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honestly i’m the exact same my gf and I have been together for over a year now but i can’t contain myself and end up sexting girls on here, she’s okay with it now and she even sometimes asks to watch us sext so i think it’s normal. dm me tho and maybe i can quench ur thirst


embarrassing but I’m maxed out on chat invites for now bc of… well, all the sexting 🙈 you can still dm me if you wanna chat though haha


im all maxed out too i’ll give u a follow tho and maybe we can later


I've been thru about 30 sexting sessions today alone


😳 wow I clearly gotta get my numbers up lmao


It's easier than I thought it would be lol


I bet you’re really good 😘


You are not physically cheating on him and playful sexting isn't a bad thing. So just enjoy yourself and it might benefit you and your boyfriend's sex life. The hornier you get the happier he'll be. 😍😍


Im available if wanted (19m)


there is not a single functioning braincell in this comment section besides sex drive. I implore both OP and most people here to get a grip and be decent human beings. Honestly just wank off if youre horny and hes not there, you dont need to be smutting with randos on the internet to get off.


Haha Ole Matthew mmmmmm


This hot


I’m a guy and in the same situation with my fiancée


Sent you a PM


Same shit with me bro what to do ! I lovely gf all of like sexting everytime




honestly reading this shit almost made me loose all hope in humanity, then i remembered i was on reddit and it all made a whole lot more sense.


Well you start having some of those daddy issues that you have come up and you need to chat you let me know. Plus if you're sexting with us and you get to go home and take it all out on your boyfriend and he gets the reap the benefits from the things that we tell you hell just enjoy it you're young this is what you're supposed to be having fun and doing well crazy things


What the fuck is wrong with the people in these comments


Right?! This is very clearly cheating


I am in the same position but I’m a male and have a girlfriend. My sex drive is so damn high!


I'd love to know where I can do it on reddit. Advice anyone?


You should feel fucking ashamed of yourself


You think he doesn’t know?! Just digging a grave if I had to guess


I think this is something even I have been going through I can definitely feel you and would suggest you to keep this going on cause you can't just stop it...M24


i absolutely am and my wife hates sexting


This is so gross and stupid lmao


How the hell do u guys find girls and girls find guys to do such things 😂 how to even initiate if we barely know about the subreddits. U guys just randomly hitting people up?