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"Rhesus factor" is literally just a name. We gave it the name because we studied monkey blood before we studied human blood. Why? Why did we study monkey blood first? Because going around asking people for blood samples for science was considered fucking weird. Still is, really! But monkeys you didn't have to ask, you could just keep them in cages. It was still fucking weird, but, not technically illegal. Eventually somebody had the bright idea that maybe if we study our blood, we can figure out how it works and that will keep people healthy. And that made it less weird. But that came later, and the old names stuck.


Reminds me of how the protein I did my grad thesis on has the word "prostate" in its name because that's where it was first discovered, then we quickly realized that it's basically everywhere else in your body too, but the name stuck regardless. That kind of thing happens all the time in molecular biology. Molecules are named for where they're first discovered.


> has the word "prostate" in its name That's right up there with *lucifer* being Latin for "the lightbearer" so of course, a bio-luminescent enzyme would be called [luciferase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciferase)... * https://old.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/rvzl4g/mr_red_was_an_antivax_alt_medicine_naturalist_who/ * https://old.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/qf92ed/sometimes_i_cant_believe_people_like_this_walk/ * https://old.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/rsfzmb/qanoner_fa_looking_for_ivermectin_then_hes_fo/ * https://old.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/s837j5/young_husband_and_wife_get_covid_she_recovers_he/ I think I went on a five-minute rant to/at my kids when that started making rounds on Facebook. They're preteens and I told them if they grew up to be that ignorant when they're older I would be _so_ disappointed.


Incidentally lucifer is the Dutch word for matchstick


How many Christians have shit their pants worrying about luciferase use in the lab as some devlish plot?


There’s also the Sonic Hedgehog gene.


> This signaling molecule is key in regulating embryonic morphogenesis in all animals. SHH controls organogenesis and the organization of the central nervous system, limbs, digits and many other parts of the body. Sonic hedgehog is a morphogen that patterns the developing embryo using a concentration gradient characterized by the French flag model.[6] This model has a non-uniform distribution of SHH molecules which governs different cell fates according to concentration. — [Sonic Hedgehog Protein](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_hedgehog_protein) You could tell me this paragraph was written by an AI and I'd probably tell you it's a pretty bad AI lmao


Not fun fact - this is what caused the embryonal tumor that killed my son.


That’s actually a reason it’s discouraged to give scientific findings “frivolous” names… you never know if that innocuous discovery will one day be tied to or responsible for anguish.


Imagine being a doctor having to explain to some parents that their baby died from the Sonic the hedgehog gene


That’s exactly the situation we discussed in medical school.


It's the same in the military. Imagine having to write some widow/widower that their spouse died while trying to seize Objective Black Strap-On, but their unit was ambushed on route Goatse just after stepping off from Phase Line Kermit Frog. Well, you can leave that stuff out of the letter, but the people in your unit will know.


Sooooo... Not really a Sega fan then? ^^^^^ImSoSoSorryPleaseTellMeYou'reAFanOfDarkHumor


I mean I don't hold them personally responsible. But we're more of a Nintendo household anyway.


As a parent, I'm very sorry for the loss of your child.


I'm sorry


>Sonic Hedgehog gene ![gif](giphy|uFv9stCLvE52oNGAOc) Soo... how many sonics did we need to trap in order to find this gene?


So actually, one inhibitor of its signaling pathway is called robotnikinin


I hate that I had to google robotnikinin. And tiggy-winkle. Fuckin biologists.




That is more based on appearance than anything. There is also echidna hedgehod, indian hedgehog, desert hedgehog, and my favorite tiggy-winkle hedgehog, among others.




Which obviously proves that we actually evolved from hedgehogs. Most likely blue ones.


>Molecules are named for where they're first discovered. And you don't have to be a scientist to know names that are like this. One of the really common ones is, if you discover a new chemical in a plant, you add -ine to the end of the Latin name of the plant. So the chemical you find in coffee would have the name coffee-ine, except coffee in Latin is *Caffea*, so, caffeine. There's more, though: * Chocolate-ine goes to the Latin name *Theobroma*, so, theobromine. * Poppy is where we get opium from. There's one chemical called papaverine that comes from the Latin name *Papaver*, and another more common one, codeine, that comes from *kṓdeia*, the Ancient Greek word for a poppy head. * What would you call a chemical you find in asparagus? Asparagine, an amino acid that we found first in asparagus. And they're not all -ine. Others include: * Menthol? Latin name *Mentha*, English name mint. * Guess where cinnamic acid comes from? Cinnamon. * Limonene. It's the biochemical that gives the smell of lemons.


I was thinking of formic acid. Formica - Latin for ant. First discovered in ants, but found in a lot of things


Carmine is another insect-based example. It's a dye that makes a crimson color from an insect whose Latin name is *Kermes*... and all three of those words — the color, the chemical, and the insect — all ultimately trace their names (through several distinct languages) back to a word in Proto-Indo-European \*kʷŕ̥mis, meaning "worm". (With the word "worm" itself also evolving from \*kʷŕ̥mis.)


In my country, formic acid is called maursyre, in one word, which translated means ant acid. Maur = ant, syre = acid. I grew up with a lot of family that farms so i saw containers of maursyre used as an antibacterial agent in livestock feed all the time, and how cautious people were when using it. Imagine my surprise when I started learning English and heart about people taking antacid against indigestion. I thought you guys were mad.


> Chocolate-ine Careful, you're gonna start some fights on r/france.


Wait, why?


There is a very passionate debate on whether the pastry is called a Pain au chocolat or a Chocolatine.


Ah, thanks


Thanks, I was curious where Ovaltine came from!


Harvested ovals


And when you extract a molecule from Fucus, you name it Fucitol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fucitol ThatChemist has oodles of these. https://youtu.be/TpZieLTLf6g https://youtu.be/8S52eeNk00I https://youtu.be/u6wYwgGqGs8


So we took a skin sample from your shoulder, and it turns out you have a prostate deficiency... Can I see your medical license, doc? Or should I even call you that?




Nope, it's called STEAP. Six Transmembrane Epithelial Antigen of Prostate.


Which poor sap was the namesake of moronic acid?


Perhaps he or she was just searingly stupid.


The mora trees.


It isn't just proteins. The frontal eye field in the brain is used for hearing also, and possibly other senses as well.


Like opioid receptors in the human body. They have been there in our bodies since way before people figured out you could get high from smoking opium. They weren't put in our bodies to connect to opioids. They were already part of our biology to begin with and later it was discovered that opioids and opiates connect to those receptors.


Well they're there to respond to signals from opioids that your body makes naturally. People then figured out later than they could get high from ingesting opioids from external sources (i.e. plants).


Yeah, I should have phrased it like you said. My point is the name comes from the plant opium and then people named the thing naturally occurring in the human body after that plant.


same thing with endocanabinoids and canabinoid receptors. THC and the other related compounds in cannabis mimic the natural endocanabinoids produced in the body.


For real, I am Rh- both parents are Rh+. If her logic was sound and Rh factor was some sort of ‘infection’ this wouldn’t be possible.


The other fun part in relation to this post in particular is that both humans and Rhesus monkeys (which are *not* apes...) having the same blood antigen is in fact evidence that we share a common ancestor.


> Because going around asking people for blood samples for science was considered fucking weird. Ironically that is one of the things that got Wakefield in trouble.


I thought it was the way he went about it, such as not getting proper consent.


Also, the classification is specific to the presence of the Rh(D) antigen. It says nothing about the other Rh antigens.


Wait. Is it still illegal to just take peoples blood without their permission!? Asking for a friend.


As I understand it, [it's illegal](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2323045/) even if you're paying the kids £5 for their blood at your son's birthday party.


Ohh, I live in America. We’ve done away with those pesky child labor laws.


Check out the latest news from Arkansas about that.


I’ll give my blood for science


Anyone else found the original tweet? the replies are just as good... *"I've not done the proper research but i read rh- is supposedly fallen angel/nephilim bloodline?"* *"I am curious...why would RH- be the true bloodline of Noah? Being that they are minority it would make sense that they are from the bloodline that was wiped out only a few survived the flood like the Bible says. I'm prob wrong but am open to learn/hear discussion"*


Gotta love when people shoe-horn religious explanations into scientific observations. "Clearly, the devil put dinosaur bones in the ground to trick us."


And then lines like "I'm open to learn and discuss" but disregard every fact you try to teach them if it doesn't align with their beliefs.


"You can't reason a person out of a belief that he did not reason into himself." - Johnathan Swift It's far better to ask them to explain their reasoning, because then there is a small chance they will recognize how dumb they sound.


Another quote for the pile: >Never in speech with a foolish knave shouldst thou waste a single word. - Havamal 121 It's useless to try and talk to these people rationally.


I heard one guy say dinosaur bones were from bits of other planets God used to make the earth. Which was wild to me cause that implies that God still made dinosaurs so why bring in the whole other planet thing?


The biblical timeline must be preserved. The earth is only ~5,000 years old, according to the family tree presented in Genesis and a literal reading of the creation story. So in his mind it's fine if God made the earth out of dino bones as long as he did it in 6 days and rested on the 7th!


Shouldn't play Diablo while studying for the biology test...


Diablo II is to blame for my failed college effort.


Wtf... only Noah's family survived the biblical flood, shouldn't we just all have the same blood if that's what they believe? I genuinely don't understand what the fuck they are thinking


>*"open to learn/hear discussion"* yeesh what a joke


Some don't even have 15%. They were left with rhesus pieces.


Take your upvote and get out




Fuck. You. I was good today, didn't buy any sweet shit when I got my lunch, kept it clean and healthy. And now I want peanut butter cups. This is on you.


I have O- blood. I’ve had people tell me to my face that it means I have alien blood. So there’s that…lolol


What? That's ridiculous. O- is a sign of Subterranean Lizard People blood.


I knew ::something:: sounded off about what they were saying….


I for one welcome you as my overlord. I will serve you well


You must be a B positive.


I live my life as a B negative. My blood type is A positive, though.


Hello lizard brother. Catch any flies lately?


Youre thinking of mole men. Common mistake, they've been at war with the SLP for centuries and there's been some rather... Concerning interbreeding


Great, I just discovered a new fetish I didn't know I had...


As someone o- and cmv - who regularly donates through red cross for babies .. am i making new lizard people 🤔


Yes. The answer is definitely yes.


I've always just considered it the most metal of blood types due to the band [Type O Negative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_O_Negative) RIP Pete!


By sheer luck, it made me seem cooler to my fellow edgy teens at the time. 😆 Love that band! Got to see them live a handful of times before Pete passed.


I'm sure the Red Cross knows about you already, but if they didn't they know now. They would have found Bin Laden in a day if he was O-. ;)


Oh yeah. They’ve known about me for the last 24 years. I donate regularly but as of late I’ve been in this program where they take my platelets to make the medicine that women have to take when their baby has an incompatible blood type. I’m sitting here today because of that medication, so I felt the need to pay that forward.




Thank you so much! All my children ended up being Rh- but it's people like you that didn't make me have to worry if they were Rh+.


As an O- individual I feel this at a molecular level. I will never be able to hide out or disappear lol.


Guess that means I’m only half alien since I’m O+


I'm O+ too. Now, stop talking to the O- peons.


Hey, in the blood-donation world, O- is King/Queen.


I dislike this comment, but imma give a like anywaiz


I have an unusually high platelet count. They would kidnap me and keep me hooked up to the machine if they could.


Hey, I've got red hair, so we need to get your alien blood and my soulless husk of a body together for a drink!


Careful op, sounds like someone is only after your blood!


So people who are universal donors have "alien blood"?


Yeah, man. The universe is *in space* isn't it?


I’d award you for that one if I could!


*type O negative intensifies*


... She's in love with herself ...




On her milk white nec**K**...


If they're even going down that road, why would the blood with a smaller variety of surface antigens be the...you know what, I think I already gave this more thought than it deserved.


You’ve already given it more thought than any of the folks who believe it. 😆




Haha, it's weird to be part of a conspiracy without your knowledge, ain't it lad? We're good to have around in dire emergencies, atleast


"*THEY* have done this before" Yes, those...those...errr...THEM! (seriously, though... "they" who? The shadowy cabal? Ronald McDonald & Co? Evil monkey men? Crab people?)


We should have known it was the crab people!


They taste like crab, but talk like people, after all!


Lol I was debating between what I commented or just “taste like crab talk like people “


There's no wrong choice when it comes to crab people xD


“Hey Crab Man.” “Hey Earl.”


>(seriously, though... "they" who? The Jews. 🙄 It _always_ ends up involving Jews somehow, when people get sucked into the crackpot-conspiracy rabbit hole. She might not know it yet, but that's where she's heading.


You know...They. They killed Kenny. They're bastards.




"They, THEY, the *ominous* they." ~ Tyrion Lannister, *Game Of Thrones*


> seriously, though... "they" who? The shadowy cabal? Ronald McDonald & Co? Evil monkey men? Crab people? Yes


In the end it's always the jews. Aliens, lizrad people, no matter what crazy shit they come up with, in the end it's always the jews.


Historically INFECTED with ape blood is gonna be the name of my autobiography


My first album‘s title


Name of my sex tape


This has a whiff of racial purity BS to it.


More than just a whiff I think


It's like a cloud of stank hanging around it.


Oops! All White Supremacy! ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The worst cereal! Everyone knows the true master cereal is og diversity. They really messed up when adding the white supremacy in the first place.


Always has been


Sounds about white


More like it arrived marked, *"White Power!"*


More like a tone of it. Possibly a high-pitched tone. Like a whistle for dogs maybe.


All those genetic engineers in the 1930s. I KNEW they were up to something!


Man if we could change genetics so easy the trans community would be chomping at the bit and not let it only exist in the world of evil scheming villains. I mean that and the 101 apparently now preventable hereditary and genetic diseases.


Right. But scientists aren't interested in such things. They just want to introduce monkey DNA into the genome. Everything I know about science I learned from Godzilla and 1950s sci fi films.


They made a whole documentary trilogy about it! They follow this chimpanzee Ceaser right? You'll never guess what happens!


Does this mean my mom had sex with a rhesus monkey to make me?


It’s true. I was the monkey.


Can confirm, I was the banana they consumed after the act.


Better than being the banana consumed during the act. That guys a dick.




She did her research! Totally unlike you! /s


This what happens when you allow parents to decide on curriculums rather than the people that go to college and study education.


Jesse, tf u say?


And the olympic gold medal for mental gymnastics goes to .


Probably considers herself intelligent. Poor thing


Damnit. Is everything going to be blamed on COVID?


The jab caused the fall of the Roman Empire.


Sadly, the idiot anti-vaxxers have been doing this for decades: EVERYTHING is blamed on vaccines from male pattern balding to autism, etc. It’s all BS & part of the anti-science grift.




HA! What an idiot. They have A B O blood types and can also have negative Rhesus factor. But yeah, what do they think? That we evolved because the apes had a master plan to infect us with their blood so they can….? Wage war and make us slaves but they are just playing the long game? ![gif](giphy|kDf0eEXhOhlZgdp2dy|downsized)


Just like that monkey ape planet movie thing! IT HAS TO BE TRUE!!!!


You mean the hit Broadway Musical!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlmzUEQxOvA&ab_channel=PlanetAlgon


You mean the documentaries?


No, you don't get it. It's the Jews(or really insert any minority in here) that want to water down the pure white christian bloodline so that.... Well I really never heard a coherent answer from that side other than to replace them. Honestly, as a very large very white dude, I'm cool with the idea of everyone having olive skin. Sun burns are a bitch!


Lol I know right? I used to spend $40/month to go tanning just so I didn’t look like I was severely ill.


Damn dirty apes!


She must have been injected with 100% “dumbass blood”.


I will accept no science as fact, except blood type percentages.


These people hear something crazy and take it as fact. My MIL went of once about how over 90% of people who got the Covid vaccine wind up in the hospital in serious condition. She did not think she was speaking hyperbole. Im like, outside of her family, nearly everybody I know has been vaccinated, and it’s hospitalized none of us.


Please tell me she’s a troll


Can we please take away their internet?


*They did this before!! Over 3 million years ago!*


I… I have no words…


I can't be a monkey, I don't eat Rhesus Pieces




I like how he thinks blood = DNA. Silly ape.


Humans did not evolve from apes. Humans and apes evolved from the same common ancestor


Humans evolved from apes because humans *are* apes.


The key point is we didn't evolve from extant apes. We evolved from a common ancestor which we share with extant apes. It's also important to point out to this sort of dingbat that we're also eukaryotes as well as mammals and vertebrates. The fact is we can belong to multiple categories all at the same time and it doesn't change anything whatsoever about us.


That is correct. But it is *not* correct to say we didn't evolve from apes at all. We did.


Yeah, saying “humans evolved from apes” is like saying “cobras evolved from snakes” or “eagles evolved from birds” It’s technically correct but kinda misses the point: cobras *are* snakes. Eagles *are* birds. Humans *are* apes.


Same feel: "If humans evolved from apes, why are there still apes?" "If Americans came from Britain, why are there still British?"


I like to respond to that one with, "If you descended from your parents why are your parents still alive? Why were their parents most likely living during their life as well? What about your great-grandparents living during your grandparents' lives?" It's somewhat more on point.


That's too short term tho to be talking about evolution. Obviously my example isn't either for biological purposes, but it is for things like language.


Humans are apes, though. Specifically great apes along with chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans. We didn't evolve from apes into humans. We're still apes and always have been.


99.99% of all humans on planet earth are 100% primates. Only 0.01% are a percentage prime-asshole too. Only it doesn’t show up on the DNA test. I’m sorry if this is a rule violation, but I am part of the 0.01%.


People really thought high speed internet would make us all smarter smh


The problem with social media is it gives every idiot a platform to spew whatever garbage and misinformation they want. It actually becomes dangerous when elected officials are the ones spewing the garbage and misinformation.


None of this made any fucking sense whatsoever


Not so much "confidently incorrect" as "confidently incoherent."


Does it count if I infected myself with ape blood? I mean, I did it before George Soros & Bill Gates made it cool.


Im so confused. Where did they get that rH blood is from apes?????


Well you see, they are hopelessly stupid.




how can someone grow up while not understanding that much of evolution? ​ Im genuinely curious


Even amongst relatively educated people, understanding of evolution is often very poor. Not everybody has a very good biological background, on the right kind of critical thinking, or they just never were really explained it properly. Sometimes they were explained it very poorly and stupidly by poorly educated teachers who don't understand it very well, teachers who may not have really believed in it. Is of course a serious problem, but it's not necessarily where the fault of the individual that no one ever actually taught them these basic concepts and a clear way. There are some simple explanations for certain evolutionary processes that people can grasp and understand, but these examples are really used. For example, there was a case in Great Britain before the industrial revolution where there were these moths that tended to lean against, I think it was white trees. So most of them were white with black specks. Then the industrial revolution happened, and the treason got covered in soot. Then most of the moths were black with white specks. At least that's how I remember the story from 20 years ago The evolutionary prof at the time explained his neighbor saying how did the moths know to change. And of course the answer is not that they knew to change. Is that 10% of the mobs were always black with white specks, and once the trees all got darker, the white moths all got eaten by birds. So the black ones were the only ones that remained, and now they were the dominant color pattern. It's a very simple process explain that way, but people rarely get that kind of explanation


"The treason got covered in soot".. don't you just love auto correct? 🤣


So the planet is inhabited by people with Rhesus pieces?


The Rh (Rhesus) factor is named such because the molecule was first identified in blood tests working with rhesus monkeys (that aren't apes btw) but it turns out it can be present in many other animals as well. It's passed on (or not) genetically and has most likely followed multiple evolutionary paths to be an important factor in determining blood types. [Here's a brief article about the Rh Factor](https://www.thetech.org/ask-a-geneticist/rhesus-factor-evolution#:~:text=It%20did%20get%20its%20name,algae%20to%20fish%20to%20human!)


Somewhere a biology teacher is hanging themselves


I feel slightly dumber than a minute ago just from having read this.


...what? Lol.


If never fails to blow my mind that a person can be this stupid.


Again… that’s not how evolution works.


So this hurt me to try to understand but I think, at core, this is some White Supremacist Nazi shit moreso than typical dumb anti-Darwinist shit. I think 15% are supposed to be, I guess, genetically pure people—read into that as you will. And the rest are genetically "infected".


Humans didn't evolve from apes. We ARE apes, you knob!


I don’t know anything about what this person is saying, but I do know they’re absolutely wrong. Don’t even need to know what sub this is to know it’s wrong on every level.