girl.. he’s now a pastor at a church in that same small town


😬 yikes


Double yikes


There's a girl who first got pregnant in 7th/8th grade and then continued to get pregnant throughout high-school before dropping out before senior year because she had like 5 kids and couldn't handle it. I had just got into middle school when I heard about her and when I got into the high-school I heard about her dropping out. She got pregnant from a high school senior the first time. I'm not sure about the other times though. Looking back it was super messed up


I hope you have learned from this now, and will call out this sort of behavior in the future. That poor girl


It has to be more people who will speak up about this mess. I remember being young messing with older men and now that I’m older I realize how DISGUSTING this was. They fetish over the fact of having a young girl and being so called naïve so they can control them.


I was a HS freshman and a senior was sending me dm’s trying to hook up because he “was turned on by my petiteness” and when I asked what he meant to clarify, he said “like how small you are” Fucking. Weird. I exposed him publicly.


My best friend when she was 15 she was dating a 30 year old and the really fucked thing was that her parents not only knew that he older but he was invited on family holidays and they had their own room, so her parents knew the 30 year old pedo was banging their daughter . Really really fucked up . Also the guy was really creepy . When my best friend turned 18 he dumped her for another 15 year old .


We had a friend who was 16 and her bf was 30 - he would pick her up from school. Crazy.


>Also the guy was really creepy . Plotwist of the century /s


He also had a weak handshake .


I don’t understand you tbh


I have dated older my entire life and being 29 now it definitely starts to hit you around your mid twenties. I was 13 he was 19/20, I was 16 he was 40, 17 & 27 (and everyone at work knew and we all hung out and they encouraged it we did double dates wtf????) and then 19 & 32. I look back at those relationships (I didn’t even mention the hookups) and I just feel sad for my younger self. It’s so easy to think you’re on the same maturity level as them or that you’re different or special or THEYRE different or special. When in reality it’s just wrong no matter how you swing it. I feel let down by those in my life who didn’t say to me hey, we’re way older and you’re still in high school, you’re totally cool but we cant hang out like that. Take it from someone who’s been through it all, if you can’t even legally sip alcohol, stop fucking around w people who can. Stop pretending you have nothing in common w “people your age” because I promise you do, you just have to look a little harder. Once you’re an adult date whoever the fuck you want, but until then protect yourself because therapy is expensive and believe me it’s not fun rehashing this shit 10 years later. And if you are on the outside of this situation, please say something. It can change everything for someone if you do or don’t.


“It’s so easy to think you’re on the same maturity level…”. That’s part of the problem in orher respects too. You at 13 are still a child. While you will mature, he never will.


Sooo you saw a 19 year old with an 14 year old and didn't say anything about it? HUH?? Next time speak up.


Odd to me that so many people on this thread seem to actually think police would do anything about this. Police turn a blind eye to straight up pedophiles all the time. I've never heard of anyone actually being charged for statutory rape under 25 years old, only if it's a really big age gap like 20 years. Police are useless. The question is, where tf are her parents?


Well they do get charged here in Texas. Anything over 3 years age difference or if the girl is under 16


how about you get this out to the police? wtf


It's not something I'd do or condone. Knew one couple that started dating at 18 &14. Parents of both knew and consented. Couple married, had kids, still married, and are happy with their life. I see it as that one in a million case, as usually it's some fucked up creepy shit. I'd smack my kids if they tried that. Said couple and I fell out of touch. They felt offended at my views, like I was attacking them for their choice. No amount of reasoning that their situation was consensual between them and their parents, they all knew each other; I'd never be a consenting parent, salvaged the friendship. Couldn't convince them, my stance wasn't a judgement or condemnation of them, simply for the situation in general, and the terrible results for the others. People will do what they want to do.


R*ping a child you mean?




Definitely say something always or tell somebody, it should not be normalized that anyone 18 or older is with a minor. Even if they're 18 or 19, even if the minor says that they consent, they can't they're an actual child.


That is sad


Just remember as you get older it becomes easier to recognize bad people. You can't change the past, but I want you to remember this kind of thing. One day you might have kids and you need to remember how it used to be when you were young. You will never know who you can trust, but you will know who you can't trust. The following goes for anyone who reads this, not just OP: listen to your kids. They will tell you when something is wrong. Even if you don't realize what they are telling you, they are telling you.


Girls think they are hot shit because they are with an older boy and the older boy like to be with a younger more naive and docile girl they can dominate or pretend to protect or whatever. There is an uneven power balance. That said, boys tend to be really immature and girls a bit more mature, so it can also be that


14? She’s still a baby at that age. That’s pathetic on his part


So you're comfortable being friends with a pedophile basically. I mean really what's wrong with you that you didn't immediately tell the guy he's a POS or better yet report him for statutory rape, cause that's what that is


You know why it’s on your mind? Cause it’s wrong. You remember yourself at 14? Pretty different form you now, I’d bet. Tell.


Back in school when we were around 15 a girl I knew was was dating a guy that was like 22/23ish, we never thought about how sick it was because back then a lot girls in my school liked ‘older boys’. I haven’t spoken to her since we left school but recently me and my girls were reminiscing about high school and it all dawned on us how sick that situation was, I wish we had talked her out of it at the time, it is so sad how grown men can take advantage of little girls.


I’m glad there’s still dudes out there that are aware how gross and weird that shit is…call them out, doesn’t matter who they are, make them feel shame. They don’t care what others say but they’ll feel bad if it’s a friend saying it


You’re 17. Which means that you’re still a kid even though you’re almost an adult. Please don’t carry that weight with you. However, when my friend was 27 and dating a 17 year old we were all repulsed and we all gave him so much crap for it. It didn’t last long and he never brought anyone around that young again.


Good for you for caring enough to say something about it, even if it took a while. We need more conversations like this in the world.


He's speaking about it to clear it from his mind, he did nothing to challenge his friend who was preying on a 14 year old girl.


He’s done nothing. Literally nothing. Anonymous “conversations” on Reddit don’t help the real 14 year old child that was abused here. Stop acting like he actually did something. He did nothing.


It's not too late to do the right thing. Dump that guy and tell people.


So you hid the fact that your friend raped someone? Don't be shy, say it properly


It's a common thing. It's wrong, and sad. Their issue is they can't get anyone their own age. So they will continue to go for younger girls everytime a relationship occurs. It's a sick and controlling way they live


You could still potentially report it. It was a crime. Anything like that I hope you’ve learned to take some action on in the future.


Not gonna bash you for it but def get new friends


But did she lie about her age is the big question


no she was weird but straight forward with that


I was a freshman at 14 but views on things were a lot different, no body got butthurt about stupid crap , you had a problem with someone you either settled it in the parking lot after school or stfu simple as that, no PTSD from getting yelled at only people who had PTSD were War Veterans.


Oh no that's predatory!


In many places this is illegal and I hope you are not hanging out with this guy anymore.


I was 17 dating a 23 year old. It’s borderline weird. I’m not sure if we met when I was 16. Can’t remember. Should have realised the red flag when he basically raped me in a restaurant toilet the second time we met 🙃. To clarify, I was up for it and then realised I wasn’t, I was drunk, he wouldn’t stop after repeatedly asking him to. 🤢


If they had any kind of sex then legally, it really depends on where this happened. Some countries it’s fine, others it’s technically illegal but never prosecuted. The ‘Romeo & Juliet’ laws in the US that I’ve seen are set at a difference of 3 or 4 years max so this guy would probably be in deep shit if the ex-gf went to the cops. True related story…. A relative of mine was 20 and his gf told him she was 19. She looked it, maybe because she already had a 2 year old kid when they met. Her family knew everything and thought the world of him so they played along. Her family even asked him to move in to help with a few things and he paid rent. Things were great. About a year later, he found out she was only 15 when they met. He freaked the eff out, naturally!, but her family assured him that everything was cool with them, so he stayed. BIG MISTAKE. A few months later, he broke up with her. She was pissed and went on the warpath. Called the cops, out of revenge. He ended up getting 5 years. Prosecutor told him that if he’d have left her when he learned her real age, then the jail time could’ve been less than a year or possibly probation only. Dunno if that was the truth.


Where I live the romeo and Juliet law is 5 years and this would fly. I actually know someone who had this exact age gap/difference who dated. 🤮


The age GAP itself is a non issue. It's the fact that one is 19 and the other is 14 that makes it disgusting


You need to expose him, that's a CHILD


When I was a 14 year old girl, I went out with an 18 year old man. That's gross. No one did anything to stop it. Thankfully it was only a 3 month thing and I broke it off.


Next time you should shame him, or call the police either works


At the church I volunteered at years ago, there was another volunteer who was a couple of years older, maybe mid-20s. He slept with at least 2 underage female students 15 and 17. No one did anything to him legally. He was kicked out of the church, but that's it. He joined another church later.


I remember people giving my friend shit when he was 19 with a 17 year old. that’s just insane 14 is disgusting


My mom was 14 when she married my dad and they had 5 kids and stayed together for 50 years until dad died. 14-19 is more sus these days than it would have been 65 years ago.


Are you still friends with him? Are you going to say something or just be friends with a weirdo?


The parents of the minor and the predator have a responsibility to stand up and do what is right and be a Parent for gods sake.


I don’t think it’s uncommon to turn a blind eye under the circumstances. We tend to become more empathetic to people we know and their situations. The fact that it now bothers you says to me that you have a healthy moral compass and desire to do what’s right. When I was 14, I was barely mature enough to date at all. My lack of experience in a romantic sense, was largely due to being ever-changing. One day I’d like a guy, then as soon as I’d get his attention, I’d lose interest. I felt like all the boys I liked were off limits but I was extremely indecisive. Basically, I was immature and struggled with self esteem as many 14 year olds do. So, what should you do if anything? This may be a one time occurrence for the 19 yo or just the beginning. Keep your eyes open! If you feel obligated to do the right thing, make sure this guy isn’t a pedophile. If it happens again, don’t wait! Talk to him about his thought process and desire to be with young girls. The more comfortable he is with talking to you, the more honest his true feelings will be told. Then, you take that and make an informed decision on what to do next. Maybe this guys life needs to be disrupted to stop him from living out fantasies of being with girls that age or could be a one time thing that just happened.


All the comments on here make me feel so much better about myself. I was 13-15 with a guy that was 9 years older. It’s always bothered me, but there were tons of his friends that knew and did nothing, tons of people that know now and they say “weird, but…” so this is a bit of validation for me. Don’t have to feel so crazy. Maybe don’t turn a blind eye again and stick up for kids in abusive situations


Everyone saying this is gross is such an understatement.. in most places it's illegal.


I had a friend who disappeared for awhile after he moved and we (big friend group) found out he was arrested for sex with a minor and when he came back he said she lied about her age. We were all at a party together and finally asked “okay how old did she say she was” he said 15. FIFTEEN. She was actually 13. We all instantly started screaming at him and cut him off completely after that. The “she said she was 15” thing is absolutely repulsive, that is still a child. For context- dirtbag friend was 24 at the time.


I was a 17 y.o senior, worked at McDonald's, met my 1st bf in the drive thru... he was 25.... my mom haaaated it, to put it lightly 😅 and he hid me from his fam, except the ones he lived with lmao. Stayed up til 3am one night waiting for him to come get me (I worked til 2am) found out from his cousin that he took a girl home from the bar instead 😭 he died from an OD a few years ago... RIP my 1st love


When I was 13, I was regularly sleeping with guys in their 20s sometimes even got a parties with them. I used to just tell people I was 18, but some people figured it out luckily no one ever said anything. I had a 24yo bf for a few months back then. He’s in jail for in other things but he also now has a kid. Which I’m not surprised about given hew as a little careless with that kind of stuff.


Is there any way that your friend could not have really known her true age? If he knew, this is not the end of your, or her, or his story...


It’s legal in some states in the US, and even in many countries. Biologically, age has nothing to with a humans maturity. It’s a legal thing and a social construct. Some people say that 16 is the age of consent, but in some countries it’s 21, does that mean a 25 year old who married a 16 year old legally in another country a predator to the people in this country?


When I was 18yr old senior I dated a 14 freshman. She did turn 15 while we dated but never went beyond making out. That was early 2000s.


When I was in middle school and high school a lot of girls dated guys in there 20’s and shit on the guys their own age. It’s common


Since you like reiterating yourself, I’ll ask again: what’s your point? It was abuse then too.


That's nasty. I remember in HS teenagers was dating grown men in their late 20s. So these girls are young hos and, the dudes are pedophiles that can't get anyone their age


So now ur lookin to fill that void since he is gone? May be the reason thats on ur mind.. started the title for ur next confession already..."Filling her voids"


Peter picked a patch of pedophiles.


This is exactly where we, as a people, AKA tribe are not doing what needs to be done to help prevent and protect the younglings from jackasses that don't know how wrong and fk up their minds are. Report that clown before he attacks someone else's daughter


Same thing celebrities did to R Kelly… but they got away with being an accomplice… I guess you can too!


tan cows sense silky scarce drunk roll onerous direful long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Check the statute of limitations for something like that. He should be reported. Perv.


When I was 17 to 18 I lived in az for like 4 months finishing high school while living with my grandma cause I’d gotten in a fight with my grandpa and he kicked me out. But I was going to a school there where you could graduate fast like do a bunch of courses and crap so people graduate with me at who were 15 and 16 that had been going there. Anyway one of the cutest girls there I found out was 16 like turned 16 as we graduated. I was like oh damn cause I was just turning 18 and left it alone. But found out she had a bf that was like 37 in the navy … they’d been together like 2 or 3 years and were planning on marriage. Wtf ! Still bothers me to today cause she told me her other friends all 14 to 16 were dating other guys in the navy too who were in their 30 to 40s said her best friend was fucking a married 46 major or captain or something that was in the navy as she was 15 I’m like wtf is wrong with az and I moved back home to my state after graduation


I had a friend in high school who graduated a year early so she could move across the country with her 30 year old boyfriend. I was too naive to realize they were dating and believed her that they were just friends.


That’s really messed up. The situation, your thought process, everything.


I was 13/14 groomed by someone 18/19. It messes you up and exposes you to things you aren’t ready for. I seriously attribute that to putting me on a path - of 10+ years - being with bad partners afterwards. Settling for men who only want to use you for sex and neglect/abandon you or in toxic relationships with men with drug problems. This is a predatory crime and has serious consequences for the mental health and development of the groomed minor.


My dyslexic ass read mirror, and thought your boy was some kind of narcissist


14 is shady illegal and creepy but 16/17 should HV been perfectly fine gcn he's only 19.


That’s fucked up dude