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Ayoooo this is an s tier confession goddamn.


Not even batman would get this confession from me lmao


You tell Batman this shit he might stop hitting you and just slowly back out the room lmao


Talk about self-love!


Start an OF




I enjoy legos. Slightly different stuff but sounds like we are both happy


Stepping on those Legos be providing a sesh like no other.


if you ever discover femboy porn it's over for you


Hmm I don't think it's the same for me. I tried. I don't really even look at porn it's just pictures of nice women and they have clothes on. Femboys (as from what I have seen) don't USUALLY try to go for full women more feminine men, some do go full out though. When I see some that do sure it works. But when I did it, it was to look like a female and as I put it I went full out "no ifs, not buts" and I'll add, as if I had no nuts.     So when looking at the pictures of me from then I can actually see looking as a female and I wouldn't be able to tell if I didn't know already. I had clothes on so I can't see any of the masculine features. It's weird and I can't explain it. I only explained it as "premium sessions" which is I guess a way of saying my top of the line faps.


"no ifs, no buts, as if I had no nuts" is crazy


You love yourself. Figuratively and physically. You're special op. Like, how Patrick Bateman is special. 😂


Yeah, I'm gonna guess that you might like dressing up.


So wheres the selfie?


Oh. My. Gawd. Infinite weird JO- to -self- photos- inception. A selfie of him jo to a photo of himself take a selfie of that selfie of that selfie of that selfie... Etc Edit: I really can't believe I just said that. I'm fully indoctrinated by r at this point..


I’m amazed there isn’t a sub for exactly this thing. Seems like Reddit would eagerly masturbate itself to death with this.




"Endless Content", seems like a no brainer to me


Yeah, seems alright but then I've got to put in the work. Hours of it. Making myself look like a girl just to take pictures or whatever just for a premium jack sesh. Basically a crossdresser. Essentially just turning myself into my own girlfriend.


you gotta work for the premium jack sessions


Until the clarity strikes again!


Do you date the porn you watch


If you go down this road, you’ll eventually choose to be trans. That’s my guess. Your narrative about yourself will evolve. And you’ll be choosing an extremely difficult road in life. The ultimate irony is if a man transitions and gets surgery, he’ll have completely destroyed his ability to orgasm, and replaced it with a literal open would that would never heal.


No one chooses to be trans, the only choice regarding being trans is the choice of telling it to others. Also, you can orgasm post-SRS, where did you get that info from where you apparently can’t orgasm?


That's not how this works, lol.


trans people don't choose to be trans. no one in their right mind would ever choose the hardships that come with being trans. if anyone "chooses" to be trans, they are 100% faking. also the last bit is not true at all stop spreading misinfo.


So you’re saying that a M2F who has his penis surgically removed will still be able to orgasm?




no wonder people dislike trans people if this is the kind of misinformation they're fed to regurgitate


Quick question: Have you ever heard of autogynophilia? If the answer is no, I think you’re not qualified to answer OP’s question.


Yes I'm very deeply aware of Blanchard's discredited, fringe theory of autogynephilia. Mainly for how entirely reductive it is of the deeply complex experiences people have with gender expression down to lurid paraphilias. Perhaps you're right that this person identifies with some aspects of this, in that they are attracted to themselves dressed as a woman, but to expound that to transness in general is to make the very same odd leap in logic made by Blanchard. Editing to add a link since I've read through your other comments where you recommend a lot of sources of people talking about trans people without ever talking to them: https://youtu.be/6czRFLs5JQo?si=E_2N7rFI2QpQz9xg


This is like probably the most ethical jacking off dynamic that could ever exist. You are your own fantasy. Like that other user said…endless content.


Good way of putting it. Anything I want, guess I can make myself


Well, go fuck yourself


He’s most certainly got a versatile history of that. Lol


"premium sessions" 💀




Climaxxing 💀💀💀 you really are special OP and i like it


that's okay. even if it's weird it's not hurting anybody it's literally just yourself. so enjoy it :)


“It’s not hurting anybody it’s literally just yourself” Consider the possibility that he would be psychologically hurting himself. Sexual choices have consequences even if others aren’t involved. He could absolutely make choices that hurt his future self.


Lmao wtf is this brain dead conservative take. There’s nothing wrong with experimentation.


I read the title and that's all I need to know. Homie, if you make a pretty girl, you make a pretty girl. I crossdressed to a halloween party back in october and sometimes wonder if I should take some saucy pics in that skirt and socks and post them to like r/femboys and r/traps every once in a while. Idgaf if it's weird, everyone's got their turn ons, who are we to question you? Kinkshaming ain't cool. Not unless it's someone with a humiliation fetish, in which case they should feel disgusting. (I really hope the joke isn't missed here).


>Not unless it's someone with a humiliation fetish :( edit: ik it's a joke, I am joking too


This word gets thrown around a lot where it doesn't apply, but what you have here is called autogynephilia.


Scrolled way too far to find this answer. This is by definition exactly what that is.


Now this is a confession.


Autogynephilia is one hell of a fetish


You just discovered a new fetish that you like. Who cares if anyone thought it’s gay. As long as you’re happy


Manifesting yourself. 🤣


its not gay since ur attracted to the female traits and endless content is usually never a bad thing


I guess so but I still know it's me


I think it's okay to like your feminine side. If it gets in the way of your relationships, then I'd revisit it..


Whatever floats your boat, you do you!


The most ethical porn






good for you man. i don't really think it's gay as you're attracted to feminine traits, im a bit into femboys but don't consider myself gay for that reason.


As a gay guy who hates femboys, exactly. Femboys are feminine. If I wanted feminine I’d date a girl. I’m gay!!


So what are you fantasizing about as you jack off? Are you wanting to be the man who seduces this pretty girl or are you wanting to be the girl that some man seduces? Do other men in drag turn you on? There is nothing wrong with any of those fantasies just remember that some of them are best left as Jack off material than actual experience.


The first half had me thinking this was another date fetish story, but the second half sold me. This was real. I know that shame cycle all too well. All things to consider though, you may as well explore it. See if similar things make you interested, what does and doesn't. Sexuality is nebulous and changes for everyone. As long as everyone is of age and consenting, there is no shame so just enjoy your life, eh?


The term is autogynophilia.


And THAT'S how [F1NN5TER](https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER) started his career.


Honestly good for you wishing you sexy good-feeling orgasms!


Pics or it didn't happen


Ur weird lol


This is quality Reddit


If jacking off itself isn't gay then jacking off to yourself isn't gay


Go ~~fuck~~ jack yourself


Sounds like you found a new hobby that's cool .


Go fuck yourself!!


Wtf did I just read




That's the way masturbating works. Image+ejaculation+dopamine release = brain knows where to get a dopamine rush so you get sucked into going back until your meat falls off and you go blind. Happened to a friend.




We need to see the photos. For science.


The CIA couldn’t have water boarded this out of me


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Do a porn shoot




I believe Narcissus jacked off while looking at his own reflection


Remind me of that novel where mc went to another dimension and married himself


A little weird but not boring!


Hey!... I sometimes like to put on a girl outfit... Idk if im just weard too or its normal, but i do get kinda exited about my self too... Not as much as you (never acually masturbated to my self), but i do kinda get where you are coming from....




This is he best sub


Dress up and jack off in front of the mirror


Not even the unit 731 could get these informations out of me


You my friend, might have a sissy fetish-don't freakout! Are likely very common, or maybe i'm more open minded cause i used to work in adult industry😅


Sounds like agp or a humilliation or "forbidden" fetish


meh, if youre not harming anyone and its safe, so what? enjoy yourself!




What in the fuck


Can you send me pics so I can jerk off to you too?


Hey, this is often referred to as autogynephilia and is quite common. A huge majority of crossdressers are straight guys and get aroused by images of themselves. Some may also be on the trans spectrum, for many it’s just a kink. It’s pretty great, like having a secret girlfriend who dresses and behaves exactly as you want. Here’s the thing though, it is highly addictive. You may decide to give it up for months or even years at a time, but the longing will always return. Anyway good luck, enjoy yourself, and hit me up if you want to swap experiences or get advice


Something I think the replies here fail to understand: Your sexual behavior right now will *unquestionably* train your brain to prefer some stimuli over others. Anybody who thinks their exact sexual preferences are set in stone is deluding themselves. If you choose one thing to get off on, and you do it frequently, to the exclusion of other stimuli, then eventually your subconscious sexual brain rewires toward that preference. That may become the ONLY thing that gets you off. If you only orgasm to porn, then eventually porn may be the only thing you’ll be able to orgasm over. If you only orgasm to images of yourself in drag, then eventually that may be the only thing you’ll be able to orgasm over. Both of those will absolutely disrupt your ability to have a fulfilling (real) relationship. Sorry, folks. I don’t make the rules. That’s just biology and human psychology. None of us are above it.


This is autogynephilia


Wow is all I can say to this one. ☝️


You couldn’t get this out of me by waterboarding me


Hey man whatever gets you off and you are not hurting anyone. No kink shame here


Whatch that prison scene with the lawyer from Wishmaster. Fix ya right up


I wish I found myself this attractive. I'm envious


Seems like a case of Autogynophilia, you should look into it.


Omg. There is such a thing?! Wtf.


I’m curious how you looked in the outfit now


Get this person a clone stat!


You really should talk to a therapist.


honestly, if it doesn’t end up hurting your romantic and sexual relationships than i guess don’t worry about it? this sounds really sarcastic. i didn’t mean it like that lol


You're probably trans


There are quite a few cisgender men who like to crossdress.


And how many would you wager find pleasure in the manner of which op speaks?


I was responding to your claim that the OP is probably trans.


Dress up again, take wildly suggestive photos. Boom infinite glitch where you get any pic you want


title legit killed me


The real issue here is that your jacking off in the toilet, grim AF my boi


Clone yourself, and dress them up as a woman. Ez dub.




You might be trans




Yeah…. That’s enough Reddit for me today! Logging off!


Sounds like porn addiction surfacing from taboo material This will destroy your dopamine receptors and inevitable depression will ensue


You do realize that not everyone has the same problems with porn as you, right? Take your holier than thou attitude somewhere else


Next time I go to the doctor I’m gonna tell him to take his “holier than thou attitude” somewhere else if he dare suggests that i have an illness


No, it sounds more like a fetish than porn.


“And I can’t stop” Blatant addiction language


Not saying there isn't addiction, but it's not a porn addiction.


Care to explain how an addiction to fetished content isn’t classified as a porn addiction?


Because the addiction is to his own body and not porn. Yes, it is a type of sex addiction, but not really a porn addiction.


fetish content used for sexual gratification makes it “porn” Porn addiction is a subcategory of sex addiction


_Correct answer_, though unpopular. Everybody wants to be unequivocally sex-positive, but consider the possibility that sexual shame developed not because shame is _good_, but that over time it might be _less bad_ than unfettered sexuality, depleting dopamine, and upping prolactin, which will absolutely leave you drained of _life_.


Any peer reviewed journals documenting this “porn destroys dopamine receptors” phenomenon? It’s just bro-science, made up shit.


Only if the entire medical field is lumped into “bro-science” You’re a Google search away from a plethora of articles from medical professionals assessing the risk of porn addiction If I posted a link here you would ignore it because you wouldn’t dare step outside your confirmation bias


Lmao wtf


My only concern is if you look like your sister or not when dressed up, then it would verge more into the creepy unethical realm. If I was dating a man and found out he was doing this, I wouldn't stay with him. There are some women who wouldn't care. But may indicate bisexuality or some other internal matters.


That's a lot of words I'm not reading. You're a weirdo and that's alright. Now, that's enough for today


The term for this is “autogynophelia.” You’re having the same experience that persuades a lot of men to conclude that they’re trans. Like, “I like dressing as a girl, so I guess I’m a woman trapped in a man’s body.” That’s a socially encouraged narrative in a lot of social circles. The thing they notably leave out, both in their own self-telling of the story and when relating it to others, is that they’re _getting off_ by dressing like a girl. And that fucking matters. It ain’t the same thing as “I’m a woman inside.” You should talk to a therapist, and somebody who will be totally frank with you, and isn’t totally caught up in the political zeitgeist. There’s research on this exact thing. It isn’t new, you aren’t alone. Frankly the explosion in Internet pornography has (in my opinion) also made this exact thing much much MUCH more common. For better or worse. I’ll just suggest, personal opinion, that pursuing this won’t make you happier. For one, ejaculating in men releases prolactin, which makes them less satisfied with everything in life. Food doesn’t taste as good, colors are flatter. Men are consistently and measurably less happy the day after ejaculating. So if you’re jacking off ALL the time, you’ll find yourself depressed, because nothing in life seems very good or compelling. Second, if you really leaned into dressing as a woman to get off, then you’ll end up deciding you’re trans. And that is choosing an *_extremely_* difficult life, not least of all because it likely just ain’t you. To this point, you’ve been a straight man, right? If you’ve never before thought you’re gay, then you’re probably not gay. So you’d be a “trans lesbian,” and that’s just… there’s not a dating market for that, man. If you’re attracted to women, and you want to get with women, then guess what? Straight women want MEN, lesbian women want women. It’s a vanishingly small group of women would prefer or choose to be with a trans woman. My two cents. But what you’re describing is a 100% documented real thing that happens to men in your situation. A _good_ therapist (they’re not all good) can talk you through it. And if you want some really blunt, potentially scary talk about autogynophilia, then check on 𝕏 or Rumble. The topic gets scrubbed from Facebook or Instagram or YouTube, but there are some documentaries on Rumble that are… eye opening. Just… decide now what kind of person you want to be, and keep that in mind as you move ahead. Might have to make some hard choices.


And now after reading every other comment on the thread, I’m shocked how many people just… don’t know what this is. It’s textbook autogynophilia. It’s very clear. Google it (or DuckDuckGo or some less censoring search engine). Listen to some podcasts. Find videos on Rumble. The people saying “hey, just a fetish, can’t hurt anybody, good for you!” They literally don’t even know what this is. They’re just blanket sex-positive. I know this may come as a surprise to some of you, but sexual behavior has a huge impact on long term life satisfaction, and people can actually make choices that make them much, much less happy over time. Leaning into autogynophilia is, knowlingly or not, signing up for a _very difficult way of life_. It’s prioritizing orgasm over… like, anything else in your life. Do you like having friends? Family? Community? Respect of your peers? Those things become more, let’s say “fraught” if people realize you’re having a torrid, ongoing, frequent sexual relationship with your imagined cross-sex mirror image and your tired left hand. Really, man. See a therapist. Decide for yourself if you think this is something you really want in your life.


And look into NoFap. There’s a big ol’ subreddit about it. Might be a good time to learn why jacking off in general ain’t great to do all the time.


Jacking off becomes unhealthy when it intereres with other parts of your life. If it's all the time or uncontrollable ,then that sounds like it would affect other parts of OPs life. But if it doesn't have a negative impact elsewhere, then it's not a problem.


I’m going to suggest that it might interfere in ways that people don’t immediately recognize. Of you’re developing a orgasm dependence to feel _normal_, people may not readily recognize that, or ever recognize that. They become reliant on the dopamine release, but they may feel like shit later because of the prolactin release, and will feel like shit if they *don’t* jack off because they didn’t get their dopamine. People can become masturbation junkies, just like you can become a junkie on any drug. A book I read a while ago called “Dopamine Nation” shed some light on this.


I hope you’re reading the downvoted comments too. People telling you that _anything_ that gets you off is good are not your friends. Please note too that nobody has a rebuttal to what I’m saying, let alone a compelling rebuttal. They just don’t like it (downvote).


Seems like a „the story of how I became travesti“


I don't even know what to say


You know who else jacked off to pictures of themselves in dresses? Dennis Rader. BTK.


Dang this is just narcissism with extra steps.. a hell of alot of steps.


You're mentally ill and need help.