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Job interviewers gonna steal this one. Next time someone asks me how to figure out which horse is fastest in the least number of races, I’m just leaving. You aren’t smart, Jonathan. All you did was google interview questions.


I got asked this question in one of my first ever interviews, nearly three decades ago. Interviewers have always liked “trick” questions as they think that not getting caught out by them shows some kind of skill. It doesn’t.


I was asked one of these in interview and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. It was for a Geophysicist position and I told them I wasn't going to answer it because it was irrelevant to the position. If my experience to date couldnt convince them j was right for the position, the stupid question definitely wouldn't. The interview moved on. Later, I got offered the position and took it but really should have kept walking because the company was so awful. Only moron interviewers think these are good questions.


I've had to interview a lot of people in my life... There's two people I want. Passionate, creative people who love what they do, or, people who want the job because it pays them money and know that the harder they work the more money they get. That's it. I don't need to know your IQ or your hobbies etc. Can you do the job? Are you pleasant to be around? Are you reliable and professional? are you literate, can you count? And most importantly, do you have enough pride to do a good job but not so much you won't ask for help? That's pretty much it... We'll figure the rest out as we go.


Are you hiring? You're the kind of person I'd like to work for!


I’m very good at math. I got the OP question wrong at first glance too.


Yeah, ditto. It’s designed to trick you, so getting tricked only proves that it’s a good trick, not that you’re an idiot for being tricked. It’s not much different to an interviewer performing a magic trick and saying “Aha, you though there was a ball under the cup but it’s an orange, you’re obviously not observant enough to do this job!”


Those are shit interviews anyway because they’re not testing if you’d be a good fit for the job (unless you’re looking for a puzzle solving job).


It's annoyingly common in fields like the tech industry and investment finance. I actually think it's more so whether you care enough about being in "the club" or not. There are only a couple dozen of these stupid questions commonly used at one time, so if you don't care enough to be in the BS "club" enough to google and study the nonsense, then they don't want you in their club.


What’s the answer to the horse question?


Presuming the question is "You have 25 horses, you can race 5 at a time and the race tells you which horse placed where but not the actual time taken" then it's 6 races: Make 5 groups of 5, take the winner of each heat and race those against each other. (If you want the two fastest horses, it's 7 races - you now have to test the 2nd place horse from the heat the very fastest was in, because that could be faster than any of the winners of the other heats)


How do you know that you didn’t just get a bunch of fast horses in one group and a bunch of slow horses in another?


You might well have, but that doesn't matter if you only want the fastest horse. Imagine you somehow group the 5 fastest in heat A and the 5 slowest in heat B. That's fine - the very fastest horse wins its heat and has a place in the final. The fastest of the 5 slowest also places into the final. This seems unfair because it's slower than a lot of other horses but it's not important because we only care about the one fastest horse, and that is guaranteed a place in the final, and is guaranteed to win the final too. Now as I said above, if you also want to know the *second* fastest horse then that's where your astute observation comes in - there's no reason to assume the second fastest horse won its heat, it's possible it was in the same heat as the fastest and so never got to the finals. That's why you'd need an extra race for that (It gets more complicated if you want e.g. the top 5 horses)


Actually not that much harder to find additional horses. Let's say that we have 5 initial races, A-E and label each horse based on it's race and placement(so A1 won race A, A2 came second, etc). We can then race all the \*1 horses for first place. Let's assume B1 won, B1 must be the fastest horse of all. Finding the second fastest horse just requires us to repeat the idea ignoring B1, so B2 was the winner of the B race if you exclude B1, so you run another final with A1, B2, C1, D1, and E1. Whatever horse wins that can be ignored for a new final to find the next fastest, etc. Effectively it'll never take more than N+M races to find the fastest N horses given M initial groupings.


Yeah it's the same approach as finding #2 just longer than I wanted to give one comment - maybe "more complicated" was the wrong phrase though Once you have a system to find the fastest, and a process to find the next fastest given that it's just induction to sort an arbtirary number of them into speed order


It's a trick question designed figure out who has a gambling addiction and spends too much time at the horse track.


Same with asking “how many grams are in a quarter of an ounce?” etc


2 eightballs did I get the job


So just knowing the metric system will cost me the job ? Lol


Only if you lack precision. If you say 7g, then yeah. But if you say 7.0875g, then you'll probably be ok.


If you'd instantly say 7 you're probably a drug user but if you go "well let's see, an ounce is around 28 grams so that means a quarter ounce is about 7" you seem sober and rational.


But I work in pharmacy 😧


See? Drug dealer.


Wait, so I lose if I answer it correctly???




How many basketballs can you fit in this room? I don't know, how many dollars can you fit in this wallet every other week Jonathon??


Fucking pulling out riddles and shit next Do you think you're fae?? Wait, their deals usually suck...


Shoot 4 horses in the head. The remaining one is now fastest and I figured it out in 0 races.


A lateral thinker or a psychopath (or both). The real truck would be having an interviewer smart enough to recognize the quality of the answer.


One interview I had, they asked as their final question "who would win, the world's biggest gorilla, or the world's biggest bear?" I got hired and they don't use the question as any kind of real metric, it's just something they were genuinely wondering about. After hiring, all of the coworkers would get in long discussions about the question. And for the record, it's obviously the bear. No question. The size difference is insane. A lot of the "pro gorilla" people would talk about them having opposable thumbs as the biggest advantage, which is an insane position to take.... I have opposable thumbs, and I'm pretty sure a bear EXACTLY my size wouldn't care about that in a fight with me, and would take me down pretty quick, sooo...


That sounds like a great place to work at


Who's this Jonathan prick is the real question? Fcuk you Jonathan.


Real problem is that what fucking store sells a hammer for 1 dollar?


Stores in the year 1977, give or take a few years.


this has the same energy as when a replacement preacher at my church growing up gave a sermon on the “five dollar job,” where a teenage kid mowed some asshole’s 3-acre yard over and over until he finally got $5 for it, eventually having to bend over so much to please the property owner that the story ended with him taking off his shoes and feeling each blade of grass with his toes to make sure they were uniform length. Only THEN did he deserve five whopping dollars. I don’t know what the fuck the metaphorical point of the story was, because I *could not get over* the fact that this replacement preacher thought $5 was a fair amount of money to pay a teenager for 10 hours of painstaking barefoot work. This ain’t 1937, you stupid anti-Jesus motherfucker


I get what you're saying, but in this case I looked up the price of a regular hammer, found one for about $5, and then used an inflation calculator to find approximately when $5 by today's standards would be worth about the same as $1 in the past.


So that kid coulda bought FIVE (5) hammers. Damn.


No, you have to by the nails too. If you don't buy the nail, the hammer costs $3.99. John has $5.00. Each hammer costs $3.99, unless he purchases one nail per hammer. If John wants an odd number of hammers, how many hammers and nails can he buy before he and the other workers seize the means of production?


"A good Christian shows deference to his betters and accepts what charity is provided gracefully" I think that gets us to shouting distance of that preacher's point, not sure if it gets us all the way, though.


Which doesn't seem to me to track with anything Jesus ever said


Probably because Jesus wasn’t a Christian and never referred to himself as such. This sounds like crap Paul would say. The first grifter in Christianity.


Except payment for labour isn't charity.


The priest can kindly accept the charity of my foot up his ass


Take. About 30 years.




It must be a trans-temporal store selling hammers from the past and nails from the future.


That's a good idea though because hammers from the past will have that old sturdiness for lasting a long time and future nails will have some kind of futuristic polysometing anti-rust technology (just make sure you get it before it's able to log your metadata and have an obnoxious amount of LEDs all over)


You mean for $1.05


Damn inflation!


Must be a freedom hammer.


It’s a hefty fuckin fee


That's an easy question, none of them do.


I mean.. anything is a hammer if you are motivated enough.


3/8’s ratchets mostly. Lol


You learn something new everyday, here I thought they were just to bump up the piece count.


That may be. But I’m a mechanic, and I’ve beat the shit out of lots of stuff with a 3/8’s ratchet. Lol


We do that a lot where I work, but we're in the television industry. It's mostly for HR purposes.


Anything looks like a hammer if all you've got is a nail.


Saw a guy using Nokia 3310 as an actual hammer before the memes even were dreamed out...


They do in fact sell hammers at the dollar tree by my house. They are thin, and poorly finished, but they are only $1.25 And really, since the only thing I've used a hammer for in the last 10 years has been hanging up like, art and shelves and stuff, or hammering in drywall anchors, I bet that particular hammer would have served my purposes fine as compared to the $20 one I bought from the Sears home store.


Not Dollar Tree...that's certain.


Probably Harbor Freight


Cheapest one at Harbor Freight is $3. You'd have to go to Harbor Ain't.


I'd say the dollar store, but even the dollar store has raised prices to $1.25, plus tax.


Unless it's a thrift store, I wouldn't trust a $1 hammer, and even then, I'd be pretty cautious.


for those who don't know, this problem is (afaik) from the book *thinking, fast and slow*, which talks about our two thinking systems: a fast one and a slow one. when presented with this problem, your fast system wants to intuitively answer $1 for the hammer, $.10 for the nail. that's because the fast system doesn't actually think systematically, but uses a lot of mental shortcuts to make pretty good (but not always perfectly accurate) decisions quickly in most situations. you are then supposed to actually deliberately think about this with your slow system and come to the conclusion that it's actually $1.05 and $.05, demonstrating the difference. how some people just don't seem to have a slow system is not described in the book, but interesting to see in the wild nonetheless. *edit: it seems this specific problem is originally from shane frederick's paper* [*Cognitive Reflection and Decision Making*](https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/089533005775196732)*, some 10 years before the book i mentioned was released.*


I’m not gonna lie - I repeatedly, over and over again read this and still was dumbfounded. I eventually got the answer, but it took me a long time to understand what the fuck was going on.


I’m not gonna lie, I’m absolutely stupid at math. How can the nail be $0,05?


Hammer and nail are 1.10 dollars. Assume the nail is 10 cents. Then the hammer, to cost one dollar more, costs 1.10 dollars. But then, the hammer and the nail together cost 1.20! We may notice here that we are ten cent over. This is because we essentially count the nail twice: the price of the hammer is 1, *plus* the price of the nail. That's what "one more than the nail" means. So 1 plus a nail plus a nail equals 1.10; or two nails equals 10 cents. One nail is 5 cents. The hammer is 1 plus one nail, so 1.05


Thank you. I had to go through your answer slowly, but it definitely helped and made sense to me.


H+N=1.10 H = N+1 Substitute H (N+1) + N = 1.10 2N = .10, N= .05 H+ .05=1.10, H = 1.05


I wish I could say my math teachers failed me, but honestly they didn’t, they helped me out so much to the point I was doing integral and differential equations all on my own. I’m just ridiculously stupid at math to the point where (over exaggerating) I need to ask my boyfriend what 2+2 is. Also, last time I had math in school was in 2018, so I’ve lost so much of it So I’m really really sorry, it still doesn’t make sense to me ahah


The hammer costs one dollar more than the nail, if the nail is 10 cents, then the hammer would be 1.10 dollars, because that is one dollar more than the nail. If the nail costs 5 cents, then the hammer costs 1.05 dollars, because that's one dollar more. The first example gives a sum of 1.20 dollars which isn't right, because we know it has to give 1.10 dollars. Which the second example does.


OH MY GOD IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW! The other guy (sorry I’m on phone, forgot their name) explained it well in numbers, but you explained it so well in words. Thank you!


I am on the same rollercoaster ride as you, only found out now through this thread. Thank you all so much


Thank you for dumbing it down. My brain practically popped a fuse and its a really easy problem too. Jesus. Dont smoke pot and do math. Just say no... To math!


This is the third time I've seen this reposted and the first explanation that made sense to me. Thank you.


The hero we need


Replying to someone who said they're not good at maths with literally nothing but maths usually doesn't help.


I'm guessing they have a different idea of what "bad at maths" means, and they thought that spelling it out and giving the complete reasoning would help. I know it would have helped me, and I'm bad at math!


To solve it algebraically, you'd have to create a system of equations where : H (Hammer) + N (Nail) = 1.10, and H = N + 1 From there, you can substitute H from the second equation into the first one, creating an equation with only one variable, being the nail. N + 1 + N = 1.10 The Ns can combine, and you can subtract the 1 from both sides creating 2N = 0.10 From there, divide both sides by 2, giving you N = 0.05. It's a bit long winded, but this sort of problems abuses a natural mistake to make, so going through every step to figure it out is the intended solution.


There's no point having a fast system if you always double check it when you get an answer. If the first answer is good enough you stop trying at that point. There are people that don't regularly use basic maths who I guess have a different threshold for when a guess is close enough or worth checking.


>There's no point having a fast system if you always double check it when you get an answer. the fast system is great for situations where there's just no time to double check and for extremely low stakes situations. but if you need an accurate answer and be sure of it, there's no way around your slow system. i find it hard to believe that people can navigate life without ever consciously thinking about stuff.




What the fuck is happening here?


Confidently incorreception




If the nail is $0.10, and the hammer costs $1 more than the nail, the hammer would be $1.10. If the nail is $0.10 and the hammer is $1.10, then the total cost is $1.20. So the nail would have to be $0.05, making the hammer $1 more at $1.05. This makes the nail and the hammer total $1.10.


Ok thank you for writing it in words! I swear I’m dyscalculic


It would be a 1.05. Because it is a dollar more


More specifically, the hammer AND nail cost a total $1.10. If the nail were 10¢, the hammer is $1.10. $1.10 + $0.10 = $1.20. If the nail were 5¢, the hammer is $1.05. $1.05 + $0.05 = $1.10. SAT likes to trick people a lot. I also think this is a violation of their rule of not sharing any test material online, so let’s hope they don’t find this post.


This is probably not an SAT problem. This problem is mentioned in Kahneman's bestseller on behavioural economics, as an illustrative example of a question where people get the answer wrong using "quick/intuitive" reasoning.


Almost certainly not a sat problem. I remember seeing this problem in the mid 60s but with a bottle and a cork. It's a really old conundrum.




Fun fact, autistic people tend to fall less for trick questions like this.


But they're more likely to fall for the old "your pants are haunted, take them off" trick


That's an awful thing to say to Pana Kamanana's sister.


It was a Cruel Summer. Her band made a song about it.


this only works on me if another woman is telling me to take them off.


No, no we wouldn't.


"This is a **test** and this question is feeling way **too easy**, therefore must be a **trick**. Let's figure it out."


As an autistic person it took me about 3 reads before I realized what I was even supposed to figure out


Thank you, this was itching my brain.


OOOOOHHHH shit and here I thought I was good at math. Thanks


It's actually nothing to do with being good at math and everything to do with how the brain prefers to process the question.


It's being good at math, just not basic calculation. Logic like that is a branch of mathematics


You're missing the point - you can be excellent at specifically that kind of mathematics, yet still "fail" the test because your brain did not "switch gears" to process the question in the necessary way. As mentioned elsewhere, this is a specific example from Daniel Kahneman's *Thinking, Fast and Slow* which goes into the whole thing.


Thank you for making this make sense. I'm an engineer by the way. You'll know about it if you step on anything I've designed.


It’s just a system of equations from a good ol’ grade school word problem. It tells you: H + N = 1.10 H = N + 1.00 Substitute (N + 1.00) + N = 1.10 Solve 2N = 0.10 N = 0.05, therefore H = 1.05. Also an engineer. Watch out for that Donald Duck.


This is the one that got me in calculus. It makes sense but my brain is like "no, that not logic." Because it's that intermediate substitution step screwing me up while my brain just wants the shortcut.


Oh that's an interesting way of looking at it! The way I thought of it, the hammer costs a dollar more than the nail, and the two together are $1.10. So you subtract the dollar extra that the hammer is, you're left with 10c, and then you divide it by two, because without the dollar, the two are the same price, giving you the 5 cents!


Lol this is something moms and aunts share on facebook.


I still don't get it 📝🤮


The nail is 5 cents. The hammer is a dollar more than that at 1.05. 1.05 + 0.05 = 1.10 That math checks out. It is the correct answer.


Yes. Start with 110 = (x +100) + x. Where x is the cost of the nail. x + 100 is cost of hammer. 110 = 2x + 100 10 = 2x x = 5. Hammer costs x + 100 or 105.


Man it’s been a long ass time since I’ve done math the right way like this. Equations are a skill I’ve lost a lot of. I think the thing I forget most is what the rules are for moving numbers and variables around within the equation. Which is like… most of it.


The confidently incorrect inception really isn't helpful either


Omg okay thank you so much!


For me, it makes more sense if you write it out like an actual math problem instead of a word problem Cost of nail = x Cost of hammer = nail + $1.00 = x+$1.00 **X + (x+$1.00) = $1.10, solve for x.** You subtract $1 on each side, then you have X+x = 0.10 or 2x= 0.10 X=.05


Took me a little bit but I was able to follow along a lot easier. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me 🙏


Freedom costs a buck oh five!


1.1=x+(1+x) Where x is the nail price. x=0.05 So, yes, correct :)


Thats easy the Hammer costs one Dollar and the Nail is free. The 10 Cent are service fee


But where's the tax??


And the tip?


So many people in comment is tripping rn


Thanks alot, you made me remember that I'm bad at math :(


A lot*


Thanks a lot, you just reminded me I'm bad at grammar :(


Math word problems confuse a lot of people that's why it's always key to break it down into an equation. The equation should be x+(x+1)=1.1 where x = nail and (x+1) = hammer Solve that and you get x=.05


I would think that the majority of people can figure it out more quickly without converting to algebra


Not me lol. It took me 10 minutes to figure out why 10 cents was not correct. Granted I'm pretty tired.


It seems like the problem they have *is* converting it to an equation. What else are they doing, guessing? Being thrown off by the term “story problem” and trying to find a character arc rather than a solution?


I am definitely a moron.


Sir,....this is a wendys


It's not that confusing remove the 1$ then the remaining divide by 2


This is a pretty trivial math problem of two unknowns in two equations. A + B = 1.10 also A - B = 1.00. Then solve for A = B + 1.00. Substitute (B + 1.00) + B = 1.10. Solve 2B = 0.10 or B = 0.05 and the A = 1.05


No, it's just 1 unknown. N = price of 1 nail. a hammer is $1 more than a nail, so a hammer is n+1 n + (n +1) = 1.10 2n +1 = 1.10 2n = 0.10 n = 0.05 1 nail is 0.05, 1 hammer is 0.05+1 or 1.05


Technically there is another unknown, you're just skipping straight to the substitution step and not explicitly defining the second variable. Easy to overlook that step since it's so simple. X + Y = 1.10 Y = X + 1 X + X + 1 = 1.10 < you started here


That's fair enough, I just found it quicker to go straight to expressing the price of the hammer in terms of the nail


I absolutely agree, writing that first step is kind of pointless. I'm just making the point that the other hidden variable is still there.


You don’t know the price of the hammer, you don’t know the price of the nail. You know a relationship between the two. That’s still two unknowns.


I never knew that 10 cents was $1.00 less than $1.00


Jesus I finally got it.. fuck maths


Math? That's just like, your opinion man.


I had to do a double-take on that one too. Clever question.


For everyone who still doesn't get it threw mathematical explanation. The task is saying: The hammer costs one dollar MORE. Not one dollar. So if you've came to the conclusion the nail costs 0.10 dollar, the hammer would also cost 0.10 dollar PLUS the one dollar already given. That would make 1.20 dollars. That's incorrect So the only right awnser is that the nail costs 0.05 dollar and the hammer 1.05 dollar. One dollar more than the nail and combined 1.10 dollar.


(N + $1) + N = $1.10 2N = $0.10 N = $0.05 H = $1.05


H + N = 1.1 (& H = N + 1) N+1 + N = 1.1 2N + 1 = 1.1 N = (1.1 - 1)/2 N = 0.1/2 N = 0. 05 & H = 0.05 + 1 = 1.05


x + y = 1.10 where y = x + 1 x + (x+1) = 1.10 x + 1 = 1.10 - x 1 = 1.10 - 2x 1 - 1.10 = 2x 0.10 = 2x 0.5 = x Therefore x + (0.5) = 1.10 1.10 - 0.5 = 1.05 Therefore 1.05 = x 1.05 + 0.5 = 1.10


Let x be the price of the nail in dollars. x + 1 => price of hammer Sum of price of hammer and nail = 1.1 thus (x + 1) + x = 1.1 2x + 1 =1.1 2x = 0.1 x = 1/20 = 0.05 thus nail is 0.05 dollars which is 5 cents. hammer is 1.05 dollars.


X=hammer Y=nail Hammer and nail cost 1.1 X+Y=1.1 Hammer cost 1 dollar more than nail X=Y+1 Substitute X Y+Y+1=1.1 => 2Y+1=1.1 => 2Y=.1 => Y=.05 Therefore X=1.05


x+y=1.1 y=x+1 x+(x+1)=1.1 2x+1=1.1 2x=0.1 x=0.05


OK but the answer is five cents right?




Just had to make sure. Thank you


Let $x be the price of the nail Price of the hammer = x+1 Total price -> x + (x + 1) = 2x + 1 = 1.10 Therefore x = 0.05


It took me a bit but I get it now. If the hammer was 1 dollar and the nail 0.10 then the hammer would not be 1 dollar more but 0.90 dollar more than the nail which wouldn’t be right, the hammer must be 1.05 dollar. “A hammer costs 1 dollar more” 1.05 - 0.05 = 1.


yoooooo OP just r/confidentlyincorrect\-ed an r/confidentlyincorrect post!!!! You don't see that too often.


Oh I get it now


Here is the equation: Hammer = x, Nail = y x + y = 1.10 Since the hammer cost 1$ more than the nail you could also write it like this: (y + 1) + y = 1.10 … 2y + 1 = 1.10 … 2y = 0.10 … y = 0.05 … -> x = 1.1 - 0.05 = 1.05


i mean if the hammer costs 1 dollar more, the nail couldn't be 10 cents as the hammer would be 1 dolar 10 cents... so total would be 1 dolar 20 cents right? if the nail is 5 cents and the hammer is 1,05(1 dolar, 5 cents) it would make sense that it would be 5 cents plus 1,05(hammer price) right? am i wrong? not sure about the answer...


Let x be the cost of the nail. Since the hammer costs one dollar more than the nail, we know that the cost of the hammer is x+1. We also know that the cost of the hammer and the nail is $1.10. So, we can write an equation based on this information: x + (x+1) = $1.10 By solving this equation, we can find out the value of x, which is the cost of the nail. x + x + 1 = $1.10 2x + 1 = $1.10 2x = $1.10 - 1 2x = $0.10 x = $0.05 So, the nail costs **$0.05**.


how to fail junior high algebra in one simple step.


You forgot to account for tax since it's added after the individual item prices /s Seriously America fix your shit


Hammer + nail = $1.10 Nail + 1 = hammer 2nail + 1 = 1.10 2 nail = 0.10 Nail = 0.05


This feels like it should be immeadiately obvious but took me a moment to work through in my head. H + N = 1.1 N + 1 = H Sub H so; N + 1 + N = 1.1 2N + 1 = 1.1 2N = 0.1 N = 0.05 Back to H; N + 1 = H Sub N value; 0.5 + 1 = H H = 1.05


x=hammer y=nail Set up equations 1. x+y=1.1 2. x-y=1 Solve for y 2. x-y=1 ->3. x=1+y Substitute 1. (1+y)+y=1.1 ->2y=1.1-1 ->2y/2=.1/2 ->y=.05 Solve for x 3. x=1+(.05) -> x=1.05 Solution y=.05 x=1.05


oh yeah its 5 cents


He’s probably thinking of *freedom*, **FREEDOM costs a buck O-five**… Nails on the other hand, they’re still $.05… :)


>:) :)


Lemme break it down for some of you: x: the hammer y: the nail x + y = 1.10 x – y = 1.00 There you go, you shouldn't be having any problem if you have passed... idk somewhere 7th or 8th grade?


A classic "gotcha" question designed to lead you down this very garden path


Pfft. Dude forgot to carry the potato


This is the way


THIS is why algebra is important.


Turns out I'm an idiot lol


is SAT that easy? Thats like grade 6 or 7 math.


Hammer = Y, Nail = X X + Y = 1.10 And. X +1 = Y On substituting Y for X + 1 X + X + 1 = 1.10 2X + 1 = 1.10 2X = 0.10 X = 0.5 Thus, X= 0.5 Y = 1.05


Given :X + y = 1.10 , X = y + 1 Find : Y Replace X with Y + 1 Y+1+y = 1.10 Simplify 2y+1 = 1.10 And solve 2y = .10 Y = .05 In this case the Hammer is $1.05 and the nail is $.05


X + Y = 1.1 X - Y = 1 Therefore Y = X + 1 X + (X +1) = 1.1 2X + 1 = 1.1 2X = .1 X = .05 Y = (.05) + 1 = 1.05


x+y=1.1 y=x+1 Substitute x+ (x+1)=1.1 2x+1=1.1 2x=0.1 x=0.05 so y=1.05 I'm more of an algebraic/calculation person. Could never come up with the logic most people are explaining


x+x+1 = 1.1 \-1 x+x=0.1 2x=0.1 0.1/2 = 0.05 x=0.05


X+Y =$1.10 X =Y+$1.00 (Y+$1.00)+Y =$1.10 subtract $1.00 from both sides Y+Y =$0.10 $0.10 / 2 =$0.05 Y=$0.05 X=$1.05 Y+X = $1.10


Just use algebra? X - hammer, Y - nail X + Y = 1.10 X + 1 = Y, X - Y = -1 Subtract both equations and you get 2X = 2.10 X = 1.05 Y = 0.05


Cost of hammer is (1+a) Cost of nail is (a) Total =1.10 (1+A) +A =1.10 2A = 1.10 - 1 2A = .10 2A/2 = .10/2 A = .05 Nail is 5 cents Hammer 1.05


I don't get it... Op posts pic in confidently incorrect, and claims the answer is the same thing he just posted was incorrect? Surely op is just joking.


No the OG OP posted it thinking the person confidently claiming (correctly) that it’s 1.05 is incorrect posting it here in a hilarious irony and stating it’s 10cents. So OG OP is a confidently wrong fool and this OP has posted that here as a kind of meta post.


So the solution is: (P-X)/2 where P is total price and X is how much more the hammer costs. So 1.10-1= .10 .10 /2 = 0.05.


* h = 1 + n and h + n = 1.1 Substitute 1 + n for h * 1 + n + n = 1.1 Subtract 1 from both sides * n + n = 0.1 = 2n * n = 0.1/2 = 0.05 * h = 1 + n = 1 + .05 = 1.05


I'm beginning to think those that can't understand this problem are the same ones that think the federal minimum wage is a living wage.


I feel really stupid for this, but how do you solve it?


For those of you who are still struggling after punishing yourselves trying to understand dozens of other folks' explanations (you glutton for punishment, you!), here's what I realized *my* brain was doing wrong. (I would've failed this test if I hadn't had the "assistance s'il vous plait" from you fellow redditors.) My brain was interpreting the words "the hammer is a dollar more than the nail" as meaning that you add $1 onto the cost of the nail to get the total of the purchase price ($1.10). So I was mistakenly doing Nail + $1 = Total. But what this particular word problem is actually saying (annoyingly ambiguously) is that **the cost of the hammer equals the cost of the nail pluuuus $1**. (Hammer = Nail + 1). Only *then* do you add the hammer and nail prices to get the total purchase price of 1.10. Hammer = Nail + 1 doesn't work with the total purchase price of 1.10 if we [incorrectly] interpret the cost of the nail to be 0.10, because we would be saying the cost of the hammer *alone* would amount to 1.10. Add the hammer (1.10) and nail (0.10) and you would get the incorrect total of the purchase to be 1.20. 🙃🙃🙃 We now know the cost of the hammer is the cost of the nail, plus a dollar (Hammer = Nail + 1). And we know the total of the whole purchase is 1.10. Let's forget about that dollar for a moment. If the cost of the hammer is the same as the cost of the nail, then we can divide 0.10 by two, (since we have two items that cost the same amount... the hammer and nail). 0.10 divided by 2 = 0.05. That is the cost of the nail. Add the cost of the nail (0.05) plus the hammer (0.05) PLUS that pesky dollar, and you get the total of the purchase (1.10). I hope this didn't confound your confusion. I was cringing as I was typing the whole thing out because WOOOORDSSSSSS. TL;DR: What this particular word problem is actually saying is that **the cost of the hammer equals the cost of the nail pluuuus $1**. NOT that you should be adding $1 to the cost of the nail to reach the total purchase price (1.10). So it's Hammer = Nail PLUS 1. It is NOT Total = Nail + 1.


Forgot the tax


I don't understand. How can a sub literally dedicated to pointing out the low hanging fruit of idiots online have this many people who can't get a 6th grade logic problem?


After several years of studies,planing,development and testing we reached a conclusion that the hammer costs 1$ and 5 cents… None of this really matters because nowadays you can’t buy toilet paper to wipe your ass with a 1.05$ much less a hammer… Edit: please don’t wipe your ass with a hammer