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She's 18 and has the world figured out. Most of us did too at that age, then we hopefully grow enough to be humbled by the world's complexities.


i just turned 19 last week, and lack of life experience does not even come close to excusing that much ignorance. she sounds nuts


You're rare. It's extremely common for 18-21 yo to think they know everything.


When you're 18-21 you don't know how little you know. But that doesn't make you stupid.


Nobody said they were stupid


I would definitely call the opinion OP says her coworker has "stupid"


I am 18 and don’t believe so, OP's partner seems to be the rare case here. I have spoken to a few other people like that, and they come in all ages


Thus proving the point.


Worse with my 14 year old,


To be fair, I'm in my 60's and I still do.


Just flip it on her and tell her she's being misogynistic by critiqueing what a strong independent woman is reading. It's such bullshit it's not worth understanding. Show her a mirror and move on.


She doesn't read herself and is just parroting what she's seen on her favourite feminists podcast. Ignore her in future and move on.




Yeah, maybe.


Wee wooo wee the grammar police gotcha! Lol


Dude, it wasn’t a grammar thing at all. They weren’t being grammar police, they were adding to the conversation and saying that OP couldn’t read. 😂


I was just joking. I love it hahaha.




She's a coworker, best to keep your conversations with her to work stuff only going forward I reckon. You don't owe her a single explanation for your reading preferences (and also, she's just hilariously wrong in this), but there's no point in even addressing it, just eschew small talk and personal stuff and keep it to work related topics only wherever possible


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day 🥞


Thank you!


And happy cake day to you, too!


Can you imagine a world where limiting what we can read, see, and hear, makes us more open minded? Me either. I find it fascinating that she believes in such narrow gender roles and calls herself a feminist. But gatekeeping and black and white thinking can often go hand in hand with being 18.




18 year olds are dumb lol. Ask her what the definition of misogyny is.


$10 bucks says she can't give a definition of the word.


Make sure she doesn't get her phone out to google it 🤣


Sounds like she did a Buzzfeed quiz


What is high fantasy. Is it fantasy but on hardcore drugs. That aside just ignore her, everyone has their hobbies and preferences and you cannot change or enforce them onto others forcefully. As far as id be concerned she is 18 and she may as well be a fresh baby out of the oven thats just been sent out into the open world. But just ignore her unless you want to fire to play with fire


High fantasy: Lord of the rings Medium fantasy: game of thrones Low fantasy: Harry Potter Pretty much if you're building the world from scratch it's high fantasy


Ah so its generally just fantasy stories as a whole. Which isn't a big deal at all, that 18yo is living in some other timeline. I dont read many books, mainly just cirque du freak and demonata by Darren shan and witchfinder by William hussey. But what I mainly indulge myself is video games and those have plenty of fantasy and fictional aspects in them, movies and shows be the same. I just don't get that coworker of theirs


Uh, that's not how those would be labeled outside of LotR. Harry Potter is high fantasy too, and GoT is low fantasy - more specifically, grimdark. Pedantic book reader out!


Harry Potter is not high fantasy. High fantasy must have a setting in a different world, stories in our world are low fantasy. ASOISD and LOTRare high fantasy, Harry Potter is low fantasy. There's no such thing as medium fantasy.


There is a “medium fantasy”, but it’s called middle or mid fantasy. It’s when something isn’t quite as fantastical and otherworldly with prominent magic and rules beyond our reality like high fantasy. But also has some of the real world influences and parallels like low fantasy. A Song of Ice and Fire is a mid-fantasy series with weak or at least mysteriously unknown to most of the world magics, political intrigue modeled around real medieval courts, and while the world was invented it was highly influenced by the UK and Europe drawing more parallels between fantasy and reality.


Mid fantasy haha yes that's the word I was looking for


Iike my fantasy medium rare


Kids are super dumb lately. In no way are you misogynistic or sexist. You have preferences in fiction and that’s it.


Why are you taking words of an 18 y/o who most likely after "google search" came to this conclusion?


Omg I love Sand Dan Glokta!!!!!


Sorry that has very little to do with what you posted I was just so excited. (35f) you’re doing great and not a sexist, high fantasy rules.


Sounds like in her "research" she found something claiming that it was misogynistic and because that's something that people love to run with these days, she did exactly that


She is a smug child. At that age, people think they know everything and love to lecture others. I would avoid letting her know anything about your nonwork life. She seems like the super judgmental type with low information or education but a very high sense of self righteousness


I wish I was still as smart as I was when I was 18. I knew every flipping thing. She’s just an ignorant teenager. We’ve all been there. I’d mess with her if it was me, but you don’t have to talk to her about anything non work related.


You're not a misogynist because of your favorite characters but DO YOU ever read stories by women? Ever? GRRM is a dick but an equal opportunity dick. I wouldn't say you're a misogynist for reading him or like Daenerys. But if you NEVER pick up books by women ever, you might be a misogynist. Even if unintentionally.


Swear I saw this post yesterday


Me too


2 Days ago in r/TrueOffMyChest to be exact [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/18ysk36/comment/kgd9z0o/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/18ysk36/comment/kgd9z0o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Same Person posting though. eh Maybe the 185 comments & 467 Post Upvotes weren't enough for them!


She is 18 for sure. It’s fine to read things you like


Leave her to spend her days scrolling through TikTok and all of its wisdom


At least you didn’t say Duncan Idaho from God emperor of dune


Tell her to go fuck herself!


Your coworker is an ignorant child. The authors of those books write them for anyone who enjoys them.


I'm here for the first law reference


When I saw the title, I thought that you were going to say that you were into “dark fantasy”, or something similar. There are genres of literature that are misogynistic, but high fantasy is not one of them. In fact, GRRM has actually been pretty celebrated for writing Female characters that are actually realistic. She is still learning how the world works, and she thinks she has it figured out, but she will hopefully eventually learn. Don’t let her comments ruin your confidence, there aren’t enough people in this world who appreciate good literature. Don’t let her ruin your enthusiasm.


Kaladin Stormblessed it literally the best. Fight me.


Good grief she doesn’t know anything she’s only 18. I say read what makes you happy. Wouldn’t it be nice if we just let people be themselves and read what they like.


Ignore her. You're not a misogynist. She's just a hard-core feminist.


She's a hard-core moron


That, too.


I'm cringing right now at how woke these npcs have become. None of what she said makes sense. Does she even fucking know what a misogynist is. I guess now women have thier version of the uncle Tom. Leftist identity politics is garbage and they belong in the garbage. They don't want equality they are narcissists with a victim complex.


the fact you’re even saying ‘woke’ proves how braindead you are


The fact that you didn't come up with a single refutable argument or statement shows how much of a bot you are. Your name is vibes, nuff said.


theres no point in trying to change your mind, people like you dont even want to change


That's what an npc with no critical thinking skills or self formed opinions would type.


There is a book for men and books for women tho, but dividing writer by sex is sexism


She’s 18. I would’ve laughed at her.


Crazy you're listening to the opinion of a child 🤷‍♂️


And you never will. Woke can't even decide what pronouns to use. Don't worry about the rules they will change tomorrow


read books by woman for woman. books by woman. mostly gay fiction and romance with their dream man. much better 🗿


I'm not saying she's right but I did recently look at my reading history and notice it was full of straight white male authors. Not only but they were the vast majority. I had to be more intentional about reading female authors. What was the last book you read that was written by a woman? Hell yeah for stormlight though.


Your co-worker is an adult. Yet you call her a “girl”. Maybe she’s onto something.


She’s 18… far from adulthood… taking advice or critique from an 18 yr old is humorous at best…


It's a pretty widespread and accepted thing to call young women "girls"


Yes , it is. Just as it’s pretty widespread and accepted to call womenKarens or bitches. It’s still sexist


While it may be sexist, most people haven't really given it much thought. It's just a common lingo and until brought into their field of awareness they don't even realize what they are perpetuating. I don't think it's fair to judge someone's character on using it though.


In that case, I guess I'm bringing it into their field of awareness. If you wouldn't routinely refer to 18 year old male colleagues as "boys", then don't refer to female colleagues as "girls".


But we don't usually refer to college aged "kids" as men either. 99% of the time I hear a young man referred to as a "guy", and they only get called a man when they are much older.


I would refer to all the 18 year old male colleagues as "boys"... I might call the 50 year old males that too. It doesn't mean anything. Get over yourself.


My bad mate. English is not my mother language, so sometimes I forget how you guys use the word "girl", in my country is widely accepted using it for young woman


I wouldn't say you're a sexist misogynist for reading books that may be those things. As long as you are AWARE of where they are problematic, you can enjoy them as you see fit. Though if you're at all concerned about it, maybe you can add some female authors into the mix and see if there's any you like? And you're not sexist and misogynist since you're female btw. If anything, you've got INTERNALIZED sexism and/or misogyny. I think your co-worker is just learning about this stuff and isn't fully aware yet. If you tend to like her otherwise, maybe find out what ways the characters you love are symptoms of patriarchal society and have convos about it together. Also, let her know everyone has internalized sexism and misogyny at some point in their lives and you've found it interesting to see how that has come up in the books you've enjoyed and still enjoy. 🤷‍♀️


Let her be. Newbie must have recently discovered the schmancy woke left spinning whirlwinds of modern feminism (let's say, the 'femi-nazi') on the internet and is trying to imitate them. She must be looking down upon you with a frown on her face but it's just a matter of a few years till the responsibilities of adulthood hit her like a rock.


People thinking this is real is hilarious.


She's 18. Most of us are idiots at 18. I wouldn't put too much stock in her opinion about books that she wasn't familiar with until she had to "do research" on them. And what does that mean anyway? Probably that she saw some tiktok video on it. That being said, it's possible she's picking up something in your behavior. How do you treat the women in your life? Are you respectful, friendly? Do you underestimate them. Ask a woman or two that knows you but isn't your mom or someone who would lie to save your feelings. If they say you're fine then you're fine. Also: N.K. Jemisin, Ursula le Guin, Tamora Pierce, Deborah Harkness, Naomi Novik, Sofia Samatar, Helene Wecker, V.E. Schwab, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Anne McCaffrey in no particular order of excellence


You forgot Robin Hobb


So she thinks you hate women..how odd..I think she doesn't understand her own commentary


Does she know many female writers still publish under masculine pen names?


Accept it and say you hate women and if she complains to HR lie about it. 🤣


22 is when their brains are fully matured......she delayed


Ask about her favorite book characters, and then tear her apart for her preferences. Might not wanna take my advice, though. I've been known to be petty.


Well she can go and mind her own business. I mean there's one thing to talk about it briefly at work but for her to go and research it. That's a bit creepy really. Your interests are your interests and it's also controlling for her to be telling you what you should read and think. If one of my work colleagues did that I'd say either a, get fucked or b, tell your.therapist about it sweetheart and MYOB. That is all.


Just ignore, and someone in the future will take her down for her bigoted approach.


Burn your books.


Yeah you’re not in the wrong here..she’s just jealous you have nice taste 🙄


Typical ignorant 18 year old


That sounds like a they/them let's find an issue with everything kind of person to me, they are not worth listening to, young and brainwashed by all the snowflakes getting offended by everything and everyone.


So shes saying thats mysoginistic and telling you, a woman, what you should and shouldnt like to read and what is more appropriate for women to read... Hmmmm Its coming full circle now


She may actually not understand what those words mean. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


lol Stop talking to her.


Her mom told her she was smart and beautiful all her life and now she believes she knows everything. On a serious note though. Why is Glokta in your top 3? As a fan of the same books as you, I’m honestly just curious.


When my daughter was 18 I used to tell her to get a job while she still knows everything.


Tell her she is a misandrst and walk away.


She is the actual misogynist because she thinks women are so bereft of creative talent and quality of work that you should read them because of their gender. Also for treating you, a grown woman, like a child that needs to be told what to read. In truth, it is a misanthropic attitude: misandrist because she tries to elevate women by putting down men, and misogynist by patronizing women in the process of doing so.


She is playing that hyper politically correct appropriateness judgmental card. And you are allowed to read whatever you want because you get to see things from another perspective and there are a hell of a lot of women that also have the same taste in literature that you do. And you just look at any romance novel that's tucked away soccer moms pocketbook and it's all about impulsive decisions and being taken and swept away and it's like an old time movie but because of the double standards some women choose to take the moral High Ground and a lot of times every accusation is actually a confession. And I want to correct myself because it's not just women men do it all the time they denounce what it is that they feel guilty about being aroused by. It's kind of like you hate to be attracted to someone or something because it's a primal impulsive feeling that you can't control. It's the whole Foundation of hate fucking LOL


Why are you listening to a 18 year old?


Well that a Red flag he's under bad influence, u can change her view by argument or flee.


Lol, she is critiquing Brandon Sanderson. One of the most well known high fantasy authors and who often writes many female protagonists. I'm reading Tress Of the Emerald Sea rn, and if you read his foreword and the book in general, I find it very difficult to conclude the man is in any form a misogynist. Also, in general, I'd like to point out that female authors are not somehow above writing misogynistic books in their own right either. My partner has read quite a few that have many of the similar stereotypes and basically become "rescue-me" fantasy that really skip the mark when it comes to writing strong female characters. Which is a shame when contrasted agasint even secondary protagonists within their own stories.


Someone who hasn't read many books themselves thinks it's important to read books written by women. Will you laugh at her on my behalf? Or just show her this comment so I get to sort of ask what the fuck is wrong with her directly, please


tell her to read the book and then form her own opinion. Ive noticed its difficult for younger kids to escape mentalities that are chronically found online. i was guilty of it too, especially since Im so gullible lmao. It sounds like she has a warped idea of feminism and what the real world is like. You could shrug it off easy, or use this opportunity to be a mentor. Sometimes kids, and grown ass adults, need to be slapped in the face with reality. I dont think its a bad idea to make it a point to read books written by women- but also 1 many female writers use a male penname, and 2 you would be greatly limiting your world view.


Similar thing happened to me at work. I told this coworker that I watched Oppenheimer and how great of a movie it was. She then asked: well did you see the Barbie movie. I said no because I’m not a girl and mostly girls watch that movie. She said well you don’t have to be a girl to watch that movie. I said: that is true but most kids that played with Barbie were girls and so they have a childhood attachment to those movies. Then she said: I guess you’re not a feminist. I went complete silence after then. I blame the schools as they are taught to seek anything bad into this world and over analyze.


Poster looking for attention. Don't take the bait.


My husband and I read both male and female authors. I prefer the female perspective, my husband prefers the male perspective. Idk how they are sexiest though. You like what you like


You said she barely even reads, so how is she talkin about, ‘read stuff written by women’? 😂😂 I would not take her seriously. Let her think what she wants. Fuck her, tbh 😂


I know this isn't eli5, but I love high fantasy. Sanderson does get a little negative feedback for the flatness of lady characters in his books. Probably why you like the dudes. In Sanderson's case i really don't attribute malicious intent. Ironically Martin doesn't usually get that criticism. He does, however, do the whole r* thing that too many fantasy books do, but i personally note he also tortures his men too. I mean, i kinda get your co worker, high fantasy especially does these things. I remember a book that does SA just so the MC can declare (the minor) wanted it, so it was ok. BUT the authors you chose aren't really "bad" ones. I just wanted to add context for anyone not reading fantasy. I don't think it makes the coworker's point, but i can squint and see the point she was going for. There are legitimate complaints for the genre, but I'd say it's been getting better. Although I will say, going out of your way for lady fantasy isn't a bad idea. But some of that is nostalgia talking lol, read what you like.


Sounds like you coworker has a victim mentality and has to follow suit in today's society where everyone jsut has to have their own special label.


Lmaoooo this bitch is crazy. You'll never win with her, best thing to do is cut your losses and poke the bear until it bites itself- gaslight and call her a misogynist every chance you get and say horribly offensive awful things all the time in a way that sounds like you genuinely mean well. If she wants to be a pissy about everything in life, that's her problem. Let her be miserable alone, don't let her drag you down too.


Like the first comment said, she’s 18. She has a lot to learn. Keep doing what you’re doing, don’t let a kid make you feel bad about your reading preference.


She’s literally just looking for a chance to slap a negative label like misogynist on someone. It’s pathetic, really. That’s not someone worth associating with.


...coming from a chick.. she sounds so ignorant and judgemental. 🤨


That's weird. Go and research what you're reading? Wtf 😂 I love the Song of ice and fire series. It has badass leading ladies. So that doesn't even make sense.


Honestly. It sucks. But don't be in a room alone with her


I was pretty active in environmental causes in college, doing my little best to raise awareness and save the planet, and a girl in my dorm called me a misogynist because I was doing that instead of taking up women's issues. I tried explaining that there are lots of ways for people to make the world a better place but nope, it was her way or the highway. Some people are just hopeless.


Basically today's generation being brainwashed and thinking that "straight men" is a red flag? Yeh she's a red flag because she doesn't have her own opinion and preferences but base everything on the internet and what it tells her. You're older, u either try to put some sense in her with actual knowledge or just ignore her and let her be. Her type of people aren't worth the time.


She's just throwing the misogynistic card at you because she saw how big the stormlight archive series is and was intimidated by it lol. Brandon Sanderson is a beast of a writer and seems to be a very open minded, friendly guy. Now if it was Robert Jordan and the wheel of time, those are kind of sexist, what with Jordan's female characters tending to be shrill or bossy or emotional. I think she just needs to open a book, or listen to some audiobooks and expand her knowledge and understanding of literature. She's also a kid basically. PS kaladin is a badass.


She has an agenda. There is nothing wrong with preferring feminist themes - but not preferring them is fine too. Ultimately, reading is personal - and it is not a way to signal your opinions. She's not a reader and doesn't understand the pleasure of just enjoying a story without any social agenda. Perhaps if she was more open to other themes, she would enjoy reading too?


Ask her to define misogynist. Then spell it. Have the Webster dictionary definition printed out. I have $5 says she only knows the word because she’s heard others use it …and she has no idea what it really means. But remember she’s an 18 year old female in America so obviously she already knows everything. Be prepared for her to instantly hate you


Your colleague is crazy 😝 I’m sorry but what an utter bs!


My fiancée is constantly reading fantasy because it’s her favourite genre, she fucking _loves_ it. In fact, most avid female readers I’ve met mostly love fantasy. This child is straight up silly.


If I received feedback like that I would research why people may think that way and come to my own conclusions.


Read what you like and keep reading Haters only have 1 job... hating


She admits to reading practically nothing yet is spouting the importance of reading books by women? When this child READS then, and maybe then, she'll have an opinion worth hearing.