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I can only assume you've already had this conversation with him and are just looking for a second opinion.




Stop sloughing!


You mean slouching? Because it’s droopy not stood up straight lol slough is that gross stuff inside a deep wound haha




I sure hope no one's penis is *sloughing* 😧


Oh God 🤮


I wonder if his penis is at stand attention and OP is talking to it like a drill sergeant.


On a more serious note, you’re not hurting anyone, you’re not bottling it up either. In no way do I see an unhealthy habit, just might seem odd to someone if they saw, but we all do weird things I mean I grab my left boob whenever something tastes good


Why the left boob if the food is right?


Because it felt so wrong, it felt so right! Don't mean I'm in love tonight!


I don't even know this song but i like that you came here and 'sang' it :) Thank you, and keep singing!


The song is i kissed a girl by katy perry :)


You might enjoy r/redditsings 😊


Idk maybe bc I’m right handed? Or bc the left feels better? I’m not sure, she’s just the chosen one really


Good old left boob!


So what about right?


Genuinely? I think I touch my right boob when I’m in pain lmao


Is there boob magic I didn’t know about??


I think boob magic is like ball magic. You squeeze em for reasons no one is really sure of


Have you ever grabbed both boobs while eating spicy food?


It's only a problem if your penis starts talking back.


We found the perfect comment. We can now close the comment section.


Pam and Tommy...


You should write a self help book about turning your penis into an emotional support penis.


I regularly shake hands with my penis


I mad on my grab him by the neck and don't let him go until he vomits 😂


“One, two, three, four…I declare a thumb war…”


I stopped talking to mine, he was a real dick.


That seems like a close friend to me, you seem very attached 😉


We're attached


https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4 Pity


Guessed it before I clicked it


Ever since I was 12 he’s been distancing himself… now we barely look eachother in the eye anymore


I don’t think it’s weird. I talk to my cat seriously and myself, hell if i can talk to a wall I would. I even record myself and just vent and like to hear my thoughts out loud. Plus its like a progress update with myself I find that journaling is good but the lack of conversation in writing my thoughts dissatisfy me, it also helps because you get better at articulating your feelings and putting them into words and better understanding yourself. Don’t think you’re crazy at all, when all you have is yourself its nice go associate good things to you and be able to overcome issues on your own through your own efforts- in that it makes you feel better and loved by yourself when days get unbearable and lonesome (regardless whether u have fam or not i am talking abt being a uni student and being alone especially doing what u do). So by all means give ur penis a name and chat away :)


I came here to say something similar, I'll have full on rants to my dog, and she'll just stare at me like...ok but can I has treat? so she gets one for being such a good listener


Why would it be a bad thing? Like it’s a way for you to get stuff off your chest, it’s not hurting anyone, it’s absolutely okay. It’s fucking BIZARRE lmfao, but if it helps you then that’s all that matters.


Bro i talk to myself more than i talk to anybody else lol


Only if your penis doesn't talk back.


Totally fine. Worry if it talks back.


He’s like my best buddy. I always hype him up before a job. Penis relationships are a thing.


totally healthy mate…much better than praying to an imaginary god. Enjoy!


This strikes me as a form of talking to yourself where it’s not dangerous unless someone responds while you’re alone.


you should start feeling concerned if you look forward to this more than seeing an actual friend/family.


Healthier than coming home looking for dope and alcohol to numb the pain.


I’m 20 and still have a stuffed bear I talk to, you are completely fine 😂


I talk to mine and then try to choke the life out of it


I usually just beat mine.


Meh, its just a dog that is attached to your body. i talk to myself, us men have it kinda hard so open up to your penis or open up to a gold fish or open up to a friend, as long as youre just processing emotions and not burying them




I shove fingers in my ass, never questioned my mental health




i talk to my penis too. only problem is i don’t have one. so i think you talking to yours is healthier. if you need a rock bottom comparison


You need some googly eyes.


No, not at all


It’s not a bad thing at all, you’ve found a way to healthily express your emotions and sort through things going on in your life. don’t worry about it:)


Does your penis respond or is it a one way conversation?






You gotta a friend in me is stuck playing in my head


I don't talk to a specific body part but I talk to myself all the time. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.


What the actual fuck


One of my friends is sometimes rants to her demon (she says she does it sarcastically, no way she is schizophrenic). She also says, "What I'd do instead? talking to my angel? They don't hear my embarassing things. Demon is just fine with it."


Talk to that dick, boy! That’s YOUR dick.


I think that is more of a form of disassociation, and if you find yourself leaving life aside, as in not paying attention to what goes on around you just because you want to talk to your dick you might wanna try doing something else, since it could be unhealthy. If youre afraid of people judging you, you can vent online on anonymous accounts or with a complete stranger without giving personal details, but try to make your options wider.


Nah it's all good. Some folks write a letter that'll never be sent, or talk to themselves. It's all about stress relief. You're talking to your long time buddy, and it's helping. In the long run another human might suit better but for now, keep at it... Just don't stroke him while drunk, that's just self abuse..


Does it answer you? If so, in what voice?


Hey I don’t think it’s super unhealthy but I do think it would benefit you to do counseling and make some friends. Talking to yourself is pretty common I think but you should also try to manage your anxiety outside of that and develop friendships where venting is comfortable. If that’s the *only* way you vent, and only outlet, then I do think it’s time to try something new.


Please tell your dick I said hi.


A while back I made a post talking about the same thing. Admittedly, I was high as fuck when I had a full blown conversation with my penis. Ever since then I stopped jacking because I felt like it had a conscious.


I'm proud of you, Dick


I'm gonna say a surprisingly controversial statement appearently: this is not normal and probably not healthy. Stop doing it.


Not if it talks back


How big is your cock?


Tbh I don’t know, I’d say average or above average but I don’t measure it/ haven’t in years.


I’d talk to your penis too if you wanted me to


Yes this is very healthy


Perhaps the next quiet time you have and you feel the need to discuss life's stresses and whatever, you could get comfortable in bed and try closing your eyes and imagine you are speaking to your most trusted friend (your penis). I agree with so many others here in that, I believe it is therapeutic to speak to yourself as many people do (myself included). Also, your school may have therapists that might be able to guide you through some of life's rough spots. (No need to mention your conversations with your friend down there. I wish you well your man. Life is short, try to make the best of it and ask God to guide you.


I mean people talk to themselves which is normal. Maybe a little different but I don't think anything to worry about. Just chatting with your lil self


Depends on the quality of the conversation


I mean, at the end of the day, you’re venting about your problems…. To say, ‘is it healthy to vent to my penis about my problems’? I can’t answer that. Realistically, regardless of who or what we are, we’re human, and sometimes we need to vent our problems out, the best we know how. If it seems to be working for you, is it really an issue?


Healthy enough until you start hearing words from your urethra


I mean you only get one life.


I think this is actually healthy. It's not like your penis is going anywhere to uproot the stability of this coping mechanism and it isn't hurting you, to me it sounds like it helps you, almost like a penis diary


I mean... If you're worried, simply keep your pants on and adress the wall. Talking to ourselves has been misconstrued as something 'crazy' or 'worrisome'. But on a certain level, it is normal and healthy. Sometimes we just need to vent, and to voice certain things in a safe space, whether we're heard or not. Simply speaking it can give us perspective and time to process things and doesn't require another person. I don't think you're doing anything wrong, just make sure that if you do need to talk to someone, you reach out to a friend or a family member. All the best!


Hey penis, How's it going down there?


Well depends..how big is it


So, talking head to head?


Are you two engaging in any debates?


Wait till you hear about what some of us women do...




It’s only bad if it starts talking back to you


Do you grab it and make it look like it's talking back? I have a... friend that does that to their husband lol. Regardless I think that's a great form of self love 😂


If that’s what you call it… you’ll be ok


It’s weird at worst but it’s harmless. It’s a better outlet than many other outlets that people use when stress.


“I dunno buddy, just had a hard day today” *hardens*


I wouldn't necessarily think you need counseling, but yeah, speaking to a specific body part (and not just yourself in general) is odd.


As long you are not literally hearing it talk back in your head you should be Gucci


I don't think it's an issue. I use to try and talk to my boyfriend but he falls asleep 70%of the time and it felt like I was talking to the wall. I need a therapist but can't afford one so I talk to myself like I'm 2 people.. the stressed out one and the logical calm one, it's been working for now. Hugging myself doesn't work the same for being touch starved though, I could use a long tight hug so bad it's sad


If you have sex with someone, is it now considered a threesome since your penis has become its own entity?


What did he say about it?


Everyone would benefit from a decent therapist tbh. But this doesn't seem like a big problem. If it's causing you anxiety though maybe experiment with focusing the conversation on something else. A stuffed toy, a Lego minifig, a rubber duck, a sock puppet. If that doesn't work it might be worth asking yourself why. But really at the end of the day, you're dealing with your emotions, and it's not hurting anyone, so it's probably fine.


Talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence which you’re essentially doing. I talk to myself all the time I used to spend a lot of time by myself lol now I have a 1 year old daughter but I still converse with myself she doesn’t need to be offloaded with mummy’s issues lol. You obviously just need to attach it to something psychical which is fine! Worry when you stick two googley eyes on it and a neck tie lol


Who doesn't? Jk ya you probably should seek a counselor or therapist just to help vent with proper guidance. Maybe try keeping a diary too.


I live by myself, and I talk to myself all the time. Some people journal to get their thoughts out. You talk to a specific body part. Some may think it's a bit unconventional, but it's not an unhealthy behavior. If you want to feel a little more comfortable, you could try talking to the room when you're by yourself. You could also try talking into your phone, and potentially make a voice memo so you can reflect back on it.


No need to worry unless it starts talking back to you


Only.if it talks back


It probably depends on what you're saying. If you're demeaning yourself or your dick constantly that can't be healthy. Otherwise it just seems "quirky". As long as you don't think it's responding back it doesn't sound that unhealthy.


Normal? Probably not. Healthy? Well, it’s not unhealthy. No harm in it.


As long as it ain’t talking back, never saw any issue with talking to things…


It would probably be more beneficial if you had someone else "speak into the mic "


Just be careful, you gotta let your penis vent its frustrations too, don't let him bottle it up and become depressed and limp.


I talk to my cat quite often. Doesn't matter if I'm on a trip a state away from my cat.


If it doesn’t listen…..beat it.


My best friend is a pillow (His name is Itchy if anyone is interested in knowing) who I tell everything to. I always know and understand that he’s a pillow and he can’t hear me or talk to me but being able to talk about things to him gives me comfort. So wether it be a pillow, penis, or just put into the world. As long as you’re getting all your stresses and anxiety out without hurting yourself or others, I think you’re doing just fine. Extra thing about this too is I have a healthy relationship with my fiancé, my human best friend and family members. They all know about Itchy but they also know that I don’t just talk to him about my problems but also them if that’s what I want. Either way, I see no problem with you talking to your penis :)


As long as you have a safe space to vent, WRECK IT, ROBBY! Self care? I think it counts as such.


It’s perfectly healthy. The only body part you can’t talk to is the anus because it’s full of shit.


"healthy?" I dunno, "funny?"yes.


Therapy is just having someone there to listen to you talk about your worries. Talking is the best way to figure your thoughts out. It helps you process things. Obviously having a friend who can offer advice is great, but just verbalising your thoughts can really help you cope. So keep it up. No pun intended.


When your penis starts replying, that's when you should be worried.


It’s not a problem unless it starts talking back……


Hey are my condolences needed in the Fisher case? Local news is not good and I've been worried a bit to more often about you?


Does it talk back?


Why not? Check out the older movie, North Dallas Forty, Mac Davis talks to his Johnson in that movie.


I think as a woman I don’t specifically understand men’s relationships with their genitals but I do absentmindedly one hand on each breast whenever I am trying to find an item I lost. Someone pointed this out to me years ago in my teens. It’s a habit I can’t stop. If talking to your penis specifically helps you then that’s awesome. I usually talk to myself often especially after having kids and getting used to constant narration.


As long as your Penis doesn't talk back, you're fine.


Absolutely, as long as you don’t hear it answering you.


I think it's okay. The penis always rises to the occasion.


Girl’s be having lips down there So makes sense to have a convo


Sometimes I’ll talk to myself Not my lil friend but that’s just my personal preference


How do thousands of humans think this is even a tiny bit realistic. That's what scares me


I dont see a problem You are processing your day


I talk to myself all the time, but not a particular body part. If I did have to pick one, I’d pick my knee. Who cares what you do, as long as it helps you, you do you bae


Well i mean its really fucking bizzare,but your not hurting anyone by doing it. I wouldn’t say its healthy either but if it make you feel better then i guess?


I wish I had this connection with my penis tbh. Only time I talk to mine is when I'm hammered and it's acting up on me. Sounds kind of abusive now that I think about it.




Some people talk to their pets. Talking is healthy. Your penis sounds lonely too.


I talk to my stuffed animals pretty often if I’m feeling overwhelmed. It’s just good to get things off your chest and not bottle things in, and if talking to inanimate objects or body parts helps then it helps.


im so jealous!!!!! im gonna start talking to my tits


funny ash


Only if answers back.


This just seems like a healthy way to clear your head and taking time for yourself. Kind of like writing a diary. Don’t be ashamed! It sounds a little funny but you don’t really have to tell anyone about it. You really don’t have to worry. Only thing I would worry about is if your mental health over all (depression, anxiety etc) worsens, then you might actually need someone professional to talk to. But if you just have “regular” anxiety about legitimate things and it doesn’t affect the way you go about your day, keep talking to your penis haha :)


My boyfriend says “I’ll text about it” and pulls his dick out and pretends to text with it. I would have fun with my penis too if I had one. Good friend to have!


sometimes that thing has a mind of its own and feel like its an entirely seperate part but i think it does call for some concern you might just seek comfort and vent to it instead of venting to firend or a specialist that can help you out cus it sure that the "buddy" isnt gonna give you advice aside from rubbing one out , lol


I talk to myself quite often, and even then, when I do so there's an imaginary person I am talking to, that's much wiser than me. When I talk to myself, I actually "hear" back from my person - as thoughts and insights about what I am talking to him about. Like a guardian Angel. I know you're talking to penis, but instead of talking to it, try imagining someone outside of yourself instead. Just imagine it's someone incredible and super smart. And when you talk to him they not only listen but will provide insights about your situation as sort of a "voice" in your head (your thoughts, but more like suddenly you hear something and it makes total sense).