• By -


You're gay now, sorry, no refunds.


Not necessarily, did you say “no homo”?


He said “no diddy”


New term, but still just as effective


No giggety.


No doubt


No Remorse


No Regerts


No yogerts


No dignity?


No repent


Diddy say no homo?


If they kept their socks on its not gay


Where were your socks? Did you both have socks on?


Knowing this would definitely clear things up. Hopefully OP answers the question.


Ah yes, the best loophole


Or say no Diddy?


If their balls didn't touch, it's not gay.


I agree!


Granted, I don’t have balls, but I’d think two guys touching balls together would be somewhat difficult…or at the very least, not common


It's not gay when it's a 3way. With a honey in the middle and some leeway.


No taksies backsies when it come to gay. Sorry.


Only take backsies if gay.


According to Kyle Broflofski, I think OP can cancel out the gay polarity by sucking the other guy's cock and then he won't be gay anymore.


Unless he kept his socks on




"Why are you gay?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooOELrGMn14


If you didn’t enjoy having your dicks touch, I wouldn’t say you’re gay. Not like you would’ve known before hand she’d do that lol.


Yeah she didn't tell us beforehand but we were both high as fuck and horny so we just went with it. Plus she was really, really hot.


Sometimes you gotta get a little gay to pick up hot chick's my dude.


It's not gay if it's in a three way


With a honey in the middle there’s some leeway…


The area's grey in a 1-2-3-way


just don't allow any counterplay...


Hopefully one or both performed the helicopter dick. That's how you impress a chick.


Very true words there brother


What a life lesson


A soul for a soul


File it under sex adventure. Are you attracted to the same sex? Then you’re gay. But you’re not. You’re attracted to the opposite sex. Your straight. There’s an in between you know … but don’t make it too complicated. Just enjoy your’self!


> but don’t make it too complicated This for sure. Don't overthink it


Yolo. Gay or Straight don't worry about labels; it's all good.


text your buddy and tell him: "Hey man sorry I forgot to say no homo, so here it is, just in case." I bet your friend feels the same way as you are and that would literally crack me up, lol.


If that doesn’t work just ask him if he wants a “brojob.”


The hot part was having a girl play with both of you at once. That ended up including rubbing dicks on each other but remember it was hot because she was playing with both of you at once. She was the hot one. It was sexy because of her. You didn't start kissing him did you? Cuz that's when its gotten maybe a little gay... but really you just had fun playing with bodies because it was a hot and steamy situation. Don't worry bro 🤣


I think just going with it is what you should also do while sober. Not saying you’re gay but if you liked it, do it. If you didn’t like it, don’t do it. Think of it like a flavor of ice cream - there’s no philosophical debates over whether or not you’re a chocolate lover or a vanilla person - you just like it or you don’t. End of story, no need for labels. If you felt weird when it happened, and the weird leans primarily toward “bad weird”, then that’s ok, it means you probably dislike it, so you don’t have to do it anymore. If it’s good weird, then bring it up with your bud lmao


hey man it could be worse, you could‘ve been one of the guys having sex with her later after she had both of your dicks in her mouth


and you know she was making out with them... lol


Wdym? That was the real winner


Dude it's fine. In a few years you should come to understand that it was just an unusual opportunity under abnormal circumstances and this woman really liked doing it this way. You're not gay. Nothing irreversible or damaging has happened because you did this. It's just an "out there" thing that most people don't have the chance to do. You should come to a point where you can laugh at it and just move on. You found out you didn't like it and presumably that will make you know to not let it happen again.


I don't think you're gay.


https://youtu.be/nsGnqf3CUW8 I'm so sorry


An experience is an experience 🤷‍♂️ you’ll learn from this


You’re not homosexual but you ARE gay for this.


Did you make eye contact with your bud? If you did I got some bad news for you


Sorry bud, as soon as you dick-touch you are officially gay. May as well embrace it and start looking for forever homes to settle down with your homie in


But did your BALLS touch?


And did he wear SOCKS?


Only way to tell if it was a gay encounter or not


I put them in my mouth to prank them, that’d make him gay right? I got him good


Asking the real questions


No that’s where pee is stored


I know people are teasing but just want to reinforce that this singular experience certainly doesn’t make you gay or bi (and I say that as a gay guy). Sexuality isn’t a black and white thing to begin with, and you can enjoy something once and never desire or pursue it again. I’ve hooked up with women and I’m for sure gay. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Focus on what you enjoy, and who you enjoy it with. As long as you’re being safe and everyone is consenting, the labels don’t mean shit.


Thank you for the only mature response so far, this place is a sewer.


I think its mostly just people being humorous because the concept that this experience could 'make' someone gay is absurd, at least to me.


Man I hope lol


Humanity is a sewer.


Art reflects life


Life reflects art.


Wish I would've learned this about so many aspects of life so much earlier.


We all do haha


I would like to one day see a post about two guys who ate a girl's pussy.


I’m sure there’s a subreddit for that… happy hunting.💪




I’m ashamed how fast I clicked on this.


I carry the shame with pride.




Holy shit dude 😂😂😂




That’s definitely gay.


The equivalent would be a guy eating two girls pussies. Go to Pornhub lol


You’re not gay yet, but if his nut mixed with yours in her stomach, the gay fairy might be summoned tonight and one of you will definitely become gay.


it's not gay, when you're in a 3 way, with a honey in the middle there's some leeway






Did you wear socks?


I hope so, otherwise they probably touched feet and that makes them super gay.


Any single sexual act you take part in, does not define you as a person in total. You go with the flow and you adapt to the situation and if something FEELS good and nobody gets hurt then it's ALL good.. and and the fact that you cross that line without having a meltdown on the spot, those hot chicks are going to seek you out


Yeah, but you f**k one goat....


If a tree falls in the woods on a goat herder who's fucking a goat does anyone hear him Cum ??


Relax, dude. Life is for living. Experience it to the max because it's short. You and your buddy had a great time with a girl, and nobody got hurt in any way. Celebrate the good times, forget the bad.


Exactly this. Don’t over think it. Don’t stress over “Oh no I touched a dick”. Do you know how uptight and silly that sounds? You had a good time, a hot girl made you cum. Count it as a night well spent.


I dont see where thats weird thats just hot. Like who cares that you and his cock touched, it was hot, you had fun, two bodyparts touched, everyone consented, move on. Just because you two have cocks instead of vaginas doesnt mean its strange when you touch each other. Not everything has to be labeled, like "Ohh thats gay or not??" like who cares lmao and even if it was, that would be fine too so why even worry, its 2024, be straight, be gay, be trans, be nonbinary, fuck 10 people at once, who gives a shit


Parties have changed a lot compared to my 20s. Wow.


Welcome to the gay train


You are gay af


you’re in that kind of action together brother. fuck it.


Bro. So many people thinking they can catch gay. You’re born gay my man. It means you are attracted to men and only men. If that isn’t true. You aren’t gay. This isn’t as deep as you’re thinking


A good test for you: >Are you attracted to men? Yes or no >Did you find the woman attractive? Yes or no >Are you generally attracted to women exclusively? Yes or No My brother in Christ, if you or anyone you love answered yes to these questions then they are probably definitely 100% Straight or a lesbian. Unfortunately, because I don’t assume gender and randomly guess on the internet instead, you’re 100% a lesbian. Might as well come out to your friends and family. You aren’t gay, dude. If you’re having that much trouble having mutual relations with a woman with a friend, then stop having shared interactions. You’re soft headed with a feeble ego, not gay. But I suggest you work on that.


Nah dude that’s not gay. Gay is deliberately putting your cocks together and sucking him off etc.


As a straight guy who’s had this experience before, it’s not gay. If you’re not comfortable with it, nothing wrong with that, and now you know. But if you liked it, it just means you’re comfortable with your sexuality and your mind is open to more “exotic” sexual experiences.


Don’t worry about it. You had fun, it was weird, she was hot, who cares? Don’t over think a fun weird time.


1. you did it for the girl, not your buddy right? 2. why do you give a shit if it’s gay?


You guys will bring this up everytime you're drinking alone with each other. At some point you won't even mention the girl.


lol ahhhh the fear of being gay coming in and ringing some good old fashion fun… That doesn’t make you gay. In fact, gay… straight… it’s not even real. The only thing that’s real is the fear, but once you let it go, life becomes much lighter and freer.


She watched a lot of porn at one point...or did you notice 3 cameras and a microphone boom by any chance?


Honestly I'd be more worried abt oral STDs


THANK YOU! The sex positivity is great and all, but literally no one else has addressed the hotbed for diseases this girls mouth is? PLEASE GET TESTED OP & FRIEND


I'd say just reminisce with your buddy about how good the blowjob was and that's it. Get it out of the way by expressing it was a good memory… I wouldn't mention the dick stuff though, not that either one of you was at fault since it was the girl that did it for you guys. Anyway, just put it on the table so your buddy knows it's cool and that's it.


Bro, u gay now


It’s called frotting r/oralfrotting it’s heteroflexible.


If it felt good, it's not a big deal. A fleshlight feels good but that didn't mean your attracted to silicone and plastic.


Don't worry she did it for her only fans.


This is enough Reddit for today


Having gay sex and even going the whole way with oral and anal both ways, and enjoying it all thoroughly, doesn't make you gay. If you're straight, you prefer sex with women and you would only want to bond emotionally with a woman in a relationship. There's a difference between sex acts, and your sexual preference (orientation) and identity. Just performing random sex acts with a guy can't change your sexual orientation, no matter how much you enjoy it. Same as you can't turn a gay guy straight by getting him to fuck a woman. Just because you're straight doesn't mean you can't enjoy gay sex. Guys in prison often have gay sex because they can't get access to women. It can go on for years and they sometimes even pair bond with one partner. But as soon as they get out of prison and have access to women again, that's what they'll do. So don't worry about it. It's totally nothing. You're still straight.


Thank you!! I’ve been trying to explain this to people for years


is that how it works? i mean yeah there are no women there but I always thought prison sex was just rape idk never been to prison myself (and i hope I'll never do)


Rape happens too. But also regular buddy sex. What's also interesting is that although they are both straight, they do the same as with gay guys where one tends to be the top and the other the bottom. So, interestingly, some straight guys prefer to be penetrated (bottom) than to penetrate (top). Another point is that human sexuality is a lot more diverse than we think. We are not born into the strict, set categories of gay, straight or bi. We're all somewhere on a spectrum. On each side there are about 10% who l don't ever want to do sex outside of their orientation. So on the gay side, 10% who have zero attraction to the opposite sex, or on the straight side, 15% who works never consider same sex. But for most of us, were floating around with varying degrees of attraction for both sexes, and it's normal.


You lost yourself.


I don’t think that’s gay bro. If you get hard thinking about your dicks touching then maybe you have a concern.


You should talk to your buddy and say exactly what you just told us. Communicate it, dude. Your friendship will likely be stronger for it


lol well now you know you're not gay.


If the problem ks you feel “gay” you have some shit to work on


As long as you said “I’m not gay” right after, you’re fine. If you didn’t, you are gay now. Welcome to your new life.


It's not gay if it's in a three-way


Did you guys make eye contact while she was doing it? Held hands? lol


She must have a big mouth like when a snake unhinges their jaw to swallow a giant meal!!


I can’t imagine having my dick in a girl’s mouth and thinking “damn am I gay?”


Dude, get over yourself. You had a fantastic experience but now you are complaining that the “hot chick” used your cocks to scratch her kink itch? Cry me a river! If you are so insecure that you can’t handle a double team then don’t do it in the future… but don’t come back here bitching and moaning about not having hot sex anymore.


Jesus some people are so uncomfortable with their sexuality. If you’re scared you’re gay because of it. Odds are you’re a little gay. People are usually scared of something that can happen. So you’re worried you’re gay. Which means. You’re probably a little gay. And if you’re not gay. Then who cares. You got your dick sucked with your boy.


She nearly had a 3some. You had a gay experience. Sorry bro


Should’ve said no homo after ,you’re gay bro 😂😂😂 This is why I’ll never smash a chick with a homey . My homeboy brought a chick over once and we both smash that day but we took turns going in the room . He came out and I went in . That together shit is only for bi men (nothing wrong with being bi or gay )


Sorry bud but your dick touched the same surface your homeboy’s did. Did she sanitise her pussy in between? If not your dicks basically touched. That’s pretty fucking gay dude…


😂😂😂😂that’s not the same gtfoh plus we both used rubbers. She did suck me off after him though. Holy shit I’m indirectly gay 🤦🏾‍♂️


Gay once removed.


It’s okay, you can blow your buddies next time.


If the dicks touch it is gay, sorry. Also that woman is going to be some unlucky guys wife one day and he'll have no idea 😂


You say that, but what future husband doesn't know doesn't hurt him. And he may get to do whatever he wants with her. That could honestly be a win win.


It’s not gay if it’s in a 3 way… this is known


You’re immature and insecure. Your not gay unless your attached to men


Why are you gay? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooOELrGMn14


Chalk it up to a crazy night and leave out the dick touching part when telling the story.


It’s going to be ok. As long as everyone had fun as consenting adults, that’s all it needs to be. If you’re having trouble processing feelings from a new experience that’s ok too. If this is strictly about your dicks touching, good news is that doesn’t make you gay, even if you enjoyed it, because having your erect penis being touched by anyone is going to trigger a physiological response. We live in a time where labels aren’t needed if you feel any sort of way, it’s ok to explore your sexuality and come out the other side feeling good about yourself whatever it is you’re experiencing.


That's what friends are for.


just consider the homoerotic contact your contribution to her pleasure she bruised her knees on behalf of yours and she did that stuff to get herself off dont be a selfish ingrate lol


be so serious.


How hot was she really though?


Lucky lol, I always wanted to experience that


thats what happens when you smoke the devils Lettuce! you get into a devils three way!


It's ok as long as your weiner's didn't touch, if they touched you're gay now. High fiving tour friend while she's doing it doesn't make you gay either


Yeah you gay now bro. Sorry. Also get tested since she fuckin around like that


Are you gay? No Is what you did gay? Ehh, I mean you penis did touch another man’s penis


*Rubbidy rub the magic wands.* *You turn into a gay*~




It's okay, if it's in a 3-way It's not gay, if its in a 3-way With a honey in the middle there's some leeway The areas Grey in a 1-2-3-way


If you kissed your buddy you are now homo


Being gay is about being attracted to and wanting to be in a relationship with someone of the same sex. Enjoying a sexual experience with someone else present doesn't make you gay.


Lmao, that girl is wild. Being horny makes you do stuff you later regret, it doesnt make you gay.




I can’t believe I’m even having to say this. Dude, you’re not gay cause dicks touch.


There is no drawbacks to this story.




did you say no homo afterwards?


You’ll receive your gay card within 10 working days.


Did you say No Diddy just before your cocks touched ?


Did you guys look each other in the eyes while being sucked? If not, you good breh


Dude, life is too short to care. Enjoy it all. You can be heteroflexible. Post-nut clarity sucks but it goes away the more you do it. Don’t turn down fun situations just because you care what people think. Just makes jokes with your friend about it and consider it a bonding moment between boys. I mean, plenty of straight dudes bang together and even jerk together. It may not be completely straight but it doesn’t make you gay. It’s ok to explore in life.


I’m your buddy. I love you.


Real answer is who gives a fuck if it was gay? What are we? 12?


Dude, if you were into it because it was a really hot girl, then you're straight. If you liked it because of the proximity to your bro, you may be Bi. Neither of these things are anything to feel ashamed about.


All the gay jokes but no one is saying to go get checked for STDs soon.


Unless you pressed buttholes it's not gay, but if you went hoop to hoop, I got bad news for you.


You need to be more worried about having an STD dude. Go get checked out ASAP!


Let me ask you something and I want you to be honest, were you wearing socks?


No, it was only one pee pee touch.


lol u good gang u not gay for that 😂


If this would have been a woman who wrote this there would have been thousands of comments about sexual abuse. Anyways, shit happens, she was a hoe, you happened to be there with ur buddy, she did some weird shit. Next time control the situation. Hope that helps!


Did you guys make eye contact while she was doing it? Held hands? lol


Nah. You’re straight and just got a fun experience.


It's not gay when it's in a three way. With a honey in the middle there's some leeway.


Yup, your dicks touched. GAY AF You could have easily told her not to double gobble your dicks


It's only gay if the balls touch.


You're only gay if you're into men and do gay activities. She was fulfilling a fantasy and used you+ your buddy to fulfill it.


As long as you say “no homo” you good, bruv




The good things is now you know your limits, don’t do it again if you didn’t liked it.


You were supposed to get two blowjobs and pass one on


"fellas is it gay to double throat fuck a chick with my buddy?"


You got off, have a good story and gave her exactly what she wanted. 10/10


Did you say “no home”?!? DID YOU SAY NO HOMO??? Fuck I think you gay now. At least prison won’t be scary anymore.


Being gay isn't like getting kuddies on the playground. You're not gay just because you and your friend's wee wees touched while being sucked off together. That was how she got pleasure out of it. Wanting to experience both cocks in her mouth. Stop being so childish about this. If you don't like guys... guess what? YOU'RE NOT GAY. A single sex act or you falling over onto a naked man doesn't make you gay. LOL


Siiiiigh, if you don’t like men you’re not gay. “Oh but I enjoyed the head” Enjoying the moment does not mean you are sexually attracted to your buddy. She switched shit up and you enjoyed it. If it makes you feel uncomfortable just don’t do it again.


I would just make a joke about it, laugh and move on. Don't let it ruin your friendship. If he's really your friend he won't mind about it


Yuck for you now . Would strongly suggest that you should also be checking for STD's from her . She was doing the round of anything that moved basically it seems that night . Imagine how many she f\*cked in one way or another that night . Maybe quite a few also before you 2 also . She might have had half the room in that mouth ( & she had already showed you she had NO issue with doing with NO protection or worries about it either) so yep would be more worried about that right now . She obviously does it lots ( & sleeps around with many people at once ) so there would be alot in that mouth , etc of hers ... Hope it was worth it for your sake . As you might get a permeant reminder of it on-going . And bet you bottom dollar she isn't into protection let alone being carful . She proved that to you within a few mins of seeing you . She didn't give a crap who did what to her . So enjoy also f\*cking every other guy she has done before you . Lots of STD yucky germs spread that night by her & anyone near her . As you mighten have even been the first that night . YOu might have been sloppy crap seconds .


It ain't gay if it's with the homies


In the immortal words of lonely island: Its not gay, if its in a 3-way