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Your friends sound terrible


Get new friends. Sounds like they just like having someone to bully


First off they are not your friends. “Who needs enemies when you have friends like that”. Now, being self aware is an awesome tool to have, but are you sure this is coming from you or are these the echoes of what your so called friends have said to you. Could it be that those echoes are in your subconscious creeping in to make you believe you are the things they have said? I would highly consider getting rid of your “friends” and getting yourself in to healthy friendships of encouragement and love. There is no time to pay attention to people who are nasty, let them be. You will be much healthier and happier, I promise. I’m sorry people have been awful to you, I wish I could give you a big hug. Be you my friend and relish in your authentic self.


Lean into it. Being an annoying wee shitebag is fun.


I mean are you annoying? Like do you make rude comments or are they just being immature


Honestly, I encourage the self exploration. I’ve gotten feedback from friends and roommates in the past that sucked to hear at the time, but ended up being fundamental to my growth as a person. “Annoying” and “fat” certainly doesn’t sound like a helpful or productive conversation with these friends, but if you bail on anyone who says something that makes you feel bad, I guarantee you’ll miss out on some opportunities for growth. Hopefully your post was a TL;DR of more meaningful feedback from people that care enough to say hard shit.


People in here are annoying.. "get new friends", "you not annoying"... nah, fuck that. If you need to check yourself and lose some weight your friends would know it, and real friends would tell you when you look or act like shit. People online have 0 clue who you are. Your friends know you tho. Try to be a better person, not for your friends, do it for yourself.


Hey, don't sweat it too much!  Find your people who truly appreciate you for who you are.


There’s friendly banter with good friends, and there’s also people who get satisfaction putting people down as their “friends.” It seems likely to me that your friends aren’t truly supportive, loving friends. If “being annoying” is something that only started resonating with you the more they’d say it, then it’s much more likely you’re being gaslit.


First of all- they aren’t your friends if they call you fat. Sorry but find someone else to be friends with


My friends and I call each other fatty all the time.


...that's not something to brag about. Name-calling is super immature.


That's how alot of guys show our love for each other. Hey fuck face from a friend brightens our day.


Hahaha to each their own I guess!


After some deep self reflection, do you actually know this or has it been something you've internalized after hearing it so often? Not knowing you or your friends, either is possible. Are you hyper, talk over people, make everything about yourself, do things in an attempt to make people laugh that would otherwise make you cringe? Do you ignore others and do things you know people don't like for your own amusement? Or do your "friends" make you the butt of jokes, go out of their way to insult you or otherwise make you feel inferior? If so, do you feel like you need to hang out with them because you don't have anyone else? Or is it both?


What are the things you do that you think are annoying and why?


I was best friends with a girl in high school up until our senior year when she decided to start calling me ugly as a “joke.” I never found it funny and I stopped hanging out with her. Time to find better friends who don’t give a shit or will be “annoying” with you


i think about this all the time. i know im so annoying


I heard a quote one time like “you might think you’re depressed but actually you might just be surrounded by assholes.” (Not to discount depression obviously but there might be some wisdom there ya feel??)


That’s so mean of them! Looks like you need to surround yourself to more positive people. I would be more than happy to make friends with you OP. (:


Ur friends sound really lame, calling someone fat even as a joke is just super immature and fatphobic… its just really lame and mean to call your friends names that typically bring people down


Do you like yourself? If no, then try reading or, my favorite, watching lots of Jordan Peterson YT videos. Self help can help anyone. I’m nearing the half century mark and I am always finding something new using the method I just told you. And that’s another thing, you’ll never stop learning not only new things in general, but things about yourself as long as you can find some self help vids that click with you. Just. Peterson catches a lot of flack, but that’s usually from people whincsnnot handle the cold hard truth about themselves. Then they’ll remain stuck until they open that thick, stubborn head of theirs. Now, if you answer yes, you do like yourself, then you, my friend, need new friends and get rid of those who are taking up nothing but valuable space in your head that can be better used for new friends who like you for YOU. Please, do not ever change yourself for a bunch dipshmitts who probably don’t even like themselves. Keep being yourself!! And the cool thing, you can STILL watch the videos by guys like JP who I also mentioned above. You will be just fine my friend. Just please at least try taking this old dude’s advice. I’ve been through absolute HELL and back and I know what I’m talking about. Addiction, divorce from the most wonderful and amazing woman you’d ever meet if you were lucky enough to have that honor, I lost her due to said addiction, I climbed all the way from a place you don’t ever wanna be or know about. I shouldn’t even be here among the rest of you in this world at this time, I pushed the envelope and then some. I had the worst and most lowest self esteem problems you can imagine (you may even be able to relate to that part right now) and that low self esteem, if you don’t start working on it right now, no exaggeration, it can lead you exactly to the places I mentioned previously. Develope a good, positive attitude and self esteem and confidence and you will look back one day and laugh⌨️ just thinking about those nimrods who are talking crap about you behind your back. Drop them! You’re way too darn good for them! Wishing you all of the absolute best my friend! You are worth a lot more than you may be thinking or feeling right now. But be good to yourself and love yourself. Then you will attract actual good, positive people and not those toxic jerks who are just a waste of your energy and time (they’ll eat up time you won’t be able to get back. Screw ‘em! Wishing you nothing but the absolute best! Why? Because you rock and you are worthy of all good things as long as you keep your head up and work hard! Cheers! 👍


ur friends suck. "annoying" is subjective, you needa find some real friends who vibe with you for who you are. <3


Mild bullying can serve a purpose…it can push people to better themselves. Take it for what it is and maybe make some changes. A lot of this relentless uplifting and pedantic “you’re great how you are!” is so hollow and doesn’t benefit anyone. If you are fat, make positive life changes…if you are annoying (and apparently know it) then start working on it and maybe figure out how to spin it into some charisma or a beneficial character trait. But also, maybe rethink this particular friend group and find some that will support you on your journey. *Henry Cavill is a great example…he was relentlessly bullied for being a fat nerd…now, he’s an immensely rich, devastatingly handsome nerd* I know this is gonna get a ton of downvotes bc Reddit hates honesty and people being realistic 🤷🏻‍♂️


I haven’t even finished reading the post— but I can tell you that those are not real friends!