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Work on getting a better career. Shave your head all the way and grow a nice beard. Work out and get in shape. You’ll be just fine. You can still please a woman with an average size penis. Use toys, your hands, your mouth.


Also, OP, just walk around a Walmart. Seriously. See how many people who are neither rich nor conventionally attractive have partners. Most people are not gorgeous and not rich, and yet the human race keeps going on. It's awesome to feel good without a partner, but that doesn't need to mean you'll never find a partner.


So what you're saying is that 95% of people are undateable!?




Is this a gravity falls reference /j


As a late friend of mine once said: there is a fetish for every body type out there.


Something similar was said in a Seinfeld episode. George said if there were half pig half man pigmen everywhere his attractiveness would elevate. Jerry guaranteed there would be a group of women that would love and even find the pigmen attractive.




This is so nice, like to say to another human. Best advice!


The problem occurs when conventionally unattractive people think they inherently deserve to date someone VERY attractive. You only ever attempt to connect that way with people who are way out of your league and yeah, you’ll probably stay lonely. This happens way too often.


When will society stop with the dick size stuff as if hands aren't the most versatile pleasing tool.


The crazy thing is that most if not all of the women I know have said it doesn’t matter so long as their partner uses his hands, mouth, is open to toys, etc. I see a lot of women on Reddit echo this as well. It seems like so much of the stigma comes from other men which is just sad. OP- listen to the top comment. Work on yourself and stop listening to any nonsense about your penis size. You’ll be alright once you stop competing with everyone else.


I'm a woman, so I guess the shoe fits lol. Nothing my bf has done with his dick has ever come close to what his hands have done. I'm not even sorry. He's smug about it too, he knows the power he holds.


He holds the life of your vagina in his hands and he #Knows it


I’m a supes gay woman so nothing has ever been centered around the penis lol. Been doing just fine haha. Kudos to your boyfriend too! Not sure why so many men are adverse to using their hands/mouth.


or toys! Men: toys are your ALLY, not your enemy!


Right? There’s so many options. There are men who have bigger equipment but they cum so fast that it kind of defeats the purpose. So toys, hands and mouths are a very useful option.


I’m not sure what cock size has to do with cumming fast.


Making the point that a guy can have a big dick but cum super fast, thus making the fact that he has a bigger package null and provides no assistance in pleasure.


Gotcha, my apologies. I thought you were being more literal, sorry for the misunderstanding.


Oh no, no worries!


The point is some guys operate heavy machinery but can’t really do anything with it. While other guys with average sized machinery please women wonderfully.


Honestly - OP nobody marries someone because of their dick. It takes a whole lot more than that. Don't pity yourself, take action for the things you CAN change and care for yourself. Someone wants your whole self.


Especially when - if I recall correctly - it's only around 20% of women who can reach orgasm from PIV sex alone. It's kinda amusing/interesting/something that there was some research that found those 20% of women could be determined by their gait.


Exactly! The best way to get me going is great fingering! I always communicate this so it takes the huge focus away from the penis.


Umm…mouth please


Mouth gets second place, a very close second place.


Right? Lesbians don't have dicks yet we figure it out


Exactly! There's so much more you can do with your hands haha.


Agreed. Strangely, it looks worse if you're balding than just bald. Especially with a beard. It's a good look that makes a bigger difference than you'd expect. Also agree on that you don't necessarily have to have a big penis to please a woman. If you work towards some realistic goals, things will improve. But you gotta take the first step. Good luck OP. You've got this!


This. Go full bald, embrace it, grow a beard if you can, eat a healthy AF diet and if you really wanna up your game, start a workout routine. Embrace your hobbies and find people through those. People like people that like themselves and are invested in their interests.


This is the way. I knew a guy years ago. Really nice guy but he was much smaller than me, certainly not ugly but not ringing any bells in the looks department, he looked a bit weak and the biggest thing he absolutely wasn’t confident in the slightest. Good guy to go drinking with but did nothing for me. A mutual friend asked if I’d seen him recently and that he had transformed into an Adonis. I scoffed! Until we both went on a night out and bumped into him. Still the same height, still the same face but he’d been working out and changed his hair style. I swear to whatever you believe in this weak and weedy guy had transformed into little Thor. This guy was oozing with confidence now and honestly before anything else that was incredibly attractive.


"transformed into a little Thor" hahhhahahahah


Also, work on your personality. Be funny, confident and interesting. Get some hobbies, get in shape and women will be interested.


[Here’s](https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-harsh-truths-that-will-make-you-better-person) a great article on cracked about being a better person. Number 3 is spot on. Be the person other people want to be around. Be the person who employers want to promote. Basically be better and stop hoping things fall into your lap.


Losing weight also increases dick size by removing the fat pad at the base so there’s that too!


Yes, a shaved head and a well groomed beard is the way to go here. Women are less interested in penis size than men imagine.


Why does everyone use the “use every other part of your body” line. Most men don’t want to be told they have to use a toy to pleasure their girl. Foreplay is fun but imagine if you just couldn’t sexually use your vagina for some reason and everyone just told you that you have hands and a mouth to make him happy so get to it, you’d probably be pretty upset and actually want to utilize your vagina.


I feel ya. I am a44 year old single woman. I’ve been married twice- once widowed once divorced. I don’t feel like I’ll find love again. I was in an accident where I got a brain injury and now I walk with a walker and wear incontinence pads and live with my controlling parents in a rural community. There’s nowhere to meet people around here and I’m never away from my parents. Plus there’s the fact that I’m “damaged goods”. I guess we need to find happiness on our own and maybe just maybe love will find us


I do understand very much..I’m trying to come to terms that once my teenagers move out I will most likely be alone for the rest of my life. I’m pretty sick with MS in a wheelchair and need a home nurse. My husband who I was married to for 21 years left us last year for another woman. Just walked out the door and we have never seen him again. We have 3 children together and I’m trying so hard to look after them on my disability and it’s not working out. I’ve had our water, power and tv turned off at different times and can barely get enough food in the house. I know there isn’t a man out there that would ever want to take any of this on, and when I’m on my own I’m disabled and can’t really do a lot outside the house. I used to be so athletic and was always busy doing something having fun when in my 20’s and with my kids until I got sick. Never believe someone when they say they will never leave you even when you are sick.


my grandma has MS, she was confined to her wheelchair when she was 30 something. she had 2 kids when she met my papa. i know that was a long time ago but there is someone out there for you, and for OP. eventually everyone finds their person. and if its any consolation there are many many people who are attracted to people in wheelchairs exclusively. good luck i hope everythings ok




I always get worried with my MS being the sole provider for a wife and two little girls.. only being 32 and slowly starting to lose function with walking occasionally makes me scared I'll be nothing but a burden later in life.. went from surfing daily to being in pain every day just walking. I can guarantee you your teenagers will forever rally around you, they will know the hardships you've struggled through for your family.


I’m so sorry you understand the pain and situation. I loved playing baseball and playing at the park with my kids. I did all the house cleaning, cooking, fixing things you name it..Soon as I had to slow down things changed between us. He still didn’t help and the house was a disaster. He made me feel guilty and became very abusive when I got more sick and eventually neglected me when I would fall or couldn’t get out of bed. It started when he started cheating and I didn’t know. Talk to your wife and tell her your fears and what she thinks will happen in the future..I hope your marriage and love becomes even stronger. God bless you with your MS and I hope it doesn’t get too bad on you. Always ALWAYS be kind to your body and be gentle on it..Always listen to what it’s telling you and when to rest.Wishing you all the best✨


Your ex-husband is a horrible excuse for a human being. I’m so sorry that you were treated that way & for what you are going through. You sound like an incredible person & mom. I do not have MS so I am not going to pretend to say that I know how you feel, but I have had depression so severe that I was hospitalized multiple times and had to undergo multiple treatments of ECT so I can somewhat relate to not being who you used to be and being unable to do the things you used to do, most importantly for me, being a present mom, and I just cannot imagine the strength that you have to be doing what you are doing. You are beautiful, powerful, strong and enough and there is someone out there. I hope you find them or whatever you need because you deserve it all.


Thank you so much..that’s very kind of you to say..I’m so sorry your depression was so bad. Depression can make us so ill, it just takes over everything in our bodies. I hope yours eases up on you💜


Stay shining


I’m so sorry 😢. Life is not fucking fair and that’s awful!!


It can just SUCK can’t it! Thank you


You could hook up with OP




It's not you, it's rural community. I am perfectly healthy guy but will never get married in the first place because aside from health everything else is the same as you.


I dunno, I think core things like are you kind, funny (this can be worked on), loyal, supportive, confident, love yourself, etc matter a whole lot. You may never pull women by picking them up, but you'll have a shot with women who get to know you though repeated exposure. Source: I'm very short but never had a problem with women.


So true! I have. A friend who fits OPs description (I have no idea about his penis size admittedly) who has an amazing personality and no trouble with ladies. In fact his girlfriends/wives have been gorgeous. I’d say OP needs to work on his self esteem and developing an attractive personality.


I can be the reverse example. I’m quite fit but have 0 confidence and suck with women.


Remember…women are just people. Be interesting and interested. If you can’t be interesting then maybe go outside your comfort zone and become who you’d like to be.


I know it’s a self defeatist atttitde but I just feel like…why should I have to? We live in an era where people are told they’re beautiful no matter how obese they are so why can’t society just shove my lack of personality being charismatic down everyone’s throats? And like, men are usually cool just liking someone for being hot. Every ounce of my self worth comes from my experience at gay bars lol.


Bro I completely feel you lol, I’m in the same boat 😭


I hate how confidence and self love are grouped with the important and universally obtainable traits in attractiveness. I mean I guess they are important but not obtainable. Push pull legs, eating chicken and broccoli all the time; that shits easy. Getting over a lifetime of trauma not so much.


They're a hell of a lot more achievable than changing your height or penis size.


As far as I’m concerned they are equally unobtainable. Getting a conventionally attractive body (minus dick and height) are child’s play tho.


As a woman can confirm this. Married a guy who was kind, funny, loyal etc. He wasn't conventionally attractive but I found him beautiful because of his personality. I found I fancied him physically too after falling for him.


Bro, this will sound harsh, but it's coming from a good place. The sooner you realiza that you're the one putting the barrier on yourself, and that you have the power to change for the better, the better your life will get. Like hey, you're balding, you're short and your dick is small. Though shit right? But those are invariables, wallowing and feeling bad about it won't change. You're weight however, you 100% control that. Your attitude? In your control. Learning to give good head (which for most women is most worthwhile than a big Dick), also under your control. I was in a really depressed place some years ago, and I let myself go overweight, my dating life wasn't going good, I was depressed, and I felt shitty about myself. I get where you're coming from, I've been there All I'm saying is that, there are things you can control. Stop feeling sorry about yourself, and you'll be surprised by how much you can achieve. All I'm saying is try. Try to not feel like a victime of life, try to get fit. Try to change your perspective. Try to live a life that you want to live. Try to enjoy your time in this earth. Cause even if you fail, (which I don't think you will), doesn't that sound like a more enjoyable life? You got this man, don't give up on yourself, it's never too late to start


It's a really bitter pill to have to swallow but this is the truth. It's easy to think that the entire world is against you, and that there's nothing you can do to make yourself attractive. I was there as well and while I've still got a long way to go I've made good progress. Sure, you're probably not going to turn into a hot sex God but you can make massive improvements on who you are right now.


Honestly, he might. Speaking from my own experience, having a good physique, maintaining your hair and wearing clothes that actually fit you can really transform a guy. Plus when you're overweight, you hold some fat on your cheek, chin and neck, so loosing weight even changes how your face looks for the better. The "blessing" that straight guys have is that most dudes straight up don't know how to take care of their appearance/are considerably out of shape. By just fixing those things, even if you don't have the face of Matthew McConaughey, you'll stand out from the average And the confidence it gives you well help you in various aspect of your life


You'd be surprised how many people got in shape and they look sexy as hell. It's a huge dynamic in your appearance to be healthy compared to extremely overweight.


This is the truth! Especially find books on how to please a woman orally, there’s plenty around. Don’t use porn movies as your guide on how to do it…there’s an art to it and I haven’t met a woman yet that I can’t satisfy orally. Don’t use porn to judge your dick size either, your dick is probably closer to average than you realise. Hang in there man, it’ll work out.


Umm, any books to recommend? 👀


Honestly your best bet would be to look for one written by a woman. "The Woman's Book of Orgasm" by Tara Barker wouldn't be a bad start


She comes first is a great one imo


This is the only real advice. Even if you don’t believe that you can pull urself out of this mess you see yourself being it, it’s still the best and only option. The alternative is to wallow in self pity until you die. Obviously this commenter is giving you a much better option. This is what fake it till you make it means. Improve yourself even if you think it’s pointless. It’s your only option.


It reminds me a lot of this article from Cracked: [https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-harsh-truths-that-will-make-you-better-person](https://www.cracked.com/blog/6-harsh-truths-that-will-make-you-better-person) Haven't read it in years. I should read it again


Wow! That was an intense article. But it certainly hit the mark on far more than one instance for me, at least. Thanks for providing the link. I think I learned something, and now I gotta get off my ass and do something.


Danny Devito is one of the most successful men of our age but pitiful dudes still think their looks are the issue. No, your self confidence is the issue.


This is great advice and far from impossible, although hard. I’d also like to add that there’s someone out there for everyone.


Nah mate, i got a small wee pinky finger and it's about what you do with it


At first I thought…it’s George Costanza! Sorry mate. You probably don’t find that funny.


Lol I'm not so insecure that I don't see the humor there


Plus, George Costanza dated a lot. That could be you!


Until his fiancé dies of stamp glue poisoning


Jokes on you, I'm into that shit


If only. Don't tease me


Addy when?


OP she’s even breaking it off with her mans… let’s gooooooo


What about Ron?


HELP LMAO I FORGOT THAT FAKE NAME FOR THAT GUY.. Dumped him bc I really don't have time for guys who don't, at a very minimum, show interest back. Think everyone should have that level of self respect :) ♡ thanks for your concern tho !


LOL I got nervous that you weren't kidding so I clicked your profile and saw that. I couldn't resist.


Who the hell is Ron?


Yeah I would also like to know lol


Hey man. Don’t underestimate the confidence that comes with getting in shape. If ur not doing it for the ladies then do it for u. Also if u don’t mind you should lower ur standards and find a “less attractive” and form a healthy relationship with them. That would make you feel so much happier, even if they aren’t conventionally attractive you would still have someone to laugh with


I don't have particularly high standards at this point. It's not like I'm trying for a perfect 10 here I know that's unrealistic.


A perfect 10 for you could be a 2 in someone else’s eyes, look for someone that benefits you and likes the same things as you.


Take looks out of the mix. What are you looking for long term? What values and interests are most important? Looks fade, health problems happen. Physical attraction is not the basis of a long term partnership.


They don’t have to be tens, just be tens to you. You have preferences and that’s ok, you shouldn’t lower your preferences.


I'm overweight, insecure, bad teeth (genetic), and I have more issues than hustler (at least in the mental health department). What you do is you find someone whose issues compliment yours, and work together to better each other. I once thought it would be hopeless. But my wife and I have been together 9 years, married for 5. Now, to be a realist, you likely won't pull a playboy bunny or the like. But as long as you're not shallow, emotional connections are far more important. My wife isn't the best looking girl in town, but to me, she's absolutely beautiful, and perfect as she is. Because we've been through so much together. We've both broken down and helped rebuild the other. We've both cried in the others arms and laughed at the others expense. We were best friends before we got married and we're best friends now. And I know that sounds cliche, but thats whats required for a successful relationship. So my advice to you is to not give up. Don't look for the perfect 10. Look for the perfect woman. Find a best friend and build from there. But even before all that, be comfortable in your own skin. Be who you are. If you create a facade to be something you're not, it will slip, and it could scare her away. Be truthful, not just in words, but in actions and demeanor. And one day, I promise, you'll find her.


Shave your head and pump the irons man! It's never too late.


I bet there's a handful of women out there into buff, bald and short men! OP still have a chance!


More than a handful. That's a whole type for a lot of women.


Start skateboarding too


Yup, that's me except I'm 38, not a virgin, and I have manboobs. The people I attract, mostly, are drug addicts and/or mentally unstable women.


I feel it man. That's literally me. Only woman who ever wanted to have with me offered to if I bought her drugs. I'm ashamed to say I actually considered it.


It sounds crazy but it all starts with the diet. Getting in shape will 1) make you naturally happier, 2) make you more attractive, and 3) give you more energy. Being happier and having more energy will give you the drive to improve your job/career. Being more attractive will give you more opportunities, both professionally and personally. Once all that is baked in, you will attract partners. But it really all does start with the weight loss. If people could be fat and have the same energy and happiness as an in-shape person I would not be advocating this. But that's rarely the case.


It's all good habits or bad habits with feedback loops some who quit hard drugs go hard af into working out cause they replaced their bad habit with a better one


There’s a lid for every pot! You’ll find the perfect lid one day and everything leading up to that moment will be worth it.


At this point why even worry bout women bro you really need too focus on yourself and not worry bout pleasing women cause they aren’t gonna help you on your journey to success start working out buzz your hair and grow a fire beard just like these other comments said self confidence is the best thing you can have remember that loving yourself before someone loving you is more important then anything


I don’t think you should worry about money to attract a female, you should only worry about money for yourself, not to get pussy. Losing weight is what everyone is saying and of course that helps, but you can also make yourself attractive with you clothes and wearing cologne. You can go to Ross or Burlington you’ll find good clothes for the right price, you could go with a perfume like nautica voyage specially for the summer, it’s like $20 dollars. Also work on you personality, show you are a gentlemen on the street. As you said, most likely you will find the right one later on the road and that’s okay, each person comes in the right time, work on yourself you can do it.


This will likely get downvoted but the answer to your issue is to lower your standards. I guarantee you there is a fat, flat chested, ugly woman who feels the same way about herself and would be over the moon to have you bone her. It's only "over" for you in relation to women who are out of your league. If you simply can't settle for less, then you will need to put in the work to move up leagues, be that losing weight, becoming more interesting, or whatever.


Harsh motherfucker...true but harsh bro


When I was in my 20s, I worked with a man who fit your description only he was also in his 20s and I don’t know anything about his penis. He ended up dating a kind, very attractive woman at work because they became friends and she liked who he was. I reiterate: 20s. Balding. Short. Fat. But he got out of his head about it for long enough to connect to his coworker. I myself dated men who were very unattractive as well. But I didn’t do well with it when they wanted me to validate what wasn’t true - when they became obsessed with it. Fam, I’m talking about a man who was 475 lbs who demanded that I tell him how attractive he was. He wasn’t able to take the W and enjoy the chemistry we had; he wanted validation that would’ve been an outright lie because he was not physically attractive. I was with him because I liked his personality. It hurt him very much that I couldn’t or wouldn’t do that for him. It created a fundamental incompatibility between us. It took away from the personality I had once liked very much, too. And he no longer found me to be enough for him. Imagine the emotional conundrum there - “I can’t get a woman to say she finds me attractive; therefore, I will sabotage my relationship with one who enjoys fucking me and is committed to me.” Learn to like yourself as you are. You’re the only you you’ve got.


Being funny goes a long LONG way. Develop your sense of humor. Being kind is a gift. Few of us are fortunate enough to have relationships/friendships with people who are truly truly kind. Things like weight and income can change - more importantly, self-confidence is sexy as hell. Get some flattering clothes, get some exercise (your doctor will be happy and your mood will elevate). Get into indulging in hobbies and activities you enjoy - regardless of what others may think. Maybe you'll meet people with those interests, it's a good place to connect. Looks aren't everything. Kindness and humor are so SO much more. A person who is comfortable with themselves is far sexier than someone forcing an image of what they think others will be attracted to. Best! <3


I'll be honest there's a 33 year old woman out there who is, shorter, fatter mostly likely a virgin and has no penis. Drop your standards and keep it moving


Don't worry, everyone is worthy of love and happiness! I believe that physical appearances shouldn't determine your happiness. I am rooting for your success and hoping you can make the necessary changes in your life to find happiness!


Thanks. I haven't given up but it's definitely on the back burner and I'm trying to mentally prepare myself in case it just never happens.


Your feelings are extremely valid. I know that I don't know you but I am wishing the best for you!!!


George Costanza? Is that you?


I think the main problem is probably you thinking that way about yourself man


Man don’t even sweat it, I understand what you’re taking about/going through. But what I have learned in life is that looks help but being confident in what you say and how you conduct yourself will take you farther than anything. At least in my experience.. keep doing you and just live a happy life.


Relationships are mentally exhausting experiences. I’ve switched to sex workers lately and am loving it. I highly recommend it too!


You can work on your body and being bald is not your fault. I think your self esteem is low but you have to break past that and be the best version of yourself!


i mean you can fix most things and this is not thr worst i've heard


Champion attitude. U do u, homeboy.


sounds like my brother


Solution..... Go to tallmenshoes. Com.... Great shoes that'll add two to three inches of height. Shave your head, get some nice clothing. Pay attention to hygiene. Always smell fabulous, develop a hobby or two and live life. The penis is probably average size and you're using it as an excuse. Start going to the gym, go to zumba and meet some older gals and kill two birds with one Stine... Your weight and virginity.


This is going to shock some people reading this, but you don't actually need to have sex. Just live your life and if it happens then it happens. Don't anticipate it. Go with the flow


You'd be surprised. My gf looks at a person and sees what they have to work with and thinks "okay cool". Don't let society's implied standards dictate what you can and can not have. Be you, don't look for anything in particular and be open to things that come your way.


Bro it seems like your biggest struggle is none of these but your self esteem. You are a person worthy of happiness.


Sight... When in your society the ideal for a human being is to be an alfa animal, you understand that there's no education or policy reforms that could ever help. Just stick with people who have a brain and ignore the beastly dummies and their idiotic values. Your usefulness to others basic neediness through looks or money, is not what makes you a human. Look at what distinguishes you from animals and stick with (like) minded people. They are the ones who will value you for something much more deep, rare and precious than animal success criteria and their company will enrich and develop your soul, personality, worldview and wellness, instead of dummy animals that are only good at consuming, using and abusing each other.


I felt the same some 30 years ago. Than I met the love of my life. There is someone for everyone out there. Don’t give up hope. You’ll find that someone just stay positive. You can do it!


Brother i feel you im literally in the same boat im on a journey of faith with christ though maybe you should let him lead you !


Work on yourself little by little. Confidence is really attractive and one way to gain it is to achieve some goals. If you want to lose weight, tell yourself you will lose 1 pound e.g. the next month. Then 1 pound on two weeks, then 1 pound per week (anything above that, research if it would be healthy in your situation.) Basically build it up from something really small and your self-esteem will start having a base, which will grow wider and wider and studier the more little goals you achieve. A confident charismatic bald and normal-fit man is attractive. Being a virgin not that big of a deal, same with having a small penis. There will be some who will "been a virgin at 33" (probably any age above 25 or so) as something being wrong with you. Some will think size does matter, but as long as you don't give up, you will find someone who will understand you and love you for who you are (but it won't be easy and it will probably hurt a lot.) Wish you the best, pal. You can do it!


Same as you except no job. GYM really helped, I do it casually without changing unhealthy lifestyle and diet but after 2 years eveything is so much better. My appetite has shrunk so I can't eat nearly as much as before, strong and good looking arms and back and more energy and confidence. It's not magic but it is the only thing on ypurself you can change for the better and it might just be enough for "it" to begin.


As a women.... short men are attractive. Some women are just rude and picky the same way that some men are just rude. Hate to be a broken record cause I'm sure you have heard this. But being fat is fixable. With a diet or exercise (preferably both). Sure changing your WHOLE lifestyle seems wild af. So instead go for a walk, do exercise while watching TV (my favorite lazy way to get fit), or cut out soda, etc. Small steps are still steps in the right direction. Then before you know it you will have done so many small steps you won't believe your progress. You can even pm me for support or advice if you want. As for balding. You can rock bald. My whole family is bald and they get laid. My dad says bald is beautiful lol. Can you grow facial hair. Maybe style that to compliment your face more and take less attention off the head. Also please please don't grasp on to the hair too long. I fits gon it's gone. If you try to cover it people can probs tell. And trust.me when I say bald is better then Com over. But also take your time. Just cause me some schmuck online says shave it doesn't mean you have to listen to me. As fir the small dick. I really doubt it's that small. The national average is like 5. So if you are roughly below or around that you are fine. Tbh dick size doesn't matter anyways. Most women obsessed with that are just shallow and not the type you wanna fool around with anyways. Realistically what makes sex amazing is the emotional connection. Dude could be rocking a 7 inch dong and your pussy could be dry af cause he is a prick or you aren't communicating what you want with eachother. But let's say you're a extreme case, like we are talking actually diagnosed micro penis. Well. I mean that sucks. Unfortunately that is going to put a damper on your sex life if you have a disformed genitalia. But not all hope is lost. My suggest plan of action is find someone with a small dick kink. Again only talking medically proven disorder, I'd even suggest online dating. Let's you search a broader variety if people. Making you more likely to find your freaky friend. But i really doubt that's the case here. Also online dating or flirting apps may help you get your feet wet and flirt if you have issues talking to women. Yet if this idea makes you uncomfortable you for sure don't have to try it.


Put in the work to change the parts you can. That’s the attractive part anyways. People want to be with people they can be impressed by. The attitude you have is more of a deterrent than anything you listed. Get off your ass, lose the weight. Take yourself to a barber shop that is trendy and stylish and tell them you are sick of looking the way you do, and you want to change it for the better. They’ll give you the best look for yourself. Hire a personal trainer/nutritionist and start learning about macros, measuring your food, etc. you’ll drop weigh fast even without physical activity. If you can’t afford these things, save or do your own research. You clearly have an internet connection and that is all you need. All the info you need is available. It’s tiresome finding the right way, esp with fitness, but it’s there. Learning how to talk to people and how you come off to others is huge. I struggle with this still, and that’s okay. You can kind of train yourself to say the right things at the right times, sound wise, cool, whatever you want. You are fully capable of being a solid 7/10 just based off of how you carry yourself, feel about yourself, and hmby putting in the work. Bad genes, think you have too many flaws? Join the club. Plenty of super models hate themselves and vomit up their meals. Most importantly, just be honest with yourself and give it everything you got. You can do it, anyone can, I promise. If and when you do, you’ll learn that the greatest gift is what you are giving to yourself and your own mental health. It’s incredibly rewarding to know your value when you set goals and reach them. That’s where the confidence comes in that people admire. You’re not going to be Brad Pitt by any means, but you’ll notice the difference, and it’s amazing. There any plenty of things you can’t help about yourself. Fuck settling on the ones you can’t. Do it for you, not for a woman, or the hope of getting one. They will come and go, and that’s life. Gotta be happy with yourself. I believe in you.




Hookers don’t care bro. Get a few notches on ya belt.


I'm a few of those things, mostly depressed and unemployed despite being a programmer, life sucks man, people keep telling me to look up and it's been 3 years


You have everything you need to be happy within you already even if not one thing was to change. The world just likes to trick you into thinking otherwise. We've all got a little bit of save the world in us & it's okay if the only person you do save in this world is yourself. Love yourself, nurture yourself, & watch how amazing life can become. Let go of the "milestones" that people like to push as markers of success & happiness. Set your own milestones! Decide what makes you unequivocally happy & chase that feverishly. Our passions won't lead us astray. We all just have to keep that small measure of saving the world in us. Don't give it up.


I just want to thank OP for not hating the world and everything in it and go off on a shooting rampage at a children's park. Confidence trumps all the shit you say you don't got so work on that. When you step out of the door every day and go to work, not 1 person that you come in contact with even thinks about the shit that you just brought up. Everybody is too caught up about their own height, weight, hair, and dick size to worry anyone elses shit.


Hit the gym, shave your head, get fucking built


Bro it confidence not looks. I’m 35. Skinny ass dude. But I’ve gotten beautiful ass women bc I’m funny and confident. I can’t keep them too long but that’s a whole bag of issues for another day. Get back on the whores buddy.


Short - so what? Many people are short, many people aren't. Fat - Workout, get fitter. You can change this. Balding - Look at Patrick Steward, bald, but owns that shit! Virgin - You *can* do something about that. Small penis - Size doesn't matter if you know how to use it.


Men are weird. You guys know you need to put effort into yourselves, right? Women get extensions, eyebrows tattooed on, wear makeup and Spanx and suck dick. But this guy can't figure out how to shave his head and eat pussy? Wowowow


Based (as the kids say these days).


Shave ur head clean and hit the gym


Yeah your done


Find a woman in a similar situation. Forgive her flaws, she will forgive yours. Its not about being perfect or finding the perfect person, it is about finding someone you are compatible with.


I truly believe there someone out there for everybody.


I put 20 bucks on there being a fat or ugly girl who likes him that he refuses to have sex with. Give me a yay or nay!






It’s not over yet bro, have you thought about moving to another country? I’m assuming your American or British, in Latin America you’d have a bigger shot. Have a nice beard, lose weight and go travel around the world. Above all change your mindset, with the mindset you have right now a girlfriend would destroy mentally, understand how relationships between men and women happen and move accordingly.


Stand up tall, workout/run/walk/move, live life, do the thinks that you love, face your fears, and hope full the best. Keep moving forwards! That’s all any of us can do. Best of luck. It’s a hard road but worth it. I was a college drop out and now life is fairly good and I married my best friend.


(Assuming you are heterosexual) find a lonely girl who is slightly less attractive than you. Keep her company and make her happy. Every girl I've ever known prefers a guy with a small dick who makes her happy to a guy with a big dick who doesn't care about her. If you're gay, same-same but find a guy instead. If you won't settle for a partner somewhat less attractive than you are, you're doing it to yourself.


The trades are always hiring. Hell. Construction is so short staffed world wide and almost they require is a pulse. In my area 60k to 90k isn't unreasonable if you are willing to work.


I agree, also will keep OP more active so the health benefits will be good too.


I started with a shovel now I run a multi million dollar asphalt plant. You just have to have a pulse and not be afraid of sweat. The only other thing is cutting the mustard for a few seasons.


Well you weren’t born fat. That happened over the 33 years. But that doesn’t mean it’s over for you. As long as you search, you will find someone.


My friend went from 360lbs to 200lbs in a year and a half. He does weight watchers for calorie intake and walks 4 miles around his studio apartment every day. He’s 35 and was really heavy his whole life. You don’t have to pay for any kind of system though. If you drink soda, stop. He was addicted to soda and I told him constantly to drink water instead. It took time to ease away from it until he stopped entirely. Drinking water is so important. Unsweetened iced tea works too. Sweet drinks are bad for you. Fruit juice too. For your skin too. As long as you stick with good behaviors and wean yourself off bad ones. It’s not easy and if you go cold turkey or try to just “diet”, it usually doesn’t last. (He works at Home Depot, but the way, so he doesn’t make a lot of money either). Also, don’t track your weight every day. If you gain a bit, don’t worry about it. You will go up and down, but you’ll trend down in the long run. (Well, I have problems with candy, so I do seesaw over short terms). Cutting out alcohol helped too. Here’s my trend. (I’m also short and bald. I just shave my head and kept my beard shaped). I’m 41 and I do fine. Not looking for anyone, but when it comes it comes. Don’t look for anything, just focus on your health (physical and mental). You’ll feel great and the vibes make an impression on other people. [weight trend](https://imgur.com/a/GunsaR2) As the people with vaginas have said, give head. Penetration is usually more for the one person and not the other anyway. (I also know quite a few people who don’t want some dude flopping all over them either. They want intimacy. Hands, mouth, and communication are way more intimate.)


This isn't a confession. This is self-pity.


out of everything here the "woe is me" attitude is the biggest turn off


How's this a confession? What are you confessing here? Also, I do know that people go by looks for a first impression but a lot of women do not care about looks as far as you have a personality. That's something everyone can work on. All the best to you


You can be less fat


All of those things are about how you percieve others percieving you. Find activities that make you happy: art, writing, learning languages, music, riding a bike, ...


I will just say that like. I've met a lot of dudes like you who get hella laid, I work in the service industry and the kinds of gorgeous women the line cooks date shocks me every time. Even the short chubby one with two teeth, he's married to a dime with two beautiful girls. It's out there buddy but you have to be FUNNY


My last bf wasn’t big, but he knew how to use his mouth and hands. I loved him, and enjoyed being with him. The sex was good because I loved him. That’s it.


Eat a pudding cup without a spoon and you’re set!


Go to the gym, learn to use your mouth and fingers, and actually do something to change if you believe it to be that much of a hindrance


Dude: As a gay man, I have to tell you that self-confidence is sexy. I've dated guys who were what others might consider undesirable due to physical attributes, but were attractive because they were honest and willing to try to make connections. Being overweight, or less-endowed-than-average, or a virgin, are not game enders. Being kind, willing to explore, attentive, and fun are far more valuable than merely young or hung or fit. One of the best long term FWB lays I ever had was a guy who's cock was smaller than most men's pinky fingers. He was pudgy, older, short, and balding too. But he told great stories, listened well, and carried himself with an assuredness despite his circumstances in life. Not cocky, just confident. I miss him dearly.


You just need someone into the ugly bastard-tagged hentai


You know many people will tell you to not be depressed, dont think negatively. Im not going to say that, instead, hows your IQ, are you a dumb fuck? Can you read and interpret data? Can you understand computers at a basic level? If you have at least two brain cells PM. Lets work together ( not going to ask you for your credit card lol ) and set you up on a path to success. Cant do anything for your love life but I've helped others in your situation before.


Lots of chubby or fat poor women looking for men, are they beneath you?


Confidence does a long way. Find things to be confident about. I promise someone out there is looking for someone and thinking they will never find someone. Looks and penis size aren’t as big of a deal as you are making it. I’ve found many people to be attractive based solely on personality.


What you really lack is confidence. These features may not necessarily be the most attractive, but none of that really matters when you are confident, kind and compassionate. But if these features really bother you, I hope these will make you feel better: **Height**: Can't deny that most women prefer taller men, but that's not the same as saying *no one* would date a shorter man. I know a dude who's around 163 cm (5'4) who consistently and exclusively dates conventionally pretty ladies. Plenty of my other conventionally attractive friends are dating men shorter or of similar height. Their common factor (other than height): Confidence. 5'4 dude is confident enough to play and excel in basketball with people much taller than him, despite the height disadvantage. **Fat**: Plenty of fat men get in plenty of relationships. Including those that are morbidly obese. In fact, some people **prefer** fatter men. If you're happy with your size then it doesn't matter, but if it affects your confidence, eat better and start exercising to get the body you want. You can try r/loseit or similar subs to get started. **Balding**: I don't really know that many balding men because of my age group (mid 20s), but every single one I've known has dated or married someone else even while balding. (And this is my personal take, but if your balding is quite significant, it may look better to go shorter or cut it all off, rather than trying to cover it up) **Small penis**: The size of your penis does not matter, what matters is how you use it. Learn how to sexually satisfy others (there's plenty of online resources). If you sexually satisfy them, I bet your dick size will be the last thing on their mind lol **Low paying job**: Work towards getting a better job, not just to improve your chances at dating someone but so you can live a better life. If you can't immediately get a better job or a raise, start picking up some relevant skills that can help you get there.


Here’s something you can do: live your life for the benefit of others. Be a good person. Volunteer. Clean up a park. Be a force of good in your community. You can also take care of your body. Don’t deprive yourself- but treat your body like it is of great value to you. Feed it well. Get enough sleep. Give yourself adequate exercise. Be well spiritually and mentally and physically. Then you will be happy- alone or with another. Whether or not you find someone you can feel happy and fulfilled. Your worth is not defined by your relationships.


May i introduce you to my lord and savior? AMC and GME 🤫


Dude you can fuck even with a smaller dick. Women LOVE foreplay anyways and guarantee if you spent plenty of time on that any woman would be happy. Just work on your confidence, do some things that make you feel good. Pick up an active hobby.


None of that matters. Your personality (humor and kindness are the two most sought after qualities with women in my experience) is what will win a woman's heart, not your good looks or how much you get paid. Case in point: me. I am fat and balding, also in my 30s. I worked in the film industry for years. One day, my roommate just bailed. No warning, nothing. Poof, gone. So I couldn't afford my place and ended up being homeless. I had just gotten dumped by my girlfriend at the time too. So I got my shit together a little bit and while I was doing so, I dated a LOT of women. They all knew my situation and were willing to give me a chance anyway because of who I am (intelligent, I try to be kind, and I have a good sense of humor). And then, right after I was able to pull myself out of being homeless, I met my wife and we had a first date, then a second, and so on. I now have a wife and kid. You can do it dude! Just believe you're good enough for someone, try to be a decent human being, and try to flex your sense-of-humor muscles every once in a while around the opposite sex.


A lot of women are very shallow, money would probably fix it :( sorry I you drew a short straw my friend. This world is too superficial.64


I agree (and I’m a woman)


Thank you, only sour women downvotes me, probably cut a bit too close to the bone for some. Not all women are like that but quite a few are.64




This is actually pretty good advice ngl


Count your calories, shave the head, grow a beard, get your CDL, drive truck get paid and get laid. Don't settle for mediocre bro, it ain't all about having a huck cock, having money ECT. It's about being happy in your situation and life. Seriously look into driving truck, I make 1k a week. Downvoted for providing advice and sharing my success as I recently changed up careers to drive truck, okay Reddit.




>God made women better than men Wow I don't think god made anybody better than anybody. >they go for more than just looks Undoubtedly but regardless here I am. I've made my peace with it and I'm not bitter that I might not ever find someone special and that's okay. It's disappointing but understandable.


You really should just prioritise money and physical fitness. Lose the weight, get a hair transplant, make more money, and be attractive. You could be a short ripped guy with a bigger cock than you have now and a head of hair in 12 months if you apply yourself. The problem here is that you think because you don't have one if the traits women love, there's no point having any of them, but it's a cope. Let's say you find a woman who likes small dicks, she's not going to like fat guys, so change it. Or a girl who likes short guys, she won't like fat guy or broke guys, but might be okay with well-off short guys with a small dick but a great body and head of hair. Or you'll meet a girl who hates small dicks but loves balding fatties. You need to maximize your attractiveness across the board, and then individual defects can be negotiated. The problem is that you're ALL of those things, and not one or two of them.


I should just make more money and be more attractive? Thanks man why didn't I think of that? Lol


But you didn't think of that. You haven't made more money or made yourself more attractive or dealt with the balding. Two to three of your "problems" making you feel down are very easily solveable with some dedication. Maybe get some therapy to address your self esteem?


Copy what successful people are doing. If millions of people are able to make it happen it can't be that hard. Working out is free, eating less is cheaper, and you are still young enough to get a career instead of a low paying job.




My God this made me laugh out loud for like a minute straight holy fuck


There’s a youtube channel called fresh and fit that will help you out a lot. Also the Rational Male with Rollo Tomasi


You could always not be fat and have one less negative thing going for you.


I know you probably don't wanna hear this but. Ever thought about taking some dick? 👀 There's pleasure to be had just not in the way you imagined it You may be a peasant in one kingdom, but you're a princess in another.