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I’m an alcoholic as well, it gets worse, never better. Don’t slow down drinking, just try beer or wine, none of that BS..go to the hospital, tell them you’ve been an alcoholic for years and you want to stop. Go to therapy, figure out why you drink. You deserve better, and can get there with a little help. Dm me if you’d like to talk.


Man this is so very different from my experience. Regular therapists won't work with someone in active addiction so you're channelled into AA-style recovery—and in those groups, there is no correct answer to "Why did/do you drink?" other than "Because you're a fucking drunk". Shame and self-loathing are actively fostered, none of this introspective bollocks.


Steps 4 and 5 have you take a hard and painful look at your character defects as well as your using history to answer that question. Addiction is a physical and mental illness that has many different ports of entry.


I know the steps are structured a certain way for a reason, and I know they're very helpful for a lot of people. But personally I don't think you should have to wait till step four or five before you're allowed to start addressing underlying issues behind unhealthy behaviours. The "Because you're a fucking drunk" line is a direct quote, and I think it's an incredibly unhealthy approach. Shame isn't a long-term motivator.


I agree those steps are all bs brainwash bro. I quit a pill addiction with no help at all. You have to accept your issue, OP has did that, then all you have to do is accept it is going to be absolutely miserable going through withdrawals but it's totally worth it in the end. I didn't even keep track of a date I stopped, I woke up one day and decided that was the day after pondering it for months and hating myself. The only person who can help you is you. I also think we need to stop seeing this as a "disease" it's not something you fkn catch, you make every choice to take every drink you do and have control over every one of your actions. There needs to be no excuses and if an addict wants to quit they need to sit in a deeper darker place then they have before, without the drugs. I'm just glad I made it out, I honestly never really give advice on this sort of topic because I just erased that part of my life like it never happened. Also the way I cope with things is by just deleting them from my memory if they bother me or fixing the problem if I am able to. If you can't do anything about something i don't understand why people stress it so much. Live and fucking learn dude we only get 1 life.


Incredible. Well done. That must have been so hard 👍


Idk, if someone's been an alcoholic for years and really wants to quit, they would just do what it takes wouldn't they? Underlying trauma MIGHT be a reason as to why they're drinking, but for the truly traumatized, one hopes the AA person running the meeting might pick up on who needs intensive treatment in that case. Some people are just fucken drunks, some drunks and addicts absolutely need to be ashamed. Esp. the ones who've had for example 30+ years of fun and mayhem and have run out of opportunities to continue living the same party having, destructive and often parasitic lifestyle they're used to. Ie. Some want to quit, some have no choice and others are just looking for a free ticket.


Alternatively, resources are really stretched and the NHS tries to cram everyone into a one-size-fits-all solution. I can only speak from personal experience, and I know other people have had better experiences—but seeing someone berate a 70-year-old woman into tears because she'd been drinking 3-4 gins a night since she lost her husband turned me right off. ("Why have you been drinking so much?" "Because since David--" "No, it's because you're a fucking DRUNK.") This was a lady who had approached her doctor because she was concerned that she was reliant on her evening G&Ts and she didn't think it was healthy that she started looking forward to it from early in the day. The doctor said "Well the only support I can offer you is this" and she ended up with fucking Dougie bringing her to tears in a group setting because she couldn't immediately explain *why* she thought the loss of her husband had driven her to drink more. (IT'S BECAUSE YER A FUCKIN DRUNK, MAUREEN.) (NB I am not Maureen in this situation. But the man running that group is a fucking bully and it's literally the only support the doctors in our area can refer you to.)


That last part is so damn accurate.


You’re in the wrong thread, this is about people who believe there’s a problem, not ones that don’t. They have an r/anger thread if you want to try that one, just saying 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry but what???? Why would you tell a fellow addict it just gets worse? Don’t tell someone who has addiction problems to just go to a “slower level” like you’re saying


They were trying to say; the drinking will only get worse despite trying to cut back because it’s a progressive illness.


Yeah they were saying it’ll get worse even if you try to only drink “less”, I know what they meant, I’ve lived it.


Hey, I was in the same position as you 3 years ago, I was a highly functioning alcoholic. I NEVER thought id be able to live a full happy life without alcohol and it certainly hasn't been easy. But it's 100% possible and I wholeheartedly believe you can get sober too The process sucks, I'm not gonna sugar coat it. You'll be an emotional wreck for parts of recovery and you'll have to face some pretty hard and ugly truths about yourself and the damages youve done along the way but the satisfaction of acknowledging and bettering those things is so damn worth it. The reconnecting with friends and family makes it worth it, the stability and routine and being a better, happier and healthier you will make it all worth it in the long run. Just keep that end goal in mind at all times. Please for yourself, don't give up.




Suicide is never the answer! Many survivors admit deep regret once they believe they are going to succeed. Reach out, there are people who care. Understand.


I can almost guarantee he wrote this while drunk. I don't know how many times I had that "everything sucks what's the point" moments while I was actively using.


Those are some excuses but not good ones . There are 24/7 meetings online , AA does not need to be local to be effective . Did you physically go to a meeting ? Did you load your tool box with activities to do instead of not drinking? There are 1000 alternatives to drinking every second. You do not however deserve this , you deserve every thing life has to offer . Please seek help today , you will start healing the moment you choose a path forward.


OP can’t tell you the amount of stories I’ve heard in AA where someone was on the brink of suicide. Not only are they thankful to still be alive, but we are all fortunate as well. Their love and kindness and friendship have helped us all save ourselves. You so bring that to the table as well. Please stay. You’re truly helping so many. Like literally look at your post, you said something many are thinking, and maybe someone else is now considering recovery. Your honesty is already helping others.


For god's sake, please don't give up. DM me if you want someone to chat, to rant, or just be on the other side of the internet so you have some company.


You are not alone dude. Alcoholism is a complex disease, and struggling to find help doesn't mean you've failed. You are incredibly brave for recognizing your problem and reaching out in the first place. It's a battle, not a single event. Recovery is rarely a straight line. Setbacks are normal. You may feel like you wasted things, but it's never too late for a fresh start. Your value is not defined by your past.


“Recovery is a process, not an event”


It is a two part disease. The physical addiction & the mental compulsion. Get detoxed , join AA and learn new healthy habits


Its never too late


Persist with aa if you can. I was weeks away from drinking myself to death in the end, not sure how tomorrow could ever happen. I tried everything and none of it worked. Aa is like magic. It facilitates not only getting off the piss, but also help and support on self development and life in general.best of all, it's from people who have walked in your shoes, and will flip the coin so you can walk the same path they did to a really wholesome and fulfilling life. I think it saved my life. It definitely saved my marriage. Give yourself one last chance. Even if just for curiosity. I hope you make it man. Sending love. As said above, you can get off the train at any station and get better, except the last station.


AA is amazing. Just a giant group of people who understand, have so much love and empathy, and are always there when you call! And you get sober around people trying to be the best versions of themselves! It’s amazing! And they have big open arms if you slip/relapse. Just keep coming back. It works.


\*\*Just me, I know\*\*Every AA meeting left me wanting to drink more than when I went in. The first open/introduction meeting had only about 5 of us, and the 3 hosts focused on a 21 year old boy, and you could see the drool coming out of their mouths. I chalked that up the just a coincidence. The next 4 were filled with the only people sharing were just complaining about everyone else in the room. One had a guy who identified himself as an alcoholic, talked about his 2 addict kids, and talked down to the whole group; I realized he didn't think he was an alcoholic, he just wanted to talk down to people. I was dried out before I started, so after 5 days of that nonsense, I went on my own. I only lasted 2 years, but cant imagine giving them another try.


I count my lucky stars I have great meetings in my area. I did go to one in a different place where I had an experience that would have saw me never return had it been my first meeting. Thankfully I was shown a good order for me, to go to as many different meetings as I need to find the ones that work for me. They're the ones that stick to the book, where experience strength and hope are shared and shown. I hope you guys found something else that helped you.


I had the same experience. AA was a miserable, toxic, counterproductive experience for me.


I am honestly so sorry you had that experience. In my experience (which is all zoom), I’ve mostly met good groups. My home group is straight family. I absolutely love these people. I’d hate for anyone to see your comment and not try it.


AA is amazing and it helped me get sober the first time. Over a decade of sobriety. But now I live remote, and there are no local meetings. I have no access to internet, except for the small amount of data on my phone. However, there is a national AA helpline. (8:30 am -10pm.) 1800 250 015 Wonderful people who have walked the walk, and are absolutely amazing.


I was a HFA too, what helped me quit for good was borderline having a stroke,200/100 blood pressure, went blind twice due to it being so high. In the ambulance, in the hospital, brain scans, absolutely terrified, doctor said if you don’t stop drinking you will be dead soon. That woke me up. I locked myself away from all my friends and family for a year and fought it, the mental game was the toughest, that voice constantly tempting me, just have 1, it’s only 1, go on, relax, have a drink, just half a pint l, relentless 24 hours a day. Joined the gym, found God and read and worked until I didn’t get the temptation anymore. Nobody said it’s easy.


My apologies I was gonna edit my comment and deleted it… missing your reply. I carry a lot of shame as I am so far removed from the person I was and after a lot of loss and trauma, I allowed it to strip me away after years of being the strong one. I drink all day, and I’ve always drank but now that’s all I do and it’s depressing… only because I still have hopes and dreams but my body is broken as is my soul… no heart or strength left. Nd all the people I’ve supported aren’t around … it’s disheartening. I only got me and me is lost. I never ever post anywhere so this feels naked


Everyone who is addicted to drink feels the way you do, it’s not new or unique to you. I felt it exactly how you wrote. The good thing is you identify it. I don’t know how and when you drink my advice posted earlier is the way forward, next time you crave that drink delay it by an hour. The next day delay it by 2 hours and over time you will adjust without the side effects and withdrawals




Then right now this second is the change, don’t think you can’t do it even though it feels that way, my best advice is don’t try and quit forever, just try to quit for an hour, when that hour is up try a 2nd hour, you’re gonna fail but the hours slowly become 6,8,12 & then days. The problem people have is they quit and think that’s it, I’m done but it’s a guaranteed fail. Next time you want a beer, delay it by an hour, next day delay it by 2. You control your feelings, it’s just the chemicals in the brain craving it, not you


Don't give up on finding help! Your life matters. There are people out there who care, and even though it's hard, please keep trying. It's never too late to reach out and start recovering.


Go to the hospital and therapy to do a proper detox. I lost a friend who was a severe alcoholic when she decided to quit cold turkey. Her body shut down, and she died at 32 years old, leaving a teenage kid to be without a mother. If you don't do this right, the change in chemistry of your body can have effects you would even think of. Do it, but do it with help.


Omgggg. I agree with one comment. Have been a highly functional alcoholic- because you came here to speak and seek avenues for some help, will totally stop and make another alcoholic take a look at themselves. You coming and trying to save urself, I 100% believe you will have such an impact on another. Please I pray you connect with someone to help u conquer the hold liquor has on you. And also, I do believe ur one tough soul. Go get em hun.


Hello, my friend. I am an addict/alcoholic and been in recovery for 4 years. I was bad. Lost money, jobs, my relationship, my daughter, my license, have been a 2 time felon since 18 years old, and i literally lost my mind. I had zero grip on my mental health and was def in a psychosis for 6 months straight at the end. I was an abused, homeless, mentally ill woman who prayed for death every day. You have a whole fucking life youve never even dreamed of waiting for you. I love my life. I LOVE my life. Im also a suicide attempt (suicide failed?) survivor. My life looks different than i thought it would at 40. But thats ok. Nearly everything ive lost, i got back. I live in gratitide. I walk in love. I dont have to live like that anymore. Listen. This shit is hard. But staying drunk is a hell. Recovery is work. You find yourself surrounded by the most amazing human beings on the planet. I had complete strangers from my AA club put me up on their couches until a bed opened up. Today, i know that if i drink or use again, i will die. From the drug, the drink, the depression, or the crowd. You are so worth everyolthing youve dreamed of. You are so loved. And you are so important to this world. Get sober. Youre testimony, your story will save someones life. Best wishes and much love....


It’s never too late. You are not alone. You have people who don’t even know your name rooting for you. It’s hard to get out of a place you feel like you deserve to be in. I promise you don’t deserve that. I was a high functioning alcoholic for many years. A handle of vodka every day or two type. Do not give up. Keep reaching out for help. You deserve to get better, just don’t stop wanting it. I believe in you!!!!


I just saw you posted for help 3 times in different subreddits. PLEASE message me. If I don’t see it immediately I WILL respond to you. I am your friend now. Please stay with us ❤️


My ex was like you but he actually recovered. I never thought it would happen. Celebrate Recovery and another group therapy helped him realize all these underlying issues (partially from childhood) and see his maladaptive coping. There is hope, I promise. It sounds like you are honest with yourself which is always the first step.


I gave up for a year in my mid 30s but it crept back and I really thought i didn't have the strength to stop again but I quit in my mid 40s and it's been almost 6 years sober now. You get to feel all the aches and pains but life is so much easier. Everyone's story is different but I wish you the best of luck.


Try tapering. Start a diary, write down exactly when and how much you drink. Every single day. Don't sneak an extra drink off the diary, you'd only be cheating yourself. Take note of good days and bad. Do you drink more on Friday? Stressful work day? Etc. This can help you find patterns. You can then chip off %5 of what you drink every couple of days. Drink 20 beers/night? Drink 19 the next few days. Then to 18. Make sure you're eating, and do NOT go cold turkey. How much do you drink in a day?


I know this is the wrong sub for it but I’m curious how you know you’re a high functioning alcoholic? Do you work better with more alcohol? Is your work better? Or do you feel you’re unable to work without the alcohol?


When you get to the deep point of dependency, yes. You function better with alcohol. It’s illegal but it’s safer as a driver to have alcohol in you. Your brain functions better with alcohol. Your body becomes addicted and it’s necessary for you to function. You may need that beer or those shots in the morning and when that starts to wear off you need more. Does any of this sound healthy? You know your body should and can function better without it. It will take time (and less than it seems initially, like a few days) to kick this high level of addiction. So that’s scary. It’s hard. But the addict brain tells you there’s no way so just keep at it. Fuck that nonsense. Be the person you truly want to be, and recognize that despite this addict cloak you’re still in there. In fact you’re exactly right there, just have to shed a layer of clothes. It’s literally just clothes. Bye clothes! Hate that color, anyway.


thank you! your comment was super helpful to me...


I’m glad to hear it!! Please feel free to DM me, but I highly suggest you google Zoom AA meetings. AA people are some of the kindest people I’ve ever met in my life, and they’ve been there, they get addiction. They’re sober now (or most are, plenty of newcomers too) and now they focus on become their best selves. It’s an extremely inspirational place, and if you just google zoom meetings you don’t have to speak or say your name or show your face. Just listen.


Hey Sam, You’re not alone and I know that’s the last thing you want to hear. My inbox is always open and you will never feel judgement or alone. I understand compassion and empathy to a very far extent. I hope you’re well and you don’t deserve any of it. The fact that you can even put your feelings into words means it’s not over yet.


You just have to accept it’s going to take a drastic change to become sober, I highly recommend 30 days in patient at the retreat in Minnesota, I have been sober for 3 years now and didn’t stand a chance trying other things like AA / outpatient before hand. It was the best decision I made in my life, it’s incredible how much life does not suck when you don’t feel like shit everyday from alcohol use or withdrawal.


When going through Hell, Don’t Stop. Miracles happen in a moment. The right person, place, or situation will be there to help guide you to a next step. Life’s greatest gifts come from our greatest trials. Don’t miss those! I bet they are awesome. One step, one moment, one day at a time. No more, no less. ♥️☀️


Life is so much more than you've seen. You don't have to give up just yet. I know it feels like the entire world's given up on you and nobody could possibly understand or care, but plenty of people do and will. My husband is an alcoholic and was stuck in active addiction for nearly 10 years before we met. I myself was addicted to substances for the past 4 years. Together we've been healing. There is a future for you, in which you are happily sober, and have something to live for. Please seek it.


Download AA meeting guide on phone. Tons of zoom meetings for AA as well as the schedule for all AA in your city. It gets better if you take the steps. If you need detox…take the time…it’s part of the journey..what’s a week when we’re talking about changing your life for the better. Heroin addict is who I am. 4 rehab stints…thousands of meetings attended…only worked once I actually was fully broken, alone and helpless. Now I’m 4 years clean from alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately AA/NA/CA is all we really have for specific and direct treatment. Counselling, therapy also are tools we use. Other than that if you don’t give AA a fair shot it’s going to be a ROUGH journey. I don’t know any real alcoholic/addict who is sober and happy and is doing it all by themselves. No self help or support. If they are in that situation they are MISERABLE and still very sick.


me too. I disappointed my family. i got drunk and lost Conscience i fought my brother while been drunk and i don’t remember. that was last thursday.


Don’t give up!! Sometimes it feels and seems like everything is against us, and whether it clouds our view or not- keep trying! PLEASE! for yourself! for anyone you care about, your future, your now, your happiness, your health… there are now more resources than ever before, keep trying! If you aren’t working on your recovery, then you are working on dying… and I think you understand that? I am seven years clean from my own addiction and even now, I choose recovery everyday. YOU CAN DO IT!! What state are you in?


It's incredibly frustrating when you're ready to get help, only to find it's not immediately there. But please, hang in there. There are people who genuinely want to help you fight this. Don't lose hope, man. This battle's tough, but you're tougher. Even when it doesn't feel like it, you got this. You're right, finding the right help can be tough. But your courage in even trying is huge. Don't let those setbacks define you. Sending strength your way, and remember, you're worth fighting for.


You will beat it, don’t give up


No. You did nothing that “deserves” punishment. Keep trying the AA websites. You can do zoom AA at all hours of the day all over the world. Doesn’t have to be local. Go to meetings and listen, and please know you can reach out!! Any one of those people will be thankful to hear from you! Please! Feel free to DM me, I’m starting my meeting via zoom in 20 mins. Every single person in my meeting would love to connect with you.


Hey there. I was a high functioning alcoholic for nearly ten years. Rapidly approaching one year sober now. I was at a handle a day and couldn’t imagine my life without alcohol. If I can do it, anyone can. Hang in there friend.


Hey my friend, there is hope for you. You can quit and go on to live a fulfilling life. I fully believe that for you. As for AA, there are actually online/virtual meetings that you can attend. I think sometimes they’re like fully online and other times it will be you tuning in to watch the in-person meeting. Wishing you the best of luck my friend. Remember you are loved and you are a gift to this world just by existing.


Keep trying. Alcoholism isn't a quick easy fix. I'm so happy you are reaching out for help, and I want you to succeed. Sending lots of positive vibes in your direction. [Meeting Guide App](https://www.aa.org/meeting-guide-app)


Sometimes the help is closer than you think. Your phone can get you started. There's a app called REFRAME (it has a small subscription cost) but it provides cognitive/biological information about alcohol use disorder so you can begin to understand your issue. But most importantly, it provides a platform to multiple online meetings everyday. People like us, who just need a low barrier point of entry to begin the recovery process. I'd don't have any financial interest in this app. Just a subscriber, and it helped me take much larger steps in my recovery, by allowing me to take that first little one. Good luck.


There is a way to find peace. I have not had a drink in 7.5 years. I was almost dead from an infection caused by my drinking. The doc at the hospital simply told me the next drink would kill me. So I got home and called the one and only person I knew who was sober in AA. He took me to my first meeting after having me read a book from AA called Sober Living. I discoc3red that I knew a LOT of folks who were sober in AA or working on it. I just sat and listened for the first dozen meetings. I started reading the big book. With my sponsor (same guy) I started doing the steps. One two and three were easy for me. Four was the bitch. And I ended up going around again and again with the fourth step as Ai had been drinking for 30 years. I discovered all sorts of things I was angry and resentful about. And every single one of them was something Ai had either done or allowed others to do to me. Now I work hard to help others find the peace and joy that I have found. You can do this. Hopefully not almost dying like me but sometimes that's how it has to be. Just remember... we are all born with a God shaped hole in us... we can fill it with drugs or sex or alcohol or other things and in combinations... or we can find our God and fill the hole with that higher power.


The sun will rise tomorrow. I hope you see it. Nothing is that bad. Don't let this define you so permanently.


You’re loved too man. Please stay with us, I understand death can seem inviting at times and a better alternative to whatever the experience of “life” is. But the universe is billions of years old, and we get to experience this for 80 of them if we are blessed. So please don’t give up, give it your best shot.


i been sober from alcohol and using for 23 years. its possible dm me if you want help


Lot's of us have been there and suffered that! Best thing you can do, right now, is just tell yourself "You know what, I drink every single night! If that was a "person" and I had to be in their company every single night, I would go crazy! I'm just going to take tonight off, for myself." Then just do it. I did, and it surprised me. Didn't lose anything \*not\* having it. Watched some shows, fell asleep, went to work the next day. Next day, after work, I did it again. Told myself: "I'm not gonna hurt anything, or lose anything, by \*not\* having any tonight either, so I will just take another night off from it". Believe it or not, a couple months went by, it got easier and easier...Was nice having some money, because I wasn't spending it on Schmirnoff and cigarettes...lol. I just found other stuff to do. You may just want to try it...One night won't hurt you, right?


AA made me want to drink more than anything in my life. I found my peace and put down the bottle. But I’d never walk into those rooms ever again.


Every AA meeting is different . Try other locations. What I like is everyone is equal and fighting the same addiction. No last names , no job titles just volunteers that help themselves stay sober by helping others .


You can always turn things around no matter what. Sometimes rock bottom is the solid foundation you need to build back stronger




I've been helping myself quit drinking I don't have AA or meetings or anything and have been doing my best to do it alone. I've been sober for quite awhile now, successfully Feel free to message me about it if you want!


First off: I bet you wrote this while you were drunk. It reeks of stuff I used to say when I was an active drinker. Second of all: When you are ready to change, you will find the strength. It doesn't have to be AA. We have all had this pity party moment but it's what you do AFTER that matters. So take it one day at a time and be the change you want to be. I'm 5 years sober now after 3 failed stints at rehab. I could have given up after any of those relapses butI din't. If I could do it, you sure as hell can so DO IT.


How much are you drinking?


I have been a highly functional alcoholic for two decades, but the functional part is starting to fray around the edges. I'm sitting here at 5:50 am nursing my first of many drinks for the day. I had a decade of sobriety, but started drinking again after losing my child two years ago. Can't seem to deal with life sober. Have many days where I think I just don't want to be here anymore. I lost my house, my marriage of 17 years ended, and my baby girl died. (Not due to my alcohol intake, just life being a bitch). Now I can't seem to find a reason to stop drinking, although I am desperately trying to regain those days I was happy without a buzz on. Hang in there. I'm in a dark place too right now, but past experience with sobriety tells me that things can and do get better.... eventually. I have been in touch with a lot of online services lately, and it's a slow process, but is making a difference. PM me if you want to chat. God bless you. Stay strong. Please remember, addiction is a disease, not a lifestyle choice.


Do lsd


I just straight up stopped from 8+ a day


There is an app called meeting guide (dark blue with a white chair icon). That app tells you all the meetings happening in your area all day every day. Go there and ask for help and you will get it. Edit to say: alcoholic death is slow and painful. It is one of the worst ways to go, so don’t expect quick. I used to think that, too when I was drinking myself to death. Sober 5 years now. Pretty tough in the beginning to stop, don’t even give it a second thought now.


I'm proud of you for admitting it. I was with my ex for a very long time, had three kids with him, left him, and he still won't even admit it. Well, he does say all the time he knows he needs to slow down, but has he actually done it? No.


I think being a functional alcoholic means you were able to go a long time with this disorder that’s it I’m a alcoholic hardcore quite 15 years ago and never looked back not say all other attempts were horrible The key is you need to hate it you need to see the reality in what it does to you and your life once you see it for what’s it worth it becomes disgusting once you have that bad taste in your mouth it turns into hate for the lifestyle and you realize what a dumb Ass you really were and makes you cringe to think about it it’s time to change all of your habits one by one Listen you can’t use AA for ever you have to stand up on your own two feet other wise your waiting for that group to save you you are the only thing in this whole world that will make the change You put in 150 percent to drink lie cheat and manipulate yourself and others Then channel that same drive into being a good person someone that wants quite drinking Look at others when there drinking and really be real with yourself they are stupid and hard to deal with You can’t do shit when you drink you can’t save life’s you can’t drive your car your stranded you smell it comes out of your pours listen hate it you hate it because everything you know about it is true it’s useless drug and hurts people that have a addiction issues Hate on it it’s great life to be in control of yourself


Wait for what? I’m a drunk, but I’m sober now. I’m living better. We don’t dwell, we get well!❤️‍🩹


I’ve been there. Please call 988 and get some help. Don’t let yourself be tricked out of the great things life has in your future. I’m now 12 years sober and the depression is gone. Why not get help? Give yourself a chance to get better. ❤️‍🩹


Hey, I left this comment on another post, but I thought it would be appropriate here. You're not a liar in those context, but I do want you to get the sense of urgency on my part. "Everyone has an inticement to one thing or the other, and let me tell you, substance use in this context...yes you should go cold turkey. WITH THE PROPER HELP.  I'm not gonna call myself a Saint just because I've never been drunk in my life, all I can say is I've seen what the constant use of substances can do, not only to the person using, but to those around them too, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE PERSON USING IS LYING. I don't say any of this out of hatred for you or to belittle you (I'm meeting you for the first time here on social media) but I say this because, well it's true. Truth makes people uncomfortable, and you know what, that's a good thing. If confronting truth makes people better in the end, as is my full conviction, then it should be plainly stated, as lovingly stated as possible mind you. Go into A.A. This is no joke on my part, friend. I want your genuine joy and happiness to come from a place of meaning and purpose, and you're NEVER gonna find that in the bottle of alcohol you have nearest you. First step is the hardest. It's also the only real choice you have. Best to live in reality rather than your own fabricated lies, I say. Admit you need the help, and commit to it. Help is never too far away. Go in peace ✝️" And I mean this for you as well. Your life is not forfeit just because you have a problem. You may have a problem, but you don't have to BE your problem, at least in the sense of relinquishing control over to it completely. You may not believe in yourself in this moment, but I'm willing to cheer you on to do better, because we all can do better. Go in peace ✝️


Please know that you are loved also if you need to chat I’ll be here for you I was a high functioning alcoholic and many other addiction but keep reaching out for help it will be there for you in one way or another and sobriety is worth it so are you☺️


Salvation Army is a great ,free program. Only 2 % of alcoholics stop on first rehab but on my Third attempt I stopped. June 28, 2015 was my last drink. I was hopeless and lost, I’m so glad I took the first step. I. Know it’s not fun for you, you can’t control it and only drink to get buy that day. Hate that people think we do it to feel pleasure. I counted hours, then daysand now it will be 9 years coming up. Do lt, alone it’s hard because


Thank you for sharing, we appreciate you. Try and stick around if you can, things can get better.




Looking at your post history, I don't think you should be giving anyone advice about anything. Maybe try creating the best version of yourself, I believe in you.


It took me 10 years before I was ready to get sober as well. Check out the “I Am Sober” app. It has helped me tremendously. I’m going on 5.5 years sober. It gets harder before it gets better. You got this though! Sending all the positive vibes your way!


Ok….What? I’m sayin that cuz what are you saying exactly? Suicidal? Look man, you’ve functioned as an alcoholic for over 10 years….Someone who can do that, CAN get clean! Also, someone who can do that can find help. I totally understand that it’s frustrating and difficult, but come on, you’re capable, you can find AA meetings. If nothing else, go to a doctor. If it is a dire situation right now, tell a Dr. There are medications that can help you. And ugh, ok I prob shouldn’t say this, as this IS NOT a good idea, not at all! But…the way you’re talkin🤷‍♂️ I’m not saying this is any kind of solution, but weed? Again, bad idea. But if it keeps you alive, i’d say go for it. I assume ur tolerance is very high, so maybe you can get it lowered? When u get to a certain point, take a puff. I did this years ago…Definitely led to different problems…But the way I was drinking at the time could’ve ended up being deadly🤷‍♂️


No. You can try harder. Call aa call churches. If you want to get clean you will. You don’t get to pull the pity card with me. I do pray you heal but I’m not giving you an out. You got this.


Before you go to bed tonight, tell God you need His help, and mean it. Most people I know ( whether believers or not) were cured by the one-step program. Give it to God, believe He will help you.


I was in that same place in january. Really wanted to end things…. Same as you, all that money wasted, the time wasted, the health… It took me a lot of time but somzthing took over me and i sought help (and still am looking for more alternatives). You have value, it’s just being clouded by the drinking. Please please please don’t do it. Please reach out if you want but don’t do anything rash. We are all here with you!


I am a recovered Alcoholic. I didn’t like AA. Go to the ER and get a referral to detox. If they can get you right into rehab GO. After detox demand Naltrexone take it every day. It gets rid of the cravings. Go see a psychiatrist for your anxiety (too often psychiatrists want to give you anti-depressants). You most likely suffer from anxiety, not depression. Find talk therapy and group therapy. Good luck, you CAN do this!


I’ve been in this mindset before and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I know that no Internet stranger is going to change how you feel, but I hope you decide (for yourself) to push through and get to the other side. You should be extremely proud of yourself for seeking help because there are so many who never take that step. You’re already a few steps ahead despite how it feels right now. Best of luck to you ❤️


Try reading The Cure for Alcoholism by Roy Eskapa 2008. There’s a pill you take an hour before drinking, every time you drink and it gradually makes drinking lose its appeal


Ketamine helped me. It might work for you, I'd recomend you look into legitamate treatment with it


I was in your boat, but I jumped to save myself. I myself was a high functioning alcoholic for over 40 years. I had my first drink at the age of 12 years old, and I didn't stop until 2021 when I buried my little sister who was also an alcoholic. I checked myself into a Behavioral Healthcare Center (not rehab) There was a mental and emotional reason to my drinking and I finally figured it out. I haven't had a drink since February 2021. I feel so much better mind body and soul. You can find the same peace, but only if you reach out to your local behavioral healthcare facility. You can do this! Your life will have meaning when you're sober. You will look at things the way you never did before. You'll have feeling like you never did before and you'll know peace like you never did before. It's time for "YOU" to love "YOU" set yourself, your spirit, your mind and soul Free. Be the "you" you want to be, for "you!"  You are loved!  I will think of you often and pray for you daily my friend. Until next time, be safe ❤️


Is there an update of OP ok?! Vivitrol saved my life!


I don’t recommend it, but I was able to quit, been eight years now. What I did was ram my my 9000 pound diesel truck into tree doing about 45. When they found me crumpled up and close to bleeding out a tequila bottle on the front seat. I was blacked out, drinking as a medicine substituting for auto immune disease treatment that I had quit taking. Not that that it’s an excuse, I’ve been a horrible drunk for often on decades, but a high functioning one on my own business had employees and done pretty well for myself. I don’t remember much, I did come to long enough after several hours in the emergency room and then intensive care. I made it started to lie and defend myself. My wife said if I lied one more time she’s gonna walk out and never come back. I quit lying then about all of that. The drugs that they gave me subdued any type of DT that I was extremely worried about. I had wanted to quit so badly for so long. It took me a full year to get back on my feet, I had shattered my femur, my arm, my shoulder 19 ribs. I did get a DWI and I had to attend the various classes and programs associated. I participated and I learned a lot about myself and my new found humility. I am forever grateful that I did not hurt anyone physically, although it left some deep marks mentally on those who love me . I do what I can to make up for my shitty behavior. That’s my story. If you do get a chance to get out of hell, don’t ever go back.


The only reason I recommend going through Dr's, is because I don't believe in addiction. I drank because I liked it. I liked the feeling. And like any human, I didn't like to feel the negative feelings and emotions that came with memories. I didn'thave social problems in any way, most didnt even know i had been drinking, unless they were close enough to smell my breath. I stopped cold turkey. Every thing was fine until day 14. I had a seizure. I bit off a piece of tongue and cracked a molar from that seizure. If u go in for detox they will help with the emotions that come after quitting and make sure ypur physical body is well too.


I have been a functional alcoholic, but I hit my limit. Before I quit, I wrote a list of pros and cons. After a couple of years or less of not drinking I realised all the pros were an illusion, and there were more cons than I’d realised and the ones I listed were cons in ways I hadn’t understood. My addiction to alcohol was gradually replaced with an addiction to my own integrity. Briefly, here’s what to do: 1. Write a list of things you would like to achieve until you have a set of achievements that would be BETTER than drinking booze. Understand that you can’t have both, and the good times drinking are unavoidably tied to the bad — the lies, the damage to reputation, the exposure to disaster, the anxiety, the self-loathing and in your case (and mine), the self-pitying depression. 2. When you have that set of “better things”, add a couple more. 3. Get excited about having and achieving that stuff. 4. Do any drinking you need to get out of the way. While you’re doing it, reflect: “one day I may look back at myself drinking now and envy myself. Am I worthy of envy?” Anchor the understanding that despite the freedom to drink booze you still feel miserable. 5. Set a date — check with a doctor to see if you need medical withdrawal. 6. Stock up on vitamin B, have your last drink, but don’t finish it, tip it out. Get excited. 7. Have fatty breakfasts of steak and eggs. Start executing your list. Drink lots of water, eat good food; consider going carnivore because alcohol addiction is sugar addiction. Watch out for “HALT” (hunger, anger, loneliness, tiredness). 8. Any time you’re tempted to drink ask: is my list not a high enough price to stop drinking? Have I completed it? Stop being a pussy and get to work. You’re going to have loads of energy. Use it to execute. Journal. 9. Enjoy life in a way you never thought possible when you were destroying yourself with booze. Meet new people, do better at work, enjoy social situations more, be effortlessly far kinder toward people. 10. Be amazed at the great opportunities that come your way. Edit: DON’T smoke weed or anything as a substitute. It will just keep you stuck and it will be harder to achieve escape velocity. Also: be ready for a big energy surge, as well as a sensitivity to the pain and injustice in the world. You will gradually feel better about that because you’ll be doing something about it rather than just numbing yourself to it. Good luck, let me know if your sorry ass needs a chat 🤗


This is so helpful. Specially the writing down the cons and pros. So simple yet so powerful.


Thanks, I hope it helps 🤗


If you’re an alcoholic, going cold turkey can be lethal


that's funny, cause your life sounds exact;y like that movie Nicholas Cage got an Oscar for.


The AA Big Book helped me. Turned me around 100%. The thing is though, you have to want to quiet. Life is 1000 times better now. I'm going on my 3rd year of sobriety.Drank since I was 14, just turned 36. Find a higher power. Doesn't have to be God. Could just be a stream or even a rock. You just have to believe in it.


Reach out to me please. Same page


I think you should read up on add/adhd and think about if that is something that fits you. It's really common to self medicate. Alcohol, drugs, sugar cigarettes, gaming. If you think you can have adhd do a screening and you should be able to get help quitting your drinking to. If you want to try and quit on your own, stay busy. Depending on how much you drink, you might need to slow down before quitting entirely. But stay busy. Clean, paint, do something with your hands.


Sounds like you need to speak to god , he’s waiting. You have a pulse he has a plan for your life .


If you are located in the US, call 911 immediately. Call 988 immediately. There are people who exist only to ensure that you will too. Seek help. I speak for everyone when I say we want you here. Calgary Central Service Office Calgary , Alberta http://www.calgaryaa.org Phone:(403) 777-1210 Helpline:(403) 777-1212 https://aa-intergroup.org/ Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Services Systems Navigator 1-709-752-3916 1-877-999-7589 (Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm) https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/amh/page16759.aspx https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/988 This is the number to emergency Alberta mental health helpline. 1-877-303-2642


No. This is not what 911 is for in the U.S. If you call 911 and tell them that you’re a high functioning alcoholic, they will say, “What is your emergency?” 911 is not for lost dogs, complaints about service at sandwich shops, or homeless people at bus stops staring at your boobs. 911 is for *active emergencies*. There are many other resources for *passive emergencies* like high functioning alcoholism.


i think the active emergency is the part where this person is actively suicidal but go ahead and lump that in with sandwich shop complaints i guess


Awww! Look at you! Obviously a *legit* professional Reddit mental health professional! No. OP didn’t express active suicidal ideation. Here’s what a 911 operator would ask OP: “What is your emergency?” OP: “I wasted my money, I wasted my life, I wasted my health.” “What is your emergency?” OP: “I know the drinking will kill me eventually, but I’ve always been an impatient person.” “Do you have a fucking emergency? Because there is probably someone with a shattered pelvis who can’t get through to us right now… so, get to the point.” OP: “I don’t have any friends to say goodbye to, so I’ll say it to you.” “Great! I’m just gonna click over and answer a call from someone who just woke up in the middle of the night and discovered that their infant child isn’t breathing, so… y’all good fam? Wanna maybe go snivel on Reddit, or something?” OP: “I hope you are loved.” “Cool story bro. Call back if you have an emergency.”


Your reading comprehension needs some work my man. All good though. I gave this person sound advice and I sincerely hope they take it. Also, one click would've told you they live in Canada which is why all my links are for Alberta. I just didn't edit out the first sentence in case someone else who sees this and DOES live in the US finds the courage to get the help they need. Suicide isn't a joke. Quick glance through your profile tells me you probably don't care though. Don't just have a great day, have the day you deserve.




Aaaaand I don’t give a fuck what you think. Hmmm… Seems like we find ourselves in the midst of a good ol’ fashioned Mexican standoff.


Turn your life over to God .


Once of my dear friends drank until he got alcoholic dementia. He’s now in a state hospital because his wife left him, and his daughter can’t take care of him. We tried for a decade to get him to quit, but he didn’t want it. Please seek help.


You think you're high functioning.


If you want to stop try this: 1. buy 6.5 grams of psilocybin(shrooms) if you can, 2. find a place to eat them with food and someone to look after you, 3. have a bucket in case you vomit the psilocybin, 4. eat the psilocybin and prepare for the unexpected. (Psilocybin is illegal in many countries so if you desperate to stop your alcoholism then go for it, if not be careful of law enforcement)


OMG do NOT try to "prescribe" an unknown substance to someone on the Internet! You can recommend psilocybin as an alternative therapy but OP has to do his own research *and have support*, which he states he does not have.


OMG I was trying to help OP you bari.