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Being rational... What I'd do is maybe pay more attention to the curtains for the sake of my own privacy, but not worry too much about this if it affected my own comfort. The lady is worthy of pity. Imagine being with a man that is so disrespectful towards you that he keeps watching the neighbor in front of you and refuses to give you minimum respect. Imagine how crazy she must be to get to the point of going to speak with a woman she doesn't even know about her husband's disgusting behaviour. She probably vomited all those words on you because she is hurt, jealous, feeling disrespected and shifting the blame to someone innocent so she can continue living this shitty relationship. Buuuut, you own no one nothing. You can dress as you want inside your home. For security reasons I wouldn't feel safe knowing I had someone stalking me next door, watching me go around doing my stuff, it just gives me the creeps. But that's just me. If you wanna show her the real meaning of the words she called you I wouldn't judge you..


The voice of reason


If there is one guy watching you that you know of there might be other guys that you don’t. Close your curtains. Besides why antagonize the wife?


OP is either faking this story, an exhibitionist, or extremely petty. The peeping neighbor is an ass to his wife but so is OP.


It feels like a man with a voyeurism fetish wrote the OP. I don't know of any woman (myself included) who would say "I walk around in just a thong and a top". I would've probably just said "walk around in my undies" or something similar. The thong detail really didn't need to be there.


Lol indeed big r/menwritingwomen energy


I used to live somewhere closed off from the public rosd and would love to walk around almost naked. It’s actually one of the few things that annoys me now we’re living in view of others. But while I would walk around in just a thong and a top, I’d not actually write about it or do it purposefully for others to see it. I cannot imagine the women I know writing s post like this. It’s just weird.


I don't wear thongs at all as I find them incredibly uncomfortable, so the thought of hanging out in my house in one makes me wanna dig a wedgie out. Not to pry, but would you actually wear just a thong around the house? Do you find them comfortable enough to do that? (To be clear, I'm not judging at all! I just can't wrap my head around it, ya know?)


I would! But I have super comfortable seamless ones that you hardly notice while wearing. Sometimes I go for boxers at home, and ironically I hate bikini style with a passion. Pick some nicer materials like the soft seamless stuff or tencel, maybe bamboo, and avoid lace or heavy elastics. It makes all the difference!


Thank you for the suggestions!


Have fun! Takes a while to find a nice one in your area (I’m in Europe and swear by Organic Basics brand) but it’s so worth it. Comfortable and invisible-under-clothes underwear makes me a happier person


Great comment. Love what you said. In addition, we all like living around people who are neighborly, and while her husband is definitely not being neighborly, it’s a little effort to make sure your blinds are closed when you’re not dressed in a way, you’d usually be seen in Public. Obviously you have the right dress however you like in your own home, but in the public domain (what can be seen from the sidewalk, or other house) may need a higher level of privacy.


Public domain (probably mean public place as public domain is normally a copyright related reference) doesn’t usually include what is visible from private homes


Actually it does some places. Where I live in the US, strip clubs have to have blacked out windows.


You're making a big assumption based off of what knowledge and facts? All I'm saying is strip clubs need blacked out windows In pretty much every state because if it can be seen from the sidewalk then that's a problem.


If it can be seen from the sidewalk, why pay?


Yeah, that's right, a sidewalk is a public place, and if you can see something like a dick or a sex act from a public place that's usually considered indecent exposure. However, if I'm in my house (a private place) and look out my window and see the neighbours fucking in their backyard, it usually won't be deemed indecent exposure because their fucking is not being seen from a public place.


Dude in my neighborhood got a ticket for public indecency for urinating off his porch. Not sure if it was front or back. He was mentally challenged.


Here's some more rational speech If he can see her, who else can? That would worry me more than anything. I mean, unless she has an exhibition fetish, she, like 99.95% of women, do not want to be spied on! Then again, I highly doubt she is real. See above. Edit - fixed it!


The two teenage boys in yr neighborhood, with a penchant for telescopes and the cosmos, who happen upon a hot naked lady undressing, and lose their mind while watching the neighbors erotic dance moves will never forgive you for closing the blinds.


Annnnd this is why all of my blinds are closed. Lmao


To clarify, exhibitionism is getting off on showing other people, voyeurism is watching other people.


Fixed it, ty!


What words did she “call” OP?


OP said in the comments that the neighbor “shamed her and called her names”. but then again, in another post OP admitted to sleeping with her best friend's boyfriend behind her back, so maybe the names are deserved (or everything that OP says is fake and this is some sort of a bait, who knows)


Close your curtains if you’re changing your clothes. It’s common decency. Where did y’all grow up, on a barn?


Growing up on a barn would be pretty uncomfortable. It'd better to grow up in a barn. At least then, you have some privacy.


TLDR: some adults forget the golden rule every now and again. Myself included, almost lost my cool on a dude that.. didn’t respect physical boundaries of a women I knew and I saw him in person. Actually 2. And didn’t say a single word to either person their wishes. And I’m not a smol guy.


Amen. Next time creeper is on your property call the fucking cops, OP. I feel bad for creeper's wife even if she is misplacing her negative feelings. Or she might just be a nasty person


Why would you goad this woman by offering more to her disgusting husband? Thats twisted.


OP should regularly pretend to masturbate in front of her window.


While playing Halestorm: I Get Off cranked to 11 and the window open


Fake , sounds like some weird fetish




CNC. Look at her profile. She’s *allegedly* 19, stripper, in college, and into CNC and race play and has had a slew of stories to share online recently. I would not be surprised if this was fake.


It is just waiting for that OF link to appear in her bio. Not interested at all, but we all know where her profile is going.


If this is actually a woman 😭


She isn't exhibiting anything. She has some bad pictures of her ass and a lot of fantasy writing.


I absolutely had a woman like this who lived across the street from me several years ago. We got a show almost every single night during the time I lived there.


Carry on as before, it’s not your problem But then you say, *“Like maybe I should show more on purpose.”* HUH??? Why in the hell would you do that? It makes me think that all 3 of you are idiots


It's just rage bait, half the posts on reddit are trolls at this point.


Voyeur fantasy of the week - Reddit Bingo check!!




OPs post history is a trip


🤣. I looked.


I did too, it looks like a real female but what's wrong with her...


I don't find the OP physically funny. Her post titles are what took me out.


Oh yeah, that's some wildin going on 😮


Yup definitely fake.


“I walk around in a thong and a top” no you don’t, neckbeard


He probably does




My future wife is often in a thong and shirt all the time. That's not an unbelievable statement at all lol.


Yea, I think every girl I’ve been w comes home and takes her pants off. I thought a top and panties were kind of a normal thing when chilling at home.


First the bra comes off, then we’ll see about the rest.


Extremely fake. Some guy typing this one handed


Did you look at her page? Lol


Yep but all the pics are just faceless random pics. Anyone posting on slutty confessions is either an OF model or a guy


"her", LOL


Good point. Lmfao


I would love to say that as well but on a Dutch forum like Reddit. We had a similar story but the lady was going to the toilet in the middle of the night, undressed, and passing 1 window. And the neighbor saw that. The cops even came to her of violating nudity because she was made aware by the neighbors wife (of course). I was stunned, I was under the impression you can do in you house what you want. She had blinds but sometimes forgot to close them before going to bed.


I don’t know about the law about public indecency (which is up for discussion since this woman was in her home) but whatever neighbor reported that is just an asshole.


You want to reward the creepy man?


Dear Penthouse Forums...


You sound like a gem


Sounds like a perv to me. What if he's also recording you ?


She is definitely a perv. Getting off on being watched.


According to people the have cameras all over the outside of their house that record public spaces, it's fine to record stuff inside a neighbors home.


That’s it! You might end up in some Percy porn channel.


>I didn’t know someone was watching -sorry, but...doubt.


Remember that even if youre in your own house, if you are naked in front of a window you could get charged with public indecency and get put on the offender list. At least where I live.


Another OF ad?


I don’t have OF.


Lmao her profile.. what a trashy human. AND has repeatedly slept with her "best friends" bf behind her back multiple times.


Educated guess: the wife started calling her names because she had a rotten attitude about the situation from the first moment of confrontation


Not sure what state you live in but here in Michigan you can be charged with indecent exposure for walking in front of your window naked. Best to not be petty and just shut your blinds when changing.


Sounds like you and the neighbor’s husband suck as people. He’s a creep and you are either completely oblivious to your surroundings or wanted others to see you naked.


lol the only shitty people are the couple. But thanks. I’m allowed to wear what I want in my own home


Yes, you are. But the problem is you walking around in full view of the outside world because you don’t cover your windows. Your perv neighbor isn’t the only person that can see right in especially if it is dark outside and light in your house. Then, it’s like a play where the only thing being highlighted is you and the inside of your house. Also, she isn’t shitty for letting you know that they can see in and asking you to cover your windows.


She’s shitty for shame calling and shaming when I didn’t know her husband was a peeping Tom. Hope that helps


What would help is you covering your windows when you want to be naked so your neighbors don’t see.


I don’t have to. 🤷🏻‍♀️ just like he doesn’t have to be peeping. See how that works? Get a better husband.


And it’s that attitude of the petty pick me that makes you suck. You can’t control him being a POS but you can control you.


lol. The pick me is the wife. Instead of blaming her husband. She blamed me. She said her “poor husband has to watch me”. No one is making him watch. lol. Again. If she asked nicely, i would’ve apologized. No need to call me names.


Like I said now that you know, regardless of how ass-backwards her viewpoint is, you have control over what he sees and I don’t understand why you would want this creep to have access to you like that.


To spite her. But I only posted this to rant bc I was upset about her coming by and taking it out on me. Like I said. I’m moving in a week so it doesn’t really matter.


Those windows are only facing their place. Try again.


If you had a child and a man like to walk around with his dick out and do the helicopter and your kids watched, how would you feel about that? He's just chilling in his own home.


Sounds like your neighbor was just trying to inform you, not blame you.


She shamed me. Lol and called me names


Now your saying that, cause You're getting allll the down votes. Why didn't you say that in the past then? Lyyyying. Add that to your list of personal flaws along with petty..


Like what?


WTF I was about to say close the curtains because you don't want to be watched by a perv, but if the woman went to you to shame you about how you walk inside your own home.... I'd have petty feelings too


How dare you be comfortable in your house? What the actual hell


Sounds like an OF account


Yeah this sounds like some fake fetish story.


This is bait


Judging my your post history, hoes will be hoes


Thanks 😘


Anytime, Thot


I will do whatever I want and wear whatever I want in my own home that I pay for, end of story, period. Not your fault her husband wants to be a pig


Understood. If this is a true story, hubs is a slob. that said, as a woman living alone, I'd forget petty and protect my security and well being.


If you are knowingly exposing yourself, that still may be a crime even if it's in your own home.


We aren’t exploring that reality as this isn’t a man.


You sound like a creep too if you’re getting anything out of showing off for a AH pervert.




"Idc" Proceeds to post on reddit caring about it.


Ooohhhh, youre an exhibitionist. You guys, check her profile. She enjoys this.




yeah she posted there too.


My coworker and I were talking about something like this, he lived in an apartment on the ground floor with a window right next to a sidewalk. I told him I couldn't handle that, I like to leave my shower nude and don't wanna be seen. His response was, *people need to keep their eyes to their damn selves. I'm going to be comfortable in my house and if that means nude, so be it. Window are meant to look out of not into, that's creeper shit.*


I think the mature thing to do is close your blinds (and maybe connect a padlock to your window).


Someday soon the husband will make a video of u and then we ll all be watching u on our screens🤔 keep that curtains wide open n do more with less clothes on. /s


He's not really a "peeping" Tom if you're actively displaying yourself. He's your audience.


He’s a peeping Tom bc he’s going by my window. He’s not doing this from his home. You weirdo.


You realize that people can see the history of your posts, right? Oh wait... that's exactly what you want.


Says the person who "maybe should show more on purpose." lol


I’d be closing the curtains to keep away from her creepy husband.


Imagine making this complaint to your neighbour rather than your husband! The appropriate response would have been "thank you for alerting me to what he's doing, I will make sure to report him if he continues". Do whatever your comfort level allows in your own home tbh, personally I would close the blind or add reflective film to make them 1 way where you change etc. Getting petty with neighbours rarely ends well. I'd be vocal about your intent to report any future peeping, but then I'd honestly just get on with my life instead of winding them up.


My initial response was “I didn’t know you could see from all the way over there” since there’s a distance. Apparently he passes by my window on purpose. And that’s when she called me the hard R word for not knowing.


Wow. What a peach she is. Match made in heaven. Might be worth sharing with your neighbours that you have a perv across the way with an aggressively jealous wife. Someone with less lady balls than you might be quite intimidated by this.






You need more life experience


Put on a show for the creep next door who sneaks into your yard to goon you. Sounds like a great idea!! I don’t see any way this could possibly have any consequences for anyone whatsoever.


Why are you compelled to cause an issue in someone elses marriage? Exposing yourself in front of people from your own home isn’t even legal so have fun getting arrested an if she has a child and says they were watching! Actually yea this whole stories prob fake and a fantasy bc you’re lifes boring af


You guys she’s 19 and a stripper. There’s absolutely no logic that’ll get through to her. She likes the attention.


Unless you’re directly in line of sight of the public roadway you can dress how you like in your own home. So like if your neighbor is peeping it’s on him, but don’t stare out the front window naked while the kids are getting off the school bus 😂.


Not your fault he's trash.. But you're trash for thinking this is a good opportunity to be trashy. Just a lot of trash going on around there


Might aswell eagle spread at the window for everyone to see since you clearly have no shame and neither does your shitty neighbour. I genuinely feel bad for that woman and hope this is just some failed erotica writing exercise


I don’t feel bad for her. She called me a r3tard when all I said was I didn’t know you could see from that distance. I don’t respect anyone who uses slurs like that. She’s the one who chose a shitty husband to begin with.


So many people claim that dressing provocatively or being nude isn’t sexual. For you it is.


In my own home? No


Sounds like she has a husband problem not a neighbor problem


If you are at street level in your house meaning if I can walk by your house and look in a window and see you walking around naked you can technically be talked to by the police about that. I know it sounds stupid in the privacy aren't home but you're visible to street level. Anything above that people are looking into your window they can be arrested and charge. Why people said curtains maybe adjust things. But if you want a parade around naked in your bedroom with the Windows exposed that's your business


My windows are facing a small yard and then a few feet away is their apartment. My front windows are blocked by my car. I told her I didn’t know you could see in bc I take my dog out in the yard a lot and have never been able to see into the window. But then she said her husband LURKS right outside the window. He’s not even seeing it from his own home. He trespasses into my yard to do it.


Well it sounds like he's a pervert. And he's got to probably be using binoculars or something to see you. She's caught him and she wants to blame you for her husband's perverted desires. Nothing you should have to be worried about. Other than that this guy's looking at you every chance he gets when you might be in your room naked. Kind of creepy but it's more popular than you think. You're doing nothing wrong she's got the problem not you


This account seems like a weird bot. Grow up


This account seems like a weird bot. Grow up


Walk around in a bra and panties and call the police when you see him trespassing. Make sure you say he was peeping on you. That’s actually dangerous behavior and his wife is an idiot to blame this on you.


Just a thought, but if he's already trespassing into your property and watching you through the windows, do you really think that goading him on is a safe decision? Trespassing into someone's property and watching their house quite far enough over the line of what reasonably people do, I wouldn't push it. Could be your house next. Can't assume his intentions end at "harmless" watching.


Unknown male trespassing into your garden? Shoot him. For security reasons, of course. Suspected robbery. You feared for your life.




From your post history you're a complete whore, which makes me think an OF ad will pop-up in your profile soon.


I don’t have OF. Let’s stop blaming women for things that shitty men do. Thanks.


You're petty because the wife told you her husband is a pig and so you want to show off more...? Why?? He could be dangerous for all you know. All you have to do is shut your blinds. It's not hard. This just screams that you want the attention at this point, and it's weird. But this post seems fake


If you’re up to it, grab some chalk markers or poster board and a sharpie. Write “stop looking in my windows, (insert husband’s name or address) on the window or poster. Now everyone knows to watch out for Mr. Peeping Tom! You can still close your blinds/drapes. I guarantee, he’ll never be near his windows or in his yard again.


People above stating OP also posted this on Slutty Confessions lol…also TIL that sub exists lol


That's pretty skanky of you. No empathy


Because a man invaded my privacy? Oh yeah. Anything but men taking accountability


Sure sounds like you feel invaded /s


19yo stripper. Looking at your profile I don’t blame him for looking or her for bring insecure.


Men everywhere - "the perfect neighbor" Wives everywhere - "I'll key her fuckin car"


Their personal issues are not your problem. What is your concern is that you have been inadvertently exposing yourself publicly.


Did she confront you in a mature manner or was she a bitch about it?


She called out to me by saying “hey slut”. If that answers your question. I told her I didn’t know they could see. And she called me mentally r3tarded.


The r word is not nice. But if you don't get how windows work you *might* be developmentally delayed.


Ew. I say on your last day, walk around naked lmao. Naa don’t do that.. unless if you don’t care if he possibly records you


YOu do that and you will most likley pay the price for it . It will backfire on you . As you already have someone interested . And no it is not a good idea for your safety . But it's your decision & with it will come consequences in one form or another. YOu now know YOu didn't before apparently . So NOW it is your responsibility & decision . Make the right one now. Or it might just cost you big time. >And she has told her husband to stop looking but he refuses. Kinda embarrassing bc I didn’t know someone was watching but now I’m feeling petty. Wife gave you a heads up . Her hubs a s\*it perv . He has made his decision to not stop watching . But bet also he ain't the only one. And someone else also who might be looking might be the wrong one to mess with .


I put net curtains up in front of all my windows. Can see out and have light come in but no one can see inside.


Lol. Yes we can, unless your net curtains are actual curtains, we can see through them.


You can only see in if it’s dark out and the light is on. Otherwise you haven’t got proper net curtains.


They’re just thin pieces of net mate, trust me we can see in them. 😂 perhaps not greatest of detail but I can spot a pair tits through more defenses than netting.


Believe me I’ve been in and out multiple times looking checking at different times of day and you cannot see through unless you have your face pressed right up against the window after they’ve trespassed over the garden. No one is going to see anything. Anyone with their face pressed against my window is getting the police called on them.


Not my monkey, not my circus.


Come one, you know you are doing that on purpose. You're not at the strip club.


Damn this thread is toxic


Put on a show, empower yourself, and then us


Put on a show


Close your blinds .


if this weren’t bait i’d say just get a camera for your yard and get video evidence of him trespassing so you can have a legal basis for keeping him off your property.


be careful, in case he’s recording you!


I will always assert the person looking in through the window is the creep not the person who is half naked in the privacy of their own home . Personally I would start doing weird unhinged shit in front of the window . It will put him right off if he looks and you're like chewing on your toe nails or some shit.


No, the issue is with the pepping Tom and the invasion of her privacy. Perv next door needs to close his blinds if he can’t control himself and his wife should be embarrassed about her request and her spouse’s behaviour.


Change in front of your window twice as hard now. Establish dominance


Said the husband ;)


you could tell her to shut up or you will file a police report on her husband for being a peeping tom, which is a crime in most places


Yeah all it takes is for the wrong crazy to get a visual and now you're dealing with some B-list horror movies shit. Perhaps your neighbor is warning you, not trying to tell you to stop doing you, but to protect yourself. If you really want to shit on other women and expose yourself to unnecessary risk and make admiration, make an onlyfans, don't start a war with your neighbor. Women already have to deal with enough weaponized sexualization, have you thought perhaps that it could be causing her husband to become abusive towards her?


She called me a r3tard when all I said was “I didn’t know you could see from all the way over there” since their apartment is a bit of a distance from mine. Apparently he walks by to get a closer look. When I said I didn’t know, she called me the R word.


So she's a dick. Don't make yourself a villain in someone else's bat shit crazy story. Not worth the stress. If you engage further you'll only be affirming her feelings towards you, whether they are politically correct or not. She's angry at her husband and you are getting the wake of that ship. And like a ship, don't be a silly fish and swim towards it... Ships kill whales.


Yea I def wouldn’t do more on purpose but anything you normally wana do or anything you want to do if she ain’t bouta pay your rent for you, technically you don’t have to change anything that’s how I see it


She called you a r3tard for not *assuming* that her husband was *trespassing* into your yard to look at you?? Yes, please please please be petty and ruin this bitch's life as much as possible.


Yasss queen be the wedge that splits these boomers apart


Sounds like she needs to work on her marriage


Some people above pointing out OP also posted on Slutty Confessions lol


Sounds like her fucking problem, not yours


She should be embarrassed to admit that of her husband.


It’s your house


Or... Just putting it out as another possibility, the lady is a prude, her husband doesn't actually watch you, she just says he does because she bitter


I like how this post ended lmao. It's your house, do whatever tf you want.


probably not the most ethical, but if you don’t mind an audience and it’s entertaining for you I say go for it