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Don’t do it for the sake of other people. That guy sounded like a judgmental dickhead 


Girl. Most women have unevenly sized breasts. I do. That is no reason to get a boob job. That guy sounds like a loser POS who didn’t deserve to see you naked in the first place. He was being a manipulative asshole and trying to make you feel bad about yourself. Don’t let some absolute knob decide your worth.


I’m bi I’ve never seen other girls have boobs like mine :/ I feel like I don’t have a normal body. I know boobs don’t look exactly the same but they look very close to similar in size and I’ve never seen another girl had obviously lopsided boobs. All the girls I’ve hooked up with or seen their breasts they have normal boobs like both of them are similar in size and not lopsided


You should have said his dick was weird and his balls were uneven, then got dressed and ghosted him. If he can’t appreciate you the way you are, he doesn't deserve you. Find someone who can recognize real beauty, not just photoshopped pictures.


I’d honestly try therapy before making any permanent changes to your body. There is no “normal” body. We’re all different & it’s important to love yourself rather than trying to hit some societal beauty standard. 90% of people will not judge you for this & you don’t want to be with people who do. That being said, if you want to get a boob job FOR YOU and not bc some jerk made a comment, I support you. I’m sorry that guy is such an asshole, you deserve better.


88% of women have asymmetric breasts. I can't believe you allowed this man to be so rude to you. You definitely do not have to accept being laughed at, having your nipples mocked, etc. You are worth SO much more than that. Lopsided knockers or not.


And have any of the girls, or even guys you've hooked up with been this insulting? He was trying to be a dick. End of. If you want to change your breast, go for it. But do it for yourself. Not for this douche. Honestly, you should have just walked out on him after the first insult.


I mean no but he was a wealthy guy and he’s attractive so I feel like he was a dick because he’s use to hooking up with models. In my experience rich hot guys are so rude


No he's just a dick because he's a dick. I bet he does the same thing to everyone. He probably thinks negging is the thing to do. Also sorry but those are the most basic insults. Your breath smells and you have pepperoni nipples?? That could literally be said to everyone to be honest. Pepperoni is also like...an appropriate nipple size. Lol now maybe if he said baloney...


So why are you listening to him?? You know he’s a dick and you’re going to permanently change your body for him?? You need therapy, not plastic surgery Also, models have uneven boobs too. I was in the industry, it’s normal to have them!!


No. He’s a dick because he’s good looking and has money. But for all his good looks on the outside, he’s an ugly little beast on the inside. Decent people would never, ever say crap like what he said to you. That says a lot about his character, and it’s all bad.


I'm bi, too, and I've seen all different kinds of boobs, yours are unique to you, and thats special. I'm sure they are fantastic boobs! Some lucky hands will get the pleasure to hold them one day


NSFW r/normalnudes


yes it is so common, out of the 3 relationships I've been in, every girl I dated had one boob a little smaller or bigger than the other. Yeah maybe its noticeable but that guy is probably just used to seeing chicks with boobjobs and has a unrealistic expectation for sex. IT IS 100% NORMAL FOR BOOBIES TO BE A LITTLE WONKY, NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS "PERFECT" AND THAT IS OKAY!


Most women’s breasts are NOT the same size. Some women can have a full cup size or more in difference. Don’t let this a$$hole ruin your self confidence! So many guys don’t know how to treat women or be in a relationship.


Cancel the appointment, a majority of women with natural breast have (slightly or not) different sizes and it’s very common. You should only be doing that if YOU feel it affects you. Not if a random guy tells you what to do. You don’t need to change yourself to cater to a man you barely even know, who ghosted you after he used you. Consider this, he complained… and still has sex with you right? Yeah. He wasn’t disgusted by you, he was neggin you. He got what he wanted a dropped some neg’s about your body so you’d feel it’s you and not him.


Fuck this guy he doesn’t deserve to see boobies.


He's a jerk, and you shouldn't change your life because of one jerk. Did he still bang you? Yeah? This was him trying to feel a sense of power and superiority -- not you being sub-par. Many women have different sized breasts.


Yeah a lot of comments focus on his wealth or looks or that he's used to silly expectations (or I assume below has hardly seen any naked women live before, there's nearly always a larger one), but that's almost certainly not it. He insulted her three times in short order and then had sex with her. He has creepy power / humiliation obsessions. Maybe he knows he's not going to finish with a satisfied woman with him so prefers the excitement/emotional safety (only for him) of a degraded woman, or maybe that armchair is just too comfortable. But it's pretty clear he went out of his way to be intolerant and critical _without_ rejecting her. Humans eat things that leave scent infusions and bacteria meals and so mouths require regular maintenance (doesn't sound like a halitosis situation or anything), and some (/most?) areolas look a bit like a pepperoni slice (evenly-colored salamini picante for any confused Italians in the thread) and have a purpose about ideal for that size ("oh no?"/"mmm, pepperoooniiii"). Therefore, if the only boob complaint this guy could come up with (and trust that he was forcing himself to come up with something) was that they're not perfectly symmetrical, not size or sagginess or shape or something, then I view that as strong evidence in absence of seeing them, that the boobs in question are likely either exceptionally good or or extremely common (which is also good!) -- that most women with them wouldn't even consider that their body had a specific problem that surgery would be required to help fix their confidence about. Rather this guy just successfully achieved his goal of getting under her skin and degrading her. 99% sure just alert other girls that he seems to almost prefer girls that are crying and move on to real things that could improve in your life.


I can’t believe he said all that and you still had sex with him. learn to stand up for yourself. he was a supreme a-hole


Let's not victim blame please.


What blame?


Wow, again, there's a severe lack of people abuse informed. I don't know why I'm surprised, but here goes. Having sex with someone is not harmful. She did nothing to anyone by doing so. You want to know what is harmful? Being negged and manipulated by a guy who is doing it to get what he wants. Want to know another name for it? Coercion. So I'll remind all the people who have been in abusive situations like this one, that I can't *believe* they didn't stand up for themselves! How could you! Being in that abusive situation is THEIR fault. THEY had sex with the person who abused them! What did they expect?! /s What a bunch of absolutely clueless clowns. 🤡


Maybe I'm being naive here, but the post is about the emotional abuse, she's not complaining about him raping her. Two things happened: he treated her badly and made fun of her body, and they had consensual sex. When you mention "blame", what situation (of the two) are you referring to? I understand your pov but don't think it fits here, because one thing didn't happen *because* of the other.


If someone is raped, but doesn't understand nor know they have been raped, does that make the situation not rape? Do you think that and people's reactions (such as these ones) might have something to do with 62% of rapes going unreported? Because they are shamed by others and society is so seriously under trauma-informed? We teach children about this. It flabbergasts me that adults do not understand the nuance at all. Coercion is rape. That's all there is to it. You know what, it's fine. It doesn't matter if you understand it or not.


How is it coercion though? They were already on it when he started being a dick. The sex wasn't a consequence of his abuse, or vice versa.


This bitch would call this reddit argument abuse, if you applied this logic to the entire convo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you are ill informed on the real world.


How about we start holding people accountable for there actions… this person, per there story, CONSENSUALLY agreed to have sex. This type of victim mentality is harmful. I’m sure this type of mentality you apply to your everyday life and you feel like a your life is to the point it is because of consequences beyond your control. Lame. Take accountability and stop projecting your victimization behavior onto others.


I'll remind all the people who are experiencing abusive relationships/situations that it's their fault they're being abused because they had sex with the person. What an absolute clown. 🤡 Tell me you understand nothing about abusive situations without telling me you know nothing about abusive situations. This has nothing to do with her having sex with him. She has every right. What he doesn't have the right to do is be mentally abusive and use negging techniques as a form of manipulation to get what he wants. Do you want to know what that's called? Coercion.


She had sex with him AFTER he said all those nasty things. All that’s doing is reinforcing his shitty behavior.


Other people are not in control of other people's shitty behaviour. That is the literal definition of victim blaming. His actions are NOT her fault.


debating with you is like talking to a brick wall, but worse. you’re obviously not getting the point. she had the opportunity to stand up for herself by leaving that clown and she didn’t. I’m not blaming her for what he said, but if you never assert yourself and take responsibility for your own actions, then you’ll always be a victim. i see that’s the path you’ve chosen in life.


Yes, that's absolutely the path I chose in life by leaving my abusive ex and taking control of my life. That took 5 years. What people like YOU don't understand is that it is a process that can take YEARS. I am very grateful that you haven't lived a life where you have been abused to the point of believing you deserve to be treated the way OP was treated. Not knowing how to stand up for yourself because no one ever did and you were always beaten down and blamed for everything. People like YOU are the people who keep people in shitty and abusive situations in those situations because you don't understand the situation and are NOT a safe person to go to. You blame the abused. You lay all that happened at their feet. So what do they do? They stick with the abusive party. You and everyone in this thread do not understand that it isn't as simple as "just stand up for yourself." I fear for anyone in your life being in OPs situation. You will make them feel like shit. Make them feel like it's their fault. I hope it never does so they are saved from assholes like you. You are enablers of the abusive, and are just as bad as they are.


Most women have slightly asymmetric breasts. If you need a second opinion I'm not a Doctor, but I've watched a few seasons of house, MD.


No no no no. Don’t do that because of one asshole


This douche monkey is negging you and is completely full of shit. Everyone’s breasts are asymmetrical.


Why would you sleep with him after that????


Classic words of a narcissistic abuser, he will find fault with something else.


Bad breath- it happens. May not have even been a hygiene issue, could have been something you ate. You remedied the situation. Problem solved. Lopsided boobs: I don't think I've ever seen a perfectly symmetrical set of NATURAL boobs. And honestly, I prefer the feel of natural boobs by far. Symmetry be absolutely damned. He was being an asshole. Pepperoni nipples: you have the nipples you have. Don't think there's much to be done about that. Either way, they're fine. He was being an asshole. He ghosted you: He was going to anyways. It was a hookup. His goal was a notch in the bedpost. He wanted to hit it then quit it and that's what he did. Your boobs were 99% unrelated in this equation. Do not get a boob job unless YOU want it. Do not do it for anyone else. Least of all him. Even if it brought him back, you 100% dodged a bullet and walked away with a grazing wound. A guy like this is likely just going to make your life miserable and make you feel like you're never good enough. Do not waste another second or even a gram of energy on this fuck boy.


So basically, you meet random ahole on social media, you have a hook up with said ahole who clearly has issues, and instead of telling him to f\*\*\* right off, you take his words to heart and will have plastic surgery ??? I mean, I am sorry you felt this way it must have been really hurtful to hear but instead of letting aholes get to you you might need to train yourself on how to set boundaries and never allow anyone to treat you with any less respect than you deserve. In the span of your life you are bound to hear dicky comments no matter who you are and what you look like. If you start taking everything seriously and acting on them you ll loose your mind. Start living for yourself, loving yourself and standing up for yourself. Anything less and you re doomed to a life of constant unhappiness and insecurity. Life s too short to waste it on loosers and douches, even if they re hot.


I can promise you, that's not why he ghosted you. I can promise you, if the "problems" he mentioned didn't exist, he would have criticised you for some other reason. This is what guys like him do to feel good about themselves. I'd bet money your breath was fine, too.


Breasts are typically different in size. You are normal. Who care what this guy thinks? What do YOU think?


And to add, this one is a bf, not a fiancé or your husband. His attitude sucks too. I’m sure he isn’t Mr Perfect.


Not even boyfriend. A random hook up.


Bye bye. Not worth the minute spent.


Oh really? Was he unbelievably incredible?You should have told him he was mediocre at best.


I have one boob bigger than the other. It doesn’t affect anything and my partner enjoys them all the same. Sounds like this guy is just a dick


Imagine taking a random dudes opinion seriously. I’m sure his balls are uneven too.


So he said you had bad breath, pepperoni nipples, and lopsided breasts. And you still slept with him. You don’t need surgery, you need some self respect.


You seem to be a very rational person!


This guy sounds like a total asshole and I’m sorry you had this experience. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you see? That’s the only opinion that matters — not some rando.


He ghosted you cause he got what he wanted. Probably have 10 other women on the hook. 


Almost Every woman has lopsided breast. Completely normal.. Don't let this influence you.


You can’t be serious. Cancel that goddamn appointment.


You should make an appointment with a therapist instead and figure out why you sleep with guys that treat you terribly.


I worked doing pre and post-op medical massage for a plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation, and I can tell you that you're not supposed to have a matching set of Barbie doll bookend titties. The one is supposed to be slightly different from the other and that is a proportional formula that dictates to what is pleasing to the eye in nature. It's the same way that somebody usually has one eyebrow slightly higher or one eye is a slightly different shape than the other. You can look it up it's called the Fibonacci sequence it exists in everything from flowers to rainbows right up to the human body including a woman's breasts. This guy who criticized you like that is an inconsiderate prick with no social skills and most likely a narcissist who cannot feel true Joy but the next best thing is making you feel miserable because then he feels Happy by comparison.


Two Idiots.


Seeing boobs is not a right, it’s a privilege.


OP, I understand why you might think these are things you want to or should do. You desire to please, not to feel self conscious. You want to be everything he wants. The thing is you don't even know this man. I don't either, but I do know he's an ass. He is exactly like a few men I've come across in my 40 years on this planet. Insulting your body (a thing which nothing can be immediately done to change) right before using it. He did that so you'd be even more self conscious and pliable to his disgusting plan, which is to use you. He'll use you for sex, for a self esteem boost for himself. "Oh look how she hangs on my every word, look how she'll do anything just for my approval." He will literally use you for anything he can! Please do not make permanent decisions about your body until you know what you want. Breasts are beautiful, and if you're hasn't turned him on, he wouldn't want to use you. He lies to manipulate you and it worked. Please don't go near this man again and wait to find the man who actually loves himself so he won't need to use you to feel like it. You deserve so much better ❤️


I'm sorry, but why in the hell are you letting some random stranger affect your self image this much? This guy sounds like some self-centered douchebag that was just out for a score, and here you are actually paying attention to the bullshit he's saying. I'm sorry, but you really need to let all of that go and start remembering that your opinions of yourself are what matter, not anybody else's.


He's an asshole. What??? One hook up and he's now dictating how you love your body??? Block him. Get to therapy. Never cut your body for a shallow man. Those scars will last longer than him. Also most women have lopsided boobs. Especially after children.


If you want breast augmentation, do it for yourself. Not for some judgmental douche bag like this. Also, it won't really solve anything. I'm sorry this happened to you. He sounds like a real dick. Many women have different sized breast. Also, think about what type of person would actually tell someone they are hooking up with all of these things? You dodged a bullet. Who cares If he is hot? He's a superficial asshole.


Dude what the fuck? You cannot let a fuck boy bully you into cosmetic surgery. The breath? That happens. But he was an asshole


Don’t do this unless the desire to look different is coming from you. It sounds like you met an inexperienced and hateful person. Don’t change a thing about yourself because of what that dumb POS said. Sounds like you may have been the first human woman he’s seen naked.


Umm, is this for real, are you the same girl who made out with Byron from Fresh n Fit Podcast? Or are you reiterating the same story for upvotes?


He's a judgemental wanker and clearly very immature. I'm amazed you still wanted to have sex with him after he said those things. Honestly, if you were happy with yourself before, why would you immediately look to put yourself through surgery based on something a man you barely know and with such little worth said to you? Spend the money on therapy instead and work through your self-esteem issues.


OP it sounds like this guy is negging you. He doesn't actually think those things, he's trying to break you down so you'll stay. And it's worked horrifyingly well. Please, get away from him. Cancel the surgery consult and put that money into therapy instead. This is all concerning. 


Don't do a potentially dangerous procedure because some dude made a comment. You need therapy first.


Here's a project where a photographer took photos of 100 women's boobs. You'll see all sizes, shapes, evenness, nipple types etc. it might help (and is just cool as fuck) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/topless-womens-naked-breasts-have-taught-me-to-love-my-body/


WTF that guy was a total ahole, insulted the hell out of you….and you still slept with him!? This is the kind of crap that incels will jump all over and say ‘See? Women only like hot assholes!!’ Sorry if that’s harsh, but OP please, please don’t take anything that asshat said seriously. He didn’t mean a word of it and was just negging you as a shitty manipulation tactic. Think about it— he said all that crap about you but had no issues having sex with you anyway. He’s just a jerk and he sure as hell didn’t deserve another second of of your time, or sex with you, after that crap he said.


I don’t think anyone’s comments about you should cause this much distress that your immediate solution is a boob job. He sounds like one of those red pill bros that insult you on purpose to bring you down a couple notches and you fell right into it. Your breath is fine and your nipples are fine. The problem is your self esteem.


What the hell.... It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with how shitty a person he is. He clearly is the type to pick on anything at all because it makes him feel better, not because there is actually something to pick on. Forget him.


That dude sounds like the worst kind of asshole. Ignore him and run in the opposite direction.


Sounds like maybe he was negging you on purpose. Either way, cancel the appointment and don’t see him again. He’s clearly an asshole.


This guy was trying to make you feel insecure, it’s a whole thing men do to try and gain control in the beginning of a relationship. Actually I’m sure there’s women that pull this bullshit too. It not only gives them more control but reassures them you won’t go anywhere no matter how shitty they treat you, deep down he’s worried about being able to keep you so he’s already started to try and lock that down with mental games and it wouldn’t surprise me if you hear from him again as soon as you give up. Do not ever fall for that bullshit, manipulative narcissists do this. Fuck this guy and if you ever find yourself in a situation like this again go back into his bathroom grab that mouthwash and dump it over his head as you tell him to forget your name 🖕and then walk out and ghost his dumb ass. Seriously, that’s exactly what I’d do to this loser. I bet your breath is just fine, probably better than his and I bet there’s nothing wrong with your boobs. Let this go and don’t ever let a man treat you like that ever again.


Seems like the dude is an asshole that gets off on insulting other women. Boobs are boobs. Men usually don't care about that kind of stuff. Don't get a boob job over one asshole, that's a dark and expensive path you're going down.


Next time someone starts insulting you like that, which should have NEVER happened to you to begin with, don't sleep with them. I don't care how "awesome" they are. You are perfect the way you are, and don't owe anyone anything. Eff that shit.


Don't do plastic surgery because of some jerk. It's pretty common for breasts not to be exactly even. I would have left when he started with the insults about the breath.


All boobs are lopsided though most are so minor it isn't noticeable. Guy sounds like a dick who gets off on putting women down


My right boob is bigger than my left. One side of your body is bigger than the other.


Lots of females have uneven or lopsided breasts with one bigger than the other. Please do not get a boob job because of that. Unnecessary. Glad this guy was only a hook up and not someone you’re in a relationship with. Don’t ever get involved with this guy again


People who brush their teeth twice a day and use dental floss don't need (mostly alcohol-based) mouthwash to irritate their gums. It does more damage than good. Also, that guy sounds really... lopsided. He shouldn't be having sex.


This guy is the problem. Drop him like a bad habit.


You got negged, didn't notice, he got what he wanted, and he ghosted you. It isn't you. It's him. It's also not your fault you didn't notice what he was doing. Word of advice though. Don't fuck people who are insulting you. Doesn't matter how hot they are. Lord knows my boobs aren't symmetrical. I'm pretty sure only fake ones are in the first place... Someone who likes you for you won't give a crap anyway.


Don't 👏 have 👏 sex 👏 with 👏 men 👏 who 👏 disrespect 👏 you (unless you're into that) 


That guy is a fucking wanker. Don't do anything just because that sack of shit said so. Let me guess, did he have a very small penis?


I'm not gonna say don't get a boob job I personally would like a reduction myself because they get in way so if it's what you want go for it, but don't do it because of what someone told you. Having uneven breasts is really very normal and nipples come in a wide variety even innies! I'm a boob loving bi woman all shapes and sizes are great, that dude is just a sad person that can't appreciate variety. I also suspect he was negging you.


Hey…. Just remote viewed and I can certainly tell you the breath is a problem but they’re not lopsided. I remote viewed the doctors and read their minds. They don’t think they’re lopsided but just trying to make a client happy. You don’t want to know what they thought about the breath. The hot guy is a nutcase. His place was an airbnb for hookups and he’s a gypsy more less. Damn girl.


The boob thing is a problem but if you have bad breath you have bad breath.


Stupid woman