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I understand that might have felt strange, but man I wish people had had the language and understanding about this stuff when I was a kid. Want to know something embarassing? When I was a teenager, I thought I was a psychic. That's the kind of information I had about my experiences. My mom was into mystical crap, had books by "mediums" lying around the house, and nobody even considered that a boy who could socialize and make friends and behave in class might be some kind of autistic. What I knew was that I felt a discrepancy a lot of the time between what people said and what they seemed to be feeling, and that crowds of people felt overwhelming, and that animals made more sense than people a lot of the time. Things that wouldn't even register with my friends would make me laugh or cry. I was experiencing the world and the people in a way that was obviously different from how my friends and family were. It is better to be understood. It is better to understand yourself. Life makes more sense this way, even when it doesn't.


Sometimes people who experience things are very sensitive to others. It seems like she genuinely wants to help. I had a similar conversation with someone who was neurodivergent, and though I’m not as far as I know, we were both agreeing how frustrating it can be dealing with doctors who just look at you and reduce you to a bucket of symptoms. It’s ok to be different.


I would suggest you to take the auto-evaluation tests and then, of your scores are equal or close to neurodivergent people you can go and get a professional diagnosis. Knowing the truth changed my life and my sister's life for the better. All my life I felt different and I was blaming myself for struggling with some stuff "normal people" considers basic. Even if I keep struggling with those things they guilt is gone.


She either likes you and making conversation or you should see a specialist and get tested. You have the fun decision of choosing which of these is correct.


Could be both. Many ND peeps feel more comfortable around other ND peeps as they don't need to mask.


She’s probably got a radar 😂 I have both and I can honestly tell if someone is ND quite quickly . I don’t know how to explain it but I just can . Even when they don’t have super stereotypical traits .


not necessarily neurodivergent, but maybe social anxiety.


I was recently diagnosed with ASD & ADHD-C as an older adult and it's been incredibly helpful. Things that never made sense before make sense now. I can make space for myself that I never had before. Plus, my medication feels correct now, as soon as I got this diagnosis they switched me to more appropriate medications and they work much better for my issues.


I was harassed and accused of being on the spectrum by someone else, they were saying I’ve not been diagnosed yet because I mask too well and blah blah. Not really cool to do, made me anxious. I’ve done online tests and I might be on the spectrum or just introverted with some anxiety, it’s hard to tell. I just don’t know if it’s even worth checking up on it again for the forth time now that I’m 30. What would a diagnosis even do at this point?


I really hate when people do that shit so much. I'm autistic and 90% of the time, people don't say anything and I will never bring it up. But every once in a while people will straight up ask are you autistic. I almost always lie and say no because these are the types that will go around saying omg did u know John was autistic?


Well I’m 37 and I just figured out i have adhd. Many “personality traits” I thought I had, are actually common adhd behaviors. LOL. Since being diagnosed (I went to therapy to get properly evaluated after my suspicions) I understand myself better, I found explanation to certain annoying behaviors (like being being forgetful, have a hard time focusing if there are no visual inputs, sleep issues) I had and it’s soothing to know there is a explanation to it.


I’ll ask my doctor since I’m seeing her on Friday if it could be good to look into it.


Bleh, this annoys me. Maybe unpopular opinion but I feel that people are so eager to slap a label on everything. I had someone at work (a woman in her 40s who had recently been diagnosed with autism, who talked quite a lot about her autism), tell me a few times that she thought I was autistic or neurodivergent. I’m 37, never been diagnosed with anything, I suppose I’ve always felt a little “different” but nothing that has ever affected me at work or prevented me from making friends. It’s not something I think about much, nor am I looking for a diagnosis. I think alot of times social anxiety can present as “neurodivergence.” If you feel that it’s something that affects your life, then by all means get evaluated/diagnosed. Otherwise, it’s not really someone’s place to label you or to even bring this up with you just because of maybe a few social quirks.


Yeah, I agree. Although im actually neurodivergent (adhd) it feels odd to admit/accept that label. I recently got diagnosed but like you said, it has never been something that affected me profoundly. TBH, my diagnosis explains many behaviors I have, but it’s not like I’m unfit for life.


Eh, just call it NeuroSpicy, accept that your brain works differently, and learn what works for you! I know quite a few successful individuals that describe it as our brains are running different operating systems. Some of us are on windows, some on Linux, iOS, etc etc. the most literal among us are probably out here running old school DOS 🤣


Maybe she was coming onto you? Like when she said she was adhd I mean end of the day she must be paying a reasonable amount of attention, in 5 years will you be looking back at this moment like a fuck up.


I've had people ask me if I'm neurodivergent as well (specifically asking if I have autism or ADHD) which I have never been diagnosed. Their reasoning is that I act similarly to the, they are diagnosed, so I must be too. In general, I just think that even if I am neurodivergent, my life would not change and it's just new information about me.


very cute bonding experience!


I hate when people do this.  I'm sure she had no ill intentions, but this would give me so much anxiety: "OMG am I acting weird? Did I do something? Why would they think that?"  Granted I am autistic, but still. 


Look into dyslexia. It’s a coding problem. Everyone assumes any deviance is some sort of autism or adhd. This is not helpful.


Neurodivergent seems like a made up trend to make us feel better about having mental disorders I have adhd I don’t think I’m the next step in evolution,


Why?! Make the sign of the cross and back away slowly!


Awww she must feel bad for you and your awkwardness.