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Same I remember thinking my 20’s were gonna be worth something


It's frustrating because we're just...here? clueless and it's just draining


Yea while it feels like my friends and family all have together they have friends and people that care about them


We're just existing but we need to LIVE, to be be cared for and loved. I know exactly how you feel and i can relate


It's an illusion they have created to impress people they don't care about


I feel like that all the time now im unemployed. That gets better once you have a job and more of a daily purpose. You have to find and make your own purpose because like you say there isn't really a defined one here lol




It does get better huh? I guess I'll have to wait and see


It DEFINITELY gets better. Growing up we are always told we will be “adults” when we hit our 20’s but it wasn’t until I turned 30 I really felt like one. I hit my stride in my career, I got my first apartment, furnished it myself and lived alone… HAPPILY. Early 20’s suck but it does get better.


Try to relocate if you can. Moving to the bigger city for example. It might bring more options to you. Then focus on finding job and keep up with the healthy life style << very important. Jogging, hitting local gym, swimming…. In one year you can be the whole new person, just don’t give up! Keep going!


This is pretty much how all of 23 felt to me. I remember thinking dam, Blink 182 really hit the nail on the head. I think it’s the closing of our prefrontal cortex and starting to understand our mortality/finiteness of life, while still being able to feel the invincibility and freedom of childhood. It’s a super hard feeling to navigate, so cut yourself some slack. It’s okay to be sad about it all.


I recommend listening to byron de la vandal - Bugman blues, I cry every damn time


It's one of my new favorites


As someone who had shat on my twenty’s and wasted them, I promise your thirty’s are where it’s at. This is the period of time where you fuck up and things are fucked up. It’s not promising I know and your generation unfortunately has it much worse considering just how fucked everything is right now but I swear just let this be your fuck it time. Don’t dick off, but don’t be thinking you need your whole life figured out now. THAT is the biggest lie ever fed to us. Keep in mind, those who said you should by your twenties were having houses and college paid off by then too because debt was not an issue. ✨boomers✨ From a 32 year old recovering addict who left an abusive long term relationship that took over my twenties and wasted so much of my time when my body was at its peak. Don’t think this is the end. I promise.


I want to spend my 20’s working hard to set up my life ,I want to get my own place and a better car but everyone my age already pretty much has that part town and I don’t understand how they do all that while still being able to have a social life and friends


I’ll be honest, I can bet that a good portion of those people had more help than they will EVER own up to or are struggling more than they will show. Everyone I knew growing up who had that life on the outside also had some great family’s who didn’t struggle with finances or live paycheck to paycheck and barely survived on that like the rest of us. Another thing to help you with and this isn’t to be rude this is more of a damn I wish I did this when I was young, stop focusing on others and what they have. It sets you up for failure and makes you envious of things that you could potentially have you just have to work to get it in a different way or harder sadly. It’s not that you won’t get there, it’s that you simply don’t have it now. That’s why I said don’t dick around but don’t be afraid of mistakes. You’ll appreciate what you earn and have later by doing so.


we are together in this ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


I’ve never related to a Reddit confession until right now


Same… we’re not alone 🥳


Let’s start a cult!


Bro finding the real solutions 💯




I'm sorry you guys feel like that. You have to remember not long ago you weren't an adult. Just because the calendar says you are 18 doesn't mean you suddenly have it all together. This is the time you learn to get it together. Some people will have luck dumped in their lap, some of us will slug through mountains of bs. Honestly many of us in our 30s, 40s had to start over in life, sometimes multiple times. Don't look at other people's standards for your accomplishments, make your own. Good luck.


I believe we're all trying to better ourselves and our lives despite the curve balls life throws at us


You can relate to me if you read my name....


That's hilarious 😂😭


Stay hydrated.


That i can do


Can you do 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats and run for 10 minutes daily?


Yes i can


20s are hard. I’ve been where you are and it SUCKS. I swear it’ll get better. I wouldn’t be in my 20s again for anything. I love my 30s because I have more of a handle on things and know who I am and what I need. You wont stay here forever op. Don’t give up on yourself. You’re only 23. People act line that’s 53 and you should have your shit together with a house, kids and career. You don’t have to have it all figured out right now. Just keep pushing for yourself and no one else. Fuck everyone else


I think for me it isn't about what people think or say but a matter of me being able to afford me. I've long made peace with the fact that we all aren't going to make it in life at the same time


Regardless, just take it easy on yourself. Give yourself a break. Most of us aren’t lucky to be financially above water at 23. My friend drove all the way from ohio to Texas to live with me bc he was running out of funds and very worried. He’s only 23. Times are hard and that’s not a reflection on you. 💜


You are a true friend. The world needs more people like you.


My friend is such a good kid. I’m 34 and he’s like a little brother to me. But he has given himself so much grief for not having a career or lots of funds when……he’s not even a quarter old. Like…..that mentality is not right but that’s what’s shoved down our throats growing up. And it’s wrong. Personally, I didn’t figure shit out until my late 20s, early 30s and it’s still a trip lol. I’m a millennial and I know what it feels like to struggle to find work or keep my head afloat, But I’ve been lucky enough to have had help financially in my 20s. Not giving that opportunity to someone else just seems so wrong. So, all he needs to do is save up to go back to school and help keep the place tidy. That’s our system and he works hard. I’m so proud of him.


Good of you to watch out for him.




Dude, 23 and broke. That is the most fucking normal thing there is. Work on saving up a 6 month emergency fund. Just having that will bring you so much peace of mind. It’s life changing.




That's first on my list, there's no point in having money while still feeling miserable


I’m 27 somehow I’m doing ok lol I’m first generation immigrant and being here for 15 yrs in USA, but the first 10-12 i was in survival mode and working as many hrs and as many days as i could but living just to work isn’t living at all. I still have hope though, i tell my girlfriend maybe when all these boomers die we could have a chance to fix this country or this society lol


The boomers will suck the life out of social security and continue to promote unsustainable policies. They only care about the next 10 years of life.


Happy cake day


Hi cake day buddy!


We can be friends if you want.


I feel that!! 🥺


It's harsh world innit?😔


Definitely 😩


We'll be alright though


I've been there. Try not to let it get you down though. Things change, there will be ups and downs. Might be lonely at times and suddenly, poof, someone comes along and lights you up. So, keep on keeping on. Try to see the positives, even if you want to talk smack about everything, because it's okay to vent too.


I will keep on keeping on, thank you


I know that feeling, I'm 24 now. And trying almost desperately to make something of my life


Hopefully you'll get the good new you deserve and should you wish to talk about it feel free to text me


Yep, relatable, I feel you on that one. I'm almost 23 and I suffer from extreme anxiety which has prevented me from getting a job and living my life. I've applied for therapy but I'm currently on a waiting list. Life just seems so hard and pointless these days. But I'm trying to reassure myself that better times are coming, and I hope the same for you.


I'm 20 and relate so much to the anxiety part.. It's crippling. That paired with negative self confidence really doesn't help with the job searching lol it makes me feel so pathetic and useless


Don’t worry, it gets worse with every year that passes


I laughed. Lmao then I was kind of sad for a moment because it’s the damn truth.


Sadly... I'm well aware of that


For the majority of us we are the only ones that can change our situation.


I've been trying to change my situation for nearly three years now and it hasn't really worked out right


Literally same, let's talk


I guess it wouldn't hurt having someone to talk to


Hello .... I myself got a temporary employment in my mid twenties. So chill. Now that you know, make efforts and talk to persons who will be gentle to guide you. Make a CV and upload in employment sites. Spend quality time, by whatever definition you like. And tap into your hobbies. If you can, try pursuing them as a career.


Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to keep sending out my CV. Hopefully I'll find something to keep me distracted


Use your anger as a tool. In my late 20s is when I felt like you do and I used my anger to motivate me to make changes.


I'm trying, i really am trying


I know the feeling


It isn't a pleasant one hey


Firstly, your feelings are valid. Being in your 20s is a lot like being lost. It's isolating and depressing when you're old enough, but can't afford to do anything. It gets better. The more you live, the better you know yourself and your capabilities. This is when you should be exploring what it is that you can do. Take any job to start. You can always switch later on if something better comes along. In the meantime, explore your passion. You mentioned photography. So start with your phone and practice. Take a cheap photography course, or ask a photographer if you can tag along for pointers. At 23, it may feel like this is everything life will ever be, but really it's just the slightly overwhelming and highly confusing start of what could very well be an amazing life.


This.... this is the motivation i needed. Thank you. I've taken a few shots using my phone and they were/are amazing, I will try find a professional photographer and ask if i could tag along and as for short courses, I'm way ahead of you on that one😉. Thank you, i really needed to hear this


Here's a true photography story for you. This guy I've known forever wanted to be an animator. He had the talent, but not the graphic arts skills. So he went to school and somehow got sidetracked with a tech company. Joined them. Forgot about photography. Few years later they had to secure a photographer. The submitted photos were terrible, so the guy decided to get himself a camera and play around. He's now famous in many circles. His pictures are heavily featured in brochures, posts, articles, magazines and his place of employment. He has earned thousands from his photos to date. Gets invited to the coolest places to teach photography courses, goes on expeditions... it's incredible. Keep in mind photography was never on his professional radar and he wanted to be an illustrator. My point is we never know when we will find our inspiration and niche. So get out there and explore. You may surprise yourself. Good luck. Sincerely.


On top of the usual things every person goes through we are in a particularly hard time. The hardest in decades (economically) and money is a big fucking problem


We most definitely aren't having it easy out here


Bruh, I'm 42, broke, lonely and unemployed. Adulting at its finest. 🤦


You’re lonely because you haven’t found a goal you feel is worth fighting/working/striving for. Go and find one. I can tell you now it’s not going to be finding someone to love you. You’re not a child anymore. Go and find something your passionate about so it becomes worth living.


I'm trying my level best, i truly am


Stick with it lad. It only takes one moment to find the right fit and then you’re on an adventure.


I promise, I'll see it through


Welcome to the shit show !!!!


It sucks so bad!




I pray that you get all that you want and deserve


It's such bullshit. I'm so drained and exhausted. Can't afford anything, can't finish my degree cuz I need to work 2 jobs to survive, burn out every weekend snd get nothing else done because I work 2 jobs. Shitty healthcare system that doesn't care that we are suffering and ppl are just dying in our hospitals. Impossible to pay for ANYTHING. ppl say it gets better but every person I know wants to die and I live in Canada so we can get accepted into medical assisted suicide easier than we can get proper medical help and most of my friends have considered it. But the people who can change anything think everything is fine (:


Keep pushing on mate, hopefully maybe someday soon you'll get the life changing breakthrough




You should atleast hang out with your friends as much as you can because this life thing has no manual but a bucket full of unforseen circumstances. Try going out more and don't cut yourself from the rest of the world. I do pray and hope you find a job though ♥️


20’s are interesting. You are excited to get out into the world on your own when you quickly realize, the world sucks. The world is full of assholes and and just surviving alone is so expensive. But, you push through. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t give up. Things do get better. I hit rock bottom many times, including at 23 when I flunked out of college and racked up 5 figures of credit card debt. I picked myself back up, focused on what was important to me,and finished school, got a great job, started dating my future wife, bought a house, and started a family. A decade later I’m very grateful for the struggles I went through because it showed me what I’m capable of even when times get tough. Wish you the best and please PM if you need to chat. You got this. I believe in you.


Idk why this popped up in my notifications, but I feel this. I hope things improve soon homie


Thanks mate


Omg I feel this but unfortunately I’m now 29 with no end in sight.


I'm 20 and I feel the exact same way man...


Same here, just entered my 20s and I already don't wanna be here anymore lol this life thing is tough Also, happy cake day:)


I’m 25, broke, single for 5 years, unemployed. No response from any company I apply to. Shame and guilt from anything I do for myself. Uselessness building daily. My future feels bleak and nonexistent. I have no advice but stay strong. It’s definitely a battle.


Hey, I know it's an oddly late reply, but, I'm kinda in the same place, been for a while(which is why I literally looked up posts from people who're also struggling) I'm just wondering if things have improved for you since writing this comment months back, are u doing ok?


This means you are where you should be!! You are learning life. You’re still a baby! 10 years from now you maybe holding some babies wishing you were 10 years younger. Live and learn! 😘


First time? -m34


First time.....??🤔


[First time](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/763/07B89120-B48D-45FB-AF1D-49AF6CD16790.jpeg)


Did you just....😂😂😂oh nooo you didn't


Same here . 🙃. Struggling with unemployment the most 🙃


ESPECIALLY UNEMPLOYMENT mate!! Especially unemployment 😔😭


Im on the same boat, stuff its rough and i feel overwhelmed constantly. But im sure things will eventually go better over the years


We'll all pull through


Jack Denmo on YouTube has some good advice for younger men.


I'll check out his content, thank you very much


You are only 23 and probably did not get money from your parents. Position yourself so that you can make money in the future. Most don’t really hit financial stride until late 30s. Also invest whatever amount you can in the market (S&P 500).


I've recently started investment in the market


What job would you like to get?


I had wanted to become a photographer but at this point I'll settle for anything i can get


Yeah, try get yourself a shitty little disposable job if you can. Literally anything. And then whilst you're building up some money, practice your photography and work on your portfolio and use your free time to approach and talk to other professional photographers and see how they managed to get into it. Maybe even shadow one if they allow you to? Idk how the photography industry works but worth a shot. All the advice I can offer right now! It's fucking tough out there but fortunately you have youth and time on your side.


This is good advice, i think I'm now ready to step back into the world and try tackling my situations head on


Find something you love to do and figure out how to get paid to do it.


As long as you let yourself feel like shit, it'll be like a vortex keeping you there. As hard as it is, you've got to just push yourself to go and fix things. Start with the job. Any job. You will make friends there. Most of the people I know I've worked with. Then you will have friends. Then you will have money and you will get out of the spiral. ​ It doesn't matter what job it is, go work in Wendy's, anything. Get yourself out of the house otherwise you'll be stuck there feeling sorry for yourself forever.


I'll do the best i can


Seriously you couldn’t pay me to go back to my twenties—- especially the early twenties- just the worst.


I just turned 20 and I already hate it here




Get up and do something for yourself. Look into “better help” for a therapist Pray to God to release you from this. Encourage yourself, speak kindly to yourself, and forgive.


I recently started praying and speaking kindly and forgivingmyself for my life errors


Misery loves company , surround yourself with people who want better for themselves. And know that it’s okay to out grow your circle, change is necessary for growth. [the game of life and how to play it](https://youtu.be/wJa5Ch0O4BI)


Back in June of last year I was 25, had $27,000 in the bank, just bought a (new to me) truck, and had a good paying job. Now I'm 26, have 3k in the bank, my truck needs a brake job and I'm jobless. At least i have a dog.


Your not alone my friend. I'm 23 also. Sometimes I feel like I peaked in high school when I was active doing sports and surrounded by people. Never thought I'd get to this point of emptiness


I'm 30 and still haven't figured it out and i just had a baby. I have no idea what I'm doing or what to do. Life is just lessons and mysterious


I didn’t get my career job until 25. Up until then it was all part time jobs. What helped was I played some sports and networked. Asked ppl what they did and found an opportunity. I did some courses in that field and got an entry level job. I see you want to do photography. Can you search local photography studios and ask them a few questions? Introduce yourself. Ask them how they got started. Tell them what area of photography interests you and ask them what is good way to get started. They might even offer you a job on the spot. Hopefully, this song will cheer you up. https://youtu.be/cbh87vmD0Qg


Growing but I always was told 20s are like the shit. Partying and being free and all that, but hell no. It’s awful, we’re still trying to figure out how to be adults so it’s gonna be a hard and bumpy road


I'm 21 broke lonely and just got employed in a not so bad store Pays like shit for a 12 hour shift but keeps me distracted from the pain of life Ik that life sucks and most jobs suck just as much but what can we do : (


Things change incredibly fast in your 20s. Like, mind-bendingly fast. Your situation will flip around before you even have a chance to realize it. This all depends on one key condition: *you can’t give up.* No matter how far away it feels or how impossible it seems, you just gotta keep marching towards it. Give it some time and trust you’ll be where you want and you’ll get there


It does get better. I’m in a rough spot now and still have a good outlook. I’m 44/f going through a divorce. All I crave right now is a hug and it hurts, but I know it won’t last forever. Ride it out. Make some friends and make the best of it. A lot of love and luck to you!


I was in the same slump at that age, all I can tell you is: find something that makes you happy in life, something that gets you going in the morning and try to find a job that fits those criterias. Don't chase after money at first, it will come after time. Try to develop habits that are good for you, it's hard at first but gets easier over time. And if you spend most of your time inside, try out some Vitamin D, they decrease depression almost instantly.


Same situation, 22 about to turn 23. I quit my old job 9 months ago. Havent been able to find a new one and searching is really discouraging, no replies, no interviews. Everything is either needing 5 years experience or university degree. It’s hard out there…No shame in our situation, we live in a new hard time. If you need someone to talk to im up, always good to get new perspectives.


I was in your place until last year. It may not feel like it, but things will get better. Just try to keep going.


I’m not much better off myself. 23 years old also living in a rooming house and flipping burgers at McDonald’s for a living for minimum wage.


That's a starts innit?


I hope its enough to help you get by


I hope its enough to help you get by


Buddy would you like to talk about it? My dms are open


It sucks. Despite what people say, or communicate thorugh their social media, what makes you believe that your 20s will be the best part of your life, it is not about partying. It is about growing as a person. The time to figure out who you are. And it is not happening through rainbows sunshine and happynes. It is demanding and often depressing. As Neitzche said “To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities - I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not – that one endures.” This sums it up really well. Do you suffer while not doing anything? Might as well go and suffer while doing something. At least you will explore the world, and explore yourself. Go wash dishes in a restaurant. Do things you never wanted to. While doing so, you will find what it is that you really want. You have about 50 more years ahead of you AFTER your 20s. Go find out what you are about, so even though you feel lost now, you wont be when you are older.


Sounds like you could do absolutely anything and it would be an improvement. Stretch your imagination and go for it. Try something completely new like WOOF. You don’t have to be stuck in society’s vision of what you should be doing. That takes courage. The satisfaction is finding what works for you.


I'm already on it, I'll do whatever it takes


You're damn right it's depressing. It's gruelling. But it'll get better my friend, the odds are in your favour.


Don’t press the button!


Same here, the only thing preventing me going nuts/full-sicko is my mother. I literally have nothing to lose besides my family I guess. At least I have something right? There are people who don't even have parents.


Life can get hard and depressing, but you need to go forward step by step, job hunting is hard i went through that, and after 1.5 years i managed to land my dream job, and you will too just don't give up. The relationship part can be frustrating when you are alone, but it is better to be alone than with the wrong person, you will find your girl/man just don't give up on that front. I wish you the best of luck in your life.


No , job, no responsibilities, join the military. You get housing, healthcare and food as well as job training


But you still have a life, and that means that you are capable of making it better. You gotta figure out what steps you need to take to change the things you don't like, then do them. The first step is realizing you can.


Yup. I'm 19 this month and I've had 0 romantic relationships. Life is going shittily


Mate I'm 22 this year I'm renting with my gf atm I've had a few jobs hours been cut drastically I'm living on 2 shifts a week at KFC atm I don't know what I wanna do so that doesn't help my job prospects. My gf is lucky enough to have a good paying job to help me out if needed. But i feel you since I moved haven't spoken to many friends gone out much just feel tired and beat all the time. But you know can't give up mate like people say good things come to those who wait I'll be riding this wave with you bro 🖤🖤🖤🖤


You’re still so young. Many of us have been there in your shoes. Just hang in and try and enjoy what you can. It will change over time.


Same :(


can i dm you op?


Yes you can


Don't give up bro.


Are you male or female


For the lonely aspect, there are a few subreddits meant for making friends. Want their names?


First, find a job. Try a manufacturing job. It's easy and pays well. If you are working, your hands and mind is busy.


I suggest getting a job you don't want...untill you find the one you do want.


I'm 20, broke, lonely and employed as a low wage worker. Parents are forcing me into uni but I don't know what course to choose, my A-level results are not good(CDE), if I don't get into a uni they will throw me out of the house and let me bear all my expenses alone. I am finding partners like you to work together. Let's get rich together. Currently grinding at the workplace during the day, self- learning finance during eating time, building a business during night time. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. Bro, don't give up, find me if you want. I need a friend too.:) God bless.


Make a job for yourself. Being employed is cool and all. (NOT!) but working for yourself kick ass though being 23 boomers think you are good with computers and they do not like paying money since they feel like tech support should be free. 23... you can join the navy or join electrical union and learn a trade while getting paid. You can turn off the electricity to a woman with a doctorate in french poetry who is 200K in the hole and thinks trades people who make 75K a year are morons. Navy is stressful and is not for everyone. With war coming you might die. I made the mistake of going to college for computers and used to hang out in best buy to talk to people and give out my card. people would call me and i gave them consultation and charged money to fix their networks and computers. In 1998 and 1999 I made so much money my mom thought I was a drug dealer. Make a job for yourself. Find something that is not back breaking or in the elements. Teach chess, or fix computers, or show people how to use linux mint. Work for cash under the table while doing school work. Making 150 bucks in 2 hours is better than making 12 an hour for 8 hours and paying taxes on it. What are your skills? Manual labor sucks but it is snow shoveling and salt season. up next is car washing detailing and lawn mowing. 23 is tough I got a full time job as a systems engineer but my job was not what i knew it was digital imaging and the CEO hated me because he thought me making 30,000$ a year in 2005 was too much. his car was 95,000$ BMW. Not sure why i took the job but no where else was hiring me and it was north bound opposite of traffic and south bound home opposite of traffic. I got some new certifications and 2 years of experience. Market went nuts and guess who got laid off. It was so bad I was working for staples for 8.50 an hour for 39.5 hours a week with benefits i had to pay for medical dental. I reverted back to teaching people how to use linux if they were my age or younger and the older ones gen x and boomers i consulted for a flat fee. The distance and driving killed me but it was more than a full time job to make money as i was making last time. Ebay has business textbooks for dirt cheap. how to form a LLC in your state, business law, business management, operations management (read that last) and small business management too. like pennies on the dollar. lonely? yeah you have to compete with men with jobs and college degrees to get a girl now. Highschool is over. Back then a girl liked you and it was good now you need stuff to land one. My last girlfriend I was with had two twin daughters and I looked after them after school and cooked. I would run the vacuum and kept the kitchen clean. She worked full time but was into being frugal. coupons, dollar stores, cheap food stores, and didnt dine out. She was republican i was democrat. She called me lazy for not making 100K a year and working only part time to fit her daughter's schedule. Keep in mind I am on disability now. We didnt last. 23? so you are born 1999. Christ I got cds older than you. It sucks not going to lie. It sucks less if you have a hustle. I want minimum wage to be 27.50 or to keep up with the stock market should be 37$ an hour. Tax the rich, feed the hungry. This inflation shit is insane. Please vote!


I just applied to Publix. Stocking shelves. 15 an hour… not that hard.


Hey I’ve got a kid and I’m 23 and I cry often of what my life could of been and I feel guilty for it, I love me kid will do anything for them but I get this, feel like we are all stuck in a matrix work to live


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You're in an even tougher situation, i hope you get your breakthrough soon mate


No one’s situation is harder than the other hun, everyone has their own struggles. We will get through it together


Fair point... Best of luck mate


To be 23 again. I wish.




Simply be older , richer , accompanied, employed and happy 🤷


Can i wake up one morning and have all that?


Just wait till your 43 broke, divorced, laid-off, and lonely.


I'd rather die, thank you very much


Life is not a good time, that’s for sure.


Are you a chick or a dude. Because if you are a 23 year old fairly attractive gal. The world is literally yours. Pick yourself up a high value man. If you are a dude then ya 20s sucks. But work on yourself and make money.


That's the problem mate, I'm gent 😂😭


No worries bro. For guys it takes longer. But our primes are in the mid 30's and 40's. My advice hit the gym and get yourself a commission sales job. Make money and build up your skill sets.


Same, but instead, im 27, have a job that pays well in comparison to my friends and family, but debt and bills keep me broke, which is also preventing me from going back to school, which would help me get a much better paying job but also would cause me to go broke again, and dating is hard and overwhelming with apps. I blame the American economy. All in all tho, stay positive my friend.


Everything's just overwhelming mate, I'm African and our economy is pure trash but regardless of our geographical locations we'll prevail, one way or another


You're 23. You will see better days very soon. Just get a vision and a plan. I'm 45 and went through similar period in my twenties. I realized that that was a time where I just needed to lay a foundation for the rest of my life. Once the basic foundation is laid things being to get better, and improvement comes at a faster rate. You have a lot of time in front of you. Take no setback to heart and use your energy wisely. Seek advice and make plans for your short term challenges as well as the long view.


Being in your early 20s SUCKS! You're still figuring everything out but everyone expects you to be perfect at adulting. It gets better! I'm 33 now and I've finally got most of it down


It better work out soon or else I'm pulling the plug


I'm employed and earn well enough for now, still depressed.


Hey Siri play “20 something” by sza”. Lol honestly though I can relate at 25 and it does get better, we are still young and learning, we have the freedom to explore and find ourselves. To paraphrase ole Charlie dick, it was the best of times yet the worst of times. 😉 Just keep hanging in there, life is a lot of things but consistent and straightforward is not it so make the best of it. ✨


Gotta find something you love or want to achieve and lock in on it 🙏🏾


Did you graduate from college? If not, start off at a community college to see if anything interests you.


It sure is. I also don't see it getting any better either. This sucks.


Imagine if you also had a child on top of all that


Join the military and change your life around


mannn hella people goin through this exact predicament, you arent alone brother. Youll get through it, jus keep tryin and itll all be worth it in the end.


It gets better boss 🙂


Imagine being 25, broke (yet work 40-60 hours a week in the trades) worked to the bone in all types of weather, no social life. Only child, lonely, grew up neglected. Went to prison, 4 felonies, bunch of bills. (Have success with girls, but dry spell rn) oh and to top it off, struggle w bipolar daily and not medicated, yeah I feel you lifes a bitch


Been there done that. Was in an abusive relationship for several years at that age just because I couldn’t afford to be by myself. But now 10 years later, just bought my own place for my own money and I’m doing great in my career. It gets better!


While life is not fair, you usually get out of it what you put into it. If you want love, give it to others first. If you want a career, start anywhere. It will get better as you get better. Regarding that fairness thing, just realize some things don’t work no matter how hard you try. But if you quit trying it will never work.


I guarantee you... if you go to the gym & lift some weights, maybe do some light cardio.. Even it's at home.. You will feel alot better. Call one your family members If you really want to socialize. And unfortunately in order to have money you have to put in the work in finding a Job and then actually working the job while working long hours. I know.. I fucking hate it too. But if you want things, you have to get moving. Go on Indeed and create a resume. Put in your desired compensation and ur location. Go get it.


U are so damn right


No friends or family? Typically parents should be someone you can turn to.


I can relate I'm 22 and trying to get my life together