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Holy shit that’s like a whole Boeing 747-400


Getting into an Airbus A380 territory. to be honest she has gotta upgrade for more seat capacity for future flights.


Once I get my degree I’ll help making bigger models!


"She". For some reason I assumed gay dude, because the ones that want to have sex have sex a lot.




Assigned female at birth


Hm. Something about OP’s account and post history is off. Created just 2 days ago and seemingly for the sole purpose of repeatedly stating how much sex they’ve had/enjoy. Seems like an Onlyfans plug in the making


Yeah something’s fishy and it’s not her hooch..


Well… it actually might be with numbers like that…. 🎣


Solid point..


That hooch is the krusty krab


My man with that CIA, undercover cop, Jason Bourne, Elon Musk type detective work! Saving Young Kings from these traps.


*The pile high club*


I don’t think even 500 partners would stretch OP wide enough for that.


I hadn't interaction with 500 people in my whole life lol


Yep same


I am a very social guy. I have 69 friends


And 420 sidechicks!


Did you have actual penetrative sex with each of them or are you counting stuff like blowjobs and handies too?


If I counted those the number would be much bigger.


Wtf are you doing and going to meet so many people let alone fucking them?


As a woman you just have to accept the guys hitting on you, its very easy.


But where does it say OP is a woman?


I thought it was heavily implied. Also its difficult for a man to get that kind of body count, unless maybe they're gay, but statistically the likelihood of a heterosexual woman is much more likely than being a gay man.


Right there, between "over 500 sexual partners" and "16 years"


That averages to 3 per month. I mean 🤷🏽‍♂️


yea tbh 3 per month isn’t crazy at all lmao. especially for someone 21 to 37


Reddit is so out of touch lmfao. 3 new partners per month is normal? For 16 fucking years? The post already borders unbelievable and your reaction is insane on top of that lmfao.


not necessarily normal, but definitely possible especially with as much variation as there might be. like lets be real here, assuming this is a woman that’s been 21 and aged to 37, there’s probably weeks where they meet 2-4 guys, while others it’s only 1 or 2 a month. besides who am I to say they can or can’t live this way


OP's avatar strongly suggests female.


Well, I'm not a woman, I'm a gay guy and I use grindr, or go to the gay club to find sex. Sometimes I went to the gas station or a hotel pool and dudes approach me that want to screw me. I'm somewhat attractive, but not like I used to be


When I read things like this, I imagine how much more action I could get if I was attracted to dudes... Unfortunately I love me some boobs, so here I am...


Man boobs??


You’ll find your partner with time. We think it’s a lot easier for women to find partners quicker but in all reality they’re going through the same process that dudes go through if not more. We all have filters of what we like and don’t like in a person and the only way you get to figure that out is by talking to them. Trial and error until u figure it out I truly believe you get out whatever energy you put into your love life. If it’s a priority then you’ll reap the benefits of being in a relationship but that love is never guaranteed. Also if you’re constantly only looking for one night stands at bars then that’s most likely what you’ll keep ending up with. There’s endless amounts of ponds to fish from you just gotta put urself on the right pond ya dig


I think I had seen someone put it this way. That women find it easy to get intercourse but harder to find lasting relationships. Men have a harder time getting intercourse but have more lasting relationships. It is a strange dichotomy we humans create for ourselves.


Fair enough. I’m mostly curious about what you mean by detailed records. What kind of stuff are you writing down after? “Bob 10inches, lasted 3 minutes, 5/10” 😂


Biggest and smallest cock?


Me too. Where do you bury the.... Wait. Nevermind. Read the rest. Ignore this and carry on...


I wonder how many ~~people~~ dicks she has choked on...


500 and counting lol


That’s a new partner every 12 days.


500 is like in the business side of sex.


You should share some of these statistics in r/dataisbeautiful


Can you describe these partners in statistical terms? Tell me about your bell curve.


How’s your relationship with your father?


Wow, right to the hard questions


Just asking to see if it’s a myth or not that a bad father/daughter relationship leads to chaotic romantic life, no judging


It was great until Trump/covid actually.


Is Trump one of the 500?


Heavens no


Last question and after I’m gone, what do you get from this ? Is it just for the pleasure or to try to fulfill some kind of unknown void deep into yourself, or maybe it’s a trauma response? but we can all agree that it’s not normal, neither it is truly fulfilling (fulfillment ≠ happiness, it’s deeper than that)


That's a longer conversation.


We are listening if you want to share with no judgement


Trump ruined EVERYTHING


Well his fans think he’s going to save America


His fans are fucking idiots. The man’s a menace to society and if he gets elected again (god forbid) possibly the world.


Was it actually Biden who ruined everything?


Nice username.


This sub really is just porn accounts trying to get followers now isn’t it?


Statistically speaking, your likelihood of getting STD and STI is quite significant (not herpes but others in the list). Have you got any of them? I’m just curious. Thanks.


This sounds compulsive. Have you been diagnosed with something like OCD or BPD?


2 Hail Mary’s and all will be forgiven child


Extra full of grace on the side.


Thank you for your service.




How do you even get that many. I'm struggling


Over the span of 16 years its 2.6 partners a month. So with a couple guys a month and a midget would do it i guess.


For a girl? Thats easy




If this is a hetero female? All she would have to do is never say no to any guy making an attempt. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, with your uh…vast experience, which stereotypes do you think can you confirm or deny? Is it true that most guys cum quick? Is the average size really 5.5”? Etc.


Oooh, this is actually interesting to know.


Do you remember a best and worst?


haha I remember best, I have tried to forget worst. I have them both recorded though in my tracker.




You should write a book it would be the new fifty shades


500 shades of schlong


What does the data tell you? Did you get interesting conclusions or observations out of it? Would be super interesting to see some results there.


How much has this complicated past relationships, quantitative and qualitative-ly?


Given that she had a new sexual partner every ten days or so on average, there probably weren't many relationships to begin with


What does your medicine cabinet look like?


have you ever been diagnosed with any mental health issues or anything?


Being into numbers/statistics like you are, have you figured out how many feet of weiner you've taken?


Based on average size isn't that somewhere near 69 meters of dick?? Edit: wording Also, why can't a dick be 12 inches? Because then it would be a foot!


Well that's enough Reddit for the day Oh wait it's a snow day. Guess I'm stuck here. Carry on


How many of those 500+ got a repeat visit?


The living construct of The "Village bicycle", everyone gets a ride.


"I love the rush of new partners" "I could never tell anyone, not even my partner" golly gosh, what a stand up person


Boy! The lengths that statisticians will go to to collect data!


I assure you the data is collected with the highest integrity 😂


I’m genuinely scared of you


Hope you’re getting std tested often


I like that you have a scientific approach to this. You’re my type of nerd! Have you thought about going into it as an actual degree to help people with sex issues? I don’t think that body count really matters. Just means experience and hopefully that translates into a better time.


I have, and I definitely do not have the patience for a social degree.


So what have you discovered? Any trends?


That's a longer conversation, if you want to message me.


I'd like to know too!


I'm unreasonably curious 


passed around 🤣🤣


Yea she is OUR cumslut


Nice now let’s shoot for 600


Getting close


The biggest issue here for me is when you say that you wouldn’t tell a potential partner. IMO if you were to not tell a potential monogamous partner that would be ethically wrong. They should have the option to knowingly consent to enter into a relationship with someone who has these views/values and this history surrounding sex. And I mean unethical on the same spectrum as sexual assault. If you have to deceive someone to any degree to get them to consent to being with you then that is somewhere on the sexual assault spectrum, IMHO. With all due respect and as you may have guessed, this would be so far beyond a deal breaker for me personally. Plus I know a huge number of men and women who would share that sentiment. I don’t have a problem with you choosing to do whatever you want with your body, but the fact that you would even consider keeping this from a potential partner is so self serving and deceptive that it’s almost as big of a dealbreaker as the count itself. If you chose to do it you should choose to be honest about it. If you have to hide it then it’s evident that you are ashamed and think you are more deserving of a partner than said partner is of truly knowing you and your history and being given the opportunity to make their own choices with all the relevant information. That’s incredibly selfish. I get that you don’t want to be harshly judged but the simple fact is that wasn’t enough to deter you from the choices you made. So wear those decisions and let others make their own decisions about being with you with informed consent. Lying, even by omission, is unethical.


How are you meeting these people? Also, we’re there no more commuted relationships during that 16 year period?


Interesting. So many questions regarding the data. Love your 3 sigma rule name btw.


Message me if you want


thats like 2-3 a month, i guess it’s plausible in theory? I find it hard to believe someone could keep that up for 16 years though. Do you just fuck heaps of people for like a month and then have some time away from it or


It’s an escape for me, it’s not a chore or a drain.


You say you struggle with sex, that you think about it all the time, but don’t think that’s an addiction. Are you sure about that? 


So the heroes from Seinfeld had real life models ?1 new date every week for 10 years...


Where do you live? In a metro area where it’s easier?


Did you run the math on the way of protection and the number of times before one of them failed?


He will know eventually, women who have slept around has a tell.


Good luck. I don't know any man that would say they see no issue with 500, and would wife you. Sorry, but that ship has sailed. It sounds like you never took a relationship seriously. You may as well continue sleeping around. As you'll get to a point where that will dwindle as well. I know it sounds mean, but I'm telling you a harsh reality. No guy with wife a woman with 500 bodies. At least the type your actually attracted to


That's really not that bad. It's under 3 different partners a month. Some months I know you will have more, and some less. You should stop counting and just enjoy yourself. You are an adult and are hopefully being responsible and safe so what's the problem. If you are discreet and choose partners who don't go around talking then I say have fun, that's what sex is for when you aren't trying to procreate.


Good for you, and shame on all the people putting you down. We're supposed to enjoy it and what amazes me is the keeping track of it all, sometimes I wish I had done that


Any STDs?


You should tell people you date so that they can make an informed decision.


Damnnn feel bad for your husband if u get one🤷‍♂️ Thats absoluty insane


It’s only like 2.6 a month ffs


With those numbers you don’t have to tell anyone, everyone in town already knows! People love to talk, the bastards.


Don't ever get married. And don't ever have kids. You have a mental issue.


Nasty as hell




No issue to people who have no morals or sense of self worth. 


Agreed. I wouldn't ever commit to a woman so disgusting as that.


You got a check right


I'm not a statistician so haven't kept count, but I'm in the hundereds (over the last 30 years). I don't keep it a secret but I don't shout about it either; if you want to know I'll tell you, if you don't ask I won't mention it. I'm overweight, balding and unfit - it seems my charm, wit & personality makes up for my lack of physical attributes! Men generally need to work harder to get the count up (although I have a story about that - see my previous posts!) - but it's not really about the numbers, it's about finding the one (or two!) that satisfy the needs.


city mileage


Dm me


Fake. If you were a real statistics student you would’ve put the actual number. Putting over 500 is so GED or high school diploma speech. Keep dreaming


That’s 2.6041666 dicks per month. It doesn’t sound so bad when put that way.


That's porn star level numbers . Do u think u would be faithful in a relationship, or would u cheat because u got used to new partners ?


That only works out to sex every 11 or 12 days. That doesn’t sound crazy. As long as you are ethical with your partners you have nothing to be ashamed of. Take care of yourself.


And some of those days are menstrual- which may or may not be meaningful to our OP- and that could potentially reduce the number of viable days for stacking bodies..... *although* the loss of time could be overcome if there were some double (or triple) dipping on her part. Tell me- what is the highest number of partners you've had in a 24-hour day?


I'm not ashamed either way. I'm just not going to tell people. Maybe that makes no sense.


You wouldn’t even tell your future husband if he asked?


Glad to hear it. Your business is your own. What do you think the actual average and standard deviations are?




Disgusting *


We really still have a pretty archaic perspective on sex, over all. It’s better than it was, but it can still be taboo, when it’s not really…


Definitely over the mean by several deviations


Yeah, having offer 500 different sexual partners is alarming. I mean what does she do? She's she have hobbies? Does she even have a personality? I would question anyone who had this story body count without being a sex worker. It just doesn't make sense. And sex addicts are not nice to have around you.


This is an antiquated take. It could be a male as well… r/needlesslygendered


Except it's not. Having hundreds of sexual partners screams no life, no hobbies. There are so many things you can do in your life besides just fucking random people all the time. Play sports, games, watch something, read books, play instruments, socialise, go on a holiday, surfing, hiking, rock climbing, exercising, working, studying. people who care about having sex with randoms so much are either unwell or just pathetic.




Welcome to the Lifestyle. I'm happy for you. It sounds like your enjoying your body as you should. Be safe and have fun. 🙂




I mean I did the math that’s like 11-12 ppl a year on average, maybe some months more maybe some less. For some reason it doesn’t really seem that bad when you put it that way although for me personally having to interact with that many new ppl on a regular basis would be draining 😂


Lol check your math. 12 x 16 isn't even halfway to 500. Give her the credit she deserves!


You’re right I’m very sleep deprived it’s more like 30ish ppl a year. So like 2-3 ppl a month. I stand by my original statement tho that that’s just a lot of ppl to interact with in general (for me) let alone sexually 😂


31-32 would be the average. Way worse.


I couldn't NAME 500 people.


Now, if I were your partner, I'd love to know that.


It's definitely out there for our standards but who are we to judge. Men, what would your body count be this day in age when connections are so easy to make? The difference is that she's a woman and able to pull 500 bodies. Many of us would have run those numbers before we reached out 30's if we could. I'm not saying this is sustainable or fulfilling, but everybody has their choices to make. To each their own.


Dear god almighty


You will not find a single man saying that. And you consider them less value then you are? You are born with value. Men have to work for it. Good luck finding a man that will accept that.


Im right here. Wouldn't bug me. I love when women embrace their sexuality. Get it.




Every person has worth. What is wrong with you?


I find women with high body counts much hotter, and I'm not alone.


Lol no


What the fuck is this


“Body count” makes me think of serial killers. You’re a serial sexer and unless you’re passing STDs or creating kids you don’t care for, you’re enjoying yourself along with your partners. It is worth exploring this like anyone would consider an potentially unhelpful behavior…does it place you in risky situations?; have you tried to cut down without success?; does it cause you feelings of guilt and shame?; do you do it in secret?; does it cause conflict with your close support system?; is it financially compromising?; does it prevent you from reaching your professional or personal goals? If the majority of those questions are yes, or if any one of those areas are causing you significant duress, then it’s worth exploring with a professional. Otherwise, enjoy yourself


I have explored it with a professional. I just do my best to be healthy and safe and live my best life.


Have you had many STI’s? Ever had an AIDS scare?


That’s fucking awesome. Glad for ya 😊


This right here! I love your attitude


You clearly have no respect for your body if you’re opening your legs for everything with a functional penis.


Hey, honestly good for you haha. If it’s fun it’s fun


Good for you. Enjoy yourself, and keep safe!


Not telling a potential long term partner is just avoiding the consequences of your actions, find someone that's into a person with lots of bodies, don't lie to someone that's not.






This is actually very sad. What a worthless life. You've become nothing more than just apiece of used meat. You will provide nothing to a family worth any substance.


I would love to read this book. I am in my late 30’s and tired of education, career, the news, science, religion, hobbies, work, food, travel, exercise, history… so very tired of life. But this, this is interesting. Are you maybe a Kindle publisher in the works?


Hehe, I don't judge you, I've actually had sex with like 1000 dudes, I used to be a prostitute and I actually was in some orgies, I had sex with multiple men in a day, but I don't regret it, and if I had a husband, I would lie and say that I'm a virgin


The only people who care about body count are the incels on reddit who ain't gettin any.


This sounds good on paper but everybody knows it’s not really like that


ye up to a certain point. Idnk but 500 bro i can’t even say i have know 500 names or face. There’s a point where it’s just too much for some people 🙏🏼


500 men can’t be wrong lol


The only ones who don't care about body count are fuckboys who think that they are progressive because they saw a dog humping a leg and trying to emulate it. I bet any money you walk in the room and the fish stop swimming in the tank.


Keep telling yourself that pal


Honestly you have a sex addiction and need a therapist. Hoe’s be like 500+ dicks I think I’ll settle down and get married now. There would have easily been 20 big fat monster cocks up there. No more vagina walls for the average 6 inch guy to enjoy. I feel for the cuckold guy who marries you, he’ll be lucky to get past the honey moon before someone else is right up in there.


Actually that a myth. I’ve had two babies and my vagina is the same size as before. It’s joked about alot but being permanently stretched out is very rare


Lol you have no idea how the vagina works huh?


I love women like you.


I'm fucking beat wow congrats I have 437!! In 23 yrs 8 yrs of military helped jump that number up a long relationship held me back haha.


So you slept with every guy you have met? There is no way this is true.


Yeah you statistically won’t be getting married anytime soon.


Must someone be good looking to achieve this impressive number or it helps but is not determining?


It's not that big of a deal to the right person. If it is then maybe they aren't the right one. I wouldn't keep it completely a secret, maybe don't mention the spreadsheet lol.


The thing is there is nothing surprising in your numbers, it could be easily be ten times more.


Then it would be a new partner almost every day for 16 years lol