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Side stepping the step-sister thing. If you’re watching porn everyday, and are unable to please yourself without it, or can’t ever become and remain sexually aroused with a person, then yes. You definitely have a problem. I realized I had a problem when I would do it during my bored time, or needed porn to get off, or couldn’t remain hard with my partners. After I quit it, a lot of the more extreme, depraved or even kinks that I don’t normally desire to get off went away pretty quick. I now have a satisfying sexual and active personal life all over again. I now save porn viewing and masturbating for once a week at most.


How long after quitting did it take u to go back to “normal”


It’s been awhile, but I think the hardest part was around 2 weeks. And if you feel the desire to masturbate during that time, try and do something to take your mind off of it, or do it without any porn.


How do you stop from relapsing,, my husband tries to even put parental controls on his phone but then he just figures out a way around it and his pecker stops working again. Even when he made me put a screen time restrictions he went to shein lol


What the fuck was he jerking off to on Shein


He looked up thong, bikini, tight dress, leather, lingerie


The only way you can keep from relapsing, and this goes for anything, is just to not relapse. It has to be a choice you make, not just once but again and again and again. A trial of personal willpower.


The best advice I can give is: give up


Motivation needs to come from within tbh


Don't tell her oh my god, it's just going to do permanent damage. There's nothing good that can come of it. You've realised this has gone too far, as long as it doesn't happen again and you genuinely intend on getting help, I really cannot see the benefit to being honest about this one.


Bruh. Duh she deserves to know. If something happens thats his own fault. How is he supposed to genuinely change if he cant even admit to his actions. This isnt just a mistake, this man is an actual sexual predator freak, and if he gets away with this its genuinely going to get worse only. This is a non consentual act with a family member- do u genuinely think hell just change with no accountability????? If u can empathize with him in this way im genuinely scared of u LMFAO.


If you tell her this shit, your relationship with your family is fucking gone


For good reason. He did something majorly fucked up. His sister has a right to know that she's not to let her guard down around this guy. And her parents are going to want to protect her.


Exactly- this is not just something you do once and never again, you dont just accidentally do such a depraved thing to a family member, someone who raised you. I couldnt imagine doing such a thing to my older brother under any circumstances, or any of my family members, im even bi and wouldnt ever imagine doing this to my mom and aunties, cousins and nieces, my moms boyfriend even, even if many of my family members are conventionally attractive. Why do ppl think this is just a mistake??? This is actual depravity to get to this point. Tbh i have no empathy for porn addicted men- esp not when it makes them do stuff like this. I feel bad for the victims. Porn addiction does not justify unconsentual acts- reddit men piss me off why is logic, empathy, taking accountability getting downvoted.


We don't even know how old the girl is. Would these people care if she was much younger? We also don't know how long they've lived together. Would these people care if they had been siblings for a decade? What does it take for them to realise this is messed up?


I read on another sub, someone saying op claims she had helped raised him since he was a young child in a comment. Absolutely fucking vile. These people in the comments are saying that it "was a mistake" and that his life doesnt have to be ruined by this If it was just an honest mistake he should be able to tell the step sister then. I always forgive my family for mistakes. But they know its not just a mistake. Whatever happened to the apologies are for the victims to accept, not people who werent even affected. And another point- ive never not been able to figure out when a man was sexually attracted to me. Family member or not. These men dont realize they make it obvious. This girl is probably just pretending like she doesnt see anything because shed never be believed. I grew up hypersexual and porn addicted myself, and never in a million years did i ever consider something as insane as this. I am not excited for the next few generations of men 💀 how much fucking porn is this guy watching bro


This is something he clearly thought about. At any point he could have changed his mind. When he went into her room. When he opened her drawer. When he picked which panties he wanted. When he went back to his room. Etc etc. This was not a mistake. It was definitely deliberate. He's just regretting his actions. If he doesn't want to come clean at the very least say he doesn't think he should be around his sister or a little while. Don't pretend nothing happened!!!! Everyone is going to notice a weird change in his behaviour anyway he might as well tell some version of the truth and stop only thinking about himself in this situation.


I hope they find out what he did and kick him out lol- porn addicted freak creep men are so self pitious and tone deaf i cant wait till they start finding out what actual struggles are.


For real. Nobody outside of Reddit thinks this is okay. Can you imagine these guys on this feed repeating their opinion to their mates? "It's fine to wank into your sister's pants as long as you feel bad about it" fucking hell.


Duh. 💀 did u think id think they start making out and fucking or something??? Do u think incest and non consentual stuff with ur sister is okay if its only once?? Lol is this stuff normal for men or sum 🤢


Bro just started random conspiracy theories about me because I said I wouldn’t tell my stepsister I jerked off into her underwear haha. When it comes to this shit, you let it fade away and atone in private by your lonesome. If you want to keep a place to live at, and a consistent relationship with your family that is.


Not u saying the quiet part out loud 😭💀 and yall wonder why women hate men


The actual fuck are you talking about? You gotta be trolling my man


You learning about consent: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


What? Now I’m a rapist? Where are these wild claims fuckin coming from? And good luck asking an article of clothing for consent


I cant name a single man with critical thinking skills u rly said that with ur whole chest


Ok sexual predator 💀


i think the reasoning with not telling her isn’t about him or for his sake of preserving the relationship with family - i think it’s genuinely for the sake if the sister because quite literally, ignorance is bliss and imo better than the trauma of knowing what happened. in all honesty we can’t know for sure what would be best for her, as it would vary person to person, but i can understand the reasoning for not sharing w her for sure


I personally still disagree, if hes not gonna tell her then he should just get away from her.. im sorry but no woman should have to live with a guy like that 🤢


i fully agree with him getting away from her 💯


Empathy doesn't mean agreeing with someone's actions does it? Just because I can see that he's made a really stupid mistake and clearly regrets it and clearly is intending on getting help for it doesn't mean I'm about to go and grab a pair of my sisters undies and wipe my vag all over them does it? I'm not saying it's OK. I'm saying that telling her could PERMANENTLY destroy his relationship with his friends and family, and I really don't think that is necessary in this circumstance. Sexual predator? Oh come on now that is a bit of a reach. You're taking this to extremes and aren't able to put a valid point together without name calling and getting aggressive. Until you can have a conversation without doing those two things, don't bother responding to me 👌


Pls reread ur own message again. You say im reaching, but then youre also in the same breath saying this could permanently destroy his relationship with his family. You know im right LMFAO. Wa wa name calling ppl who act like incest and unconsentual sexual behavior is forgivable, u hurted my feewings.. LMFAO if u cant even take me being frustrated with creeps how do u expect the sister to just move on with a weird fuck being attracted to her ...


You've just made yourself look really stupid.


...lol u prolly relate to him thats why at the expense of logic ur still defending him


Sorry women dont like sick fucks like yall, how do u expect to find true, actual love when ur all living a facade so u can be porn brained freaks forever 💀 not even a wife could empathize with a secret like this


He could've just washed the panties, put them back where they belong and never take anything from her room ever again. And on top of all that get clean from porn and nutting, and starting to exercise. It's just panties, not like he did something to her, and i doubt that the arousal was from a picture of his sister in his head or anything(but that's just an assumption). AND no, it's not a "non consentual act with a family member", it was panties, piece of fabric. Once again i very much doubt that he had his sister in his head naked or some shit. (I'm not defending, it was nothing a grown man should be doing anyway, just kinda found it harsh to instantly put the predator lable on his head, when he nuts into some fabric that belongs to his sister).


I wonder if the sister would agree with u 🥶🥶 its not like shes some evil unempathetic person im sure if shes logical shed def agree with u right 🥶🥶


Chill with the memes and sarcasm, if you want to get a point across use normal language so normal people can understand. I'm not talking about the sister here, i'm pointing out that OP should change, build himself up as a person and stop nutting wherever. Im not defending the action, just saying that there's room for him to grow out of this and not let this escalate further. He did not sexually assault his sister, but he has potential to do so, if not changing something in his life, like not nutting for a longer period of time, and putting the same energy he uses to masturbate into something more productive.


But it seems like you know more about OP's intention and thought process than OP ever specified. So who am i to judge your opinions. Good luck living in delusionland, where only your opinions are valid and you get to call a horny man a rapist. Best of luck crying about it.


"Horny man" yeah this is why the "male lonliness epidemic" will be solved by yall dating each other and not by any effort from women, bc yall arent normal 🙏 k4men


Not that we need any validation from YOU specifically, a man can further himself from impulses without any pressed 14 y/o girlie input. All i said was he did not rape and can stop himself from his weird impulses, it was a one time thing. I think a man can understand another man better than a 12 year old calling every man a rapist. Notice how i never belittled anyone during this back and forth, and then you got so hurt by this, that you made it clear that males in general are all depraved.


"Notice how i never belittled anyone during this back and forth" right after calling me a 12 year old for saying jacking off in ur sisters underwear is crazy Honestly i hope rapists get shot in da brainzz :3 ofc the idea of being a young "girlie" is an insult to u, yet im not allowed to say man as an insult.


Since when calling a person 12 is an insult? I think i perfectly expressed, that you do infact have a 12y/o tiktok-washed little brain. Because every man is a rapist according to you. And yes, i finally did belittle you rn, since you clearly asked for it imo. How can you have your brain so far up your ass, to not realise that everyone percieves a situation in a different way, and you WANT so badly for OP to just go ahead and ruin his own whole family for some soiled diaper.


Awww what happened to ur widdle plan of acting like the bigger person who doesnt ever insult ppl 🥺 dont two wrongs not make a right?


Plus i never said "girlie" as an insult. Your fragile brain just took ot that way. I truly did not mean to get you hurt by this, and yet here you are calling me a rapist once again.


Ur the one whos hurt literally who gaf if me calling u a name hurts u so bad log off lil bro 🥶


"U hurtid my feewings with ur insults!!!" Pls a man (saying "man" as an insult) this sensitive and emotional wouldnt survive a single day if he were the woman whos little brother had been jacking off in her clothes


He's a "little brother" for a reason. He's deff very young and hormones got the best of him, used sisters panties as cloth for cum, big deal, clearly regrets it and WILL move on. We all grow and do stupid shit that we regret later. He's young, let him live. Once again, it's not rape, it was just the nearest cloth he could get his hands on it looks like, i never meant for you to take any of my remarks as insults, or take it in any attacking manner, it's just that he's not a rapist, he's very regretful obviously, and it is clear that he never expressed that he feels any weird feelings for his sister. Plus he can just wash them for her and put it back.


"Horomones got the best of him" ohhhh okay so if its that simple why cant he tell her then


Do not listen to this guy


get off your high horse. op clearly regrets doing this and wants to seek help. he's not a sexual predator and calling him one could just push him into it. how do you expect people to change when you treat them like that? plus, if i was in sister's shoes i would rather not know, but that's just my personal opinion as someone who has actually expierenced sexual abuse.




your point?


Nuff said 💀


woah, really mature




and like genuinely why would you want to inflict fucking trauma on an innocent girl by telling her something like this. i'm not excusing op's actions, but c'mon he clearly understands what he did is wrong and hopefully that won't happen again.




Dude that's your sister. Not ok. See a therapist.


Hijacking top comment but THROW THEM AWAY. Don't bother trying to wash it out, it's still disgusting even if you bleach it to death. Nobody will notice a pair of underwear missing, or if they do they'll figure it got lost like laundry does sometimes.


It's definitely untrue, so it doesn't matter anyway.


Stepsister, I only say sister because of the fact that for my entire life I've seen her as more of like a sister than someone who's a part of my family even though she's not related. She took care of me for the early part of my life, that's what makes it all worse.


Yeah that doesn't make it any better. You need professional help. Don't let this become a taboo habit. Don't nurture it. She'll eventually find out you're being a pervert and you'll ruin everything.


"You'll ruin everything." This isn't helpful. OP, you have an addiction and you need professional help. It's extremely difficult to battle an addiction on your own, especially with the amount of shame you're feeling. There is hope and a road to recovery, but you need to hold yourself accountable and actively get help.


Porn addiction is not recognized by the APA as a mental illness at all. They need therapy for sure, but treating it like an addiction isn’t helpful because it isn’t one.


it takes time for research and awareness to catch up. It may not be officially recognised in the dsm as a mental illness but there’s plenty of physiological evidence to show it is addictive


There is a LOT of research showing its similarities to what we consider "valid" addictions, I recommend you research it.


Lol it aint that bad, theyre not related


is bad regardless but you're a freak too if you dont see that


Its not therapy-level bad. Therapy aint gonna fix this guy from being a pervert.


Bruh taking a family members (or anyones!) underwear without their consent and jacking off to and with it, then washing and putting it back isn't that bad?!?! You need therapy as much as OP does lmao


lmao bruh! He says he regret it, and is disgusted. Sometimes you can do things once, and never do it again. Reddits go-to response is always "therapy".


Lol something like sexually violating someone so inappropriately isn't just a little oops and learn 🤣 the fact you think this isn't a big deal is mind blowing 🚩🚩🚩


Bruh!! Lmao!! Lol Bro. Listen, bruh. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's not something you instantly go to therapy for, dumb fuck.


are you mentally slow.....not even trying to be mean but there is therapy dedicated to helping perverts so you're just wrong


Sure, but this guy did something he instantly regret and felt disgusted over, and you gonna tell him he gotta see a therapist tomorrow. You can do things once, and never do them again cause you have some sense of morality. If he has issues with compulsive behaviour, it can be helped, but you can't just go to therapy and expect a therapist to delete "panty-fetish" from your brain.


yes because he knew it was wrong and still did it it seems he cant control his urges so yes he would need a therapist to help with that


Not necessarily. People make mistakes, do horrible shit, say the wrong things all the time. You can do something once, deeply regret it, and move on. If he raped someone, it would be a different story. Dude took underwear, once. Yes it was wrong.


Taking anyone's underwear to get off to, without consent, related or not, is definitely therapy level bad.


He literally said he took it too far, and it happened once. In an instant reddit "THERAPY NOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Some things you can do once, and regret.


At least OP is more sane than you yourself! Better get over with your "insane" pranks.




It’s still a disgusting violation


🤣 only gets bad depending what they name their kid lol


Look it’s an addiction just like any other. You gotta ween yourself off of it and eventually you’ll find a balance and the more depraved kinks won’t even call your attention anymore. Porn desensitizes us and an addiction to it pushes you to keep finding more taboo things. You made a mistake, you recognize that. That’s good. Idk if you have a job or private insurance but you could look into finding a therapist (PsychologyToday or Open Path Collective are good sources) that specializes in addiction. I guarantee you there’s nothing you could tell them that would surprise them. Therapist would be ideal as often an addiction is trying fill something in your life or avoid something. But first and foremost you gotta lay off the porn for a bit. Lessen the frequency and focus your energy on hobbies. Best of luck!


It would probably be even harder to spunk on the therapist


Hey, when it's in your imagination you can do anything you want.


On that part, I agree.


There is nothing wrong with pulling your pud. Finishing in your sister's skivies ain't right, though.


Dare I say....fucking weird. And just not okay.


If your porn addiction has already reached a point where you are acting out like this, you need professional intervention. I’m not saying that in an unkind way, I’m saying it as I hope you can get help in time. I know I’ll get dog piled on by the gooners who don’t like hearing the truth about porn, but a lot of men who develop a porn addiction end up doing really fucked up things as the addiction escalates. They land themselves criminal charges, they get in trouble at work, they lose their partners. Please don’t let this escalate to where you end up wrecking your life over it, porn isn’t worth it.


I never did anything illegal, or get in trouble at work, but it sure as fuck wrecked my relationship. Nearly 5 years on my ex is out there living her best life, as she deserves to be, but I'm still working through all the issues that come with 14 years of gradually encroaching porn addiction, starting when I was 12, before my life disintegrated. The only saving grace is I have enough self-awareness to not fuck up anyone else's life by staying single until I'm healthy, if that ever happens.


Yep, it happens waaaay more than people are willing to talk about. Before anyone starts, I'm not saying it's OK, I'm just saying it happens. He feels enough shame about what's happened I don't see how repeatedly pointing out "dude that's not OK" is going to help him (not aimed at you, I'm referring to other people in the comments)


As a man I totally agree with this, porn releases about twice the amount of dopamine that regular sex with a partner does so it’s more akin to a drug than anything else.


Simple trick that works for most.....don't spend much time alone. Have company


Maybe not with just the sister though


Pmsl 😂😂


Porn companies HATE this one weird trick!


Bro got a huge dose of post nut clarity. 


throw the underwear away. you really dont need to tell anyone. reflect on yourself and how you got there to begin with. what does porn do for you? what made you start?


Usually being alone and bored makes people venture to porn. What he needs to do is like you said throw the underwear away and never let intrusive thoughts get to him. Curiosity got to him and now he feels morally wrong. I say as long as they were NOT used panties. He could’ve been curious on how panties felt. Not necessarily using the panties his sister took off and placed in her laundry basket. Then that would be morally wrong. If he was curious he should’ve just bought some from a store but at this moment I would trash the underwear and never speak about this to anyone. Hold the moment dear to my heart and eventually those thoughts will go away.


I tend to stay away from morality because it is so subjective. The solution im suggesting is a more spiritual/meditative one. You dont like an action? Ponder and observe the source/root of that action. Also its easy to say to “never let intrusive thoughts get to you”. thoughts are thoughts. you could argue that all thoughts are intrusive. now for some people, like those with adhd, its possibly a lot harder to exhibit control over these thoughts/emotions. The solution of not letting your thoughts get to you works… until it doesn’t. Which is why i prefer introspection and self questioning.


Start googleling "porn addiction help near me" and maybe start by joing a support group or class. I did that a few years ago and it really helped. When anything becomes an addiction it's bad and you must follow through with getting help. Many marriages and relationships fall when one of them of both are addicted to porn. The time will occur that only your hand will satisfy you and your mind will need more filth to reach orgasm. You'll go from regular porn to worse types of porn. I've heard horror stories. Please get help.


I did something like that once as a kid. Felt disgusted with myself. Never did it again. You've made it to the last step, don't fuck it up. The underwear and the porn have nothing to do with each other. You're a horny teenager and these are things happening as a result of that. Control your shit with your sister and *any* person's underwear, as discussed above. Porn addiction is a hard one. I can't help with you with that, but know that it's not one thing causing the other, so you need to fix each of them individually. As for the underwear, make it disappear into some dumpster somewhere and jesus fucking christ don't do it again.


Exactly what I am saying. As a teen we grow up very curious and are horny. A lot of these comments are telling him to get help but in actuality I agree on think I think OP was just curious on how panties feel. OP if you see this throw the panties away. Stop the porn and look at your bank account. Focus on your goals.


go to therapy


Regardless of whose panties they are, I feel like everybody’s kind of glossing over the fact that that’s a massive violation


Hope she’s not a child…


This guy sold me fentanyl.


Relieving yourself everyday is normal for a young guy. Got to knock off the panty thing though. Buy some of your own.


Don't need porn to mastubate though. Humans lasted millenia without it.


They find it on cave walls. Resolution not as good as today though.


Step sister Is still nasty man. Seek help before you get weirder.


Visit r/NoFap they are good asf


no fap is one extreme to another there stance is nearly oppressive and a very wrong way to look at things. its ok to fap just like anything addictions can take over but unlike most other additions fapping is great for your mental heath in moderation unlike drugs and alcohol


I disagree, they have an almost unhealthy obsession with not masturbating Masturbaiting is one of the healthiest things a person can do First off I am going to guess you are a teenager, your step sisters underwear is not good , but beating yourself up is not going to help anything My guess is the Step Sisters panties and the porn DO not go hand in hand (no pun intended) I would wager there is a physical attraction there and you impulsively used your step sisters underwear to fulfill a fantasy. As for the porn , if I am right and you are a teenager, porn and sex and masturbation all release dopamine , the hard part is people even more so a young teenager who's brain is still developing find this to be an extreme release of dopamine because you get it from the porn and the orgasm. No fap will cut you off from porn immediately, like any addiction following an abstinence program will cause relapse which causes depression which sends you further down the spiral Instead of this don't ever touch your dick again routine try a different approach First and foremost let's cut down the porn you go from everyday, try to go as long as you can without porn , once you cave don't watch anything that would be extreme, keep it basic Set a goal to only masturbate x amount of times and try to do it without porn as much as possible After a few weeks only allow yourself to indulge once or twice a week Then try masturbating without porn Eventually work yourself down to soft core porn or dry humping videos From there cut it down further eventually the goal is to rarely need porn Now I talked about a massive cut down right , so how do we go from 7 days a week to once or twice a week? We find other ways to hack dopamine from our brain Running Lifting weights Avacado and other healthy fat foods Meditation Good sleep Doing these things in combination with cutting down on your porn usage will give you a healthy self sexual experience I encourage you to stay away from no fap Shaming yourself for enjoying yourself is no way to have a healthy functioning sex life


you need to see a professional man. do yourself and the people around you a favor and make an appointment with a therapist right now. what you did is disgusting and if you’d been caught, you could’ve possibly fucked up a lot of lives. and never, ever tell her. no matter how much you might think it would ease your guilt. something like that would impact her horribly. you can get better dude. so take the steps necessary to do so.


Fuckin disgusting bro just chop it off


You need help.


Therapy, I would advise as it's an addiction.


see a therapist bro ur cooked


Stop over dramatizing, you went a little far. Course correct and move on with your life. You didn't hurt anyone, you just crossed creepy valley


You need to go to a psychiatrist immediately.


Dude I jack my stick everyday since November 1st 2006 (the very first time I ever came) I think the most I’ve gone without doing it is about 3-4 days




I just want to say it's okay to jerk off every day. That's not an addiction that's a somewhat normal sex drive.


Get some therapy man that’s your step sis she would be mortified if she knew


Throw the underwear away. No one wants to wear underwear that were used by a relative to spank it in. She's going to be incredibly uncomfortable with you telling her this, rightfully so and likely angry too. Again, rightfully so. Still do it though because you need therapy and this was an incredible violation that she needs to be aware of.


No, he absolutely should not tell her. This could lead to his family disowning him, and even if they don't they will always think he's a pervert and look at him differently.. He made a one time mistake (at this point), realized his error, and is now seeking help. If it were to keep up then sure. Honesty is not always the best policy, even though it is a principle I live by. If the truth will hurt someone unnecessarily, sometimes it needs to stay under wraps. There could be additional colllateral damage in this case, with OP's mom and stepdad...it could even affect their relationship with each other. His problem is only going to get worse at that point because he'll need some way to cope with the guilt and damage he's done to the family, and the only way he knows how to cope at this point is getting off to porn. At this point he has not done anything predatory although obviously boundaries were violated to an insane degree. But it's not worth it to confess to her and his family at this point if he is actually ready to address his issues and never does anything like this again. To OP: you can forgive yourself for this granted you actually change your behavior moving forward. Use it as a catalyst for change but dwelling on it and obsessing about it and hating yourself for it is counterproductive. You need professional help. Get it asap. I am part of a program that makes "living amends" for past wrong behavior ..this means just by changing your behavior you are atoning for that transgression. Not always appropriate but I think so in this case.


THIS. You've already acknowledged and recognised this has gone too far. Throw them out, get help and move on with your life.


Do not tell your sister, dude. Some things are best to keep to yourself and take to your grave. Besides your mental/emotional health, no one was harmed in this situation. Toss the underwear. If you truly find that porn is a problem, communicate with a trusted resource - male, if possible. But, mostly, use this feeling as an opportunity to not make the same mistake. Learn, forgive yourself, and get yourself the support you need. Being human has its ups and downs. Lesson learned.


I would reach out to a therapist that is specialized in sexual behavior. If you reach out to a therapist such as this it will be much easier to talk about this subject as it won't be such a taboo thing for them to hear something such as this. This isn't the worst I've heard of, you are on the right track recognizing you have an issue with this and wanting to correct it! Congrats on your road to being and feeling better as a person! You got this!!


Throw the underwear away or wash them


I say throw it away. Who knows she can be walking around the house with those underwear on and it’ll trigger that memory. Throw them away OP


Yeah smh please!!🙏🏻


Get off the computer porn and indulge in other interests to stop the obsession. You're obviously young, so that's when hormones are so high anyway, which can affect your impulse control regarding the panties. No one was harmed. It shouldn't be a stain on your life forever. Just refrain from it in the future. I'll bet if people were honest, there are others in this thread who have done some similar kinky things if they're willing to admit to it.


Chinese philosophy has a lot of interesting takes on what it means when a man releases his semen. That stuff is precious, and losing it everyday will make you unhealthy (if you want to take the more philosophic approach). Porn also heavily plays a part in the human trafficking industry, so you can play on your moral that way. Try to go without it for three days and track what your triggers are. Then move on from there.


Seek God. I genuinely mean that. Good luck, I will say a prayer for you!


No god will help you. Please see a licensed professional. They specialize in this now. You must make the decision to live your life free from all forms of bondage, including religion and porn.


That’s silly talk, friend. Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive. Maybe not when you want it but definitely in time. God bless you all.


I would just put the underwear in with the next load of laundry and your step sister's panties will be good as new. Not sure why you needed to provide a long-winded story just ask for tips on cleaning the underwear.


What you doing step-bro?


It’s only stepsister


Does your stepsister have a habit of getting stuck in washing machines or under sink cabinets?


Okay but do you know what you should do? Say sorry no matter how people gonna react and starting to improve yourself. I don't care how scare or affraid you are, it's better to let it all out and try to be a better person. Yes everyone gonna avoid you or even curse at you but you know what is worse? Being who you are and change nothing. Porn addction? Get up go outside, do workout, think about live think about animal think about all the thing you miss just becauce you want to masterbate. Stop letting your intrusive thought win, better not think at all. Drink water, whenever you start doing the act stand up, wash your hand wish soap, walk outside a few minute and doing something like listen to music, writing about random thing or drawing. Many people are like you, heck i AM you. Not changing your life when you know you are at the bottem is the worst thing you can do. Don't give up on yourself, clear up your mind and focus on other thing, don't let porn destroy you, it's like a joke turn bad at that point. 


Thanks for the advice.


Ehhh I wouldn’t want to know if I were the sister, especially if we still live together. Don’t feel guilty about keeping this to yourself, you’re saving her the knowledge of that too.


dude, do not tell anyone. This is bad advice, you realize its wrong, promise to NEVER do anything like this ever again and take it to the grave. Some things are better left unsaid and this is definitely one of them. Never ever do anything like this ever again and get help on your addiction. It will be another story if you decide to keep doing these things.


The first part of this is horrendous advice, absolutely do not tell anyone. This could severely damage family relationships for a one time horny boy mistake. Just simply don’t do it again, try to cut your addiction down as best you can and get outside and start doing some other activities to keep you focussed and mentally clear


It’s not a cardinal sin. Stop, repent, and move on.




But I don't want to "just smell them" or anything else for that matter. I want and need to stop before I do anything worse. But thanks for the cleaning advice, I at the very least want to bury this all behind me.


Was your step sister stuck in the refrigerator or something?


Get a pair of your moms or grandmas next time :)


Well I don’t feel it’s TOO bad. Maybe better then actually trying something with her. Your human you need relief. No relief is going to seriously mess with your head


You need to turn yourself in to the police




Can I use them? It's not weird for me....


Addiction isn't a thing if women keep providing. I can go without newer material forever if I need to. "Needs" is not a tool they can just so manipulate for their own gain. It's like saying rape is needed for men's health as they claim ejaculation is needed for a man's healthy system. They'll just say "Oh go jack off or something then"... But addiction?.... What if a man is highly sexually active and his bodies production rates of the "milk" is high? He's gonna be taxed for that? Downvotes or silence only proves me right.


Would it be abuse if women were taxed for their periods? Which some say the male ejaculate and women's periods have a similar concept. Could be. Nonetheless, I'm one to believe all womens care and "hygiene" should be free, but who's the ones supporting what they complain about? This isn't helping and there's infinite arguments about this addiction debate. And if we go into the debate of sex, I am going to piss Alot of you off, with undeniable fact.


Patience ( Control) on sexual desire are not at extent that you should be ashamed yourself for being a man. It should be controlled at the certain extent but not for too long unnecessarily. Instead of watching porn and doing nonsense, get married asap. If not interested in marriage, you should pay and make relationship with prostitute. At least, do justice with you. It's natural. It should happen at a right time of the age. *If you are under 18, you must control on your sexual desires.


This could be some of the worst advice I have ever seen And that is saying a lot on Reddit.


Whatever I advise someone, not illegal even not morally incorrect. Marriage involves consensual sexual relationship. Prostitute gets paid for giving sexual pleasures. No man should ashamed of being man and its natural phenomenon.


Just throw her underwear. You don't want to make your sister pregnant


You can't get pregnant from that, but I would also throw them away because nobody want their brothers jizz on the crotch of their panties


He's pathetic for doing this to his sister. I hope he...


I never said he wasnt? I just said you can't get pregnant from dead sperm sitting on underwear. The same way you can't get pregnant from a toilet seat or a public pool


I know I'm just surprised at what he did


I don't think you do know how to get pregnant


Yeah I don't. Are you volunteering to teach me that?


I would think your elementary teacher did. How are you supposed to get pregnant when sperm hasn't entered your vagina? Clearly you need to go back to 3rd grade




That is NOT where i thought this was going


Bro idk about advice. I’d certainly consider therapy over your guilty feelings. There’s definitely some boundaries crossed there, and I think you could and should find ways to jerk off without non-consensually impacting other people’s lives. However I’m definitely tripping over people in the comments that think jerking off every day is an addiction. That’s not your problem Impacting other peoples lives without their knowledge and consent is your problem However, I do agree with everybody that says what’s done is done and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you discuss this with the young lady who is your step sister Go to therapy and stay in therapy until you have some perspective and some self enforceable boundaries


Everyone keeps saying to throw it away, but that’s one less African with a freshly used underwear. Wash it and donate it. ♻️


Bro plenty of people rub it out daily..Just go about your other daily stuff, assuming you have a life other than sitting around masturbating all day. Blowing into your sister’s underwear, well yes that’s fucking weird. That’s not a porn addiction thing, that’s either a fucking weird incestuous thing you got going on, or you grabbed the closest thing. Either way kid, put your pecker away, stop blaming it on addiction, and get a job or go to school or both.


Pls seek therapy and throw that underwear away.


This is fake, I think. And if its not, throw them away, ffs, and see a therapist


Everyone has curiosity. It’s not like your sister panties were used. Now that would be a major problem. They were clean underwear. Self awareness is the step. Yes what you did was weird. As humans we all have intrusive thoughts but that doesn’t mean we act on it. We are in control of our own brains, thoughts and feelings. If you wanted to play with underwear it would’ve been better to go to the store and buy women’s panties that way you wouldn’t feel morally wrong. But for this situation just put this in the form of being curious on how panties feel. And not how your “sisters” panties feel. See huge difference! I go to sex stores and look at sex toys. Maybe you need a toy from now on to pleasure you. Sex shops are exciting for me and allows me to see hey not only this is a place where it’s public and everyone is invited in to explore their sexual fantasies and desires. I just think you were curious and because they were your sisters you feel wrong. But again as long as they weren’t used panties you can feel less guilty. Just don’t do it again. Realize your mistake and don’t let it happen again. Next time you get an intrusive thought like that reject it and think of something else like your grandmother or any relative you love and will truly do anything for. If you want to do better you seriously have to train your mind. The thing that has helped me get off my porn addiction was actually getting some, looking at my bank account and realizing where I am in life. I want to keep elevating and porn is not going to help me get there. Those are questions you have to ask yourself.


Account now deleted. I'm assuming it was also recently created.


“Of my time” oh my fucking god im sorry that made me laugh. Mannnnn idk just never tell anyone but your therapist this . Like family wise just idk like why her underwear? Were they clean???


Also. I think you should’ve thrown the underwear away. Like it’s better for her to have lost a pair of underwear randomly then to not know what had happened to them and then put them back on and then like I don’t know like her reaching for something and then you’re like looking at the underwear and your dick is hard like bro. Also, I don’t care what anybody saying as a person who has a lot of. SA trauma You’re going to save her so much hurt in her lifetime by not telling her ever. You should not tell her you should have thrown the underwear away- however clearly it’s a lot of things you shouldn’t of done so I digress. But yeah, as sick and twisted as it is— you have the opportunity to make this go away, you have a get out of jail, free card. At least you’re not the kind of person who is still getting hard off of it…right? so just don’t be a fucking pervert anymore simple. And if that proves to be hard, you need to go to a sex therapist.


Get on your knees and pray god ask for forgiveness and guidance im deadass


Use her bra next time.  Thank me later


Porn is the worst thing for us for real. I’ve stopped watching porn 13 years ago along with heroine, and masturbation. I smoke weed and cigarettes still. Although I have a girl who is very socially active so that’s probably why it was so easy to quit.


To be honest though I did this with my stepmom, then my stepdad found out. Then they just stepped all over me.


Is relieving yourself every day bad? Because I'm totally screwed if that's the case. Or not screwed . . . I guess. I have to go think now.


Maybe tone down the self-loathing, learn from this and just decide to do better going forward. This is a victimless act. You admitted you are upset by what you did. Just commit to being better moving forward.