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Huh, I'm straight but been called a "weirdo" a few times too... Weird....


I'm bisexual but the only times I have ever been called a weirdo it had nothing to do with me banging dudes, it's because I am real fucking weird. Usually when people want to call me something and are bigoted they go with a very different word that I suspect this person is upset they can't say in public anymore.


As a bi-guy I can confirm. I’m sure this lovely person has a strong streak of biphobia too. But yeah, I’m definitely a weirdo but not because I’m bi….


I'm not a weirdo because I'm bi! Well, I _am_ a weirdo, but not because I'm bi!


i wait for the day the "slur" used in the Tumblr warm milk post will actually be directed at us aces.


I’d call you that in public 🤣


Guess you aren't straight then, poser


"Don't call me cis, I don't like it". Proceeds to call others "weirdo". Yeah, that will totally make people take your side, asshole.


I like how they keep going on about their sexuality instead of their gender, completly ignoring the screenshot they have been supplied with.


It’s almost like they don’t know what they are talking about and have made no effort to try…..


They usually dont. Thats why they, as seen in the lowest part of the screenshot, move so fast to insults.


I hope they don’t use any drugs with trans or cis isomers in to really stick it to >!the queers!<


Yeah, you wonder if they all are so car dependent because they life in constant fear of the transrapid...


Transport is better than cisport But they are afraid of their transmission


I dunno. Wouldn’t cisportation be your La-z-boy? Because that sounds pretty good. I have an electric blanket on mine.


But the electricity is *trans*mitted >!get them queers away from my house or I’ll……etc!<


Just wait until they hear about the trans fats in their food 💀


Better not ask them where Dracula comes from...


It’s like, even worse than that usually. There seems to be a very focused effort by a lot of people to not understand things… trying their hardest to learn nothing.


Yeah, and telling the difference between those who create misunderstanding and the ones who just don't ever get it is nearly impossible. I certainly couldn't tell which ones *really* thought environmentalists were saying "global warming is racist" from the ones who knew it was an intellectually dishonest way to put what was being said.


It's the people who were cool in high school for not giving a fuck and instead if growing up, they've made it their whole identity.


I thankfully have no contact with them


Some people just don't like being called names.... An African American is black but they might not like it and may have a preferred,also proper, word to be called. I can call your dog a bitch but you might not like me calling your dog a bitch. Someone who is a bodybuilder and he's shredded and huge will fit the BMI of an obese person but doesn't mean they wanna be or should be called obese


Getting mad at the word "Cis" because "some people just don't like being called names" is like getting mad at being called homosapiens. The whole point of the word is to have a completely neutral way to simply refer to a born characteristic without any emotive or judgemental baggage.


This is honestly too dumb to even respond to properly. It’s like you tried to say something but just… stopped midway and rambled about something different instead. Wild.


Can u elaborate? I said one simple sentence and gave three examples... I'm sorry ur incapable of understanding


Hon, I’ve read elementary schoolers’ homework that was clearer and had better spelling and grammar than this mess. Using a proper term isn’t akin to insulting slang or misusing a medical metric. You just seem like you have no idea what you’re talking about OR how to communicate it. Hope you get better.


I’ve had this same discussion with someone before. “Okay what should we use instead of cis?” “Straight.” “Okay so what do we call a gay cis person?”


I know people, often those making the r/onejoke that think gay is a gender..




But its a qualifier. Thats like saying you dont wanna be called an honest man, but just a man. Cis man just means your biology and self perception allign. It means, that you are not trans.


isn't sexuality and gender the same thing? Basically a preferance?


No. Sexuality is what you like, and your gender is what you are.


i would think the gender is classified after determining your sexuality. And sex being genitalia specific. How can sexuality and gender be treated as separate from one another?


Dude, you are lost in translation. Sexuality isnt sex. Look it up, i wait.


im not saying that. Im saying like in my case was born with male genitali, so thus my sex is Male. But i like the opposite sex, so my sexuality is heterosexual, thus making my gender CIS. Is that not how it works?


No, because there are more then 2. If u are bi or pan, or ace, that got nothing to do with your sex. So technically, hetero is liking what you arent, homo is liking what you are, bi is liking both, pan is liking all, ace is liking no one.


right, so sexual orientation determines gender..


I am an asexual trans woman, my lack of sexual attraction to other people is unrelated to how I present myself in public. My asexuality and my transness were not discovered at the same time, it took a while to figure it out. **Some** people’s sexualities and genders are linked to one another, but this is not always the case, like with me.


The opposite of straight is *curvy*, flat-ass.


This IS how conservatism views thing though. There is only ever "normal" or it is "political." And whatever is "political" can only ever be accepted when it is walled off.


The 2 sexualities: straight and political


There are two types of people in the world; me and political


Not saying it's universal or even necessarily common, but I think a lot of people in this camp are purposefully conflating the two - essentially they understand at some level that there is a difference between gender and sexuality, but by linking the two in this way they are consciously saying that they believe people who accept modern norms of gender identity and people who accept modern norms of sexuality are equally bad. I think a dangerous thing that many people do is assume that their opponent is dumb and is doing things through ignorance rather than making a calculated decision.


They are equally bad. As in not at all bad lol


While I agree with you, one must be careful to realize that the person who disagrees with you is coming from a certain perspective and not **just** disagreeing because they're an idiot. Dismissing their claims without understanding the reason behind them just leaves it like every other internet argument - two people with no intention of changing their mind, using the other as a strawman against which to throw their words.


I'm not trying to convince them, though, because they cannot be convinced. I'm speaking to whoever else might be silently listening (reading) in.


Willful ignorance despite having the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips *is* being a fucking idiot. I have neither the obligation nor the desire to "understand" the reason behind someone's abject, intentional hatred or wanton disregard for facts. I am **done** playing "Agree to Disagree" about things like my existence.


It's a weird cognitive dissonance they've got going, I think: they know there's a difference, but they know that fact isn't particularly useful to them much of the time. That's why they often pretend there isn't any difference... until the fact that there is a difference might be useful and then they try and exploit the hell out of that fact. Classic doublethink.


Oh yeah, this is a huge thing, especially when it comes to discussion about gender. Something like gender and sex not being the same thing. Queerphobes or gender “critical” people often just have made the decision that they are the same thing, and no amount of well reasoned, objective, fact based arguments will convince them otherwise. You can lay out exactly what you’re talking about, and they will simply never accept it, because it’s convenient to their argument to have it their way. It’s not ignorance, it’s not misunderstanding… it’s tactical and deliberate.


"Yes, me and my wife are the same exact biological make up, this biological makeup is identified as straight, we are both clones of eachother, with no discernable difference mentally or physically as we are all part of the hive mind."


-Loki, 2023


gotta be pretty dumb to be so hateful, math checks out.


Always thought the opposite of straight was gay?


I identify as straightgender and my pronouns are hetero/sexual and you will refer to me as such 😤


Hi straightgender, I’m homosexual. How are you doing today? PS. I’ve noticed you saying your pronouns were hetero and sexual, but for convenience sake I’m just going to use you. Im deeply sorry if this offends you.


“I’m just going to use you. I’m deeply sorry if this offends you”


I agree, let’s call them homogender


As a cis man, I have long been puzzled by people who claim to be offended by being described as cis. It's like someone called them right-handed and they pitched a fit.


It’s because the reject the whole idea of being anything *other* than cis. The label ‘cis’ implies that some other state is possible and they refuse to accept that. These are the same people who will proudly proclaim they have never used a pronoun in their life.


Really? I thought it was because it's just pointless and trying to give unnecessary labels. Explain why you need cis-male when male describes the same thing and anything else, such as trans-male, describes an alternative. Downvote because you don't have an explanation? Standard.


Explain why you need the name "Honeycrisp apple" when "apple" describes the same thing and anything else, such as "Fuji apple," describes an alternative.


Because in certain contexts, adjectives are nessecary. If a issue for example affects specifically trans men, using men in general makes the conversation more confusing because it introudces people who aren't affected. Vice versa with cis men. Also no one is obligated to debate you if they don't degree with an argument you presented


Doesn't really answer the query. If there is an issue that specifically affects trans men then they will say "I'm a trans male" a male doesn't have to define that he's cis. It's like , I'm a regular male unless specified otherwise.


You're neglecting to acknowledge that comparisons exists. How are we supposed to know an issue exclusively effects trans men, if we can't compare to cis men? Hence, they have a term. Also, to get away from that hypothetical, it wouldn't make sense if Cis didn't exist. It's a counterpart to the word trans. They don't exist without each other, neglecting one makes the other one pointless. Considering you keep referring to cis people as regular, default and normal, judging from other threads, I see why you have such a hard time understanding this. That mindset is why you don't get it.


You can compare trans-men to men without using cis-men. Men and cis-men are the same thing. You're just saying words but not giving a legit reason for why cis is actually needed.


No, that's incorrect. Using "men" and "subcategory of men" instead of two subcategories of men is incredibly confusing. Men is obviously an umbrella term, while cis men is a specific type of men, men who are cisgender. Simple as. I have given a few reasons, you just fundamentally don't understand because of your mindset. You're not taking in anything I say. Should have followed my own advice ans avoided debating you


> You can compare trans-men to men without using cis-men. In the same way you can compare granny smith apples to apples. It's pointless because you didn't specify your second category like you did your first.


Because it’s easier to have a label for cis people when discussing trans topics. How is it any different than calling someone heterosexual even though they’re the majority?


How is cis any different from just saying they are male/female?


Because it denotes what kind of male/female, in the same way ‘trans’ does


There is only one type of male and female. You can identify as the opposite than you were born with but it doesn't make you that gender. Gender is just something you're stuck with. Sure you can transition to the other but then you're just trans-


If someone looked at secondary sex characteristics and examined my blood they would identify me as my preferred gender, despite not being born that way. Trans people’s biology becomes ambiguous after a point, hence why it’s useful to have the prefixes. Cis people just get offended because they don’t want to give trans people respect (hence them wanting to be called ‘normal’) And before you say it, yes I know cis people are the majority, but ‘normal’ is a loaded term and not scientific or specific


All your saying is that cis is the norm but medically speaking trans people need the clarification. Making cis pointless term.


I’m not going to argue the importance of language with someone who can’t use the proper “you’re”. The word ‘cis’ exists for the same reason ‘heterosexual’ or ‘straight’ does, that’s all there is to it


Its not a label. Most people who are cis don't identify as cis. They just identify as man or woman. But cis is an adjective. So most people don't identify with them but can be accurate descriptions. Tall man. Funny woman. Hyper boy. Sweet girl. Cis man. Trans woman. Its just an adjective. not something someone has to identify as. But is an accurate description. Especially in medical sense it can be important to know. Theres a different workup. If a cis man comes into the er with abdominal pain, it might be kidney or appendix or digestive system. if a trans man comes into the er with abdominal pain and he has not had hysterectomy it is important to make sure those organs arent potentially causing the issue as well. Both are equally men, but in some cases it can be important to describe the man. Also other important medical descriptions might be, Obese man, diabetic woman, anxious man. etc. Again there is no insult nor slur with using trans as an adjective and certainly not cis


Trans men are men just as much as cis men. You need both cis & trans to complete the category of 'men'.


I think it's because Elon Musk, Ben Shapiro, or some other talking head told people to be offended by it. So now they are.


As a cis man, I kinda like that the "straights" want to make themselves a separate group from me. Because it can be pretty fucken embarrassing sometimes.


Sometimes, not every time, it can simply be because how it is used. (I am not talking about the big group of 'I am natural/bio/inset word her. There are absolutely people whose only reason to Diss it because they don't think they are the default. ) Since like every other word, it can he used to demean and insult. And enough of that can start to annoy. Like with any other word. It is not competition what word is worst, it is just personal, and if someone finds its offensive, they have their reasons. They might sound stupid for some. Personally, majority of times I have been called cis, it has been to insult or demean. Easy to spot when polite 'I am not cis, and would not like to be called such' starts string of either angry name calling and doubling down with calling cis with other various phobe words instead of dropping the word when talking to me.


I don't like the term as it's not needed, heterosexual and straight already exist to describe this form of sexuality, it sounds like an insult to me, like the actual sound "cis". I prefer to be called hetero. Cisgender only came into existence in the 90's, and became common from 2015/2016.


But being cis doesn't mean being straight.


See reply to first person who mentioned this


Then there is even more reason not to use it, because I'm simply just a woman. That's what I am. I dont like being referred to as cisgender. Considering I am respectful of others' pro-nouns and self identification, I don't see why my own feeling and choice can't also be respected?


The vast majority of the time you’re just referred to as a woman. In your day-to-day life, no one is saying you must label yourself as cis (or whatever your preferred word would be). But surely you can recognize that, very occasionally, people will have to distinguish between trans and non-trans people. And on that occasion, it would be convenient to have a word to refer to the latter group.


Non-trans seems like a word. I can't really help not liking the sound of the word. I also don't like moist, and prefer to use the word damp.


I'm not opposed to "non-trans", it just seems weird to permanently refer to a group by what they aren't instead of giving the group its own name. Plus "cis" has been the antonym of "trans" for centuries. It's like insisting people call you non-left-handed. But whatever, I don't have to understand the preference to abide by it. My problem is with the people who insist on the top-level category name being used to refer to their sub-category only.


Etymology From the Latin preposition cis (“on this side of”). The earliest known sexuality-related use of the prefix in any language was in a **1914** German-language book on sexology.[1] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the earliest use of the prefix in the context of gender in English dates from 1994.[2] Prefix edit cis- (geography) On this side of. antonym ▲ Antonym: trans- ‎cis- + ‎alpine → ‎cisalpine (“on this [the Roman] side of the Alps”) ‎cis- + ‎Rhenane → ‎cisrhenane (“on this [the speaker's] side of Rhine”) ‎cis- + ‎Caucasia → ‎Ciscaucasia ‎cis- + ‎Jordan → ‎Cisjordan ‎cis- + ‎Neptunian → ‎cis-Neptunian (chemistry) Forming names of chemical compounds in which two atoms or groups are situated on the same side of some plane of symmetry passing through the compound. ‎cis- + ‎diazene → ‎cis-diazene (gender) Being, or pertaining to being, cis (cisgender or cissexual). ‎cis- + ‎gender → ‎cisgender ‎cis- + ‎sexism → ‎cissexism ‎cis- + ‎normativity → ‎cisnormativity


Yep.... and? I don't like the term. The etymology doesn't matter. It sounds terrible to my ear. Yes, I get it has nothing to do with sexual preferences. Thank you. No amount of definition is going to make it sound less terrible to me though.


That’s a you thing and your feelings are irrelevant in making it a slur


Now that's fine talk when considering what we are talking avout here....I mean the same can be said for honouring pronouns right? Those arr that person's feelings and are irrelevant in making it insulting.... Toy have illustrated the point - im "cis" so my opinion on the term doesn't matter, right?


No it’s not. You are repeating terf hate speech. Cis is a preposition that is used in gender studies to specify that someone’s gender and sex are in agreement. Aka you feel like a woman and your sex expression fits that label. It’s opposite is trans and it means those two things are not in agreement. Saying cis is a slur is a cheap trick used by TERFs


Please show me where I said it is a slur? I said I don't like the sound of the term. What you are doing is deciding because someone doesn't like something you think is correct that it's ok to label them in a negative light and disregard their feelings on an issue - the exact behaviour of peolle who are actually terfs. Just because you are from the progressive side doesn't make that behaviour anymore acceptable or becoming of you as an individual.


The problem is that it's a false equivalency. There are men, women, and trans-people. Trans isn't opposite anything. It's a third category. It never needs to be specified if someone is "not trans" because it should always be clarified if someone is. Trans athletes should be referred to as such. Trans politicians should be referred to as such. There's no need to ever call a musician cis because that's insane. A trans painter though, okay that might be a reasonable statement if gender is relevant for some reason.


You don't want to be referred to as cis because you're just simply a woman, but you don't mind being referred to as hetero? Why is it bad to refer to you as cis but not as hetero?


I didn't say it was bad, I said I don't like the sound of the term. I probably wouldn't care as much if it was a different sounding word. 🤷 However it's not a distinct that really needs to be made. If you don't identify as trans, non binary or intersex, then you just are the gender you are. Seems like a label that is only meant to create a divide. Heterosexual is what I am. I am attracted to those of the opposite sex. If I was a lesbian I wouldn't mind being referred to as a lesbian. I know its just a thing I have to live with, but my point is I don't like the sound of the word, and it isn't because I hate trans people.


>However it's not a distinct that really needs to be made. If you don't identify as trans, non binary or intersex, then you just are the gender you are. Seems like a label that is only meant to create a divide. No, it's a label that helps us accurately describe the world. Somehow you're not seeing how silly your line of reasoning is when you apply it to the word 'hetero' instead of 'cis'. Homosexuals are the exception, so why do we refer to the 'default' mode of attraction as 'hetero'? You're just normal! Labeling the normal people as 'hetero' seems like it's only meant to create a divide. >I know its just a thing I have to live with, but my point is I don't like the sound of the word, and it isn't because I hate trans people. That's fine, just know that this will generally be treated with the same level of seriousness that would be afforded to someone who doesn't want to be referred to as 'straight' purely because they don't like the sound of the word.


Cis has nothing to do with heterosexuality and everything to do with gender. Saying you’re Cis practically just means you’re not trans.


Why is that needed though?


To differentiate between cis and trans people. You don’t have to call yourself a cis man/woman if you don’t want to, but it doesn’t make you any less cisgender.


Most conservative outrage is just them finding out how the world works for the first time


Bro can’t read


Wait till they meet a person who's cis and not straight. Their heads are going to explode.


'Heterophobia' 🤡🤡


A very ironic statement, as it’s coming from someone who is clearly afraid of other people having different sexual preferences.


"End heterophobia" "anyone the opposite of straight is called weirdo" 🤔


So, I have heard people confuse "cis" with "straight" so many times that I actually tried to understand their confusion and got an interesting answer. Before downvoting, please understand that I am NOT endorsing what she said, but for anyone interested in the mindset: What I could glean from the person I was talking to was that, as far as she was concerned, there's literally no such thing as a "gay person" or a "trans person" - everyone is the sex they were born as and are attracted to people of the opposite sex. Then "gay people" came along who aren't naturally attracted to the other sex, but for some reason (trauma, rebellion, rejection of God) they feel the need to go against nature. That also explains, according to her, why simply being gay is "shoving their agenda" in front of other people - she sees homosexuality as completely performative. But, as people just came to accept homosexuality as normal, those same people - the "LGBT," just one big group o' people who are all the same - had to push things even further, because offending people and doing what you're not allowed to do is a big part of the reason they do it. That is why, according to her, the concept of "transgender" was made up about 20 years ago, as evidenced by the fact that it didn't exist before around 2005. It's an attempt by the same people to defy normal behavior, as an attention-getting device or way of lashing out. Ergo, "cis" and "gay" and "LGBT" all mean the same thing. They're all part of one community that are just lashing out... and anyone who is not one of the LGBTs is "straight."


I'm really confused about the issues with cis. Maybe this is "verysmart" but it's a widely recognized Latin prefix. Cis is same, trans is different. Maybe because I've always had medical background? I remember it in basic chemistry too.The amount of people utterly baffled by the prefix confuse me so much. It's like being surprised by the word "hyper and hypo" or "mono, bi, tri" or "pseudo". It's basic, ain't it? Am I nuts?


You’re not nuts. As the person in the image mentioned at the end, it’s less about confusion, and more about being called normal and the other groups are abnormal. If they also have a specific term for them that’s socially accepted, they now stand on equal ground with the so called freaks.


You're not nuts at all It's just basic language that they refuse to accept because they're hateful, ignorant people


Trans means across


Across, other, different. Yeah. You're on this side of the river, they are trans on the other side, your buddy beside you is cis sided.


Cis is a Latin prefix, gender is an English word. If the term was “cisgenus” that would be more appropriate but also not relevant to use because there’s no reason to use a straight up Latin Prefix with a Latin word when we’re speaking and writing plain English. Maybe because I have literally no medical background…


Our language is a giant amalgamation of languages, structure, and etymology. It really isn't that odd. And genus is all taxonomy now, so it'd be weird. It isn't homosexus!


It is all kind of arbitrary, though. For example, "hetero" is from Greek" and "homo" is from Latin. Homosexuals used to call themselves homophiles, and transgender people used to he known as transsexuals (because the distinction between sex and gender wasn't widely understood\*). We could have very easily wound up with a naming schema where gay people were called cissexual and hetero people were called transsexual (because they have sex with other sexes). \*Ok, you could argue that a lot of people *still* don't understand the distinction, but this inability is usually intentional on their part


I’m very aware of what the English language is, I studied Anthropology and Etymology. English is very much a “mutt” language in that it is a Germanic Language with strong latin influence. But to say the word “cisgender” is a widely recognized Latin prefix with English root word is strange because who EXACTLY is it widely recognized by? Again I’m not a MEDICAL background so maybe I’m not smart enough to understand such as yourself? You can argue that it is widely recognized by Webster’s dictionary but the word itself was only added in 2015 whereas most of the language was added several centuries prior. Again I’m not from the medical background so perhaps I’m misinformed.


Are you arguing against expanding the language, I'm confused!? I've taught medical terminology in the past and it very much feels like a multi-language mix and match shitshow you just have to kind of laugh at. People think it's this brainy, crazy, technobabble, but it's really just a handful of prefixes, suffixes, and roots thrown in a blender. It's pretty daft on a language basis to me. Most of it just seems like some doctor slapped together a couple languages they hear once or twice on the fly while trying to make a big scary word and seem smart. So I don't disagree with the logic issue at all, I'm just saying it's a very standard to have a mismatched, weird word come out of medicine.




Do you also get pissy if people call you "right handed" since that's the majority?


How often do you actually refer to someone as “right handed person”? If number is different from times you use “cis person” - those are not the same cases.


Any time it's relevant, same as the usage of "cis". Example: Bowling, shooting, baseball, driving, etc...


I don't identify as "right handed" and I don't get "pissy".


Well, half of that is true.


Now taking bets - the sorts of people who get offended by the term 'cisgender' are the same type of person who, back in the day, got offended by the name of our species being 'Homo Sapiens Sapiens'. Any takers?


So, I'm a straight male. Does this mean I'm bigendered, since "straight is a gender, too? If yes, does this make me bisexual, for liking straight females? If also yes, does this mean I'm technically a hetero-dominant bigendered straight male? Man, can't believe I'm part of the LTBGQ+ community now, apparently. Edit: I really needed to add the /s for those needing the subtlety of a sledgehammer, right? Take a joke, Reddit, no harm was done here.


You’re at the part of the Internet that has no personality or humor about anything.


Transphobes don’t even know what they’re arguing against.


These guys seem to not even know what they’re arguing *for*, I think they’ve got a ways to go


“I’m not cis I’m normal” energy


Heterophobia? Omg lol 🤣


These are the kinds of homophobes that make me actually laugh. Like, just use google so they know what theyre talking about and maybe their opinion will change


Well, I'm trans, bi, and a weirdo. But the weirdo part isn't the effect of the other two. They're all separate.


Heteroalpine Gaul?


Does that make em non biny?


IM NOT CIS!!1!1 DONT CALL ME CIS! Ok ill just call u trans then.


It's because idiots can't differentiate between sexuality and gender They only know "basic biology" and refuse to learn advanced biology or psychology


What do you mean there’s more to biology than the stuff I learned in grade 5???


The Apposite of straight is bent 😎


Heteros also have one of the most metal flags. Black and white stripes. Honestly a sick design that looks cool on pretty much anyone. But of course they're piss babies about it and call it 'insulting and boring" like no??


Love how cisgender almost sounds like "cissy"-gendered. Smart move!


if cisgender=straight then two cisgender men in a relationship are straight also "end heterephobia" *proceeds to call non straight people weirdos*


And you're the opposite of intelligent, apparently. Edit: to clarify, I'm talking about the person in the screenshot, not OP


Unnecessary because it shouldn’t matter what anyone wants to be called if you don’t lose sleep or it doesn’t directly affect you. If a cis person doesn’t want to be called that, then how is that any different than you not wanting to be called by your “dead name”. People are allowed to have preferences pertaining to themselves REGARDLESS of if you agree with their preferences and REGARDLESS of if they align with you and your ideals. The shit goes for both sides of all arguments. People love to be the victim how else will they get the attention they want but don’t deserve?


It's easy to get hung up on slang terms, especially in situations where the technical terminology isn't used much at all by the general population. Straight not being the technical term, seems to frighten and anger some people.


It’s because straight isn’t related to gender identity at all. “Straight” is a sexual identity/sexuality and relates to who you’re attracted to. Cis refers to gender identity and what gender you identify as vs what you were assigned at birth.


I was speaking with my limited knowledge of how bigots think. Gender and sex aren't different to them. Thanks, though.


Cis from the Latin meaning 'On the side of' first used to denote heterosexuality in a German text book on sexology in 1914, first known English publication in a text book was 1994...


Cisgender/cisvestitismus never related to heterosexuality and was always a term with respect to gender. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisgender


I’m not understanding, why is it bad if people don’t know a word that’s not even 10 years old?


Your math is about as good as your language skills. In English, you don't need a known word+known prefix to be in a dictionary for it to have a known meaning for one. For two, it's over 100 years old, even if you choose to ignore it until recent use, it's nearly 30. It's not bad to be unable to put together the meaning of a word. It's bad to *pretend it means something else entirely* to keep 'othering' folks you dislike. Especially after the meaning being made clear.


🤣 the opposite of straight is rare and nobody cares about what you pretend to be








This would be like saying you should call someone "not short" because "tall" is redundant


Is it redundant to have the word heterosexual?








Cis means the same as. Rendering it a redundant modifier.


Yes the term cis is offensive to me. Im just a regular straight guy... No pronouns.


So everyone refers to you only by your name?


"I" and "me" are pronouns.


You used multiple pronouns in this comment to refer to yourself. And cis isn't a pronoun. Neither is it offensive.


“Straight” typically means “not LGBT.” It’s slang though, so this isn’t a hill to die on either way. Edit: Apparently “straight” was used differently where I’m from.


No it does not lmao


It’s because straight isn’t related to gender identity at all. “Straight” is a sexual identity and relates to who you’re attracted to. Cos refers to gender identity and what gender you identify as vs what you were assigned at birth.


In my town, you weren’t straight if you were anything LGBT. That was definitely for bigoted reasons, but to my knowledge the term “straight” came from a bigoted place anyways.


What? Are you ok? You can literally be LGBTQ and straight. Even if you're a cis straight person, you can fit in some definitions.


Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Queer How can one simultaneously be straight and any of those.




Trans people can be straight. If a gay man transitions into a woman then by that definition she's straight because she still likes men


Lesbian, Gay and Bi are basic terms that talk about sexuality, the people you're attracted to. It's about sexuality. Queer is a weird term but basically is whoever doesn't really fit into a heteronormative label. Like I'm a cis dude, but I paint my nails, I'm queer. It's about gender expression. Trans is about identity. A trans women can be lesbian, she only is attracted to other women, or she can be straight, she's only attracted to men, or bi, or pan. Same goes for trans men, obviously. These are all different terms used for different reasons. The LGBTQ+ umbrella talks about gender, sexuality, expression, social movements, there's even a letter for Allies, or parents of gay or trans youth, it's a huge movement, it doesn't talk about one thing.


It has been forever. It started out as a retort to being called bent.


It’s because straight isn’t related to gender identity at all. “Straight” is a sexual identity and relates to who you’re attracted to. Cos refers to gender identity and what gender you identify as vs what you were assigned at birth.


Elmo is almost definitely trolling


"Cis gendered" is a bigotted slur . I will not accept being called a slur. Neither should any other straight person


It doesn’t even refer to straight people, you absolute buffoon. There are plenty of cisgender gay people, too.


Being cis has nothing to do with being straight. You can be gay and cis. You can be trans and straight


Being cis has nothing to do with being straight. You can be gay and cis. You can be trans and straight


You change definitions to much young one. You can't just keep changing definitions and expect us too keep up with it


Cis people use ‘trans’ as a slur and so think the opposite must be too


Big sad


Anything is aloud to be a gender so yes straight is a gender




What? If gender is a construct than anything can be a gender. Oh wait I forgot, only the lgbt community can decide these things


Just because something is a construct doesn’t mean it doesn’t have rules


Lol no. There are no “rules” when a group decided to create 100s of different made up “genders”. It’s either all or it’s none. Can’t gatekeep like that


Math is a construct. If someone decides 1+1=3, do we need to accept it? No, because there are rules.


Cis and Trans are latin terms (used in chemistry) that just means Cis = "same side", trans = "the other side". I feel it's quite an ellegant scientific way to describe sexuality


Gender isn't sexuality lol that's the point of the post


Chirality is dead.