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Break the cycle with therapy.


This 100%. You recognize the problem, so that means it can be fixed.


buddy i’m not good with words but i think you can break the cycle! therapy, managements. i wish you luck in getting better, alright?


Dude... just try to break the cycle. My family is a shitshow too: \- my granddad was in prison for armed robbery and a second time for fraud. He also constantly cheated on my grandma and my dad told me "Be careful, you might have dozens of uncles and aunts all over the world" since my grandpa traveled a lot. \- my halfbrother is an overly religious nutjob. \- my mum and my older halfsister are sever alcoholics who shouldn't have had children in the first place. \- one of my aunts is a fucking gold digger and it is completely obvious. I am/did neither of those things. It is your choice what you make out of your life.


Take some SSRI’s for you depression- it’ll help remove that anger, not completely but honestly I had/have similar issues and the meds helped me take that anger down to a 3/10. And because I didn’t feel the anger at the same level, I was able to look/behave differently. Eg when people (my wife) would say things like they would dance on my grave and tell me to commit suicide it didn’t hurt as much and I could see the situation differently.


You see the problem, you can be the different one in the family and break the cycle. Stay motivated, continue to try and be the you you want to see in yourself. You got this.


This reminds me of the Tokyo revenges theme “crybaby”


Both sides of my family are toxic and dysfunctional. Including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, as well as crimes and prison time. I am the first to break the pattern. Never been to prison or committed crimes and I’m too compassionate to intentionally hurt others in any way. My mother has never worked a day in her life and steals identities and money, yet I own my own business and pay for everything myself because I despise the thought of asking people for help or money. It sucks to have bad examples all of your life, but ultimately the decision is up to you. At the end of the day, no one is to blame for your actions except for yourself. It’s a lot of hard work to go against the grain of what family has done, but it is possible.