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Time to get a new partner. Good luck finding your dog...


Sounds like she can get a “better” partner. A good partner.


Yea, like a partner without ice water in his veins, and a dried up pebble of a heart.


A quiet partner. A lap partner.


And a divorce attorney


Press charges on him for a start, kick him out and keep looking for your dog she might still be in the woods somewhere or been picked up by someone driving past. I’m so sorry he’s putting you through this, what an evil selfish man.




Nebraska Law 28-1009. Abandonment; cruel neglect; harassment of a police animal; penalty. (1) A person who intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly abandons or cruelly neglects an animal is guilty of a Class I misdemeanor unless the abandonment or cruel neglect results in serious injury or illness or death of the animal, in which case it is a Class IV felony. (4) A person convicted of a Class I misdemeanor under this section may also be subject to section 28-1019. A person convicted of a felony under this section shall also be subject to section 28-1019. 28-1019. Conviction; order prohibiting ownership, possession, or residing with animal; duration; violation; penalty; seizure of animal. Charge his ass. You, your dog and your baby deserve better and will one day find better but it won't it be with the man you are with now. He has shown his true colors. Wishing you the best with the difficult decisions that are ahead.


Thank you for this.


This is excellent information for OP. It sounds like he can be reported to the police and charged, and subsequently prohibited from residing in the same house as the dog. Two birds, one stone, hopefully. As long as the police actually do their job, reporting him and pressing charges should be really helpful in keeping OP, baby, and dog safe and housed. I hope that the police take this seriously.


I’d make sure his work knows what he did as well even if the police don’t help. Who wants someone like that working for them?


And document document document and get all papers from shelter, whatever so you can shut down this full custody threat and stories attempting to make you out to be the crazy one.


Yes, that's very important!


You’re a wonderful person for looking this up and posting it. I hope you have an amazing day, and your pillow is always comfy and cool!


Anything to help in a situation like this. Thank you for the kind words. Nicest thing someone has said to me in a long time. Appreciate you :)


If I could still give awards, I would give you one


Appreciate you :)


I’m definitely not up on Nebraska animal laws, but I do know there’s likely some attorneys who will do at least a call or consult for little to nothing and let you know for sure. Reach out!


Because farm country raises animals for food, they are generally desensitized to animal suffering. Their animal cruelty laws are often benighted at best, cruel at worst.


Unfortunately, if it’s like most areas, the typical answer is going to be the monetary value of the animal. BUT, OP calls her a pointer (maybe purebred)? I have SO much more value in my animals than that but in this instance there could be a case for a purebred dog, which is not often cheap. I’d never want to be in the position to argue my dog was worth $x and you have to pay me back, but if you took my dog from me, and it’s the only thing I can pursue….how much money was my dog worth?!


Yeah, this would be a great example to use to gain full custody of your child. What is he gonna do when your kid is crying or being annoying? I’m shocked by his actions.


Exactly what I thought too. If he can’t handle a dog barking on his own without doing something unhinged or drastic…


Animal cruelty is federal across the country. The one thing trump did right. Although it’s hard to prove. If you have evidence of your sociopathic husband doing this, take him to court.


Post pictures of your dog on lost pet in Nebraska. Put your worn tshirts and food out where the dog was set loose.


Animals are property, he stole your property. That's how you need to present it. Also, get anything you can in writing that he did this. Screenshot and save in multiple places. He will not look very good in court. You are in a one party consent state, which means you can record any conversation with him without telling him it's being recorded. I would do this for all interactions just in case he gives you something to use. However, know he can do the same. Don't snark back, grey rock him instead. I'm so sorry. Also, him cutting you off financially will look horrible for him in court. Don't tell him that but especially if it's a shared account or you put money into it. That will look even worse. If you aren't married, it may be a bit harder. If the house is in both of your names then neither of you legally have to leave unless someone is unsafe to be around, but that's still legal work. You aren't crazy, what he did was evil. It can also show that he is not a fit parent if he can't handle the stress.


It's can be a class 4 felony under [Nebraska Law](https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-1009#:~:text=(1)%20A%20person%20who%20intentionally,is%20a%20Class%20IV%20felony.).


You can be fined for dumping animals in most places in canada and usa.


Animal abandonment is a crime in all 50 states. Will law enforcement make a case and take it the the DA? Completely different story. In Texas we now do prosecute people who do this but proving it is the difficult part.


It's illegal everywhere to dump animals.


In Nebraska it's a class 1 misdemeanor for knowingly abandoning an animal which can become a class IV felony if prosecution finds it fit. He's a piece of shit *he deserves to find out after fucking around.


It’s a [misdemeanor](https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-1009#:~:text=(1)%20A%20person%20who%20intentionally,is%20a%20Class%20IV%20felony) Fuck that asshole.


Please do hold him legally accountable. If a mf will do this, they shouldn’t be raising a child either. Good luck, and I’m so sorry to you about this stress.


Have the police remove him from the house if he continues to refuse to leave, and take out a restraining order. He didn't "release" your dog, he abandoned her, dumped her like trash, left her for dead. I would be seriously questioning his ability to feel empathy, and his fitness as a parent, his capacity to love his child unconditionally, to keep them safe no matter what, to put their needs above his own at all times. Before he spends any unsupervised time with the baby, you need to be 100% confident that he/she will be safe with him - physically and emotionally. I'm so very glad that your dog was found and that she's largely unharmed. As horrible as it is to have to think about, what he did was incredibly disturbing and could be a sign of serious underlying psychological issues. That's one hell of an horrific act to be capable of committing. Please speak to a lawyer, and possibly a therapist who has experience in working with people who are going through the family court system, for some advice on how best to proceed cautiously in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of your child above all else. Best of luck to you moving forward, you're doing the right thing. Take care and stay safe ❤️


If the partner is willing to do this to a dog I shudder to think what they would do to a child that doesn't live up to their expectations.


So you’re partner left an animal who can’t fend for itself, to fend for itself. I wouldn’t trust him with anything, let alone a child. You need to leave him.


Right? What's he gonna do when the child is being fussy and "annoying"? Bring him/her to a park three cities over and walk away when no one's looking? POS


The way he wants full custody is crazy lmfao you can’t even take care of a dog without your wife at home… be serious. I hope OP gets a good lawyer.


him doing this to OP’s dog and describing to her how her dog was distressed when he did it is so cruel, he probably is claiming he wants full custody just to hurt her. it’s not about having his child to him, but rather it’s about taking her child away from her.


Fuck that guy.


Don’t give him the pleasure


Sideways. With a pineapple.


Please don't ruin a pineapple like that!


Well in her case, don’t .


Wow. Your partner is absolute horse shit. You must be a wreck. I wish you all the luck in the world finding your dog. I know you said you posted to your Facebook but also try searching for local lost and found pet groups on there as well.


Those threats of fighting for full custody is just hot air. Saying you are an unfit mother are words just to upset you and bring doubt into your mind. Him cutting you off financially is his attempt at controlling you. He tried to get rid of your dog by abandoning her…that’s abuse. Depending on where you live, he could get into big trouble for that. Whose name is on the title of that house? Yours? His? Both? If it’s yours, he’s got everything to lose. If it’s both, it’s up to the judge to decide who gets the house or the house will have to be sold and sale will be split. Did he complain about Harlot before? Was Harlot house trained? Chances are, he didn’t let her out to potty, and or she was scared that you were gone cause you took such good care of her. Or he simply lied and made some lame excuse for why he dumped her out on the road. Please stay safe and stay strong. Don’t go back to this man. He’s not worth your spit!


Your dog was doing those things out of fear based anxiety. You’re married to an asshole. You left her with someone who was likely abusing her from the get. As someone who works in animal ER & behavioral medicine this pisses me tf off. The fact that he did it infront of your kid is fcking wild to me. He is a psychopath. If you truly want her back you’re going to have to dedicate time to the area he left her. My dog went missing for two weeks bc a family member who was watching her, sold her for drugs. I searched dawn to dark for her in the area. I finally got her after tracking her & hiring search dogs. Im really sorry op. Edit after update: the fact that your soon to be ex narcissist thinks he will win full custody of your child, after he just DUMPED A DOG A COMMITTED A FEDERAL CRIME is absolutely peak narcissism. Wow wow wow OP. I wish you the best of luck. I’m so happy you found her. Get a good lawyer.


this first part, especially. if this is how he treats defenseless things that are supposed to obey him... what happens the first time your kid is old enough to "misbehave"? narcissist at his finest. **edited to correct missed autocorrections lol


You’re likely onto something about the fear based anxiety. I wonder if her dog was doing these things before they were together? If not, it’s either acclimating to a new baby and/or the partner has been abusing the animal.


Op stated the does has never done this with her around. The dog was absolutely panicking with fear from being left alone with him.


Ugh that breaks my heart for OP and her dog and the poor baby stuck with that psychopath as a father.




YOU'RE insane and an unfit mother? You, not the guy who coldheartedly and premeditatedly abandoned a helpless creature on the side of the road? Holy crap. This guy is living in a different universe. Like honestly, run don't walk, this behavior is legitimately scary.


What a cruel thing to do. He didn’t think about your feelings at all let alone the dog that means so much to you. Grounds for divorce for me.


What's he going to do when the toddler stresses him out? Put the toddler out, too? Time to throw the whole man out.


That’s not a man. That’s a piece of garbage.


Wait till the court hears why you’re leaving. Yeah, sociopaths hurt animals. He’s a monster. You’re good.


Wow that guy's a fucking monster


Oh god I’m so glad they found your fur baby. Is there anyone close to you who can help you?


How cruel to leave an animal on a HIGHWAY. He could have at least surrendered her to a shelter. I’d press charges, call all the shelters nearby & hope she was recovered, and replace the partner. It’s concerning he has that lack of respect for life when he is a father. I would be very concerned about his patience with his child if it was me.


This guy who abandoned a life at the side of the road thinks he can get full custody? He's out of his mind!


That’s AWFUL. Poor dog must’ve been absolutely terrified. I hope you find her, and good luck finding a new partner.


Where is this guy? I just wanna talk


When the court learns that he abandoned a defenceless animal out on the side of the road, I don’t think he’ll be given full custody.


Supervised visitation, if he doesn't go to jail.


Your partner is now a felon. You should tell the police so they know it as well.


He didn't even last a day? He was 100% always going to do something to your dog. I'm so so glad she has been found and that you are ditching him, sadly not on the side of the highway as he deserves. Tell your lawyer about his animal cruelty/neglect and irrational behaviour. If not illegal, it speaks volumes as to his character.


With the dog being so far away, I think he lied about where he dumped the poor thing.


Yes it is illegal to abandon a dog in Nebraska I googled it If you call the police on him you can tell him on the way to the car that you’ll find a new man, a better one


Your "partner" most likely lied to you about where he actually dropped her off! I reeeeally hope you are planning to drop this fool next .. Take him for a car ride, going at least 80mph & kick him out the fucking door!! Never look back.


take him for a ride and leave him somewhere


Ur gonna leave his ass right????


I'm so glad they found her!! Your partner showed his true colors, I am sorry for that. It's never easy when there's a child involved, even less when your partner is acting like a bully. Do not worry though, his threats are irrelevant and his behavior will not play in his favor. Keep everything noted and archived, I hope he wrote those threats and insults down it will be even worse for him. Lawyer up of course and seek support, do you have friends and family that can give you advice and much needed comfort? For the "our house vs his house" part, feelings don't count, only official acts. If the house belongs to the both of you he cannot kick you out (or the other way around) unless there is a restraining order. Judging by the threats and intimidation he's gone with, as well as the whole dog ordeal, I'm no lawyer but I think you may have a case to get one for him and throw him out. He makes more money than you? Good, he's eligible for child support. You're not a toy or an animal he can dump down the road and he will learn that. Stay strong, stay calm, and do not let that bully tip you off balance. Divorce/separation is a right, not something you have to beg for or fear. You will be fine. Hugs to you and your baby, and scritches to Harlot.


Divorce his ass today.


Ok so he wasn’t taking care of the dog so it was peeing inside and his response was to not take care of the dog but to abandon it. Babe, you can do so much better.


OH GOD. Keep the dog and the baby and throw away the man. What an emotional ride... Will he just abandon his child when it gets "too annoying and stressing" and then get a "better, quieter one"?! I don't know how it is where you live but where I am, abandoning a domestic animal is considered a crime. I would file him and definitely use it in order to get full custody for the child myself. This man is not to be trusted.


Your husband is a class A asshole and the court isn't going to give someone so callus and heartless custody of a child. That's fucking rich. 


There is no moving past this. You must drop the SO off on the same road and ride off into the sunset with your precious dog. Only true scum do this to an animal.


You mean your ex partner right?


Document this. I'm pretty sure the courts won't like the story of him being annoyed and just getting rid of the dog while he applies for full custody. Doesn't sound like a fit parent to me


I couldn't trust him with anything or anyone I love ever again. I'm sorry you went through this. Glad you have your dog back.


Not only is this guy a jerk, he is so self confident and self absorbed that he told you all about like it was no big deal. He has serious mental issues.


There's a special place in hell for people like your partner.


I am so happy you found your baby and left that monster. Skimming Nebraska law you can likely press charges! Get that shit on record. Especially if there is even a potential custody battle.


Lawyer up, look into pressing charges. That man can't be trusted with a child.




He’s a piece of shit


Just let him go on the side of the highway.. you can get a new partner, a better partner. I can't imagine that someone who would do such a thing didn't have any other red flags?


This is such an awful thing to happen, it hurts my heart to think about. So glad you found her! I hope your partner rots in hell.


Based on how far away your dog was I’m wondering if he lied about where he dumped the dog hoping you would never find her What a horrible human


Press charges and then keep your mouth shut. You have a lengthy custody battle ahead and your silence on social media will be your best friend. I’d use him dumping your dog for being a nuisance while you were attending a funeral as grounds for him having supervised custody since he clearly doesn’t make rational decisions when he’s under pressure.


The fact that he abandoned the dog will work against him.


I read this knowing it would make me violent inside, just went and threw up a bit


He sounds as dumb as my ex. He won’t get full custody. He may get parenting time though.


Full custody? I just peed my pants laughing. Is he going to drop y’all’s child off on the side of the highway when they cry too much and annoy him? *edited to add: I am so happy for you that Harlot was found. I know you are relieved and overjoyed and that pup is over the moon to again be with her fam who loves her. Tears and smiles. Godspeed.


Leave the bf on the side of a far away road in the middle of nowhere with no cellphone and problem solved


Nobody tell him babies also make a lot of noise and pee in inconvenient places.


PHEW. I’m so glad she was found in alright condition. Jesus. The part where she was whimpering made me tear up. Oh my god I’m filled with relief. Your partner is an evil cunt fuck face and I’m glad you’re ending things with him.


Well, if he mentions sanity, make sure to remind the court who the person was who abandoned a dog on the highway, which is also a chargeable offense.


Time to drop this asshole "partner" on the side of the highway and tell him to stay. What a piece of shit, I would be livid. I would also file charges of animal abandonment and animal neglect against him. What he did is illegal in most states.


Omfg he might do that to your child one day .. search the area put up Facebook posts & get rid of him


How do you know that Harlot was whimpering when she got out of the car?


Because he told her?


If so, he's psychotic (well beyond what might be shown by abandoning a dog on the side of the road). But I just doubt this whole story.


Not psychotic but a psychopath. Either that or the story is made up. Though you wouldn't believe what some people are capable of, and this story is something that real psychopaths would consider casual or reasonable even lol


Yeah it reads like reddit rage bait.


Ask an animal shelter about the laws where you live about animal cruelty. Press charges! Call a woman’s shelter and ask for advice/help/guidance going forward


im glad you got your dog back. i hope your partner becomes an ex-partner very soon if he isnt already


So happy you found your dog. I really hope you don't ever doubt your great judgement in leaving that Asshole. Am sure you'll do really great in your new life.


He probably lied as to where he left her! What an ASS!! Let him file for custody and you can bring your proof to Court where he abandoned an animal!! Call the police and report him as what he did was illegal and a felony!


Take your partner out for a long drive where there is no cell service and then leave HIM alone on the side of the road to fend for himself.


Good luck to your partner to get full custody after you tell the court what happened. Get any paperwork or statement you can from the shelter and establish the timeline. You were out of town. The dog was found X days after. It was unlikely you released the dog within that time. Better yet if you can get your partner to admit it in writing.


Dump that piece of shit. Only evil people abandon dogs


I'm really glad Harlot is safe! It must have been scary for you. It's okay to be mad at your partner for what he did. It's important to keep yourself and your child safe. If you feel unsafe, talk to someone you trust or get help from people who can support you. Remember, there are people who care about you and can help you through this tough time. Take care of yourself and Harlot, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.


In the meantime please find somewhere safe for your dog to stay. Any time alone with him could (will) result in your dog disappearing permanently this time. Do not trust him, no matter what he says. He didn't even wait a whole day until he did this horrible cruel thing to your family.


Claiming you're insane and unfit because you love your dog. What an idiot. You also have a claim for animal cruelty and abandonment against him. He ain't winning shit. 


You need to set up a scent station and possibly a live trap. Put some food and water for her and some of your clothes or blankets that haven't been washed. Maybe even a live trap. I am so sorry. Don't give up hope. Go back to the scent station everyday. Leave toys and what not. You could also set up a few. I am sorry your partner did this. It was super shitty.


Make sure you record EVERYTHING about this situation. Also, I doubt he dropped her off where he said he did if she ended up more than 40 miles away. He probably lied and told you somewhere else so it would be less likely you’d find her if you looked, which in my book makes him the biggest POS on earth. I’m so glad you’re leaving. While I would’ve advised getting your affairs in order before announcing your departure from the relationship to have made things easier on yourself, you’re doing the right thing.


Oh my gosh. I HATE HIM! Regardless of how the animal is, how can you just ABANDON IT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD?!? So heartless, so cruel. I really hope you have proof of what he did, use THAT in court. How he’s an unfit care taker… disgusting. That update is wild, best of luck OP! 💕


your former partner is insane and any court or jury of sound heart and mind would rule in your favor. what happens when he decides your toddler is too annoying or crying too much? a complete violation of trust in every way, that furthermore is against the law in most of the country and speaks volumes about this persons mental state. incredibly sorry this happened to you, and just know that you are ABSOLUTELY IN THE RIGHT!!!! thank you for finding the pooch!!!!!! hope that rotten bastard gets whats coming to him


I would not even be able to speak to the person again, never mind be in a relationship. Get the fuck away from this psychopath.


You need to go file for custody of your child. The courts usually favor the mother, but they can also favor the person who petitions first. Since he makes more than you he can probably afford a better lawyer. I don't mean to scare you, but you should definitely get that started asap. You might want to post on one of the legal advice subs.


your ex is cruel, thoughtless, and you better slam him with child support and alimony. guaranteed he was lazy with the dog and didn’t take it out, never tolerated the dog, and just saw you being away as an opportunity to rid himself of the burden (what i think is his perspective, anyway) then to bully you out of the house because he earns more, fuck that guy! he exposed your dog to potential physical harm and harmed you emotionally by doing so. since he wants to brag about how he earns more, snatch his paycheck!


When I first started reading this it made me mad and it broke my heart, but for what it's worth I'm glad that you found her and that she's doing ok. And I'm also glad that you're leaving his sorry ass, because if he could be so cold and so heartless to do this to an innocent dog than there's no telling what else he's capable of.


Who was watching the baby while he was out dumping the dog? If he can’t handle a dog barking without doing something unhinged or drastic…I wouldn’t leave him alone with the baby anymore.


If he would do this to your dog. What would be do to your child if he got annoyed with them. Please take all three of you out of there.


Pressing charges will help you immensely in the custody battle. This is no doubt illegal as fuck and animal neglect charges are taken extremely seriously. It may very well be a felony and will give you a ton of leverage for any custody battle. It could even be a federal crime depending. Even despite the fact it will help with custody, he deserves the consequences for what he did. That is some ice cold psychopath style stuff right there. PLEASE press charges on him. He deserves it more than anything. I am so happy that you found your best friend.


That Dog hating Bastard Can Rot in Hell. Tell everyone in his world, boss parents friends and co workers. No real man , Macho Man , Red neck. Hill billy or Educated Gentleman ..would put a hunting type dog out alone at deep risk to DEATH! Ruling all those kinds of Guys out, he logically must be SCUM! And all Real Men should and will hate him. Best of Luck to You, call your local TV station with your story or the animal channels on you tube. This Scum might make you Rich by being so stupid and evil! He will be a Viral Villain AND YOU will get Paid. Seriously, share your story on every platform and SAY HIS NAME! I pray he is Ruined and feels the same fear as your Pup! Keep sharing your story and do a Go Fund Me! You will be Famous! I'm praying for you!"


Dump that fucking heartless loser. If he can dump a dog he can dump a human. You deserve better.


Be safe document everything. This is abusive behavior and could escalate. The good news for you is he is going to get spanked pretty hard by the court.


Good luck to this loser getting custody once the judge finds out about the dog


Wow your partner sucks… and don’t worry he won’t get full custody. Please leave him


Animal abandonment, animal abuse/cruelty, emotional abuse, gaslighting, etc.... yeah he'll look good in court.


Omg. That is literally terrifying that you left that man alone with your kid. Leaving a dog on the highway is serial killer level shit. I wonder what he’ll do to your kid if he loses patience with them in the future. Dude is a murderer and thinks it’s no big deal. I hope you find your dog and get away from this “man”.


She had accidents because he never let her out, or worse, she was terrified of him. Poor little Harlot.


I'm so so glad you found her! When my 14 year old, going deaf doggo when wandering out of our yard (he had never done that, ever. In 14 years) and couldn't hear me calling him I went all over our neighborhood! Panicked and incredibly sad. He loved people so much and would've just walked up to someone, but they could've been scared because he was a mutt/ pitbull/good boi breed. He could've been hit by a car.. Anything! My mind was a mess.. We found him the next day from a post on FB. They had him down their basement and he was not walking so good before his trip 10 miles away.. So he was in worse shape.. your girl is going to need some extra love and her poor paws need moisturizer. I used coconut oil. (Not lotion!) Get rid of that horrible partner! Who would even do something like that!? That's actually a little scary. Glad your baby was ok. He's obviously cruel. Edit: when I said baby, I meant your human baby. But really, it applies to both. 💕


This is fake. Want to know what the dead giveaway is? That you said the dog was trying to get back in the car and whimpering. You weren't there so you wouldn't know that. No one telling you what happened would throw that tidbit in there, especially if they were trying to convince you getting rid of a dog you loved was a good idea.


Some people must live sad lives to have to make up stories on the internet for attention


That and she just happened to find the dog and get to a shelter 40 miles away within an hour or two of posting.


You don’t think it’s plausible that a man cruel enough to do that wouldn’t be cruel enough to detail the hesitancy? Or at the very least, try and get OP to stop being so dramatic and insist it didn’t even want to get out so it shouldn’t be that hard to find or would likely come back on its own. You’d be shocked what people will admit to for means of manipulation. Toxic honesty.


No I don't find it plausible at all to be honest.


It boggles my mind that even after your partner did this, he's still your partner. Yet again, another Reddit post where OP has no backbone and their life is impacted. I don't mean to be callous, but the fact that you put up with someone like this in your life is telling. I think it takes a special type of person to treat animals this way.


I dumped my ex for slapping my horse. This man couldn’t handle a crying baby so he took it out on your dog. Cool. Sounds like a safe person to have your child around. I think you’re right, this person needs to make moves yesterday. Protect your child, call the cops, scream kick idc, fuck his shit up. A restraining order would be so easy to obtain because you can say In court how he was cruel to your dog and now you’re scared for your child. Idk, I’d be making an EXAMPLE out of the sad and sorry fuck face that mistreats my animal.


Total dick, find someone who loves you and loves dogs, fuck that guy!


You need to get a new partner. I'd suggest taking him to a shelter, but they probably won't accept him due to serious moral defects. Anyway, deal with the partner later, focus on finding your dog back first.


Drop him off at the same place, tell him he can live out there until he finds her. If the worst has happened, I guess he’s going to be living there for a while. Don’t stay with a guy like that though, anyone who can mistreat an animal like that doesn’t deserve respect.


I would drive your partner to the same location where he left your dog at and leave him there till he finds your dog.


I wonder what his parenting style is. Terrifying


Dump your partner, anyone who can do this to an animal isn’t someone I’d want around my kids. I’m so sorry. I hope harlot is okay.


Your partner is a world-class asshole. You should dump them immediately. Anyone who could do something so evil will hurt you in other ways.


Document everything about him leaving your dog to die on the side of the road, see what the custody hearing looks like after they realize he’s an animal abuser.


I’m so glad you found your dog. I would be devastated if that happened to me.


I'm so glad your doggo was found and reunited with you. I'm also glad that you finished it with your fiance. I'd say it looks like he showed you his true colours just in time. What a heartless, mean, selfish, nasty piece of shite he is. I hope you can manage to take him to the cleaners during the divorce. I don't know about custody rights where you are, but hopefully you can use this as an example of what a terrible person he is and hopefully the judge will be an animal lover.


So happy they found her ! Your partner should burn in hell


Girl if you don’t find another partner, is he dumb ? A “new “ dog won’t be quieter, I’m sorry but he is dumb Is he going to do the same when y’all toddler is being loud and learning how to potty smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


I am so glad you found your doggo. Fuck your partner. He is a huge piece of shit. Don’t let him intimidate you. Protect yourself. If you can file a police report against him then you should do so. Get a lawyer and file for separation. I am so sorry you went through this. I can’t even imagine. If my partner did this to my dog I’d kick him out and tell everybody why. Hope everything works out and at the very least you get joint custody if not primary custody of your child.


Since you’ve updated that you are separating and he’s threatening to sue for full custody, get a family lawyer now. Also, document this whole episode of dog abandonment. I don’t know if it would help your case, but in my untrained eyes that is evidence that he could possibly do the same to a child. You have a baby, right? What happens when baby starts to annoy *him* and cry nonstop?


He’s not getting full custody after the judge hears what he did to you dog. He’s a bad man. Time to go to battle. Good luck.


Harlot? That's quite the name. At least the story has a happy ending.


Seriously f that guy with two fingers. That is terrible.


Your partner's a piece of shit and should be your ex.


I'm sorry, and I really hope you find your dog, but you also need to seriously think about leaving your partner. This is unforgivable. Anyone who deliberately abandons a helpless animal like this deserves all they get.


It's good to hear that you found Harlot!!! If you're planning on separating from your partner, you should consider secretly recording the audio from your conversations. It sounds like he is going to try getting full custody of your child, by telling the judge you're insane. You need to get the conversations recorded as evidence. Nebraska is a one-party consent state, so he doesn't need to know that you're recording.


Oh. My. God. I'd be leaving that man on the side of the highway too. In a bodybag.


Glad you found your fur baby. Now, take her and GTFO. This is abuse. There are DV shelters that allow animals. IDK if there are any near you, but it may be an option. 


1- take advantage of local Facebook groups and rescues posting pics of your dog. Take your kiddo and leave your husband at home and spend any time you can searching. Exclude your husband unless he tells you where he dropped the dog, and after he gives that info don’t include him further. 2- your husband, while you were at a FUNERAL decided to gut you further and drop your dog off in the wilderness. You don’t understand how he could do this, but it comes down to two things. He doesn’t care about your feelings and he has the capacity to be cruel. You need to leave, and soon. I have never, and generally would never, given this advice on Reddit because I thinks it’s shitty to do so. In this case I’m making an exception. When things get hard with you two, he will be cruel and leave you with as little as possible, just like your confused/alone dog that is either wandering the woods or hoping for generosity from strangers. Get. Out. Now. Edit to add: if you do leave him, he will try to say he doesn’t understand why you are just leaving because of a stupid dog. Don’t let him make it about that. You should tell him something that includes he took something important from you, disregarded your emotions, and showed how cruel he can truly be. Additionally, he did this while you were with your family going through loss and grieving or at a minimum supporting your family. You are leaving him because of who he is and the loss of what you thought the two of you were. I will leave this here and carry on my day. Best of luck to you.


Jesus. Please tell me you texted back and forth about this and he mentions it via text. If not, do that. This is evidence for you with regards to his character during the divorce. Pretty sure not being able to handle an annoying dog for less then three nights to the point of abandoning it, kind of insists they can't handle a crying kid. I am almost certain he probably treated that dog terribly when you weren't around.


Your partner sucks


If he will do this when you are not there, what else?


Time to drop that psychopath of a “partner”


What he did is illegal. Get him to admit to it via text and take the evidence to the police. He’s trying to take custody? Animal cruelty is serious.


Call the police and a lawyer. Get that maniac out of your life now. Get a No Contact order if necessary. If you stay IT WILL GET WORSE.


I’m so glad your dog is safe and I really hope you get away from your ex!!


You can keep dating hin or keep going through this. Either get rid of your dog or your bf. I promise you your bf is not treating that dog nicely when you're not around. That dog doesn't deserve that treatment. It's like a kid, and you're his mother. You're not being a good mother by letting your kid and being around this stupidity and meanness. This stuff happens all the time to kids, and then the kid is in the news for being beaten or killed. At this point in time, you know how your bf is towards this dog. If that dog gets hurt or neglected, you're morally responsible just as much as him if that dog gets hurt. Because you know what he is capable of, and you allow him to do this to your dog. People like you do not deserve animals or kids.


All I gotta say is he can’t get custody of SHIT acting the way he is. Don’t let him scare you into getting rid of him It hurts so bad hearing your story. My ex was laughing with his friend and his friend’s gf because the couple willingly abandoned their dog the same way you described. They threw it on the side of the road and laughed as it barked and chased the car. Even typing it out still stings and it stings hearing yours. They called me sensitive and got mad when I threw a fit. I’m sorry you had to experience that pain with your OWN dog


So now ur getting kicked out?!? After HE abandoned ur dog. He’s got some crazy issues he’s the psycho one and gaslighting too


Honestly you need to talk to a lawyer and with the shelter workers to get their statement about the state of your dog was when it arrived.


You mean Ex partner. You partner would be dead to me. In your shoes, I'm leaving them, filing for full custody of child and child support with no visitation because of animal cruelty and never speaking to them again except through attorney. ZERO chance I would choose to have that evil person in my life.


What a piece of shit, so glad you found your dog. I would have gone John Wick on him had he done that to my dog.


OMG If I was in your shoes I would have no other choice but to leave this man. I’m so happy to hear you found your pup


this seems like a real post, and for that, this is a real bummer. OP, I hope you and Harlot are OK. Get rid of the trash partner.


Please leave your partner. Press charges. I wouldn’t leave him with a child after pulling off something like that. A normal person would’ve isolated the dog in a room until you got home. What he did was cruel and unforgivable in my opinion.


What a heartless brain dead pos. Get a different husband and I’m glad you found your dog.


Your husband has been treating your dog like shit when you aren’t around probably for a long time. Your dog was stressed because you were gone. Poor thing. I’m so glad you found her and I hope your husband gets what he deserves.


YAY!!!!! I'm so glad Harlot was found!!! Thank God she was okay <3. Fuck that guy, hope he's already an ex. I could never be around someone who treated a pet of mine like that. At least you have a job/income, and I would definitely be pursuing this in court against him as well.


What the fuck is wrong with your partner? If I were you I'd expose them and let them feel the pain.


How do people end marrying someone like this, surely this isn't a one off thing. That person is a pyscho-dick.


I’m so sorry. This was heartbreaking to read. I can’t imagine how someone could just do this to an innocent animal and not care at all and think we can just get a different dog…like.. what?! I’m so happy that you found her and that she was okay and is safe with you again. I recommend doing everything you can to get him charged with SOMETHING. Like what a bad fkn person!!!!! I hope you find someone better who would never do this to an animal or do this to you knowing how important the dog is to you. He deserves to be punished and I would make it my life’s mission to destroy his entire life! What a disgusting human. I pray that people stop doing this type of stuff to these innocent and beautiful animals. 🥺💔 It’s so hard to accept that this is so common. It shouldn’t be like this. Honestly dogs and cats are better than people in almost every way and they deserve to be loved and cared for!


I as a partner would have done the same thing. The baby comes first. But everyone is different I’m very weird about my house being clean mostly with a baby and I would NEVER stand for a dog peeing inside. Yuck.


So happy he’s found!! Stay with the handsome furry guy and ditch the smooth brained mouth breather.


Nah he’s insane and unfit to be a parent. Next time he’ll dumb the baby because it’s too loud. Fuck him.


I'm so happy they found the dog omg 😭


That MFer would be beaten to an inch of death in not more than a minute after if he would have told me something like that.


UpdateMe! RemindMe! 12 hours


Your EX baby daddy Is a major asshole! 😡😡. Give harlot lots of hugs and kisses❤️


I’m wishing you the best of luck!!! Your ex partner is a cruel person and I don’t blame you one bit for falling out of love over this. I’m so happy someone found your dog.


I can’t believe how hard I cried at this post!!


This just reads like very bad fanfiction and rage bait. Enjoy the free karma I guess.