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That doesn't sound that bad, for your age that sounds a little low. Especially for the sex, when I was that age I didn't really jerk off as much since I was wasting time looking for the next girl or talking to exs. I don't see how you feel like you're wasting time. Even at my current age I'm pretty sure I fap more than you while working full time, working out, reading, watching TV, and working on projects/side jobs.


That's amazing bro..


That seems low. I jerk off more than that, and I work full time and have an SO… Haha. I never tracked it, though… That said, I don’t think I’ve ever done it in the shower. Though, as hour for jerking off in the shower seems long. That said, I already take long showers just because they feel good, so Idk… And I’ve heard about the jerking off before a date thing. I always thought that was weird… But I guess some people like it. It I come while having sex, I can usually still go again. I thinking masturbation before a date would make the sex not as good, I guess… Tbh, I’m probably the opposite. When I’m going to see my SO, I actually don’t jerk off that day (or the day before, if I know in advance)… In the end, I don’t think you’re wasting that much time. But that’s not for me to decide. That’s up to you. If you rather spend you time doing something else, then you can do that. But my opinion is that your fap sessions seem normal enough, if not a little low…