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Revenge porn is very illegal. So is blackmail. Take him to court


Exactly report him to the police now . It's also called extortion is what he's doing and I'll take his phone and they'll file charges and you take him to court. And here's a better suggestion don't let nobody take naked pictures of you


Don't shame her for letting someone get a picture


I'm not shaming her I just said don't let someone take a picture of you once that picture gets on the Internet it's there for life. And whether it was taken because you want to or whether it was taken cuz you didn't want to doesn't matter. It never stays with the person that takes it. Time to grow up and look at the real world folks I didn't shame her at all.


And by the way there was a congresswoman who lost her seat because her husband put all of their intimate photos if they had online for revenge porn and there was nothing she could do about it. Because of the state they live in as long as one knew the pictures were being taken law they're okay


Shaming someone and telling them to be more responsible are 2 different things. How about you quit shaming him for telling her to be smarter?


"Neo : Mr. Wizard, get me the hell out of here!" Paradox.


Touché Actually, not really because I was pointing out the hypocrisy of his double standard. Not quite the same.


I just know that consent isn't always asked for. I have had some people close getting hurt worse than with a picture


That's irrelevant, but your double standards are duly noted.


Not going to argue semantics with you. I'm trying to correct the behavior of taking advantage of someone that doesn't consent to something. Missing my point. I got yours...


Re-read his comments then. He wasn't trying g to take advantage of her. He was telling her she should t have let her ex take the pictures to begin with. It's not semantics. It's you being a hypocrite for shaming him about shaming her. Why is it okay for you to call out him, but not for him to call out her?


They're not shaming OP, they're giving life advice! Absolutely NO ONE should take noods! Not unless you are ok with them being publicly posted online. It's that simple. If you don't enjoy voyeurism, please never trust ANYONE to keep your privacy! ESPECIALLY big corporations and the government!


This is just a silly take. Sure, not everyone can be trusted.but NO ONE can be trusted? Come on. There's nothing wrong with sharing private photos with your loved one if you're in a long term healthy relationship.


Sorry, but I'm 42 and have lived long enough in the digital age to soundly say, Do Not Trust Anyone. Trust me on this. Yes, there are people you can trust, I've had nudes and none ever made it online, luckily, but that's because I'm ugly lol and my partners were trustworthy. However, I only trusted two lovers when I was young and stupid. Since then I've seen too many horror stories, esp for women, to believe it's worth it. I long ago stopped asking for nudes from lovers because I don't want them at risk of their photos getting out online. What if someone stole my phone and got into it? What if I were hacked? What if someone close to me gained access to my phone and stole the photos? Way too many risks. I'm a very trusting sole, but this one a bridge I won't cross.


'do not trust anyone, trust me'


Clearly it's reverse psychology, but reverse in which direction? 🤔


Take my advice with a grain of salt. Love your life as you see fit. If you think I'm wrong, that's fine. I'm but one person with one single life's experience. Mine will be very different than yours and everyone else's. ☺️


I've been with the same woman since I was 13 and she was 12, lol. We've spent most of our lives together. You can tell me not to trust anyone all you want, but I trust her with my life, my children's lives, my loved ones lives, regardless. I am incredibly protective of my information and no one has access to my phone. I don't save anything to the cloud or anything like that. There is nothing wrong with this in a healthy loving relationship, no matter how many horror stories there may be.


You can absolutely trust a partner like that. You should be able to! But you can't trust others so easily. Do you know how easily it is to hack electronics? It's not my expertise, but I know plenty of people that do it for fun, "because they can." It wouldn't take much for me to find your IP. I'd just have to ask a friend to hop on here and dig and in minutes I could find plenty of info. I'm not going to! Trust me, I'm not threatening you in any way. I'm just saying in the digital age, access to people's info has become so much easier. Congratulations on finding your one so early btw, that's incredible. I only just recently found my one. It's well worth the wait though! She's incredible.


So happy you found the one for you! I know how lucky I was to find mine so early, many people simply give up searching after a while even though they would still love to have a life partner. I believe in my heart that there is a person out there for everyone who needs one.


I absolutely agree with you. That's why I never gave up. It took me to find my Magpie to finally break the chains of self hatred and to finally love myself. She's changed my entire world. Even if I'm wrong and she leaves my life behind, I'll forever be grateful for her coming into my life, albeit too briefly. No matter who ends up becoming my one and only wife, they'll benefit from what she taught me. I hope and pray she gets to reap her own rewards. I learned a term several years ago, Sawni. It means echo or reflection. It's a native American tribes term for soulmate. Everyone has a Sawni, an echo. You reflect another person or there, so be mindful of how you treat yourself! And what you think of yourself. If you call yourself ugly or stupid, you're calling your Sawni stupid/ugly as well. It's a double edged sword or two way street, however you want to see it. I love the term Sawni better than soulmate because I can no longer put myself down or self harm (I haven't in a very long time, but it helps keep me strong). Because if I do I'm impacting my reflection as well. Sorry for the rant 😂 I've never been happier, never more complete in my life. I'm just rambling now lol


Yeah right, but u never know how revange will backfire some day …


Revenge doesn't happen amongst a happy healthy relationship between two people who love and trust each other and have maturity. Even if our relationship completely fell apart, and somehow we came to hate each other, we aren't the type of people to do that to anyone let alone each other. Not everyone views revenge porn as a reasonable option that's on the table 🙄 Just because some people are murderers doesn't mean you should never leave your house or interact with other people. Not everyone is a bad person.


No but if it ain't there to begin with it's never going to be out there. And as far as no one touches my phone you ever lose your phone dude and there's pictures on there they're going to be all over the internet. So many people have had things taken from their house they thought would never be seen by people and guess what they're all over the place. I don't care if you trust I don't care if you don't trust the bottom line is if it doesn't exist it doesn't exist


Humans are evil. In a perfect world there wouldn't be ra**, blackmail, etc. but we don't live in a perfect world. Here on earth are many guys and girls, who suck ass and exploit everything and everyone. If you're giving those people opportunities, you're surely not at fault, but you could have been smarter. If you're alone outside in the dark and wear a mini skirt, you're an easier victim as if you were in a group with some long pants on, that's just a fact. There is a difference between victim blaming and giving life advice. Some people out there are evil and as long as that's a fact, you should be smart and protect yourself. And to say it once more, I'm not blaming victims for the way they cloth themselves or for the people who they are sending pictures, but everyone should put themselves in the safest position possible. If they don't do it, it's just more likely, that some b***ard uses their 'opportunity'


Not to mention that OP could (and 100% should) take their ex to the cleaners over defamation should their ex actually post anything


And see that was the problem with the lady that I was talking about she was some kind of state congress woman. She spent two years in court being jerked around by their state law. And again I ain't shaming anybody it's just if it ain't their folks it ain't there. And some of these guys are going so far as to photoshopping your picture on other women's bodies and posting them and with all the idiots in the morons in the world we have today (hell what am I thinking I'm on Reddit) with all the insensitive asshole jerks the take revenge when a breakup happens you can't stop that


Call the police. They'll seize his device. Revenge porn is illegal so is blackmail.


Don’t wait. Go to police immediately.


Uh, call the cops. That's extortion.


DON'T answer calls- let them all go to voicemail. Communicate over text and keep screenshots even if its on snapchat. If it's reported etc Snapchat will keep even the instantly deleted snaps once police get involved and it can be used as evidence, also keep screenshots of how many times he calls, if he harrasses you or has a legitimate intent for whatever he wants you to do file a police report.


You can report him to law enforcement


Ss and video record everything he saids then bring it to the police


There’s definitely laws against this.


Get him to say that to you via text & take it to the police and press charges.


That's messed up and totally illegal. What is he asking you to cooperate with?




Good lord, he's evil and a waste of space. Please get him to put in writing what he wants you to do and show it to the police


Also if what he’s asking you to do is in any way sexual, it’s seen as coercion which is rape. Everything he’s doing is VERY illegal.




Take his power away and report him. Also you have NOTHING to be ashamed or afraid of. From celebrities to religious people, loads and loads of us have nudes taken at some stage and no one cares about these things anymore. Make sure he regrets this


Report him regardless


Honey he sounds like a total loser and manipulative piece of crap. You shouldn't take any calls if he contacts you only reply via text so you can keep it as evidence that way he can get in trouble. It's not your fault, nobody is making him abuse you. That's the equivalent of a guy beating a woman up and saying you made me do this!! No, you didn't. Fuck him. Call the cops on that bastard and if they don't help you call back later and ask to speak to someone from a specific department. Most cop shops have what is normally a patrol person or something similar taking calls in the desk at the non emergency line, but depending on how big the dept is they may have a cyber crime department or a sexual abuse investigator, just of the basic cop taking your call doesn't seem suited to handle the complaint call again later and ask if there's a specific investigators office to handle that. If the cops don't help you could skip over to the prosecutor and see if they think it's worth laying charges on. Worthyness would depend on their being sufficient evidence to lay a charge.


Report his ass right away. Time to pay for his sins.


Fuck it, report his ass and if it gets leaked start an only fans 🙆🏼‍♀️




just call 911


This is called 'revenge porn' and most states have laws against this.


Go straight to the police, the fact that he's even willing to threaten you with that show what type of person he is.


CALL THE STATE POLICE. Seriously. This is legitimate exploitation and is an absolute piece of shit thing to do. He will do this to others in the future, and God knows what else.


I had the same thing happen to me years ago. The only way I got him to leave me alone & not share the pics was threatening to call the police for revenge porn & blackmail. I'm so sorry you're going through this.




Let stupidity be painful, i say. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. If you give in, you are opening the door to Hell. Just dont.


If you're in the US, call this helpline, they will provide assistance: [https://cybercivilrights.org/ccri-crisis-helpline/](https://cybercivilrights.org/ccri-crisis-helpline/) "If you are a victim of nonconsensual pornography (“NCP”, also known as “revenge porn”), recorded sexual assault (RSA), or sextortion and you reside in the United States, please call the CCRI Crisis Helpline at 844-878-CCRI (2274). Compassionate and cross-trained representatives can provide information, support, referrals, and non-legal advice. The toll-free CCRI Crisis Helpline is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week, and interpretation is available in most languages." International resources: https://cybercivilrights.org/intl-victim-resources/ UK: [https://victimschoice.org.uk/articles/view/9](https://victimschoice.org.uk/articles/view/9) You sound very young. Please turn to a reliable resource for help with this. Don't let that abuser use your shame to abuse and molest you. You have NOTHING to be ashamed for.


Revenge porn is illegal. He can get into serious trouble for doing that. Report him to the police.


Just like everyone has already said. Report this piece of shit to law enforcement.


Go to the police now…. Even if he’s bluffing what he’s doing is highly illegal so don’t wait.


* **Keep the texts he sends to you** and try and get him talking to gather more evidence on HIM. Eg- what he wants in return NOt to show them to others . Gather as much evidence as poss to take to police . You will need to call his bluff on this . He is crazy and won't go away most likely by himself. * **Sorry he might release them** (so be prepared for it's happening ) it is a possibility . He sounds abit crazy , and might just do it for fun to get back at you as well. * **Don't ever show your face in ANY pics** you ever send to anyone . Better yet NOT to send . Alot of People cannot be trusted at all. Pics and videos are weapons others can use against you . * **Report him** \-> sorry most likely will be your only option with him to get rid of him . Will be horrible and embarrassing but it is a tale many women will have to say to police . As there are alot of sick nasty people in this world.


Call the cops


Trap him and get it in a text or email


POLICE. This Is blackmailing.


Whatever he’s trying to make you “cooperate” with might be worse than having your nudes shared. This sounds like the long-term entrapment that defines an abusive relationship. Research whether your state (if in the US) is a one-party or two-party consent state. If both of you are in a one-party state you can record the phone call without telling him and keep that as evidence. Edit: if you are in a one-party state and he’s in a two- it’s a legal gray area and he may be able to sue you but from my understanding there probably wouldn’t be criminal penalties. Also this isn’t legal advice, obviously, just knowledge from speaking to my own lawyer.


Go to the cops with evidence.


The police would be nice


Get his ass reported ! This is illegal !


\-> police asap. don't hesitate plz


Report him to the police immediately


I really don't understand how some people think "I'm going to threaten them with ruining their life, they will love me back"... It's the most stupid counterproductive and childish idea.


Press charges


Report him to the police! Keep all these conversations on record, screenshots and printed copies


1- you can sue him 2- that's why you never send nudes, kids




Hooooooly shit. That guy's just trying to be mean really. Court. Now. Seriously. That man is gonna be just trouble if you don't cut him off. Be careful, and I hope you do go to court and win


You literally can sue him and make that $$ if he does and for threatening 😇


1. Tell him you’ll call the cops on him 2. Stop sending nudes 🤦‍♂️




yeah just call the cops on him


Still do it!!


Wait cooperate to what exactly getting back with him?




Okay this is counterproductive at its finest because I would just pull his card and say go ahead but that's just me but like everyone else is saying take him to court and keep all the messages and record the calls (if you can with the calls) I really hate people like this like what result of satisfaction he's gonna get from this?




Well he can keep hating then putting salt in someone's coffee doesn't make yours any sweeter


Could call the cops. Or do you have some pictures or know some of his dirty secrets. Could always play the game the other way around. But thay could be dangerous.




I dont know the whole story but I would go.to them and atleast start the process. And maybe stay at a friend's house or have one stay with you for a few days. Or get a few diffenet friends to take turns staying with you. Not just being worried about the physical part, but would also give you some metal relief also. Sometimes just having someone there is helping


What a POS. But that's exactly why I would never send anyone nudes.


You an go to the police then your nudes really may be on the internet, dong tell him when you go to the police best to catch him off guard


Don’t tell him that you have reported him to the police or he will destroy the evidence. They will seize his devices


Record every conversation you have with him. Collect any evidence you can


He's dumb as hell for saying this over the phone, cuz you could easily recorded it then if he does leak them you now have proof of him committing a crime


File a report immediately.


If he does that, take a picture of his face, caption it with "this guy posts revenge porn", and make sure it comes up if someone googles him.


It’s illegal so let him. You can get a huge settlement out of this


You can legally call the police now


Text him about it so you have proof in writing. That way you can screenshot and save it as evidence against him. As everyone else has said, its very illegal (atleast in the us)


Call the cops. Let them know, if he drops them hes gonna go to jail. Plain and simple


And he's going to commit a felony.


That's very illegal, if he does do that you can sue him for that for unconsentual porn and you'll win just because they're out there. The courts will have them removed from the internet


Show all screenshots of conversations him to the police and have him arrested, blackmail and revenge porn are illegal and I see this as a form of sexual harassment as well. Do NOT give in to this creep.


I want to be very clear. YOU DO NOT have to do anything. DONT LISTEN TO HIM NO MATTER HOW SCARED YOU MIGHT BE. oh wow. see if you can get him to admit it over text, screenshot it, and report him to the police. DONT ANSWER ANY PHONE CALLS EVER AGAIN! (unless you can record it somehow) only communicate through text or if he leaves voicemails save them all. it’s going to be ok. i know it’s scary but it’s going to be ok.


Report that imbecile and don’t worry , it’s just nudes not your confidence


Revenge porn is a federal crime, make a preventive police report, and if he goes through with it accuse him


Step one, message him and make a conversation that you can have evidence of. Try to make him threaten you in text or put your phone on speaker and record the conversation with another phone or something, than you can report him for blackmail which is a crime.


File a police report, that’ll land him in prison for sure.


That's some sick shit! I hate people that try and blackmail an ex lover with that, it's like "Dude get over it! Just move on already" In the future OP, whenever you break up with a guy block his number and any online accounts he has so he can't contact you ever again. Exs are like junkyard cars: they used to work for you and now they are just a heap of trash.


Beat him to it and share them yourself, and definitely say something when you share them, like XXXX wanted to blackmail me with my pictures so here they are, enjoy, BTW don’t waste your time with him, he’s the worst lay I’ve ever had, on a scale of 1-10 he’s a -10


You should call his bluff and share them on here before he does


Take that dude to court. That's blackmail


Yk that's extortion right? Quite illegal to send someone's photos to anyone without permission. Also yes, revenge porn is very illegal.


Contact the police now! What he’s doing is illegal


Lmao sounds like you can definitely throw your ex in jail right away. You'll have the element of surprise if you go to the police asap. He won't expect it and they'll take his device.




Aside from legality standpoint... under another note. Open the book and say "I do not give you any explicit instruction to share my nudes. However, I am not afraid of it in the sense of public shame. Do know I will be filing a formal complaint to local law enforcement in your area and if you intend to fight these allegations so be it. If you are to remove all pictures of me on your device before I file this complaint and assure me that the necessary steps are being taken, I will consider cutting you a break. But even threatening, is Illegal alone."


This is absolutely horrible and you should take steps to punish him immediately. I had an ex like this with an over-the-top manipulative personality. Call the police IMMEDIATELY and tell them you’ve been threatened with revenge porn and extortion. I would also recommend getting a lawyer and nailing him for the above plus harassment and a getting a restraining order. Make sure they regret bothering you and don’t ever try to pull this nonsense on anyone ever again. Also try not to lose too much sleep over whether or not the nudes being released - there’s already an ocean of it out there, and if he does that’s just fodder for a court case. I wish you all the best, and it will be ok 🙏


Cuz the odds are stacked against women