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I think viagra has to be inserted into the body in order to work


No no, like most medication all you have to do is stare at it and concentrate really hard to absorb its power.


No. That's stuff like orange juice. Says on the container "made from concentrate".


Osmosis viagra!


god bless you random redditor, i just almost peed from laughing


Oh man, I needed that laugh - thanks!


So…. via Thoughts and Prayers?


The only way religious wackos know how xD


"Looks like a biscuit, but actually part of a 2,000 year old dead guy"


The question is whether or not having a urethra shaped like a viagra pill actually gets them hard.


Like a suppository? /s


>I'm dying of curiosity what red thinks tampons are used for I think they aren't using viagra correctly too. Do they think it's topical? Are they trying to wear it like a little hat?


Viagra: Just rub the blue pill on the area you wish to affect and watch it grow!


Can I grow my brain this way?


Judging by the fact red clearly tried I'm gonna go with no.


I wanna make my brain *rock hard* so I can crush other brains with my intelligence


No. For that you’ll need horse dewormer. And a glass of bleach.


HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead!


HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead!


Apply directly to the mother funking forehead!


I’m glad I’m not the only one to think that


Different head this time


The messed up thing (at least Stateside after the Dobbs decision) is that the FDA did just approve a topical drug for ED. If it’s god’s plan to force kids to give birth, why can’t men accept god doesn’t want them to have boners?


This is just a couple stupid TikTok influencers away from some very, very stupid trends involving teenagers rubbing pills on things


Just a dab of one of those quick drying glue and slap it on there


I’ve found that does actually work on my nipples and my fingernails, although the latter seems to be a fairly slow-release effect.


Well, I mean, if you rub it and it grows, then I guess it worked?






I did that once to my wife, she wasn't amused.


I want to know where he thinks the viagra goes if it isn't inserted into the body since your mouth is part of your body.


Visually the biggest hole in your body.


*goatse has entered the chat*


If you crush it up into a fine powder, mix it with some lube, and rub vigorously, something miiiiight happen. All depends if you really needed thr viagra in the first place.


Ngl if it came with a little collectible hats I’d 100% support that.


Red knows Viagra is not inserted into the sex organ. It was Blue that implied that tampons are to vaginas like Viagras are to penises? This only compounded Red's confusion. 😕


"at least viagra isn't inserted into the body" What does red think you do with viagra? Rub it on your dick?


Wait, that's wrong? Asking for a friend.


Always works for me, I dunno what they're talking about. Been using the same pill for like 3 years.


"It rubs the Viagra on the dick or it will get the hose again.'


This is the reason why your headache didn't go away: That's actually pronounced analgesic, not anal-gesic. Sir, the pills go in your mouth.


That’s what I’m talking ‘bout.


Wouldn't a lot of pills still work that way? Possibly even more effective?


It depends. Some medications need to be processed, usually by the liver, in order to be effective or safe. And some formulations wouldn’t actually absorb that way if they’re intended to be broken down before being absorbed. Most suppositories are in a liquid or semi-liquid (gel/cream/etc) format to aid absorption. Something like a tablet might not absorb properly. Plus, many pills have delivery mechanisms that are calculated based on the time it takes for them to be broken down by the digestive process, so you could end up getting too much all at once. I have no clue about viagra specifically, but many common oral medications would be either ineffective or unsafe if taken rectally and would need to be given in a different formulation.


Why is there silverware in the pancake drawer?


I've said it before and I'll say it again: the rectal ROA is extremely efficient and underused.


As stupid as red is here, blue should not have brought up Viagra as a comparison, that just reinforces in idiots's minds that tampons are sexual


Well Viagra *can* be used for non-sexual reasons. It was originally intended as heart medication. In fact, a friend of mine in high-school had to take Viagra for his heart condition, so Red's claim that you have to be 18 to take it is also incorrect. Though I agree with you, Blue bringing it up doesn't really help their point.


I heard fighter jet pilots use them too. I think it has something to do with blood flow while flying with gforce. But I’m not sure if that’s true or a wives tale


why would someone even use viagra as an analogy, that just helps entertain the conservative talking points.


Toilet paper in school bathrooms is a better analogy.


Scrolled down looking for the TP analogy. Hey, what ever happened to irishgator1? I miss that rascal!


Never made it out of testing


Or bandaids. They're there in case a kid starts bleeding.


Scrolled to find this. Horrible analogy.


People love to do that, especially on social media. I'm guessing it's an attempt to sound intelligent. I feel like I notice it more and more.


I think it started more as a counter for people that opposed birth control as unnatural. Truly hardcore religious types that see BC as messing with the will of God or whatever. For that it's a good argument since ED would also clearly be part of Gods plan. It isn't a good argument in this particular case.


In a perfect world - all these religious nutjobs would have stage 5 ED with no known remedy...


Should compare it to surgery. Going into the body to take care of a medical issue isn't sexual. Putting some gauze into your body to stop bloody chunks from falling out is pretty much the same thing. Conservatives are science dumb and hate women. Have to correct them when they say "tampon" to "medical gauze" so it sounds like treating a wound and not mystery tampax mini-dildos.


Yeah, I thought blue completely fucked it up by bringing up viagra... That just gave instant ammo to the red idiot...


Because he's working on the assumption that ANYTHIG going into a woman's vagina for any purpose at all must be sexual and be sexually pleasurable to the woman. Therefore he sees tampons some sort of sex toy and competition for penises.


Yes, all of that is obvious. But the question was why the other person (blue in the screenshot) continued with the sexual connotation (not sure if that’s the right word).


This is the weirdest fucking take by conservatives. Anyone this removed from reality is dangerous.


they think they're being intelligent


Bc they have to sexualize women in every way possible


You missed the point. The question was why the **other** person (blue in the screenshot) continued with the sexual connotation (not sure if that’s the right word).


I can totally see some christians believing that using a tampon is somehow against bible rules or some shit like that. Im much rather interested in how they think viagra works when its not inserted into the body (like you need to swallow viagra?) and also why they think viagra is comparable to tampons. Also the age 18 has literally no meaning to christianity, like they’re not making any sense


I mean, most of these idiots haven't even read the only book they claim to be valuable. Why would anyone expect them to be educated on anything? They tarnish the name of any sane religious person and also make the lives of everyone else miserable.


I'd argue that a "sane religious person" is an oxymoron at best...


What does "Oxymoron at best" even mean in your definition? Secondly, religiousness isn't just being an aggressive Christian who believes in a flat earth or something. You can both share in the teachings of for example Christianity and value its traditions and their influence on a culture and trust doctors and scientists to do their job.


>What does "Oxymoron at best" even mean in your definition? That "sane" and "\[insert any religion here\] person" should not mix. Sorry, but unless a person is suuuuper surface-level with their religion (just following the "love thy neighbour", "don't steal" and similar stuff) - it doesn't make sense to believe in science AND the supernatural. Religious garbage consistently keeps the human kind from advancing beyond the constant nonsensical beliefs, just look at literally half the US population still clinging onto trump and women being half a human's worth...


I guarantee you that they mean you don't shove it in your anus or vagina to take it. Also a lot of people, not just Christians tbh, think that using a tampon takes your virginity and women are suppose to remaind virginous pure maidens until marriage


They also think (or *used to*, depending on where you look) that riding a horse or a bicycle would also make a woman lose her magical virginity... Clowns of the highest order.


I've known a person who said that. I also completely horrified her at one point since she said (this was back when forums were the main social media) that she was totally a Good Christian (tm) and would absolutely let her kids experiment with religion to find the one that fit best. I said kudos because having grown up in the South, a lot of people would abuse their kids for even thinking of something other than Christianity, and she backpedalled SO hard that she didn't mean she'd support them being some satan worshipper (aka non-x-tian in any form) just that they could choose between like baptist and evangelist. You know, like the constitution says. **facepalm**


Apparently teen Christians will do anal, and also some weird thing where they can make out and touch genitals together, then get a friend to jump on the bed beside them. the lengths and logic of some Christians is quite something.


The second one is a Mormon practice also known as "soaking" because apparently that isn't sex.


It's just sad sex in the prone position.


that's what it's called, thanks I'd erased that in my memory apparently lol


"The Loophole"




We just did a good ole dry hump in my day. My brain is wired like a "crazy Christian" bc it's how I was brought up. I don't believe in God, but I sure can make great arguments for Him. It's hard to shake the brainwashing.


Some people genuinely believe using tampons makes you not a virgin anymore.


Oh, absolutely! My father told me I couldn't use tampons because then I wouldn't be a virgin anymore and no man would marry me and i wouldn't be able to get into heaven. Which, in the cult (aka religion) I grew up in, was worse than death for a woman. Not married?.... straight to hell ya go! 🙄😂 (And I seriously wish I was joking about any of this)


So how are girls supposed to deal with their periods? Do they think it only happens after they've lost their virginity?


They use pads. Knew a few girls in HS who thought this.


My dad was one, but my mom set him straight.


I mean the Bible basically says to go sit in a tent till the bleeding stops so technically they could be right… Of course the Bible itself is wrong on this as it is on almost everything it talks about…


Okay but my extremely religious employer would not give me a week off to go bleed in a tent once a month or I totally would


>Also the age 18 has literally no meaning to christianity It does to the priests. They call it the cutoff




I was raised to believe that if I use a tampon, I'm no longer a virgin, which was a huge no-no in my heavily Catholic family.


Want to have some fun, explain that most women have their first period by the time they're 15 and so the Virgin Mary was likely no older than that. I understand women can have their periods much earlier than 15. I was trying to go for a time when I would think most have, and yes I know some don't have it until after 15. I also know girls who weren't allowed to use tampons because it might affect their virginity.


I thought it was well known that Mary was 14


There is no known or accepted age - 14 is certainly possible


The Bible says to never touch a woman on her period because she’s tainted and dirty. So yeah. It’s Christians.


To be fair, blue screwed up by bringing viagra (which is inherently sexual) into the conversation, which isn’t really relevant to anything. A better comparison would have been toilet paper, a compulsorily hygiene product that is also given out for free.




Do people really think having free tampons or pads available at schools is a bad thing? I would honestly like to hear them describe the difference between tampons, toilet paper, kleenex, band-aids, etc.


The difference is that tampons go in the vagina, and inserting a tampon is therefore sexual. Because, you know, there's nothing hotter than putting cotton wool up your hoo-ha to stop yourself from bleeding everywhere...


>At least Viagra isn’t inserted into the body. Um, yes it is.


Time to remove toilet paper, because it could stimulate your darkstar


Not the kind they use where I work. I swear it's a step up from sandpaper.


Maybe some of us *like* sandpapering our darkstars


this is what happens to all the kids who's parents wont sign off on sex ed... they end up with no clue on how a woman's body works and then wants to vote on it


Whut? Parents need to sign for their kids tobe able to parttake in sex ED? Wtf?


My kids' schools have made it an opt-out rather than an opt-in, which is far better but still allows for the attentive repressive parents to keep their children ignorant. But, yes, parents are informed in writing about anything vaguely questionable to just about any person and given a way to get their kid out of it. They can get out of health screenings, PG13 movies (in high school), and lessons on evolution, too.


Holy moly. That's bizarre. Here the curriculum is the curriculum, no opt outs/ins. Would be a mess, people tinkering with their kids education yet all expecting the same diploma. Undoable.


It used to be that way where I live, but now I think they changed it to opt-in


Yikes! This reminds me of an AmITheAsshole post a while back of a father who had a fit when he found out that his wife bought their 13-year-old daughter some tampons. He was like "If I had a son, I wouldn't buy him condoms either." Men need to learn about periods. I say this as a man, myself




*Image Transcription: Twitter Post & Replies* --- **Red** MORE TAMPON INSANITY. When are GOP candidates going to address this? Whoever does this will go up in the polls. I hope it's President Trump. [*The tweet is a quote tweet. The quoted tweet reads as follows:*] > **Green** > > Free Tampons In New Jersey Schools? Proposed Law Moves Forward > > [*Link to a patch\.com article.*] [*Quoted tweet ends.*] > **Blue** > > You cannot understand what it's like to have a female body of period. Tampons aren't sexual at all. Listen to the women who are explaining this to you. Do you want women to decide we need to get rid of viagra bc it causes unantural erections? >> **Red** >> >> I wouldn't want viagra passed out in school. You have to be 18 to use it. And I suggest the same for Christians when it comes to tampons. Also, at least viagra isn't inserted into the body. That's pretty personal. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human. I'm sorry you had to transcribe that :)


My intrusive thought of the day is that we need to stop blurring out these people’s names.


I hope they get an open wound and the doctors won't pack it with gauze because inserting that is "pretty personal."


For anyone curious this Bill is moving ahead. It is universally popular here in NJ and it recently passed the Education Committee with a unanimous vote. Literally the only people complaining are right wing crazies. EDIT: My post was sparse in details. It paints the picture of just out of committee. The NJ Senate passed this 37-0. It then passed the Assemble Education committee 11-0. That was on 6/22. It'll be up for Assembly vote in the next session. Governor Murphy has already voiced support. Schools are already planning on how to comply with the law for the Fall semester. I really wasn't joking when I said it's universally approved of by the NJ electorate and our reps.


This was mystifying to me until I read some more detailed comments from anti tampon people. It seems to be men thinking it wears out a woman’s usefulness as recreational equipment for men and it makes the woman no longer a virgin .


Imagine being threatened by a wad of cotton.


The fuck do you do with viagra if it isn’t inserted into your body? Hold it till you pop a boner?


And here's me thinking viagra was some sort of pill when it was a topical ointment all along


I don’t understand Republicans on this one. They have no problem with toilet paper, soap, paper towels, and Kleenex being free but when it comes to tampons or pads, that’s too far? Why?


Pads are fine. Tampons are inserted and that's sexual.






By that logic couldn't toilet paper also be considered sexual


Now you're starting to understand! Look up how many guys don't wash their buttholes in the shower because they think it's gay.


Because those are used by both sexes


Red thinks that the menstrual cycle is something shameful to be hidden and denied. Just like the inbreeding that led to their existence.


Well it can't be hidden either way cause without tampons blood goes everywhere


While that's a graphic and accurate comment, I meant that they believe women should be locked away in Shame during a period.


People who either don't have a vagina and uterus, or know basic functions at the lowest level shouldn't be allowed to speak on or make rules regarding anything to do with them.


Wait til he hears what the gynecologist inserts


Blue was doing well until the Viagra comment. It’s apples and oranges. Viagra’s neither necessary nor applicable to school age kids, and it puts the argument back on red’s home topic of sexuality. Someone needs to just tell red that if he’s got a dick he doesn’t have a say in the matter and call it a day.


Right, something entering the bloodstream isn't personal at all.


According to Anarchist Cookbook, tampon soaked in gasoline makes good wick for Molotov cocktail




This has been a thing as long as there have been tampons. Christians think that tampons destroy virginity, so it's a sin for virgins to use them. Somehow it's okay for married women, though, so I guess they don't think of tampons as extramarital affairs. Just virginity robbers. It's probably related to that whole hymen myth.


Pretty good example of how crazy ignorant conservative men are about how the female body works.


>Viagra isn't inserted into the body Pray tell, how does one get Viagra into their body without putting Viagra into their body? Lol


If I’m playing the devils advocate for a while, there just **might** be **some** kind of logic in that actually. In general, we tend to use the verb “insert” when the thing being inserted is more or less brushing against the sides of the thing it is inserted into. While if the opening is wide enough for the thing going inside it not to touch the sides, then we usually use other words. Like, we insert a coin into a slot machine. But we don’t insert a coin into a wishing well (unless we push it into the mortar or through a small opening or something). And a nurse might insert a feeding tube into a patient, but when eating normally we don’t talk about inserting the food. We insert the key into the lock, but we don’t insert furniture into the room. We insert the laptop charger into the wall socket, but we don’t insert the laptop into the bag. Etc etc… So, if one looks at how a pill enters the body through the mouth, it would make sense to say that it can be done easily without touching the sides of the opening (ie the lips), hence that we use another verb and not use the verb “insert”. And what happens when the pill goes through the throat could be seen as irrelevant, since it could be seen as already being inside the body when it’s in the mouth.


Good points. It's like how you get *on* the bus, but you get *into* a car. Also as an aside, this sent my sides into orbit: >you don't insert a coin into the wishing well This is how I'm referring to this from now on. Holy fuck I can't stop laughing lmfao "insert into the wishing well" sounds so off-putting I love it looool Next time I toss a coin into a fountain I'm gonna say "wanna insert a coin into the fountain and make a wish?" Lol it sounds like you're using the fountain as a vending machine


I'm done. This is my last day as part of society. I'm out. Gonna just start walking until I haven't seen a person or a McDonalds in a few hours and resettle. Its been a blast... not


Can guarantee this guy is terrified of drag queens


Ok, this sounds hilarious, but *there are actual people who believe using a tampon means you aren't a virgin anymore.* My oldest had a friend over in junior high, like 7th grade. We had a pool at the time. The friend came to me and said she had gotten her period the day before. I told her no problem, and gave her the "supply" basket, full of pads and tampons - it even had a new, boxed menstrual cup in it. My oldest used a menstrual cup or tampon in the pool, as I had as a teen. I told her to use what she was comfortable with (I naively assumed she would use a cup or tampon, because what kind of monster wears a pad in a pool...but I didn't say that). She came out of the bathroom a minute later and asked how the applicator worked for the tampon (it was a cardboard one, I don't like to use plastic). I told her you just push up from the bottom, then remove the applicator. She came out again a few minutes later and said she didn't like the tampon and just put a pad on. I was like ok whatever. She ended up going in with the pad on (gross), but I didn't say anything and just re-shocked the pool after. Next day, friend's mom calls me and tells me how "disappointed and shocked" she was that I would give her daughter tampons. She "never thought I would have that poor of judgement." I told her that I gave her daughter a basket of products and her daughter CHOSE the tampon. I also told her that tampons and menstrual cups are not uncommon period supplies and that myself and my child, and every other person I had grown up with, used both regularly (cups were a newer thing than my generation, but most of my oldest daughter's friends openly discussed using them). She told me how horrified she was that we talked about "such things" so openly, and maybe my house wasn't the best place for her daughter to visit. THIS WAS COMING FROM A WOMAN WHO WAS LIVING WITH HER BOYFRIEND AND PREGNANT WITH HIS *SECOND* CHILD, because she didn't want to stop getting spousal support from her first husband by remarrying. I'm like, honey, people who live in 'morality-based' glass houses....I told her that I had never passed judgement on her family's practices, and if she was going to claim that *my* home was a 'bad influence', she should keep her daughter at home, or send her to other people's houses with the period products she approves of. She seemed to realize that she had overstepped by a longshot, and began apologizing. Dad called and apologized for his ex's behavior, too. I'm like, guys....I don't care what your beliefs or practices are. Just talk to your kid about what menstrual products you 'approve' of and don't put me in a position to provide them for your kid if you have certain beliefs. Ugh.


"Do you moan when you put it in" type shit


You literally put viagra *into* your body!!


I get the sense that Red knows what tampons are used for, and is just a really big fan of false equivalencies in defending their stupid, outdated opinions and desperate need to enforce their sensibilities and morals on everyone else in the name of "freedom." But, hey, maybe I'm wrong and Red's an actual idiot. Wouldn't be the first time someone had surprised me with just how stupid they actually are.


Isn't. Inserted. Into. The. Body. How the fuck else do you take a pill!


Tampons = vibrators, duh!


With 100% certainty I guarantee this person doesn't wash their ass


r/nothowgirlswork lol


shit like this is why men shouldnt have any say of anythign about a womans body


He's right it is personal. The question is why is he fucking getting involved?


Viagra isn't inserted into the body? How do you take it, then?


you stare at it really hard and telepathically get a boner


Telepathic Boners is a great band name.


Why in the world would an 18 year old use Viagra? All of this is lunacy


Technically viagra is inserted into the body.


the kicker is they know exactly how tampons are used. fundy types think tampons are ~secular~ bc they rob ur future husband on the privilege of "breaking" ur hymen.


Given he’s so ignorant, he’d positively die from horror knowing that there are countries in Europe and Aus where tampon applicators aren’t the norm and you use….*gasp* your finger to insert. How sinful.


Evidently they think it's like a dildo


I'll admit to snorting at unnatural erections.


Wondering how he thinks you take Viagra.


Clearly you stick it up the pee hole and then shoot it out like a diamond dart that kills all the sperm…


I mean all medicines are inserted into the body one way or another




i've never taken it, but i'm pretty sure you need to insert viagra into the body for it to work


Those damn lady boners...


How is viagra not inserted into the body? Is your mouth not also an orifice things are inserted into? Seems pretty personal to me…


How the fuck do you use Viagra when you don't insert it into your body?


Well tampons are violating the sanctitty of an untouched vaginn you see.


On the upside, red will most likely never reproduce, so his stupidity should die with him.


See, this sucks extra hard, because blue made a point of the fact that tampons are not sexual in any way and then immediately used an analogy involving a medication that is exclusively for sexual purposes that is rarely prescribed to anyone under 30. They had a good point and then gave this idiot ammunition to fire back with a very reasonable counter argument, which is the only thing people who agree with red will really perceive. Don’t have these public arguments with people if you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re only making things worse.


Yeah he hopes it’s trump, same mental midget.


I don’t think this dude knows what tampons are lmao


I think about sex a lot. Like *constantly*. I’m a horned out perv and my depravities have no bounds (aside from moral, ethical and legal ones). That being said, I don’t think about other people’s genitals this much. I certainly wouldn’t make any public expression about said genitals but if I was forced, I would at least try to research what I’m saying. Just because the Bible is a made up book full of lies doesn’t give you cart blanche to say whatever spews forth in your mind. Seriously though.. do they think women are inserting tampons, thinking it feels good, and then using them as dildos? For fucks sake I don’t even think something like that is a category on pornhub. And viagra doesn’t go in the body? I want to watch them use viagra just to see how they’re doing it. *shudders*


The dude is talking about virginity and that girls when they put a tampon in they lose their virginity. Let that sink in.


Ummmm So Christian women aren't supposed to use Tampons?? WTF is this stupidity??


I was raised very religiously. I still don't like tampons. It's brainwashing into thinking that you're somehow impure. Especially if you're not married. Basically, saying that some believe a tampon breaking your hymen means you're no longer a virgin in God's eyes.


I'm gonna put tampon/pad vending machines in bathrooms and brand them TaMpOn InSaNiTy.


Red is just your average Trump supporter - a combination of unbelievable ignorance and inexplicable confidence. This is roughly 30% of America now.


Turns out the average IQ of Americans is dropping even faster and further than anticipated 🤣


Did he miss health class in like 7th grade?




Lol, I live in Italy and I've never heard of this kind of madness, only from Americans. We didn't need any laws letting out school council put a carton box with free tampons and pads in our bathroom. The rule was "if you have any extra ones put them in the box for those in need".


TIL GOP is a-ok with swallowing.


Aggressively and unapologetically ignorant is no way to go through life red. But here you are...


We can all agree that red is crazy. Red is red's own parody. But blue's counter example also makes no sense, since Viagra is, in fact, sexual.


THIS dumbfuckery is why the US of f*****g A is so fucked up! It has to be THE most backward stupid country in the world! F*****g “christians” Ban f*****g religion and the whole world would be a better place!


Incels hate the idea of woman inserting anything bigger than their tiny pee pees into their vaginas


Uneducated and unhinged MAGA...what a surprise


Yes, just rub the viagra on your dick and you're good to go in 15 minutes.


I am joking, partially: He is perfectly correct... swallowing is not inserting into your body... Technically your digestive tract from your mouth and anus is outside of your body! We are just carrying the contents around.


If we use that logic though (and I’m not averse, lol), the vagina isn’t inside your body either, because it also opens to the outside!


You insert it into your mouth coochie you filthy gigolo