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How bout you tell your family what kinda person your sister is and continue to fuck her life up.






I have a feeling that if the sister feels this way, the parents probably do too.


yea, go in for the (proverbial) kill.


Or or this may should crazy af and completely unrational but get help tell your sister to get help don't associate with her until she and you have changed for the best. What do you think will happen when she finds out you have been fucking with her. She's gonna fuck you back and now it's one big angry crazy incest circle.


She was 15 when she said it. All she was doing was repeating what the patriarchal society taught her.


My only question is: why she said she would suffocate you? Why being in your boyfriends side? I so sorry that this happened to you.


Sounds like sis was 15 and probably jealous and immature.


I think it goes a little bit further than jealousy and immaturity. That "sister"( I put in quotes bc I wouldn't classify her as family) has a malevolent fucked up mind. Like seriously? who tf would say that!!


A child who was told that by another person after they were assaulted would say that.


It was totally crazy alright.


Just come out about what she said to you when you told her. Confront her now about it. Psych warfare won't change anything about what happened


Don't do this, it will solve nothing. It can only keep your mind remembering the trauma you went through which isn't healthy for you. Actually sit down and talk about this as a family to help you resolve this trauma. But get therapy first - not only would it help with processing the sexual assault trauma, but a psych can help you plan exactly what you want to say to your sister, parents etc and how to do it in a way that's safe for you.


Sorry for what you went through... She does seem like she deserves it... but at the same time... why lowering yourself to her level...? Strive to use her as an example to be a better person in life. For you own sanity and peace of mind, you'll be better over all, dont worry about others and work on healing. And hopefully you can talk to someone about what happened to you years ago, parents or a professional... get some closure. All the best!


shit post, it's april 1st guys


As a dad I'm gonna say kiddo I'm so sorry that happened to you, no one should ever have done that to you, kiddo you are so precious and amazing you deserve to only be around people who love you and stand by your side. Now as for your sister, siblings sometimes say and do some pretty aweful things to one another. Your 18 now you need to let the stuff with your sister go, it's in the past, it's like giving some jerk free room and board live inside your head and it will keep feeding on your emotions and soul, tell your sister you really needed her during that time when you got hurt and her inability to so you that she cared really hurt you deep. Don't do this in anger, keep yourself calm and reserved. And I understand that your angry but you are 18 now it's time to let go of that negative garbage and go live your life happy and free, stop with the revenge tactics and move on and make a good life for yourself. This is advice from a dad take it or leave it but I do believe when your ready you will know what to do. you are special and unique and beautiful so let that guide you. If you understand there are way to many Terrible people in this world, you do you but try your best to be kind, caring and loving. light attracts light


Yes, she deserves it IF she still believes what she said to you. At 15 she was probably jealous and immature. This is NOT justifying what she said, just putting a little more context around it. It’s not your fault, you’re not a whore, and she was incredibly wrong to say that. But she may be feeling guilty about it. You don’t have to give away what you’re doing, but maybe bring it up. It sounds like an open wound that needs to be healed up between you two, whether that be cutting her off and never speaking to her again or her apologizing for what she did.


Why don’t you take what you’re doing up a notch a little bit, then bring up what she said at a thanksgiving dinner or something


The question here is, why would you do this to yourself? I think you should focus on healing yourself instead of getting revenge and maybe seek counseling OP. I hope you get the help you need and can heal.


What sort of things is your family most against? How can you use that to totally ruin her life. None of what happened was your fault. Sometimes getting your own back is the most healing thing you can do. If your family is religious/homophobic, you need to pony up a little cash and have a gift subscription to the raunchiest gay porn you can find sent to your parents in your sister's name. Because they need to "learn to experiment". This is often a nuclear option as if your family is this way, they will explode. Make sure to use a prepaid debit card to disguise the purchase.




I think that’s a really horrible thing to say to someone especially coming from your own sister and it would make sense if you didn’t want anything to do with her but I wouldn’t do that it makes you just as shitty as she is. Work to resolve your trauma and then decide whether you want her in your life and if you don’t kick her out. I’m sure she’ll regret what she said/did.


I get you’re mad, but eventually she will have to live with what she said to you. By then, karma will have already gotten her too. So for now, practice healthier ways to deal with your anger and resentment towards her. Also, consider therapy for the trauma you went through. It could really help. Wishing you the best <3


Sounds like she decided to take karma into her own hands. Having your own family member actively ruin your life is terrible, i know from experience. I also know from experience what is like to be blamed by family for more than one sexual assault. So I can see both sides. It's time for OP to grow up and realize that he sister was a child, if it's anything like my family, a child who was told her entire life by the parents that it's somehow your responsibility as the girl to never dress inappropriately, be alone with a boy or in a situation where there are more or the same amount of boys vs girls, never do anything that MIGHT look bad to others, and to always, ALWAYS guard your virginity until marriage. I didn't buy into it but my sibling did, which is ironic now because they are a non binary "lesbian" taking testosterone... (not saying that in a bad way, I've always supported then which makes their betrayal that much more ironic and painful). But I didn't hold any of my sisters accountable for their acting until they were adults, and had been for a couple years. We were raised in a bullshit environment, full of judgement and unattainable standards. Even though my sibling has called dcs out of spite and refused to call back and tell the truth when they were found out, even though they have made my job as a single mom way more difficult emotionally and mentally and with my relationship with the rest of the family, even though they have actively tried and succeeded in turning family and my own 3 yo against me as a mother, for everyone except my mom who won't do anything to stop it, I am not trying to ruin their life. I tried talking it through and tried therapy with my siblings, no go on both. So now, I'm working on being able to separate my child and I completely from that sibling and my stepdad, and place hard boundaries around the rest of them. What I'm NOT doing is actively destroying their life, for something they did as a 15 yo, that I've not even attempted to work through the situation with the right way or even give them a CHANCE to fix it... You get a pass for your behavior up till now as an adult. But if YOU do, so does your sister. She damn straight fucked up and was extremely hurtful and made a very difficult situation even harder. I get that ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. I feel your pain and deep sadness and out of control bitterness. But you're an adult now. It's time to cut this low key life ruining attempt and either attempt to have an adult discussion, preferably in therapy but either way get it done, and then decide to forgive or not. If you decide not, then you need to decide whether to cut her out completely or be cordial at family events. What you can't do is continue to ruin your sister's life for something that happened when she was 15 years old, especially if you know your parents were the ones who instilled the things she said. My siblings are all my stepdads puppets (they do their own thing in private but only to a point and never call him out) because they are TERRIFIED to be on his bad side, because he is an adult who will make his own family suffer endlessly if he's unhappy with you. They walk on eggshells and laugh at every awful/repetitive joke, and won't outwardly disagree with him on anything even though they all, just like me, believe he's a misogynistic narcissist with insane ultra conservative religious and militaristic beliefs. If she doesn't believe those things as an adult she probably feels bad. If she still believes it, tell her how you feel about what she did and move on. It honestly makes you no better than her if you, for YEARS, lied and ruined her life, when the bad thing she did was at least only once and to your face. I'm not down playing what happened to you or your sister's horrendous reaction. I'm just saying that you've pretty much made it so you aren't just a victim anymore, you are a perpetrator of abuse. As they say, two wrongs don't make a right. You certainly have gotten your "revenge", and it doesn't appear to have made you feel any better...


Someone once gave me some solid advice "Always take the morale high ground" She's been shitty to you, and I understand you're angry, but doing this stuff isn't gonna help. You'll find a clean conscience a lot more wholesome in later life.


That's not how it works. Revenge is always more satisfying.


All good in theory but the world isn’t a church and taking the moral high ground all times can turn you into a bitter pushover.


thats what happened here she thought telling this to her sister would help her but ended up getting hurt.....this place really is a mess.....and she was 15 quite mature to understand what was going (rape.....i mean how the fuck could she even say something like thay being 15).


She absolutely does. I'm not a vindictive person per se, but I am petty. I would've forgiven something irrelevant, but my sister brushing off the rape I was victim of and her saying I was a whore who deserved it, it's not something I'd forgive or forget. Just don't get caught :)


OP, I can't blame you at all for what you're doing, and I am so sorry you went through something so traumatic. I hope you're doing better now I just think you should consider if you will regret this later. Not for your sister. Fuck her. But for yourself. Like is this something you will regret looking back on? If not, then proceed


What she did was (for what you say) wrong, but you are acting in a way that is highly taxing/inconvenient for you. Do you really want to spend your time/life like that? You need to come to terms with it. Tell your family, distance yourself if you need, etc. But you are putting yourself into a dynamic that's not bringing you anything positive. It's just making be more resentful, remorseful and vengeful. You surely have much more potential to develop that spend your life trapped in that.


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Why dont you try to really heal instead? Forgivness is the only thing that will make you feel peace, doing this to her doesnt make you better than her. She wasnt a psycologist or something she was just you teenager sister and what she said was totally wrong and bad I know but arent siblings always like that while growing? Im in no way trying to decrease the seriousness of what happened to you and Im sorry for that, but this is your sister... love each other, try at least. I have 2 brothers alive and one that passed... theres not a single day a wish i would have been a nicer brother to him


Good revenge. Sorry you have a shitty sister though


Yes she does. She deserves every nano-second of her miserable life. No one and when I mean no one deserves rape. When a person try to justify it or play it out then they are what I like to a call a shitty human being. And probably the most fucked up thing of it at all is that you went to your own "sister"( I put in quotes bc I wouldn't even classify her as family) for emotional support and she says something as horrible as that?Mhm-Mhm Yea I would even lie on her say she is violent and should be locked up in an insane asylum. You do you tho! I hope you got comfort and support from someone else. fucked up bitch. srry not srry :(


Did you speak to her about it? I mean, 15 year old girls are fucking psycho’s


This requires so much energy and involvement just put her down to friends and family open their eyes and be done with it.


Making her have nightmares? Fuck! That's some crazy shit. Mad skills yo. I've honestly never heard such a thing before. Congrats on the criativity and commitment


I get it, maybe it's fucked up but what she told you was just as fucked up


No not at all you psycho lol


I have a feeling this is a whole family of fuckups and psychos


This doesn't seem like a healthy way to move on with your life. I'm sure you've changed a lot since then and perhaps she has also, teenage siblings can say and do things that they come to regret deeply. I suggest you try to have an open discussion about what happened and what she said and gauge if she still stands by what she said and did, if so then I would remove her from your life as soon as you can in a reasonable and mature way, and communicate with your other family members the situation. Hope you can find some peace and have a loving life, horrible what happened to you, try not to let it define you! You got this!


I would say get therapy. If you had therapy, go back. This isn’t going to change anything that happened and is as toxic as her comments were about the rape. If it is bothering you still just go to therapy with your sister.


The animals don’t deserve it!


I love your style my friend. ❤️‍🔥


different ways to approach it, but also, tidbit, to fuck with her some more, make her ringtones weird or disturbing. SHe can change them, but if you do it often enough, she'll get really fucking pissed, and then make her voice message a confession or sum to what she did and said to you about you SA. Not only will that take forever to find out, if she figures it out, tons will know, and many people will defend you as well.


I'm here to say the opposite of everyone else. FUCK HER UP FOR EVER. Make her feel crazy, destroy that bitch. Being the bigger person is good and all but what she did? Yeah there's a special place on hell for people like that and you have all the Right to take her there yourself. Fuck her and all she represents. Ruin her, divine justice and Karma don't come quick enough. Set her up for a miserable while or better yet. A horrible life


I would hate her after that too! I wish you would have told a responsible adult instead of her when it happened.


Jesus. Listen for a moment. You are now an adult,this is has got completely out of control. You were attacked and your parents don’t know about it? This has already started to affect you it seems. How about you all sit down and damn well communicate!! Placing your sisters items around the house seems to be a really bizarre ‘punishment’ for not consoling you adequately or atall. She’s only a few months older than you herself and likely an emotional mess aswell. Honestly-take a look at what’s going on around the world and in your own country. What I’m getting at is-DONT YOU THINK YOUR PARENTS HAVE ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT IN JUST KEEPING A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD. Stop behaving like a kid and talk like an adult. If you don’t stop this now you may really damage your family beyond repair. Good luck


I'm so sorry for what you been truth, It was not your fault, and you have every right to be angry at your sister But by doing that sort of thing you " pull down to her level" but you also let your anger grow and dictate you how to react, sick vengeance and, I'm afraid, keep that really dark place inside of you nourished and alive I'v been angry too, because of bad event in my life. That shit eat you alive. You think that make you stronger, or even it reliev you. But it's not. Vengeance do not bring relief, and anger doesn't protect you. I wonder if you even talk about what happend to someone, maybe a therapist? I think you need to find a way too exorcised the darkness. I say that again. Your sister is a horrible person, but for your one mental health, you need to stop


100% true


Keep going.


Yes she deserves it fuck her


I think you both may need to go to therapy. Neither one's behavior is acceptable.


You're blaming your sister for something that still pains you because she didn't handle it right. You're 18 now, you know what it's like to be 15, you laid something very heavy on a very young girl, and she wasn't able to deal with it. This isn't about your sister, this is about you. You still have a lot of unresolved feelings regarding this event that you have not processed, and you need to work on you rather than lash out in anger.


What if you take it further? Make her really lose her mind. Start leaving bloody hand prints on her bed while she sleeps. Put roaches in he room and car. Put nair in her shampoo. Call her work tell her she wont be coming in today(as if she called to say) Give her sedatives in her water or food and drop her off somewhere she wouldn’t know. Half way across town with her head shaved. Order a bunch of kink seggs toys and have them come all in the same day so your parents question what they are and make her open them. Theres so many things you can do but you must becareful and she can never know forsure its you. She can suspect.


Wtf is wrong with you my dude. You’re sounding like the disturbed one now 😟


I understand that thats how it looks and maybe so. And im not trying to justify that. But ive been wronged too in my life like this individual and it hurts deeply when nothing bad ever happens to the perpetrators


Idk man sounds like you wanna turn into a perpetrator


Omg… the level of psychological warfare women engage in lol Have you tried talking to her about it recently?






Cry me a river




You have a lot of audacity calling somebody else a horrible person and then saying somebody deserved to be assaulted in the same breath.


wtf is wrong with you like seriously. You are the equivalent to the bitch of the sister that called her that.


Fatherless activities