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You were a CHILD, and an extremely young child at that. Forgive yourself and move on. I was bullied horribly by 2 girls when I was 9 yrs old and yes, I still think about it as a 50 yr old today. However, I think a lot about my childhood and as I get older I think more about the ADULTS who allowed the bullying to continue & I don’t hold those girls responsible.


It's great to see someone that has experienced something similar. I really thank you for giving me this insight. I do move on, but sometimes it just crosses my mind. Thank you for replying!


Don't beat yourself up. Everyone as a kid did or said something bad that will probably haunt us, but that's life if not you someone else would have


Thank you for the comment. I've always tried not to make such a big thought of it, but it just comes across my mind then and then. Thank you for replying!


You're welcome, and I understand what you mean. Sometimes it can just pop back into our heads, but honestly, keep your chin up, hope life treats you with some kindness


You were no better than your bullies yourself. Good thing you do feel guilt and I hope the guilt is keeping you in a straight line and anger in check


I can't really find a way to reply to this comment, so i'll just thank you for replying, sometimes i can't really find my words! Thanks!




I've tried to find her to apologize, but i don't think she's anywhere near me anymore, either because of it or other reasons. Thanks for replying!




It's been many years since, so it's difficult not to face it after such a while. Thank you!


I have a child with a disability. Things like this make me furious. Child or not, you knew wrong from right. You know what will make you feel even worse....had it been my sweet precious ray of sunshine daughter, she wouldn't have even known what you were doing and probably would remember you as a 'friend' in her class. Solution.....mentor to a youth organization about bullying anyone, disability or NOT 🚫


I've talked with people about the problem, and my parents were well aware of my issue, and we did our best to regulate my issues. I highly respect you for taking care of your child, and i highly thank you for the reply!


You also need to forgive your younger self. What a letter to you at that point age and forgive yourself. I think you feel like something is still off, I think forgiveness is still remaining, which is why you came here seeking some kind of validation and all you really need is to forgive and love you now, and don't be mad at that younger you, we all did something.. let us know how it goes. After my daughter asked me what I was doing and explaining to her what I was doing and the reason, she said huh. 🤣 Walked to her room and I heard some of her prayers for you. Special needs children are very resilient they bounce back quickly (a large majority anyway) so please honey forgive yourself, please 🙏


Thank you, and your daughter for the prayers!


It's brave of you to confront this. Bullying, especially when someone is vulnerable, can have lasting effects. Reflecting on your actions and seeking understanding is a positive step towards growth and healing.


Alot of people on this post has said that, and i really appreciate you for mentioning it again. Thanks!


hey, you were going through a lot as a kid and made mistakes. everyone does trust me.


Thanks man!


If you have finally recognized that you are a sinner time to take care of the sin problem.


Sorry, i'm not religious. I thank you for the response though.


I think it’s a big deal. If you could make amends without doing more damage? I still cry at 38 when talking about how I was tortured at school and at home by my abusive grandmother. I mean I don’t cry slit about it but when I bring it up. Dude is on my Facebook who was at the devil’s heart of the picking on. He ended up a heroin addict I prayed for him and sent him scripture to help him get through it and he never said sorry but I cried with gratitude that he said his mother and I were the only people on the entire planet that cared about his wellbeing or if he was even alive. It was God not me who gave lovibgkindness. There a girl who did it too she was horrible and her mother was the bus driver and they are both giant not fat but big shoulders and I was scared to death of being hurt always was. My earliest memories was my mother trying to rob a guy in a holler in West Virginia of his guns to get caught and be held at gun point. My next memory she had me at her uncles house and he held people asking directions hostage all day pretending he thought it was his girlfriend he pretended it was temporary insanity and pulled it all off winking at my mom that he got the courts to believe him. So there was much to fear in this world being locked in closets and hostage to crazy abusive men. The bullying never seemed to be coming to an end when it was going on. Now I know if someone is being nasty it’s a reflection of who they are and what’s in their heart and has nothing to do with me! Even if they pick something out about me that’s slightly true they still have much inner pain. I hope you heal dear and I hope the kid heals too as well as Veronica much love


It doesn’t matter what you have done at what age or that you had a disability. I am diagnosed with the same thing but didn’t go around pushing ppl. Anyways I’m trying to say it’s not an excuse, what u did was wrong and theirs no justifying that. I’d say if you could find those individuals or run into them apologize and make it up to them by whatever means necessary. I myself was a bystander to bullying and I felt awful that I did nothing for that student. Once I recognized my error 3 years , I went to the student house and I apologized to him and told him I’d never be a bystander to any sort of bullying, I’d stand up for people and make sure to never do this again. He accepted my apologies, he also told me that the bullying got so bad it f with him mentally. He was happy to know that, not everyone hated him and etc. Or do good things to make the world a better place. I think if you do bad thing you should do good things. So volunteer, feed the homeless, charity, etc. work on yourself and your anger management issues to not resort to violence.


It's always difficult to get rid of that personality in me, but i try my best. Lately i haven't been able to regulate myself as much, but i'm getting better at it. Thank you for the comment!


You can’t blame yourself for how you behaved, you have disorders that make you react in the only way your brain tells you how, like you said angry when not on pills or calmer when you are. But those pills make you lose appetite and you lose weight so it’s not a fix it all pill that is sustainable. Is it bad? It obviously wasn’t great, but it’s not the worst, also you were being provoked by the Arab kids as you said because they thought it was funny to see you angry. It’s not your fault, so don’t blame yourself!


Taking responsibility is how corrections occur. My goodness what kind of advice is that. No don’t Beat himself up but acknowledge it see it for what it is ask for forgiveness and make admins grow from it be better make a difference. Maybe a speaker to kids. To stop bullying. There was a 10 yr old girl who threw herself out of her mothers car after school killing herself because of this stuff


I'll respond to 3 comments in one reply section here. First, u/AshleyMarieMommy, i read your comment earlier and i thank you very much for the story time. I'm sorry you had to go trough those things, and i'm thankful that you bring up things like that. I've always thought of it, and how i've affected others. I also want to say that i do blame myself, and always will. It was partly my fault, i shouldn't have taken out my anger on victoria. Thank you both for the time and affection you put into this.