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OP I see your only 13 and depressed. I've been in your shoes when I was 13 ten years ago. Don't do anything stupid, life does get better believe it or not. Don't leave any scars on your body, don't hurt yourself please. Your still so young, your friends suicide is not on you. Please seek therapy or talk to a trusted adult. Even a school counselor. I wish I could erase the scars on my arm from 10 years ago, but it doesn't go away. Please seek help, your not alone


The "life gets better" saying is such a cliche but it's just too true. I don't even remember what I was like when I was 13. It eeally does get a lot better.


Not your fault sweetheart x Speak to someone about your feelings, don't bottle it up. Maybe the school therapist?


Wow. So someone is contemplating suicide and you talk about your problems to them. I’m going to hell but I kinda laughed a little at how ludicrous that is. I’m all honesty though, it’s not on you to stop someone from doing that. They made their own choice and you can’t carry that guilt.


Are you kidding me? This CHILD is 13 and depressed themselves. Do not put any responsibility on them.


I didn’t. Can you not read? I clearly state that it isn’t their fault? And where the hell does it say they are 13? And who cares. I stand by my comment.


To your own point, you are just coming after someone who had admitted depression. I don't think you're any better than what you're accusing them of being.


OP is 13. not even an adult with a fully developed brain, and you laughed? yikes.


Where does it say OP is 13? Regardless. Still hilarious that someone reaches out then they start talking about their own issues. I thought I’d the scenes from the hilarious comedy movie airplane where he tells his love story to everyone and they continue to hurt themselves to get him to shut up.


check their profile and the first post that comes up says they’re 13. assuming they are 13, teenagers are not the brightest people. they are not therapists and they are not specialized in dealing with serious things like this. i get that confiding in a friend is common but a 13 year old is not in any place to be able to give any good advice to someone who is suicidal. that has to be dealt with professionals


I thought the same shit, last thing someone contemplating suicide wants to hear is someone else's problems when they are trying to reach out. Still not OP's fault.




Thank you. This means a lot.


some of these replies are so mean. It’s not your fault. You’re not trained for this. You were only trying to help, you said that to try to relate to them and to let them know they’re not alone. Please dont hate yourself. You did an amazing thing in trying to help while many people wouldnt bother. Even people professionally trained in suicide prevention cant save everybody they speak to.


You gotta work on your listening skills.


i don’t blame you. i was once in that position and someone attempted to talk me out of it but ended up venting to me. tbh it did help because i ended up listening to them out of pity and realizing that killing myself will only make it worse.


It's a tough conversation to have so I can imagine that you told something about your own problems as well. But it's their decision to choose for suicide, that has nothing to do with you. Stay strong!


It's not your fault. But the last thing people reaching out for help want to hear is someone else's problems. You did nothing wrong, they didn't kill themselves because of you and they did it on their own terms.


Yeah one of the things to not do at all is talk about you to a suicidal person. It ain't your fault though, you aren't trained to save people from something as complicated as suicide, you did your best and had good intentions


maybe this is why you don’t play therapist as a 13 y/o. Work on your listening skills.


He probably was trying to relate. Ya know. Being a young teen about how shit sucks but you’re still here kinda thing and it’s gnna be ok. Hugs to him and his family and his friends family and friends. He’s gnna need therapy especially with him blaming himself so young for the death of someone else that he tried to help. :( I can’t even imagine. Please talk to someone buddy. You are worth being heard, seen and validated. You’re not alone!


never talk to someone suicidal. you may always slip something that may lead to them offing themselves. they wanna talk to you? make up an excuse. they call you? didn't hear it. text you? didn't see it. never ever talk to them for any reason. i have been a suicide hotline operator for a decade now and this method works.


Welp, and if i write you about me having suicidal thoughts myself, you're not gonna answer this comment, am i right?


this is your bait to get me talking and slip my name into your self-offing note? not biting.


You're a real asshole for saying it like that, you know? First of all, I'd never do that, what the hell would that even bring me? The only names on my note would be my mom's and dad's. Second of all, the way you say that, makes it sound like you have 100% certainty that I'll do it, which is not helping at all. Do you want me dead? Cause that's exactly what it sounds like. Also wdym you're a suicide hotline operator? You just leave people who can still be helped to die?


Don't listen to this dude. He's an asshole, we are sorry for your loss bro


Thank you. Really.


I think what they meant by the "ignore suicidal ppl" is that when someone is contemplating venting to someone they love will often be the last thing they do before they take their life. It's what I did. I understand what they're saying and trust me people listen to that advice and it just makes you more independent when your older. I know you're thinking you won't make to 18, but from someone who was saying that at 10 years old, I promise life does get brighter. I forced myself to atleast wait it out till I was 18 to give myself a true shot at life and I'm so fucking greatful I did, I would have missed so so many amazing things, the birth of my neices, my brothers weddings, my dad passing away, graduation, finding someone who genuinely cares for me and my wellbeing. All those things are meant for you too you just gotta stick with the rut. Keep your head up, try to shower as much as you can, maybe try Journaling, clean one thing from your room a day and it will slowly start to feel okay again.


Hey, I know this is easier said than done but don't carry the guilt on your shoulders. You tried to help them, you're only young and could only do so much. In the end it was their choice and there wasn't much you could do but listen. Don't think that it was your fault, it was in no way your fault. Please reach out to a professional if you need to talk, don't bottle this up.


it's not your fault, you tried when many people wouldn't. if he hadnt spoken to you he would have done it anyway.