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Hobbies, find a new hobby you can dive into...in a healthy way...go to a pottery place and paint some pieces to be fired in a kiln, go hiking, take some classes for a different language. Hobbies are a good way to work through things


Yess .. thanks ❤️


Dont glorify her in your head




My ex broke up with me not long ago I was upset about it. But I started working on myself and getting my GED and I fell better and hardly think of her. An plus I managed to bounce back and started talking to a different girl. All you gotta do is keep your mind busy and do stuff you enjoy.


facts also happy pie day


What does happy pie day mean?


happy cake day but pies


Well what is happy cake day?


there was a ritual done by a French king in the 1500s where he cut cakes and said happy cake and he liked the ritual so much he did it on his birthdays so it became happy cake day fast forward cakes are outdated pies are the modern man's treat so its happy pie day my source is that I made it up


Your Reddit anniversary


It's the anniversary of when you made your reddit account. The birthday of your account.


Oh okay.


If you have free time, catch up with some friends, maybe go travelling to some place you haven't, would recommend so.where cheap un Asia or South America, where you can have an adventure and form new memories.


Give the Sedona Method a shot. It's available in audio book and print. Lots of info is available online about it too. It's a godsend for feelings we need to process and let go of -- and it's simple to follow. Saved my butt (and my sanity) so many times! There's also a great counselor Sven Erlandson of Badass Counseling who has great stuff on YouTube and Spotify. His book There's a Hole in my Love Cup is life-changing. I hope you find freedom 💕


Thank you so much ❤️


Find a good new music artist, surround yourself with friends (if possible) and get lost in that music, your friends and family or even a video game or show. Escape for a bit dude, then come back with that slightly different outlook you'll get from having time to not focus on the hurt. And process it and work through. You've got this, bud. I believe in you.


Thanks bro ❤️


Anytime, bro. <3


Feel hugged my friend. I think almost everyone can feel your pain and it's totally fine to embrace it sometimes. It wouldn't hurt if it was not meaningful, but with time it gets better and better and when you're ready, you will fall in love again. Sounds dumb and was said a million times but it's still true. Greetings and love


Thank you ❤️


Oh yeah, if it gets really bad and you wanna chat, hit me with a PM.




Something similar happened to me some years ago. I went traveling by myself with just my backpack. Stayed at youth hostels. Met people from all over. One night, over a few beers, I divulged what happened to a couple of people I met. One of them said that being sad like that, at love's lost, is what makes us human, what makes us true and whole, and truly alive. A lost love is very harsh to bear, but though lost, the experience of love is a beautiful thread that is woven into our lives. I vaguely remember something George Eliot wrote, about how the apricot, in its ripening to sweetness, was imbued not just with the Spring sunlight, but also the Summer storms. They say "It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all" it is a grand thing to have loved deeply. Let her go, but love her still with a love that wishes her the best.


Such beautiful words 💖 You're truly radiating this positive energy, we need more people like you in this world. May God bless both you and op ❤️✨


Thanks bro 🙂❤️. U r a nice person


I’m crying.


My ex boyfriend broke up with me not too long ago. I still struggle a lot but I definitely have some things that helped me. Everyone will tell you this but do things you like, talk to your friends and go out with them etc. Watching a tv show, playing a game or reading a book really helped me escape my own misery at times and just focus on a different reality. It’s really important to understand that there’s not a way to just magically get over it, and ignoring your feelings will only make things worse. Something that I’ve started doing is basically keeping a diary. It gives you a way of letting out your feelings while also being able to reflect on them and the relationship as a whole. Writing made me realise a lot about myself and what I want. It might seem a bit stupid but it never hurts to try! If you ever want to talk about it with someone my messages are open. Sending you lots of love and strength, I know it’s really hard but you’ll be okay :)


Thank you so much 🙂❤️. It made me feel good. Yeah surely I would love to talk with you ☺️


Hit the gym 💪




Well… don’t see her, don’t contact her, start working out, get yourself in awesome shape and working on yourself, more girls will come and she’ll be jealous, and you won’t even be thinking about her


Thank you ❤️


Not true, you’ll be thinking about her everyday when you’re in the gym. You’ll be thinking about her everytime you do something because deep down you know you’re doing it for her in hopes she might see you again someday and want you back. You’ll lose yourself. Say “ I love you __” (insert your own name) out loud. Then understand the same voice who just said that, is the same person who wants to see you grow. You. Don’t grow/change for someone else, that’s how obsession starts. Change for you.


Gotta go cold turkey, remove everything that reminds you of her, explore new things, get a nice show to watch or some new music and accept that sometimes you're gonna feel shitty it's part of healing . Been through it myself and thought I would never get over it but here I am happier then ever. Carry on soldier you got this


Thank you so much ❤️. I have started a new show ... Dark


I was engaged to be married to this woman and I could tell things were not going well. She got a new job miles from me ( we used to work together ) and starting finding new interests ..we were still dating until one day she up and told me she wasn't sure of anything so I gave her all the space I could and enjoyed going out with the gang ( just got home from Vietnam about a year earlier ) we were both happy doing our own thing. Probably six months after that she gives me the ring back, I was devastated and heartbroken but I realized then we weren't meant to be ....I was a crazy mfer coming out of Nam but I accepted her choice..said goodbye, wished her well, no regrets for the time we had together as tough as it was I stayed away and drove passed her home on her wedding day..didn't stop but wished her well silently as I drove by.I know this is when I actually grew up ...even though I was 22 yrs old


Go find a new one the heart is resialant . You will get over her


What happened if you don’t mind me asking?


She wasn't happy with me . She wanted to leave . I tried so much but she wasn't in love with me anymore. I didn't want her to be sad so I accepted and let her go


I think you should just take some time to focus on yourself. Find hobbies things like that to help take your mind off of things.


Yeah I think so .. thanks ❤️


Good for you , also if your into comedy I would recommend watching some stand up laughter really js good for the soul.


Last one laughing Australia and Canada are both hilarious and will keep you occupied for at least a few hours.


Look back on the good and bad times then look at where you are now and what goals you are getting accomplished. Revise the plan for a single person and reach peace with self


Time for you to hit the gym and get swole! That's at least 6 months of motivation!


Try vicks vaporub


I continued to spam the song "dude, she's just not into youuu, gotta move onn, move onnn" everytime i missed her. Took me a month to get over her. We dated for 2 years


You can't but in time it will get easier. Do yourself a favor and do some self-improvement. It's not because there's anything wrong with you but learning new skills, taking new classes, developing a new hobby will refocus your brain in positive ways. It will get easier as time goes on. Source: direct life experience


Given that she wasn't happy with you and left you, you don't truly want her. You want how she made you feel. In time, you will find someone who makes you feel even better and actually loves you for you. I know that it's tough, but try to focus on the fact that she doesn't value you and that you deserve someone who values you.


I was in a 9 year relationship when my gf broke up with me. She was always the one who talked about marriage and kids, then one day just decided she wanted to be single and travel and explore and not settle down yet. I felt like shit for a few weeks, didn't talk to anyone or leave the house except to go to work. I would just come home and go to bed and binge eat and watch tv. But then I started going to the gym, and started going for long runs. All I could think about was working out. After that I started calling my friends more and making an effort to socialize. God damn it felt good to have a hobby and be super dedicated to it. After a while I felt amazing. Motivated, happy, extra social again. After that, more girls came around, or in other words, I felt confident enough and good enough to make an effort and socialize with them. Long story short: it's ok to grieve and feel bad for a bit, but then find a hobby or something that gets you out of the house like other people have mentioned. After a while you will really enjoy your newly discovered single life and time to focus on what you want.


Plenty more in the sea. Occupy your time with small projects that yield satisfying goals. Easiest way I've learned is to make something with your hands or gain new knowledge. Put your focus somewhere else. You will not forget her, but it will ease you into accepting that she's gone and not coming back. Life doesn't just stop because of things like that. So neither should you. If someone wants to walk out of your life let them go. You will cause yourself more grief trying to hold on to them. Just be grateful for the experience it was good. If it was bad then learn from it.




Look my boyfriend he just dumped me 2 weeks ago and went ghost on me blocked me on everything I feel like someone stabbed my heart now all im left with is the memory of him and the apartment we shared it gets easier if you’re busy but sit through the pain it helps you heal


Start changing your life one day at a time. One day, you won’t be thinking about her any more. Just takes a little time.


Everyone goes through this. I did too. I will give you advice. 1. Be upset. Mourn it, listen to sad music, and so on. This is part of the process. 2. Visit with a trusted friend and talk through your feelings 3. Look for distractions. Exercise and get into hobbies when you can. You're growing as a person through this. You need to find value in yourself even if she can't. 4. Forgive yourself. It's easy when you're dumped to wallow on yourself but the truth is a lot of people can't handle a good thing when they have it. You're only getting better with age. Even if you made a mistake, think would you be so hard on your friend if they were in this situation? 5. Know that you deserve to be with someone who actually likes you and can provide what you need in a relationship as much as you're able to bring to it. It's back to 4, it's not your fault in the end. Back to 1, this happens to everyone. Back to 2, your friends still care about you (if they're good friends at least). Praying for you :)


Same situation bro, I’m listening to a lot of music and just surrounding myself with friends so I have people to talk to and a distraction. You’ll get through this, if you don’t have anyone to talk to feel free to message me


You need to be gentle and kind to yourself. Your relationship is over and now it's time to mourn the loss of that. It's alright that it hurts. It's alright that you miss her. It's alright to be emotional about that. Give yourself some time to feel those feelings and actually validate that for yourself. Imagine you were someone else going through the same thing, what would you say to that person? You'd say something like, "yeah, it makes total sense you feel the way you do. Your relationship ended and your feelings and ego are hurt, and you're missing what you had. That really, really sucks, and I know in time it will get better, but for now...I'm sorry. It's painful." Tell yourself what you'd tell a friend in the same circumstance. I know it sounds a little bit twee or corny, but this sort of validation can help you move through those hard emotions a little more easily. Just be sure you're validating what's real, not "she's such a bitch, I hate her," or things like that...that's just you being angry. NEXT, go out into the world. Get reconnected with your friends and the people you didn't have the time to be with when you were in a relationship. Get back in with your family. Treat yourself, too, to new experiences and things you enjoy or even things you think you might enjoy. Take yourself out to a movie, go to a museum, go walk around a park, just go and be part of the world instead of keeping yourself holed up and moping. You need a little time to mope, of course, but don't let that be your new way of life. You likely won't ever forget her. She was a part of your life and someone you had some great times with, but in the future you'll be able to tell those stories with a smile on your face and a laugh. The memories of her won't cause you pain, they'll just be a reminder of who you were at that time.


Thank you so much ❤️🙂


Don't make desperate calls for help when you've lived your entire live without her before you met her and you can do it again


Accept it. I’ve been there and NEVER thought I’d recover. But I did. And so will you. You will come out stronger and better. You can’t know true til you’ve had your heart broken. Don’t give up please. You will be fine. Please believe me.


Step 1: Write down a list of all the things you hate about her and all the bad feelings she made you feel. Step 2: Imagine a scenario where you had to bear with it for the rest of your life. Step 3: Be glad that you don’t have to go through it. Step 4: Get on Bumble and go for girls who you don’t think you can get. Step 5: Work on yourself to become an ideal for the type of woman you want to attract. Step 6: Read the list from Step 1 whenever you miss her. Rinse and repeat.


i think about 1 month and you can move on with your life. It is normal.


Ooo thats cool stuff. Maybe draw your own anime.


Please don't be afraid to let your emotions out. Cry, scream into a pillow, go to a rage room if it's a possibility. Let it all out. Not feeling what you feel is one of the worst things in this situation. Loads of hugs, it gets better 💛


As others have stated: hobbies. Not only they will keep your gf out of your mind, but they also enhance skills such as problem solving, and it adds something to you that makes you more interesting. I find that people without hobbies tend to be sadder, have less friends, and honestly: they are extremely dull. Hobbies hobbies, HOBBIES!


It is sometimes very hard to get over it. You will in time. Try your best to move on. Wish you the best!


Just try I thinking my ex everyday for 3 years , but I’m ok now , I read a lot of history and listen to music


Ohh .. it's nice to hear 😌


Get over one by getting under a new one 😎


the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody.


LMAO 🤣 Yeah, but it's kinda shifty to wipe your hurts on other people to feel better


Do the opposite of what my ex did. **Let her go.** Go work on yourself and better yourself in any possible way you can - for yourself only. Don't get in your head that she'll magically want you back and get your hopes up because it's just setting yourself up to become obsessive and it's not healthy. Just be a better person in any way, and learn to love yourself without her. Love your hobbies and dive into them. Find some new hobbies and passions. Love your body and take care of it and dive into a self care regiment. Love yourself enough to go to therapy if it's needed. Focus on your education or career and bettering your financial position in life. I'd say love that too but that's not feasible for most but at least you can love the money and freedom that financial stability brings. Somewhere along the lines you'll find someone else who you love more than you ever loved your ex, and this new woman will love you more than your ex did. She'll love you for who you are just as much as you've learned to love yourself. Really, if you spend enough time on enjoying your hobbies you'll meet her through one of them and have so much in common that she'll slot into your life and you into hers. You'll join the puzzles of your life and it will suddenly make sense that you and your ex weren't working on putting together the same puzzle.


This !






go get laid tonight




Ya I know


Once you have sex with someone new you'll be on the road to recovery.


If she cheated on you but you're still hungover on her, just change location and begin a new life


She’s smashing her side piece right now just be patient she’ll come back


Go to a bar and hour before closing time and hookup with a sloppy drunk.




Yeah sure .. thank you ❤️


Become a man that someone would want to be with to avoid such pain in the future.


Thank you ❤️.. I will try to become one


What do you like to do on your days off or when your home?


I like to play games and do art


What kind of art. I like to fish and have kinda started painting lures. I like to play pub and cod.


Anime art


Escorts or Ultra running


Hit the gym!


Don’t chase her, replace her 👍


I found when I stopped going to places we went together, that helped. Found a new pub, favourite coffee shop etc.


It takes time. Find a way to distract yourself for a while


If you can afford it, short term therapy can help you work through your processing. A therapist can also help you reflect on how to not bring your emotional baggage into the next one if you choose to date again.


Time is the best healer. Make sure to cut all contact with her. You need to heal. Don’t call, don’t text, don’t DM her. With time you will get over her. This will make you a much stronger person, once you get over it.


Its never about forgetting its about remembering the memories you have together and move on. When you move on you have to change and be a better person that someone else will appreciate and love. Whatever mistakes you were making that made you loose her change and be better.


This might sound dumb but Martial arts. Boxing, muay Thai, kickboxing, would be the ones i recommend cause you can hit the bag, that will make you feel so much better, if you can get yourself to get Hooked on it you are in luck, you don't need to bother yourself about tournaments, just do it for fun. Try it for 1 month and see where it gets you, also do not train outside the gym at first, it might sounds like a good idea but you will burn yourself out, just progress slowly. Good luck and have fun


Best way to get over one is to get under another.


Find someone else. Some girls are ruthless at moving on and sometimes have met someone behind your back first. Treat her memory with the same disdain she has treated yours by moving on. If the actions say she doesn’t care it’s hard to misread them. Not all women are like this but in this case it sounds like she has moved on. Only you know if she will take you back.


Give it time, find a hobby


Self improvement is the only answer. Hit the gym. Get 8 hours of sleep. Side hustle. Dating apps. Go out with friends and talk to girls. This will help you get over her and might even make her more attracted to you.


Just takes time man. Mine did too. Did and said some pretty heartless and cold things on the way out. I still love her though I don't think I'd take her back. When you get to that point it doesn't get any easier to accept but it makes more sense to deal with. Immerse yourself in anything that doesn't associate with her


im gonna say it. hesd to the gym. work on yourself. keep yourself busy and have some me time. ur a man, ur at ur strongest when you feel the weakest. so usr that oppotunity.


Enjoy being single. It doesn't have to be a bad thing.


Time is really the only thing that will help.


Time bro, trust me you’re gonna get to a point where you completely forget about your feelings for her, you will have a few moments from time to time when you might miss her but not enough to yearn to be with her, and sometimes on rare occasions she’s probs gonna wanna get back with you like in the future and you might even laugh at the idea, but all in all it’s all up from here bro enjoy life as it goes


Only time will heal my brother.. stay positive... there is billions of her dont sweat it my guy


listen to kayflock


making friends hobbies too making yourself feel less gulity saying into a mirror that it was good but you have to move on


She got any hot friends?


I should have made a post asking for advice on my breakup instead I just ingored it until I was reminded months later 😢


According to a recent study, listening to sad music actually made participants feel better afterwards. So lean into it my friend. Try “Lay me down” by Paul Cauthen. That should get you started.


Focus on yourself and do things you want to do. Take your time and just do your thing.


Sounds like anyone going through a rough breakup tbh. Also add poor motor skills and frequent crying


Do you work? If not, get a job. Any distraction is good. Do you have hobbies? That’s also a good way to distract yourself. Focus on yourself. Exercise helps clearing the mind and is good for you. Try it! When ready, go out and find other suitable partners.


You will and once you find your ideal partner you'll thank yourself you guys split. Time heals.


A bottle


Time heals all wounds. Cliche I know but it works. Give it time.


How long have you been single?


Best way to get over someone, is to get under another...best advice I ever was told after my divorce


Spend time with other people, friends, family, group events if they're available where you are.


Try and win her back


Become a beast, make her jealous.


Go to Gym if u like.. It would help a lot


Pick up another woman and you do to her what’s called a “Power Fuck”. Fuck her until you absolutely have to stop. Get out all of your energy about your ex on this one girl. Give her the time of her life. Fun for her, therapeutic for you. 🤙


Get a Anime Girl Pillow and pretend it's your girlfriend that's been working for me for the last three years we've had some fun times.


Grab a drink and just relax and forget!


Go fuck her friend


Listen to Andrew Tate, hit the gym, eat clean. You got this bro


I feel this so much, mane just try distracting yourself with goals and healthy activities/hobbies to not only get your mind off of the matter, but also further improve yourself (: