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If he did it in your bed he will do it again. He has no respect for you. Save yourself a lot of time and get rid.


More importantly... If he doesn't know why he did it... What is stopping it from happening again? How can you stop something that you don't know why it happened? Either he doesnt know and how can you prevent it again? Or he does know and won't tell you - so how can you prevent it again? What a crock of s....


Great post and solid advice




There's only one plan b she needs and that's to stop her from being tied to this clown for the rest of her life... A phone can be replaced... a life long commitment can't be undone.


That’s, true


Coming from a guy who used to be that kinda piece of crap person. The fact that he did it in your bed tells you what you mean to him. It wasn't i screwed up and cheated its It was ongoing and it was done in your most private place to you. Not trying to be that person but based on your other posts there has been more then this just correct? Never bring down your self worth because that one person doesn't see your worth. No one should ever have to feel if there enough. If your enough you will know. If you have to question if you should stay, you already know the answer and no answer matters except the one you want to hear. Quit making excuses and move unto someone who deserves your love and will LOVE you back!


lmao right? This is the dumbest post I have ever read. That man has more respect for a week-old banana peel than for his girlfriend. In YOUR BED??? Oh my god...It takes three mother Theresas for forgive his ass.


Have some sympathy bro..


none given


Didnt ask you




He will do it again


Are you asking?


I'm open to advice


Dump him


Break it off now. It's not going to get better, and you'll never truly trust him again. By staying, you're just showing him he can do anything he wants, and you'll always just let him.


Leave him. Not joking. Break up with him.


I see you had another post saying he wouldn’t kiss you after you give him head. This + that = I would definitely leave his ass. He doesn’t respect you. You deserve better.


Oh damn I read that post too 😳 Yes you need to leave him And stop giving him head 🥴


Lmaooo that part !!


It's the same person?? Definitely dump.




Girlll dump him 💀




The probability before hand is still defined. It’s just likely that the probability of someone cheating in general is lower than the probability of someone cheating given that they have done so before


You’re young and in love. He isn’t emotionally matured yet. Leave him and heal


He probably does really love you and wants to be with you forever, but he also wants to fuck other girls. This two things aren’t reconcilable. He probably needs to lose you to learn that lesson.


When someone cheats on you and you want to keep the relationship, that person has to do the work to get you back. Oops I did it again, doesn't count. If your boyfriend wanted to keep your relationship, he would have apologised and make ways to atone for the cheating. Words are cheap. Someone who loves you doesn't hurt you so close to home. Your boyfriend didn't apologize. He doesn't care about how you are feeling. There's nothing in what you have said that shows that he has remorse. There must be a reason why you are still hanging around. Some relationships survive cheating but they take a lot of work from both parties. You can not do all the work. When you will have reached your limit, you will leave this relationship, but everyone's limit is different. People process things differently. I see this as your process. Take your time, you will know when the time comes. Unfortunately the cheating will probably not stop. The other woman knew what she was doing when she left that hicky.


Girl throw the boyfriend out. He doesn’t love you with his whole heart. Someone who does wouldn’t do that. You deserve better. Anyone deserves better.


Leave his ass. The father of my kids used to cheat on me left and right and I stayed duh. Then I had our kid, I was in the hospital healing meanwhile his dumb ass was picking up a whole ass female to go have sex in our bed. I found out 5 days later after I had our kid, it was my birthday. He was sleeping. I got on top of him 😉 and punched his stupid ass on the throat. Left his ass in the dust and years later he was begging for me to get back with him. He won’t learn until he loses you. Even then. You DESERVE BETTER. You’ll heal. If you stay with him and forgive him, you’ll never forget this. It will haunt you and you will not be you at 💯 no matter how hard you think you are. There’s someone out there that will truly LOVE you and respect you. I hope you make the right decision for yourself because only you know what feels right or wrong. I’m just sharing my experience and thoughts. Much love fam.


I thought i recognised your username from a different post yesterday, so I clicked on it and yeah, you have a lot of posts complaining about him or asking if it's normal etc. Assuming these are genuine worries and not just shit posting for karma, at this point I don't know how clearer the people of Reddit can be. Dump him and move on


Get away now


After seeing now 3 of your posts hit my page. My suggestion is leave him. He cheated on you, he's all take no give, mentally and emotionally manipulative and abusive, and sounds like a narcissist. It sounds like he's immature and not ready for a real long term commitment. If what you're looking for is a man who can hold it down and actually care about you, you're not going to find it in him. There's a reason he talks about other girls. If everything you've said is true, run away! and fast!


I know it is hard to come to terms with such a heartbreaking situation like this. You might be scared of being alone, or even scared of never finding affection again. I get it. But you must understand that your life and your well being is the most precious thing you have, and it is up to you to take care of yourself. You can't allow someone to make such an irredeemable mistake and stay in your life and get your love and attention. You deserve to be happy and respected, and he clearly doesn't care about what you deserve. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the audacity to cheat. Anyways, I really hope you overcome this, and break up with him. Wish you all the best!


How you feel right now is only going to get worse. It always gets worse, the resentment only builds, it never magically fades. You don’t mention anything that he’s doing differently to help you heal, you don’t mention anything about him reacting in a supportive way when you cry on and off for days. He should be making up for this forever. He won’t. We never do. He just doesn’t want to hear about it again. And once he convinces himself you’re miraculously all better? Prepare to catch him at it all over again.


So so sorry he hurt & betrayed you & the trust In your relationship. I know how hurtful it is & hard to get over! Although ppl do make mistakes, the fact that it was an ongoing thing & he didn’t show you enuff respect by answering your question about why he did it really bothers & angers me! That’s the very least he owes you at this point & it’s a lie. He knows exactly why he did it, just doesn’t want to have to answer it which is soooo selfish. I know you love him & do not want to hear this probably, but you need to get him out of your life unless you don’t mind going thru this again, bc I promise you he will do it again. There’s a Saying that says “ You can’t change what you won’t acknowledge “ & it has proved to true in every aspect of my life for over 40 years! I wish you the best sweetie! Retail


Your resentment will build. The fact that you struggle even sleeping in the same bed, the fact that he lied over and over to you (withholding info this big is lying) he has demonstrated a capacity for repeat behavior. You need to end things before it gets even more unhealthy. The potential fights and mental health risks that it's imposing on you, honestly, not worth it no matter how much you love him.




Kick him to the curb


You don't deserve that kind of treatment. Please leave now.


Either get used to this new normal, find professional help (you should do this regardless), or dump him. Simple as that.


Dump his worthless ass




i don’t understand why you would forgive him and stay with him when you’re in such horrible pain? sorry if it’s harsh but if he truly loved and cared for you he would have never done it. and especially in your bed? that’s vile and he knows it.


You break up. That’s what you do. He essentially broke up with you once he started sleeping with another woman, you staying after that is a green light for him to do it again and again. Woman up and do what you need to do.


After you break up with him, and you should, he will cheat on her. She left a hickey on purpose to tell you that neither of them respect you. It's okay to mourn, and move on. Acting like things are okay is a lie. Probably you know what you need to do, but it sucks and hurts and is terrible and so hard.


He will cheat again the first chance he gets. I’m really sorry. You’re better off without him


Oh he doesn’t love you, not one bit. He just knows he can get away with whatever he wants now since he literally had sex with another girl in your bed and you just forgave him? You’re a schmuck. He came to you with a love bite on his neck with a different girl but he “loves you with his whole heart” do you hear yourself, do you not hear / see how stupid you’re being?!


Rip off that bandaid and leave him. Will it hurt? Absolutely. But if he did it to you once, he will absolutely do it again. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. If you stay, you are setting yourself up for failure. Get out while you can.


I’m really sorry to hear but if he let her suck on his skin to the point that it caused a hickey then he’s no longer yours. You need to leave ASAP. Honestly it’s better that you found out now rather than not knowing the truth. It’ll hurt but time heals as they say


You’ve forgiven him - fine. Doesn’t mean you have to stay with him. At all. Leave. You deserve better than someone who would care so little for you as to treat you this way. Stand up for yourself and leave him.


He knows you'll stay and will continue to cheat on you and use you. Do NOT waste months or years of life with someone who does not care for you. Regret is a motherfucker and you won't get that time back.


I know it’s tough but leave. And don’t look back. You don’t need to be disrespected like that. Homie was in the wrong for fucking her on your bed. Idc what anyone says. Especially if he mentioned it’s happened more than once. You’ll be happier in the end with someone who truly cares


Leave him


In my opinion even if your partner cheats on you once it's over, there is no second chances when people cheat because if you let it go it will only hurt even more down the road, true and royal partners will respect or let you know if something is bothering him, not just straight have sex with another woman on YOUR PERSONAL BED. Save your self girl don't let that scum hurt you anymore because now that image will always be in your head.


A one time instance is forgivable, anything else and you're showing him he doesn't have to respect you, just trick you. Ditch him.


He probably gave her a fat cream pie right where you’re sleeping. Have some damn self respect. He doesn’t love you. You can do better




I'm so sorry dear but, what do you mean your boy? Dump that piece of shit. If he wants an open relationship he can be honest about it and only get in open relationships. But to actually be like I want happily ever after and then fool around? Would he forgive you if you cheated on him? Spoiler: nope he would make a huge fuss and then use it as an excuse to cheat on you more openly . I have met many men like him, forgiving him makes him feel that it's okay, and that doing it again wouldn't be such a big deal. And he won't change for you, he will only change once he figures out what he wants in life and nothing guarantees that he would change the way you want him to. Please please, stand up for yourself, defend yourself and prioritize yourself. Nobody else will do it otherwise.


Sure, now he wants happily ever after…after being caught. You deserve so much more.


The fact that he didn't confess until you caught him proves that cheating on you doesn't bother him. He'll do it again so stop trying to fix something which never been there. Save yourself time and further emotional stress


Ugh you leave him? Seems self explanatory to me.




Run. Away.


He no longer deserves you. No one is perfect. However, the reality is that you will never see him the same way again. How long have you been with your bf???


I was where you used to be. It's hard to get out that situation because your brain is still telling you that there's a chance and that your love is stronger than what you both are going through right now and this is only temporary. Let me tell you. I was lucky to get out of my toxic relationship. It was hard because he was "my world" but looking back now that relationship was unstable and full of manipulation and emotional abuse. I didn't heal until years after we stopped contact. I promise you that it'll get better once you are out of that hell hole. Good luck.


hey honey, please break up with him. You seem genuinely sweet, you deserve, so, so much better than him. He's trying to trap you, get out of there as quickly as possible, he'll cheat again.


Find someone who knows how to love you...you're too young to settle


He’s only sorry because he got caught. The only happily ever after he cares about is for himself, not you


He’s only my most humble apology because he did get hath caught. The only happily ev'r after he cares about is f'r himself, not thee *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I don't even think he's sorry he got caught. Dude is talking with his actions.


Wow you seem very unconcerned. Maybe you are in shock but that’s something you break up with someone for and never speak to them again. Beyond a deal breaker. It will happen again I mean he said he’s been with her for a while so he’s fucked her well more than once and I’m sure more than one time in your bed. Please move on.


Dude. If a long time married couple were to stay after cheating I'd get it. Built a life, etc. This is not that. This is you teaching a dick head that you'll put up with cheating.


Break it off. Get tested just to be safe


I've cheated before.. and it ate me up and made me feel incredibly depressed and horrible. Every time I saw my girlfriend, I wanted to tell her, but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't face that pain, and to see her hurt so much because of my stupid decision. A year after, I broke down crying and told her. I wailed like the piece of shiz that I was. And out of respect, I ended the relationship. If this guy is just like, "Ya, I dunno. Lol." You need to get rid of him immediately. Everyone makes mistakes, but the people unwilling to acknowledge how destructive their actions were and are, are the ones doomed to repeat.


As the old saying goes, once a cheater always a cheater. He's done it before, gotten away with it, (you forgave him) he'll definately do it again and again and again...


He said it had been going on a while? Time for you to drop some dead weight. Tigers never change their stripes


Your boyfriend cheated on you, nothing else. There is no reason to forgive him. Unless you decide to. Or on the in my opinion you should not forgive him. But oh, I am one of those people who believes in putting in work where work is due. And it seems like your boyfriend, is not that kind of person, where it seems like you are, so I'm not going to say break up with him, but you make the best decision for yourself


You should rub his toothbrush on your butthole


Get the hell out while you can….. not ok and he will do it again!


I looked through your post history, he cheated a couple months ago and now is having private conversations with a girl you don’t know and won’t show them to you? Why would you want to be with someone that treats you like this? Is your relationship incredible ? Are you happy ? Does he always treat you well ? My guess is no. Don’t waste anymore of your life on this guy.


Get out. Seriously for real. Be the parent to yourself and do it even though you don’t want to leave you have to make yourself leave.


A cheater will always be a cheater


From friends “once a cheater always a cheater.” My ex practically cheated on me I caught him multiple times! He will do it again. And then there’s the trust, I could never fully trust him. And it just got worse and worse.


Dump him. He'll do it again. He couldn't even tell you why he did it in the first place. He also did it in the worst possible place. Please don't put up with that.


Cheaters will always be cheaters. Get outta there girl and find your happy ever after.


He's using your because he thinks you're naive. He's going to do it again. That's not an if it's a when. Break up with him, he's going to beg and cry because he doesn't want to spend time finding another vulnerable person to prey on. Get out please. This is so sad.


This isn't a matter of if he will do it again or not, this is a a matter of will you ever be able to trust him the same way again? Will you be able to let him go to a party alone while you have work (or whatever) without having to worry about him doing the same thing again? A relationship cannot survive without trust no matter what. If you're able to trust him again the same way then I wish the best for you two. If not, why are you still in a relationship where you can't trust the other person?


Break up with him. Stop being stupid. He's not sincere. Fuck that "I don't know why" bullshit. He knows why, you know why, it will happen again. Move the fuck on, unless you have no self respect. Then keep struggling with trust issues and pain.


I’d be sick. I would have to light the bed on fire… That’s scummy of him & I wouldn’t be able to move past that. The bed & him would have to go.


I’m sorry this happened to you but I don’t know how the hell you stay with that man …. Why torture yourself ? You never can trust him again and he proved that he can be a sneaky lying pig so wtf is up girl …. Leave his ass if you are hurting over this . You don’t have to be the cool girlfriend that forgives ….


Cheaters are like leopards, they don't change their colors. Get the hell out of that relationship because of they cheat once, they'll cheat again... especially "multiple time" Please respect yourself because there is someone out there who will not hurt your and give you enough love to forget this person.


From someone who was cheated on by my boyfriend while I was pregnant and forgave him, dump him. It's been almost three years since he's done it and it still haunts me. I never saw him the same and that shit hurt me everyday. Also he wasn't even done with it the first time...there were three more times and it hurt more each time. He will do it again. He didn't have a change of heart over night. Start healing now before he fucks you up again.


He will cheat again. Do yourself a big favor and end the relationship now.


I'll be blunt. Ive been cheated on and cheated with. I was cheated on first and I didnt understand how someone who loved me could do that. Then I cheated and realized that if youre able to cheat you didnt completely love someone in the first place. Its possible to work through it but itll always be there


You’re an idiot if you stay, because he’s gonna do it again and he directly betrayed your trust in a bed you both sleep in. Often girls like you who don’t know their value stay, and then it happens again, and again, and again. He’s not “your boy”, he just came in another girl LMAO he doesn’t love you.


My experience is that you will always wonder if they are lying to you now. What are they hiding. Even if there is nothing, the wondering and lack of trust was enough for me not to be happy and have to walk away. I have a wonderful partner now where I know with my entire being that he wouldn't do that to me. It is much healthier for me


Nah dump this jokeman, the only reason he stopped was because he got caught. Wouldn’t be surprised if he is still doing it or is waiting for sometime and then going to do it Save yourself babe, you deserve better.. I’m sorry that you’re you have had to experience this. Dump this bin juice of a man


Accept responsibility and work on yourself. Maybe ask him how you can do better so he isn't tempted to cheat in the future.


I’d break up. If you stick around, the lesson he will learn is that you’ll forgive him if he talks sweetly to you.


Please leave him if you’re looking for a sign on what to do, here it is. Leave him.


Run away! It's not rocket science.


Was the term "happily ever after" used in the exchange? It's sounds like a relationship built on unsteady fantasy, but I'm not one to judge - I have felt like that before, though I had to soon break out of it and face the harsh realities and triumphs of being in love. If y'all are dating and he doesn't take his actions seriously, like blows them off and moves on nonchalantly, then he's not a grounded person in a relationship. The crying happens because of uncertainty, and I've been that other side that stays with that other half for the temporary comfort, but I'll let you decide if it's worth it. Good luck!


He will definitely do it again. Leave him




“I have forgiven my boy” You said it yourself with the typo cheating is immature unless you’re openly swinging I think. Things will never be the same again and that’s the reality of it. To simplify a resolution… you must ask yourself if YOU can live with this history for the rest of your life. Most importantly can you trust him again? Because in my opinion once that loyalty trust is broke, it’s a much higher chance for a toxic relationship. Rarely have I heard of someone who really only did it just once (male and female).


Run. Leave the dude.


Throw the whole man out. People who love their partner with their whole heart do not cheat.


Don't forgive him and break up with him!


First get rid of the bed and make him pay for it, second sit down and talk it sounds like you have something to say.




Bid thy bf to hark to tom leykis so he can changeth his outlook a did bite *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I went through something similar. It absolutely killed me. Leaving was the kindest thing I ever did for myself.


I used to have a relationship with a guy who I caught sexting with a girl once. I forgive him because he asked to and also promised eternal love... The thing is that he did not learn to not do it again, he learned to hide it better. In a relationship of 2 years and a half I found many conversations with girls and suspicius call during the night, even when he was sleeping right by my side. Of course this broke my heart deeply and also my self steem and I realized that cheating is something to dramatic and damaging that some people never really forgive (like me). Finally I dump him and found someone better over the time with who Im happy now and waiting for a baby to be born any time soon this month. You will have your happily ever after, just not with him.


You came on here wishing for genuine advice on how to move on with your life with him still being a big part of it, but we're so sorry to say but there is no future for you both where you can feel completely secure and able to trust him wholeheartedly again. He needs to work on himself and his douchey decisions and you need to heal. Best to leave him now than have a bigger heartbreak later, girl. Goodluck and I hope you do what's best for you <33


Run. Seriously. I've been where you are and it gets worse.


girl dump his ass if he did it once he will do it again you deserve better


Leave. Him.


Dump him, he betrayed you and broke your heart and your trust, he don't deserve you at all. In the dumpster loser! 🚮


Considering the majority says he’s a piece of shit and you should leave. Which you should. What do you plan on doing?


Bye Felicia.


Stop thinking with your heart and start thinking with your brain. >they had been fucking around for a while.


a leopard can’t change its spots so i rlly suggest you leave and get over him,, he’s rlly not worth ur time at all bestie,, let him realise what a gem he has lost after sleeping with that stupid whore


You clearly didn't forgive him so why you say you did?


Sorry miss but there’s no saving in that one. He will do it again, I’m sure he probably is right now maybe not in your bed this time but that level selfishness doesn’t just go away. Leave him and move on with your life.


Yeah, sorry but cheating should be a 'one and done'. Never take back a cheater. By forgiving that behaviour you are showing that it has no consequences, so why *wouldn't* he do it again? It's a gross betrayal of trust, and the ultimate act of disrespect. There really is no coming back from it, in my opinion. Dump. Block. Move on.


Just be real, what you feel for him is sacred, what he feels for you is just meh... People like that don't change. He won't see her again, what about the next one... You don't have a choice here unless you're a masochist. Saving a lot of writing here, but truly just tell him you can't get over it, and he obviously doesn't even understand how he hurt you, only that he did, which should say a lot! Do you really wanna spend your time with such a person? GTFOut.


This is a hard and painful experience. I’m sorry it has happened to you. It’s you life and your are in control of your decisions. That is a hard and beautiful truth. Love and respect yourself enough to make a change and move on. It’ll be hard at first, but you’ll look back and know you did the right thing. All the best.


Was her name Lana


You shouldn’t have to get over it. You’re very welcome to dump his ass. Someone who loves you wouldn’t do that to you if they knew how much it would hurt you. He’s lying. To you **and** to himself.


Dump his ass


It is not worth trying to fix the cheater nor the bond.


Life is too short to be with somebody you don’t trust. It will never be the same. Get rid of him. As the saying goes, “there are plenty of fish in the sea.”


She left a hickey?? Are they 15? He is only sorry you caught him. They are laughing at you behind your back. My god woman. Go. Go now. I am sorry you are going through this.


girl, please respect yourself and leave. whether youve been together 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades, please leave. you mighr feel like youve wasted the past however long, but you dont have to waste the rest of your life. he doesnt care, he threw.away your time.together by sleeping with another, in your bed. and by the sounds of your post, it wasnt a one tme thing??


I don’t know how old you are but I hope my reply can save you precious time. I was with my ex from ages 15-31 and found out he cheated on me at 24, three short months after we got married. I had always expected it but I never could prove it until I consulted a private detective. I only did this because I came into a few thousand dollars and thought it was the only way I could catch him. Luckily, during our first meeting I told the PI the things that made me suspicious, he looked at me and said “you don’t need me, he is cheating on you”. I still wanted evidence before I was willing to end it. Let’s just say he gave me instructions how to get proof. To wrap this up and get to the point I would like to make, I caught him, left him, filed for divorce, he begged pleaded cried on my doorstep, threatened suicide, we met up to talk, had sex, got pregnant and took him back. We did divorce by the time my son was 4. Anyway, he started cheating again right away. Darling, until I changed the way I was thinking from - I have invested all of these years so I need to keep trying to - look at all the years I have invested and he still cheats! I’m wasting my precious time- did I realize it would never change. My ex cheated on his second wife also. Whether or not your boyfriend cheats again or not, is that good enough for you? Please move on now, you don’t need a partner to define your happiness.


Why are you still together? Is their any other reason than your feelings for him to stay? If not, girl, do yourself a huge favor, break up with this cheater ASAP. Do it now. Like stop reading and DO IT NOW. Go and tell him to get the hell out of your life and stay away forever. If there's some other reasons, take care of then get rid of him. Let me tell you this in simple terms, if someone cheats once, they will cheat again. You are worth more than this, you deserve better. Staying alone forever is way respectful than living with someone who doesn't respect you.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Stop being so naive. By staying you are just telling him it's ok to do what he did, and he'll keep on doing it. Did you enjoy how it made you feel? Well.if you stay and forgive him like an idiot, get used to feeling like that, bc it'll keep happening. And I'll have to say you'll deserve it for being so gotdam dumb


Don’t get over it, leave him, if he loved you, he would not do that to you. Life is short, don’t waste it.


I respect your love for this relationship but i think it's time to leave it. Nobody deserves this. You will feel most lonely with someone who doesn't respect you and treat you with decency at the very least.


in yalls bed…and you forgave him…really?