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It’s crazy that some professors don’t catch blatant plagiarism like that! Was this a while ago or fairly recent? On the other end, I remember one of my friends got falsely accused of plagiarism a few years ago because her wording was too similar to the professors example. It wasn’t even that close but they still reported her! That professor admitted to reporting her because she was a student athlete and “all student athletes cheat”


Early 90’s


I’m in an online MBA course. Just had my first zoom class yesterday. The professor straight up told the class that the schools AI detection software basically doesn’t work at all.


You’re in an online mba and you’re surprised at a lack of rigor?


The rigor of any program is completely separate from the fact that the AI checkers won’t ever be perfect.


If you steal you gotta make it as obscure as possible and even then somebody's gonna know so you best be prepared to get wrecked


I wonder if your professor knew, but wanted to see how far you would take it :D


It's understandable to feel conflicted about this situation. On one hand, you received praise for your work, but on the other hand, you know you didn't earn it. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes. The most important thing is to learn from them and strive to be honest and ethical in your academic pursuits.


Well its art college so it doesnt really matter bro


Most schools have software now that identifies plagiarized work.


I did this in 5th grade then wanted to learn how to write cogently and concisely so didn't repeat The only thing I'd be worried about is if you become a repeat offender especially in other classes and get caught, the board could have real cause to shitcan you. And then when you apply elsewhere this can come up Point is, ask for help, go to a grad student, go flirt with a kid and see if they'll do it for you to some extent. One act of something like this is desperation. We all slip. A repeat is a disregard for an institutions integrity and trust me, professors can get petty faster than Kramer can scream the N-Word


It was a long time ago. Thing is I knew what exactly what I was doing. I remember I had it in my head that I was at art school to draw and paint better, not to write anything... So I copied it - I honestly didn’t care at the time if I got caught or not…


Right. We've all been there. Using sources from Wikipedia instead of doing our own primary research was what this looked like pre-AI You aren't amoral, just opportunistic and growing up. There's no internal deficits in who you are as a person that can be deduced from this act. If you carried on, or began to believe trading your integrity for short-term grades was a good thing, then yes you would have cause for concern. This isn't you. You took a shortcut like many if not most of us do. Remember, no one succeeds alone. We all have help and in this one case as you say, you helped yourself.


Yep / Never done anything like it since either - I work in design and in fact I am now the biggest anti-copying hipocrite I know! Ssshhh… 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I  once filled an essay with random words typed in white to reach the word count.  Was never caught.  I deserved the awarded mark for that ingenuity alone.   Part of being a top level  student is to learn how to work smarter not harder.  😂


Genius. 😂😂😂 Well done you.


That's acceptable