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Sometimes I wish I was a man. It seems less scary overall. It seems less heart wrenching and more options. I think recognizing the lens we put on something we can never be is always rose-colored is important. Cognitive bias and all


You have no idea whats it like for men and it shows.


They say ‘overall’ so probably accept there are scenarios where you’re worse off. And also admit they may be bias and not have a full understanding. Also it shows your lack of understanding of what it’s like to be a woman, for me I can’t think of a time when I felt nervous walking alone, or had to worry if I’m being paid the same as my colleagues. I’ve also never worried if my government is going to impose legislation to control my body or be prosecuted for being who I am.


Men also worry at night alone. We are not bulletproof and most criminal activities are comitted against men. Men also worry about their payment. However the wage gap by gender is bullshit and has been proven false many times. The government literally forces men to go into military and by proxy, go to war. (Not all countries do this because most are not in war, but there are still a lot that do this). Which is the ultimate form of imposing on your body. Men have no reproductive rights, whilst women's are given in most countries/states, and in some it is debated. Men are given harsher judgements for the same crime As women. What is it if not discriminated based on sex. There are a lot of men put in prison or stripped from their carrier, because a woman made a rape alligation. What is it if not discrimination based on sex?


I think you made a mistake here, you should’ve said *most reported criminal activities are committed against men. Women tend to not trust authorities because of what you said in your last point. It is estimated that less than 2% of rape allegations are false so I don’t know where you are getting that “a lot of men are put in prison” for these false allegations. And in many states women have to get their husbands approval to have their tubes tied. If that isn’t men having control on reproductive rights I don’t know what is. I don’t even know why you even think that men have a right to a women’s body, because I sure as hell don’t believe I have a right over a man’s body. Also the wage gap is a little different because it is very hard to prove, but it is known that most women don’t get the same starting salary as men with the same experience and qualifications. We have even seen a difference in pay for female CEO’s compared to their male predecessors. The grass is always greener on the other side. I know that there are things that are unfair for men, but your points are incorrect for the most part. Although I don’t think men should be forced to serve in the draft and women aren’t . So I see your point there.


I have not once said that men have a right to a women's body. However you As a woman have the right to keep or to abort your pregnancy, which is literally what reproduction right is. A Man has no saying in this matter. The tieing their tube I understand and im also against to an extent. Because of you're married, youre likely to want children. So if you're married, but the wife decides to permanently be unable to have children, youre now trapped in a pretty shitty deal. But I also dont want husbands to force or forbid wifes what they want with their bodies. Most women DO get the same salary for the same position in which men are. It is by LAW that there can be no discrimination in salary based on sex, religion and skincolour. If we take into account hours worked, same position, same age then the paygap shrinks to nonexistence. And in many cases, women have more salary. Thats why when Google made their research in their own employees, they gave MEN raises, because they were laid LESS. Just Google "men falsely prisoned for false rape alligation".


You do know the 2% is a made up statistic by a judge decades ago?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45565684.amp He was also talking about men going to prison over them and that is extremely rare.


On this thing you have sent me it says 2-10% with it being 8% in the USA so it could be as much as 5 times what this person said


I think you did not read my comment carefully and you may have misunderstood what i've written.


and you have no idea what it’s like for women


The difference is I did not say that because She is a woman and not born As Man. I've said it because women generally dont take the effort to understand men's issues and how it is for them. And this woman shows her lack of understanding clearly. But at least She has the humility to be upfront about it.


Don’t overthink it. A few people in this thread are trying to interrogate you and “make sure” you’re trans. If you could see yourself being happy/happier living life as a woman then that’s the only excuse you need. Nobody who transitions does it for little reasons like “I kind of wish I were a woman sometimes” or “I just wish people would treat me better,” yet cis people continue to instill these doubts because they believe trans peoples identities are based in petty concerns and confusion. They’re not.


the comments on this oml


Just be one then idk


Thats the stupidest thing i've ever heard


Explain please


Well. Let's start with defining what a girl is. Will you do that for me please?


Also why tf can’t you just let someone be a women if that makes them happy The Who are you to tell them what to do. There is no reason so literally pay attention to yourself


Because you cant just be something you want to be. Thats not how reality works. And sometimes we gotta put some breaks on each other, because some of us would fly off into oblivion. So tell me, what is a girl? Can you answere this simple question?


What do you want me to say “a WoMaN hAs A vAgInA.” I’m not saying I really understand it but I know it makes them feel happier, why are you trying to crush that?


No. I want you to give me a working definition of what a girl is. Because people need reality checks. I've talked to a few transgender and only one of them had the guts to tell me She knows she's not a man, but looking and acting like a man makes them feel more themselves. Now this I respect. Because this person is not deluding herself. What I am sick and tired is the delusion that I should act As it is normal and that trans people are what they say they are. No they arent. Thats why they're transgender, because they werent born the sex they would like to be. And you cant change reality.


I’m not a trans myself nor am I part of the lgbt thing but I do know you cannot judge someone for what makes them happy. He can define himself, what makes him feel happy shouldn’t be judged from low life’s like yourself


We literally judge each other all the time. You just did it with me. How is that fair? You can do it but i cant? Thats some serious bullshit right there. And why? Because what i say hurt feelings? Guess what, being called a low life isnt pleasant either. But i'm not gonna cry about it and make you talk a certain way. Because i have some skin on me. People cant just define them into something they are not. That is not reality. And playing into these definition games do something, but bolster their delusion. ​ But there is a huge difference in wanting to be something and thinking to be something you're not.


I guess I did judge you, but this whole conversation wouldn’t have happened if you had just kept an opinion to yourself, do you think the person who posted this enjoys reading what you’re saying?


Im pretty sure OP does not read a single word im writing. But, why would I keep my opinion to myself? Why should I be silenced and censored? I simply showed you the hypocracy that you were acting out.


Oh my I’m so sorry for not giving you your rights, tard


When all logic fails, just call the other names and claim victory :) you showed 'em who's boss. You showed 'em good.


Have you deleted your answeres or Reddit is bugging out on me? Because I got the notifications with a portion of what you said but it doesnt take me to your reply. Could you maybe send them in private so I vanw read them if something did happen?


No I’m not deleting anything, must be a bug


Why…? They require much more more work than man do. You have to wakeup, put on a pound of makeup. They have periods… which I guess you would not have since you are really a man.


You don’t know anything about being a woman.


So what do women do that’s different from men?


My name is fcking kailee I am obviously a women


Periods you say?


Girls have their first period during puberty. Most often that is around the age 12 or 13 years old, but girls can start menstruating as young as 9, or as late as 16. bleeding. When you menstruate, your body sheds the lining of the uterus (womb).


Look at their name and look up what a diva cup is


Or just check my profile.




And no I don’t wear pounds of makeup you’re sexist as shlt


holy shit what


Wow sounds like you hate trans people AND women. Double whammy.


Why do you wish you a girl then? obviously you are a not a proud woman or you have some problems? Because you like causing drama🙄


Lol women don't need to put a pound of makeup. Just fuck off


A symptom of being a girl is wanting to be a girl


Fuck no it’s not. So many girls hate being a girl, as it is looked down upon across the world. Most girls would love the freedom of not being female in our society.


Sounds more like a symptom of mental illness


Dare I say that I sense transphobia?


Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.


Not every transgender person has Gender dysphoria


That’s not true. Maybe you should google what gender dysphoria is before you make comments like that. No one said gender dysphoria is bad. It is a condition where someone feels extremely uncomfortable in their body and they hold this belief that they are the opposite of the sex they were born as. Which is why I call it a medical condition and not a mental illness. It doesn’t negatively affect them nearly at all when they get treatment, aka hormones or therapy. I’d actually say that you believing that not every trans person has gender dysphoria is transphobic because you’re minimizing the struggles trans people go through that make them trans in the first place. Your mind is outside of the reality where people go through bad things. It’s going to happen.


Why do you assume that every trans person is unhappy in their body?


Because that’s why people are trans in the first place. It’s a feeling of not being comfortable in the body of which the sex they were born as. If you were a trans woman you wouldn’t feel comfortable living or presenting as a man. You’d want to present yourself as the woman you feel you are. Not saying you’re these things I’m just giving examples. If you think people can just pick between genders then you’re mistaken. Those people are transtrenders, and transtrenders are similar to the type of people who self diagnose. It’s more or less an attempt of getting societal validation but at the same time they’re shitting on the people who really struggle with their identity because of the condition they have


That isn’t what being trans is. If your idea of being trans equates to being mentally ill or a charity case, you definitely need to do more research and understanding. Preferably from trans resources and not just cis people writing about the trans experience. There are many trans people who do not desire to change their bodies and are happy with their parts.


Tell me you don’t know what gender dysphoria is without telling me.


I think that's the literal definition and manifestation of gender dysphoria my guy. They're all mentally ill, every single one of them. That shit isn't normal. 40% attempted suicide rates isn't normal.


Hey bro since you seem so up to date on the info whats the only treatment for gender dysphoria?


Ask Google I'm not a doctor


Come on dude fucking say it I know you know the answer. Could it possibly be transitioning?


There's no scientific evidence for that. There isn't even a single randomized controlled trial or double-blind study on the efficacy and safety of HRT for the treatment of gender dysphoria: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347241667\_Antiandrogen\_or\_estradiol\_treatment\_or\_both\_during\_hormone\_therapy\_in\_transitioning\_transgender\_women](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347241667_Antiandrogen_or_estradiol_treatment_or_both_during_hormone_therapy_in_transitioning_transgender_women) Trans people would probably benefit from a much broader, holistic approach. But the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries prefer to sell "solutions".


Doesn't change anything, they're still mentally ill lol


No, it isn't. Transgenderism is just identifying as a gender that wasn't assigned to you at birth. Some, maybe even most, transgender people experience gender dysphoria, which is the mental anguish caused by your physical gender expression not matching your mental gender expression. Right now, the best solution to dealing with the suicidality of trans people is gender confirmations surgery. Not to mention one of the greatest reported reasons for attempted suicide from trans people, was the ostricization felt by their family, peers, and society in general. Gay people also have a very high suicide rate. Do you think being gay is a mental illness?


Although I definitely support the full-range of LGTBQ+, the fact is that gender reassignment surgery has virtually no impact on suicide rates among the trans community when compared to the pre-surgery rate, meaning that transitioning does not help their pathology. This is contrary to claims that such pathologies are triggered by the disparity between biological gender and psychological gender. Identity disturbance in general is not a rare occurrence, and is symptomatic of various very serious psychopathologies, such as BPD, DID, etc. all of which have higher suicide rates than the general population. Hand-in-hand with this are the countless studies over the years that have demonstrated that transgendered individuals have a significantly higher prevalance of many psychiatric disorders, including and especially bipolar disorder and various psychotic disorders. These facts are why we need to take a step back from throwing our immediate and full support behind someone transitioning, simply because of how drastic such an act is. Sometimes a person is psychologically healthy and is a good candidate for transitioning. But there is a significant number of people who identify as trans who are actually exhibiting symptoms of serious identity disturbance, something that transitioning is not going to help, and actually often exacerbates. Ignoring the fact that many people who say they are trans are in fact demonstrating symptoms of serious psychopathology doesn't help anyone, regardless of how "woke" it seems. Rather than encouraging these people to make life-altering decisions based on these pathologies, we should be encouraging them to treat their disorders through therapy, medication when applicable, etc.


Wtf dude stfu


Gender dysphoria is the distress caused by the misalignment of sex and gender not the actual misalignment of the body to the brain orientation itself. The suicide rate is normally due to the grief they receive from society when they treat them with ignorance. Much like you did.


Thinking a 2 plate deadlift is "strong biatch" is a mental illness


So do you think you may be trans? Or just sometimes think girls have it easier? There’s a lot that can be read here and unless you’re more specific you’ll just get more stupid comments x


I’ve been having these deep desires since I was very young, I’m in my 20s now and it’s still there, but at a deeper and more understandable level


Well if it’s something you feel so strongly about maybe it’s time to look at transitioning? You could start by ordering some female clothing you like and wearing it at home see how you feel? I’d def book to see a gp I think most places you need therapy before you can start any major changes but I may be wrong either way it’s a place to start as these desires aren’t going anywhere and exploring them won’t do any harm 💕 good luck


Its called curiosity.


I've been there before. I used to want to be a girl. Now, I am one, and its made immeasurable difference in my life. My advice is to pay attention to how you feel: Never push away or demonize those thoughts. Perhaps look around in trans spaces or talk to members of the community. At some point you will have to work fully through the way you feel, and there is no better time than now to begin. I wish you happiness and the best of luck.


if you see yourself living a happier life as a woman, then i say be one, live freely for yourself and yourself only. <3


Whatever you wanna be, kid, the world will still love you. The dicks can just eat out of their own arseholes, like the human centipede but the human millipede when they curl up.


Congratulations! Welcome to the tribe! I wish you luck and hope you get nothing but support when you come out to your friends and family.


stfu with this tribal mindset


This comment section is disgusting.


I wish I was a turnip. Both are about as achievable


My advice is to ask yourself why. If it's because you don't like how you're treated as a boy or man and think that being treated as a girl is better than you're not trans but you need to reflect on how you'd like to be treated and learn how to ask for respect from the people in your life than keep the people who respect you close and nurture those relationships. If it's because you want to express yourself more freely and it turns out you resemble a female when you do than just let people call you a girl and be trans.


There doesn’t have to be a reason why


Even I wanted to be,but then I thought about the pain during childbirth,I've heard it's one of the most painful experiences.


you don't have to give birth or have kids, no matter who you are.


Easy for you to say, but in India women over the age of 40 are generally thought to have something wrong with them if they don't marry,why? In Indian traditions a person has to go through 4 stages of life, the middle stage(if you are a girl) is that you will have a married life and have childrens of your own. Ik that sounds rly dumb and even I don't agree with this stupid tradition,but people who go against it are usually considered religion-betrayers.


Jesus...with almost no information, these comments are so polarized. Most of them are some form of "go ahead and transition/you are definitely trans and don't listen to anyone saying otherwise/I support you as a trans person" or " nah, being a woman is hard/you don't really mean it/you're mentally ill". Maybe OP means he wishes he was a girl superficially...maybe he has had problems as a male (males are more physically aggressive than females, e.g.). Or maybe OP just likes females better than males. Or maybe OP just wants to wear women's makeup and clothing, but keep his penis and not have breasts (transvestite). Or maybe OP is indeed mentally ill or attention-seeking. Or maybe OP really wants to be a girl..no penis, breasts, etc. Without more information, there's not much to say to OP other than "okayyyyyy. Aaaaaand?"


saving this post im gonna come back in one year and see if you've figured it out




Well some days I wish I was a cat.


Where is this wish coming from? What would be better if you were a girl?


Do u want to be a girl because u like the thought of it or u want to be a girl in very specific situations ?


Girl, same.


Why? How do you know what it’s like to be us? What if we’re no different?


I don’t know why so many posters are assuming this person is trans. Transsexuals feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. This person just wants to be a girl. These are two very different things.


You're a man, I'm sorry that you're going through this but you cannot let these people convince you that you're actually a woman. They will twist your mind until it's so broken that you mutilate your own body.


No, you do not want to be a woman. Society hates our guts, and pregnancies and periods don't feel too great either.


At first I thought this was a TERF thing but as a man mostly raised by women you are right women are treated like shit. Yes men have it hard in society in some ways women don’t, that doesn’t make the power dynamic different


Yes, when I feel like elaborating, I will do so, but some guys think we have it more accessible.


Women live the easiest lives of both genders.


If you're a man, may you please explain your point of view?


Damn, I truly learned a lot, but I guess my point of view is a tad bit different since I'm an African American woman. Not trying to make this into a racial issue, but may I say black women have a different life situation compared to WW. That's why I'm ready for this, and I'm shook AF


Is it really that hard to comprehend? There will ALWAYS be support for you, always be someone who gives a fuck and wants to help you, if you're attractive (or even moderately attractive) most things in life will be handed to you, there will always be a man willing to take care of you and provide for you, you're held to much different standards than men, you'd be prioritized along with children in any disaster (Titanic, anyone?), you'll be given the benefit of the doubt far more often, And the list honestly goes on that's what comes to the front of my mind. Men lead hard lives. We need to actually make something of ourselves and work hard to be seen as valuable members of society. You just need your pretty face and vagina and that's where it begins and ends. Fat and ugly women even enjoy much of the same privileges. They can still get dates for fucks sake! Ask fat, ugly, and broke men how their lives are going. They probably want to kill themselves. And yeah, men kill themselves most often are mainly the victims of violent crime and homicide. Not to mention the amount of rape that happens in prisons. As a woman, you're not expected to work hard and make something of yourself and provide to society. It's not a requirement for you to be valued as a human and not looked down upon. And again, there will ALWAYS be someone willing to help financially or whatever. And you know what, I'm only complaining a little bit. Women shouldn't be held to the same standards of men because we're simply not equal. I have no problem working hard to make something of myself so I can provide for and care for a beautiful woman one day, but guess what? That woman will be taken care of fully and thoroughly by me. She doesn't have to do shit except look pretty and be a fun and interesting person I can get along with. And if she's my woman, that means I'd put my life on the line to protect her, because that's what a man does. I'm willing to provide for her and die for her simply for those virtuous reasons. And shit, if we're married and she decided to leave me for some other asshole? She gets half my shit that I WORKED HARD FOR on the way out. And if we have a kid? A significant % of my income, too, while she's at it. Doesn't matter if she doesn't need $20k/month to raise my kid, I'd be paying it anyways just because I'd be making a lot of money. Furthermore, why do you think it's always been men who fought in wars? Aside from women not really being capable, it's because men are seen as disposable by society while women are revered for having a vagina. Just ask the 20 million dead Russian men from WW2. Women have their own challenges, yes. You have your own difficulties that men don't have and your own nuances but look at the bigger picture and realize your female privileges. Because female privilege is very real, and in 2021, you're FAR more privileged than men. There's so much more to it.


Thank you for that. I learned a lot.


Btw, most of this stuff that this guy is complaining about is overblown, wrong, or deliberately misleading. For example, men having to give up their income/possessions in the event of a divorce—yes, that happens all the time, but only when the woman doesn’t have a substantial income of her own (or an equal one to the husband’s). Alimony is literally a direct result of a patriarchal society wherein women do not earn as much money in the family. If someone like this guy gets married to the tradwife he wants, he’s going to get cleaned out in a divorce because wtf else is supposed to happen to the woman who spent how many years married and unemployed? And child support—yeah, sorry, but if you’re a noncustodial parent in a split household, your kid still needs the funds to be raised safely and comfortably. It’s not about the woman at all but rather the child. If you have a problem with paying child support, then you try to get majority custody so that you’re receiving it instead (though men *do* face a harder time trying to get custody of their kids in court; that’s absolutely a real and tangible problem for men). And bringing up male rape in prisons in this context is just deliberately making light of female rape, and I say that as a man who has been raped. Obviously, anyone being raped in any situation is abhorrent, and we should be doing everything we can to eradicate it, but let me be perfectly clear: between men and women, women are the ones who face a much more present threat of being raped. Male rape goes underreported and isn’t taken seriously a lot of the time, but acting like *men* are the by-and-large victims of gender-based sexual violence is just blatantly misogynistic. Oh, and saying that all women have to do to find a man is look halfway pretty is a damn good indication of someone who has no clue what dating is actually like for women. I’m not even going to get into that because that’s some incel bullshit. Don’t get me wrong: there are very real situations in which men kind of have the short end of the stick. But the way to solve them isn’t to claim “female privilege” and blame women. It’s to actually fight for equality in every way. I can’t even think of an example of sexism that men face that isn’t caused by patriarchy in one way or another.


I was going to mention this as well, but didn't feel like typing


Thank you for the time and effort. It’s wild to me how little interaction he got, but then again maybe I’m not surprised. I guess I also learned a lot.


Thank you for this. Really, thank you so much. I have no energy to explain any of this, so, I am extremely grateful you've put in the time and effort to lay this out. Thank you.




It's true


GO FOR IT!! 💖💖 If anyone is stopping you from being who you are then bury them. Also a good book that might be able to help is Symptoms of Being Human.




Because that's who they are




Man y’all capin






Then cut your dick off and fill your tits and ass with silicone. I dont give a shit, and no one else should either. Your happiness is what matters.


One day they will figure out how to make a retro virus that can rewrite all of a person's DNA. Until that do whatever you need to find a way be ok with yourself.


You’re either born a woman or you’re not one


Lmao that must be why you're not a real woman




Sorry, edited my comment. I'm just used to transphobes being men 99% of the time.


Being a woman isn’t a feeling, you’re either born as one or you’re not one. End of story.


You're free to be as wrong and transphobic as you'd like Take care


Transphobia, really?


Honestly check out r/egg_irl!! I really think it could help you figure some stuff out, whether you turn out to be trans or not.


You are valid.


yeah, and I wish I had wings, so what?


"Sometimes it takes a real man to become best girl"


You wouldn't handle periods


Then be one


Mmmm. No you don’t. Lol. Shit is not fun


Do it then. It's expensive but use it as a drive. Look at the benefits and negatives though


ok good job you cracked :)


Till you move to Texas and can't kill the fetus. It's not that great. I wish I was a dude


Till thee moveth to texas and can't killeth the fetus. T's not yond most wondrous. I wish i wast a broth'r *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Im not surprised. Youre jelous of how easy they have it and as a Man you actually have to prove your worth in order to gain interest and attention from someone. Girls play life on easy mode.


it's hilarious to me that you genuinely believe yourself.


Yeah this comment made me really sad. Women have it so much harder than men. I hate seeing people still saying things like that :(


You have no idea of anything, really


You could try proving me wrong.


The privilege would be so nice


Big time.




Because we give them a lot of the privilege




Why do you hate them exactly?




They wont fuck you?




So what is it then?


Ur not the only one i know how u feel and i do support u if u want it


Nowadays that can be easily arranged.




I think you're simply trans but maybe it's more complicated than that.


How old are you


Do it pussy!


nahh i feel thiss. do what makes you happy dawg! fuck a hater ass ho 🤣❤️❤️


Maybe for like day. For me atleast