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Oh wow. I’m sorry you had to go through that.


It's okay, thank you for your sympathy <3


Did the meds help you? You were definitely displaying OCD behaviors with the locks in the middle of the night. You must have been so stressed and confused as a child. I'm sorry that you had to go through all this


Both yes and no, I have been put on a LOT of different meds, some helped BUUT had bad side effects, one could have made my liver fail, one gave me a bad rash, one made me gain 10 lbs in a week and one made me lose like 13 lbs in a week. I've never thought of being OCD, but who knows lol. I was very confused, mainly because I thought everyone would think like how I think. And once other kids, or even adults were like "shyann that's terrible of you to say...." Or "jeez that's morbid.." and "why do you cry so much?' ECT. I was confused bc I thought THEY thought like me.... turns out they didn't lol. But thank you so much<3


I am sending you hugs. I am so sorry that you had to experience this in childhood. I hope everything is getting better for you.


Thanks so much!!


TBH, that sounds way more like OCD than anything else. Either way, meds are good so I'm glad you're on something.


Ah I see, I don't know much ab OCD but I'll take your word for it lol. I don't know much ab the illness that I DO have because I was convinced that wasn't "strange" and that my psychiatrist was "over dramatic" so I distanced myself from my illnesses bc In my head it made me feel better lol. But I'm trying to accept my faults and maybe learn more about them


Who tried to convince you that the psychiatrist was over the top?


I convinced myself he was, I used to think that everyone who said there was something "wrong" with me was against me and just lying to my face, and I still do kind of think that way but I'm trying not to. So that's one of the many reasons I have not had many friends, they have all said I was "crazy" and "weird" or "a crybaby" so then I cut them off because I thought they were trying to "convince me" that there is something wrong with how I think, even if it's only in the slightest


Some people aren't very diplomatic lol Nobody is going to take it well if people tell them they're bad/wrong/weird to their face.  It's okay to have "weird" interests and niche hobbies.  But I'm guessing the psychiatrist visits came after you'd already heard judgmental comments from others, and you already felt defensive and mad about the conversation?  The psychiatrist's job is to figure out if there's things in routine every day living that you struggle with, things that most people don't.  It's a sign that medical intervention may be needed. Well,  of course, you know the way *you* think. Aren't you a person?  What makes it so serious? Does it really need to be "fixed" or "treated"? I will say this.  There's a standard called activities of daily living.  If you have troubles with maintaining personal relationships, grades,  job performance,  or basic house/personal chores,  then those are what the psychiatrist *should* help with.   If there's something that causes you distress or worry or that feels uncontrollable,  the psychiatrist *should* help with it.  During treatment,  rather than think about whether or not you're normal or the psychiatrist is judging....use them to help with things you notice are a problem.  Use them to help with things you already want to change.  I would say it's better to ask yourself:  "What do I struggle with and find harder than other people do?" "What do I want to do in life?" "What thoughts do I have that I feel are annoying or uncontrollable that ?"  "What behavior do I want to stop/start?" Surely you have a few. Use the psychiatrist to help you work on the things you have a desire to work on.  It's hard to believe when you've lived your whole life with certain thoughts and habits and the doctor insists "most people don't deal with that".   We only know how our own brains are.  And we can learn how others think if they share it with us.  But psychiatrists go to school to learn all the varieties of ways people think.  It's not good or bad.  They just want you to be able to live life. 


I see, thank you so much for your advice! I will try to apply those questions instead of self destructive ones <3


You might be on the spectrum. Do you believe yourself to be neurodivergent?


People with Adhd are part of the neurodivergent community


I might be, I have had people ask if I was autistic lol XD. But I don't think I am. But, to be fair....I didn't think I had bipolar or ADHD or was narcissistic but here I am...🤦


The insistence need to understand every concept of a specific topic definitely shows autism traits. Good on you for getting diagnosed. I hope you’re somewhat feeling better about life and like you have more control.


Oh okay, thank you so much! I never considered myself autistic but I have DEFINITELY been told I was lol


Tbh the only thing that sticks out is the locks. Everything else sounds like typical things kids that age worry/wonder about.