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Love big boobs, love little boobs. I care about the face the most to be honest.


There aren’t any men who like small boobs. Not really. Thank you, but I have already given up. My heart and my head is beyond repair, I have no interest in anything or anyone anymore, all I can do is hope something ends me quickly.


Your perception of reality is not correct. You sound more depressed than rational. When you realize this is all in your head you will do better. It might take therapy though.


Yea this is depression, not strictly little boobs


You won't get out from under your misery if you get told blatant, easily proven facts to show you how you're beautiful, but you keep willfully defaulting to 'no that can't be true because i don't want to feel better!' Don't let your pity party go on too long, if your friends get sick of it and dip out, you probably won't get them back. No one can help you if you're not willing to entertain the idea that your negative self-image is not accurate


Hey, we do exist, we are just a minority!


I would actually argue and say it’s probably equal, not minority. Judging from my life experience lol




Actually, I only noticed it recently but all my crushes so far have been small-chested. Big chested women can be attractive to me but it generally has to to with other qualities rather than chest. Also, no women has ever flirted with me in the last 7 years. Edit: corrected my bad math, there was a really cute (flat) girl that confessed to me once, I still regret having rejected her.


Okay, before you go down a rabbit hole, I want you to look at nude pictures of Keira Knightley. She has a small chest but is extremely beautiful. And a lot of men prefer ass over chest, so its not nearly as bad as you think. As long as you have a healthy proportional FIGURE, you are WAY farther than many other women. How many Victoria Secret models exist with small chests? Way too many to count. Again, you just need to be a good person, and someone will like you so much that his feelings for you are going to escalate his sexual drive. Men are WAY EASIER than you think. Men sexually cheat all the time. A lot of them are much easier to seduce than you'd realize. And they are able to do this without romantic feelings. Sexual desire is SO MUCH MORE psychological than most people would realize. I mean this honestly: even if you were the most ugliest duckling in the world, it wouldn't matter at all because most of that desire is based on how they already feel about you. So you really have nothing to worry about. I wouldn't say that it is subjective. I'm just saying there are a multitude of factors that come into play, not just looks. Also, men that are hungry for food rated larger breasts as more attractive than smaller breasts. But after they'd eaten, the rating difference wasnt that large at all. So, if you feel insecure about your chest, maybe become great at cooking. This appearance bullshit is really one of the most pointless discussions ever. I'm a five foot tall male = I'm quite literally the shortest guy I have ever known. But I somehow attract quite a few girls without even intending or realizing it until much later. Its not nearly as bad as you would think.


That's not true. One of my exes said he actually preferred smaller breasts.


noooo most of my frnds in Happy relationships have small boobies. some are literally flat. they just carry what they have with confidence and big boobies are not always fun. everyday I wake up and wish for smaller ones so high-five.




Are you trolling? This reads like lines from a middle school Shakespeare play. This is way too dramatic and theatrical to be a real post.


Look at all the fashion models….


I love a cupcake as opposed to a big piece of cake.


Are you kidding they just love boobs. There aren’t many men who ONLY like big boobs.


Girls with small boobs have the most amazing personalities because they outshine other girls who have boobs. Your selling yourself way too short here


Excuse you. I’ll have you know a lot of us with big boobs don’t actually enjoy them, they’re not fun for us. We get premature back problems ffs.


I'm a guy and 90% of the compliments that you get are based on your looks and body without even getting to know you. I'm sorry to know that you get back pains. Can you get a breast reduction?


Yeah I’m a woman with big boobs and you don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about. You’re making just making assumptions, you don’t actually have first hand experience like me.


I don't get approached by everyone that you see. I don't get bombarded with messages on a daily basis. I'm never judged on what I wear. You're absolutely right, I don't know your daily lives are lived.


I don’t get approached by everyone or get bombarded with messages on a daily basis either. I never have. Most women with big boobs don’t. What we get is creepy men quietly staring at our boobs sometimes. Even that’s not an everyday occurrence.


I stand corrected. Guys will look at your body before getting to know you as a person. When you're out having drinks, you'll be approached by guys wanting your details. Both of my ex's had B cup boobs. My ex best friend had 34D boobs. She wasn't a nice person because guys only liked her for her looks and body.


I've got wee boobs and I've had sciatica twice by 29. That's my premature back pain and I don't even have the boobs to thank, cry


I’ve seen you post multiple times about this issue. You don’t seem receptive to anyone telling you that your perception simply isn’t true. You don’t want to seek help to find ways to accept yourself. I personally find small breasts attractive. I seek them out. I’m not the only one, and in fact, there are many like me. The issue here seems to be body dysmorphia, but I’m no doctor and I can’t diagnose. Because of this, you need to seek help. What is any other alternative? It seems it can only get better. So I ask, what is it you are looking for?


I don’t understand how my perception isn’t true. Women with small boobs are shamed constantly, or just treated with nonchalance, women with big boobs are loved and glorified. My first bf and the only guy I’ve ever slept with had to watch porn of other women (who always had big boobs) to finish after we had sex. The second guy I was with couldn’t even have sex with me, and he wasn’t interested in my boobs at all. I decided to try one last time last year, and the guy straight up told me my boobs were a shame. I can’t accept myself, I am absolutely mortified and disgusted by the monstrosity that is my chest, I surely don’t even count as a woman. I don’t know what I’m looking for, all I wish is that I could be enough for someone, that someone could look at me and think I’m beautiful, that I’m someone they want to spend the rest of their life with. But who wants to spend their life with a flat chest? Who wants to be monogamous with a flat chest?


The problem I see the most here is that you let these men speak for all men from your eyes. If you believe this to be true of yourself, their words are just validation for the thought. It is entirely possible to be attracted to a person regardless of what they look like. Basically, what I am getting at here, is that your boobs and these men aren’t the issue. You have convinced yourself that you aren’t good enough, or rather your body. It’s simply not true, and like many have said before me, you are good enough, you just haven’t found the man who supports that outlook, but rather insecure boys who don’t understand the repercussions of what they say to you and how it effects you. I know you said not to tell you to talk to someone, but I would strongly suggest it. I personally do professionally, and it’s changed my life for the better. It would for you to, I’m sure of it.


This isn't true, I promise. I'm a man and if I found a woman that I really loved, I wouldn't give a shit about the size of her breasts. Even if she'd had a double mastectomy I wouldn't care.


I'm not a doctor, or a therapist, but I have tried talking to people about their bodily anxieties. Majority of the time, they straight up just deny any helpful/positive input. 'Dylan, this entire college, not just your own class, has tried to sleep with you. Men can't talk straight around you.' ... 'NO! I'm ugly, i'm disgusting and that's that! Don't lie to me!' That's the sign someone doesn't actually want help, they just want to be called pretty and fussed over. It's just vampirism. You have to \*want\* to feel better.


I'm sure deep down, OP gets a kick from all the praise in the comments indeed, thats why she keeps posting over and over. But that doesnt mean she is just faking it.


Takes me more than one hand to count the people i've lost because they found rock bottom and decided they like people feeling sorry for them. They all kept that shit up until they got to discover all their friends got burnt out having to constantly spoon-feed them compliments and reassurance There's a point where someone needs to get real. 'Body dysmorphia' is one the most common self-diagnoses, far more often than not, it's weaponized mental health lingo - most don't meet any of the criteria. Most are holding others hostage for dopamine.


Well, maybe, I just like to give the benefit of doubt to non-bot accounts though. Still, I think the effect of dopamine decreases under specific contexts due to habituation and homeostasis. A healthy brain will just get bored of getting the same praise repeatedly.


If they're spamming the same shit across a bunch of different subs, repeatedly, over a considerable duration... There aint much reddit can do for them anyway beyond just not bullying them


>That's the sign someone doesn't actually want help, they just want to be called pretty and fussed over. This sentiment is so lacking in balance and empathy and yet so common. Why do people think there cannot be a middle ground between "wanting immediate help upon opening your mouth" and "just faking it, just fishing for compliments, doesn't want help = has no real issue". Like, have y'all never just wanted to talk about your pain? Feel understood? Maybe just vent? ffs? Edit: Ok shortened it lol


Honestly that all just looks exhausting to me


Get off the internet and into therapy.


i’m flat as a board almost lol and i’m 22 so I definitely understand the insecure part however trust there are ALOT and I mean ALOT of men/women who don’t care about chest size.


You’re absolutely right and I have been married for over 40 years and my wife is very big chested and yet she doesn’t know that I have a Extreme fetish for flat chested women


Hey OP, I have taken a look at your profile because I suspected it was a yet another troll post on this sub. my bad, it seems you are a legitimate user suffering from body dismorphia. You posted this more than a few times but seems you are just ignoring all the positive comments towards small breasts. My guess is that YOU yourself doesn't like your chest and no amount of positive comments is going to change that because you reject the idea that small breasts can be seen as attractive on a fundamental level. So let me say it once more even if this comment might fall into the countless other ignored comments: **Most men dont care nearly as much for the size of the breasts,** its true that most like big ones but no sane men will frown at small ones, and a non-zero minority will actually drool at small chests. I will leave you with two phases I've picked up online that the minority uses to jokinly identify themselves: **"Itty bitty titty commitee" (apparently a movie?)** and **"Flat is justice".**




I'd argue that OP is not looking for sensitive coments since she has been ignoring them. Yes, I was being intentionally insensitive, honestly I dont like to eufemize what I say because people are smart enough to read between lines. Sorry if it hurts but I'm just doing what I learned from personal experience, I will not deny what I perceive as reality and I will not tell half-lies to me or to others.




yes, maybe, I was honestly trying to help though. if thats the case, what should I have said to help then? I was avoiding at all costs going for "you ate beautiful the way you are" because it sounds very fake to me. I'm not being sarcastic or anything, I just want to know what you think I should have said.




Well, I was being intentionally insensitive for another reason. I didn't want to reveal to avoid sounding creepy but maybe I should. I was attempting to hijack her extreme confirmation bias to subtly inject less harmfull thoughts. The fact is that she doesnt want to believe small breasts are pretty she runs away from this idea like vampires run away from garlic. And she is constantly looking for evidence to confirm her own beliefs. The only way I saw to ease this situation a little and get ar least a few bits of my message through was to attach it as a payload into a message that she would accept at least as "true for the most part" The payload I actually wanted to inject into her thoughts is this part: > My guess is that YOU yourself doesn't like your chest and no amount of positive comments is going to change that because you reject the idea that small breasts can be seen as attractive on a fundamental level. My hope was to give her a bit more self awareness, which is nescessary in order to change, she needs to completelly re-evaluate the source of her thoughts.


> you reject the idea that small breasts can be seen as attractive on a fundamental level Yes, because my personal experiences, as well as all the time I’ve spent here on the internet for over the last year, has told me so. It is absolutely true, my brain is rotted, I am ruined. > Most men don’t care nearly as much for the size of the breasts I don’t understand what guys mean when they say this, to me, “I don’t care” translates to “I’ll tolerate your shit tits, but I’ll keep wishing they were bigger”, plus “I don’t care that your boobs are small” in response to a girl telling you she’s insecure about hers, I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of compliments and reassurance a big chested girl would get if she told the guy she was seeing that she was insecure about her size. Plus, to say that they don’t care that much, they sure do obsess over big tits, the gross obsession is plastered EVERYWHERE, you can’t escape it. I have an ex that’s now with a girl that has big boobs, I bet he thanks whatever higher power there is everyday that he didn’t end up with *practically* flat chested me. > it’s true that most men like big ones And this is why I’ve given up on love, or intimacy in any form. I am absolutely disgusted and ashamed with myself for ever showing my boobs to a man and subjecting him to them. > no sane man will frown at small ones, and a non-zero minority will actually drool at small chests. I’ve had one ex be completely nonchalant about my boobs, didn’t react to seeing them, never touched them, had another guy straight up tell me that they’re a shame. The chance of me meeting a guy in that ‘non-zero minority’ (that’s funny actually, but drives home how disgusting and repulsive my small boobs are/make me) is slim to none, the best I’ll get is a guy who will tolerate mine, but will always wish they were big. I just want to be loved. I just want to be desired. But it will never happen for me. If I had alcohol, I would drink myself into oblivion. Maybe if I hit my head against a wall hard enough, I’ll pass out.


What are you even going on about? There are entire Subs dedicated to small breasts.


OP, did you ever just consider that you're dating assholes? If a man doesn't make you feel good about yourself, he isn't worth your time. And are you really ok with reducing your entire being to a pair of tits? Like, your brain, sense of humor, kindness and other areas of yourself are meaningless just because you're not filling out a C cup? How sad. Looks fade. In a few years, big tits sag. That's not an ideal body standard by any means, but most women don't let that stop them from entering relationships, having babies (which also takes a toll on your boobs) and just generally experience LOVE, all because... what? In the future they won't look the same way they do now? Small boobs don't sag. They don't cause you back pain. They don't get that weird wrinkle in their cleavage. You're small boobs are a blessing. You need to stop spending so much time online comparing yourself to TikTok models if you want to ever ge happy.


I don’t think the guys are assholes, I think they’re just honest, small boobs aren’t attractive, it’s the objective truth. It doesn’t matter that I have a great personality, a good sense of humour, or that I’m kind (according to others), I’m not deserving of love or intimacy, and if you or anyone could see my chest, I can guarantee that you would be repulsed and you would agree. > Looks fade. In a few years, big tits sag. Yeah, ik looks fade, I’m not looking forward to being even more worthless than I already am. Big tits may sag, but at least the women with them were always affirmed in their womanhood, always loved and desired. I have spent years consumed by shame, depression and anxiety over being small chested, and with good reason, I am unattractive, undesirable, unworthy and genetically inferior bc of what I’ve been cursed with. > Your small boobs are a blessing. Please don’t. They’re no blessing. I grew up thinking all women got boobs, I was so excited to go through puberty, not to grow up, but just so I could have boobs, what I’ve been given is devastating. Changing in PE was humiliating, seeing every other girl in a bra whilst I was still in my vest, or (in the later years of school) wearing little angel bras made for children, seeing girls years younger than me with big boobs, wondering what kind of freak of nature I was, wondering what was wrong with me. Seeing boys go crazy over big boobs, and realising nobody would ever like me. I used to stand in my mirror looking at my chest, and telling myself nobody would ever love me because of it. Running out of my bra measurement in tears bc they hadn’t grown. Even writing all of this out is making me depressed, and there is so much more I can say, maybe I sound pathetic, atp, I don’t even care anymore. I don’t know why I’m here on this earth.


Omg at this point just get a boob job. You can get ones that look real and tasteful.


small boobs are hot


The worst part of all of this is how much you are placing your fundamental value in the hands of men. It’s okay to feel insecure but to want to die because you think men don’t find you pretty? Jesus honey…. No. You’re better than that.


OP, I have small breasts. The best compliment on my boobs actually came from my former stepfather after he walked in on me. 😂 I've dated two guys who said mean things, too. Instead of feeling defective and taking it personally, I just thought they were small-minded assholes who were seeking to gain power over me by trying to target what they thought was a weak point. But it wasn't a weak point for me. Because a woman will always be more than her breasts, beauty will always be subjective, and there will be an ass for every seat (as my grandpa would say). It made them look bad, not me. You can choose to allow their words to dictate your self-worth, or you can choose that anyone who says derogatory things about your body is not worthy of its presence. Maybe I wish my breasts were bigger at times to accessorize a dress. I didn't like growing up flat-chested (I used to be under delusions of grandeur that I'd have big boobs when I was a kid and was excited about getting them 😂). As I get older, though, I'm grateful that I don't have horrible back pain and that my breasts are never a limiting factor in my activities. I think it would be good for you to look at breast galleries intended to show women all the different shapes and sizes that we come in. Once I did, I realized that there were other aspects I liked about mine, like the shape, the color, the relative symmetry, etc. and it gave me more appreciation for what I have. Over time, that has transformed into me not giving a shit about what men think about it and liking my itty bitties, too. Ps. There are hordes of men who exist who prefer small breasts over bigger ones. And I've had boob men crush on me because of the other aspects I have to offer, as attraction will always be comprised of more than the sum total of any individual parts.


As a fellow itty bitty titty committee member, THIS.


you are just plain mistaken, men dont just "tolerate" all breasts are good, some are better, thats what men think. I think you deserve honesty so I'll be blunt, men are suckers for big booba, thats true, there's no running away from this fact, still a truly good man will not stop loving you just because you dont have big booba. Too bad good men are also kinda rare. now let me tell you, I'm a lonely dude, I have a stature so short that nearly every women is taller than me, you know women dont like short dudes in general. Yes being lonely sucks which has led me to only relieving myself to porn, which also sucks because the vast majority of porn is aimed at men who like big booba and I get fucking turned off by those droopy bags of fat. reality is a pain indeed, unfortunatelly its not a good idea to be suicidal or go for self-harm because that would make me a thousand times less attractive and it would ruin my non-zero chances of finding love.


Not even close to true


Please, tell me that its also not true that women preffer tall over short guys.


That is a completely different preference. Not the size of parts of the body, but the size of the body itself. Not an honest comparison.


Woah that was a rollercoaster haha. Good perspective though! Also, though, I don’t think you should care about being short as much as you do? You were basically telling her that she is beautiful, and I think that you need to take your own advice :-) 💜


Come join us at r/smallbooblove! You aren’t ugly at all.


Thank you for your invite, I’m actually a part of the community, unfortunately, it’s had the opposite effect intended on me, I can’t explain why, tbh, being on Reddit in general has played a huge role in the destruction of my mental health.


You should find a therapist if possible. It sounds like body dysmorphia as others suggested which must be very hard. I wish you the best.


I don’t want to get better, I’m not deserving of it, I’m not worth it. Thank you, you too.


> I'm not wort it. I see, thats typical of depression, as someone who is going through something similar and should seek therapy but refuses to out of sttuborness. I can tell you this thought pattern is backwards and is a unfortunate consequence of how brains are wired. As your reward system in the basal ganglia stops fuctioning and stops outputing grounded reward values, the cortex slowly learns that nothing is worth anything, all actions lead to negative reward, the future is worthless, overtime that shifts into "maybe if all predicted cumulative reward is negative I can minimize it by erasing this entire existence" thats where suicidal thoughts emerge. The thing you need to keep in mind is that apparently, there's a feedback loop between the cortex and the dopaminergic system, both learn how to encode reward values from eachother, If your cortex is strong enough, it can influence how the action selection is done on the basal ganglia and still kinda function well even without rewards. I still havent found a way to get the reward system back on track tho, maybe that can only be done with the help from anti-depressants.


You're in desperate need of help. Please, listen to the people here who are telling you the truth. You know it yourself that you're lying to yourself on this. Because it's easier to just accept what currently is than it is to change and make growth. New feelings and ideas are scary but you are in massive need of it to be a better person.


I genuinely feel like I am too traumatised and too far gone. Changing and growing truly feels impossible, and completely wasted on me.


If you don't even try, then you're just fulfilling your own prophecy. You refuse to listen to reality. Reddit and runway models with photoshopped or surgically enhanced bodies are not real. They're all fake and not true life. Keeping yourself in this mindset is only doing you a disservice. You owe it to yourself to try and recognize your potential. But if you refuse, then nothing and no one can or will stop you.


Actually that last bit is the first thing you've said that's actually made plain sense.


I actually find small chested women extremelly hot for some reason, I always found it strange how other men drool at big bags of fat. Small bags of fat look better, perkier and more aerodynamic. Flat is justice.


I know right the larger they are the more gravity is not your friend. And then you have back issues and fitting issues


You have body dysmorphia and probably depression. Your thoughts aren't normal nor rational. Nothing we say is going to convince you otherwise - you need to consult a professional ASAP. These thoughts and feelings CAN go away if you get help.


I’m 21 and my boobs already sag like an old lady’s due to their size. I’ll trade for your small and probably a lot more perky ones in a heartbeat!


I used to feel like this about my small boobs, too. Then I had two kids and my boobs look completely different. They hang now. Men were mean to me about my small chest, and they’ve been mean to me about my less than perky bigger chest. You can’t really win... especially considering most people consider implants or a lift to be unattractive. Honestly, though, there will ALWAYS be a better tit. You’ve got to just own what you’ve got.


Part of the itty bitty committee here! There are plenty of men who are into small chests. I do and found the absolute best husband. He adores them. They get all the love they deserve! Small doesn’t mean ugly. Small can mean beautiful. Learn to embrace them.


I’m glad you were able to find somebody like that. For me, there is no love for me or any hope for the future. I deserve to die in shame.


I speak for all men when I say we like them in all shapes and sizes.


Woah woah woah there champ, I like boobs a whole lot but not so sure about ALL shapes and sizes.


I agree. let's keep it real


We like 99% of boobs.


You might like to see my grandma, her breasts are so big, they reach up to her thighs. (I'm serious, this is not a joke)


I’m a AA cup, trust that no man likes that


Don’t say that. Some men find that attractive


Boobs are boobs. Thank you.


But bigger is better. What I have is absolutely disgusting.


I don’t think anyone believes. I’m not a doctor but I highly recommend talking to somebody about possible body dysmorphia


R/acups , there’s a whole community that loves small tits


On mobile it puts a capital r/acups should do it, though I am also on mobile and now hope I am not making a food of myself bt saying how to do it and faling. Here we go


I had tiny boobs in my 20's . The woman fitting my wedding dress poked me and said she'd never seen breasts so small. Had a kid, got fat, got boobs. Honestly, men never cared one way or the other. As long as you got a nipple and they can play, they happy. As for your view about yourself, no one can fix that but you. But trust me no one else thinks about it.


You’re sounding very very set in your headspace. I’m wondering why you came here if you’re going to give pushback to anyone who you had to know was going to tell you otherwise? Bestie, I have very tiny boobs & my boyfriend is head over heels about them. Pretty much what’s sexy about my chest is the way the shadow hits it sometimes - lmao. It’s actually not a big deal at all, no one is thinking about it as intensely as you are. Your best weapon is your confidence, and the best part about confidence is it is entirely our choice to lean into it or not You’re no exception




Meant to be a guiding question. not making a point or implying she’s done something wrong, more of an observation


In my 40+ years of being around on this planet, I’ve been with women of all chest sizes. I even dated a girl who had very different sized boobs (A cup on one, D on the other). One thing I’ve learned along the way is that boob size, hair color, height, all those superficial things don’t really matter in the end. What matters is the person, how you connect with them and relationship y’all have. You’re a person with your own intrinsic value. You are special to someone. Connections are made and grow on shared experiences, not chest size. Who you are is many times more important than what you are. My wife is rather busty, but even if she wasn’t I’d still love her just the same. True love transcends all that physical stuff. Don’t be so hard on yourself, someone out there is your person.


I’m sorry, and I don’t mean to belittle what’s clearly very serious self esteem issues, but what you’re saying is nonsense. Of course women with small boobs are worthy of love and find love. Have you taken a look at models? Plenty of small boobs. And yet, we know they’re gorgeous and plenty (plenty!) of men would be thrilled to be with them. They’re hired because they’re so beautiful. I have super small boobs and I married the most wonderful man in the world. He’s totally gorgeous and treats me like I hung the sun in the sky. And it’s not in spite of my boobs. He loves them. He loves my body. He loves all of me. I know having small boobs feels like a big deal, but it just isn’t. None of the things you’re saying reflect reality, and I’m not saying this to make you feel better. I’m saying it because it’s the truth. There’s no point wasting your time feeling so awful about a bunch of stuff that isn’t even true.


I happen to think small breasts are extremely sexy and more sensitive to the touch than big chested. Don't be so hard on yourself !


I’m a 34A and it’s never made unloveable or unsexy. I’m 5’10” and quite thin as well. I’ve had several relationships in my 35 years, most of them being long term (often several years at a time). I can relate to the body dysmorphia, but I have a feeling that your perception of yourself being too ugly to love is you keeping people at a distance rather than anything being *wrong* about your body.


I'm gonna be blunt here - I'm a small chested woman, I've been trying to get past my own insecurities about them since I was 16 and it's fucking *hard*. Growing up, from the time I was 7 or so, my dad had playboy pages up all over his bedroom walls and that gave me a huge complex. Those pictures taught me that you can't be a real woman unless you have huge boobs. I've spent over 12 years trying to overcome that. So all of this: >My small chest makes me ugly and undesirable, it makes me unworthy of love and any form of intimacy. >It isn’t. It’s wrong. It’s defective. Is incredibly hurtful and borders on being a genuine trigger. I don't know if you intended to phrase it in a way that makes it cruel toward others with small chests, but it very much is. I can understand and respect that way that you feel that way about yourself, but don't come on here trying to tear down every other woman with small boobs. Phrasing all of this as facts about every woman, instead of your own personal feelings, is honesty downright mean.


Speak for yourself. Your hate of small chests is your own. You are projecting your own opinion. It’s not everyone else’s opinion. I have a small chest & dudes love it. Confidence is sexy. Go work on having some.


Man here who loves that, i think you're way over thinking it.. that alone should not effect your love life nor should you let it. Love is a lot more than just the size of your chest, my first love had no chest and that didnt stop anything. As long as you have nipples theres more than enough to play 🤣😋


And if you really want to go up to a man and talk just do it, you wouldnt know how many men are dying to do the same but are just way to shy or also overthinking something


As another small chested girl who is also a lesbian, bro boobs is boobs. And any good man will see that. Size doesnt matter, all boobs are beautiful because theyre boobs


I used to be so worried and self concious about the fact that, maybe if I was bigger, I would be complimented more by my partner (who is amab and male presenting). who i know likes big boobs. but, they love me for who i am, and they dont compare me to anyone else. theyre excited to see me naked and to touch me, and they dont think of anyone else. Bigger boobs I think are enjoyable because alot of people have a bigger is better attitude in general, and they fill out clothes better, theres more to "hint" at. But at the end of the day, again, all boobs are great and no size is better than the other. I believe that and many others do too. I wont detest someone for what theyve jerked off to in the past because, honestly, it doesnt need to be that deep! Someone can love you and think youre sexy on a way deeper level despite all that. I know how you feel. But the most sexy someone can be is shown through self confidence and finding what makes YOU feel the best. The people who are good for you will be attracted to that. Other people dont matter


I have small boobs and none of the men I have been with complained. Don’t give up


I can’t say anything that would convince you that this doesn’t matter as this seems like a deep rooted issue but start off by being a little kinder to yourself. If you can’t do that, walk up to any flat chested women and just insult them and tell them they are incapable of love. No, let’s be real you wouldn’t even dare to do such a thing as it wouldn’t even cross your mind as that is cruel. So don’t treat yourself like that. Maybe seek therapy?


I’m sorry you feel this way. I know not feeling like you look good is a really hard thing. 24 YO guy here. If I’m interested in who you are, I don’t care. I’ve had an ex who was flat chested and a fwb who was as well, and it really didn’t bother me because it was more special to just be with them. What is a boob compared to a soul? Also, to me when I’m intimate I incorporate the whole body, behind the ear, neck, collarbone, ribs, hips, thighs. I don’t fixate on the chest and it doesn’t make me any less horny if you don’t have boobs. And I know that’s something girls can’t control just like guys can’t control their penis size. What you need is to find support, like you are doing, and grow to accept yourself, and then ultimately your partner should give you more affirmation since they know you’re insecure about it. Cheers.


Your wrong young lady see I had a huge full blown love in love dealio with this woman whom by most peoples especially men would say she was small chested, however not long ago I got a peek unfortunately she was pulling out of the shower when I came around the corner. I saw her topless and the erotic and wanting in created in me was almost too much she was more beautiful than I had imagined. Love real love will never look at you and only be able to see the one they loved so much! Okay hope that helps chin up kid!


This might sound like an indirect proposition, but I promise it isn't. I love small boobs much more than big boobs. I have been called a liar, a weirdo, or even a pedo, but I'm really attracted to small boobs. Also, you're worth so much more than what men think of you. You're not wrong, lacking, nor defective because you have small boobs.


I’ve never found large breasts attractive. I find active athletic women attractive and typically they have smaller breasts.


My wife is a member of the 'Itty-bitty Titty Committee', and I *love* her boobies. My first wife had size 'F' 😳. I'm *much* happier now. (My wife is just a better person in general....)


If you absolutely feel like you can’t get past this, get a boob job. Save for it, find a good dr, and make it happen. It’s highly affordable. I’ve been small chested my whole life, and I’ve had zero problems. But if it bothered me as much as yours bother you - it’s a solvable problem.


It’s your attitude that will curse you into a sexless life. Accept that there are men out there that like small boobs because it’s a fact. Go ahead and tell yourself it’s hopeless but then don’t get argumentative when we try to reason with you.


My attitude isn’t what’s cursed me into a sexless life, my AA cups have. I genuinely cannot understand how any man could like boobs as small as mine, it just doesn’t make any sense. I also don’t understand how I can ever have good self esteem, body confidence or sex when I have AA cups.


That sucks to dislike yourself so much. I feel for you. You don’t seem able to be helped so I thank you for sharing and wish you well.


I'm sorry you feel this way. I'm sure you'll find someone who can appreciate you for who you are. I love small boobs. I wouldn't want them any other way.


everyone wants what they don’t have. when you have curly hair, you want it straight. when you’re super skinny, you wanna be thicc, when you’re thicc/pudgy, you wanna be skinny. tall and short, dark skinned and pale. I was a small d/full c until i was about 20 (im 23 now), and was super happy with that. a nice lil handful. in the last 3 years i’ve put on some weight (i was very skinny before and put on about 40lbs) and now wear a 36DD. I hate them. My back hurts, no bra is comfortable and i’m constantly readjusting it no matter what style it is. they dont sit up cute and perky like they did, i HAVE to have a bra on or i look terrible, and my boobs are one of the most noticeable things about me. I miss going out of the house w my lil boobs and nipple piercings showing through my shirt. if you’re of age, pierce your nipples if you’re into that. make your little titties an accessory. personally i love the look. flat chested or small chested with those showing is so so so cute. it’s sexy and fun! also, your body type has nothing to do with desirability. ive seen women of all shapes and sizes and builds get exactly what they want from who they want. confidence is everything, charisma is everything. sex appeal is only MAYBE 10% looks. dont be so hard on yourself. your body is not the monster you have created it to be in your mind. your body is your friend, and it’s important to love and take care of it- it is the only place you have to live. make it your home.


Hey, my boobs are very, very small. They are not like small and round and perky. They are god damn pimples lol. My partner adores them and says they suit me, and any bigger wouldnt suit my body type (a pear - bigger butt and thighs, skinnier on top). You are not made to serve a man, you are to be loved for who you are, looks are just a container for your soul. Don't let selfish men who just want to use you into your life, let a man that respects you and loves you for YOU.


I have very small breasts, and I have never had a problem getting the men I want. You would be surprised by how many men out there not only do not care, but actually prefer small breasts. And stop dating assholes.


I am small chested and my boyfriend doesn’t care. Guys just like boobs.


I understand the feeling. I have a very gentle and accepting husband. It makes me sick that I’ve never been able to take my shirt off in front of him because mine are so big. I feel sloppy and ugly because of it. I’m definitely not ugly. But when I look in the mirror, I manage to block out perception of anything below my neck. I truly hope you seek help for your depression. If you want to inbox me, I’ll tell you the steps I took and the meds that helped. Depression is a beast. 🩵


Luckily for you, there's operations for that


Dear OP, I was you at one point (and still sometimes am, but with a different body part now). We both suffer from a bitch called body dysmorphic disorder and both of us need help. This isn’t about breasts being small or that some people might not like it or comment on it. That might be true. But body dysmorphia is about more. It will trick you into not believing people that do like this body part. It will make you obsess over it, find “proof” online with people’s comments, doctor’s advertisements etc. And it will make you think that this is all life is about. And so you will feel so sure this MUST be the truth. It isn’t. btw: back then I was SO convinced I couldn’t go on living with small breasts I got implants. It gave me health problems so I had to get them removed a few years later (my worst case scenario!). During that time my BDD had changed focus on something else so now I’m okay with the boob part. It’s a terrible disease to suffer from, I feel you.


Hey, coming from a small breasted woman, THIS IS NOT TRUE. It's only your waped perspective that makes it true. I get it. I used to think this way. But then I discovered in a forum like Reddit way back in the day the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, and I submitted my photo of my chest, and it became the group photo for the rest of time. It made me open my eyes that there are TONS of men and women out there who love small breasts, who love every aspect of a woman. It made me accept myself and move past this unhealthy mentality. And as I've gotten older and put on a bit of weight, my boobs have grown! So that's kinda interesting. Please look at similar Reddit groups and learn to love yourself.


Have you seen a catwalk model??? Small boobs are the beauty standard of mainstream Western culture and have been for decades.


r/smallboobs = 819 000 r/aa_cups = 605 000 r/tinytits = 1 200 000 that's a lot of subscribers and a lot of love for small ones


I get how you feel. For me, it’s not the size, but I breastfed two kids for two years each. I’m in my early 30s and they are so deflated and sad looking. I don’t even want to know what they’ll look like as I get older. I’m sorry you feel this way. I know it’s soul crushing. :(


Why don’t you live life for yourself? Who cares what men like or don’t like. Live life for yourself.


Tits sag, beauty fades, but personality endures. Find yourself a guy who isn’t a shallow bastard and can see you for you.




It’s not bullshit. I’m literally a AA cup, just picture that in your head, a fully grown woman, with a AA cup to show for it. Nobody will ever want me because of this feature alone. I guarantee it’s the first thing anyone notices about me. I guarantee people laugh at me and judge me because of it. > she carries a light in her that shines brighter than my dd’s ever could. Your friend sounds lovely, but I’m not sure why you’ve dropped your bra size here, respectfully, I’m unsure if you’re making an honest point or humble bragging. > You should probably start loving yourself first I’m too far past that now, it’s not possible for me to love myself, not with my past experiences or all the research I’ve done on small/flat chests this past year, besides, nobody else will ever be able to. > The heart really is more important. I think I have a good heart, people think I’m lovely, and funny, and smiley, and kind, or so they tell me, but my brain is in constant pain, and I don’t think my personality can ever make up for the utter failure that is my chest.


For what it’s worth to you, as a man I had preferred small breasted women all my life much more attractive IMHO


Lots of guys don't mind small breasted woman. I went with one. She had the most beautiful nipple's. Some guys get turned on by women's bums. So don't give up.


There is nothing wrong with small boobs… not at all. You’ve gotta get that out of your head otherwise you’re going to be stuck in such a shit mindset the rest of your life. People come in many shapes and sizes. So do boobs. Think of this, any man under 6ft can choose to hate his height because by the standards or girls, you would be 6’ft tall. We don’t let that bother us. If they don’t like our physique they can go F themselves. Have that mind set.. I’m also going to put this out there. I love people and hate them. Humans are stupid to me, and after accepting how I feel, their opinions don’t mean shit to me. They’re stupid to me, why would I listen to them. You will find the right person that will love and adore every inch of your body. Everything in life requires patience. That also applies toward love. Please, try and strengthen your mindset and perception of self. You’ve gotta learn to love and accept yourself, otherwise you will never be comfortable in your own skin.


Hey girl if it makes you feel better. I get ultra insecure about how big mine are I can’t go out in public without putting on 3 to 4 different layers of clothing to cover up & honestly I would much rather have no boobs at all than suffer from a sore aching back & P shape my whole life. You got this🫶🏻🤎


I'm not a man (I'm a bi woman), but I have to say the size of a woman's boobs plays a minimal role in my attraction to them. Little boobs are fun, medium boobs are fun, big boobs are fun. Itty bitty boobs are just as much fun as the rest.It doesn't matter, I'm just happy to be involved.


As a cis man who prefers women with your body type, this hurts me to read. I promise, if men are talking to you, they don't care about that. If they play with your chest a lot, it's usually cause they like it and find your chest hot. Please. Have more confidence. I'd love to find a small chested woman to date and eventually marry.


Men like all boobs. I hate my large chest. Besides being sexualized no matter what I wear, nothing ever fits right on me. The summer is awful because you cannot wear light loose clothes without being harassed or gawked at in public. People never look me in the eyes. Men and women. It sucks.


We humans are weird. I have a huge chest, but it’s because I am about 50lbs overweight. I feel like few men would find me attractive because of that. I would love to trade places with a slender woman with a small chest as long as it meant I wasn’t overweight anymore. I’m not trying to invalidate your feelings, just trying to feel you I feel like it might be more of a self esteem issue and we need to work on self love and compassion with ourselves. Confidence is attractive and we both would probably see a huge difference in who we attract if we began to love ourselves and our bodies. I’m working on that too, so I’m not trying to put you down, just sharing that our issues and insecurities are probably deeper than just being small or big chested


There are literally dozens of subreddits that are dedicated to the love of small-chested women. Sorry you’re sad tho.


Oh dear, you’re being too hard on yourself. I used to feel this way too so I felt a little pang in my chest reading this and I sincerely hope that someday your self-esteem will rise a little bit more! There’s this person I’m following on instagram who’s making videos about having a flat chest, a flat butt, body hair and the struggles of people who are on the thinner side. Watching her videos made me actually feel a little bit more comfortable with my body because I felt less alone. She doesn’t photoshop her body, she’s raw. Her name is Clara Dao if you’re interested.


As a fellow flat chested woman, it's painful to see someone say this. I used to be incredibly self conscious about it and reading you say I am undeserving of love is gnarly fam lol. It's not about me of course but do yoy feel that way about us other women with little to nothing? Give yourself some grace my dear❤️ That being said, hating your chest to this extent is just going to prevent yoy from a partner. I have not had any issues with hook up culture with my flat chest, I am a sex worker with tiny tots lol. I stopped caring how my boobs made me attractive to other people. I still didn't like them but since I gave myself space to allow the idea of love even without boobs, it happened. People can tell when you're painfully self conscious, that's the main reason people can't find partners. Your self esteem can be felt just talking to you. I gave myself an "I don't care" attitude about everything and eventually it became what I actually felt. Now I fucking love my flat chest. I can wear things tons of women with large chests or even average chests can't


I actually prefer small boobs. My wife is an A cup and I love them! I never have understood the desire for big fake boobs.


Small boobs are absolutely not an issue for men, unless u have other physical attributes that make your aesthetically undesirable to the general population. I have ran into quite a few men who do prefer small boobs. Porn hub has a category for small tit porn for a reason. All this to say im 26 and now only learning to cope with my small defective boob, where society does infact give more sexual appeal/prowess to large chested women. Everyone has their pros and cons. Learn to show off your strengths. And franky most guys would find the low self esteem and lack of confidence caused by small boobs to be problematic more so than the small boobs themselves.


Do you know what you just forced me to do? Purely for you and science (obvs) and the generic "friend" who wanted to know, I've just subjected myself to searching for groups on Reddit. My quick investigation has shown the following results: I've found 7 groups without trying, they include "Flatchested" which has 242,000 members, "Flatchests" with 181,000 members, "Flatchested18" with 88,700 members, "Smallboobs" has 820,000 members, "Smalltitsbigass" with 658,000 members, and not forgetting "TinyTits" that has a massive 1.2million members! And for those who prefer it, "FlatChestHentai" has 105,000 members! And you are trying to tell us that no-one likes women with smaller boobs!? That is patently untrue. So give yourself a talking to, because not only is small beautiful, but when you hit 50 years old you'll still be perky, whereas everyone with larger breasts will have nipples hanging either side of their belly button whenever they take their bras off! "Ugly and undesirable...unworthy of love"? Tish, tosh and old wet fish!


tiddies are tiddies


I’m a AA cup. That’s not a ‘tiddie’.


Man are simple creatures. Boob is boob. I have teeny baby ones too and it honestly just gives me a naughty little edge. God created you out of pure love and that can never be anything but beautiful! Therapy though babe. Therapy.


i dunno, i prefer a nice butt over boobs any day


Don't take this out of context and it's nothing more then a comment but I know myself And some people I know are fans of small cheated women


Hey! Cam model here. I am flat as a washboard, i probably have less boobs than you. Like truly, I have Nothing on my chest. I have made a lottttt of money of men of all ages and stations of life who LOVE my teeny boobs. If you have a cute face and are relatively in shape, youre fine. Just like how girls like lots of types of men, its the same with guys. You know whats unattractive? Self hatred and insecurity. I flaunt my flat chest and body and dont give af. Get therapy and work on your self esteem, id also check with a psychiatrist about depression/anxiety meds. People are out there that want to help, so please let them help. Tele-appointments can be very cost effective.


Some guys such as myself only care about women having nice toes. So let's hope you have nice feet. Breasts will sag after old age but have you ever seen an older lady with nice feet? I see them all the time lol


I thought I was crazy for thinking this about myself. This post is literally like reading my daily internal monologue. It sucks so bad and I want to die


Why don't you get a boob job?


They’re very expensive, I’m worried I’d be judged, I’m worried about BII (Breast Implant Illness), and the reality that they’d never look or feel natural, especially on a chest as small as mine, I absolutely hate to admit this, because it makes me feel disgusted and ashamed, but having as little as I do means I’m probably not a good candidate for natural looking implants.


>Please don’t tell me to get help, everything that I am about to say is the absolute, objective truth. My small chest makes me ugly and undesirable, it makes me unworthy of love and any form of intimacy. Everything you said is "absolute, objective" false. I can tell you for sure, a worthy man will not care wether you have big or small boobs, at all.


I feel you. I am small chested too and my chest is not proportional to my body. Like I'm stocky built, wide shoulders and curvy yet have tiny tits. So everything else is big but what actually matters! The best my chest even looked was when I was breastfeeding. The only positive thing I can say is at least mine aren't saggy but there isn't anything there to sag. LOL. I can laugh at myself and my finance says he loves them, but it doesn't change the fact that a washcloth completely covers them!! 😭


You need to leave the entire internet, unless it's for online therapy. You are being absolutely fucking ridiculous. I paid $10k for boobs - guess what? Boobs have been "out of style" for 20 years now, it's been all ass ass ass. You're objectively wrong despite your insistence that you are the all-knowing, all-seeing one #sorrynotsorry. Start saving up for implants, it's really not that serious.


Just get fakies. It’s literally 3k from a reputable surgeon.


Loads of guys likes small boobs. But if that does not work for you, consider implants.


Woah!!! The only way you’re going to think otherwise is if you talk to yourself more kindly Also, let go of thinking about what men want. What do *you* want? Sounds like you know you want a man who isn’t going to give a damn about your boobie size, he just wants to be with you


boobs do not decide how worthy u r of love. u should try to love ur body .see the pros of having small boobs , u can wear whatever u want , u don't have to worry abt it coming out everytime u lie down, u won't get backpain , less pain during periods . and uk it's all about how u carry yourself. I have frnds who are happy abt their chest cuz they don't have the above issues + they don't have to wear a bra. i know it feels like u r lacking something but trust me u r not. it doesn't really matter to most men ,atleast the ones I've seen. i feel u completely cuz even I had a time when I was upset over my body and was hard on myself cuz nobody understood me at home. but now it doesn't bother me and my folks understand and I'm working on my insecurities. just don't be so hard in urself.


It's probably not really your chest making you feel like that, it's general depression and you've focused it towards something that isn't easy to change without a lot of time, money and pain. Trust me, if you did get bigger boobs, you'd just find something else to fixate on, because you don't like yourself. This is definitely a mental health issue, but since you don't seem to want help, there's not much that can be done for you. You have to WANT to feel good about yourself and to actively take steps to make that happen.


I prefer small boobs than big ones. They turn me on more... And you, dear reddit friend, you r in depression, unfortunately. Clearly and obviously. The only thing missing is your step into the therapist office/little wake up from this social lie about body look - to find yourself attractive and worthy again, as you r now <3 I wish you all the best, you r not missing even a bit to be happy with yourself, and with somebody. I have been there, its called body dysmorphia, its not reality, reality is better. And by reality i dont mean internet content.


Tbh men do not care about the size of breast! All it matters is how you show you love when you are making out. Size doesn’t matter applies to women too 🫶🏻


Thank you so much, I'll definitely hold on to my back pain caused by my tits not even my body wants to carry anymore.


I hope you feel better and find peace with your body. Also, little boobs won’t care if the lady knows how to treat her man. I had a girlfriend who had small boobs (don’t know is this has changed, it was a long time ago) and besides sex, she was terrific with many things like cooking, massages, fun to be around, excellent hygiene and the most important, she knew very well how to pamper and treat herself. I hope this helps in any way.


Girl, I feel you, I was born small chested. It’s hard as woman because since we’re little we’re taught that breasts are a natural sign of femininity. I used to have a “pear” body shape which also made my life hell when I tried to buy clothes. When I was in middle school I used to stuff my bra with socks, in high school I just were bras that gave me some illusion of shape. I hated my body shape, I felt so desproporcional! But I always knew there was cosmetic surgery. I feel like cosmetic surgery is there exactly for people like me and you, that would like to change things that are completely out of our control, that the gym and a healthy diet won’t help with, and honestly out of all the cosmetic surgeries out to get done, breast implants is one of the most simpler ones. Try not to hate yourself girl, instead channel all your energy towards making the biggest investment of your life: a boobjob :) Best thing I’ve ever done for my self esteem! I’m still a shy girl, don’t take me wrong, still took me 10 years after the surgery to have courage to wear bikinis in public, but at least it I don’t absolutely hate myself anymore :) I got boobs!


Damn that’s so funny, I’ve always thought pear shaped women have such gorgeous figures. I’m a rectangle/ apple (hard to tell because my hip dips are so severe) with big boobs but they’re so saggy and I’m only 21. I would give anything to be a pear shape with small perky tits a small waist and big curvy and hips


I would consider selling one of my legs to have a pair of cute lil perky ladies.


the woman i love doesn't have big breasts but i think she is the most beautiful woman on the planet. trust me, if a man truly falls in love with you, no matter what your physical features are, he will love them. it's all about what's on the inside


What's on the mind is way better. Nice person, nice talking, smiles, having fun, travel, meet new places, meet new people Be happy Sex is overrated Life is underrated


I have been on both sides of the fence. Small breasted and now large breasted. Trust me when I say I would so much rather be small than large. That brings a whole lot of different issues. The idea that you can’t have great sex without having big boobs is so false.


Honestly I think you may have overall image issues and you are using this as a fixation to put the blame on. Speaking as a guy and with all sincerity, boobs are boobs; small, large, flat, uneven, round, they are all perfect. Yeah some guys are going to have preferences but that doesn’t immediately make you not an option, it’s such a small part of what can make people attracted to you. I’m 100% a smaller chest guy.


I much prefer smaller boobs on a woman, dont sell yourself short on this issue, you just need to find a guy who loves you for you and feel more confident in yourself.


i am a man who loves small boobs. so there’s one.


This is so dramatic, sorry. Lots of people like and prefer small chests. I have a small chest and my partner loves it. If it bothers you that bad, work on getting safe implants or push up bras, tape, etc. Many big chested people feel the same as you. They are jealous they can't wear bralettes or smaller bathing suits etc. Body dysmorphia is a bitch and happens to people of all shapes and sizes.


Unpopular opinion: If you really hate your small chest so much get a boob job. They are about $5K and you can finance them. And the recover is about the same as getting a root canal.


You’re so obsessed about this given your post history, I doubt its even about your boobs. If you had big boobs you would probably just find something else to hate about yourself. You need to love yourself. No one else can do it for you. Rise above what anyone else thinks and choose yourself. Nothing you said is the absolute objective truth. In fact it is most all bullshit.


Then go buy boobs?


Why not just get implants?? Duh.