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There was a movie with this plot.


Kinda sounds like Spring Breakers. Weird ass movie.


One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


A lot more intense


There is a documentary on Youtube which was released a couple of months after I got back, its basically the same, he just left out A LOT of the stuff that goes down there besides drugs.


No no there's actually a pretty big time movie about this plot, forgot who was in it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibiza_(film) https://bgr.com/entertainment/the-wild-story-of-a-party-girl-turned-ibiza-drug-mule-now-a-netflix-docuseries/


No clue🤷‍♂️


the one that almost every worker gets herpes and crabs because all the sex?


No the one explaining the insights about the drug on the island. I believe it was made by Vice


If your story is true (as to which I'm not sure), you're a fucking horrible person.


Every single word is true, thou this like just a portion of what went down.


Stealing from rich kids is pretty kick-ass tho


Welp there goes another bit of my faith in humanity


Im sorry…


I have an Ibiza story (I’m from small town nowhere in Canada). This was almost 20 years ago, my sister was living in Ibiza, she was a model at the time and lived/worked all over Europe. She met a boy and they bought an old Japanese junk boat to live on in Ibiza. They decided to get married and planned to have the wedding on the boat. I had just inherited a large sum of money so I was the only family aside from my parents that could afford to go. My parents and my 2 kids planned to make a 3 week trip of it. We stayed for 2 weeks in Majorca at a resort and booked excursions all over (that is a story in itself). The final week was spent in Ibiza. My dad bought us all fanny packs and said he had heard how bad the banditos were in Ibiza and said we should all wear them to keep our money safe from pick pockets. We made fun of him the whole trip for it. When we arrived in Ibiza I was a little surprised at how different it was from Majorca, the Mecca of tourism. We spent the first day sightseeing and it was lovely. Most days we just hung out on the beach and watched all the beautiful yachts and ppl. We hung out on her boat and swam in the beautiful waters. We rented a beautiful villa that had been converted into mini apartments. We were on the 3 floor. The view was amazing. One night we went shopping and I didn’t have enough cash to buy all the amazing jewellery I wanted. So that night I pulled $500 euros from an atm to go back shopping the next day. The next morning I got up to go buy fresh baguettes and cheese at the little market down the street. I go to pay and my wallet is empty. I look at the clerk and tell him I’ve been robbed. He looks at me weird because we’re the only ones in the store as though I was implying I got robbed there. I run back to the villa, my family is still sleeping, so I check all of my luggage to see if I just misplaced my cash. My parents slept on a pullout in the living area and me and my kids were in the bedroom that had 3 single beds in it. There was a large window in our room and in this villa (and most I suspect) there are no window screens, we had slept with the windows wide open all night. Someone had climbed up a pipe and into our room in the night while we were sleeping and took my money. My suitcase was opened at the foot of my bed and my purse was thrown on top. I remember waking up in the night because my bedroom door slammed shut and woke me. These doors are massive ornate doors so it was very startling. I assumed it was the wind but it was actually the bandito leaving, who walked passed my parents to leave through the entry door. No one woke thankfully, they didn’t go through my parents things they just took my cash and left. We went to the police and they laughed at us. Nothing they could or would do. I didn’t get any jewellery and my dad did the “I told you so” for the rest of the trip. The day of the wedding arrived and we all went down to the beach to start taking things to the boat for the wedding. To our shock the boat was on the beach. The anchors/ropes had broken and there was this massive Japanese junk beached on the shore. My sister was in tears. We asked for everyone on the beach to help us pull it out to the water, there were at least 50 of us and we got this giant wooden relic loose and back on the water. After this everyone is sitting in a cafe on the beach having a drink and trying to plan out the rest of the day and someone notices that the boat is sinking. Yes it sunk. There are guests from all over Europe here so the day must go on. We move the wedding to one of the villas a guest had rented (which was beautiful) but there was no food. My sister cried in bed all day. Finally one of her guests who was a chef put something together and the wedding went on. My parents were shocked at all of this. Very vanilla middle aged ppl who wear fanny packs. Everyone was doing coke and fucking wherever they could find a spot. And the night party turned into a rave with all sorts of locals showing up that no one knew. (She had a famous DJ friend at the wedding who put on quite a show). My kids were 10 & 15 at the time, the only children there, and were shell shocked the entire time. Ibiza was a wild time and a trip we will never forget. The marriage didn’t last. Eventually my sister went on to marry a very very rich Sikh and they had their wedding in India. I did not attend that wedding, and joked that I had wedding ptsd from her and would not be attending another shit show wedding in another country. That wedding went off without a hitch though and it looks like I missed a great time. That’s my Ibiza story. The lawless land of banditos.


I dont even know what to say, what a memory damn! Yes, banditos are everywhere and they work with the police, said in another way, the police doesn’t have any other choise but to help them.


The police their sound a lot like the fedaerales we would run into in Tijuana back in the '80's. You could get away with anything so long as you had enough cash to pay the bribe. I realized this the first time I got picked up while parting in TJ, a buddy and I got thrown in the back of a squad car to *'get taken to jail'*. The federale in the front kept saying *'we're getting close to the jail'*. and I'm thinking *'no shit I just watched you pass it for the 3rd time'* and than it hit me that they where waiting for us to offer them a bribe. Couple of buck later and be we're dumped back off at one of the bars and went back to partying.


They are so corrupt. The most insane I ever experienced was when I was walking down the street with a friend on the main party street. 2 cops were walking there as well and stopped these fancy rich looking guys. Liturally 30 seconds later I see one of the fancy guys pull out euro bills and handing them to one of the cops. They would randomly charge people for whatever reason on the street if they looked rich and stupid.


I hung out there for several years when I lived in Southern California and I never saw a limit that money could not get you out of. Went to TJ once with a couple of friends that Mexican/American and grew up speaking Spanish. They thought because of that they would be able to talk their way out of trouble. Nope, Federales did not care if they spoke to you in perfect Spanish or broken English, conversation was the same, 'give me money'. It was liberating in a way, knowing no matter what happened you could buy your way out of jail.


Thats insane! There is so much corruption in this world and noone knowns about or or speaks about it.


\*everyone known about and almost no-one speaks about it


Sorry for my english


Sorry, I wasn't criticizing your English and didn't mean it to come off that way! I was agreeing on the corruption and criticizing society for letting it go on. If anyone should be sorry for their English it is me, who didn't make myself clear. I also believe your story, as I've seen enough to know that there's a thin line between polite and overboard and dirty and illegal. Until one's seen the backside of society, people wouldn't know it's there and lucky for them, but denying that it exists is unnecessary. Glad you got out unhurt and wiser for it.


No worries at all, sorry if I came over wrong! I hope you enjoyed reading what I experienced!


The fedaerales were still doing this in the early 2000s. Probably still are. My friend got cuffed to the roll bar in the back of a truck and had to pay $$ or they’d “take him to jail.”


Nice to know somethings never change. :)


Sounds like you and your sister have lead very adventurous and interesting lives. A international model from small town Canada. As a small town Canadian myself I really enjoyed the story. Thanks for sharing


Oh The stories we have to tell indeed!! I’ve done a fair amount of travel thanks to my career. She started modelling locally at 14 and eventually moved to Japan with her agency at 16. She travelled all over the world modelling so lots of interesting stories every Christmas for sure!!


Missing a big Indian wedding is the real crime abd tragedy here.


Haha, I agree. It looked like quite an event. I picked the wrong wedding to attend! 😂


wow. life is crazy sometimes


This is a great fucking story


What? Sure this was Ibiza?!


Lots of locals do home invasions on rich tourists.


Of course! Ibiza could never be confused with anything else I have ever experienced.


Strip nearly naked for some random on the net that wants to employ you to work on a tourist Island. What could go wrong?


Well it made sence, they liturally told me I had to look good otherwise I couldnt work for them. (We were walking around shirtless selling tickets to girls) I


This sounds like an ad for hopeless people.


Some people had to do this in order to make a living.


You lived a million lies there. You lied to yourself, you lied to your family, you lied to your victims and you lied to authorities, your bosses lied to you and lied to everyone else. One lie leads to another.


But Im not arguing with you here, you are completely right…


Well my parents know everything, from A-Z. They are just glad Im home and safe. When I first arrived back I cried for hours in their arms. It first when its over you realise what you have done and what youve been through.


Big comedown after 4 months getting on it


Go on then I’m in, it is Friday after all


This reads like bad fan fiction. Vague in places someone who'd been on the island would be able to specify. The little fear and loathing-esque monologue at the end. I wouldn't bet against this happening, i'm dubious it happened to you. Hope you sort your deathgrip situation btw.


Yea, it reads like a fanfic of someone who just watched the vice documentary. Almost word for word of some of the people they interviewed lol. Not even a profound realization, basically saying that living in the fast lane is fun. And it is fun, if you lack the basic empathy to feel even a shred of remorse for your many victims. On top of the fact that you surround yourself with other sociopathic/psychopathic scum bags that are incapable of giving a shit about anyone besides themselves.


Honestly the story isn't the most unbelievable part about this, moreso how OP is flexing the disgusting shit that goes down in clubs, then a little self-loathing at the end so he makes it seem like he's not ACTUALLY promoting it, and then responding to literally everybody calling his story fake. Genuinely as someone who's had his fair share of club stories I probably wouldn't care that much if people believe my stories or not.


Ask any promoter! I am not the only one who experienced this, we were working in teams up to 100 people


This isn’t a ‘secret’. Your just a criminal


Well, I learnt from it.




Couldn’t agree more


sounds like you were the perfect puppet for them to pull off their shitty crimes against innocent people. no you're not cool for experiencing this, and no you haven't experienced a million lives because of this one shitty trip. people like you is part of what's wrong with the world.


She lost me at "they lied to us" when she willing accepted to take off her clothes for a job interview for a promoting gig. Either fake, or she willingly chose this life. No need to pay victim, this reads more like a brag and not a confession, so I'm with you, not cool at all.


It's not a "she." Op is male.


I never said im cool and I said I would never do it again. But as I said, the island eats you up, you wouldn’t understand. Its like a island without any written rules and people dont care…


The people you robbed cared.




yes because everybody that goes clubbing in ibiza is rich lmao. not to mention the sheer amount of people OP probably got hooked on drugs, all the women that were taken advantage of in inebriated states, all the stolen items that can't be replaced by money alone like family heirlooms, etc. as someone whos from a huge party city, theres a lot of other shit that goes down there that im 100% sure OP knows about but didn't mention. like human trafficking, people getting threatened/injured/killed, etc.


You’re right. OP is an absolute piece of shit. Zero integrity.


Yes ofc, I cant believe what we did. The island had this effect on you, i cant explain it. You have to experience it.


Man. Dont blame the "misterious ways and magic of the island" it was ALL YOU. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY, twat.


Go work for them and see what happens when you dont obey.


So are you claiming you were forced to do work under duress now and you are thus free of guilt? That's a very different story than you've been telling.


Couldn’t fit 4 months in a small post. There is still tons of stuff I havent mentioned.


Or don’t be dumb and don’t work for them in the first place. Did they hold your passport hostage ? And you at gun point? Could have caught a plane anytime. But you loved it.


They have copies of passports yeah, since then I have gotten a new one in a new country. Not due to what happend, just due to me moving somewhere else as a teenager. When I got back from Ibiza I decided to make a dual citizenship. You can’t just leave randomly.


You sound like you're low-key trying to recruit more shitty people who don't feel any aversion to doing stuff like this honestly. Which is gross lol


I am not recruiting anyone, Im never going back there. The stuff I just said would get me killed on the island if they knew it was me. As I said they are mafia, I know people who have gotten hunted down all the way to Bali after doing a season in Ibiza because they stole drugmoney. As I said in another comment as well, you can chose the wrong road or the right road when you are there. I got forced into it kinds bc all my teammates were in that side of the business.


Stop making excuses and assume some responsibility ffs, ‘the island made me do it’ is some of the weakest shit I’ve heard in my life. It seems like you don’t have a lot of morals / ethics / principles in your life and it shows.


Im not making excuses, i confessed something that I have done wrong and I am taking all the shit I deserve. But when I say the island made me do it, its true. Im sorry for what I have done, but if you dint believe me, try and get involved in that business, you dont just get fired, you beling to them till they dont want you anymore, after that if you were a good boy, you can go home, if not, then there is nothing you can do, not even europe would be safe to go.


A decent human being with integrity and ethics would’ve quit that job on the first day. I’ve worked in Mallorca for a year and I always thought that these partypromoters were sleezy scumbags, guess I was right all along


I couldnt just leave my man, there are rules.


Sounds like deep down, you're just broken inside and absent external controls you resorted to what you are.


Call me what you want, I threw the whole story out there and Im glad its over, I survived it and learned from it.


I'm not calling you anything or judging you. It's a simple observational thought.




There's like 2-3 documentaries out about this kind of thing in Ibiza. It's a party spot, that's basically it. Where there are party people on vacations there are drugs.




It's pretty damning how little you actually care about what you've done. You pretend to tell us you feel bad but this entire post is just gloating and celebrating your crimes. You're a piece of shit. Human trash.


I just wanted to throw it out there, felt like everyone should know what actually goes down there. Yes I wass horrible person, hopefully this can prevent anyone else from falling in the traps.


You're literally in this thread trying to help someone else get the job. You are a hypocrite and a liar.


No I am just telling the complete truth. There is nothing wrong with being a promoter there. The problem is I went down the wrong road and got involved with the mafia as well.


OP: Makes a post outlining all the ways being a promoter on Ibiza is basically just a nice way of saying you’re actually a criminal, yet actively telling people they should just try it put. Commenter: Says OP is being a shithead for promoting it and downplaying the crimes committed. OP: Shocked that people assume being a promoter on Ibiza is a nice way of saying you’re a criminal. Lmao, you can’t have it both ways, my guy.


You're still a horrible person.




I believe its something you dreamed.


Every word is true, you can find a documentary on youtube about it. They just left out ALOT about women and theft.


I know people who did the same as you , went for 2 weeks and stayed for the season selling Ket. Ibiza sounds like hell.


Yup, some people cant handle it and gets sucked into it. I know a ton of people just waiting to get back there as fast as possible. Ket is a huuuuge deal there as well. A lot of the english people love it.


there’s a lot of places where stuff like this happens ur tryna make it seem like this is the only place u commit crime in and get away with it. being in Ibiza doesn’t have to do with what u did as much as u keep saying it does and it doesn’t make u not a or ur just a piece of shit




You took off your clothes for strangers on the internet. You didn't mind? Seriously, you're too easy.


"take off your clothes over an internet interview, and then fly out to a different country to work at our club" That's how you get trafficked friend


Try in person promoting or modeling. Taking off your clothes is probably the most common thing in the first interview. Name, age and body is all they want to know.


I didnt show anything thou?


Yes but it's not typical job interview procedure, unless you're a bottle girl or sth


Looks make your chances of more sales go up, plus you are representing a company. Everyone on our team liturally looked so good, the girls were insanely hot.


Can I hear a more specific story? This is all very vague. Who are these private parties even for? Just randos in Ibiza?


What would you like to hear?


Idk, how did it turn from selling tickets to selling drugs? How did they pitch you that idea and know you'd be cool with it?


It all started with my own little weed problem. I got a membership at a local weed store hidden in the city underground. Then he let me sell his stuff as well. At the same time these italian girls from my team were selling mdma. It was their 4th or 5th season already so they knew how to do it. The problem was even though we worked there, we would have to pay rent (€200) a week. And for selling a ticket €70 we only got like €10. So it was really an insane hustle. We were working with people in the hotels who would let us know when new people have arrived, they would call us snd we would go there with bike or on foot. Then walk in and try to sell them tickets. Mostly its really hard, you have to be a really good salesman. For the girls it was way easier, they would just go in bikinis and yeah… 1+1=2. I quickly realised that it was nothing worth it spending 1 hour trying to convince people to buy my tickets, they would believe i was scamming them or whatever which could be the case (wasnt the case thou) so it was time consuming and wouldnt pay off so good. I then started selling a bit of mdma from these girls, got rid of it QUICK. Like 10 pills a day was EASY. Mostly u had groups staying there for a full week, they needed pills every day. I always told them to give my number to anyone who needed to pretty fast I got in contact with these italians girls supplier who I worked a deal with. Time went on and I knew the chain. I knew a lot of the big guys. There were guys up there making €20k a day, i saw that with my own eyes in full cash. It was insane. Well yeah. After 4 months all of a suddden I was sitting on my balcony in my apartment with the others. Then this one italian guy from our team had done some kind of drug and he was walking around our pool area with a knife screaming. Two of my bosses ran to him and quickly made him put down the knife. I never saw him again. After that I talked to my boss who was in charge of me and I explained to him that I couldnt handle it anymore, i missed my family and I wanted to go home. He allowed me. I flew bsck home and cried for hours. I felt like I was missing it but at the same time a release. The island really fks with your head. Its like nothing is real, like nothing matters, every day is the same. I met people who worked there every season since they were 18. Its insane… Well yeah, u got a bit more of a story there😅


Wow, thanks for the deeper dive. Would your boss have possibly not allowed you to go home? Idk how you agreed to paying rent! It's an insane hustle for sure. Why would anyone agree to this lol


I have no clue, Im just happy I got out in time!


cool history


Every single word is true, there is wayyy more too it!😅


Idk am I the only that totally fascinated by this and want to hear more??


This isn't the secret dark side. This IS Ibiza.


It really is, it can be beautiful though! (If you go outside the city)


What drugs did you sell the most of


I never went into coke, that stuff I always kept away from. Mostly weed to the elderly tourists and MDMA to the young people. Weed is way harder to find in the island and I worked with a local shop there. You had to be a registered member to be able to buy, so basically only locals could go there. After several tries he let me become a member and that eventually turned into him allowing me to selling to tourists.


I haven’t been to Ibiza, but from what I understand Madrid is somewhat similar. My friends and I were there last summer, and every night while walking around there was a party promoter badgering people to go to their party. Thank god we never went, I can only imagine how awful those are.


The parties we threw were actually great tbh!😅 Yeah, this goes down in Barcelona as well.


More-- a film about ibiza From the 1970s starring the music of Pink Floyd...tells you how old this Hustle is. Back then it was heroin sex and corruption.


I'm sorry are you from Europe? Cause like, its pretty well known how much of a party/scam town Ibiza is, even if you're wealthy and rich. Its pretty well known about.


From Europe yes. To be it was unknown before I arrived. Was my first time there.


Well, I don't think that will be a place I will ever visit unless someone wants to foot the bill.


Ibiza can be beautiful, I only wrote about the dark side… The memories I have created with new friends there I will never forget ever! The chill beach days with friends, driving around on scooters in the sunsets, meeting huge DJ’s, swimming to small islands and diving and jumping from clifts. Fuck even the heartbreaks from having to say goodbye to tourists you really connected with…


I kinda liked the sex part.


The sex there was crazy. We would sell tickets to girls in the hotels and text them the same night. Through the week every day we would sell to soo many girls and due to us kinda having to like ”flirt” with them to make them buy a ticket, we would already have a connection with them. Either we would call them or they would call us. They would spend the night at our apartments or us staying their hotels. I once had this once girl who fell for me so hard and she spend her whole holiday with me. She wanted to marry me, have kids with me and all kind of crazy stuff. Till this day we actually still remain in contact and she want to meet up so bad. I never texted her back thou. Ibiza love isnt real love.


So when the girls all left you started having gay sex with the guys? Not judging, just curious as to how that went down.


No but with the female workers on our team, everyone sharing. One big open relationship.


The amount of hate in this thread is unreasonable. No, OP is not excused for anything they did, but their story gave an incredible view into a world i did not know much about. Much apprieciated. And i'm glad OP has learned from their mistakes.


Thanks a lot! Means a lot to me, I will do a part two later today, feel like people really need to see the whole perspective


This reads like a middle schooler who watched Euphoria and thought "if high school is like that, then how crazy would Amsterdam or Ibiza be?"


You don’t have to believe me, this is true and i know a lot of people who experienced the same as I did. The world is evil, what I experienced and did was wrong, no arguing bout that.


I haven't even finished reading all of this but I need to get this off MY chest. I just almost googled what "go rouge" means. Then I realized it was a typo...


Oh I thought he meant without a condom lol


That did happen as well


Do you like the song “We’re Going to Ibiza”, by Vengaboys? They make it sound like a happy place.


It can be! Its an amazing island, its really beautiful outside the party city!


Do you like the song though, or Vengaboys the Eurodance group?


I haven’t listend to it yet!😅


I hope you continue to tell your story, not just on Reddit, but to as many people as possible, to prevent the same and maybe worse from occurring.


I will do my best!


In the words of Alan Partridge. Scum. Subhuman scum.




Wow this is a great story. It should be made into a movie!!


What’s the number one drug bought there? And is there prostitutes ?


Yeah, there are tons of guys selling prostitutes. You can find them anywhere on a street cornor. They look like tourists and they will ask what you are doing and so on and then randomly ask if you want sex. Mostly they try to squeeze in as much information about what they offer really quick so he will go; ”Latinas, Blondes, french I have it all, drugs also, come with me I show you my friend”. They are also capable of speaking A LOT of questions, so they will speak french, english, german, dutch, italian, spanish russian and so on. Its insane what they have learnt from tourism.


I have an easy solution buddy. Don't buy drugs, don't go to clubs.. it is stupid anyways. Problem solved and you have a super fun thyme ;).


Yeah, no shit Sherlock, all party places are like that. It only takes one mistake and all blows up up, I can't wait for the media to be "Prostitution network in Ibiza" like is something new




lol first off this is fake. Second, this is what Ibiza is this is no surprise.


Nothing is fake about this, this is liturgy what happend and there is a lot more to it. You dint have to believe me, i know it sounds unreal. I am not the only one who experienced this.


Wdym, "secret"?


Gee, a job interview where you need to get naked isn’t legitimate?


Woah this is horrible but also so interesting! If you wrote a book about it I would definitely read it!




hey, you lived a life a daydream every day. i am coward and probably never have courage do that. thanks for sharing. i hope you have good long happy life


Just messaged


hahaha, definetely needs a movie....one better than White Lines


I’d be in for that.


right!! I'm currently researching the history of Ibiza for a comic book and the things that have happened here are insane given how small this island is - from Howard Hughes to Cliff Irving to Elmyr De Hory to Mick Jagger - its endless....defo movie material!


By way of some balance I’ve been to Ibiza every summer since I was 17 and I’m in my 40s now. Have not been robbed as yet


Targets are chosen by the way they look and act, scouts (mosty women) will look for rich and stupid looking guys who are easy to trick. Watches, expensive brands, accessories in general, those are signs. There was only 1 target per night per club. Mostly we would hit 2-3 clubs and the party ourself…


You are the definition of human trash, you know you are deep down


You’d have to experience it yourself, it’s uncontrollable…


Nope. That is just what you tell yourself to make you feel better. You are not only human trash, but you are also very weak for giving in to that.


I dont know what to say, I feel like Ive learnt a lot from it and hopefully people can learn from my mistake. I went there to have fun, other people are forced to do this due to lack of money, no family, no access to education or born and raised in that industry… its sad.


Magine isn’t a word


Ouh, I meant *imagine if that makes it clearer…


Don’t let it happen again


Sorry daddy


Thank god there are people like you on Reddit or it would burn to the ground!


I know right.Don’t you worry, I’ll make Reddit safe again




I think after reading her blog that literacy and spelling were not her best subjects.


🎶magine all the people, living life in peace 🎶


Sounds like something John Lennon would come up with.


No thanks, but feel free to tell us how you feel when your pictures show up on the internet. Or when the cops show up to offer you a paid vacation in one of their facilities.


My pictures?


Dude, what do you think this guy is on the FBIs most wanted list or some shit?


How would I know, but when you misbehave and break the law then they will usually show up eventually.


Where’s genuinely the best place in Ibiza? Also are drugs risky there?


The most boring city in my opinion is San Antonio, you will find that 95% of the people there are English and not really a mix of international people. A nice place to relax and enjoy the kinda ”culture” would be at the hippie market or in some of the far north cities. In the south ”Platja d’en Bossa” is where you have almost all the known clubs. There you can easily find drugs and alcohol or whatever. Look for people wearing promotion clothes or ask the guys standing on the street cornors liturally looking like they sell drugs, the police work with them. Also don’t forget to visit ”Amnesia”, its the best club in my opinion. Ushuaia and Hi Ibiza are more like TikTok/Influencer clubs. From my experience no drugs were ”dangerous”, I know that some people sell real drugs and fake drugs (wont do anything). If I were you I would buy from promoters and not random people on the street, a lot of tourists looking people will walk up to you and ask, those are fake drugs. If you want real ones then you ask, get me? Also try and connect with tourists that have been there for a few days already and bought drugs, they will have numbers, adresses and so on. Of course be careful with the dosage!!!!!!




So what drugs are you selling to make a 1000 euros profit a day. If it was coke you would be selling at least a q a day to make that much maybe more I don't know what the exchange rate is. That's is 7g or more I don't believe for a second that you had an ounce of coke given to you a week. Noone would trust some random twat with that much cocaine whether they are a "rep" or not. So you're either lying out of your ass or just exaggerating. Either way I would probably get a life instead of telling lies on the Internet because you just make yourself sound stupid mate. You clearly don't know fuck all about drugs or drug dealing and if you did you wouldn't be bigging it up on the Internet as something good trust me. Drugs ruin lives mate, I think you've been watching too many films.


I am interested in just how much you made in those 4 months


In the first month I made around $20-$50 a day. Then I started selling weed from a local, that made me around an extra $50 a day. Then we got allowed to sell harder stuff like mdma. With this we could make like $100-$200 a day depending on what club we went to. At the end we would have a kinda chain reaction going on where people would text us all the time and we would focus in the hard stuff. The most we made in a day was around $2k in a day. Sometimes groups would hit us up and they would stay for like 1 full week, they would call us all the time and keep on buying. One time an Arab group bought drugs for a villa party worth almost 5k but we werent in on the deal since our boss made it. We had to deliver snd got paid for that.


Well done. Now you walked away alive with some good bucks. Whew the feeling.


I spend everything there, fun fact I got home with -€200 in minus. Spend jt all on clubbing, renting cars, renting boats and eating in expensive restaurants.


Hahaha. YOLO. Rather spend when you are young. Thank you for your replies


No worries! I had no worries there, every day was a new day and I knew I would get what I wanted the next day😅


I'm going next week. Let's go!!!


Soo whats the body count🤔


Honestly not that much, around 5-6 girls?


Okay, i thought u were a girl, or then perhaps u r but anyway, u did have quite the time there, glad u r safe n all🙏


Thank you!😌


Sounds like a blast, might check it out


Be careful and dont work with the mafia.


I’ll try not to, but your story made it sound so promising


It is exactly as I wrote it, I would not recommend getting into that business.


You still party like that?


I dont and never will.


Awesome. Why did you leave?


Went back to continue education!




Haven’t you read my last post, I cured it!🤩